How to entertain your team for the New Year. Script for New Year's greetings to colleagues

New Year is one of the most long-awaited and favorite holidays. This is also the time when all office papers are put away on the table, the Christmas tree is decorated and champagne is opened. This is the time when all employees stay in the office to celebrate this wonderful holiday together. This is also a time when each employee has a chance to get to know their colleagues better, when the team can unite even more.

How to make a holiday beyond praise? So that your colleagues don’t get bored and have a lot of fun, you will need not only champagne, but also fun competitions.

Competition No. 1. "New Year's taster."

Two people must participate in this competition. 8 plastic cups are placed in front of each participant. The host pours various drinks into them, a little at a time. It could be juice, lemonade, whiskey, champagne, beer and so on. The task of each participant, blindfolded, is to determine what he drank. And you need to do this faster than the enemy. The point is awarded to the person who said the name of the drink first. The one who earns more points is the winner.

Competition No. 2. "Feed me".

This competition requires two pairs. The presenter blindfolds the men and gives them yogurt and a tablespoon. The task of men is to feed their mate without seeing her. Whichever couple eats their yogurt the fastest wins. Also, if there is no yogurt, you can give the couple candy and force them to eat it without using their hands. It will look very funny from the outside, so everyone can have a lot of fun.

Competition No. 3. "Scout".

To participate in this competition you will need a girl and four men. The men carefully examine the lady standing in front of them. Their task is to remember every detail in her wardrobe and hairstyle. Then the presenter takes the woman out the door, and there he changes something minor about her. For example, he takes off a bracelet, puts on earrings, unbuttons a button on a blouse, rolls up his pants, or puts a small hairpin on his hair. Then the girl enters the office again. Men must catch all the changes. The one who noticed the most changes in the girl wins and is recognized as the most attentive person of the evening.

Competition No. 4. "Things on the chair."

This competition involves two people. Two chairs are placed in the middle of the office, with their backs facing each other. A huge number of different things are scattered around the room. They must be large. For example, soft toys are suitable. The task of the participants is to collect all the things and fit them on their chair. On whose chair the most things are collected, he wins.

Competition No. 5. "Relay race".

This competition is more dynamic so that employees do not sit still. You can hold this competition in the corridor, where there will be more space. All those present are divided into two equal teams. They line up in two columns, one behind the other. A line is drawn at the end of the corridor. Each team is given one item from the office (pen, proofreader, stapler). When the leader claps his hands, the first two participants of both teams begin to race towards the line at the end of the corridor. They must leave their item behind the line and run back. When he comes running, he must touch the next team member so that he can continue the relay. The team that loses all items the fastest will win.

Competition No. 6. "Cow."

For this competition we need two men and two young ladies. Men will play the role of cows. The presenter gives them a medical glove filled with water. There will be small holes made with a needle in the fingers of each glove. The task of women is to milk more “milk” into a glass than their opponent in 30 seconds. At the same time, the participants must be supported with loud applause.

Competition No. 7. "Nimble Monkey"

Three people can participate in this competition. The presenter places a stool in the middle of the office. He places three unpeeled bananas on it. Three participants kneel so that each person has a banana in front of them. In this case, their hands must be tied behind their backs. When the music starts, participants must temporarily open and eat their banana. The fastest participant wins.

Competition No. 8. "A bottle of vodka".

10 people take part in this competition. They are divided into two teams, 5 people each. At the end of the office, on the desk, the presenter places two bottles of cognac or champagne and glasses. Both teams line up in two columns, one behind the other. When the music starts, the first members of both teams run to the table, pour cognac into a glass and run back. They stand at the end of the column. The second participants run to the table and drink the contents of the glasses. Still others pour again. The team that drinks alcohol the fastest will win.

Competition No. 9. "Be attentive - get a prize."

One man and one woman must participate in this competition. They stand opposite each other, and between them is a stool. There is some kind of prize on the stool. When the host says "five" they must grab the prize. But the cunning presenter counts: “One, Two, Three, Four, Five….ten”, “One, Two, Three, Four, Five….hundred”. The winner in this competition will be the one who is more attentive and the first to grab the prize.

Competition No. 10. "Matches on eyelashes."

For this competition you will need matches, two men and two women. The leader indicates which pair will be first. A woman puts a match or a toothpick on a man's eyelashes. He must say as many Happy New Year congratulations as possible until the toothpick falls off. The presenter records how many seconds have passed. Then the second pair does the same. The one who said more congratulations wins.

