Why does an object fall on a grave? Did you know that there are certain rules of conduct in a cemetery

Final resting places have always attracted attention, so it is not surprising that cemetery superstitions are so numerous. What can the secret signs that otherworldly forces send to us in a mournful place warn us about? Let's understand the issue.

In the article:

Signs at the cemetery - what you can do

There are many superstitions associated with this place. All rules of conduct must be followed. You cannot come empty-handed - bread and other treats, leave them at the grave.

Alcohol at a funeral

It is prohibited to go to the resting place of thousands of people while intoxicated. It is also unacceptable to drink alcohol at a funeral.

Moreover, alcohol loosens the tongue, and in a cemetery it is better to watch your words so as not to offend the deceased. You will drink to the repose of your soul at the wake.

What should I say

There is such a sign:

Whatever good you say on the grave will remain on it.

You can share your experiences and joys with deceased relatives, but you should not arouse envy or excessive pity in them. Because in both cases they will want to take the speaker to themselves. A phrase like “I live so badly, it’s better to die” can become fatal. The spirits will regard this as a call to action and “come to the aid” of the sufferer who is so eager to get to the other world.

We must remember that you can only allow yourself to be open with a relative whom you trusted during your lifetime and with whom you were close. If you talk loudly and brag about your victories at someone else’s grave, then all the good things will go to the relatives of its occupant.

Refrain from showdowns and swearing among the graves. The sign says that whoever comes to the cemetery to quarrel will live in eternal squabbles.

Is it possible to take things from a grave?

Of course not. Remember this rule yourself and explain it to your children: the house is the territory of the living, and everything that is in the cemetery belongs to this place. Taking anything from there is a very bad omen.

Bringing cemetery soil is the same as recognizing your home as part of a cemetery. For spirits, it will be "marked" as their sphere of influence. It will take the help of a very powerful magician to clear the home of the grave seal.

To pick something up from a grave means to take that thing away from a dead person. And the deceased are very jealous of what belongs to them.

Is it possible to count money in a cemetery?

There is another well-known sign: if you count the money on the grave, you will part with it forever. Banknotes fell out - do not touch them. Even a large amount should remain there.

If you raise money from cemetery land, because of your carelessness and greed, you can create problems and illnesses and spend much more money on solving them than you could have saved.

I had to get my wallet from the cemetery - leave the coins on the grave. It’s better at the tombstone of a relative or at least namesake.

Is it possible to take pictures at a cemetery?

Most signs say that it is impossible, since this is a place where negative energy accumulates. There is a well-known mystical connection between a person and his image in a photo - the picture will bear the imprint of all the negativity of that place.

If you imprint yourself in the kingdom of the dead, you will either attract them to you, or you yourself will soon go there.

It is especially reckless to take a photo near the coffin of a deceased person, as well as on graves less than forty days old. It has long been known that this period is not accidental; that is how long the negative energy that was released during a person’s death is preserved. The soul of the deceased is among the living, finding no peace. The consequences of such a photo can be disastrous - even leading to the appearance of serious illnesses.

It is believed that memories of this belief have been preserved since ancient times in the word “term”. “The deadline has passed” means forty days have passed.

By photographing, you can disturb the souls of people buried in the graves that are captured in the frame. They will return to their home or visit the person who took the photo. In this case, it is quite possible to encounter.

The cemetery is used not only for burying the dead. This is one of the main places for black rituals. Here, they ask, and the witches are here. It is imbued with powerful negative information that will remain in the picture.

It doesn't matter whether the photo is paper or electronic. The second option is even worse, because digital photographs are easily copied. Don't post them on the Internet.

Storing “dead” images is fraught with deterioration of the atmosphere in the home, illness of household members and the emergence of problems in relationships, money matters and other aspects. Children especially suffer from such sources of negativity - they are more susceptible to magical attacks than adults.

If there are already similar photos in the house, and you have no desire to part with them, despite the bad omens, store them face down, so that the image is not visible. You can pack the source of the negative in a thick envelope.

