What documents are needed to obtain SNI for a newborn? How to make an SNI for a child, what documents are needed, features of obtaining an SNI for a child

As soon as the mother and baby return home from the maternity hospital, the question arises of obtaining the first documents for the child. A birth certificate is required, it must be received within 30 days, then it is important to register the baby. It seems that this is all that a new citizen of the country needs.

But as soon as parents apply for benefits or medical insurance, they must provide a “green card”. This is what is colloquially called the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance. But more often you can hear the name SNILS from the first letters of the name of the document: insurance number of an individual personal account.

Does a newborn need SNILS?

More recently, this document was not known; the need to obtain it arose only among working people, information about whom the employer transferred to the Pension Fund. But since 2011, obtaining this plastic card has become mandatory for children. Moreover, if previously teenagers who had reached the age of 14 needed it, today without a “green card” it is impossible to apply for any type of benefit for an infant.

Why was SNILS initially needed only by working citizens? It was used to quickly calculate pension savings, but over time, with the introduction of innovative technologies, its functions expanded significantly. Now it is necessary as a connecting element between the social services of the state. With this “green card”, participation in state programs to support families raising children becomes simple for organizations that implement this activity.

Many young parents do not know about the need to register a SNILS for their child. While the baby is a newborn, it is quite possible that you will be issued a health insurance policy without providing this document. But other authorities will definitely require it.

If two years ago this requirement was treated loyally, everything depended on the specialist who prepared the documents for issuing payments for a newborn, today SNILS is one of the main documents that the baby cannot do without. Therefore, it is imperative for your baby to register for SNILS, and the sooner you do this, the calmer you will be.

Where can I get SNILS for a newborn?

When SNILS was not mandatory for infants, it was possible to obtain it through a kindergarten if the child went to a preschool educational institution, or it was issued at school, having previously collected the necessary documents for the child from the parents. But today, parents are almost always forced to carry out this procedure on their own and in the first months after the birth of the baby.

You should obtain SNILS from the local office of the Pension Fund, and this can be done in different ways:

  • You can apply in person by writing a statement,
  • Internet can be used
  • You can submit documents to the Multifunctional Center.

Moreover, access via the Internet is possible in two ways: through the Pension Fund website or through the State Services portal. Each of these methods has its own pros and cons. But since the choice is quite large, a citizen can make it, focusing on his capabilities and wishes. True, each method has its own characteristics. And to receive the document you will still have to come in person to the Pension Fund office.

It is necessary to draw the attention of parents that the procedure for obtaining SNILS is quite simple, does not require payment, and the list of documents is minimal. True, you will still need to wait, but the period for receiving a “green card” is minimal, up to two weeks. However, as practice shows, this procedure usually takes much less time.

List of documents for registration of SNILS

When registering for SNILS, you do not need a large package of documents. It is much more problematic to find time to stand in line at the Pension Fund branch. As a rule, they are quite large. If a mother has no one to leave her child with and she is forced to take him with her to register for SNILS, they will certainly accommodate her and let her through without a queue. But at the department you will have to fill out an application; whether there will be anyone to hold your baby at this time is a big question.

Some parents who have temporary registration are wondering whether in this case it is possible to issue a document for a newborn. Experts answer that this is possible, including if the parents do not have Russian citizenship. To obtain a “green card” for a baby, his parents need to submit not only an application, but also provide copies and originals of the passport of one of the parents on whose behalf the application was written, as well as the baby’s birth certificate.

Close relatives can also submit documents, but the application must be written by one of the parents. You can take an application form in advance, mom or dad will fill it out at home, and grandma can take all these documents to the pension fund office. In this case, Pension Fund employees are required to accept the papers. If these are specialists who understand the life situation, there will be no problems.

Is it possible to apply for SNILS via the Internet?

Strictly speaking, the Internet offers the client a solution to only one part of the problem. You can fill out an application form on both the Pension Fund website and the State Services portal, but you will have to submit documents (copies and originals) at the Pension Fund branch. Thus, mom can cope with the task of filling out the form at home, and dad can take the documents to the institution. You will also need to appear in person to receive the card.

  1. On the State Services portal you should find the section “Authorities”, then the column “Ministry of Labor and Social Development”, in it - “Pension Fund”.
  2. Next, look for the column “All services” and in it the section “Acceptance of applications from policyholders for voluntary entry into legal relations for compulsory pension insurance.”
  3. When filling out the form, you need to be careful so that the Pension Fund does not subsequently return the application to you. An important point is the use of an electronic signature to certify the correctness of the entered information.

