What types of Pokemon are there? The most powerful Pokemon

Today, in Russian-speaking countries, the animated series "Pokemon" is not particularly popular, because the demand for it has disappeared quite a long time ago. But about fifteen years ago there was a real boom: this anime was shown on TV, everyone bought magazines with these pocket monsters, toys, stickers and other things. All according to Pikachu and others, and in the minds of many people, Pokemon still occupy an important place and evoke a lot of pleasant memories and emotions. However, in Japan, the United States and several other countries, Pokemon are still something integral - new episodes about them are constantly being released, computer games are being created, and much more. Today, there are already more than seven hundred species of these creatures, and Russian-speaking fans only remember the song about “one hundred and fifty of them in total.” Therefore, now we will only consider those types of Pokemon that belong to the first generation, that is, those one hundred and fifty samples. And they will be considered from A to Z, or rather, from 1 to 150 in the order in which they are listed in the Pokédex.

Pokemon 1 to 18

As already mentioned, now there is simply an incredible amount of different Pokemon that are collected in the Pokédex from various cartoons, comics and computer games. However, it will be very difficult to consider all of them, and there is no particular point in this, since the Russian-speaking reader is unlikely to recognize any of the creatures following number 151. Therefore, the types of Pokemon that will be considered in this article belong to the first generation, and you should start with Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. These are three Pokemon that are starting, that is, the trainer can choose one of them as his first. Bulbasaur is a grass Pokémon and uses a bulb on its back in battle, Charmander is a fire-breathing salamander, and Squirtle is a kind of turtle that attacks with water. The first Pokémon can transform into Ivysaur and then Venusaur, revealing a bulb on its back, becoming larger in size and gaining new abilities, the second into Charmeleon and then Charizard, a real dragon, and the third into Wartortle and then Blastoise - a giant turtle with several water cannons on its shoulders. Next in the Pokédex are Caterpie, Metapod and Butterfree - three forms of Pokemon, the first of which is a caterpillar, the second is a cocoon, and the third is a butterfly. Another similar evolutionary set is Weedle, Kakuna and Beedrill. This time, the worm produces a cocoon, and then a powerful wasp. Well, don’t forget about the bird species of Pokemon: Pidgey, Pidgeotto and Pidget, which are among the most popular in the series.

Pokemon from 19 to 36

However, not all types of Pokemon have three evolutionary forms - many of them only evolve once. The most prominent example is the most famous Pokemon Pikachu, which can shock opponents with electricity. He can only transform into Raichu, a stronger version, however this did not happen in the anime as viewers thought Pikachu was too cute and didn't want him to get bigger and meaner. The rat Ratatta turns into a more dangerous version of Raticate, the small bird Spearow into the huge Fearow, and the not-so-impressive Ekans into Erbok. Also worth noting are the transformations of Sandshru into Sandslash and Clefairy into Clefable. The last pair deserves special attention, as they are pink fairies with absolute pitch and a subtle voice. They are considered to be practically the best in the world. Unlike pairs of evolution, there are even entire chains. For example, there are Pokemon of two genders - Nidoran. If it is a female, then it turns into Nidorina, and then into Nidoqueen. If it is a male, then it will evolve into Nidorino, and then into Nidoking - that’s how diverse Pokemon can be. It is difficult to describe all the species, but it is still possible, especially considering that they are all very interesting and attractive.

Pokemon 37 to 51

According to the Pokédex, next are Vulpix and Ninetales, the two forms of the fox Pokemon. After this you will find one of the cutest creatures in the world - Jigglypuff. He can hypnotize and put everyone to sleep with his wonderful voice and becomes even more dangerous when he transforms into Wigglytooth. You can see for yourself what a variety of powers Pokémon can have. All types are divided into some groups, such as grass, water or fire, but it is still worth noting that all Pokemon have their own unique characteristics. For example, Zubat, which then evolves into Golbat, is a bat that drinks the blood of its prey, while Pokémon like Oddish can't do much and only gain their powers when they transform into their further forms - in this case, Glum and Vileplume. There are also those that, in both their initial and final form, are not useful in battle. For example, Paras and Parasect. Venonat, a strange little beast, evolves into Venomoth, and Diglett triples into Dagtrio. The types of Pokemon and their evolution is a very interesting and vast topic that is very much loved by fans.

