How to summon the wish fairy on the street during the day. How to summon the wish fairy. A Guide for Little Dreamers

If you believe that fairy tales live close to us, then this article is just for you. Because you're right. And everything in this world is achievable and close.

Agree: every girl has a special, cherished desire, the fulfillment of which she constantly dreams of. Is it true?

Of course yes! Many girls dream, many believe that it is possible. Surely, you are no exception, and you have your own dream!

And how sad it is sometimes that you can’t trust some of your thoughts to anyone, even your parents and friends.

“How then can a wish come true,” you ask?

In fact, everything is very simple: you just need to want to get to know real, living magic a little closer. The Fairy of Desires can make any dream come true, even the most cherished one. You know about her, right?

This fabulous creature of amazing beauty comes to children in order to make their dreams come true. However, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. The fairy always appears at the most unexpected moment, and in order to summon her you will need to follow a number of certain rules, perform magical rituals and even make a special amulet.

The fairy will not be able to come to you and help you if...

Before you begin the rituals, you should remember that the Fairy of Desires will never be able to help you fulfill the following requests:

Transform into a fairy;
Harm other people;
Getting sick, not going to school, etc.

Be careful in your wishes, because one unkind request can turn the fairy of wishes away from you forever.

Five simple rules for calling the Fairy of Desires

So, what qualities do you need to have for the Fairy to agree to help you:

1. The fairy-tale sorceress helps only kind and sensitive girls;
2. First of all, desires are fulfilled that bring positivity to other people, and not personal benefit to you;
3. It has long been noted that dreams come true most quickly for active children; do not forget to study well and participate in the life of the class;
4. The less bad things you do, the higher the chance that your wish will immediately come true;
5. Be grateful and believe that your wish will come true.

The simplest ritual to summon the Fairy of Desires

In order to summon the Fairy of Wishes, it is not enough just to make a wish. The young petitioner must perform a special ritual, then the dream will come true much faster. There are several ways to summon a sorceress, some of them are complex, while others, on the contrary, are very simple. Which one to choose is up to you.

So, the Fairy will need to be drawn on a piece of paper. In the creative process, you should definitely use as many bright colors as possible, and they should be combined with each other.

It will be very good if the Fairy is drawn in her natural habitat, among flowers or near water. Then the drawing depicting the sorceress should be folded several times and hidden under the pillow. The fairy will probably want to see her image and thank the little artist.

If you don’t know how to draw, then the image can be replaced with a colorful applique or collage, the main thing is that it is made with your own hands and with soul. Before folding the drawing and putting it under the pillow, make sure that the paints are dry. In the evening, a few minutes before bed, repeat your wish three times.

Rituals for calling the Fairy of Wishes for every season

Separate rituals for calling the Fairy of Desires exist for each season.

So, in the spring New life promotes magic; the easiest way is to give it to plants or flowers. Try the following: you can soak a few seeds in wet gauze, and when they sprout, plant them in the ground. After the plant gets stronger and greener, and the flowers bloom, you can cast a magic spell. Do not forget that the request must be repeated three times, preferably in the evening.

In summer time you can prepare a special potion that the Fairy of Desires likes to drink. If a little girl cooks and drinks such a wonderful decoction, then she will definitely become like a magical sorceress, which means she will become like her and will be able to find a common language with her.

The recipe for this wonderful drink includes black, red, white, currant and cherry berries. All ingredients must be thoroughly washed, squeezed out the juice and poured into a separate container. After this, the berries must be poured with boiling water and cooked for an hour.

The resulting infusion is mixed with fresh juice, a small amount of sugar or honey. The drink should be drunk every morning, and a small amount should be poured into a wide saucer and placed on the windowsill overnight. The Fairy of Desires often likes to walk at night, bathing in the rays of moonlight; she will probably want to try a magic potion and thank the generous girl by making her cherished wish come true.