Signs at funerals and cemeteries

Farewell to one's final journey is a very serious undertaking. :

  • stand not in black clothes, but in white or multi-colored ones;
  • talk loudly, show disrespect for the deceased;
  • take any things from the coffin (even if the deceased promised to give them during his lifetime);
  • tell stories that are not related to the topic of the event;
  • speak ill of the deceased;
  • wear open shoes (bare toes, heels).

To get rid of the negative energy of a place, you should take a bottle of holy water with you and wash your face, hands and feet on the way out. You can only leave the cemetery the way you came.

Sign - if you fell in a cemetery

This sign indicates that the fallen person is drawn to the grave earth, and perhaps to him. Anyone who falls at a funeral needs to urgently leave the cemetery. After this, you need to read a prayer over him three times “ Our Father", wash with holy water and cross with a burning church candle.

If a monument fell in a cemetery

In this case, they say that it is the restless soul of the deceased that makes itself felt. If something is holding a person back in this world, he will try to figure out what is causing the delay.

Perhaps the deceased has an unfinished mission or needs to protect family or friends from something - the spirit will try in every possible way to contact them. A fallen monument is a clear sign that the soul wants to be heard. You should seek help from a medium and find out what your relative needs.

A cat at a funeral is a bad omen

In ancient Egypt, cats were considered intermediaries between the living and the dead. According to legends, these animals could speak on behalf of the deceased and even temporarily provide a refuge for his soul.

There should be no pets in the room where the deceased lies. This is especially true for cats. As soon as an accident occurs, they need to be taken out of the house. Or better yet, send him to live with relatives for a while.

The cat is eager to return to the new dead man. It is especially dangerous if the animal goes to sleep under the coffin with the deceased. This suggests that soon another grief will happen in the family.

It is better to drive away an animal that joins the procession, but show respect to it. Do not kick or push - someone else's spirit may come in his image. Throw aside a gift that you wouldn’t mind - pay it off.

If a cat jumps on the deceased or the coffin lid, this foretells the death of the person closest to the deceased. In some countries, they believe that this behavior of a cat indicates a terrible prediction in the form of a vampire or ghoul for the deceased.

Much depends on the color of the cat encountered in the churchyard. Of course, signs pay special attention to black individuals. It is believed that in their guise there may be a witch or a necromancer magician. According to ancient legends, they are receptacles for the souls of sinners. The white cat is the embodiment of a righteous man who has not completed some work in the world of the living. But meeting him does not bode well; it is a sign of illness or serious danger.

It is common among people to visit the cemetery after Easter and clean the graves of the deceased. The Church welcomes this and even sets aside certain days to remember dead people, come to the graves and pray. But many people don’t know what they can take with them to the cemetery.

There are certain church rules for remembering deceased relatives in the cemetery, but these days few people adhere to them.

On memorial days, people go to the cemetery and bring Easter cakes and colored chicken eggs with them. It is generally accepted that if you put food on the grave, the deceased will be able to eat in the next world.

Various religions have memorial days and some allow food to be brought to the deceased. Christians also have a tradition of visiting the deceased at the cemetery, but the church is categorically against people bringing food to graves.

The Church explains that there is no biological existence on the other side of death, there is only a soul that does not need earthly food. The only thing a dead person needs is prayer. It is believed that in addition to prayer, one can help the deceased through alms and good deeds.

If the funeral in the cemetery was done for show, for their close relatives, they will not help the deceased person in any way. It is better to come to church, pray and feed the needy, remembering the departed.

What you can and cannot do at the cemetery on memorial days

On memorial days, you can see the presence of relatives at the cemetery, bringing food and strong drinks with them. They remember the dead near their graves.

The Church is categorically against such actions, and especially against drinking alcohol in a cemetery. It is believed that on memorial days you can only pray, you can remember the deceased with food at home in the circle of family and friends, remembering the dead with warm words.

It is possible to clean up the cemetery on a memorial day, but, as a rule, this is done before or after Easter. People come to the graves of their relatives, clean them and paint the fences so that on the memorial day everything will be done.

It was customary in Soviet times to commemorate a deceased person in a cemetery.

