How to make anti-plagiarism see quotes. Correct citation in the thesis for anti-plagiarism

Quotation is material borrowed from other sources (direct use of text).

Verbatim quotations are enclosed in quotation marks; the link/footnote must indicate the exact page from which the phrase was taken.

Quoting “in your own words” is written without quotation marks; a link to a book/article is allowed without indicating the source page, however, with mention of the author’s surname and initials, title of the book/article, city, year of publication and publisher.

Currently, the highest demands are placed on the originality of dissertations. If the information for the thesis can be 20% - 30% borrowed, then in the candidate's thesis citations are allowed to be used in a maximum of 10% of the total volume of the research.

What is typical is that while theses and term papers are checked using the program, which “sees” every fourth downloaded word from the Internet, dissertations are tracked by, where it is displayed every third word.

The point of these programs is to evaluate how well the material has been developed and “passed through” by the author of the dissertation. Currently, there is not a single program that would increase originality artificially, using hidden symbols - all these tricks are entered into the database and are easily recognized by the machine. Only when writing phrases “in your own words” is the text perceived as unique.

Figure 1 – Example of a short report from the program

The screenshot shows how the program highlights “plagiarism” in red, citations enclosed in quotation marks in green, and unique text in blue.

Thus, the program identifies plagiarism in the text (Figure 2):

Figure 2 – Example of a full report from the program

Figure 3 – Sources of plagiarism

By clicking on the chain, you can go to the site where the text phrase was taken from (Figure 4).

Figure 5 shows the recognition by the citation program (Figure 5):

Figure 5 – Quoting text

The program highlights citations in green. As can be seen in Figure 5, the program takes “tricky” phrases of the text as quoted material. Even if the anti-plagiarism program does not include the source from which the information is quoted, and you put it in quotation marks, the program will “take this into account” in any case and reduce the percentage of originality of your research.

The figure also contains a small piece of text that the program mistook for plagiarism:

Such shortcomings in the system’s operation should also be taken into account when writing a dissertation and try to paraphrase the entire text as much as possible in order to increase the uniqueness of your research.

How to order?

Use the order form: Order Use the 24/7 hotline: 8-800-333-87-10 Write to us on WhatsApp / Viber: 8 906 968 1740 Contact us via Skype: Or write to us by email:


I live in Germany myself, and it was difficult for me to find an expert on my problem here. I was surprised that in your organization you can find such narrow specialists in the field of pedagogy. Not only did I like my work, but so did the entire committee. And some elements of the dissertation will be introduced into the teaching system of our Russian school in Dresden.

Oksana 01/12/2018

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Anastasia K. 12/31/2017

My review is more likely to be negative than positive. It really irritates me how much I have to write when my job has nothing to do with it. I spent a huge amount of time collecting information, but there were no results - either the font in the work is not the same, roughly speaking, or the list of references is not formatted correctly. Nonsense - the commission does not see the essence of the work behind this nonsense. The author took everything into the site and systematized it, wrote it according to GOST (sometimes it seems to me that it is this that is more important than the meaning of the work). In general, after a month I already had 4 articles of the Higher Attestation Commission in my hands, and after three - the entire candidate’s dissertation, which I myself had not been able to write for three years. Thank you very much! I'm amazed at your patience!

Fedor. 12/12/2017

I liked the work, everything was fine. What was especially noteworthy was that the study contained an author’s position that was not copied from the Internet or from books of hackneyed quotations of the same axioms - there was an individual author’s opinion, which spoke in my favor during the defense. I am also pleased with the efficiency, especially when you need to contact the author with some questions or clarifications. And, most importantly, everything is clearly recorded in correspondence with the performer. All the details, from the beginning of placing an order to sending it to me - everything is well thought out, so to speak, performed at the European level. I recommend.

Oleg M. 11/02/2017

Very grateful site! Firstly, for the quality of work, secondly, for organizing the entire process of placing and fulfilling an order, and thirdly, for the price (also an important point, you must agree). I highly recommend ordering legal work here. I am especially embarrassed by modern anti-plagiarism, which seems impossible to bypass with quotations from legislation - but here the author showed all the wonders of vocabulary and syntax, which made it possible to achieve a high percentage of originality in the work in MGIMO anti-plagiarism.