Pokemon 52 to 68

In no case should we forget about Meowth, the only creature that speaks human language. If we consider the types of Pokemon and their evolution, then special attention should be paid to Persian, the second form of Meowth. Next, Psyduck turns into Golduck, Monkey turns into Primep, and Growlet turns into Arcanine. Sometimes in the Pokédex there are still long chains of evolution, for example, Poliwag first turns into Poliwhirl and then into Poliwrat, Abra into Kadabra and Alakazama, and Machop into Machoke and Machamp. By the way, you can find all these creatures in the popular Minecraft mod Pixelmon. The types of Pokemon are more than fully represented there, so if you consider yourself a fan of this universe, and also love this famous game, then you should definitely try this modification.

Pokemon 69 to 86

If we talk about Pokemon that are not particularly powerful in their first forms, then it is definitely worth noting the charming Bellsprout, which then evolves into the slightly more useful Vipinbel, and that into the powerful Victreebel. If you are interested in how many species will be considered in this article, then you should answer a simple question about whether you have watched the “Pokemon” series translated into Russian. All types (the pictures will only confirm this) will be familiar to you, since this article is about these first generation Pokemon. These include the Tentacul-Tentacruel pairs, the Geodude-Graveler-Golem triplets, as well as the famous horse Ponyta with its evolved form Rapidash. Also worth noting is Slowpoke, who managed to become the hero of Internet memes, as well as his next form, Slowbro. Many may have forgotten some Pokemon, such as Magnemite and Magneton, but it is much more likely that you remember Farfetchd, or rather, its evolved forms - Doduo and Dodrio. We must not forget about the little seal Sil, who eventually turns into Dewgong. In Minecraft, the types of Pokemon remain the same, so you can remember your youth and the popular anime series while playing your favorite game.

Pokemon 87 to 101

The best way to study all the species in the Pokemon series is with a list. It's best if it's a Pokédex list, as it will have all the information you need. You can find out that Grimer becomes Mack, Shellder turns into Cloyster, and Gastly transforms first into Haunter and then into Gengar. Pay attention to Onyx - this Pokemon played an important role, but was quickly forgotten, since at the time of the broadcast it did not have any new form. Drowzee and Hypno, Voltorb and Electrode, Krabby and Kingler all evoke certain memories. I immediately want to remember absolutely all types of Pokemon, descriptions of their abilities, transformation and evolution.

Pokemon 102 to 151

Many more Pokemon were not mentioned: Koffing and Weezing from Team Rocket, a small Eevee that can transform into one of three possible forms - Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon, as well as Mew and Mewtwo - some of the most powerful Pokemon that are the central figures the original series and If you want to remember your youth, then all these types of Pokemon are present in Pixelmon, so go study them in Minecraft.

Continuation of the series

Unfortunately, the continuation of "Pokemon" did not receive huge fame in Russian-speaking countries, so this work is known here only from the first season, but it was simply incredibly popular for many years. And if you want to know how it all ended, you can watch the rest of the seasons.

Computer games

Computer games, of which there are quite a few, give you a special opportunity. In them you can learn a lot of new things about the Pokemon themselves and their abilities, as well as get acquainted with those creatures that you never knew about before.

Users who have joined the world-famous and mega-popular game of this summer Pokemon GO, having understood its principles and features, are beginning to develop a special strategy. These Trainers no longer just catch all kinds of pocket monsters on the street, but give preference to a certain type of Pokemon. And this makes sense: after all, in order to win battles at the Stadium and subsequently control the conquered location and receive game coins for this, you need to leave in the Gym a variety of Pokemon with good combat characteristics that can repel any attack. Experienced Pokemon fans believe that it is better to have weak wards of different types than powerful, but monotonous characters.

In this regard, let's figure out what types of Pokemon exist in the Pokemon Go game and where which Pokemon are found.

Pokemon types

So, it happens in nature 17 types of Pokemon and they all differ in their skills and superpowers. Accordingly, depending on, they all live in different areas. Some prefer warm places, some live near the water, and some like dark nooks and crannies and these animals only come out for a walk at night.