Three men and three women must participate in this competition. They are divided into three pairs. Each couple is given a roll of toilet paper. The presenter turns on rousing music. The task of women is to wrap their partner in toilet paper as quickly as possible to create a mummy. The team whose participant completes the transformation of her man faster wins.

Competition No. 12. "Nuts."

This competition requires four beautiful ladies. They are blindfolded. The presenter places four chairs in the center of the office. He places different amounts of walnuts on them. There may be eight of them on one chair, four on another, six on a third, and only one on a fourth. The facilitator then leads each participant to her chair. She must sit on it and use her butt to determine how many nuts are on her chair. It is prohibited to look at and touch the nuts with your hands. The winner will be the one whose butt correctly determines the number of nuts on her chair.

Competition No. 13. "New Year's lottery."

Anyone can take part in the lottery. The presenter distributes a piece of paper with a number to everyone present. He has other leaves with the same numbers in his hat. The huge red bag contains gifts wrapped in beautiful paper. Some of them are real, and some are jokes. For example, the bag might contain scented candles and beautiful handmade soaps, or a box of chocolates made from play dough and a bottle of whiskey that smells like apple juice. The presenter takes out a gift and a piece of paper with a number from the hat. The one who has this number receives a gift. This way, every employee in the office will receive either a real or a comic gift. But the main thing is that everyone will have a good mood.

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The site really liked this funny New Year's sketch for a friendly team of employees of a company (company), which was written by the modern author Ekaterina Nevolko. We hope you like it too. Thanks to the author for his talent!

The skit will fit perfectly into the scenario for a New Year's corporate party among a team of employees of a company or institution.

New Year's skit in a work team

House of Grandfather Frost. Desk, phones, grandfather.

Grandfather: - Hello! Kindergarten? Tomorrow? Okay, we will! Goodbye! Hello! School? In the evening? Yes, we'll come...

Snow Maiden: - ...Oh, little fox, you are so cunning. Discounts are only for wholesale customers. Yes, I ordered you cream and shampoo for your tail. Tell the squirrel that the order will arrive before the holiday... That's it, bye-bye, grandpa is calling me...

Grandfather: - Hello! Children's home? We're already flying! Granddaughter, are you ready?!..

Grandma: - (sings song 1.)…I’ll heat the stove…

(phone rings) - Hello! Leshy? Yes, again without me! Well, Santa Claus, wait a minute!.. I’ll show you the holiday!

(sings song 2.)

Oh, no need to offend women! Look, they are having fun, and grandma is sitting here alone, forgotten, unnecessary!.. I will arrange a holiday for you, I will conjure you now. I will bring all your misfortunes from last year to you for the holiday, then you will have fun...

Woman do magic, grandfather do magic.

There are two on the side, yours are not there.

You have illnesses, poverty, stress,

That's my interest.-

Disease, poverty, conflict appear.

I called, Yaga!

Yes, I want to invite you to people for a holiday, so that they would be empty.

Class! On holiday! We are with you!

Teacher with a child: - Have you learned a poem for Grandfather Frost? Tell us? - The child tells, applause. They go to the chairs.

From different sides, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden enter the hall with a song and sparklers, and Baba Yaga with problems accompanied by music. Meet in the center.

Grandfather: - Hello, friends! -

Yaga: - No, no, hello! -... (They argue)...

Grandfather: - Don’t stop me from congratulating good people! -

Yaga: - No, you won’t, I’m the first! -

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather, who is this? What do they need? What's going on here?

Grandfather: - I don’t know, but something needs to be done! Snow Maiden, I take on these three, and you, this ugly lady.

Yaga: - Scary?! Look at yourself, handsome! -

Snow Maiden: - Oh, Yagulechka - Beauty! I know what you need. Look, I have so many different beauties here. Let's go, let's go, I'll make a top model out of you now.-

Grandfather: - And now I’ll clap my hands,

I'm stamping my foot now

I'll spin you around the tree,

I will turn all troubles into joy.

(He casts a spell and evil spirits turn into health, wealth and well-being).

Grandfather: - May this New Year be with you

It will only bring joy.

And in a healthy team

Peace and harmony always live

And, of course, salary

It grows in height and breadth.

Health: - That’s all – there are no diseases,

My immunity has grown.

And that's why on this holiday I

I send you all physical greetings!

