How to hang pictures. Pro tips: how to hang a picture on the wall

There are situations when you really need to hang a picture on the wall without nails or drilling: for example, the apartment is rented, you don’t want to spoil the wall with holes, bother the neighbors, or your husband is simply not at home. This is when very simple and effective methods come to our aid that will help you hang a picture, panel, poster or photograph on the wall without using a drill. Choose which one you like best!

1. How to hang a picture on the wall without drilling the wall: a paper clip or a coat hook

If you have wallpaper on your wall, make a small horizontal cut in it, fill it with superglue and place a paper clip, bent into a hook or a regular coat hook, and then cover the cut with wallpaper. Step by step instructions you can read by “implanting” a paper clip into the wallpaper .

2. Button

This method is similar to the previous one. Here, too, the base itself is “hidden under the wallpaper” and glued, and the protruding part acts as a nail on which you can hang a not very heavy picture. In the video below you can learn how to effectively hide the base of a button behind wallpaper.

3. Spider hook

In a hardware store you can purchase a special device called a “spider hook”: o but has four pointed ends, which are easily attached to the wall with a hammer and leave virtually no marks on it.This hook holds securelyon any wall, you can hang a picture or frame weighing up to 2 kg on it.

4. Needle

Another way to place light paintings is to stick a sewing needle into the wall. For example, you can carefully drive it into the wallpaper at an angle tailor's pin with head. Another option: break off sewing needle Simply drive the eyelet into the wall with pliers and a sharp end. This way, the hole in the wall is small and invisible, unlike nails or screws. At the same time, withama needle, steel and durable, holds the frame securely.

5. Double-sided tape

This method is suitable for walls with thin paper wallpaper or plasterboard partitions. Just apply regular double-sided tape to the edges of the frame and attach it to the wall. True, the disadvantage of this method is that the tape can leave marks on the wall; to prevent this from happening, it is recommended to keep the tape under 90 degrees in relation to the wall when removing the painting.

6. Command Velcro

The special technology of Command Velcro allows you to glue them to almost any surface and easily hang pictures weighing up to 2 kg on them. The advantage of this brand of Velcro is that it can be easily removed without damaging the walls. They Sold as a set of several strips: one strip is glued to the frame, the other to the wall. The more stripes, the heavier the painting can be.

7. Liquid nails

Liquid nails are a special glue that securely connects surfaces. Just apply to reverse side frames with liquid nails in small dots (if the picture is heavy, you can coat the entire frame). Then press the painting flat against the wall surface and hold for a few seconds.

8. Polymer glue

Polymer glue is convenient because it does not leave greasy marks behind. The principle is the same as with liquid nails: we glue the heavy picture around the entire perimeter, and the light one only around the edges. For better adhesion to the surface, the frame needs to be pressed firmly and even left for a day, propped up with something.

9. Wine cork

The wine cork is cut into circles approximately 1 cm thick and glued to the wall with quick-drying glue (Moment glue or BF-2). After the glue has dried, a small nail is stuck into this cork, onto which the picture is hung.

Beautiful paintings, reproductions, engravings, prints or photographs can transform any home, giving it individuality and comfort. Hanging pictures correctly is a skill on the verge of art, because it is very easy to destroy a single style with an incorrect combination of elements and details of the setting. When choosing a painting, you need to remember that it will not just take up empty space on the wall, but will give the room a new sound.

Paintings in the interior play an important, and sometimes main role. In some design solutions, other furnishings are built around the painting, and it serves as the center of the interior. In this article we will talk about how to hang a picture on the wall correctly and beautifully.


For your home, choose paintings with positive themes; do not buy paintings depicting scenes of violence, war and other horrors. Even if you are a fan of Karl Bryullov, “The Death of Pompeii” can be viewed at the State Russian Museum, and it is not at all necessary to hang this disaster in your home, creating a depressing atmosphere in the room.

Images of flowers, animals, landscapes or positive scenes from life will look good in the living room.

People relax in the bedroom, so pictures depicting storms and storms should not be hung there. Although calm seascape quite suitable, having a calming effect on the nervous system.

