How to issue a power of attorney to receive cargo - sample? Power of attorney to receive cargo Notarized power of attorney to receive cargo

What documents must the recipient provide upon receipt of the cargo?

One of the frequently asked questions when transporting goods is the question of what documents must be presented upon receipt of the cargo. Let's try to understand this issue. When receiving cargo at the TAT warehouse or when delivering cargo “to the door” of the recipient, the latter must provide a number of documents. The list of documents depends on who the recipient is.

The recipient is a private (individual) person.

If a private person arrives to receive the cargo in person, it is enough to have an identification document with him. Usually this is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. If it is not possible to be personally present, an individual can transfer the right to receive the cargo by proxy. So, when receiving the cargo you will need:

1. identification document or
2. a notarized power of attorney, as well as an identification document specified in this power of attorney.

The recipient is a legal entity.

If the recipient is a legal entity (organization or individual entrepreneur), then the representative of the legal entity is required to present the original power of attorney and a document (passport) identifying the person specified in the power of attorney.

The organization's seal can be used to receive cargo by a person who has the authority to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney and has the right to sign documents. In this case, the presence of an identity document is mandatory.

Identity documents.

In accordance with the regulations of the Russian Federation, identity documents may be:

1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or passport of a citizen of another state;
2. Residence permit;
3. Temporary identity card of a Russian citizen for citizens who have lost their passport, as well as for citizens for whom additional verification is carried out before issuing a passport;
4. Military ID (identity card) of a military personnel
5. Certificate of release from MLS.

Rules for registration and issuance of powers of attorney

Power of attorney issued in simple written form

A power of attorney, drawn up in simple written form, is issued on behalf of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The power of attorney can be one-time (forms M-2, M-2a) or multiple (general). The one-time form must contain a link to the characteristics of the cargo according to the invoice - the name and number of pieces of cargo. The general power of attorney must contain a reference to the right of the representative to receive any cargo from any consignor arriving at the consignee's address.

Signing a power of attorney in simple written form can only be carried out by the sole executive body of a legal entity (director, general director), or an individual entrepreneur. The most commonly used form of power of attorney is the standard form of Power of Attorney for receipt of goods and materials No. M-2 or M-2a, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated October 30, 1997 No. 71a. Such a power of attorney is signed by the director or general director, or an individual entrepreneur, as well as the chief accountant. If the organization does not have a chief accountant on staff, the head of the organization or an individual entrepreneur signs for him. The maximum validity period of a power of attorney cannot exceed three years from the date of issue. If the validity period of the power of attorney is not specified, then it is considered that the power of attorney is valid for one year from the date of issue.

Notarised power of attorney

A power of attorney issued on behalf of an individual or individual entrepreneur, certified by a notary office. A notarized power of attorney for a representative is issued in all cases when the consignee (according to the consignment note) is an individual and the actual recipient is not himself. A notarized power of attorney for a representative is also issued in the case when the consignee (according to the invoice) is an individual - an individual entrepreneur who does not have his own seal. In order for a power of attorney to provide the right to receive cargo, it must contain the following mandatory information:

. date of issue of the power of attorney;
. the corporate name of the recipient organization, indicating its organizational and legal form or the full name of the individual entrepreneur;
. individual taxpayer number (TIN) or main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP) or main state registration number (OGRN) - for a legal entity
. Full name and position of the person who signed the power of attorney (for a legal entity) or full name of an individual entrepreneur (for an individual entrepreneur);
. Full name and individualized data of the person who is the representative under the power of attorney, in accordance with the document that verifies the identity of the representative.
Features of filling out a power of attorney

The power of attorney must indicate that it was issued to receive goods and materials (cargo) from the company "TK TAT" with the obligatory completion of the legal address of the Recipient's company, INN and OGRN. As a rule, powers of attorney drawn up in any form are drawn up on the organization’s letterhead, which contains all the necessary details that make it possible to identify this legal entity in civil circulation.

P.S. The transport company TAT takes care of the maximum safety of our clients’ cargo. Any cargo is a material value, so TC TAT tries to make sure that the cargo reaches exactly the person for whom it was intended - the addressee. We count on your understanding in cases where it is not possible to release cargo using a neighbor’s passport, uncle’s driver’s license, grandmother’s pension card or sister’s library card. At the same time, in the event of complex, unforeseen situations, TAT employees will definitely come to the aid of the recipient and find an optimal and timely solution.

