What is the nature of music? Test: which song reflects your character? Learning new material

You need to choose quickly, subconsciously

1. This is the choice of a positive person who easily finds a common language with everyone. You notice only the good in people, which helps you feel great yourself. You love animals, movies and pleasant conversations. Most likely, you do not strive for a romantic relationship, but prefer to spend time with friends and family.

2. For you, quality is much more important than quantity. On most issues you adhere to classical views. You are a sensitive person who does not like it when the usual order of life is rudely interfered with. A person with this preference is quite confident in his appearance, but despite this, has low self-esteem. You should have everything under control. Being a wise, intelligent person, caution still does not hurt you, because sometimes you really trust the wrong people. You enjoy interactions that inspire people to make changes for the better.

3. It doesn’t matter how, but it’s important for you to help others. Completely organizing an event, planning a business lunch or a vacation is a piece of cake for you. People like you are simply irreplaceable in the office. But once you get into your territory, it's a completely different story. Your personal life will most likely balance between the desire to control absolutely everything and nervousness due to the impossibility of implementing this. It is important for you to keep everything under control. It will take a lot of time to learn to be in harmony between what you want and what you actually want. Of course, it’s probably not bad to live according to the laws of a comedy film or entertainment show. But you are a human being, and it is natural for you to contemplate and think.

4. Your life is an eternal rush. For you, there are too few hours in the day for all your worries. You don't like to be alone with your thoughts, so you overload yourself. Discipline is a strong trait. However, you need to figure out what you really want from life. Spend as much time as possible with people who can inspire and make you happy. Now is the right time to look at the world around you as a real miracle. You need to slow down and look back.

5. There is too little room for feelings in your life. You are considerate and kind, but when it comes to your own dreams and plans for the future, you are lost. Finally understand what happiness really means to you. You have a warm attitude towards people and animals, you love life and know how to enjoy it. But still, loving your job is also important, because you want to be understood and appreciated.

6. A hardworking, dynamic person who feels confident and comfortable only by hiding her feelings. Changes on a global scale are not for you. You just smell of sadness and melancholy, and the course of life is determined by its dark stripes. Depression and unhappiness do not add color and richness to life, try to get rid of them.

7. You are always worried about everything, so it’s as if you consist entirely of graphs and tables. You are more comfortable living on the surface, without delving deeply into anything. You prefer to go with the flow, and serious relationships scare you. Focus on your own dreams and desires. Find something that will truly make you happy and inspired. You love people and can be an extremely sensitive person. Enjoy the harmony of everyday life and carefully think through any of your decisions.

8. Mysterious, resourceful personality, full of different ideas. Real innate creativity helps you develop fantastic ideas. A slightly introverted thinker, but completely dedicated to his work. Trust your intuition and inspiration, relying on your amazing mind.

9. You enjoy feeling the love and adoration of others. A good conversation, a good book, learning something new, or a favorite song can make your day great. Conscious politeness and courtesy seem to fill you with strength. You would like to become a famous person, successful and achieve a lot, but narcissism does not allow your dreams to come true. Putting yourself above others is normal, but only as long as it does not disadvantage others. You should finally leave your bubble and evaluate life in a new way from an unequivocal point of view.

10. You love to create. You are a fairly broadly developed personality. You don’t waste time: you easily bring new ideas to life, you are not afraid to take advantage of emerging opportunities and resort to non-standard ways of thinking. You strive to remain a holistic, creative person. Most likely, you are a great writer, a worthy student, or a chef from God. However, you feel incredibly intimidated when you apply your first brushstroke to a blank canvas. This unknown makes you feel insecure and uncomfortable. Your main task is to decide to buy this blank canvas and put your first touches on it. Add spontaneity to life and have fun with it!

11. You like to have a good time, but it seems like you have absolutely no intention of developing and moving forward. As a rule, you eagerly take on large projects, but very soon you become bored, disappointed and begin to feel that this is not your thing at all. You tend to judge a lot in people, while being convinced of how everything should really be. This most likely stems from a subconscious belief that not everything is good enough for you by your standards. You do not like to act without instructions and recommendations. Try to expand your horizons.

12. A funny, extraordinary person who looks at the world through rose-colored glasses. Some people can confidently say that you are larger than life itself, referring to the positive energy emanating from you. Social parties and romantic meetings are yours. You truly enjoy other people's happiness. But do not forget that your life belongs entirely to you and no one else. Sure, you can probably easily help other people achieve their goals, but do you really need to? Now is the time to think and work on yourself. After all, sometimes, being alone with your thoughts for a long time, you feel depressed and empty. It is important for you to feed off the energy of those around you.

13. You worry too much about everything that happens in the world. However, being within the walls of your own home, it is very difficult to help anyone in any way. You understand that everything that is going on in this world is too much for you, so you make a choice in favor of something familiar. It is common for you to look back on the past years and wish that everything was the same as before. Changes, of course, occur in your life, but it is important for you to get used to the new state of affairs, adapting and getting used to absolutely everything. Because of the habit of blaming others for what happens, you forget that each person is the creator of his own life. You may feel sad or depressed from time to time, but it is important to overcome these feelings by remembering to be grateful for all the many things that have been given to you.

