How to organize a wholesale business. Types of wholesale trade and wholesale enterprises

We all know that it is wholesale structures that help provide the wide range of goods that we see today on the shelves of retail stores. If you are thinking about organizing a profitable business in the field of wholesale trade, then our article will tell you where to start and how to avoid the difficulties that await you along the way.

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Business in wholesale trade: what are the advantages?

Wholesale trade is the purchase of goods in large quantities from a manufacturer or supplier for further resale in small quantities. In other words, the product is purchased not by the end consumer, but by business representatives for the purpose of resale or use for production needs.

Of course, the wholesale business plays a significant role in the system of economic relations between regions of the country, industries, product manufacturers and retail organizations.

Often, ambitious beginning entrepreneurs are faced with the problem of choosing between such forms of trading activity as wholesale and retail. Both of them have a number of advantages and disadvantages. By comparing them, you can make one or another choice.

For example, to organize a retail business you need:

  • find a trading premises located in a suitable location so that the store is “competitive”;
  • have enough money to buy the premises or rent them monthly and to purchase goods;
  • pledge funds to pay store staff;
  • provide for the costs of advertising the store and its promotion.

In order to organize a business in wholesale trade, you will need to think through the following components:

  • selection of a reliable supplier (one or more);
  • selection of stores to sell goods (their number may vary);
  • methods of transporting goods (renting or buying trucks. Their number will depend on the scale of your business);
  • personnel selection.

Experts note a number of advantages of a wholesale business:

  • in the field of wholesale trade there is no need to “advertise” your enterprise after a customer base in the retail field has been formed;
  • there is no need to pay much attention to location, as this would be necessary for a retail chain of stores;
  • the size of wholesale purchases and transactions is larger than retail ones;
  • the trading area of ​​the wholesale company is wider;
  • large producers, including regional ones, are more willing to use the services of wholesale organizations;
  • Wholesale organizations have the opportunity to choose the most profitable type of goods for trade, for example, alcohol, tobacco, semi-finished products or household chemicals. Stores try to create the widest possible range, satisfying all the wishes of customers;
  • when purchasing goods in bulk, significant savings occur, which means that when organizing wholesale trade, the entrepreneur can set his own retail price for the product;
  • All conditions for the purchase/sale of goods between wholesale trade organizations and retail stores are regulated by the contract. This eliminates possible conflicts, misunderstandings and disagreements. Payment for delivered products often occurs immediately - when trading in bulk, there is no need to wait for their sale by end consumers;

In addition, the legislation of our country provides for different taxation rules for wholesale and retail trade. Thus, retail trade enterprises are subject to the Unified Tax on imputed income, and wholesale trade organizations pay contributions under the General or Simplified Taxation System (OSN or STS). These schemes are simpler.

Retail trade also has a number of advantages:

  • retail trade involves a larger number of transactions and outlets for the sale of goods;
  • there are also no costs for maintaining large warehouses;
  • The retail price can be an order of magnitude higher than the wholesale price, which means you can earn more on “retail” with a competent approach and trade margins.

But in general, the advantages of wholesale trade in the realities of the modern economy are obvious.

You need to keep records of goods regardless of whether you trade wholesale or retail. The automation program Business.Ru will help you with this. Combine all company operations into one scheme - from ordering to a supplier to shipment to a client. Organize the smooth operation of several departments in a single database.

Types of wholesale trade

First, decide on the type and forms of wholesale trade that will suit your business. The two main forms of wholesale trade are transit and warehouse:

In the first case, products are delivered to the retail network directly from the manufacturer or wholesale organization, without delivering goods to warehouses. Its advantage is that the safety of goods is higher and trade turnover occurs faster.

In the warehouse form, goods are sold directly from warehouses. This type of wholesale trade is the most common today, since it is possible to pre-sale goods and supply retail stores with small quantities of goods of the required range.

Wholesale trade enterprises are also distinguished by the breadth of the range of goods - from 1 to 100 thousand items is “considered” a wide assortment, less than a thousand items of goods are a “limited” assortment of a company in the field of wholesale trade, and less than two hundred items are already a “narrow” assortment. or "specialized". Based on the size of turnover, large, medium and small wholesalers are distinguished.

Also, organizations in the field of wholesale trade may differ in the method of delivery - when goods are delivered by employees of a wholesale company and on company vehicles, or when goods are issued to retail stores directly from the warehouse.

Also, organizing wholesale trade implies various systems for selling goods on which your wholesale business will be based - “exclusive”, “selective” or “intensive”:

In the first case, the manufacturer issues a license to trade in accordance with the terms of franchising. The number of intermediaries here will be limited.

“Selective” sales implies the conclusion of dealer or distribution agreements between the manufacturer and wholesale trade organizations. As a rule, the sales market for technically complex products operates in this system.

With an “intensive” sales system, work occurs simultaneously with a large number of intermediaries and wholesale trade organizations.

How to organize a wholesale business from scratch

How to start a wholesale business?

First, you need to decide on the types of goods and the industry in which you plan to conduct your wholesale business. Carefully study this area and the experience of other wholesalers, analyze the specifics of the activities of the main players - large enterprises.

First of all, pay attention to goods or products that are produced in your region. What is it famous for? For wholesale trade, choose goods that are in high demand, regardless of the season, but at the same time, try to choose niches that are “unoccupied” by competitors and those areas where you can “play” with prices.

A lot of controversy arises among novice entrepreneurs: which goods are more profitable to trade in wholesale and which in retail? The main law of business in wholesale trade is the competent selection of assortment. You can independently choose the most profitable products for wholesale trading.