Pokemon are divided into the following types:

  • Regular
  • Water
  • Earthen
  • Flying
  • Stone
  • Steel
  • Fiery
  • Herbal
  • Icy
  • Electrical
  • Mental
  • Poisonous
  • Combat
  • Insects
  • Haunted
  • Dragon-like
  • Dark

There are also species that simultaneously belong to different categories: for example, there are dragon-like fire Pokemon, or ice flying monsters, and so on.

Where to look for Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Regular Pokemon

They are everywhere. It is not difficult to find these animals, and they are also found among them. Quite often, this type of cyber monster is born from eggs.

Locations for catching regular Pokemon: cities, residential areas, educational institutions, car parks, crowded places.

There are 22 simple Pokemon that you can catch in Pokemon GO: Pidgey, Pidgeoto, Pidgeot, Ratata, Raticate, Spearow, Fearow, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Mute, Persian, Farfetch, Doduo, Dodrio, Liktung, Chansey, Kangaskhan, Tauros, Ditto, Eevee, Porygon and Snorlax.

Water-type Pokemon

Often they should be looked for near bodies of water, both natural and artificial. If there are no seas or oceans in your area, a pond in a city park, or an artificial waterfall or even a fountain will do. There are also known cases of catching water monsters in water parks.

Most often, aquatic Pokemon live in canals and lakes, port harbors, on beaches near the sea coast, on the banks of rivers and swamps, and reservoirs.

If there are no listed objects in your area of ​​residence, and you really need the desired character for a fight at the Stadium, then, as a last resort, water Pokemon can emerge from the egg in the Incubator.

Second option: produce the desired monster by . For example, you can get it from Eevee through metamorphosis.

Full list of water Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 32 of them: Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, Golduck, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Slowbro, Seal, Dugong, Shelder, Cloister, Krabby, Kingler, Horsey, Sidra, Omanite, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Goldin, Siking, Staryu, Starmie, Magikarp, Gyaradome, Lapras and Vaporeon.

Fire-type Pokemon

Logically, we can immediately conclude that these creatures are the direct opposite of the water Pokemon described above. The easiest way to find them is in dry, hot climates, although, in principle, this type of Pokemon can occasionally be found everywhere.

Where to find fire pokemon: arid cities, beaches, parks, places with warm climates. There are cases when such creatures were caught in car parks and gas stations, although this has not been officially confirmed by the developer.

How to catch Fire Pokemon in Pokemon GO:

You can get a fiery one for your collection, for example, from the same. He is able to evolve, as you already understood, into both a water and a fiery character. In addition, Flareon is a fairly powerful animal.

The most powerful fire Pokemon is . There is a high probability of catching such a character in city squares or stadiums. One of these was caught in New York's Central Park, for example.

Full list of fire Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 12 of them: Charmander and the fruits of its evolution: Charmeleon and Charizard, Vulpix, Ninetales, Growlithe, Arcanine, Ponyta, Rapidash, Majmar, Flareon and Moltres, not found in wild places.

Grass-type Pokemon

These creatures can be caught anywhere, or rather, wherever there are green spaces.

Where to find Grass Pokemon: vegetable gardens, squares, fields, forest belts, orchards, national nature reserves, football stadiums.

Full list of Grass Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 14 of them: and the descendants of Ivysaur and Venusaur, Odish, Glum, Vileplum, Belsprout, Vipinbel, Victreebel, Execut, Executor, Tangela, Paras and Parasect.

Electric-type Pokemon

Such creatures are more often encountered by Trainers in industrial zones, as well as near educational institutions.

Where to find Electric Pokemon: schools and institutes, libraries, railway stations, commercial enterprises, business centers.

Full list of electric Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 9 of them: Pikachu, Raichu, Magnemite, Magneton, Voltorb, Electrode, Electabuzz, Jolteon and the powerful Zapdos.

Rock-type Pokemon

These comrades live, as the name suggests, where there are mountains and rocks, various stone reliefs and structures.

Where to find Rock Pokemon: quarries, agricultural lands, mountains, nature reserves. Sometimes such monsters can be found in multi-story shopping and entertainment complexes.

