How to draw a balalaika with a pencil step by step. How to draw a musical instrument Simple drawings of musical instruments

Irina Seskutova

The preparatory group "Smeshariki" is engaged in collecting, including drawings depicting musical instruments. Getting to know the drums tools, we immediately them draw. For example, while listening to drumming, children draw a drum. When studying strings tools, in particular violins, listening to the game musical leader on the violin, children first imitate the movements of playing the violin, and then draw her.Thus, knowledge is replenished by listening to various groups musical instruments, and their visual image is fixed. Children with great joy replenish their collections.

Publications on the topic:

Our kindergarten hosted a competition “Musical Instruments with Your Own Hands”. The competition was held among parents and teachers. Tools.

DIY children's musical instruments. Surely you already play various musical games with your kids and read music to them.

Our orchestra did not have enough musical instruments, so we decided to make them ourselves. They made a ratchet from rulers. Materials:.

Soon there will be a music corner competition in our kindergarten. At a parent meeting we decided to make musical instruments with our own hands. By.

For the harmonious development of children aged one and a half to two and a half years, auditory perception and a sense of rhythm are important. Develop and.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I decided to replenish my musical piggy bank with homemade musical instruments. As you know, all items...

Noisy musical instruments are accessible and therefore loved by children. Children hear the world of sounds in a new way, and there are many of them around us.

Abstract of GCD "Musical Instruments" Musical director: Guys, today we will talk about musical instruments. On earth, everyone has a home. Fine.

We are surrounded by a huge amount of sounds every day. These are sounds of nature, industrial noises, and music. Each sound has its own character, its own volume, its own tempo and rhythm, its own mood. There are sounds that are pleasant to our ears and sounds that are annoying. I offer you a relaxation exercise that will help you recuperate, calm down and relax. You can make it yourself or offer it to a child or even a group of children.

Drawing music and relaxation

Choose a pleasant melody that gives you peace and tranquility, find a quiet place, relax and immerse yourself in the music. When you feel united with the music, you can start drawing. It is better to take a sheet of A3 paper for watercolors. The sheet can be moistened with water before drawing and the paint can be opened.

Your hand and wrist should follow the music. Each new sound is a movement of the brush, each new instrument is a new color. The hand moves depicting a musical pattern, as if continuing the sounds on the paper. Be focused on the sounds and relaxed at the same time. Lines, strokes and spots will pour out from under your brush like music pours out of a speaker. They can be intermittent or smooth, light or dark, rich or pale. It all depends on your feelings, your imagination, attitude and color perception. When the work is finished, look at it in its entirety. How does it make you feel? Which part of the picture is the most pleasant and why? If your painting turns out to be pleasant and peaceful, then you can hang it in a prominent place and return to it when you are anxious or sad.

Drawing music with children

If you offer drawing music to children, then be prepared that such a task may initially cause difficulties for them. After listening to the music, find out what feelings it evokes in the children, what color, in their opinion, can depict such feelings. What movements are typical for this type of music? Children can move to the music or move their hands in the air. These simple exercises will give them confidence.

Be sure to praise and encourage children as they work to stimulate the flow of associations generated by the music. All associative exercises are quite difficult for children, but they develop their imagination and abstract thinking very well. In addition, such tasks contribute to the development of attention; they can also interest hyperactive children. There is another important point: such exercises teach children to listen and perceive music, as well as listen to their feelings and illustrate them using color and line.

After finishing the drawing, the work is discussed. Whether they turned out similar or different, what feelings the music evoked, what colors, lines and shapes were used to depict it. Did the guys’ mood change after completing the task?

Glinka "Lark"

Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop"

Rachmaninov "Spanish Polka"

Strauss Overture "Little Mouse"

Mozart "Turkish Rondo"

This is the sixth lesson in the series about the ingenious inventions of Russians. This time we will talk about an instrument, without which not a single Russian fairy tale can do. I will try to show you how to draw a balalaika step by step: The balalaika is a symbol of the Russian people and proof that only three strings and half a liter are enough for creativity. Despite the apparent simplicity of the device, learning to play it is quite difficult. The training takes about five years. And it’s not a fact that after this you can easily play freestyle on it.