First, ask yourself: what products will always be in demand among customers? For example, alcohol, tobacco, and food products are the most popular among retail store customers.

But here special attention should be paid to the fact that food products have a limited and short shelf life or special storage conditions in the warehouse. Household chemicals and cosmetics are also in great demand among consumers - these goods are in demand at any time of the year and regardless of the economic situation in the country.

Organizing the sale of agricultural products in bulk directly from the manufacturer is also likely to be successful - the demand for goods such as milk, potatoes, flour, cereals, sugar, vegetables and fruits is consistently high all year round.

When organizing wholesale trade, pay attention to the ease and specificity of transporting goods. Obviously, delivering furniture is much easier and safer than delivering drinks in glass containers to stores.

The Business.Ru program will help you effectively manage your assortment, control receivables and payables, and place orders based on sales data.

The next stage is the selection of storage space. Before starting a wholesale business, pay attention to this aspect: finding a warehouse can be a big problem.

Today, many entrepreneurs note an insufficient amount of warehouse space in large cities and small towns. Renting them can be expensive, depending on the size of the warehouse and its location.

Important! You need to rent or buy warehouse space immediately after you have decided on the type of product you will resell.

Think about whether it would be more profitable for you to build your own warehouse than to rent a ready-made space on a monthly basis? Now there are a large number of opportunities for building prefabricated warehouses - they are built in a short time and are suitable for specific types of goods for wholesale trade.

Also consider options for purchasing or renting warehouse equipment, refrigeration chambers, and shelving.

Set the target turnover value for your wholesale trade enterprise. This can be done based on an analysis of the number and volume of orders from wholesale buyers and their direct survey; you can also evaluate statistical data on the sale of goods and market conditions.

Today, organizing wholesale trade is unthinkable without such an important condition as the presence of a reliable supplier. Finding a supplier is the main stage of organizing a business.

The best option is to find a manufacturer in your area to work with directly. That is, to find those who directly produce goods or products and are interested in their speedy sale on the market.

It could be a dairy plant or a furniture factory. This, a priori, means lower prices, and you won’t have any problems with delivery when organizing wholesale trade.

Often manufacturers, especially large federal ones, deal with a large number of different wholesalers or dealers in the regions, so the “chain” of resales can be long and “pass” through several wholesalers and resellers at once.

It depends on the demand for products, the volume of the retail market in your region and the number of competing enterprises in the wholesale trade sector. In any case, products reach retail stores through the wholesale business, where they are purchased by end consumers.

When starting a wholesale business, think about the fact that the wider the range of goods for resale in your wholesale organization, the higher the profit will be. It is obvious that the “increase” in volumes and contracts with suppliers will occur gradually.

It is really difficult to find a large manufacturer who does not already have a company that carries out wholesale purchases of goods in your region. But large suppliers and manufacturers are interested in cooperation with the wholesale business, which means you will be offered a system of discounts and bonuses.

Of course, by working directly with manufacturers, you can save a lot.


Wholesale trade is part of the market for goods and services, i.e. consumer market. Historically, it was the consumer market that initially emerged. These are commodity exchanges, many other forms of wholesale and retail trade, marketing and marketing organizations, etc. Historically, developing and improving as objective economic conditions matured, markets for production factors were separated from the market for goods and services. This made markets more expedient and rational, more specialized, and therefore more perfect.

The relevance of the topic of the course work “Organization of wholesale trade” lies in the fact that at the present stage of economic development, in the conditions of already relatively established economic relations and a competitive environment, it becomes relevant not only the general improvement of existing technologies for organizing wholesale trade, but also the introduction of new techniques for the economy product promotion.

Wholesale trade as a market for intermediate sellers expresses the totality of economic relations between individuals and organizations purchasing goods for resale or renting them to other consumers for their own benefit. The use of intermediaries is mainly due to their unmatched efficiency in making a product widely available and reaching its target markets. Because of their contacts, experience, specialization, and scope of operations, wholesalers offer a firm more than it would normally be able to do alone.

The subject of the study is the process of organizing wholesale trade. The object of the study was the enterprise OJSC “Adygeyaturist”.

The purpose of the course work is to study the organization of the wholesale trade market. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Define the meaning of wholesale trade;

Study the functions performed by wholesale trade;

Familiarize yourself with the types of wholesale trade enterprises;

Research the marketing decisions of the wholesaler;

Complete an individual task.

Research methods:



Survey method;


The research used the works of famous Russian economists and marketers, such as S.N. Vinogradova, G.Ya. Goldstein, A.N. Romanov, A.P. Gradov, R.A. Fatkhutdinov, V.M. Tarasevits, Z.A. Utkin, A.P. Durovich and others, and also used the results of research by foreign economists M. Porter, F. Kotler, M. MacDonald, J.Zh. Lambin, A. Diana and others.


The main participants in the commodity market - manufacturers, intermediaries, consumers of products - must be equal partners, which is manifested in such a form of commodity relations as wholesale trade, which can actively regulate the accumulation and movement of products in time and space. Wholesale trade is a form of relations between enterprises and organizations in which economic ties for the supply of products are formed by the parties independently. It influences the system of economic relations between regions and industries, determines the routes for the movement of goods in the country, thereby improving the territorial division of labor and achieving proportionality in the development of regions. For a rational distribution of the trading environment, wholesale trade must have specific data on the current state and future changes in situations in regional and industry markets.