Alexander. 10/19/2017

I try to contact this type of organization only through recommendations. Therefore, I ordered a job here, already knowing about all the advantages and positive aspects of the candidate5. I ordered the entire candidate’s dissertation at once, because I wanted the research to show a single author’s style and style, and secondly, it was cheaper. I was very pleased that all the employees of candidate5 always met me halfway, and most importantly, they were efficient.

Many thanks to the company candidate5! I first ordered an abstract from another company, but they sent me not just a bad abstract - in addition, they downloaded it entirely from the Internet! I was in despair, because the scientific supervisor liked the idea of ​​the work, but it was written, according to him, poorly. This time, having already read reviews about different organizations in advance, I finally decided to apply to the candidate5 and was right. The author “combed” my abstract, leaving the idea and general meaning, beautifully corrected all the shortcomings, and increased the originality. That’s why I already calmly ordered the candidate’s first chapter here. The chapter was also written as it should be. My good ones! I want to order the second chapter from you! Thank you, you really help!!!

At my job, having a candidate's minimum is very profitable - both career growth and a salary increase. But I didn’t have a minute in my schedule to write the paper. I contacted candidate5. I was pleasantly surprised that the author supervised me from start to finish: she came up with a topic for me, drew up a plan, wrote the entire dissertation, the abstract, the speech, the review, etc. – in general, all inclusive.

I decided to write a review after the fact - after the defense. First of all, thank you for your time-consuming, painstaking work. Secondly, what I liked: my order was completed accurately on time, everything was done exactly as I had agreed with the author. Also important is the fact that I didn’t see any copywriting in the work – only live research. What I didn't like: I liked everything!

I can't stand bureaucratic red tape and paperwork. I was very pleased when I contacted the author brought my work to fruition, sorted out the mess that I had mixed up in the research, added relevant information, prepared everything according to GOST, which would have generally taken several hours of my time. There were also disadvantages, but on my part: my mistake was that I did not immediately provide the entire list of my “wishes” - here it is better to discuss everything with the author in advance, so that there are no delays and tensions later. But here too the author showed patience. In general, their employees are very polite, responsive, and ready to answer all questions at any time, which is also important.

How to format citations?

  1. The most common way is to use quotation marks.
  2. Highlighting using italics or using a font 1–2 points smaller than the font of the main text:
  3. Highlighting using a set of quotes with a retract. In this case, it is possible to use an underline ruler in the indentation:

How are highlights created within a quotation?

Highlights within a quotation may belong to the person quoting or the author of the quoted text. The way of designing selected text fragments depends on this.

Emphases belonging to the cited author, it is recommended to save them in the form in which they are printed in the source, and if this is impossible or contradicts the design style of the publication, then the author’s highlighting should be replaced with a highlighting of a different type. The ownership of author's selections is usually not specified. The exception is those cases when there are few author’s selections, but, on the contrary, there are many selections belonging to the citing one; in such cases, it is stipulated that some selections belong to the cited author (these selections are marked), and the rest - to the citing one. In addition, in such cases, the affiliation of the selections is specifically noted in the preface. Selection example:

Emphases belonging to the quoting person are indicated. The comment is given in parentheses, after the comment there is a dot, a dash and the initials of the commentator, for example:

What punctuation marks are used when quoting?

Between the words of the quoter and the following quotation:

a) put a colon if the quoting words preceding the quotation warn that a quotation follows:

Pasternak wrote: “There is a psychology of creativity, problems of poetics. Meanwhile, of all art, it is its origin that is experienced most directly, and there is no need to speculate about it.”

b) put a period if inside the quotation or behind it there are the words of the quotator, introducing the quotation into the text of the phrase:

Pasternak said this well. “There is a psychology of creativity, problems of poetics. Meanwhile, of all art, it is its origin that is experienced most directly, and there is no need to speculate about it,” he wrote in “Safety Certificate.”

c) do not put any marks if the quotation acts as an addition or as part of a subordinate clause:

Pasternak wrote that “of all art, it is its origin that is experienced most directly.”

At the end of the phrase after the quotation marks closing the quote:

a) put a period if there are no signs before the closing quotation marks. If the quotation is immediately followed by a link to the source, then the period is moved behind the link:

B. L. Pasternak emphasized: “The most clear, memorable and important thing in art is its emergence, and the best works of the world, telling about the most diverse things, actually tell about their birth” (Pasternak 2000, 207).