Friendship: - I don’t want to make a scandal,

We will now be friends!

Salary: - How much awaits us ahead

And I will grow for you!

Yaga: - Grandfather, look at me.

Am I not ugly anymore?!

Let's celebrate the New Year

And pour glasses.

We'll ask grandpa

Say a New Year's toast!

Grandfather: - I invite all my friends to the New Year's table, and let's raise a toast to a healthy, friendly team without problems!

December brings a feeling of magic, fairy tales and hope that life will soon go only in a white stripe - the New Year is coming. The once family holiday has confidently migrated to other areas of the life of a modern person. New Year's corporate parties have become a fun tradition. It’s good if the company is thriving, and management can order a restaurant or some exotic type of vacation. And if not, then you can perfectly celebrate the New Year in the office.

The occasion is special, it is worth preparing and involving the maximum number of employees in creating a festive atmosphere. Collective brainstorming to develop a script will turn gatherings at the table into an unforgettable “New Year’s party” for adults.

In this article:

Decorating the office for the New Year: stylish, original, fun

The atmosphere of the New Year's holiday is already in the air, but no one has canceled the work environment in December. Therefore, an abundance of mismatched jewelry is not comme il faut. But Christmas tree balls of one, two or three colors (preferably matte) and a small amount of tinsel to match are what you need.

The Christmas tree is the main attribute of the New Year. Naturally artificial, so as not to sweep up the needles every day, especially since you can choose any color for such a beauty, even one that matches the company’s symbols. If you have some imagination, you can make a Christmas tree from products that the company sells or produces.

And if there is very little space in the office space, then the solution will be. Such a Christmas tree is attached in any convenient place and is made from the same balls, tinsel, garland, branded business cards, badges, and pens. You can even create it from colored paper or stickers with wishes.

We spruced up the beauty and looked around. If the clutter on the tables is in dissonance with the festive atmosphere, it is better to get rid of it. After all, general cleaning before the New Year is a common thing. And after that, each workplace can be decorated with a small Christmas tree, a vase of sweets or a figurine.

What to cook for the holiday table?

The sources of New Year's abundance on the table can be different:

  • management takes the task upon itself, orders food for delivery,
  • a certain amount is allocated, employees must use it at their own discretion,
  • participants contribute to the general cash register, the amount is spent as agreed,
  • everyone is given a task to prepare a certain dish,
  • Let's bring something from home.

If you have decided to order ready-made dishes, then the issue is resolved. All that remains is to discuss the quantity and quality of drinks, but if the chef is in charge of the buffet table, then this is fine.

The last option can turn into quiet horror. It is possible that the table will be lined with assorted plates and vases with Olivier salad and jellied meat, which is trembling or already spreading from the fear of being eaten.

Walnuts are laid out on chairs, covered with newspaper, and the ladies sit on top. Each person’s task is to determine the number of nuts under them.

Men can play Russian roulette. Dishes with eggs are solemnly brought out and it is reported that all are boiled, but one raw one is lost among them. The daredevil must break the egg on his forehead. The next hero does the same. The tension builds, awaiting the climax. But the secret is that there is no raw egg there.

And the real decoration of the office holiday will be the dance of little swans. Especially welcome when performed by large ladies and men. The main thing is to behave relaxed and not be afraid to make your colleagues laugh.

Fantasize, take an active part in the preparation and holding of the corporate event. It depends only on you whether it will become a bright event that all colleagues will remember for a long time, or a trivial pastime.