IN autumn time You can also lure the Fairy of Desires using the gifts of nature. Try to collect red rowan berries and make beautiful beads from them. Once the decoration is ready, hang it at the head of your bed. The fairy will definitely want to admire such beauty and, in gratitude, will help your wish come true. A possible alternative is a bouquet or wreath of colorful autumn leaves.

You can try to channel your desire to the Fairy with the help of an interesting drawing. Take a yellow maple leaf and place it on white paper. Trace it and color the drawing or just glue it on and make an applique. On the back, be sure to write your deepest wish. Place the sheet on the window so that the sun's rays fall on it, on one of them the little sorceress will come down to find out your wishes.

Winter time– a fabulous time, during this period the most seemingly impossible dreams come true. The Fairy of Wishes, like Santa Claus, loves to receive letters from children. Draw a beautiful and bright card, come up with a few rhymed lines that will contain both congratulations and cherished wishes, put the sheet in an envelope and leave it near the window.

Let this letter remain on the windowsill for several weeks; the longer it stays there, the better. The fairy will come for her letter on the frostiest night, when you no longer expect it. It will also be very good if, in addition to a letter with wishes for the sorceress, you send several ordinary greeting cards to your family and friends. The fairy will appreciate such a kind deed.

It's no secret that New Year's and Christmas Eve- it's time for the most magical miracles. It is necessary to prepare for this time in advance. During daylight hours, you can make a snowman; for this you will need to roll three fairly large snow globes. Don't forget that the figure will definitely need hands, buttons, eyes, mouth and nose.

You can put a bucket on the snowman’s head or make a hairstyle out of ordinary twigs. Write your cherished wish on a tiny piece of paper in block letters, roll it into a tube and hide it in a snow figure. In a few months, when the snow melts, the Fairy of Wishes will receive her letter.

You can make artificial snow at home. For this you will need white confetti, cotton wool, shiny silver rain and some glitter. Mix all these ingredients on a small tray or mat and place under the tree. You can put your letter with your cherished wish right in this amazing snow.
A couple of common rituals

General rituals for summoning the Fairy of Desires

There are, of course, many general rituals that are not dedicated to any specific time of year. You can always lure a fairy by leaving a beautiful flower, a chocolate bar or a small shiny coin on the windowsill.

Under the surprise for the fairy, it is customary to place a small letter asking for a dream to come true, written on colored paper. The same ritual can be performed by burying gifts and a note under a tree. Please note that it must be fruity, because little sorceresses simply love to feast on ripe fruits.

The appropriate weather can greatly enhance the call of the Fairy of Desires. During a strong thunderstorm and downpour, fill a cup with warm water, write a wish on paper and tear it into small pieces, throw them into the cup and stir.

This procedure should be completed for exactly 10 minutes. If during this time the rain has intensified, then you need to make a wish another time, but if, on the contrary, it has become quieter, then in exactly 10 days your dream will come true.

How to make an amulet to summon the Fairy of Wishes

Sometimes rituals alone are not enough to summon a Fairy. In this case, you may need a special amulet. Making it couldn’t be easier; for this you will need colored thin and thick threads, dried flowers and berries.

Using ordinary threads, connect flowers, branches and berries together into a small beautiful composition, and using a denser material, hang the resulting structure above the bed. This amulet works in a similar way to a dream catcher, only it attracts not night dreams, but magical creatures, Fairies.

The amulet can also be made from paper. To do this, you will need several colored sheets, from which you need to cut out squares of different sizes, ranging from large to small. Then the figures must be arranged in the shape of rhombuses and glued one on top of the other, so that it looks like a flower. The resulting amulet should be glued to the head of the bed.

Remember that if the Fairy of Desires never appeared to you, this does not mean that the sorceress did not hear your calls. Most fairy-tale creatures are afraid of people and try to avoid direct contact with them. This is why Fairies often come to children at night. It may happen that you think you are seeing a dream, but in fact the sorceress came to you in reality.