Attention! The period is always placed after the closing quotation marks, but not before them. An ellipsis, a question mark and an exclamation mark are placed before the closing quotation marks.

b) put a period if the quotation is not an independent sentence, but acts as part of a subordinate clause (even if there is an ellipsis, question mark or exclamation mark before the closing quotation marks):

B. L. Pasternak emphasized that “the most clear, memorable and important thing in art is its emergence...”.

c) do not put any marks if the closing quotation marks are preceded by an ellipsis, a question mark or an exclamation mark, and the quotation enclosed in quotation marks is an independent sentence (as a rule, all quotations after a colon are like this, separating them from the words of the quoting person preceding them):

The chapter ends with the words: “Farewell philosophy, goodbye youth, goodbye Germany!”

If the phrase does not end with a quotation, then after the quotation a comma is placed (if the quotation is part of an adverbial phrase or completes the first part of a complex sentence) or a dash (if the quotation ends with an ellipsis, exclamation or question mark, and also if, according to the context, it is not possible to separate the subsequent text with a comma need to).

After a poetic quotation, a punctuation mark is placed at the end of the poetic line, which applies to the entire text with the quotation.

Does a quote always start with a capital letter?

The quotation begins with a capital letter in the following cases:

    When the quotator begins a sentence with a quotation, even if the quotation has omitted the initial words and opens with an ellipsis:

    “...Of all art, it is its origin that is experienced most directly, and there is no need to speculate about it,” wrote Pasternak.

    When the quotation comes after the words of the quotator (after a colon) and in the source begins a sentence:

    Pasternak wrote: “Meanwhile, of all art, it is its origin that is experienced most directly, and there is no need to speculate about it.”

    Pasternak wrote: “...of all art, it is its origin that is experienced most directly, and there is no need to speculate about it.”Pasternak wrote that “... there is no need to speculate about him.”

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How to INCREASE THE ORIGINALITY of a text? 9 practical tips on “anti-plagiarism”

9 practical (legitimate and proven) tips on “anti-plagiarism”

TIP #1. Formalize all fragments of borrowing as citations


4. Form all fragments as quotes.
CLUE. The Anti-Plagiarism system recognizes a fragment as a quotation if it is highlighted on both sides with quotation marks (Russian!!) and after the quotation marks there is a link to the source of literature in square brackets:
"...FRAGMENT..." [
A COMMENT. As experience shows, if borrowing comes from a textbook or a well-known monograph, then the Anti-Plagiarism system is highly likely to recognize this fragment as a “white” citation and thereby increases the final score of originality.
If the borrowing comes from someone else’s dissertation, then this technique does not help much.

TIP #2. Convert interlinear bibliographic references to references to the List of References

A COMMENT. This technique “kills” two birds with one stone in the pursuit of increasing originality.
1) The list of references is not included in the main text of the dissertation, which, in fact, is checked for “anti-plagiarism”, but the entire text of the footnotes is included.

And a bibliographic reference, especially to famous articles or books, is defined as borrowing. By removing these links from the text of the notes, we increase originality.
2) A link to a source of literature using a footnote, as experience shows, is not recognized by the Anti-Plagiarism system as a quotation. The quotation should be formatted:
"...FRAGMENT..." [
That is, refer to the number in the “Bibliography”

TIP #3. Convert large borrowings into dissertation appendices

REFERENCE. “Anti-plagiarism” checks the main text of the dissertation, which begins with the first words of the Introduction and ends with the last words of the Conclusion.

The list of references and appendices are not included in the main text.
COMMENT: If a large fragment of borrowing is included in the Appendix (and there can be any number of Appendixes to the Dissertation), then we thereby remove the borrowing from the main text of the dissertation, and, accordingly, increase originality.

TIP #4. Provide all illustrative material as images

A COMMENT. Only the main text of the dissertation is checked for anti-plagiarism, which does not include illustrative material.
The illustrative material of the dissertation includes: tables, formulas, drawings, diagrams.
Therefore, if text from tables/diagrams/figures is perceived by the Anti-Plagiarism system as borrowing, then it makes sense to provide them as an image.
At the same time, it is undesirable to obviously transform the text in the tables into drawings.
We recommend editing the text in the table so that it differs from the regular text of the dissertation:
(1) reduce the size (instead of 14 pt, use 12 pt)
(2) change the font (instead of Times New Roman, take Georgia or Courier New or Calibri),
(3) reduce line spacing (from one and a half to single)

WARNING: Figure/table captions should NOT be included in the image. They relate to the text of the dissertation!