This scenario is mainly for those who sit at the table throughout the holiday with short 1, 2 or 3 breaks for dancing.
Small preparations before the start of the celebration:
- you need to purchase several inexpensive souvenirs (as many as there will be guests + 4…5 pieces extra, just in case);
- you need to prepare lottery tickets, they can be printed on a computer, on the lottery ticket you can draw a New Year's drawing, for example a snowflake and the inscription Lottery ticket No. 0001. There should be as many numbers as there will be guests + a dozen more;
- you need to make a piggy bank, for this you can take an ordinary metal coffee can with a plastic lid, make a slot in it for coins, glue a copy of a ruble bill or dollar bill and the inscription “Piggy Bank” on tape;
- warn everyone to have spare change; if the team is rich in money, then decide on the amount of contributions yourself;
- before entering the hall where the New Year celebration will take place, the host places a “piggy bank”, and each person entering puts a few coins or bills into the jar and receives a lottery ticket, it is necessary to explain to everyone that this piggy bank with money will go to one of the guests at the end evening (it is better if the presenter writes down the number of the lottery ticket for himself on a piece of paper, who got it, this will later be useful to him during the evening);
- the competitions given in the script can be replaced with others that you like better.
Dear Colleagues! Let's open the champagne, pour it into glasses and listen to me for a while.
There are many wonderful holidays,
Each one comes in its own turn.
But the kindest holiday in the world,
The best holiday is New Year!
He comes along the snowy road,
Round dance of snowflakes.
The New Year fills the heart with mysterious and austere beauty!
Twelve strikes and my glass is raised.
And at this moment, mysteriously ringing
My love is the spark of all my deeds.
My first toast is to your flying voice,
For the magic of your calling eyes,
For all the moments I spent with you,
For the joy of meetings that awaits us -
For a thirst that knows no quenching!
(we have a drink and a snack)
Celebrating the New Year is an amazing time, always exciting, always joyful, and these simple words “Happy New Year!” With new happiness!" we say them with special feeling, because they can only be said once a year. And this “once a year” has finally come. And this opportunity to speak out and congratulate all of us is given to our “beloved leader” Pal Palych.
(a fiery, exciting speech is made, after which everyone takes a long snack)
Dear friends, colleagues, today we have an unusual evening, today is the evening of receiving congratulations, surprises and winnings. You have all received a lottery ticket, the drawing of lottery tickets will begin immediately from the very beginning of the evening. But I have a few more lottery tickets that I offer to buy for everyone, the money from the sale of the ticket goes into the general “Piggy Bank”. In addition, I want to announce to everyone that whoever does not want to participate in any competitions, or will suggest to other participants in the competition the correct answers, or will behave too indecently during the evening, he will be immediately punished with a fine in the amount (which install it yourself), which will immediately go into the common treasury.
The presenter begins to sell lottery tickets, which may not be enough; in my experience, there are a lot of people who want them, especially if the price is reasonable. Immediately after the end of sales, the host continues to lead the evening:
Let the glasses clink, let the wine sparkle,
Let the night starfall knock on your window.
On this moonlit night you can’t live without smiles,
Pain and sorrow - away! Happy new year friends!
And now we will arrange a shower of smiles in this hall. Now we will start the “Merry New Year's Lottery”. The following ticket numbers are declared winners (here and below you need to know what ticket number someone has):
- let’s say ticket numbers 0001, 0010, 0020, 0030 - these are all participants in the next competition;
- ticket No. 0002 - wins the right to be called a judge of all today's competitions and competitions (he is awarded a prize - a carnival mask so that he will not be recognized when he judges);
- ticket No. 0011 - wins the right to make a New Year's toast after this competition, in the meantime he is given the opportunity to prepare for such a great honor for him - to wish everyone a Happy New Year! (he is awarded a prize, for example a pocket calendar for the next year);
- bits No. 0003, 0021, 0031 (depending on the number of tables) - are appointed by the main stewards of the tables at which they sit, their responsibility is to ensure that their neighbors always have full glasses and plates, to all of them and torches in their hands (all they are awarded prizes - sparklers);
- ticket No. 0004 is announced by the main disc jockey of the evening, his duty is to announce musical breaks and dances, and if there is a need, for example, to monitor the music center;
- ticket No. 0025 is announced by the chief banker, he is given our piggy bank for temporary storage, and he is obliged to monitor the replenishment of the piggy bank.
Anyone who is dissatisfied or does not agree with the announced winning ticket numbers is allowed only once, and only now to exchange their tickets with other participants; in the future, exchanges of tickets will be punished to the fullest extent of the law of the table, evening. The remaining winnings will be announced later, please save your tickets until the end of the evening.