Historically, the process of development of the commodity economy contributed to the isolation of the sphere of circulation and the identification of intermediary industries in it - wholesale and retail trade. Wholesale trade precedes retail trade; as a result of wholesale trade, goods do not pass into the sphere of personal consumption, they either enter industrial consumption or are purchased by retail trade for sale to the public. Thus, wholesale trade turnover represents the total volume of sales of goods to manufacturing and trading enterprises, as well as intermediaries to other trading enterprises and legal entities for subsequent sale to the population or for industrial consumption. Wholesale trade includes any activity of selling goods and services to those who purchase them for resale or professional use. Wholesalers differ from retailers in the following ways:

The wholesaler pays less attention to incentives, store atmosphere and location of his outlet;

The wholesaler deals primarily with professional clients rather than end consumers;

Wholesale transactions are usually larger in volume than retail transactions;

The trading area of ​​a wholesaler is usually much larger than that of a retailer;

Legal regulations and tax policies for wholesalers and retailers differ.

Wholesale trade provides services to goods manufacturers and retailers. As a result of its activities, the product moves closer to the consumer, but does not yet fall into the sphere of personal consumption.

The most important task of wholesale trade is to systematically regulate product supply in accordance with demand. The objective possibility of successfully solving this problem is due to the intermediate position of wholesale trade: it concentrates a significant part of commodity resources, which makes it possible not to be limited to passive operations, but to actively influence the sphere of production, retail trade and, through it, the sphere of consumption. Wholesale trade, like no other link associated with the sale of goods, is capable of actively regulating regional and industry markets through the accumulation and movement of goods. This area of ​​work should occupy a decisive place in all its activities. Wholesale enterprises are called upon to improve the chain of goods distribution, develop centralized supply and circular delivery of goods. Currently, along with the positive aspects, there are significant shortcomings in the activities of wholesale enterprises. Frequently, delivery deadlines for goods are not met, and contractual obligations regarding the volume, range and quality of goods supplied are violated.

The efficiency of the functioning of the entire national economic complex, the balance of the domestic market, and the satisfaction of the growing needs of people largely depend on the work of wholesale trade. In the new economic conditions, the scope of wholesale trade will be significantly expanded. The strengthening role of commodity-money relations is associated not only with the development of wholesale trade in consumer goods, but also with the transition to wholesale trade in means of production. These two forms become the most important channels for the systematic movement of material, technical and commodity resources. Wholesalers ensure efficiency in the trading process. A small manufacturer with limited financial resources is unable to create and maintain a direct marketing organization. Even with sufficient capital, the manufacturer prefers to allocate funds to the development of its own production rather than to organizing wholesale trade. Wholesalers are almost always more efficient due to the scale of their operations, the greater number of retail business contacts they have, and the availability of specialized knowledge and skills. Retailers dealing in a wide range of products usually prefer to purchase the entire range of products from one wholesaler rather than buying parts from different manufacturers. Wholesale trade connects almost all sectors of the economy, all enterprises and organizations engaged in material production and commodity circulation. It includes the stages of promoting goods from manufacturers to retail enterprises, and in the case of trade in products for industrial and technical purposes - directly to consumer enterprises. The following forms of wholesale trade exist:

Direct connections between manufacturers and buyers;

Through intermediary organizations and enterprises; commercial contacts of market entities.

Direct connections in economic relations between producers and buyers of goods are practiced during transit (wagonload) deliveries of a consignment of products.

Economic ties for the supply of products can be short-term, up to a year, or long-term. A rapid change in the range of products, high rates of updating its product range, and the one-time nature of consumption require short-term economic ties, but in most cases long-term ties are more economically feasible. In case of long-term economic relations, the supplier and the buyer are given the right to determine the nomenclature and types, delivery times, quality of supplied products, financial responsibility and financial remuneration for fulfilling delivery conditions. Such connections provide the parties with direct contact, allow them to coordinate the frequency of delivery, and reduce the time for agreeing on assortment conditions and additional technical requirements. Consumers can encourage manufacturers to produce high-quality products, and manufacturers interested in selling products can provide various assistance and services to consumers.

The organization of direct long-term economic relations allows:

Release the parties from the annual drawing up of a supply agreement (the agreement is drawn up for several years);

Periodically adjust the assortment and quarterly delivery times;

To develop technology for manufacturing products and thereby improve their quality;

Coordinate production schedules with interested other enterprises;

Reduce deadlines for submitting specifications;

Reduce document flow in the circulation area.

Wholesale trade through intermediary organizations and enterprises (wholesale stores and depots, small wholesale and company stores, etc.) is appropriate for buyers who purchase products on a one-time basis or in volumes less than transit standards.

Having warehouse space, warehouse technological equipment (racks, containers, bunkers, tanks, etc.) and lifting and transport equipment (loaders, cranes, conveyors, etc.), intermediary enterprises organize the acceptance, sorting, storage, and release of goods to customers. In addition, these enterprises provide customers with various services (product preparation and consumption, commercial and information, transport, freight forwarding, leasing, etc.).

Commercial contacts of market entities are of several types.

a) Direct exchange of goods - barter transactions. In this case, agreements are used for the supply of a specific type of product from one enterprise to another, and vice versa. In barter transactions, as a rule, there is an exchange in kind. During the sale of goods, competitive bidding may be scheduled, with sellers determining the terms of trade and giving characteristics of the product or service in writing. The buyer, having studied the offers, chooses the best in his opinion.

b) Auction trading is becoming widespread, in which the seller, in order to obtain the greatest profit, uses the competition of buyers present at the sale. An auction sale can be conducted by a seller or an intermediary organization specializing in this type of trade. The auction offers goods both in large quantities (wholesale trade) and individual items (retail trade). Public auctions are held at a predetermined time in a special place. Organizing an auction includes preparation, inspection of goods by potential buyers, the auction itself, registration and execution of auction transactions.

c) The commodity exchange plays a significant role in wholesale trade.