A COMMENT. Literature review, links to results of other researchers, etc. is often perceived by the Anti-Plagiarism system as borrowing.
If you give this information in tabular form, and design the table as a picture, you can increase originality.
WARNING: Just don't use this technique on regular text!
1. Send us your text.
2. We will check using the Anti-Plagiarism system.
3. We will send you a “colorized” text, where all fragments of borrowings are highlighted.
4. Replace all large fragments of borrowing 1-2 with your own sentences.
This technique will not only increase originality, but also make the text itself clearer and clearer for understanding.
Don’t be afraid to shorten your dissertation, especially other people’s paragraphs.
The Higher Attestation Commission only gives recommendations regarding the upper limit of a dissertation (150 pages for a candidate’s thesis, 300 pages for a doctoral dissertation), but says nothing about the minimum volume.
Brevity is the soul of wit!
And if you “got” beyond the limits recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, then even more so, “truncating” the text is useful and beneficial!
A COMMENT. The Anti-Plagiarism system operates completely formally - it only looks for LITERAL matches of texts.
By rewriting a fragment of borrowing in your own words, you can easily increase originality.
It's labor-intensive, of course.
However, this skill, as experience shows, is a good help in life: 1) when you write reviews on your dissertation (few people now write reviews on other people’s dissertations), you will have to write the same thing several times in different words; 2) when writing website content, the process of rewriting texts in your own words is called


, and there are always orders for it.
TIP #8. Replace all relatively stable expressions with abbreviations
ALGORITHM: When a term with the words (hereinafter - ...) first appears, enter the abbreviation.
Example. ...
Violation of fire safety rules (hereinafter - NFPB)...
And everywhere in the text we use the entered abbreviation (except for chapter/paragraph headings!)
All entered abbreviations are summarized in a list, which, according to GOST, is called LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND CONVENTIONS
NPPB - violation of fire safety rules
NTPB - violation of fire safety requirements
UPLiIN - destruction or damage to forests and other plantings

TIP #9. Enter your own abbreviations for long titles of official documents

, and there are always orders for it.
When the full title of the document with the words (hereinafter - ...) appears for the first time, enter your own abbreviation.
For example: ... Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated July 5, 2002 “On judicial practice in cases of violation of fire safety rules, destruction or damage to property by arson or as a result of careless handling of fire”
(hereinafter referred to as the Decree of the PVS of the Russian Federation dated 07/05/2002)

(hereinafter - Resolution of the RF PVS on NPPB)
And throughout the text we use the entered abbreviation


If you do not have the strength or desire to improve the originality of the text yourself,

then we can help you.

Prices, based on labor intensity, are for text PhD thesis:
a) promotion by 1-5% costs 3 tr;
b) increase by 5-10% costs 7 tr;
c) increase by 10-15% costs 12 tr;
d) increase by 15-20% costs 18 tr.
e) increase by 20-25% costs 25 tr.
e) increase by 25-30% costs 33 tr.
Then, as experience shows, labor intensity increases sharply.
Increasing originality by more than 30% already requires a much deeper (semantic) processing of the text.

Average volume of texts doctoral dissertations more than 2 times the average volume of the text of a candidate's dissertation, so prices for increasing originality for doctoral dissertations 2 times higher.

Quotes can decorate the text, confirming or revealing more widely the idea expressed by the author, therefore, they are probably willingly used both in journalism and in scientific works. But sometimes introducing a quotation into a text can cause difficulties in terms of punctuation.

In this article we will try to remember the rules for formatting quotes for different ways of including them in the text. Let us remember which words need to be used, as well as ways to highlight certain words in the quoted passage.

What is a quotation: example

A quotation is a verbatim reproduction of what was said, while being inextricably linked in meaning to the text in which the passage is included.

Old age is, first of all, experience accumulated throughout life. As the great Faina Ranevskaya once said: “Memories are the wealth of old age.”

Combining several passages from different parts of the work in one quotation is not allowed. They should be formatted as different quotations. An obligatory requirement is the presence of an indication of its source.

If the passage you quote does not begin at the beginning of the original sentence, then an ellipsis is placed there in the quotation. This sign is also placed in place of all missing words in the passage.

“... An intelligent person knows how to get out of a difficult situation, but a wise person never gets into it,” Ranevskaya emphasized.

As the author or source of the quoted passage is indicated

In this article we will not talk about how a bibliographic footnote is formatted, but we will discuss the ways in which the author or source of what is cited is indicated. Good manners require you to do this every time you use someone else's thoughts.