An appetizing still life with its harmony of abundance will add a picturesque character to the kitchen.

For an office, Feng Shui suggests placing a painting depicting nature on the wall. Office in classic style will decorate the hunting scene, it doesn’t have to be famous painting Perov "Hunters at a Rest", you can hang your own enlarged photograph with a hunting trophy. A mountain landscape, if hung behind the back of a work chair, will symbolize support, reliability and stability. Images of a river, waterfall or lake placed in front of your desk will bring good luck and prosperity, but they should not be hung behind your back.

Landscapes according to the seasons are arranged as follows: spring - on the eastern and south-eastern walls, summer - on the southern walls, autumn - on the western and north-western walls, and winter - on the northern walls.

Family portraits are a priceless heritage that should not be placed in front of front door, stairs or in semi-basements.

You can hang several paintings on one wall to create a composition. By maintaining symmetry, this is easier to do. When creating an asymmetrical composition, you need to remember that its balance can easily be disrupted by incorrect placement. Having a sense of space and natural taste, it is quite possible to cope with this task.

Now you can choose a frame to suit any, even the most sophisticated taste, by visiting a framing workshop. The frame is chosen in combination with the furniture, but it must be in harmony with the plot of the picture. Thus, a massive carved baguette will suit an oil painting, and a photograph or watercolor can be inserted into an aluminum or plastic frame.

If the walls of the room are covered with patterned wallpaper, then the picture frame should be wide.


  1. To mount a painting on the wall, you need to take into account its weight and size. Light, a small picture Can be hung on one hook-shaped bracket. To do this, mark the place where the picture will hang. Using a drill or hammer drill, a hole is drilled in the wall using a concrete drill with a Pobedit tip. The drill is selected with a diameter of 6 mm. A plastic dowel, like a drill, with a diameter of 6 mm, is inserted into the drilled hole, into which a hook is screwed. Fastening the picture to the wall is achieved by simply hanging the picture on this hook. If you don’t have a drill, then a small one light picture can be hung on a concrete wall in this way: a nail is driven into the cork, and the cork itself is glued to the wall with superglue. Then the picture is hung on a nail. The cork can be replaced with a piece of wood.
  2. How to hang a picture on the wall , if it's heavy? To do this, you can use two flat hanging plates; they are attached with short screws to the back of the picture, closer to its edges. Then the picture is placed against the wall, on which the holes are marked. The places of the marks are drilled with a drill with a Pobedit drill bit with a diameter of 8-10 mm, dowels corresponding to the size of the drill are inserted into the holes, into which the painting is secured using screws.
  3. How to attach a painting to a wall using the trellis hanging method? This way you can hang several paintings of the same size and theme. A metal rod in the form of a pipe with hooks attached to it is fixed just under the ceiling along the entire length of the wall. A thick double nylon fishing line is attached to them, on which the paintings are hung one below the other. The outer edges of the composition should form a rectangle, then the whole composition will look harmonious.


A good painting should be hung in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight, otherwise the colors of the painting will quickly fade. If the wall is not well lit, you can install additional special lighting, which will give the entire interior a modern, sophisticated look.

Medium-sized and small-sized paintings are hung at eye level, while large-format paintings, especially oil paintings, are hung higher and at an angle.

In order for the decor of the room to be harmonious, paintings that are vertical in format are balanced by a low, wide vase placed on a table, bedside table or cabinet, and horizontal ones by a tall vessel placed on the floor.

Stylish designs are increasingly using paintings: photo galleries, one large canvas or a modular version. Images are selected that correspond to the style of the interior: classic, romantic, etc. Such design ideas add special charm and aesthetics to modern interiors.

Rules for posting paintings

For beautiful placement of paintings or photos, there are a number of rules so that they fit organically into the interior.

How to choose the best places for paintings (panels and photos) on the wall?

To make a painting stand out on any wall, you need a room with good lighting, but avoid direct sunlight. Paints may fade over time.

In a dark room, it is better to backlight the painting (preferably with a halogen lamp). Choose uniform lighting and not too close to the canvas.