On the stock exchange, goods are sold without inspection, trade transactions are not concluded. Commodity exchanges carry out the purchase and sale not of goods as such, but of contracts for their supply. At the same time, there is a free purchase and sale of contracts (the buyer is free to independently choose the seller, and the seller is free to choose the buyer). Transactions are concluded only by professional intermediaries - brokers. Basic market prices are set by stock exchange quotes and are formed under the influence of real supply and demand relationships. The buyer gives the broker an instruction to carry out an exchange transaction, which specifies a specific product, its delivery time, and price.

d) The opportunity to establish commercial contacts between the manufacturer and potential buyers is created by wholesale fairs. The wholesale purpose of fairs is to establish direct business contacts between market entities (product manufacturers, intermediaries, buyers) interested in the sale and purchase of specific commercial products.

Trade is a type of business activity associated with the purchase and sale of goods and the provision of services to customers.


Definition, functions and classification of wholesale trade

Wholesale is the trade of goods with their subsequent resale or professional use.

Wholesale trade is the initial stage of circulation of goods in their movement from producers to retail enterprises or, in terms of means of production, to enterprises that are consumers of products. Wholesale trade also includes the purchase and sale of agricultural products and raw materials. It is traditionally believed that wholesale trade is the sale of relatively large lots, and the division and sale of smaller lots that differ from the standard size or quantity is retail. The bulk of this work is carried out wholesale trade enterprises. Trading enterprise – this is not only an organizational structure, but also a property complex used by an organization for the purchase and sale of goods and the provision of trade services, which includes buildings, structures, equipment, inventory, goods, certain rights, debts, business name, trademarks, service marks and etc.

The main technological functions of wholesale trade are the concentration of products from various industrial and agricultural enterprises, their storage, sorting, formation of an assortment set, distribution throughout the country, taking into account the specific needs of consumers. In Russia, the problem of northern delivery is especially acute, which is due to the fact that in the regions located in the Far North and Far East, a massive supply of goods can be ensured during a limited period of time of the year.

Wholesale trade from the point of view of its organization can be divided into three types: wholesale trade of product manufacturers; wholesale trade of intermediary enterprises; wholesale trade carried out by agents and brokers. By assortment, they distinguish wholesale trade of a wide profile - more than 1 thousand items, limited - less than 1 thousand items, narrow - less than 200 items and a specialized assortment.

There are two main forms of wholesale trade: transit And warehouse In the transit form, goods are delivered from the manufacturer to the retail chain directly, bypassing the warehouse of the wholesale intermediary. It is used if intermediate processing of the goods is not required: packaging, sorting, etc. In this case, the wholesaler has the opportunity to form an assortment immediately upon shipment of the goods. When using this form, turnover is accelerated, logistics costs are reduced, and the safety of goods is increased.

In the warehouse form, a consignment of goods from the manufacturer arrives at the wholesaler's warehouse and is then distributed through various distribution channels to retail. In this case, the rhythm of supplying stores with small batches of goods improves, opening up the possibility of forming the product range required for each store. Therefore, despite the increased logistics costs, in this case the needs of retail trade in pre-sale preparation are better met.

Types of wholesale trade

The most common types of wholesale trade are: personal selection by the client or his representative of goods in the warehouse, selection of goods according to his written or telephone request, offering goods to clients through field sales representatives or by telephone, using active telephone calls, using B2B e-commerce tools, selling goods at wholesale exhibitions and fairs, auction wholesale and so on. The choice of a specific type of trade is determined taking into account the characteristics of the product, the current state of the market, competitive conditions, trade traditions of a given country or region, and customer wishes.

Wholesale trade with personal selection It is most often used when there is a need to make a quick purchase, for example when warehouse stocks are running out. At the same time, the client expects to create an assortment on the spot, select new products, and receive discounts for pickup. This type of trade opens up additional opportunities for the wholesaler: its marketers can test new products, conduct a survey of customers, and take into account their comments. Such work is facilitated by the presence of an exhibition hall where key products of the range and new products are demonstrated. In some cases, personal selection of standard goods is organized in the form of self-service, and small-scale mechanization is used to move the selected goods. Payment for goods is made in cash (English) cash), the client loads and removes the goods (English) sapu) independently, which is why this type of trading is called “cash-and-carry”. Wholesale trade from racks is also known (English) rack jobber), literally translated as “shelf rental”. Large retailers provide retail space with shelving or shelving space to the wholesaler. The wholesaler, at his own expense, carries out the current filling of the racks, usually with simple goods, and takes back unsold goods.

Wholesale trade by written or telephone requests is carried out on the basis of a pre-signed agreement between the seller and the client. It stipulates the terms of payment, the size of the supplied batches of goods, the rules for forming an application and its satisfaction. Delivery of goods to the store can be carried out by transport of a wholesaler, a client or an independent carrier.

Wholesale trade with the help of field sales representatives or by telephone to customers, those in need of this type of goods, has become widespread as the most active form of sales in the wholesale segment. To do this, the wholesaler organizes an agency agency aimed at finding clients. Its employees maintain contact with their customers, monitor the availability of goods on the sales floor of their stores, control the timeliness of payments for goods, etc.