“Incompetent people have a tendency to jump to categorical conclusions” (David Dunning).

Please note that in this version there is no period after the quotation; it is placed only after the link! By the way, if the first word in brackets indicating the source is not a proper name, then it is written with a small letter.

“Incompetent people have a tendency to draw unambiguous and categorical conclusions” (from an article by psychologist David Dunning).

If the formatting of quotations in the text requires the name of the author or their source to be placed on another line, then they are written without parentheses or other punctuation marks. And after the quote itself there is a period or any necessary sign.

Incompetent people have a tendency to draw unambiguous and categorical conclusions.

David Dunning

The same rule applies to epigraphs.

Highlights within quotes

If the passage cited as a quotation contains author’s emphases, they are preserved in the same form as in the original source. The design of citations does not require special emphasis on the fact that these marks belong to the author. In cases where the citing person wants to highlight something, he must make an appropriate footnote. To do this, indicate in brackets: “my italics” or “emphasized by me” - and put initials.

A. Startsev spoke about the writer O. Henry: “Endowed by nature with the rare gift of seeing the cheerful..., he encountered the tragic in life..., but in most cases I preferred to remain silent about it(my italics - I.I.).”

“The literary legend that unites their names (Gogol and Ostrovsky - I.I.) is significant. After all, Ostrovsky was initially perceived as a direct successor of Gogol’s work...”

Ways in which quotations are put into context

Quotations can be introduced into a sentence as direct speech. In these cases, in the Russian language they are placed in the same way as when highlighting direct speech.

I. Zakharov emphasizes: “Ranevskaya made cruel determinations to others that looked like court decisions. But she didn’t spare herself either.”

In cases where the quote must be separated by the words of the author, it looks like this:

“His Majesty remains completely confident,” wrote A.S. Pushkin A.Kh. Benckendorf, - that you will use your excellent abilities to pass on to posterity the glory of our Fatherland ... "

If the quotation is an addition, or it is included in a subordinate clause, then no characters other than quotation marks are placed, and the quotation itself begins with a small letter, even if in the source it was written with a capital letter:

At one time, the philosopher J. Locke said that “there is nothing in the intellect that is not in feeling.”

at the end of the quote

Separately, you need to consider the design of a quotation in a letter in situations where it is necessary to decide on the punctuation marks at the end of it - before and after the quotation marks.

  • If the quoted phrase ends with an ellipsis, question mark or exclamation mark, then they are placed before the quotation marks:

She exclaimed: “By obeying all the rules, you are depriving yourself of many pleasures!”

  • And in a situation where there are no signs before the quotation marks in the quotation, a period is placed at the end of the sentence, but only after them:

Ranevskaya lamented: “85 years with diabetes is not sugar.”

  • If the quotation is part of a subordinate clause, then a period should be placed after the quotation marks, even if there is already an exclamation mark, a question mark or an ellipsis before them:

Marlene Dietrich rightly believed that “tenderness is a better proof of love than the most passionate vows...”.

Lowercase or at the beginning of the quote?

If a quotation is placed after a colon, then you need to pay attention to what letter it began with in the original source. If it is with a lowercase letter, then the quote is written with a small letter, only an ellipsis is placed before the text:

Describing A.S. Pushkina, I.A. Goncharov emphasized: “ the gestures accompanying his speech there was the restraint of a secular, well-bred person.”

If the cited passage begins with a capital letter, then the quotations are formatted in the same way as in direct speech - with a capital letter after the colon.

V. Lakshin wrote about A.N. Ostrovsky: “Many things continue to sound in these plays with living joy and pain, echoing in our soul.”

Some more nuances of noting quotes

How to indicate a quotation if you only need to quote one word or phrase? In such cases, the given word is enclosed in quotation marks and introduced into the sentence with a small letter:

V. Lakshin emphasized that the faces in Ostrovsky’s comedies are historically accurate and “ethnographically vivid.”

In situations where the original source of the quotation is not freely available (there is no translation into Russian or this is a rare publication), then when quoting you should indicate: “cit. By".

Is it possible to change anything in the quoted passage?