The first three participants in the competition are already known, they will now try to win the prize.
So, COMPETITION “The Enchanted Glass”
The presenter invites all participants in the competition to pour full glasses, and says: “I will now enchant these glasses. I can hold one or even two glasses in my hands at the same time, and as much as I like, but any of you cannot cope with this task and will throw them or put them on the table,
before I count to three! Moreover, the condition is that you must stand in one place, hold a glass and not move.”
Next, the presenter “speaks the glasses” and gives them to the competition participants. Then the countdown begins:
“One, two... And I’ll say three tomorrow.” Naturally, no one will hold it until tomorrow. The presenter continues:
Well, since you couldn’t hold it, then I hope you can have a drink? Whoever had ticket number 0011, I hope you are prepared to make the toast that you deserve with the right to win.
(a toast is made and everyone drinks)
Attention: Armenian Radio says: “The program for the deaf has ended!”
Without promising complete success, I hope that the New Year
It will save us all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.
I still hope for Drugov, and I believe in it fervently,
What awaits us all now is something that has never happened before.
And the continuation of the “Merry New Year’s Lottery” awaits us. Whoever has ticket No. 0004 has won a prize. Come out here and try to take the prize, if of course you manage to take it. (The game is as follows: A prize, for example a chocolate Santa Claus, an apple, a candy, is placed on the edge of the table and
it is covered with a paper cap, but it is possible without a cap, and the participant is given his back to the prize, he is blindfolded. Then he takes several steps (let's say 5), turns around an axis, and goes for the prize and tries to take it. It is possible to complicate the competition procedure and
replace the prize with a glass of vodka, which he must take, and someone must hold the glass on the table so that the contestant does not drop it. The game continues until someone from the next lottery ticket numbers wins a prize.
The winner is given the floor.
Dear friends, the evening continues. I ask for a little attention! Let's continue the lottery drawing. Now we will find out the happiest participants in the next competition. We won tickets No. 0006, 0007, 0012, 0013, 0022, 0023. I propose to play a small game under
The presenter attaches a piece of paper the size of a matchbox to each person’s forehead or hair using an ordinary paper clip. The name of an animal, insect, bird, or fish is written on a piece of paper. Everyone can see what is written by others, but not by themselves.
Players take turns asking each other questions and must guess who he is based on the answer.
The answers can only be “YES” or “NO”. Having heard “YES”, you can ask another question, and having heard “NO” the word goes to another participant in the competition. The one who guessed correctly leaves the game and watches the others. At the end of the game, the winner is announced - the one who guessed first. To him
a more significant prize is awarded, the rest receive consolation prizes.
The loser is punished by congratulating everyone and making a toast.
Dear colleagues, if the alcohol suddenly runs out, we will stop respecting each other - it was a joke. I know my limits: I fell, that’s enough, and the degree of intoxication depends on the frequency of raising the glass and does not depend on the amplitude - this is also a joke. Well, that's enough jokes for now, let's move on to
serious matters, to the QUESTORINE “OH LUCKY”
The essence of the game:
A question is asked and several answers to it, and only one is correct. Everyone begins to answer, the judge judges, Whoever named the correct answer, the chief banker gives a candy wrapper or candy, whoever collects the most candy wrappers or candy is the winner.
The answer to the questions "BALAAM'S DONKEY", or they with *:
1. What is the name of the dish made from whipped yolks with sugar?
V. Gogol – Mogol*
W. Herzen - Perzen
B. Pushkin – Mushkin
R. Bryullov – Murlov
2. Who was jumping under the Christmas tree in the forest?
W. Wolf - clicking teeth
A. Gray Bunny*
J. Santa Claus
L. Sober forester
3. Andrey Cherkizov hosted the program on NTV:
D. Snake Day
R. Year of the Alligators
L. Hour of the Bull*
M. The Age of Maggot
4.What clothes did Schelenberg wear to the service?
b. Dress uniform
X. Field overalls
A. Civilian suit*
Y. Home bathrobe
5. How does Lermontov Borodino begin?
A. Tell me uncle*
Shch. Shut up, auntie
G. Over to you, Comrade Mauser
Yu. Shut up, all of you.
6. What did the Englishman Francis Drake do “part-time” when he committed his second
history of a trip around the world?
M. Piracy*
C. Scientific experiments in the field of zoology
A. helping the aborigines
I. Testing of new guns
7. What is “ZGO” and the expression “not visible not OGI”?
V. Star in the sky
Z. Lonely tree
O. Ring on a horse arch*
N. Light in the distance
8. Winston Chertill usually drank cognac on the day:
O. 75 grams
S. 150 grams
L. Half a liter
B. One liter*
9. The famous “Tsar’s Mound” is located in Crimea near the city:
A. Kerch*
I. Feodosia
Y. Bakhchisarai
E. Balaclava
10. What was Cheburashka made of, according to his own admission?
N. From a bottle
O. Made of wood*
U. From fur
T. Made of plastic
11. For ... (how many) rooms is there only one toilet? (According to V. Vysotsky)
F. 28
Ya 29
E. 39
S. 48*
12. The first nuclear bomb was called:
R. Fatty
A. Dorothy
L. Malysh*
W. Ann
13. Observation of village girls helped create a vaccine against smallpox:
P. Vegetable growers
K. Needlewomen
I. Milkmaids*
L. Pig farms