14. You don't mind lying in the sun after a long day of work while enjoying a cold drink in your hands. You lack ambition, but only because you consider it absolutely pointless. You know how to enjoy all the blessings of life, but at the same time you understand that tomorrow everything may change not in your favor. You feel limited, so you strive to get the most out of life. The simplest things in life are important enough to you that you feel love and affection for family and friends. You like to be a part of something, and you definitely won’t miss yours. Sometimes you are overcome by an insane desire to be the source of world change.

15. Such a person is full of energy and loves to surprise others in his own way. You are comfortable enough to be yourself, so you always try to be the center of attention. Of course, because you are the life of the party with an excellent sense of humor. It is important for you that everyone has fun and interesting time with you. You will never allow yourself to miss any adventure or the next adventure. And, as a rule, you are the last one to leave parties. After all, if you leave early, you can miss all the most interesting things, and, therefore, lose a new story for your piggy bank. You are a kind person, but you have a surprisingly difficult time accepting kindness from others. In fact, you are a very simple person, who is not alien to deep experiences and emotions. Don't cover up your worries and worries with jokes. Sometimes you just need to let off some steam.



Are you a romantic soul who prefers soft and delicate music? Or a mysterious person who likes the samemusic? Let's find out which song suits you best!

And after the test you can read some interesting facts about music.

1. Music can revive drooping plants. If you place speakers near a fading flower and turn on light music, the plant will begin to come to life before your eyes and may even lean towards the source of the sound. Music also makes plants grow faster.

2. Music protects against hearing loss. As the experiment showed, people who have never been interested in or studied music hear worse than musicians.

3. Music can heal the heart, helping people recovering from heart surgery or a heart attack. It has been proven that the vascular system begins to work better against the background of pleasant music.

4. Music + sports training = 20% higher efficiency. The effect is comparable to the use of doping.

5. Music makes a person kinder and more sympathetic. The experiment showed that those who regularly listen to their favorite songs do good deeds and provide help 5 times more often.

6. Music activates sensory pathways that dampen pain. Thanks to music, a person can take his mind off troubles and reduce anxiety.

7. Experts say that if you listen to pleasant music while eating, the taste of food is enhanced by 60 percent.

8. Favorite music helps you cope with unrequited love and set yourself up for a new relationship.

9. A person’s heart beats to the beat of the music he is currently listening to.

10. None of the Beatles knew how to read music.

11. While listening to loud music, a person drinks more alcohol than without it.

12. Music activates the part of the brain responsible for pleasure.

13. Music during sports adds stamina to a person.

14. After a concert in Antarctica, Metallica was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the first and only band to perform on all seven continents within one year.

15. The famous inventor of the Stratocaster and Telecaster electric guitars did not know how to play the guitar at all.

16. A person’s favorite song, as a rule, is associated with some important life moment.

17. The longest organ concert in the world will last 639 years. Starting in 2001, the concert will end at 2640.

    These are special measures provided for by law or contract aimed at forcing the debtor to fulfill an obligation under the threat of property losses. These measures (or methods) form a special obligatory legal relationship, the main... ... Large legal dictionary

    ENSURING FULFILLMENT OF OBLIGATIONS- a system of civil legal remedies that provide the creditor with additional guarantees that he will receive either proper fulfillment of the obligation or compensation for losses by stimulating the debtor by establishing property that is unfavorable for him... ... Encyclopedia of Lawyer

    Ensuring the fulfillment of obligations- in civil law, the establishment of additional property measures that encourage the parties to accurately and effectively fulfill obligations. In Soviet civil law, such measures are: Penalty (Fine, penalty), Pledge, Deposit, ... ...

    Temper, character, mind- Temper, character, intelligence. In the OT these concepts are conveyed to Hebrew. in nefesh see Soul or ruach Spirit (see Spirit, Holy Spirit) (see Ps 33:19; Proverbs 17:22); in NZ Greek words nous (see Mind, reason, understanding, rational) or dianoia (thoughts, consciousness, views, see... ... Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia

    - ▲ character (of what) perform style character of execution (# work. maintained in kl. style). stylish. stylization. stylist stylize. stylized. archaism. archaization. ▼ style of speech, style in art, see ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Folk art- artistic, folk art, folklore, artistic creative activity of the working people; poetry, music, theater, dance, architecture, fine arts and decorative arts created by the people and existing among the masses... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Expectations- [from English expectation] a systemic complex of social expectations, ideas about how another person should fulfill status-role instructions. The nature and intensity of social expectations largely determine the assessment... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    FUTURES TRANSACTIONS- a standard agreement, the termination of rights and obligations under which occurs by offsetting counter-claims of the same type during a certain period or by execution at a future date (performance date) at a price that is set based on... ... Encyclopedia of Lawyer

    Znamenaya NOTATION- a sign system that records the melos of the main body of liturgical chants, which developed in Dr. Rus' in the 11th century. Znamenny singers. books are still used today in Old Believers and in individual churches of the Russian Orthodox Church. The earliest manuscripts containing Z. n.,... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Raga- (Sanskrit raga, Hindi and Bengali raga, Tamil iragam) one of the types of Indian. music, characteristic features and manner of performance were formed over the course of many years. centuries. The term rag is used in various meanings, basically boiling down to... ... Music Encyclopedia


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  • Formation of an idea of ​​the song as the source and peak of music.
  • Formation of listening culture.
  • Development of creative activity, rhythmic, modal sense.
  • Fostering interest and love for folk and classical music that conveys the beauty of human feelings.