Full list of rock Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 11 of them: Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Onyx, Raigorn, Rhydon, Omanite, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops and Aerodactyl.

Psychic-type Pokemon

Often these are the characters that appear in the game Pokemon GO under the cover of darkness. Also, according to game statistics, they can be found near medical institutions.

Where to find Psychic Pokemon: residential corners of large, densely populated cities at night, hospitals and clinics. Rarely do these creatures wander into libraries or appear on the sea coast.

Full list of psychic Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 14 of them: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Drozy, Hypno, Execute, Executor, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Jinx, Starmie, Mr. Mine, Mew and Mewtwo. True, the last two cannot be found in the wild.

Bug-type Pokemon

You can guess that these animals live not far from their grass counterparts - in meadows and fields. By the way, the most ideal place for hunting insect monsters is city parks.

Where to find them: forests and plantings, gardens, meadows and fields, protected areas.

Full list of insect-type Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 12 of them: Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Paras, Parasect, Venonat, Venomoth, Scyther and Pinzir.

Ground-type Pokemon

Most likely they can be found next to stone ones. Basically, characters are found on agricultural objects and lands.

Where to find ground Pokemon: agricultural land, vegetable gardens and fields, squares and parks, quarries.

Full list of ground Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 14 of them: Sandshrew, Senslash, Diglet, Dugtrio, Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Onyx, Cubone, Marowak, Raigorn, Raido, Nidoqueen and Nidoking.

Poison-type Pokemon

You have a chance to find such a character in areas where there are swamps and swamps. These species appear much less frequently in industrial zones of cities. However, it is worth considering that often poisonous Pokemon simultaneously belong to another, related species, so they can be easily found in locations based on the first type. For example, there are flying poisonous creatures, or grass poisonous monsters.

Where to find poisonous Pokemon: wetlands, ponds, industrial areas.

Full list of poisonous Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 33 of them: Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Odish, Gloom, Vileplum, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Venonat, Venomoth, Belsprout, Vipinbel, Victreebel, Ekans, Arbok, Nidoran (m) and Nidoran (w), Nidorina, Nidoqueen, Nikdoking, Zubat, Golbat, Grimer, Mook, Kofing, Weezing, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Gastly, Hunter and Gengar.

Dragon-type Pokemon

It’s as easy as shelling pears to get such a powerful fighter into your collection – through evolution. For example, you can catch a protozoan and upgrade it to Dragonair and subsequently to Dragonite. Usually these creatures are found near large-scale calling cards of cities - such as iconic monuments, architectural structures, etc.

Where to find dragon-like Pokemon: monuments, steles, memorials, major tourist sites and attractions.

Full list of dragon-like Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 3 of them: Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite.

Fairy-type Pokemon

Experienced gamers have noticed that these creatures are often found near memorable, iconic places in cities. They have also been spotted in cemeteries and religious temples.

Where to find magical Pokemon: temples, graveyards, attractions.

Full list of magical Pokemon in Pokemon GOU, there are 5 of them: Clefairy, Clefable, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff and Mister Mine.

Fighting-type Pokemon

They live where they can hone their fighting skills and improve their performance in training.

Where to find fighting Pokemon: sports clubs and halls, stadiums and fitness centers.

Full list of fighting Pokemon in Pokemon GOU, there are 8 of them: Monkey, Primeape, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan and Poliwrath.

Ghost Pokemon

Since ghosts are difficult to see, they can be found wherever they want.

Where to find ghost Pokemon: anywhere, most importantly at night. A number of Pokemon players claim to have encountered ghostly monsters in cemeteries.

There are 3 ghost Pokemon that can be found in the game are: Gastly, Hunter and Gengar.

Ice-type Pokemon

Often this type of pocket monster is born from an egg in the Incubator. Based on the logic of the name, we can also conclude that this type of game creatures lives in cold places and loves frosty and snowy climates.

Where to find Ice Pokemon: skating rink, glacier, ski resort, countries with cold climates, north. In normal regions you can meet these characters in winter.

Full list of ice Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 5 of them: Jinx, Dewgong, Cloister, Lapras and Articuno, which is impossible to find in the wild.