Preparing to receive cargo

  1. To receive the cargo, the Buyer must know the number of the forwarding receipt TK(waybill). Rutector LLC informs the Buyer of this number by email (SMS) immediately after sending the cargo.
  2. If the delivery service is ordered only to the transport company’s terminal, and not to the door, then the Buyer must come to the transport company’s terminal in his city to receive the cargo. Before going to the transport company, you need to make sure that the cargo has arrived and paid for by the Sender (if the payer for the cargo is the Sender). To do this, the Buyer can wait for a call from the transport company operator or contact the transport company independently. To find out the number by which you can call the transport company, you need to go to the transport company’s website and in the “Terminal Addresses” section select your city (branch TK).
  3. You can also find out the current location of the cargo on the transport company’s website.
  4. We recommend that the Buyer find out from the operator of the transport company - “how exactly is the name of the Recipient for transportation indicated in the documents?” If there are typos in the name, or abbreviations that do not correspond to the name of the Buyer, then you must call the logistics department of Rutector LLC toll-free at 8-800-100-00-69 ext. 1623/1624 and specialists will send a letter to the transport company about the change consignee and indicate the correct name. In the absence of such a letter, the goods may not be released to the Buyer.
  5. We recommend that the Buyer prepare in advance the documents necessary to receive the cargo. It is better to check the list of documents directly with the transport company. If delivery is carried out by Rutector LLC’s own delivery service, then the list of required documents is as follows:

Recipient – ​​legal entity

To receive the cargo, a representative of a legal entity must present an identification document and, optionally:

The original power of attorney in simple written form with the seal of the organization and the signature of the general director and chief accountant;

Seal of the organization, if the goods are received by the general director, he must provide the original extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for a period of no more than 1 month at the time of receipt of the goods).

Recipient – ​​individual entrepreneur

To receive the cargo in person, an individual entrepreneur must present an identification document and, optionally:

Individual entrepreneur's stamp or tax registration certificate.

To receive the cargo, a representative of an individual entrepreneur must present an identification document and, optionally:

IP seal;

Original notarized power of attorney;

The original power of attorney in simple written form, certified by the seal of the individual entrepreneur.

Recipient – ​​individual

To receive the cargo, an individual must present an identification document, the details of which were indicated by the shipper upon dispatch. A representative of an individual must present an identification document and a notarized power of attorney for the right to receive specific cargo from Rutector LLC for this individual.

PLEASE NOTE: the power of attorney must contain the details of the identity document of the recipient’s representative, which is presented upon receipt of the cargo. The power of attorney is given to an employee of the transport company and cannot be returned to the recipient.

Receiving cargo

Upon receipt of the cargo from the carrier, the Buyer must carry out a thorough inspection of it in the presence of a representative of the transport company, for this:

  1. Recalculate the number of seats.
  2. Inspect the packaging for its integrity; Externally intact packaging does not guarantee the safety of the goods. Therefore, we advise you to completely open/remove the packaging and check the product itself.
  3. Check the number of the forwarding receipt/invoice for transportation with the marking data on the cargo.
  4. If there are no comments, receive the order and return to Rutector LLC at the address 111395, Moscow, PO Box 181 copies of the seller’s shipping documents with the buyer’s mark:
  • Universal transfer document;
  • Consignment note with a commodity section;
  • Certificate of completed work (if the delivery service has been paid for);
  • Invoice TORG-12 with a zero price (if the product was repaired);
  • Repair certificate (if paid repairs were carried out).


If upon acceptance of the cargoBuyer did not submit a claim to the carrier in writing (i.e. did not draw up a commercial act with the carrier), but accepted it by signing that he has no claims, it is considered that Buyer received the cargo in accordance with the terms of the transportation contract and has no claims against Rutector LLC.

Actions if the cargo or its packaging is damaged

  1. If damage to the cargo or packaging is detected, immediately notify the representative of the transport company about the damage (or shortage), refuse to receive the cargo and request the drawing up of a bilateral commercial act.
  2. If possible, take photographs of damaged cargo (packages).
  3. After completing the commercial act, keep 1 copy for yourself.
  4. After drawing up the commercial act, the Buyer sends a scan of it by email to the manager of Rutector LLC, who is responsible for this order. If possible, include photographs of the damage in the letter. The dispatch period is no more than 1 business day from the date of drawing up the commercial act. In the subject line of the letter you must indicate: “Damage upon receipt from TK_______ (name of TK) by order of _______ (indicate the invoice number and date from Rutector LLC).”
  5. The buyer expects information from the manager about the solution to this incident. Information will be provided within 3 business days from receipt of the act.
  6. Based on the information received from the manager, the buyer within 3 working days informs the manager of his decision about the cargo (waiting for repairs, waiting for replacement, refund, etc.).

Power of attorney to receive cargo– this is a document confirming the right to receive the cargo to an authorized person. It contains legal permission that allows you to receive cargo from transport and forwarding organizations and other companies from the direct author who signed the power of attorney.