It is believed that bringing food to the cemetery became common during the Bolshevik era. Then the authorities did not strongly approve of the church, there were persecutions, and people often visited the graves of their relatives and prayed there.

Over time, visiting the cemetery has changed a bit. As a rule, people visit graves in the spring or autumn in order to fix the grave after winter and prepare it for the cold, paint and clean it. They brought food with them because there was a lot of work. It is believed that since those times it has become customary to commemorate the dead in the cemetery.

It is known that even before the Baptism of Rus', people performed various rituals at the graves of the dead and held feasts with delicious treats. With the advent of Christianity, this ritual completely disappeared.

The energy of a cemetery is very dangerous for a living person. Because of this statement, people, century after century, adhered to traditions associated with behavior in this place. To protect yourself from negativity, and not to endanger your own life and health, you need to know the signs about the cemetery. There are many of them. Even skeptics listen to them and adhere to them. The world of the dead is not to be trifled with, and the cemetery is their home. You can never say exactly what consequences this or that careless act on a person’s part may lead to, so it is advisable to pay more attention to these signs.

Everyone should know the rules of conduct in a cemetery

Specifics of behavior

The signs in the cemetery, like the place itself, have strong mystical properties. The biggest problems arise for those who desecrate graves or engage in theft. If a person accidentally stumbles near a grave, this does not bode well; trouble may soon overtake him. The meaning of the sign says that after the incident you should quickly leave the cemetery, wash your hands and face with holy water. The Lord's Prayer, read three times, will help protect you from unwanted consequences. It doesn’t matter where a person will do this near a cemetery or a temple, only his sincere thoughts are important.

Let's look at other common superstitions:

  • do not talk out loud about your successes and achievements while in the cemetery. You can lose this by leaving everything here;
  • don't count the money. If they fall by accident, do not hide them back in your wallet or pocket. Take them to the grave of a relative, maybe their namesake. This will help ward off possible poverty and premature death. Remember that any item dropped into a cemetery no longer belongs to its owner;
  • You cannot bring things into the house from the cemetery, even valuable ones. By taking things from the dead, you can bring disaster and illness upon yourself or your loved ones. Handkerchiefs are left at the funeral site and cannot be taken outside the cemetery;
  • It is prohibited to take photographs in the cemetery. The negative energy present in the photographs will remain with the person and no one knows what consequences this will lead to.

Broken headstone

The situation when monuments or crosses fall for no apparent reason does not bode well. This speaks of the deceased’s unfinished business in this world, something is bothering him and giving him no rest. Monuments damaged through no fault of man foreshadow the imminent death of another family member. A broken cross, a crack on the pedestal, subsiding earth that has formed a hole - all this may indicate that the relatives of the deceased should fear for their lives. By carefully examining the place of the collapsed earth, you can determine which person death is indicating:

  • south side - to the death of a man;
  • northern side - a woman will die;
  • eastern side - the death of an elderly person;
  • Western - the life of a small child is at risk.

A lopsided tombstone means trouble

Cat at the grave

According to one of the legends of our ancestors, souls transmit information to the world of the living through animals: birds, cats, dogs. The most mysterious and dangerous intermediary are cats.

In the house, after the death of one of the residents, the pets had to be isolated so that the spirit of the deceased would not have the opportunity to move into the body of his pet.

According to signs, the arrival of a cat in a cemetery can be interpreted as follows:

  • if a cat walks near a grave or lies down on it, it is necessary to leave this place, it can have a strong, aura-destroying effect on a person;
  • a cat with a black color - a witch on a walk or the unresolved soul of someone who died in sins;
  • a white cat is the soul of a righteous person, it can portend illness or danger;
  • A cat running past a grave does not foretell any trouble - it is someone’s soul that has come to see the deceased.

A cat in a cemetery should be treated with respect. You cannot hit or drive her away. It’s better to give her some kind of gift, so you will distract the animal from you.

A cat on a grave signals strong negative energy of the place

Allowed and prohibited days of visits

We always try to pay the maximum amount of attention and care to our family and friends. When a person dear to our hearts dies, we visit him and continue to work for his peace. Not everyone knows the rules for visiting a cemetery.