For wholesale trade via active phone calls traditionally organized control rooms (today they are increasingly called call centers), where specially trained salespeople worked - telephone operators, who transmitted the information received about orders to the sales department. Today, more and more often, this work is transferred on a contractual basis to organizations specializing in such services. This interaction scheme is called outsourcing, and in recent years it has been widely used in practice. The wholesaler rents a call center and uses its staff as operators. The call center actually processes orders, and the tenant wholesaler receives the finished result. He does not need to expand his own staff and spend money on additional communication lines. The main function of a call center is sales, attraction and service of customers without personal contact with them. The call center is becoming a key link in the business process and a tool for increasing the productivity of personnel working with clients.

Wholesale trade using B2B e-commerce tools. The development of information technology has created the preconditions for the emergence of e-commerce (from English e-coin merce) is a sphere of the economy that includes all financial and trade transactions carried out using computer networks, and business processes associated with such transactions.

Electronic commerce tools usually include: electronic information exchange (Electronic Data Interchange, EDI), electronic capital movement (Electronic Funds Transfer, EES), electronic commerce (e-trade), electronic money (e-cash), electronic marketing (e-marketing), electronic banking (e-banking), electronic insurance services (e-insurance). Under the B2B or business-to-business scheme, an enterprise trades with another enterprise. This includes any interactions involving the wholesale supply of goods or similar order fulfillment.

Internet platforms make it possible to significantly simplify transactions at all stages, making trade more efficient and transparent. Often in such cases, the customer's representative has the ability to interactively control the order fulfillment process using the seller's databases.

Wholesale trade at exhibitions and fairs is quite popular. Such events attract a large number of manufacturers, intermediaries and consumers, which makes it possible to conclude contracts for the supply of goods during them or immediately upon completion.

Auction wholesale trade carried out through auctions, which are periodically operating centers for intermediary trade in real goods with individual properties. Auctions are held national and international. The most common are auctions organized in the form of joint stock companies. They often monopolize trade in a certain type of product, for which they buy goods from manufacturers, setting purchasing prices, and resell the goods to wholesale intermediaries, making a profit from the difference in prices. Auctions also accept goods for resale from independent manufacturers on a commission basis. Large auctions have their own production facilities for processing raw materials. Bargaining at auctions usually take place openly, directly with the participation of buyers. Open auctions specialize mainly in the trade of furs, animals, fish, tropical fruits, and art objects. Other auctions are specialized brokerage firms that resell goods on a commission basis, receiving compensation from the sellers and sometimes from the buyers. Sellers and buyers themselves do not participate in such auctions, and their instructions are carried out by brokers within the limits of their authority. Sometimes such auctions are called closed auctions. They specialize primarily in the trade of tea, tobacco, wool, and, less commonly, furs.

Typically, periodic auctions publish a bidding schedule or notify suppliers and traditional buyers in advance about the timing of their auctions. Before sale, goods are sorted into batches (lots) taking into account their quality. Each lot is assigned a number in the order in which it will be auctioned. Lots with similar quality of goods are assembled into larger lots - thongs. Upon completion of sorting, the auction issues a catalog indicating the composition and lot numbers. Buyers at auctions arrive early to inspect the goods on display, mark the lot numbers they are interested in in the catalogs, and enter the prices they expect. The main stage of the auction is the bargaining, which is conducted by the auctioneer and his assistants. There are several ways of bidding: auction with increasing prices, with decreasing prices. An auction with increasing prices can be conducted in public or secret ways. With the public method, the auctioneer announces the number of the next lot, names the starting price and asks: “Who has more?” Buyers increase the price each time by an amount not lower than the minimum premium specified in the auction rules. It usually ranges from 1 to 2.5% of the original price. If the next price increase is not offered, the auctioneer, after asking three times “Who is more?” strikes with the hammer, confirming that the lot has been sold to the last highest bidder. The auctioneer's assistants note which buyer a particular lot was sold to and at what price.

In unspoken (silent) bargaining, buyers, after the auctioneer announces the minimum price, give him conventional signs of agreement to raise the price by a set premium. The auctioneer announces a new price each time without naming the buyer. If the auctioneer asks three times “Who is bigger?” If no one gives the prearranged signal, then the lot or thing is purchased by the buyer who gave the signal last. A secret auction allows you to keep the buyer's name secret. This auction procedure is often used when selling jewelry and art objects. Some auctions are conducted with a gradual reduction in the initially announced price by predetermined discounts. The batch of goods is purchased by the first participant to say: “Yes.” Most of the price reduction auctions are automated. Each time a lower price is displayed on the display. The lot is bought by the one who first says “yes” or presses the electric button that stops the change of numbers on the scoreboard. The buyer is identified by a blocked burning light at the bidder's place. Automated bargaining is also used when prices increase, as the price increases, buyers release the electric buttons. The product is purchased by the person who is the last one not to release the button. Typically, auction sales take place quite quickly and about 300 lots can be sold in an hour. With an automated method of trading, especially downward trading, the number of lots sold per hour can be 1.5–2 times greater. The execution of contracts is carried out by the auction administration on the basis of records made by the auctioneer's assistant. Sellers of goods (consignors) and buyers sign standard contracts. Consignors receive money for their goods, and buyers pay the full amount of the price of the goods they purchased or make advances and take the goods from warehouses within the period established by the rules of the auction. Auctions, being commercial organizations, can provide credit to suppliers of goods by giving them cash advances. Buyers can receive auction items against a trade credit, which is paid back as the items are sold or used.