In addition to the authority to receive cargo and accompanying documentation from the sender, the power of attorney gives the right to deliver the cargo addressed to him to the recipient. A power of attorney for the carriage of goods is issued by both an individual and a legal entity.

Why is it necessary to issue a power of attorney to receive cargo?

If the scheme for redirecting products from the seller to the buyer looks like this: seller - carrier (driver or transport organization) - buyer, then obtaining a power of attorney is necessary to transfer inventory from the hands of the seller to the hands of the carrier. The seller has the right to refuse to release the goods to the carrier if he does not have a power of attorney to receive the cargo.

What information does the power of attorney form contain?

When drawing up a power of attorney, the required items listed below are filled in.

  • power of attorney number;
  • date of registration;
  • validity period of the power of attorney;
  • information about the principal (representing powers and obligations);
  • position and surname first name patronymic to whom the power of attorney was issued;
  • passport details of the person receiving the power of attorney;
  • specifics of the order, list of cargo to be received;
  • signature of the person receiving the power of attorney
  • signature and seal of the person who issued the power of attorney.

The signed deed does not need to be notarized.

Download the power of attorney for the driver to transport cargo.

Does the driver need a power of attorney to receive cargo? We offer you to download a form and a sample of filling out a power of attorney on our website. We will also provide the necessary information regarding filling out this type of trust document. Call the number listed on the website, our consultants will inform you and answer any questions you may have.

Our company cooperates with reliable transport companies (hereinafter referred to as TC), which perform their work as responsibly, quickly and accurately, in accordance with all the requirements of our store, so that the client is satisfied with everything. However, we must not forget that in the work of any transport company, as elsewhere, the so-called “human factor” cannot be excluded, because no one can be immune from mistakes by the cargo carrier’s personnel.

Important information:

  • When handing over the cargo to the transport company, the cargo is photographed and in the consignment note (waybill) it is written that the cargo was accepted without damage. It happens that employees of some transport companies write in the TTN that the cargo is accepted with damage in order to relieve themselves of responsibility for possible damage to the cargo during its transportation. In such cases, we invite the transport company employee to jointly open the packaging of the goods, check its integrity, record it with photographs and note in the TTN that the goods were accepted without damage. If the transport company employee refuses to inspect the cargo and insists on accepting the damaged cargo, then we do not send the goods this transport company.
  • When registering cargo for transportation, it is mandatory to take out cargo insurance in accordance with the accompanying documents.
  • If the cargo is damaged due to the fault of the carrier, the owner of the cargo (recipient) is compensated by the transport company for damages in the amount of the full cost of the damaged part of the goods.

Rules for accepting cargo from transport companies:



Procedure for accepting cargo:

  1. Check the actual number of places with that indicated in the consignment note (waybill). If the number of places does not match, open the cargo and accept the goods by item, and also compulsorily draw up a report on the discrepancy in places in the presence of TC employees.
  2. Check the visual integrity of the outer packaging. It should not have through holes, damage or bruises, or traces of jumping (traces of “double tape” are unacceptable on factory packaging). The presence of incomprehensible or suspicious packaging is also a condition for drawing up a report of violations and refusal to accept the goods. Please note that our company does not engage in additional packaging of cargo (the goods can only be packed in original packaging)! In case of any violations, take a photograph of the goods or make a video recording of the opening of the cargo package in the presence of TC employees, draw up a Report in which you describe the detected violations, such as damage, absence or substitution of goods, etc. Subsequently, the photographs and videos you take will become the most objective and irrefutable arguments of the recorded violation.
  3. Check the weight and volume of the goods using the bill of lading (Bill of Lading). If possible (when receiving at the terminal), request that the cargo be re-weighed and measured in your presence. If there is a discrepancy in weight or volume, the procedure is the same as for other violations - be sure to open the cargo in the presence of a TC representative and accept the goods according to the items in accordance with the invoice and packing lists, draw up a report on the discrepancy in weight or volume.

    Please note that one copy of the Act with the original seal of the TC and the signature of the TC employee remains with you (the consignee). The transport company engaged in delivery considers its obligations to the recipient fulfilled if the consignee does not draw up a report of violations and signs that there are no claims in the shipping documents. Reminds that the act must be drawn up upon receipt of the cargo with the participation of a representative of the TC and the consignee, as well as signed by both parties. The act must be certified with the blue seal of the Labor Code.

    If a TC employee refuses to sign the act, under no circumstances DO NOT ACCEPT CARGO! Be sure to take a photo or video of the cargo at the TK warehouse, try to find out the details of the employee who refused to sign or accept the act, demand that the reason for the refusal be stated, and urgently contact us on the same day. Send copies of records and the violation report to our email: . You can count on the help of our specialists and we are ready to provide you with all additional documents that will be necessary to solve the problems that arise.