It is also necessary to remember that the Fairy does not immediately fulfill wishes; this takes some time. The main thing is to believe that your cherished dream will come true in the near future and then everything will definitely work out. Well, when you wait for your wish to come true, don’t forget to say thank you to the Fairy!

We know these tips and rituals that help to summon the Fairy of Desires. Do you know any other secrets on how to summon the wish fairy? Do you have any friends who were able to summon the Fairy? Tell us in the comments to this article!

It is believed that the wish fairy is activated during the full moon. This is the time that is especially favorable for invoking it.

For this ritual, you need to prepare a sheet of paper, a wooden pencil and a thin white satin ribbon (about one meter).

Now you need to tie the ribbon to a pencil and write your wish on a piece of paper. Your request to the wish fairy must be formulated correctly, otherwise she simply may not understand you. There is no need to start a sentence with the word “I want.” Your wish should look as if it must certainly come true and it is best to start it with the word “Let.” After this, you need to read the wish out loud and while doing this, wrap the tape around the pencil.

The fairy of wishes will not help you just like that: you need to prepare gifts for her. She loves all sorts of shiny things and trinkets. Choose a few cute things, such as some earrings, rings, beads or chains.

Take a pencil and gifts for the wish fairy. All this needs to be buried at a crossroads by the side of the road, saying the words: “Fairy of wishes! You are very kind, affectionate, gentle and omnipotent. Accept my gifts and help me. I really need your help!".

Remember that the wish you make should not harm anyone. Desires based on self-interest, hatred and envy can turn against you. The wish fairy is considered a good spirit, but can become angry if people start to forgive her for something bad.

Do not be upset if your wish is not in a hurry to be fulfilled after the ritual. Maybe the time just hasn’t come yet or the wish fairy hasn’t heard you.

If your wish comes true, then you should thank the fairy of wishes. To do this, you need to take some sweets and take them to where you buried the pencil and gifts.

How to summon the wish fairy on a full moon

This ritual can be performed at any time of the day, but it is necessary that there is a full moon.

You need to prepare a paper in advance on which what you want to ask her will be written, and put it in your left pocket. Take the bell and go to a deserted place. It is advisable, of course, to perform this ritual in a field where no one will see you.

Walk around the field in three large circles counterclockwise. While walking, you need to ring the bell and say the following words: “Fairy of wishes! Come to me! I really hope for your help! You are tiny, but very powerful! Come to me! I need your help!"

As soon as you have completed the third circle, you need to stop, take out a piece of paper with a wish and read your request out loud.

Now you need to bury the piece of paper with your wish under the tree. Fruit plants are best suited for this. Coniferous species are best avoided. Along with the sheet where your wish is written down, you need to bury three candies and some shiny trinket. There is no need to give broken things to the fairy. The gift must be given from the heart. The bell used in the ritual can also be buried.

A case from one's life

This ritual is more like a game. An adult is unlikely to take it seriously, but I personally know a woman who carried it out, and her wish was fulfilled, despite the fact that it seemed simply incredible at the time.

When we were in nature, she performed this ritual with a bell. She wished that she wanted to live in a new residential complex in the city center. At that time, it seemed simply unrealistic: she had no career prospects, her salary was meager, her husband left her, and she had to raise the child alone. However, literally six months later, she meets a man at work who recently bought an apartment exactly where she always dreamed of living. So she soon moved in with him. This incident is now remembered by all those who were present during her performance of this ritual.

Of course, we can say that this is a simple coincidence, but this case clearly shows: if you want something very much, it will certainly come true.

Probably every person dreams that all his wishes come true. To make this a reality, you can ask for help from invisible forces, for example, call the fairy of wishes, since she is one of the forces of light that helps good people. To get results, it is important to believe in the power of magic and clearly formulate. It is necessary to invoke the spirit in a good mood, since any negativity will serve as a repulsive factor. Fairies can not only make a wish come true, but also give advice on how to get out of a difficult situation.