14. The modern local name of this river is “El Bahor”. What about the generally accepted one?
A. Amazon
I. Indus
K. Congo
Ts. Neil
15. Which of the stage stars replaced the “burning” surname with this cold pseudonym?
A. Alexander Ostuzhev * (there used to be a Fire, and when they shouted “Fire on stage,” panic began among the audience)
N. Vera Kholodnaya
T. Tatiana Snezhnaya
M. Mikhail Zimin
(you can add your own questions, for example: 1. In which office does the head of the company sit? 2. What was the last name of such and such an employee before she got married? etc.)
After summing up, the winner is announced, he is given a small souvenir and given the floor. The presenter announces: “We will now test with what words we can
to please our dear (may_ erudite. Pour him (her) a drink and everyone else too.
Hear, the music started again:
This is the beginning of Dance Friends!
Fun and joy sparkles everywhere
Let each of you spin in a waltz!
The floor is given to our “Disc Jockey”.
(The music director wishes everyone a Happy New Year and invites them to a break.)
During the break, additional competitions are held.
Dear guests, I ask everyone to come to the table. Our treasurer will keep track of who did not sit down at the table, and also monitor the replenishment of our “Piggy Bank:.
Dancing is a strain on the legs, now let’s give our head and arms some work. It is necessary to replenish the expenses incurred by each of you during the break. While everyone is pouring glasses, we will continue drawing our lottery. So we won lottery tickets No. 0007, 0009, 0016.
0017, 0024, 0026, 0027, 0028. I will ask everyone to leave the table and come to me. Of the six participants, 4 are selected, two men and two women, the remaining are declared understudies, and help the referee judge the game. The game is called “WHERE TO INVEST MONEY AND WHERE TO GET IT
The essence of the game:
The presenter prepares the props in advance, i.e. money is printed on paper of two colors, for example white and blue, on a copier, for example 10 ruble bills, in the amount of 20 pieces of each color (the bills can be replaced with candy wrappers). The selected 4 players are paired.
Women are given banknotes, each of a different color. They count them, both of them should have the same number. Their task is to open jars, not glass ones of course, and as many as possible.
Men will serve as banks, i.e. their clothing - pockets, lapels, collars, linen, etc. You can only put one bill in each bank (let's say a pocket). Women must place as many bills as possible into their partner within 1 minute, with one bill in that space.
The presenter begins the countdown: three, two, one, started, and the judge marks the time on the clock. After a minute, the game stops and the number of bills each woman has left in her hands is counted.
Game continues. The women change places. Within 1 minute they must find the hidden bills, i.e. search the other partner. Based on the results of the competition, the winner is announced and awarded a prize; the rest of the participants are also awarded prizes, but of lesser value.
The word for congratulations goes to the best Banker.
Everyone drinks and eats
I wish that Santa Claus brings you a bag of joy,
Another bag - with laughter, and let the third one - with success!
You put your sadness, your melancholy in his bag
Let him collect everything and take it away as quickly as possible!
While Santa Claus takes away your melancholy and sadness, we will continue the lottery draw. Won another ticket No. 0033. Now our winner will take part in the next competition and try to win the prize. The competition is called “THREE FWAZES”
The essence of the game:
The presenter announces: “If you can repeat after me three phrases, any, word for word, you will receive a prize! Ready? Let's start."
- the first phrase - “What a wonderful evening today.” The player must repeat word for word.
- second phrase = “You are simply beautiful”, while the presenter does not behave confidently, and after the player says this phrase, the presenter joyfully throws up his hands and says: “So you lost!” This was the third phrase that the player had to repeat. Players most often
make mistakes and ask what they did wrong and lose. The player is awarded a prize if he wins, or a consolation prize if he loses.
The word for the ceremonial speech is presented to the lucky one (or the unfortunate loser),
. 10 GLASS
At the end of my program, I want to offer one more competition, in this competition we should
everyone take part. The competition is called “PIGGY BANK”, or “GREED”
The essence of the game:
Take a common piggy bank filled during the evening. Anyone who believes that he is generous in soul, loves to fantasize and wants to get rid of all debts (meaning monetary and other promises) before the New Year should throw a coin of 1 kopeck or more into the piggy bank, no matter how many
it's a pity.
A banker with a piggy bank goes around everyone and collects tribute. The presenter announces that this piggy bank will now be drawn, and it will go to the one who guesses how much money is in it. The winner will be declared by the one who says the closest number to the amount in the piggy bank.
Each participant names approximately the amount that may end up in the piggy bank. The judge writes down the named amounts on a piece of paper. The banker counts the contents of the piggy bank. The judge and presenter announce the winner after meeting and viewing the numbers named by the participants.
The presenter offers the winner the floor for congratulations, and relieves himself of the duties of toastmaster.
Then the evening continues according to an unplanned scenario with breaks for dancing until you drop