Rare types of Pokemon

It is immediately worth noting that pokemon rarity pokemon go- the concept is very unstable. Judging by the types of Pokemon described above and their habitats, we can conclude that for your region a certain Pokemon will be rare, but residents of other areas will consider it simple and even common.

Pokemon types table

Pokemon type Strong against Weak vs.
Normal type Strong Against: No Weak Against: Combat
Insects Strong against: Herbal, psychic, ghosts Weak against: Flying, Fire, Stone
Poisonous type Strong against: Herbal, magical Weak against: Earthy, psychic
Herbal type Strong against: Water, Earth, Stone Weak against: Flying, Poisonous, Fire, Ice
Water type Strong against: Fire, Earth, Stone Weak against: Electric, Herbal
Fire type Strong against: Steel, Insects, Ice, Grass Weak against: Land, Stone, Water
Earth type Strong against: Fire, Electric, Poisonous, Stone, Steel Weak against: Water, Herbal, Ice
Fighting type Strong against: Normal Weak against: Flying, Magic
Stone type Strong against: Fire, Ice, Flying, Insects Weak against: Water, Herbal, Combat, Earth, Steel
Magic type Strong against: Combat, Dragons, Ghosts Weak against: Poisonous, Steel
Electric type Strong against: Water, Flying Weak Against: Grass, Steel, Dragons
Mental type Strong against: Combat, Poisonous Weak against: Insects, Ghosts
Ghost type Strong against: Psychic, Ghosts Weak against: Ghosts
Dragons Strong against: Dragons Weak against: Icy, Magic
Ice type Strong against: Herbal, Earthy, Flying, Dragons Weak Against: Fire, Earth, Steel
Flying type Strong against: Herbal, Combat, Insects Weak Against: Electric, Grandfather, Earthen
Ghost type Strong against: Psychic, Ghosts Weak Against: Combat, Magic
Metal type Strong against: Magical, Icey, Earthy Weak Against: Fighting, Fire, Earth

The most powerful Pokemon Pokemon GO

Type The most powerful Pokemon
Normal Snorlax Wigglytuff Clefable
Insects Pinsir Scyther Venomoth
Poisonous Venusaur Vileplume Muk
Herbal Exeggutor Venusaur Victreebel
Mermen Lapras Vaporeon Gyarados
Fire Arcanine Charizard Flareon
Earthen Nidoking Rhydon Nidoqueen
Combat Machamp Poliwrath Primeape
Stone Rhydon Omastar Golem
Electrical Jolteon Electabuzz Raichu
Mental Slowbro Exeggutor Hypno
Flying Dragonite Gyarados Charizard

Evolution- an integral part of the Pokemon universe. Almost the entire essence of training is based on this: to get a strong Pokemon and win battles. In the famous animated series, Pokémon evolved as they developed their abilities and revealed their potential in battle. Things are a little different in Pokemon Go.

Principle of evolution

If the characters of the animated series could not control their Pokemon in this regard, then players have the right to choose which monster they want to improve. And that's cool, considering how obnoxious Ash became back in the day.

The game allows you to evolve your Pokemon in a very colorful way. In the process, their strength and fighting skills increase. At the same time, the Pokemon becomes a completely new individual, so to speak. At least he looks different.

All forms of Pokemon can appear on the map, but the second and third ones quite rarely honor players with their presence. Especially if it is unique and . Exactly evolution helps you get the best monsters into your collection.

Types of evolution

In terms of evolution, there are three types of Pokemon:

  • No evolution.
  • Pokemon with one evolution.
  • Pokemon with two stages of evolution.

Pokemon without evolution include, of course, legendary and unique monsters. They do not need improvement, because they are already strong enough. There are even one-of-a-kind Pokemon, but that's more about the animated series. This includes Pokemon such as Lugia, Ho-Oh, Mew and Mewtwo, as well as three legendary birds (Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres). Only a few of them belong to the first order. Perhaps we will see them in the game very soon.

Cost of evolution

The payment for evolution in Pokemon Go is. By catching Pokemon, the player receives 3 candies and another one by sending the Pokemon to the doctor. After carrying the Pokemon for 2 km, the player receives 5-15 of its candies, from 5 km 10-21 candies, and from 10 km 16-32 sweets.