The development of modern information technologies has led to the emergence online auctions, or online auctions. Unlike regular auctions, online auctions are held remotely and you can participate in them through a website or computer program. The end of the online auction is set in advance by the seller himself when placing the goods up for auction. In ordinary auctions, the struggle continues until the bids rise. Often, online auctions include auctions that are not held on the Internet, but those who wish can place a bid via the Internet. Recently, payment systems and user authorization systems have been added to auction software. Today, the largest online auction in the world is eBay, with a turnover of several million transactions per day.

More recently, “Scandinavian auctions” began to appear on the field of online auctions in Russia - these are online auctions that offer buyers goods at low prices, 10–20% of their real market value, but require a fee for placing bids. The person who made the last bet wins. If the winner is insolvent, the lot usually goes to the person who made the previous bid. It happens that if the lot is not purchased by the winner, the auction is canceled and the owner of the lot can put it up again.

Auction trading creates significant convenience for suppliers and buyers, reducing distribution costs and ensuring sales at prices close to optimal for a given region.

Exchange wholesale trade is conducted on a commodity exchange, which is a voluntary association of legal entities and individuals for transparent public trading in goods in a certain place, at a certain time, but according to pre-established rules. The main tasks and functions of a commodity exchange are: creating conditions for conducting exchange trading, registering exchange transactions, highlighting the supply and demand of goods, studying factors influencing the dynamics of exchange prices, quotation and its publication. In this context, quotation is the identification of prices for goods taking into account supply and demand for a certain period or date as a guide for sellers and buyers when making transactions. A commodity exchange operates on the basis of a charter, which determines the size of the authorized capital of the exchange, the procedure for adopting the rules of exchange trading, the procedure for admitting members of the exchange, their rights and obligations, the property liability of the exchange for the obligations of its members and the property liability of members for the obligations of the exchange. On the exchange, members of the commodity exchange, their representatives and visitors to trading perform transactions as trading participants. Among trading participants, there are stockbrokers who provide intermediary services for the execution of exchange transactions to members of the exchange or clients at their expense, and exchange dealers who carry out exchange transactions on their own behalf and at their own expense. Members of the exchange are legal entities or individuals who have acquired the right to participate in trading and can dispose of it in the manner determined by the charter of the exchange. Persons who are not members of the exchange or its representatives, but are allowed to independently carry out one-time exchange transactions, are also allowed as trading participants. The subject of an exchange transaction is the conclusion of an agreement for the supply of goods admitted by this exchange for trading, as well as the right to buy or sell them. Exchange transactions can be carried out both with available goods and goods that will appear in the future (forwards, futures, options and other transactions). Sales of goods on the exchange are carried out at a free price, established by agreement between the parties to the exchange transaction.

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  4. Accounting, analysis and audit of commodity transactions in wholesale trade using the example of PKF UNI LLC

    Abstract >> Accounting and Auditing

    ... wholesale trade Wholesale trade sells goods, products enterprises, institutions, supply and sales, intermediary and others organizations... transportation, storage and implementation, shelf life and implementation as a percentage of the cost...

Wholesale trade as a sub-sector of trade is a large network of enterprises of different forms of ownership and departmental affiliation. The long-term goal of the policy for the development of wholesale trade in Ukraine is to ensure market diversity of wholesale structures, which will make it possible to fill the consumer market with goods, create conditions for their unimpeded promotion through distribution channels, and the activation of Ukrainian commodity producers.

The classification of wholesale trade enterprises can be based on the scale of their activities, taking into account which it is worth distinguishing wholesale trade enterprises at the national and regional (regional) levels.

Enterprises at the national level are called upon to become the core of the entire intra-industry structure of wholesale trade. They must guarantee its resilience and strategic stability. Their most important task is to create the necessary structure of tovarorukh channels, designed to serve large Ukrainian commodity producers, as well as foreign manufacturers and suppliers of goods.

Nationwide wholesale trade enterprises sell goods throughout Ukraine. These include enterprises that provide state needs, as well as interregional enterprises that serve the historical centers of production of metal products, chemicals, goods, light industry, vehicles, agricultural products, winemaking, and the like. Taking this into account, the trade range of wholesale trade enterprises of a national scale and interregional nature should be developed.

The process of wholesale sales of goods is completed by wholesale trade enterprises at the regional (regional) level. They purchase goods directly from commodity producers and nationwide wholesalers and distribute them to wholesale buyers in their area of ​​operation. The main task of their functioning is to provide goods to regional commodity markets.

Depending on the form of ownership, wholesale enterprises are divided into:




*enterprises of international organizations and legal entities of other states.

State and municipal enterprises make up less than 1% of the total number of wholesale trade enterprises in Ukraine. The vast majority (98%) are enterprises of collective and private ownership.

Based on territorial characteristics and the nature of their activities, wholesale trade enterprises are divided into:

enterprises located in production areas (source bases);

enterprises located in consumption areas (trade bases).

Source databases are created for the purpose of:

liberation of manufacturing enterprises from connections with numerous wholesale buyers and from forwarding operations from sending goods to areas of consumption;

monitoring the quality of goods supplied from manufacturers;

transformation of the production assortment into a commercial one;

filling, packing and performing other operations, assembling product lots.

Initial bases, as a rule, have railside trains. Trading bases are located in regional centers and other places where consumers are concentrated. They source goods from different production areas, purchase products from local manufacturing plants, and supply goods to retailers.