  • teacher's workstation,
  • piano,
  • presentation.

Musical material:

  • V. Kalistratov, lyrics. Prikhodko “The mice walked on foot”
  • D. Kabalevsky “Clowns”.
  • D. Kabalevsky “Our Land”.
  • Rus.nar song “And I’m in the meadow”.
  • I. Dunaevsky “March”.
  • D. Kabalevsky “March”.

During the classes

1. Entering the classroom. Musical greeting.

2. “I’m here” chant.

3. Updating knowledge.

Teacher: Guys, today we will continue our journey into an extraordinary imaginary world. It cannot be touched with your hands, seen with your eyes, smelled or tasted. But you can perceive it with all your heart and soul. Let's start exploring the route.

We are heading into a SEA OF MUSIC. Oh, guys, one of the inhabitants of the sea of ​​music is already here! What “whale” “swimmed” when we entered the classroom?

Students: March.

Teacher: What is the character of the march?

Students: Marching, cheerful, clear.

Teacher: who can march?

Students: Everyone - soldiers, children, toy soldiers.

Teacher: Guys, let’s now play the game “Guess who’s walking?”

(The teacher performs various marches - military, children's, march of toy soldiers - and students depict the corresponding movements)

Well done! Can mice walk?

Students: Yes

Teacher: But before we start singing a funny song about little mice, we need to tune our musical instrument - our voice.

Articulation gymnastics and the “Swing” chant are performed. songs “The mice walked on foot”

Teacher: What kinds of marches are there?

Students: Various.

The music of D. Kabalevsky “Clowns” sounds

Students: dance.

Teacher: Why do you think so? How did you find out?

Students: The nature of the work is danceable and funny.

Teacher: Who do you think can dance so cheerfully and funny?

Who gives us laughter and joy?

Students: Clowns!

Teacher: Of course clowns. And the work is called “Clowns,” and it was composed by a wonderful composer and friend of all the guys, D. B. Kabalevsky.

Who can dance? How can you dance?

Students: in pairs, ensemble, soloist.

Teacher: the inhabitants of the fairy forest can also dance. We will now see this in the game “Who is dancing”

Working with cards. (The teacher plays fragments of dance music, students raise a card with the image of one or another “inhabitant” of the forest)

Teacher: What types of dances are there?

Students: Various.

4. Studying new material.

Teacher: Guys, close your eyes and turn into a “Big Ear.”

The teacher performs D.B. Kabalevsky’s song “Our Land”

What “whale” is “swimming” in our class now?

Students: SONG.

Teacher: Who can sing the song?

Students: ALL.

Teacher: Correct. Who recognized this song? What is it called?

Students: “Our land.”

Students: About our native land, about nature, about beauty.

Teacher: what is the nature of the song?

Students: Gentle, affectionate.

Teacher: Correct. This means we will perform it affectionately, the sound production is smooth, at a calm pace.

The words of verses 1 and 2 are repeated and clearly pronounced. Then it is performed to musical accompaniment. Learning verse 3.

Teacher: (Spanish fragment of the song “And I’m in the meadow”) Who recognized the work? What is the nature of the song?

Students: humorous.

Performing a round dance song. The song “Autumn” is performed by the teacher.

Teacher: Guys, what is this song about?

Students: about autumn.

Teacher: What is the nature of the song?

Students: Sad, sad.

Teacher: Yes, the melody is sad, but bright. Just like the season she painted for us. Guys, what colors does music “paint”?

Students: Musical.

Teacher: Listen, my dreamers! Do you hear? It's a SEA OF SOUNDS! Further, our path will follow sound waves and here, too, many interesting discoveries await us. What sounds do we know by pitch?

Students: high, average, low.

Teacher: Is it possible to represent the pitch of a sound with a line? (Students' answers) Yes, yes. Musicians even have such a concept - “sound line”. Let's try to draw a line and voice it.



Teacher: But there are also other sounds that are not musical. Name them.

Students: Noise (knocking, clapping, stomping, barking, creaking, etc.)

The game “Attention” is being played

5. Consolidation.

Teacher: What songs were played in class today?

Students: “The mice walked on foot”, “Our land”, “Autumn”, “And I was in the meadow”

Teacher: Are they the same or different in character?

Slide 8

Students: Various - cheerful, sad, gentle, playful.

Teacher: That's right, guys.