There are different candies for each type of Pokemon. They are the same only among representatives of one branch of evolution. You can check the number of candies in the “Pokemon” tab. Clicking on a Pokemon will open a tab with its characteristics. The candies are shown on the right. It’s hard not to notice them, because their color resembles the Pokemon itself.

They will be useful for the evolution of the monster. Try to first collect the required amount of candies for full evolution. By that time, you will have time to catch a Pokemon with a big , and you won’t have to spend money on upgrading it separately.

The amount of candy you need to pay for evolution almost always depends on how many stages of evolution the Pokemon has. For example, Shellder has the ability to evolve once, and the improvement will cost 50 candies. But Bellsprout, which evolves twice, takes 25 candies for the first, and 100 for the second.

There are also Pokemon that ask for very little. As a rule, these are common monsters like and. For their full two-stage evolution you will need 62 candies.

Evolution table

The list is compiled taking into account the capabilities of the game. In the animated series, some of the Pokémon shown in the non-evolution column have other forms. This is due to the fact that the game has a set of the first generation of monsters. For example, the second form of Onyx - Steelix - belongs to the second generation.

Without evolution Farfetchd, Onyx, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Lickitung, Chansey, Tangela, Kangaskan, Mister Mime, Scyther, Jinx, Electabuzz, Magmar, Pinsir, Thoros, Lapras, Ditto, Porygon, Aerodactyl, Snorlax
12 candies Caterpie, Weedle, Pidgey
25 candies Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Rattata, Nidoran, Oddish, Poliwag, Abra, Machop, Bellsprout, Geodude, Gastly, Eevee, Dratini
50 candies Metapod, Kakuna, Pidgeotto, Spearow, Ekans, Pikachu, Sandshrew, Clefairy, Vulpix, Jigglypuff, Zubat, Paras, Venonat, Diglett, Meowth, Psyduck, Grimer, Shellder, Drowzee, Krabby, Voltorb, Exeggut, Cubone, Koffing, Rhyhorn, Horsey, Goldin, Staryu, Omanite, Kabuto, Growlithe, Tentacool, Ponyta, Slowpoke, Magnemite, Doduo, Seal, Monkey
100 candies Ivysaur, Charmeleon, Wartortle, Nidorina, Nidorino, Gloom, Polivirt, Kadabra, Machoke, Weepinbell, Graveler, Hunter, Dragonair,
400 candies Magikarp

To perform this magical ritual, you need to go to the “Pokemon” tab and select the desired monster. A green gradient Evolve button will be visible between its characteristics. She will give you a new character, just have the required number of candies.

When you activate the button, an animation will begin. Upon completion, registration takes place in the Pokédex (if the player does not already have this Pokemon), and 500 experience points are sent to the trainer’s piggy bank.

Pokemon evolution

To quickly increase your level, you can use a lucky egg. It doubles the gain in experience points. You need to stock up on a lot of candies for the most common Pokemon (Pidgey, Weedle and Caterpie, because they only require 12 candies). Activate the egg and evolve into the second form of all available Pokemon of these types. For each you will receive 1000 points, which will significantly affect your level.

Starting line-up

To make even one evolution of them is already a miracle. The latter seems simply unreal. But even from this situation there is a way out. In every major city there are so-called nests. These are the places where the same Pokemon appear in large numbers most often. If you attack a nest of Charmanders or Pikachu, you can make an evolution in a few days. Good luck searching.

Unique evolutions

In the first generation, there are two unique Pokémon in terms of evolution. This is Eevee and Magikarp. The first one is unique in the animated series, the second one was given uniqueness by the Pokemon Go game.

Evie is a little fox with a big fluffy tail and a cute face. New features allow you to carry Eevee on your trainer's shoulder. This Pokemon is one of the most popular precisely because of its evolution capabilities. If other monsters of the generation can turn into only one form, then Evie is capable (or capable, because boys can be too) to become one of its three varieties. And in the animated series there were eight such varieties.

The baby can transform into an aquatic Vaporeon, which attacks opponents with a stream of bubbles. Or Jolteon, who wins with discharges of electricity and lightning. But Flareon is the lord of fire. He wins using flames. All three fox kittens are very funny and strong.