It's worth going to the cemetery:

  • on the day of the funeral;
  • on the third, ninth and fortieth day after burial;
  • on the day of a person's death;
  • on a memorial day;
  • on Meat Saturday;
  • on the second, third and fourth Saturdays of Lent;
  • on the day before the celebration of the Holy Trinity;
  • on the first Saturday in November.

You should not visit the cemetery:

  • on the holidays of Easter, Annunciation, Nativity of Christ;
  • You cannot celebrate Trinity in the cemetery; during this period you must visit a church site;
  • Women should not visit the cemetery during the menstrual period or while pregnant.


Cemetery signs are a serious thing that should be treated with caution, even if you are not a superstitious person. You may not believe in omens, but you must be respectful when visiting the resting place of souls.

Each ritual that is associated with the dead did not appear by chance.

Think about it, it’s not without reason that people have adhered to these traditions for many centuries.

The cemetery is a city of the dead, in which there are the same streets and grave houses. This is what our ancestors thought. To create a home for the dead to find peace, they made a grave mound, erected a cross and a fence - they arranged it. On certain days, the fence on the grave had to be kept ajar so that souls could visit each other.

What are the rules of conduct in a cemetery these days? They are made up of folk, religious and secular traditions. Everyone can adhere to those of them that they consider correct and necessary, but it will be useful to know them all.

Parents' Saturdays

At least once a year you need to visit the graves of your ancestors. For these purposes, the church determines special days of remembrance of the dead, parental Saturdays, which must be spent in the cemetery. First of all, you need to take care of the cleanliness of the grave. “So that dirt and grass do not interfere with the viewing of the dead,” our ancestors said. If the grave turned out to be abandoned, then relatives could expect reminders - nightmares, strange knocks in the house, optical illusions.

In order to clean up the grave, take care of the necessary equipment, gloves, napkins, paint, brushes, solvent, sandpaper, weed killer. If the grave is properly processed and unnecessary grass no longer grows on it, polish the monument with special protective agents. Don’t forget to clean up after putting the grave in order; there are special containers for garbage in the cemetery.

Behavior in the cemetery

Visiting cemeteries on certain days is also an occasion to meet relatives. Even if you have seen your loved ones, you should not happily talk about your life, joke or laugh. Some people prefer to “remember” the deceased with alcohol at the grave, and as a result, the meeting of relatives can turn almost into a feast. This should not be done, because a cemetery is a place of eternal peace. Visitors should remain discreet and pray or engage in conversation with the deceased. It is better to celebrate the meeting at the home table, but the best place to think about the frailty of life is cemeteries. It is believed that it is not worth boasting or talking about your successes over the graves of your ancestors - this way you can “bury” your luck.

Before cleaning the grave, you should also take care of your appearance. You need to prepare comfortable, closed clothing appropriate for the weather, allowing you to clean up the grave. Do not wear bright, smart clothes or open shoes. It was believed that slippers and sandals allowed people to come into contact with the “dead” cemetery soil, which could lead to poor health in the future. According to folk tradition, upon returning from the cemetery, shoes were left outside the threshold, washed, and only after that they were brought into the house. After any work with the earth, and especially in the cemetery, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

What not to do at the cemetery

When you are standing among the graves, you should not take photographs. Photos taken on the day of the funeral will not bring success either - in this way we will turn to the soul of the deceased too often, not allowing it to find peace. You should not try to visit the graves of many people in one day. It is not considered very appropriate to “visit” other loved ones buried nearby on the day of one person’s funeral.

One of the most important folk traditions is leaving food and drink at the grave; this can be sweets, Easter cakes, Easter eggs and even vodka. These actions are condemned by the church and are called pagan. If you want to leave some food for the deceased, it is considered better to give it directly to the beggar.