In recent years, the phrase “wholesale warehouse” has almost disappeared from trade terminology. It was replaced by the foreign word “distributor”, “trading house” or simply “wholesaler”. However, there is hope that this word will return to our vocabulary, since it has a very specific and understandable content. At all times, a wholesale base was considered a wholesale trade enterprise that carries out wholesale purchase and sale of goods and has one or more trains for this purpose. Such depots are also called full-service wholesalers.

Based on their specialization, wholesale trade enterprises that sell consumer goods are divided into:




highly specialized.

Mixed wholesale trade enterprises sell both food and non-food consumer goods. Universal - a wide range of food or non-food products. Specialized enterprises carry out wholesale trade in one or more product groups that complement each other (for example, televisions and VCRs). Highly specialized - only one product subgroup, for example, ceramic tiles.

Depending on the functions that wholesale trade enterprises perform, they are divided into two types:

full-service enterprises;

enterprises with a limited service cycle.

The full service cycle includes a full range of services that a wholesale trade enterprise provides to its customers, namely: packaging, packaging of goods and other warehouse operations, provision of commodity credit to customers (deferred payment), centralized delivery by its own transport or ATP transport, unloading using mechanized means , removal of containers, containers and pallets, provision of technical information, provision of advertising materials, participation in compatible promotional events, consulting and provision of marketing research results, etc. A limited-service wholesaler provides only some of the listed services to its customers.

In both cases, these enterprises have ownership of the goods because they purchase them with their own or borrowed funds.

Full service businesses

The types of full-service wholesalers are independent wholesaler, distributor, export wholesaler and trading house.

An independent wholesaler is a wholesale business that trades on its own behalf and has ownership of the goods.

He specializes in purchasing goods from manufacturers (wholesalers) at his own expense and independently sells them to customers and clients. According to his specialization, such a reseller can act as:

a) a seller of goods for industrial and technical purposes who serves manufacturers;

b) a seller who sells consumer goods to other wholesalers, retailers and entrepreneurs.

The main functions of an independent wholesaler:

market research, clientele formation;

concluding agreements with both wholesale sellers and wholesale buyers;

storage of goods on own or leased trains;

independent setting of prices for goods, organization of wholesale sales;

An independent wholesaler, in addition to the main activity of purchasing and selling goods, can provide subjects of the commodity market with a full range of services, namely:

Commercial services (intermediary in finding necessary goods, suppliers, wholesale buyers, marketing research, assistance in advertising goods, etc.).

Technological services (packing, sorting, packing, measuring, cutting, cutting; manufacturing of containers, non-standard products; compiling complex equipment and furniture; installation of equipment; setting up, running in, regulation of machines, mechanisms, equipment).

Information and consulting services (providing producers and buyers with scientific, technical, economic, legal, advertising information, as well as product information regarding assortment, quality, operating rules, methods of use; scientific, technical, organizational and legal consulting).

Financial settlement and credit services (participation in settlements, issuing commercial cash loans to producers and buyers of goods, investing in the production of the most scarce and promising goods).

Rental and rental services (leasing of warehouse, production, office and other space, machinery, equipment; rental of equipment, instruments, tools, containers, containers, lifting and transport machines, mechanisms, vehicles, etc.).

Transport and forwarding services (centralized delivery of goods to the retail trade network and delivery of large-sized goods home to consumers, organization of delivery of individual materials, products, products by special vehicles, receipt of goods from points of departure or destination on behalf of customers, parcel shipping of artificial and small consignments of goods and etc.).

A distributor is a full-service wholesaler that trades on its own behalf, has ownership of the goods, but unlike an independent wholesaler, sells goods only in a certain territory agreed upon in an agreement with the supplier.

The relationship between partners is determined by two types of contracts. First, they enter into an agreement granting the right to sell goods of a certain range in a certain territory. Then the supplier and distributor enter into separate purchase and sale agreements, which agree on the quantity, quality of goods, their price, delivery conditions, operating and quality guarantee conditions, forms of payment and settlement, delivery times, claims handling procedures, etc.

A distributor may have the following responsibilities:

organization of a separate structure for storing supplier goods;

delivery of goods to wholesale customers, including to the retail network, is centralized;

demonstration of goods on the train or in the hall of commodity cuts;

participation in the organization of the supplier’s merchandising network;

holding presentations, scientific and technical conferences, etc.

Thus, the distributor is a permanent link in the sales network of the supplier, including the manufacturer. Therefore, he is obliged to adhere to the interests of the supplier and act within the limits of authority in accordance with the agreement on granting the right to sell.

Suppliers (manufacturers) also call distributors independent wholesalers, whose range partly consists of their goods and with whom they have agreements on granting the right to sell.

The consignor wholesaler delivers goods to the consignee and they must be sold within a specified period. By the time goods are sold to third parties, they are the property of the consignor. After the goods are sold from the warehouse, funds for them are transferred to the exporter, and unsold goods are returned to the owner.

This form of relationship with the buyer forces the exporter to carefully formulate its assortment, maintain inventory at an optimal level, and set prices that would not slow down the subsequent promotion of goods to the final consumer.

Wholesale sales through consignment trains are most often used for the purpose of entering new markets, introducing new or little-known products to the market. The consignor wholesaler clearly defines the territory within which the consignor must sell goods. This is done so that other consignors of the same type do not compete with each other and keep prices at the same level.

Since the goods on the train remain the property of the exporter, he has the right to monitor the progress of sales, visit the train, showrooms and other places where goods are stored.

Upon receipt of payment for goods sold, the consignor wholesaler pays the consignor a fee. For the most part, it is defined as a percentage of the cost of the product. In addition to this basic remuneration, additional remuneration may be paid for the number of goods sold in excess of the stipulated norm or at a higher price.