Another highlight of Pokemon Go is Magikarp. In appearance, this fish is simply stupid. She flounders clumsily, is absolutely weak and useless, but demands as many as 400 candies. For those who didn’t watch the animated series, it was difficult to understand why this little loser needed so much candy. It even gave rise to all sorts of jokes and memes.

But fans of the universe know that it’s not for nothing that the fish has a crown-shaped fin. She is a real treasure. All these 400 candies are needed for the fish to turn into the mighty water serpent Gayardos. Unlike Magikarp, he looks impressive.

However, the process of collecting candy is really painful. An average player who doesn't hunt all day long can collect 400 candies in about 1-2 months. This takes into account the fact that he will be in the city center every day.

So Gayardos is still a dream for many coaches. Unlike Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon, Eevee evolves for 25 candies.

Collecting all the rare Pokemon is a Pokemon Go fan's dream. Many people believe that this is impossible and that you cannot find all the rare Pokemon in your city alone. To a large extent this is true, but who knows, maybe Mew will fly onto your street.

Rare Pokemon does not mean unavailable. This is the name given only to those pocket monsters that are distinguished by great strength and agility, and therefore know how to hide well. In fact, in Pokemon Go, it is the developers who make Pokemon agile, based on their abilities. That is why the list will reflect the character of Pokemon from the popular animated series.

No longer rare, but noteworthy Pokemon

Without specifics, Kangaskhan can be classified as rare. There is no reliable information that anyone has caught the Kangaroo Pokemon. Slightly less rare Mister Mime and Porygon can be seen several times a month. It was previously thought that Electabuzz and Magmar were also quite rare, but in the center of a large city they can be caught almost every day. As well as Jinx (she's not even in the center), Aerodactyl, Slowbro, Ponyta, Scyther and Pincer.

List of the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon Go

10. Dratini. Few people are interested in a dragon-like Pokemon with CP 983, because in a large metropolis it appears 10 times a day and is ineffective in battle. But its second form - Dragonair - is a real rarity. Few people managed to catch enough Dratini to evolve it into a second form, and even more so into a third. This is only possible by obtaining Dratini from a ten-kilometer egg along with a large amount. The third form is the good postman Dragonite (3500 CP) - the dream of any trainer.

Rare Pokemon Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon

9. Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon. These forms of Eevee evolution are rare, but catching Eevee itself is not difficult (and the evolution costs only 25 candies). This Pokemon is optimally distributed across the city map; it can be found a little more often in the center. Entry-level Eevee is quite easy to catch. For level 100 and above, it is better to use berries and. The same applies to the forms of its evolution, although they are much more difficult to catch. There is no specific attachment of Pokemon to a place; they can even appear randomly near your house. The most of the three forms is the water Pokémon Vaporeon.

8. Lapras. This Pokemon is a Water and Ice type. A very wise and calm monster. Can read people's thoughts and communicate without words: his voice is heard in his head. In the game he has an impressive 2980 power points. Appears every few weeks without any connection to the location. An excellent defender. Copes with grass and earth-type Pokemon, as well as flying ones, in particular dragons.

7. Snorlax. A large, sleepy Pokémon that nevertheless has 3112 CP. During the month of observation, it appeared 3-4 times, both in the city center and in remote areas. His playing indicators are the most optimal, so he is effective both in defense and in attack. It is unlikely that you can purposefully find it, unless you stumble upon it by accident.

Many fans of the game pokemon go around the world go crazy, running around the city and chasing pocket monsters in order to get the animals into their collection. There are more than 150 types of Pokemon in the game, but there are also those that gamers strive to catch faster than everyone else. Now we will try to figure out who they are.

The most popular Pokemon in Pokemon Go

5th place – Psydak

This funny water-type Pokemon has become very famous thanks to its slightly unusual and even funny appearance, to put it mildly, and also its interesting name. Fans of the game have long called it simply “a psychotic duck,” finding this phrase funny. And Psydak looks quite extravagant. Its appearance is stylized after a platypus, it has a long beak, duck-like webbed hind legs, a rounded belly, and a head decorated with three black feathers sticking up. The Pokemon has round, bulging eyes and an eternally absent look, and a funny gait - he walks very clumsily. But behind such a harmless appearance lies a dangerous opponent - this Pokemon has powerful psychic abilities. Psyduck fights enemies by telekinetically penetrating their thoughts. But after each attack, the poor Pokemon has a severe headache, so he often holds on to it with his paws. You can meet the funny animal near any body of water, and it evolves into Golduck, which is considered one of the most powerful Pokemon in the game.