But don't be upset. On DayFan you will only need a couple of hours to draw this instrument, even if this is the first time in your life that you are holding a pencil in your hands:

How to draw a balalaika with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, let's sketch a sketch. This can be done using geometric shapes: Step two. Let's add the head, neck and body. Step three. Now let's add the frets and pattern on the balalaika. Step four. Let's carefully shade it to make it more realistic. Here's the result: I really hope that the lesson was useful to you. Write to me what other musical instruments would you like to depict? We have more lessons like this.

Svetlana Erina
Creative project “Drawing Music”


Stage 1. Goal setting.

Currently, many modern children are growing up on primitive musical"masterpieces", built on frantic rhythms and a cacophony of electronic sounds. This creates an atmosphere of spiritual poverty and artistic dullness and does not contribute to harmonious and moral development. Therefore, already at preschool age it is important to develop a holistic artistic and aesthetic perception of the world. Through music,drawing can teach children moral concepts: kindness, responsiveness, empathy, cultivate a sense of beauty. Music, embodied in drawings, is much better comprehended and remembered. Children respond to it very emotionally and recognize it unmistakably even after some time. Drawing Helps children better understand and imagine musical image, content piece of music.

Supposed project aimed at forming the beginnings musical and artistic culture, formation creative the child's personality through the development of his musical, artistic and creative abilities

Participants project: older children, parents of pupils, music director.

Target project: Upbringing musical culture through implementation creative ideas in the artistic process creativity.


1. Learn to listen and understand music.

2. Learn to determine character music, her mood.

3. Develop musical memory through recognition of melodies from individual fragments of a work.

4. Introduce creativity Russian composers (P. I. Tchaikovsky, S. Prokofiev, Rimsky-Korsakov, etc.)

5. Learn to implement music in drawings.

6. Learn to transmit to music mood picture, choosing the appropriate color scheme.

7. Develop thinking and imagination, cognitive activity.

8. Develop children's artistic skills creation, aesthetic perception.

9. Encourage initiative and independence.

Estimated implementation results project:

1. Hoarding by children musical and auditory experience, its expansion and enrichment in the process of getting to know various musical works.

2. Children's ability through drawing understand and imagine musical image, content piece of music.

3. The ability to tell in words what you have heard music.

4. Ability to perceive musical and artistic image, recognize the melody from individual fragments of the work.

5. Children’s ability to reflect their impressions in drawing.

6. Figurative speech, the active vocabulary should be replenished with new words.

7. Involving parents in listening to classical music at home and drawing pictures together with children based on music. works

Forms of implementation project:

1. GCD for hearing musicintegrated: music-drawing, music-poetry, music-painting.

2. Listening music during the day"just a minute music»

3. Relaxation breaks.

4. Productive activities in educational activities and independent activities of children.

Stage 2. Development project.

1. Inform participants project the importance of this problem.

2. Select methodological, fiction, illustrative, musical material on this topic.

3. Select material for gaming and theatrical activities.

4. Select material for visual and productive activities.

5. Draw up a long-term action plan.

Stage 3. Execution project.

Section of the program Forms and methods of work

Game activity Role-playing game "Family"

Musical and didactic games: lotto (drums music. tools,

"The Fourth Wheel"(which musical instrument is extra, "Labyrinth"(find identical tools, "What's first, what's next"(determine the correct sequence, "Find 5 differences", cut pictures (fold music. tool, methodical allowance "Drums music. tools", music. houses

Cognitive development Conversations: "Getting to know musical instruments» "Acquaintance with the composer P. I. Tchaikovsky", "Getting to know creativity C. Prokofiev", "What's happened music

Watching cartoons "Nutcracker", "Peter and the Wolf"

Expand and clarify children’s ideas about the objective world through musical works.