Wholesalers-exporters also successfully sell a wide range of goods using the retail distribution network (sale of toys, books, perfumes and cosmetics, etc.). In this case, the consignor is a retail trade enterprise that ensures the storage of the consignor's goods in warehouses and their placement on the sales floor. The wholesaler-exporter, at his own expense, installs commercial equipment for storing goods, provides the retail enterprise with advertising materials, organizes presentation of goods and tastings, and also maintains an optimal level of inventory and variety of assortment.

Trading house. In most Western countries, trading houses specialize in foreign trade operations, financing and lending for the export of goods and services. They have a wide network of foreign branches, representative offices, and subsidiaries.

The largest number of trading houses are in the USA, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, India, Singapore, Brazil, and Japan. However, their role in each of these countries is different. Yes, according to experts, in Japan the share of trading houses in the total number of trade intermediaries engaged in foreign economic activity is 65-70%, and in the USA it is only 8-10%. Japanese trading houses attract customers with a wide range of goods (20-30 thousand items). Thanks to the versatility and versatility of their product range, they have the ability to quickly move from one product group to another, carry out the most profitable types of operations and select promising markets. A high level of service, a powerful information base and a global communications network also contribute to the activities of trading houses and their subsequent development.

The purpose of trading houses that operate in countries around the world is foreign trade activities and wholesale trade of imported goods in the domestic market of their country. They purchase goods from manufacturers or wholesalers in their own country and export to other countries; purchase goods abroad and sell them to manufacturers, wholesale and retail trade enterprises.

However, trading houses, unlike an ordinary wholesale trade enterprise with a full service cycle, penetrate into the sphere of production and often carry out operations of a production, financial, credit and investment nature. They have not only warehouse and transport facilities, but also production facilities and their own retail network.

The main, most typical functions of trading houses include:

intermediary activities in the field of foreign economic activity;

export - import of goods (on one’s own behalf and at one’s own expense);

research of commodity market conditions and information services;

wholesale and retail trade in the domestic market of the country;

organization of production and marketing of competitive goods;

association of medium and small producers, financing their sales activities;

investing in production, acquiring full ownership of enterprises;

transfer of equipment for rent or leasing;

providing loans;

investment cooperation with foreign partners in the construction of facilities;

provision of other services (in the field of insurance, transportation, warehousing, repair and maintenance of equipment, engineering).

A trading house, as a type of large reseller, can be closer to producers, or, on the contrary, to consumers. In the first case, it resembles a trading and manufacturing enterprise, and in the second, a wholesale and retail enterprise.

Enterprises with a limited service cycle

Wholesale trade enterprises with a limited service cycle include:


wholesalers and traders;

wholesalers-traveling salesmen;

small wholesale stores “Cash & Carry”.

A wholesale organizer, as a rule, does not have warehouses and works in industries where there is transportation, storage and sale of goods in transport containers (containers, wagons, tanks, etc.). Upon receiving an order from a buyer, such a wholesaler will arrange for the product to be delivered from the manufacturer directly to the buyer. He is the owner of the goods and assumes all risks from the moment the order is accepted until delivery is completed. Often wholesale organizers have their own or rented vehicles. The wholesaler-organizer can be a forwarding enterprise, but only if this enterprise purchased goods with its own or borrowed funds and entered into a transportation agreement with a transport organization.

A wholesaler-posilmerchant is a wholesale trade enterprise that is engaged in the wholesale sale of goods, sending catalogs and other promotional materials to enterprises - potential buyers.

To perform its functions, a wholesaler-cum-merchant must have a warehouse and choose an effective type of delivery of goods.

Using catalogues, a wholesaler-posiltrader provides manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers with information about their assortment. Upon receiving an order from the buyer, he sends a complete batch of goods using the services of a post office or courier delivery service. Now such services operate on road, rail and aviation modes of transport.

A wholesaler-travelling salesman is a small enterprise or entrepreneur who purchases goods at his own expense and delivers them to a procurement, manufacturing enterprise or retailer.

Traveling wholesalers resell primarily agricultural products and consumer goods. Having their own transport, they purchase products in rural areas and sell them to procurement organizations, kitchen factories, and retail enterprises. Purchasing perishable food products from manufacturers that quickly deteriorate (dairy products, bread and bakery products, confectionery, culinary products), traveling salesmen deliver them to small retail outlets, catering establishments, hotels, sanatoriums, and the like.

Entrepreneurs, who are called “shuttle traders,” can also be considered wholesalers-traveling salesmen. Abroad or in other regions of Ukraine, they purchase small quantities of goods at their own expense, deliver and resell them to retailers, receive new orders and go again to buy goods. Often such entrepreneurs have their own retail outlets where they sell part of the purchased goods.

The small-scale wholesale store “Cash & Carry” (English: fees and delivery) sells goods to owners of small stores and small retail trading networks in cash or by bank transfer, but without delivery.

This store is like a compound: here goods are not only sold, but also stored. The trading floor has wide aisles, warehouse-type shelving, and minimal interior decoration.

Selling goods in a small wholesale store has the following features:

wide range of goods;

free access for the buyer to goods, the opportunity to independently familiarize themselves with and select goods;

low prices compared to prices in retail stores;

providing discounts;

payments for cash are carried out through a payment center, as in a self-service store;

The buyer carries out the removal of goods from the store.

Most often, small wholesale Cash & Carry stores specialize in the sale of food products, perfumes and cosmetics, household chemicals, haberdashery, and computer equipment.