In the approaching New Year 2019, the Yellow Pig, a playful and cheerful animal, comes into its own. Therefore, for a corporate party, you need to create an exciting scenario, with competitions, jokes and fairy tales, in order to gain the favor of the hostess of the year.

To prevent the holiday from turning into a banal party, it is necessary to draw up and carefully think through a scenario. You should try to ensure that everyone present, and not just the most active ones, participate in the competitions for the New Year 2019. Having selected the coolest competitions, the corporate event will be a success.

First, you need to decide on the theme of the holiday, it could be a costume ball from Die Fledermaus, a Hollywood party or a Russian folk tale, it all depends on the company’s budget.

If funds are not enough, you can use a simpler celebration option, which includes:

  • outdoor games;
  • intellectual competitions;
  • fairy tales remade in a new way;
  • raffle prizes.
It is not necessary to choose expensive gifts, the main thing is that they bring a smile and create a good mood.

When drawing up a script for a corporate event, it is necessary to maintain decency and not use competitions that affect a person’s personality and undermine the moral foundations of the team.

Original competitions with jokes at the table

When the guests have danced, you can invite them to rest, but with benefit for their mood. To do this, there are many cool entertainments for corporate parties at the table.

Chipmunk Reader

For the competition you need to prepare the following items:

  • walnuts;
  • paper;
  • pens;
  • collection of poems.

The guests are in pairs, one will be the speaker, the other the stenographer. The reader puts nuts in his mouth, you can add bread pulp, the main goal is to worsen the pronunciation. Then he is given a poem to read, the task of the second participant is to write down what he heard. The couple whose entry is closest to the original wins. And it will be even more interesting if you leave one speaker, and the rest of the participants take notes after him. Then we announce the resulting creations. It is better to choose unknown works so that it is difficult to guess and write from memory.

Explain in 1 minute

A noisy and cheerful spectacle captivates everyone present. For the competition you must prepare the following items:

  • pens or pencils;
  • small pieces of paper;
  • canvas bag.

The game goes like this:

  1. Guests are divided into pairs, you can organize a lot for this, or, if desired, each pair is a team.
  2. Then all guests write 15-20 words, any nouns, one on each piece of paper.
  3. We put them in a bag prepared in advance.
  4. They start with the first pair, one player takes out a piece of paper with a written word, his task is to explain this object to his partner without naming the word itself, for example, a cow is an animal that gives milk.
  5. The goal of the competition is to guess the maximum number of words within the allotted time.
  6. Then the next players play.

Whoever guessed the most is the winner.

What will I take

Each of the competition participants must list what they take with them on New Year’s Day; these may not be items at all, for example, gloves and a good mood. The difficulty is that you can only use words that begin with the first letter of the player's name. Whoever lists the most words wins a prize.

Chef competition

Participants are given sheets of paper and pencils, each creates a New Year's menu, and all dishes must begin with the letter “n”. A certain time must be set, for example, 5 minutes. The winner will be the one with the most dishes on the menu.

Adult table competitions “question-answer”

Such competitions can be arranged if a corporate event is held among elderly people and outdoor games are not available to them, or simply when the guests are tired of dancing.

Find your soul mate

This competition is suitable for a corporate event where the number of adult men and women is approximately equal. You need to prepare for it in advance; to do this, make cards with the names of star couples, one for each. To make it clearer, here are a few examples:

  • Agutin and Varum;
  • Menshov and Alentova;
  • Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful;

Each guest receives one card, his task is to find his soulmate, for this he formulates questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer. It is forbidden to ask directly, “is your name Vera?” or “your husband’s name is Leonid?”