Design From paper "Swan"(By music. work by C. Saint-Saens "Carnival of Animals" -"Swan")

Speech development Looking at reproductions of paintings: I, Levitan "Golden Autumn", I. Ostroukhov "Golden Autumn", I. I. Shishkin "Winter", I. Grabor , "February Azure", Vrubel "Swan",AND. K. Aivazovsky "Wave", A. A. Rylov "In the blue expanse"

Getting to know fiction Listening to fairy tales "Peter and the Wolf" in the recording and discussing it with children.

Poetry: I. Bunin "Leaf Fall", V. Avdienko "Autumn",F. Tyutchev "Winter Enchantress...",AND. Surikov "Winter", r. n. With. "Morozko"

G. H. Andersen "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "Wild Swans"

Theatrical activities Staging excerpts from music. fairy tales "Peter and the Wolf",imitation of the movements of animals and birds, staging of the dance of Clowns, dance of soldiers.

Drawing Painting "Golden Autumn".

Drawing with pencils « Musical instruments» .

Drawing with paints "Merry and sad music» .

Drawing with pencils "The Wolf and the Bird".

Drawing with pencils "Chunga-Changa".

Drawing with paints "Santa Claus and Summer", "Clowns", "Queen of the Mouse".

Drawing with pencils "Nutcracker".

Drawing with paints on wet paper "Winter".

Drawing with paints "Swan","Elephant".

Drawing with paints "Sea", "Waltz of the Flowers".

Productive activity Application from geometric. figures (circles, ovals, triangles, squares)on the topic:"Happy and sad music».

Modeling "Swan".

Application "Elephant".

Music by Vivaldi"Seasons": "Autumn", "Winter".

P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons": "Autumn Song".

Baby livers: Chunga-Changa, from the cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer", "Winged swing""Antoshka" etc.

S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf".

D. Kabalevsky "Clowns".

P. I. Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker"-excerpts: "Waltz of the Flowers", "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy", Growth of the Christmas tree, theme of Myshilda, Nutcracker, "Children's Album": "March of the Wooden Soldiers", "Baba Yaga".

C. Saint-Saens "Carnival of Animals": Donkey, Elephant, Swan, Aquarium, Kangaroo.

N. Rimsky-Korsakov "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"-excerpts "Sea".

Listening to relaxing music: "The Magic of Nature".

Physical development P/ games: Frost-Red Nose, Two Frosts, Monkeys, Sea is worried, Grandma-Hedgehog.

Usage music in moving music. games, charging.

Working with parents Exhibitions for children. works

Joint exhibition drawingsparents and children on the topic: “Elephant” by listening music K. Saint-Saens "Carnival of Animals".

Consultations for parents on the topic: "Children's drawing", "The baby is listening music» , « Drawing houses» , "What's happened music» .

Folder-moving on the topic: “We listen and draw music» , "Recommended works for listening at home".

Posters for visiting the theater.

Stage 4. Presentation project.

1. Showing an open lesson.

2. Speech at the teachers' meeting with creative project.

3. Exhibition of children's works.

4. Speech at the final parent meeting based on the results project.


SEPTEMBER Conversation "What's happened music» .

Looking at paintings - I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn",AND. Ostroukhov "Golden Autumn".

Hearing music by Vivaldi"Seasons": "Autumn", P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons": "Autumn Song".

Reading poetry by V. Avdienko "Autumn", I. Bunin "Leaf Fall".

Drawing with paints "Golden Autumn".

OCTOBER Conversation on the topic: « Musical instruments» .

: « Musical instruments» .

Listening to happy and sad music.

Painting on a theme: "Merry and sad music» .

Application "Merry and sad music» (from geometric shapes - circles, ovals, triangles, squares).

NOVEMBER Meeting the composer S. Prokofiev.

Listening to a symphonic tale "Peter and the Wolf".

Watching a cartoon "Peter and the Wolf".