Formatting quotations requires not only compliance with the rules of punctuation, but also a correct attitude towards the quoted text. On the part of the author of the article in which these passages are given, only a few deviations from their original state are allowed:

  • the use of modern spelling and punctuation, if the manner of writing and placement of characters is not a sign of the author’s individual style;
  • restoration of abbreviated words, but with the obligatory conclusion of the added part in, for example, sv-vo - svo[yst]vo;
  • the design of quotations also allows for the omission of individual words in them, with the location of the omission indicated by an ellipsis, if this does not distort the general meaning of the quoted passage;
  • When including individual phrases or words, you can change their case so as not to disrupt the syntactic structure of the phrase in which they are included.

If the author needs to further express his attitude to the quoted passage or to some of its words, he, as a rule, places a question mark or exclamation mark enclosed in parentheses after them.

Not only punctuation marks in Russian should serve to convey a quote

For an author writing a scientific or literary work, a quotation is a convincing and economical technique that allows you to present facts to the reader, generalize them and, of course, confirm your idea with reference to authoritative sources.

In non-scientific texts, quotation is often a means of emotional impact. But we must not forget that the passage quoted must be conveyed accurately. Indeed, even in the definition of the concept “quote” it is emphasized that this is a verbatim excerpt from a text. And from this it follows that not only the text itself, but also the punctuation marks that the author has, as well as the emphasis that he has, must be reproduced without distortion.

And this can equally be attributed to both official documents and emotional excerpts from fiction. Only by remembering this can you fully understand what a quote is. An example of a careful attitude towards the quoted material is, first of all, respect for the author who wrote the lines you quote.

The text is no less important than its semantic load. In particular, this applies to quotes. Errors with such text elements are among the most common; most students make them in one form or another. Next, we will look in detail at how to format citations in coursework and provide several practical examples.

  1. Abuse of direct quotes is a sign of course work of low quality, deliberately “inflated” in its volume. In addition, non-unique quoted passages of text reduce the overall uniqueness of the coursework. Do not forget that this parameter is important in many universities, and its unsatisfactory value leads to a decrease in the student’s score.
  2. Excessively large quotations, occupying almost a third of the page, are unacceptable. The reasons are the same - a decrease in the uniqueness of the work, and therefore its quality. Large quotations are permissible only in exceptional cases, for example, when it is necessary to analyze a passage of a work of art, consider the means of artistic expression used by the author, the manner of presentation, etc.
  3. Citing reference literature is not always appropriate. Mention of various kinds of dictionaries and course reference books is not encouraged; references to such literature are permissible only in the introduction and, if necessary, definitions of terms.

How to format citations in coursework: the most common methods

There are two types of citation:

  • direct
  • indirect

In turn, direct quotes can be introduced into the text of the work in several ways:

  • indicating the author and source directly in the text
  • with reference to the author and source

Indirect quotation

In terms of design, this method is the simplest. Another advantage is that the text of the quotation can be changed; it is not necessary to use it verbatim. The student can state the essence of the quote in his own words and select key ideas from it.

Examples of indirect citation:

Direct Quote

A few punctuation rules for direct quotation:

How to provide an incomplete quotation? Sometimes it is necessary to quote without a certain part of it. In such a case, the words that are omitted are replaced with ellipses. Such a construction can be located anywhere in the passage - at the end, middle or very beginning. If three dots are located in front of the text, that is, the beginning of the phrase is omitted, its continuation is written with a small letter. In one quotation, several passages can be replaced with periods at once, at the discretion of the author of the work.

How to quote, citing a source?

This method of introducing quotes is used most often. The use of footnotes or square brackets is acceptable here.

If you decide to use footnotes, you must do so as follows:

That is, the quoted phrase should be cited, followed by the footnote number. The number is indicated with the “Superscript” parameter enabled. At the bottom of the page there is a shortened horizontal line, under which the footnote number is duplicated (that is, “1”), a dot is placed and the source is indicated, most often with the page designation.

Note! The formatting of footnotes should be page-by-page. In other words, it is unacceptable for a quoted phrase to remain on one page, but a footnote indicating its source appears on the next or further. The fact is that the numbering of footnotes may not be continuous throughout the entire text of the course work, but page-by-page. That is, each subsequent footnote is considered the first for a new page.

When using square brackets, the quotation is introduced into the text as a separate sentence, without changes to the text and without the punctuation marks mentioned above. After it, square brackets open, which indicate the source number and its specific page.

It looks like this:

Note! When using square brackets, take into account the requirements of your university regarding the compilation of a bibliography. Numbering of quotations can be either in the order of their appearance in the text or in alphabetical order (by source names).