But in any case, what already lies on a person’s grave belongs to him, and stepping on it and taking these things is more like blasphemy. Even if change falls out of your pocket, it is better to leave it in the same place. According to popular beliefs, the dead ask the living for things that fall out in the cemetery. When leaving the cemetery you cannot turn around, this way you can invite the deceased into your home. You shouldn’t even say: “Goodbye,” but only “Farewell,” so as not to show the desire to see you soon in the next world. Visiting a grave on the birthday of the deceased is considered extremely undesirable. It is better to use a gate to enter the cemetery, and it is preferable to leave the gate only for hearse transport.

It is believed that pregnant women and children under twelve years of age are prohibited from entering the cemetery, because their emotional and physical state is too easy to disturb. No one knows how serious the harm to their health may be due to what they saw and experienced in the cemetery. In general, those present at the funeral should not show their grief too much, be upset, or swear, so as not to increase the negativity.

Cemetery visiting days

The cemetery, in addition to special memorial days, can be visited on any Sunday after the service. The exception is Easter, during which the souls of the dead are at the throne of God. According to popular belief, on other days they stand at the cemetery gates and wait for their relatives and friends to visit.

If for some reason you cannot get to the cemetery on the day of remembrance (it is difficult to take time off from work or you live too far), it is better to come to the church and order a commemoration - special prayers for the repose of the deceased.

Visiting a cemetery comes with some traditions and superstitions. It is believed that this land belongs to the dead, and they have their own laws that must be observed by the living. How to behave in a cemetery? What can you do and what is strictly prohibited?

Visiting the graves

Visiting the graves of relatives, friends, acquaintances is a tradition that exists in every religion. But the rules for visiting the deceased may vary. According to Orthodox belief, a cemetery is a sacred place. The cross on the grave of the deceased is located at the feet, and the image of the crucifixion on it is facing the face of the deceased.

Draws the attention of Christians to the fact that living relatives monitor the graves of their deceased loved ones. The fence and cross must be painted on time. The well-groomed grave and fresh flowers on it symbolize the memory of the deceased.

How to behave in a cemetery? Is it possible to leave cookies and sweets at the grave of the deceased? Orthodox traditions of visiting a cemetery have strict restrictions in this regard.

Orthodox customs of visiting a cemetery

Prayers are read at will. However, there are special prayers for the deceased:

  • About a deceased Christian.
  • Widower's prayer.
  • Widow's prayer.
  • About deceased children.
  • Prayer for deceased parents.
  • Akathist about the one who died.
  • Akathist about the repose of the dead.

Priests warn that it is forbidden to drink alcohol at the graves of Orthodox Christians. Visiting a cemetery is not a fun holiday.

Under no circumstances should you pour alcohol or sprinkle crumbs on it. Such actions insult the deceased. It’s better to clean up the grave and remain silent, remembering the deceased. It is prohibited to bring artificial flowers. But you can plant fresh flowers or other plants - they are a symbol of eternal life.

Parents' days

Parents' days - this is what Ecumenical days are called. On these days, it is customary to come to the cemetery and visit the graves of deceased relatives. There are no specific dates of the month on which Parents' Saturdays fall. This is due to the fact that the Lenten-Easter cycle is a transitional one.

  • Parents' Saturdays. These are Saturdays in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th week of Lent.
  • Trinity Parents' Saturday. This is the day before the holiday
  • Meat Saturday. Its time is 8 days before Lent.
  • This is the Saturday before November 8th. On this day, killed soldiers are remembered.

In addition to Parental Saturdays, there are other days of remembrance:

  • Radonitsa. This is Tuesday of the 2nd week after Easter.
  • warriors - May 9.

How to behave in a cemetery?

When visiting a cemetery, you should behave respectfully towards the deceased. Emotional excesses will not lead to good. It is prohibited to talk loudly, sing, shout, have fun, or cry. You cannot walk on burial mounds - there are special paths and paths for this.

There are water pumps, wells or taps on the cemetery grounds. It is intended only for cleaning graves. It is prohibited to use cemetery water for drinking. Drinking water must be brought from home or purchased on the way.

How to behave in a cemetery? Is it possible to leave the deceased’s belongings at the grave? The deceased's favorite cup, watch or other items that he liked can be left at the grave.

