How to properly dance in a club for a guy. How to learn to dance for a guy: male dance

Guys come to discos and clubs to dance, sit with friends, and make acquaintances. Such places are always crowded and music is constantly playing. So it's no surprise that the atmosphere is captivating.

This is where the problem begins for many: how to dance in a club correctly for guys. Let's try to figure it out.

How to proceed?

Guys often visit clubs to meet girls. I want to attract her attention. This can be done through dance. It’s not that difficult for a guy to learn how to dance beautifully in a club. You can watch your friends while they dance. The best thing to do is watch video lessons on club dancing at home, then try to repeat the movements in front of a mirror.

We decided to learn to surprise our friends, then the plan is this:

  • pick up club music. This style can be techno or R'n'B. You need to learn to get real pleasure from these styles;
  • the selected music should be played at home every day. Turn it on in the morning, at breakfast;
  • This way your favorite compositions will gradually appear, the rhythm of which will provoke you to dance. Try improvising. Many guys like to dance to music at home;
  • pay attention to how the guys dance in the clubs. If someone’s movements attracted attention, repeat after him at home accompanied by music;
  • Having mastered basic dance moves at home, you won’t be afraid to try yourself at a disco.

It is important to stop being tight and shy. Try not to think about how you look from the outside. The main rule at the disco is: be yourself!

Be yourself

In order for a guy to learn to dance in a club, he needs to be able to listen to music and be charged with its energy. Not everyone can fully concentrate on dancing. Therefore, you should practice at home first.

Take some time dance moves, you will soon be able to feel free no matter where you are. Watch videos of how to dance for a guy in a club more often and simple movements will become imperceptible and automatic.

The very atmosphere of the disco is conducive to dancing:

  • very loud, rhythmic music;
  • club lighting piercing with laser beams;
  • beautiful dancing girls.

Stop thinking that everyone can dance professionally. It’s easier for some to plunge into club life and feel comfortable, while others feel more constrained. The main thing is to start. Forget about all the difficulties and problems, leave them outside the disco door. Just be yourself and dance.

Girls like confident guys

If you have already come to the disco, you should not sit at the table. Try to behave relaxed, but within reasonable limits. Girls pay attention to guys who look natural and can make confident decisions.

Don't be afraid to take to the dance floor. You've already watched enough lessons on how to dance at a disco as a guy. All that's left is to try. Girls love determined guys - go for it!

Professional lessons

Try making an appointment with dance professionals. There are many advantages here:

  • meeting new people (and maybe a new hobby);
  • It’s always fun and positive here;
  • physical fitness support;
  • will teach you to move beautifully and correctly;
  • complexes (constraint and tightness) will disappear.

You can take such classes for a month and learn basic movements. Then it’s easy to develop the acquired skills. Many guys are so passionate about training that they begin to regularly attend classes and even participate in public speaking.

If the embarrassment still outweighs, then leave the home option. Looseness will come with time. Every business loves consistency. This is the only way to achieve the desired result. Watch the video more often about how a guy can learn to dance at a disco. You won't even notice how the music will captivate you.

Be more simple

Most young people in discos and clubs do not know how to move correctly. They don't know the moves of a certain dance, or they can't follow the rhythm. But most often no one sees this. And all because you don’t have to think about what people will look at and discuss about you. These are complexes that need to be gotten rid of urgently.

It's a little easier for girls than for a guy to dance in a club. Compared to guys, it is easier for them to express their emotions by dancing. They are more relaxed and know how to present themselves correctly. Observe their behavior. Learn not only to hear music, but also to feel its rhythm.

Nowadays it is not so difficult to learn any activity at home. This also applies to club dancing. All you have to do is find a suitable video and practice constantly.

When many people are dancing at the same time, it is much easier to blend in with the crowd and start moving to the beat. In dance you can express any emotions, the main thing is to completely liberate yourself. How to teach a guy to dance at a disco - simple movements will help you start dancing. Repeat all the movements after the worried one, surrender to the rhythm of the music. Everything will work out!

Today's video tutorials are a little unusual because they are aimed exclusively at guys. Although girls will find in them useful information for thought.

Instructor Alex Kornilov will teach you club dance lessons for guys, so watch and listen carefully. Most men believe that they know how to dance at a disco and behave very relaxed, sometimes even too much. Others, on the contrary, are shy and are always concerned about not seeming funny. Both models of behavior are unnecessary extremes. In fact, it is quite possible to belong in any company, to feel confident at a disco, while causing admiration and not irritation among girls. And only three aspects will help you with this: technique, sense of rhythm and energy. The first aspect is developed by methodically repeating movements. Spend at least half an hour dancing every day. Soon angular and unusual movements will look harmonious and natural. It is also very important to feel the rhythm. Listen to music and let it pass through you. Let it sound in you as often as possible. Move and live to the rhythm of the music. And most importantly, put energy into your dance. Technically refined, but “dead” movements will not please either you or those around you. Basically, watch club dance lessons for guys and learn how to dance at a disco to become the king of the dance floor.

This video is about dancing in pairs. Here you will find not only tips on dance technique, but also recommendations on how to meet the girl you like at a disco, how to behave when a girl has shown interest in you or, conversely, remains indifferent.

For some reason there is no second lesson on the Internet. If you suddenly discover it, write to us about it in the comments.