How to summon the wish fairy at home?

In order to establish contact with the fairy, you need to draw it in bright colors, located among the flowers or near the pond. Use bright colors to make the drawing filled with positive energy. If you can’t draw, you can make an applique or collage. When the “masterpiece” is finished, fold the sheet and place it under the pillow. Before you fall asleep, say your cherished wish 3 times.

How to summon the wish fairy during the day?

Before starting the ritual, you need to tune in to your desire; there should be no extraneous thoughts in your head. The request must be serious, since spirits do not come for trifles. First, write your wish on a small piece of paper. To carry out the ceremony, prepare chalk, a chair, 3 pieces of sugar and 3 saucers with clean water. Place the note with your wish in the left pocket of your clothes. Take chalk and draw a circle on the floor. Place a chair in the center, not saucers and sugar. Bend over the chair and say the following words 3 times:

“I call you fairy of desires, wake up from your sleep, come to me even for a minute.”

Then say your wish out loud and dissolve a piece of sugar in each saucer. Now all that remains is to wait for the fairy to make her wish come true. In general, the ritual can be performed on any day, but the maximum result will be during the full moon.

How to summon the good fairy of wishes on the street?

Since spirits love nature, it is best to carry out the ceremony in a park or square. Before you begin, in a calm environment, write down your desire on paper. You also need to prepare a small bell. When you arrive at the park, take the wish sheet in your right hand and the bell in the other. Walk 3 times in a circle with a diameter of 20 steps. Stop, mentally call the fairy and ask her to make your wish come true. Then read what you have written down in a whisper, pronouncing each word and ringing the bell.

How to summon the wish fairy at night?

The ritual should be performed at midnight. For him, take 3 candles, a glass of water and candy. Arrange the candles in a triangle, and place a glass of water in the center. Close the windows with curtains, go to the glass and say a spell to summon the fairy of wishes: “Fairy of wishes, come, show yourself.”

If the ritual is successful, ripples will appear on the surface of the water. Immediately after this, say your wish out loud. To thank the fairy, leave candy for her on the windowsill. Do not perform the ritual more than 2 times a month.

How to summon a real fairy to desire at any time of the year?

There are rituals designed specifically for a particular season:

How to summon a wish fairy

Some people don’t believe in anything, while others believe in the existence of powerful fairies who grant wishes, and I hasten to please such optimists - luck comes to those who believe in their plans. It costs you nothing to try a magic ritual and summon the mysterious fairy of wishes. If you don’t know how to summon the Fairy of Desires, whether during the day or in the evening, but be sure to do it at home and in complete solitude.

How to summon the wish fairy during the day

After this ritual, the fairy will fulfill your wish, request, or simply show you the path to achieving your goal. To summon the fairy of wishes, perform one of the following rituals at home. The day of the week is not important for the ceremony. Prepare a note in advance with your wish for the good fairy and put it in the left pocket of your clothes. Lower the curtains, draw a circle around you with chalk on the floor of the room, if there is a mirror in the room, cover it with a cloth. Place a chair in a circle and place 3 pieces of sugar and 3 cups of water around it, read challenge to the wish fairy:

I summon and call out from flowers, from dreams, the fairy of desires.

Here, here, I'm waiting for you, my dear!!!

Release it, the strength of sleep, even for an hour, even for half an hour, even for a minute.

Word and deed are strong and tenacious.


After reading the good fairy's challenge three times, make her your dearest wish and remember. it should bring only good. The hidden evil will turn against you. After the call, dissolve each piece of sugar in a cup of water and pour everything into one vessel, repeating your wish for the fairy. At the end of the fairy summoning ritual, you should drink sweet syrup and wait for the good fairy to fulfill her plan.

Now you know how to summon the wish fairy at home and there is nothing complicated in this ritual. The only limitation is that you cannot summon magical creatures more than three times a year, which means that your desire should be thought out in more detail.