You cannot take foreign objects home from a cemetery or grave. They are saturated with “dead” energy. If any thing is taken from the grave, it should be replaced with another. For example, a flower vase breaks - you need to put a new one.

Wipe the monument or fence from dirt and dust only with unnecessary rags. After use, it is thrown into special garbage containers on the territory of the cemetery. Under no circumstances should you use the things of the living to tidy up the grave.

Restrictions on visiting the cemetery

How to behave correctly at a cemetery on Parents' Day? Who can come to the grave? Cemeteries have long been used by dark sorcerers to perform rituals or collect necessary ingredients. The priests assure that a true believer cannot be affected by magical powers.

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • women with a small (or infant) child.

Pregnant or recently given birth women, children under 7 years of age are sensitive to negative energy. Therefore, it is better for them to avoid the cemetery area. According to legend, a magician can use a special ritual to exchange the life of a seriously ill person for the life of a small child or unborn baby.

How to behave at a funeral?

The funeral of an Orthodox Christian begins with a funeral service in his home or church. For this ceremony, women traditionally cover their heads with a headscarf. Wear a dress (skirt) to the knees or below. T-shirts, shorts, and any frivolous clothing are prohibited. For men - a formal suit or trousers with a shirt (sweater).

How to behave at a funeral in a cemetery? During a funeral, some relatives stay home to prepare the funeral dinner. Attendance at a funeral is voluntary. If you don’t want to or don’t feel well, you don’t have to go to the cemetery.

During a funeral, strong emotions should also be avoided - loud crying and inappropriate actions leave a painful impression. During a funeral, relatives walk behind the coffin. Blood relatives do not wash the floor in the house of the deceased - it is better to do this to good friends and colleagues.

At the cemetery, after saying goodbye, they kiss the crown on the forehead and hand of the deceased. The icon and fresh flowers should be taken from the coffin. Then the face of the deceased is covered with a shroud and the coffin is closed. The towels on which the coffin was lowered into the ground remain in the grave. The men who carried the deceased are given new towels as a souvenir. Women are given new handkerchiefs. After the cemetery, the relatives invite everyone to a funeral dinner.

You can invite a priest to an Orthodox funeral. Burying with music is not Christian.

The Holy Fathers warn that on Parents' Day you should not cry and kill yourself. Prayers, almsgiving, ordering a memorial service - this is how Orthodox Christians remember the dead. You should arrive at the cemetery on Parents' Saturdays in the morning.

How to behave at the cemetery on Parents' Day? The Orthodox Church allows a funeral dinner at the cemetery. Before and after a meal you should read a prayer. As already mentioned, it is prohibited to drink alcohol in the cemetery.

If there is food left over from a funeral dinner, you cannot leave it at the grave of the “dead.” It is better to give it to the poor, asking them to remember the deceased in their prayers.

The words “genus” and “joy” became the basis for the name “radonitsa”. How to behave at the cemetery in Radonitsa? Since ancient times, it has been customary for the whole family to come to the cemetery on this day. Walk around the graves of your deceased relatives, remember their good deeds and deeds.


Having figured out how to behave in a cemetery, you should think about the right clothes for visiting it. Usually the color scheme is dark and dim. No cheerful flowers or frivolous polka dots. Strict, comfortable clothes for the weather, without shorts or minis. Legs and arms should be covered as much as possible.

In shoes you should adhere to the same principle. Closed shoes in muted tones are ideal for visiting a cemetery. High heels or flip-flops are not permitted in the churchyard.

Cemetery signs

You should only come to the cemetery with your head covered. Otherwise, lost hair (or other biomaterial of a living person) can be used in black rituals.

After visiting the grave, all disposable items (cups, napkins, plates) are thrown into a trash container on the territory of the cemetery. Or they are washed at home with running water.

The belongings of the living cannot be left in the cemetery. Or take something home from the grave.

If during a visit to the cemetery a thing falls to the ground, it is better to leave it there, it already belongs to the dead. If this is a necessary item (for example, keys), you should rinse it with running water.

You should leave the cemetery the same way you came. Even if the purpose of the visit was several graves and there is an opportunity to exit from the other side of the cemetery, you should not do this.