4th place - Charmander

This beast is a Fire-type Pokemon. This is a starter Pokémon and belongs to the first generation of battle pets. This is what you can choose from among several animals at the beginning of the game. Charmander has two forms of evolution - at level 16 he turns into Charmilion, and his evolution at level 32 becomes Charizard.

Charmander is a bright orange lizard with a beige-cream belly, something resembles a dinosaur. The very first Pokémon of his generation wore spikes, which disappeared over time. Charmander is born with a tail, at the tip of which there is a cheerfully crackling light, reminiscent of a fire. There is an opinion that if this flame suddenly goes out, the animal will die. The flame does not go out even during battles with water and ice Pokemon; it is almost impossible to extinguish it. If Charmander is angry, the light on his tail increases in size. His main ability is to breathe fire at his opponent, and his attacks also include powerful fiery explosions. This beast can scratch enemies with its claws, but these techniques are not as powerful as fire techniques. He has a calm and peaceful character, which is why all Pokemon Go fans love him very much. You can meet him in crowded places.

3rd place - Bulbasaur

This amazing Pokemon can charm any player with its appearance. There are still ongoing debates about whether Bulbasaur can be classified as an animal, or whether he is is a plant. The thing is that this Pokemon has a rather strange appearance. Bulbasaur is stylized as a frog or toad and moves on four legs. A huge green bulb grows on his back, growing from the seed he is born with. She helps the Pokemon collect sun rays and turn them into energy, poison accumulates inside it, and plants with pollen are used by Bulbasaur for attacks. Thanks to the ability to photosynthesis, it can attack enemies with sunlight. Upon reaching level 16, it turns into Ivysaur, it evolves into Venusaur, which has a huge red flower growing from a bulb on its back. Bulbasaur is a cute and calm animal, always smiling. This is a starting Pokemon, it is given at the beginning of the game.

2nd place - Squirtle

This blue animal is loved by all Pokemon Go fans not only for its cute appearance, but also for its excellent fighting abilities. Squirtle is also a starter Pokemon and can be choose at the very beginning. It looks like a small turtle of an azure blue hue, with a round, patterned shell, with a white border on the sides, and its abdomen is yellow in color. It walks on two legs and has a long tail that helps it perform some attacks. Squirtle is a Water-type Pokémon and has quite a lot of Water attacks in its arsenal, but also uses Ice moves, which makes it a strong opponent. The shell also helps him in battle - in case of danger, the Pokemon simply hides in it. He gets along well with almost all Pokemon, he is very friendly, and easily makes friends. At level 16 it evolves into Wartortle, and at level 36 its evolutionary form becomes Blastoise. The easiest way to find Squirtle is near bodies of water of any type.

1st place - Pikachu

Without a doubt, this is the most famous Pokemon in the game. Pikachu is known all over the world not only by fans of the game and the cartoon of the same name, but even by those people who are little familiar with the world of Pokemon. Both adults and children have seen an image of this funny yellow animal and heard its thin squeaking voice at least once in their lives. Pikachu is a pet electric type. It has the pre-evolution of Pichu and a more advanced evolutionary form - Raichu, which it turns into if it is given an electric stone.

Actually, the animal is considered a mouse, but it looks more like a rabbit or a bright yellow squirrel. It has long ears with black tips and a zigzag-shaped tail, somewhat reminiscent of a lightning bolt. If you pull the animal by it, you can get a strong electric shock. Pikachu has black eyes and cheeks in the form of red circles, inside of which it generates electricity. Given at the beginning of the game, after the player abandons the rest of the starters and runs away from them, he will be able to find him and make him his pet. Attacks with electrical discharges of varying strength and power, sometimes bites enemies. You can find Pikachu in cities; they are often attracted to the electric fields of household appliances.


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