Choose the height where the canvas will hang. The best placement of the canvas is just above the eyes.

In the house, the frame is attached close to the wall, parallel to the floor. Parts for fastening can be different: chains, nails, cords, glue, buttons, etc.

Classic ways to hang a picture

Traditional methods are nails (screws) that are driven into the wall. But wall materials can be different, so classical methods are not always suitable.

Brick wall

Brick walls are the most common, they are the most durable, but the material is fragile and requires special attention. Instructions on how to hang a picture correctly:

  • You can drill holes in the brick for nails or screws or hooks. For this you need a dowel, you can do without it, but be careful.
  • First you need to drill the right size hole where to pour cement mortar. It prevents the formation of cracks in the brickwork.
  • Then the dowel (hook) is inserted. You can use special brackets for bricks; they are attached at the required distance for a specific picture.

Concrete wall

For a concrete wall, you will need a hammer drill or impact drill to securely fix the painting, especially large sizes. A hole is drilled (usually 6 mm), then a plastic dowel is inserted. Then the required screw (hook) is screwed in, onto which the canvas is hung.

Plasterboard wall

Drywall is not resistant to heavy loads, so you can only hang small, light pictures or photos. For strength, you need to insert a special dowel called a “butterfly” into the hole in the drywall. Its spacers will securely hold the mount.

Wooden wall

The best material that is easy to attach anything to. Drive a regular nail at the required height; any fabric can be easily hung on twine or chain.

Modular pictures

To understand how to hang correctly modular picture, you must first determine the material of the walls. Measure the wall, choose the height and distance between sections, make notes with a pencil.

How to hang a picture (panel, photo) without drilling?

Many live in rented housing or newly renovated apartments. If you don’t want to bother your neighbors or your husband is simply not around, there are excellent methods that you can use to hang any picture, photo or panel.

Let's look at a variety of ideas on how to beautifully hang paintings in your home.

Liquid Nails

A special glue technology called liquid nails. They need to be applied in a stripe (dots) to the back of the picture frame, then pressed well against the wall for a minute.

Polymer glue

This glue perfectly connects any surfaces, like the previous one. It is applied similarly to liquid nails and is applied along the perimeter of the product; if the picture is small, then you can drop glue only on the edges of the frame. For good adhesion, you need to press it firmly against the wall with something for a day.

Coat hook or paper clip

For wallpaper, you need to make a small cut and fill it with superglue. Bend the paperclip with a hook or place the hook itself for things and cover it with trimmed wallpaper.


The method is similar to that described above, only the “hat” appears, which can withstand a rather heavy picture.

Spider hook

This is a special hook, it is sold in construction stores. The 4 sharp ends are perfectly fixed to the wall with a hammer. This mount can support weights up to 2 kg.

Pins for tailors

For light, small-sized pictures or photos, you can use pins with “ears” or “heads”. They are inconspicuous; a hole in the wall will practically not be visible. The needles (pins) are made of steel, so they are quite durable. But to be completely sure, you can secure it with 2 more pins at the bottom.

Velcro Command

Command Velcro will help you hang a craft, photo or picture weighing up to 2 kg on any surface. This is a great idea, they won’t leave marks, and they sell kits with several strips: the first one is glued to the frame, the second one is glued to the wall. The greater the weight of the photo or painting, the more stripes there are.

2 sided tape

To place a photo (picture) on a plasterboard partition or on a wall with paper wallpaper, double-sided tape is suitable. Please note that it can leave a mark, so it is better to hold it at an angle of 90 degrees to the wall when you take a picture.

Wine corks

It’s easy to glue a regular wine cork to the wall using Moment glue (BF-2). When the glue dries, drive a small nail into the cork, then hang a frame with a photo or picture.

Molding (ceiling plinth)

This best method who wants to do art gallery on 1 wall. You can glue molding to the ceiling (wall). Attach a scaffold to it and hang pictures on it.

You can learn more about each method in the photo instructions on how to hang a picture quickly and without nails.