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You decided to find out how to summon the fairy of wishes for real without just 1 second, you want everything you wished for to come true immediately. Well, that's a good idea, but it's not easy to do. You will still have to earn the appearance of this fairy and say magic words. And what can I say – I’ll teach you this.

Fairy-sorceress | Summon a fairy at home | Summon the fairy with good deeds

Summon the wish fairy at home in 1 second

You need to prepare thoroughly for calling the sorceress; for this you will need:

  • piece of paper and colour pencils(felt pens, crayons);
  • regular white sugar;
  • beautiful flower.

You have prepared for the conspiracy, you have collected everything you need, now you can reveal the magic words to you. But first, find out how to carry out the ritual, call the Fairy of Desires during the day or evening.

  • First take a piece of paper and take the first pencil Red. Draw a red circle, then take an orange color and draw a smaller circle, after that yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
  • Surely you noticed that we took everything colors of rainbow in order.
  • As you drew this rainbow circle, place the flower you saved in the middle of the circle.
  • Gently sprinkle sugar on top of the flower.

Now it’s time for the magic words, repeat them three times:

“Fairy of wishes, I summon you. Everything is prepared for you: a seven-color rainbow, a beautiful flower bud and sweet shiny crystals. The sugar glitters on the magical petals, the flower stands in a seven-colored circle, and the Fairy appears at that hour. Just as there are many grains of sugar, my desire is so strong, I can’t even count them, I desire so much. Fairy sorceress, come! Fairy sorceress, come! Fairy sorceress, come"

  • When you see grains of sugar falling from a flower, you know that the fairy is nearby. Start saying your wish, and don’t forget to thank the Fairy at the end with these words:

“A fairy-sorceress who fulfills cherished wishes, thank you, dear, thank you, beauty. From now on, happiness will be with me, you gifted me and fulfilled my desire. I believe in your magical powers, I don’t dare doubt them.”

After that, take a leaf, a flower and sugar. Roll it all up into a ball and hide it in your room. Don't tell anyone that the Fairy of Wishes managed to call you. Otherwise, the strong sorceress will be angry with you and stop helping.

Summon the wish fairy with good deeds

Know that all Fairies are good sorceresses. They are always ready to help people. And that’s why they love the same people who do good deeds, and their hearts must also be kind. You can ask the Fairy for your wishes to come true cherished dream, but first you will have to be a fairy. Don't be afraid, it's not difficult at all.

  • You need to do it right 12 good deeds. You don't need a magical gift for this. The main thing is for the person to say “thank you.” This is enough, you can help grandma carry her bag, help mom with cleaning or prepare a delicious fruit salad.
  • Take on everything in your power, but just don’t ask for gratitude, it must come from a pure heart, otherwise the ritual will not work.

Once you have collected 12 “thank yous”, immediately proceed to the second part of the ritual, reading the magic words:

“Fairy of desires, you are only endowed with hidden power, fulfilling people’s dreams, I ask you, dear one, help me too. Yes, I don’t just ask, but in return I leave a good 12 things for myself, I deserve people’s gratitude. See my efforts, make my wish come true, it is very cherished. From the bottom of my heart I thank you, I beg you to help me."

  • After this, say your work in a whisper so that no one hears except the Fairy of Desires. And watch whether it comes true or not.

Now you know how to truly summon the fairy of desires in just 1 second, and use your knowledge with good intentions.

Dreams come true for those who believe in miracles.

It is not for nothing that even in childhood we hope to meet someone who will fulfill our desires.
One of the most famous fairy-tale creatures is the Fairy of Wishes.

Meet the Fairy of Wishes

What does a real Fairy of Wishes look like?

They say she is incredibly beautiful.
A fairy-tale creature comes to children.
In order to meet her, you need to perform a ritual. The fairy of desires is usually called in the afternoon or evening with pure thoughts; it is important to monitor your own desires!