Also take a look here:

People who know how to dance attract attention at first sight. They have a special gait, posture, a confident smile, they are charismatic and charming. How to learn to dance if you didn't dance as a child?

But not all dancers have a dance school behind them; many started at home. Home schooling- one of the most affordable and simple ways learn to dance.

How to dance in a club and at a disco: video lesson

For many, dancing is, first of all, a club and a disco. To impress your friends on the dance floor, you don't have to attend dance studio, you can successfully practice at home.

A harmonious dance is not one in which all movements and connections are performed consistently and correctly. Harmony is achieved when the dancer hears the music, feels it with his whole body and completely surrenders to the movement. Training is also important, because this is how you learn to move beautifully, learn new dance elements, which can be useful at a disco or in a club.

How they dance now: modern trends and styles

Nowadays there are many trends, some of them are a mix of several styles, some have grown out of authentic street dancing, some were born under the influence of a particular musical movement.

The most famous modern dance, elements of which can be used in a club and disco:

Hip-hop. One of the first street dances, which is part of an entire culture. Hip-hop uses acrobatic techniques, jumps, various turns, dynamic movements of all limbs, the body and even the head.

R'n'B. Everyone dances to the rhythm of R'n'B popular singers modernity. All dance sequences, which can be seen in the videos of Madonna, Rihanna and Beyonce, this is most likely R’n’B. The plasticity and seductiveness of the movements of this dance can compete with fashionable Vogue.

Vogue. A dance that surpasses R’n’B in popularity. Clear, coordinated, sexy movements make it look like a fashion show.

Break dancing. A style with its own history. It welcomes complex tricks, but some elements of this direction can be safely used on the dance floor in a club.

How to learn to dance hip hop

If you don’t have the opportunity to go to a dance studio, but have a strong desire to learn how to move well, then you can do this at home using lessons on the Internet.

Before you begin learning the fundamental movements, make sure you are wearing comfortable clothes and your muscles are warm and ready for training.

The main thing in hip-hop is the right music, so turn on your favorite rap artists and move to the rhythm of their music.

How to learn to breakdance

For guys best dance to absolutely impress all the girls at the disco - this is break dancing.

This is a dance that requires good physical preparation. It is divided into lower and upper breaks. The first involves the legs and body, the second involves the body, head and arms.

You should start with the most simple movements and connectives and gradually move on to more complex elements.

How to dance in a club as a girl

To look confident and beautiful on the dance floor, girls need to master a few simple club dance moves, such as R’n’B, voguing and go-go. Lessons in these areas can be found on the Internet.

The main thing is to feel the rhythm and not be shy, otherwise the dance will turn out lifeless and boring.

Several video lessons on club dancing will help you become more confident and teach your body to move without constraint.

How to dance for a guy in a club

Guys should learn plasticity, which many lack due to internal tightness. You need to learn to listen to music more than to think about the opinions of people around you and just enjoy what you do.

Knowing several combinations and connections will help you feel more confident.

The main thing in club dancing- this is self-confidence and freedom of movement. It is important to remember that if you try too hard, you are unlikely to be able to impress everyone around you with your skills. A much prettier person is someone who enjoys their dance, even if the dance looks a little unprofessional.


This video is about how a guy can dance in a club and at a disco. Pay attention to the fact that people are still sitting and do not dare to go out onto the dance floor. Only this guy lights it up and defuses the situation. This guy dances great here.

Dance for yourself, not to please someone

You have to dance for yourself, not for someone else. If you dance so that girls will pay attention to you, then you are wasting your time.

Even if the guy dances cool and dances professionally , all the people around absolutely don’t care about it. Therefore, enjoy the process and dance only for your own pleasure.

You don't have to go to special classes

Watch the first video, the guy dances great in the club just openly expressing yourself. He doesn't think about his movements. He's relaxed. You can just jump in place to the beat of the music. It is not necessary to enroll in any special clubs or sections in order to be able to dance. You can dance just as cool now.

In order to understand how to learn to dance, a guy does not need to spend a lot of money on a teacher.

How I love to dance

I really like to dance funny, awkwardly at discos, as if a bear had stepped on my foot.. And because I like it, people around me like it too. And if not, it’s their problem and theirs alone. It's all about your interpretation and perception. Have the right perception and you will always know how a guy can dance at a disco.

Video bomb “A guy lights up on the street”

One day my friend and I were walking along the bay and saw a flash mob. Couples from a local dance studio were dancing around. Dima went to the middle and showed his master class, giving everyone free lessons. I filmed it on my mobile phone. I liked his dancing more than the dancing of the couples around me. People applauded Dima. You can also dance in a club. You can watch a video of this guy dancing coolly on the street here. Enjoy watching.

Dancing is a good time in the club, especially when you're tired of meeting girls and just want to relax. If you're tired of dancing, don't dance. If you feel that while dancing you are becoming uneasy and your condition is worsening, do not force yourself.

Video “Two guys are burning in crowded places”

Extreme dancing from two daredevils

IN in public places It’s harder to dance because you feel social pressure. But we are not one of those who avoid such places. In this video you will see how I dance. Here my friend and I danced at McDonald's, on the square. We specifically chose places where more people. The dancing was not very professional, to put it mildly.

You can watch videos of these guys dancing endlessly. Just enjoy watching.

As soon as I enter a club, I like to dance first.