Drawing with pencils "The Wolf and the Bird".

DECEMBER Listening to children's songs "Chunga-Changa" and from the cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer".

Drawing with pencils "Chunga-Changa".

Drawing with paints "Santa Claus and Summer".

Listening to a play by D. Kabalevsky "Clowns".

Drawing with paints "Clowns".

JANUARY Conversation about the composer P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Watching a cartoon "Nutcracker".

Listening to excerpts from the ballet “The Nutcracker”: "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy""The growth of the Christmas tree" "March" Themes of Myshilda and the Nutcracker.

Painting on a theme: "Queen of the Mouse".

Drawing with pencils on the theme: "Nutcracker".

FEBRUARY Looking at reproductions of paintings: I. I. Shishkin "Winter", I. Grabar "The Tale of Frost and the Rising Sun", "February Glaze".

Hearing music by Vivaldi"Seasons": "Winter".

Drawing on wet paper on the topic: "Winter".

MARCH Hearing music K. Saint-Saens "Carnival of Animals": Donkey, Elephant, Swan, Aquarium, Kangaroo.

Looking at Vrubel's painting "Swan".

Painting on a theme: "Swan", "Elephant".

Application "Elephant".

APRIL Looking at reproductions of paintings: I.K. Aivazovsky "Wave", A. A. Rylov "In the blue expanse".

Listening to an excerpt from music by Rimsky-Korsakov"The Tale of Tsar Saltan".

Drawing with paints "Sea".

MAY Listening to an excerpt from "The Nutcracker" P.I. Tchaikovsky: "Waltz of the Flowers".

Painting on a theme: "Waltz of the Flowers".

The guitar is one of the most common musical instruments all over the world. There are various Italian, Russian, classical, acoustic and electric. They all differ from each other in size, color and design. Today we will look at how to draw a classical guitar. This is not at all difficult to do, the main thing is to follow simple instructions.

Drawing contours

So, let's figure out how to draw a guitar with a pencil step by step. This musical instrument consists of three parts: body, neck and head. Let's start by drawing the basic shapes of our sketch. To do this, place a sheet of paper vertically in front of you. Draw two circles: one large one - at the base, on it - a second, smaller one. The circles should be slightly flattened. This is the future building. Now draw a straight vertical line up from the base of the bottom figure. This is the future vulture. Draw a small rectangle on top - this is where the head of the guitar will be located. Also mark lines in the middle of the circles, we will need them later.

Draw the vulture and head

We continue to figure out how to draw a guitar. Let's draw the main details of the neck. There are 19 frets here - lines that change the sound, as well as 6 strings with the help of which this sound is produced. At the center of the intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines in the upper circle, draw a small characteristic circle. Then we draw two parallel lines upward (the neck). Now you can draw frets - 19 horizontal lines, arranged in descending order towards the center of the instrument. Along the neck we draw thin parallel lines - strings. At the same stage you can draw the head of the guitar. To do this, place the pegs - special parts used to tune the sound - on the prepared rectangle on top of the neck.

Drawing the body

Next, to clarify how to draw a guitar, let's move on to the image of the body. This is the most powerful part of a musical instrument; its shape is similar to: Circle both circles at the same time, drawing a smooth line in the middle between them. Draw a stand (in place of the previously prepared line in the middle of the lower circle). Draw the strings from the neck to the stand. Now you have already mastered almost everything to understand how to draw a guitar. Erase all auxiliary lines and draw in the missing details. To do this, compare your sketch with the proposed sample again.

Coloring the drawing

The resulting picture itself is a real masterpiece. However, there is no limit to perfection. You can decorate your work using colored markers or the color range of this tool has no restrictions. You can choose any color. As a rule, sand and brown shades are used. But there are red, yellow and blue guitars. Having mastered the basic drawing technique, you can easily figure out how to draw a rock guitar, jazz or acoustic model of this wonderful musical instrument. Thus, you can create a whole collection of melodic beauties.