Basic Rules:

  1. Only good people receive help.
  2. The sorceress loves to fulfill wishes that bring benefit to others.
  3. Most often, dreams come true for diligent students.
  4. You can't do bad things.
  5. You need to be grateful.

Basic ways to summon a creature

So, there are 3 possibilities on how to summon the Fairy of Desires at home, let’s look at them.

Option 1

Choose the brightest colors and draw a fairy. All colors should be in harmony. You need to depict a sorceress in a flower meadow or by a pond. After this, the drawing is neatly folded and put away under the pillow.

If you can’t draw, then you should make a beautiful collage or appliqué. The main thing is that the image of the fairy is made with your own hands.

After the creative process is over, before going to bed, repeat your cherished wish three times.

Option 2

Write a letter with your wishes. After this, the leaf with the cherished desire is buried under the fruit tree.

Option 3

When it rains with a thunderstorm, you need to take a glass of warm water. Write your wish on a piece of paper, then cut it into small pieces. After this, all parts of the letter are placed in a glass and mixed.

The ritual takes no more than 10 minutes. During this period the weather should change.

If it rains harder, then you need to wait for a more opportune moment and repeat the procedure another day. And if it subsides, then the wish will definitely come true in two weeks. If everything is successful and the fairy fulfills the wish, you need to thank her.

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How to become a Fairy of Wishes

To turn into a little magician yourself, you need to go through a ritual. Let's consider the algorithm for carrying it out:

1. Always have something green with you. This will be needed in order to give an item (candy, beads, pendant) to another fairy-tale creature.

2. Preparing for a meeting with dark fairies.

In order to avoid an unpleasant meeting with dark creatures, it is enough to wear clothes inside out. And if you do happen to see them, you need to show them a metal object when you meet.

3. Return of all debts and promises.

The absence of all debts will help to complete the transformation process faster.

4. Search for a lonely flower;

You need to find a flower that will grow away from others. It must be picked and preserved until a certain point.

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5. Storing threads in water;

A skein of white thread is dropped into a glass of water. After this, you need to place it so that the light of the night moon falls on the glass.

6. Memorizing the spell;

You should memorize: “I want you to come to me, turn me into a fairy and take me with you. I believe in the Moon, Love and Goodness."

7. Implementation of the call.

White threads come out of the glass. A circle is laid out on the floor. A single flower is placed in the center of the circle and a spell is cast. At night you can wait for the fairy, who must extend her hand. After this, the request will be completed.

Dangerous occupation

Many argue that summoning a fairy is dangerous. Why?

If you call a sorceress with bad intentions, malice, or to harm others, then everything may turn out differently. Mysterious creatures do not like evil people. They are capable of bringing a number of troubles upon them.

You should also be careful if you don't have faith. The Fairy of Desires treats those who are distrustful with caution. After she realizes that a person does not believe in her existence, she will disappear forever and take her luck with her.

Who else makes wishes come true?

For these purposes, you can call the Dwarf of Desires. He must not be disturbed during Orthodox holidays. A good period for the Gnome to come to visit is Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala, Rusal Week and many other pagan holidays.

To carry out the ritual, all icons are removed from the room and crosses are removed. It is forbidden to leave the room, shout or make noise with foreign objects until completion. Everything is carried out at night.

Various candies are taken. Everyone who wants to make their dream come true will need one. It is necessary to stretch a thread between the legs of the table, onto which the treats are later attached. They should not touch the floor.

The spell is pronounced: “Gnome of Desires, come visit.” When the rustling of candy wrappers is heard, each participant must mentally imagine their desire. The gnome will bite or eat the candy of those whose wish will come true.

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Fiction or reality

Both the calling of the Fairy of Desires and the existence of other mysterious magicians depend on the degree of faith of a person.

Therefore, you yourself can find a way to summon the Fairy of Wishes during the day at home.
There are references to these creatures in history.

But for some reason in our era no one has yet met a fairy.

At least from adults. Maybe children are a mystery...

How to summon a wish fairy