Photos of paintings on the wall

It would seem a simple thing to do - hang a picture on the wall. But are we hanging them correctly? Of course have certain rules, but many, unfortunately, do not know them. Let me help you with this a little.

Illumination of paintings

Most experts believe that a painting looks best with good natural light pardons. But, in some cases, paintings still need to be additionally illuminated. Firstly, if this place is poorly lit. Secondly, if glare appears in the picture from the general light in the room. Thirdly, if you just need to focus on one or more paintings. Correct location lamps for illuminating pictures is very important, and here it is necessary to take into account some factors. The maximum permissible illumination for paintings is 150 lux. The light should fall from one side, narrowly directed, and on the other, be uniform over the entire lighting area. Under no circumstances should lamps be placed too close to the painting. The fact is that they have not yet invented lamps that do not heat up during operation. Changes in temperature and humidity have a detrimental effect on works of art. Additional lighting should not distort the color scheme of the canvas, otherwise the artist’s intention will be distorted.

The type of lamp in the lamp can be different, but the incandescent lamp is least suitable for this. During operation of such a lamp, the illumination intensity changes greatly, and the coefficient useful action very small. Halogen lamps are more suitable. Having a small size, they provide a uniform luminous flux. You can use fluorescent lamps or LED.

Height of paintings

There are no strict rules here, however, the main criterion is convenience. If in order to examine the picture you need to lift your head high, or vice versa, you need to bend over strongly, this is definitely wrong. Usually the paintings are arranged in one row at eye level, and most of The paintings, from this level, should be higher.

Optimal distance for viewing paintings

It all depends on what technique the author followed. If it's a technique smooth writing, then of course you need to come closer to see the details. Well, if the impressionist author painted with large strokes, then it is better to view the picture from a distance three times greater than the long side of the picture.

Which picture looks better - vertical or horizontal?

It all depends on where you are going to hang it. The horizontal one looks good above the sofa, and the vertical one in a narrow opening. There is one rule: everything horizontal visually “eats” the height, everything vertical increases it.

Angle of the painting

Usually a picture is hung on the wall so that it hangs close to each other. For this, one fulcrum is necessary and sufficient, roughly speaking, one nail. In this case, the rope is attached to the baguette as high as possible. If you want the picture to hang at an angle, then the rope attachment should be lower than the middle of the baguette. You don’t have to overhang the rope; in this case, it is necessary that the picture not only hangs, but also stands on some kind of support. The minimum is two more nails on which the baguette will stand.

Grouping of paintings

If there are a lot of pictures, then they are grouped according to the following principle. The most valuable painting, dear to you, is hung in the center, the rest are around it. You can make several groups, but they must be made in the same style, on the same topic and in the same color scheme. Do not forget that if a group consists of three paintings, then the central one attracts more attention.

The paintings are the same size and approximately the same theme, no best option how to place them in one row. But it is possible to place them in several rows and even in a checkerboard pattern. If the painting is quite large, with a massive frame, it is advisable not to “shade” it standing nearby furniture, no matter how luxurious it is. Just as a castle will not look good in a dense urban area, just as a chic painting will not look good next to a closet, for example.

If there are really a lot of paintings, then a dense arrangement of them on the wall is possible; this method is called trellis hanging, when the paintings cover almost the entire area of ​​the wall.

Placing paintings is quite a labor-intensive and responsible moment, so try mentally, or with the help of friends, to hang the paintings on the wall and only then start fixing them. You can try to do this first on a computer, virtually. To do this, take a photo of the wall and take pictures of the paintings, then use Photoshop or another program to try hanging them. You cannot place pictures “by height” - this is bad taste, an apartment is not an army, so you should place them in descending order.

Examples of how to hang groups of paintings on the wall


It is not at all necessary that the baguette in all paintings be the same. The main thing is that it fits the picture. Well, no matter what in the group he stands out from the general row.

Fashion trends

Recently it has become fashionable to place paintings on a music stand or easel. It looks beautiful, of course. But, if you have never picked up paints, you still shouldn’t do this. This somewhat offends the feelings of real artists.