You can ask “do you and your husband have children?” or “is your husband a singer?” Whoever finds it faster wins, since the person who was found did not participate in the game, the second stage of the game can be organized.

"Question answer"

To begin with, you need to prepare cards with questions and answers; it is better to do this in advance. What they will be like depends on the company gathered; if these are close people, then you can use intimate themes. Let's look at what the questions might look like:

  1. How do you feel about toothless sexual partners?
  2. Is it true that you write swear words on the walls in the entrance?
  3. How often do you cheat on your wife?
  4. Do you love swinging from a chandelier?
  5. Do you return bottles every day?
  6. Do you eat cockroaches?
  7. Do you often lose your underpants?

Answers should be structured so that they fit almost any question and are funny. For example:

  1. Nothing human is alien to me.
  2. I allow myself this twice a day.
  3. At every convenient opportunity.
  4. Only when I'm bored.
  5. I try as much as possible.
  6. Yes, and I'm proud of it.
  7. All the time when I'm drunk.

All cards are mixed and chosen at random; unfunny coincidences will be rare if you approach the process creatively. For example, the question is: “Do you like to have sex on the bus?”, the answer “Yes, but I would like to do it more often” will cause a storm of laughter.

You can hold such a competition in kindergarten; for kids it will be enough to prepare simple questions like:

  1. What did you eat?
  2. Where did you sleep yesterday?
  3. What've you drunk?

Prepare answers in the form of nouns, for example, the answer to the first question “ball” will amuse the kids.

Game for connoisseurs

Before the start of the competition, you need to prepare a sheet of paper and pens for everyone present. Then the toastmaster asks the question “who?”, the first player writes the answer and folds it so that the others cannot see it, the second participant answers the question “where?”, the third “when?”, this continues until the presenter runs out of questions. Then, the resulting narrative is read out amid friendly laughter.


The toastmaster hands out small pieces of paper to the guests and invites them to write any number on them. Then he announces that this is an opportunity to get to know each other better and begins asking questions prepared in advance. Each participant answers by showing their number. You can come up with simple questions, how much does he weigh, how often does he make love, how many fingers does he have on his right hand, how many teeth does he have left, and the like.

Funny competitions for a corporate event in a restaurant

Having selected fun and amusing competitions, the evening will pass unnoticed and will be etched in the memory of those present for a long time.

Get a million dollars

As everyone knows, Charlie Chaplin bequeathed this amount to the man who would give birth. We invite representatives of the stronger sex who want to earn money to go on stage. Using tape, we tie several inflated balloons to their stomach. Then we scatter a box of matches in front of each person, the one who collects them faster without bursting the balls wins.


You can stage this fairy tale in a large and noisy company, fun and laughter will be guaranteed. Many people already know it, but if you come up with your own jokes, it will sound different. Such a game, especially, by the way, at a corporate party dedicated to the New Year 2019.

The number of participants is equal to the number of characters in the fairy tale, plus the presenter. Actors memorize the role and perform it every time they hear their name. We offer the following option:

  1. Turnip - jumps up and claps his hands above his head, saying “Here you go.”
  2. Grandfather hits himself on the forehead and says: “boom.”
  3. The grandmother shows her fist to the grandfather and threatens to “beat the bastard.”
  4. Granddaughter - twists her hips and says “I’m ready” (for this role it is better to choose a large and plump man).
  5. A bug scratches behind the ear, saying, “The fleas are stuck.”
  6. The cat wags its pelvis and says “nothing can spoil beauty.”
  7. The mouse shakes its head, “We jumped.”

The peak of fun will begin after the presenter starts reading “Grandfather for a turnip, grandmother for a grandfather, granddaughter for a grandmother, etc.”, the mood will rise by 100 degrees.

Chinese New Year

Before you start the competition, you need to prepare several servings of fruit salad, which is cut into small pieces. Each participant is given Chinese chopsticks; whoever eats the dish the fastest wins. To provide an incentive, you should take care in advance of inexpensive and comic gifts for the winners.

New Year's doll

In this competition, each player receives a package tied in a knot, and inside there are several more such packages, but smaller ones. The latter contains a sparkler. The winner is the one who gets to it the fastest and sets it on fire. The winner receives a prize.

By choosing the competitions you like most, you can celebrate the New Year fun and relaxed, and many games will even contribute to team unity.