If you don't have one, you can print out the form on paper and fill it out. The ADV-1 form is available on the Pension Fund website. When filling it out, you should be aware that the details must be indicated in the nominative case. Filling should be done using helium paste. Letters must be printed and legible. One square corresponds to one letter. If you are a literate person, then you will not have any difficulties. Don't forget to include your mobile or home phone number, otherwise it will be impossible to contact you.

Why does a newborn need SNILS?

Obtaining SNILS serves several purposes. For example, without it it is impossible to provide medical services. Among them is registration of preferential receipt of medications and specialized types of food that are necessary for disabled children. Without SNILS, you will be denied sanatorium treatment and free travel to the sanatorium. If a child inherits the funded part of the pension, it is impossible to issue it, as well as to form the funded part of his pension in the future. You will also have to forget about benefits of various types. And after your baby grows up and reaches the age at which he can work part-time during the holidays, he will not be able to do this without SNILS.

In the near future, without a “green card” it will be impossible to become a full participant in government programs that provide services of various types: social, government, medical and others. Whether it is worth depriving your child of all this is, of course, up to the parents to decide. But it is best to contact the Pension Fund office in advance to allow the child to benefit from government guarantees.
If you lose a document, you should contact the Pension Fund for a duplicate; it will be issued fairly quickly. If for various reasons the SNILS holder’s data has been changed, then within two weeks you should submit new information to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where they will carry out the necessary procedures and you will be given a card with the same number, but with a new name and surname.

After inclusion in the country's pension insurance system, an individual is opened a personal 11-digit account (SNILS). The specified numerical value is reflected on the document issued to the applicant - a pension certificate in the form of a green plastic card. The type and form of the certificate are the same for any category of individuals, including minor children.

What does it say on the card?

The certificate reflects a variety of personal information about the owner, including:

  • the applicant's individual account number (SNILS);
  • personal information about the citizen (name, surname);
  • date of birth value;
  • information about place of birth;
  • information about registration in the insurance system.

A unique SNILS is issued to a specific individual and does not change throughout his life. If the card is lost, the owner is issued a duplicate document, which indicates the previous (previously assigned) number.

Why does a minor need SNILS?

The reason for the need to register minor citizens in the pension insurance system of the Russian Federation was due to adjustments to the norms of existing Russian legislation.

All citizens of the country should be provided with electronic cards of a universal type, designed to replace many different documents: health insurance, student ID, transport (travel) tickets and others. A wide range of card validity will ensure and facilitate the population’s receipt and payment of various services (municipal, state), as well as increase the availability of insurance services and support programs for needy categories of insured persons, including minor children.

SNILS serves as one of the significant and mandatory parameters that are present in the universal electronic card. Therefore, without the specified number, it will be impossible to receive many government, medical, and pension insurance services.

Minors with citizenship of the Russian Federation, regardless of their place of residence, can be registered in the insurance system. Registration of SNILS is also available to children who have citizenship of another state if they reside within the territory of Russia temporarily or permanently. Registration is carried out on the basis of providing the applicant’s application form in version ADV-1. It is possible to find out in more detail what documents to obtain SNILS for a child will be required in a specific situation at each PF office in the country.

How to open an account for a minor?

For citizens under 18 years of age, a pension certificate is issued and received by their parents/guardians in several ways:

  • Parents or authorized persons of a minor child personally contact the Pension Fund, presenting the documents required for registration to the branch in the region of his residence/registration, and later pick up the finished document with the assigned account number. There is no need for the mandatory presence of the minor person in the PF.
  • To obtain an account number for a minor citizen who is 14 years old, parents can submit documents to the Pension Fund. But the child of the specified age is also given the right to independently submit documents to obtain a SNILS number at the Pension Fund branch, and accordingly can pick up a completed pension certificate.
  • If a minor receives school education or attends a preschool institution, the administration of this institution transmits information for the preparation of SNILS to the Pension Fund.
  • In the case where the Pension Fund and the civil registry office have entered into an agreement on interdepartmental cooperation, registering the child (in the civil registry office), parents can fill out the information necessary for the pension fund. You can pick up the finished number later at the Pension Fund.

Other ways of how and where to obtain SNILS for a child (in the form of submitting an application by mail, through the electronic website of government services) are not formalized by law and are not valid.

What documents are required to open an account?

Each Pension Fund branch will tell you what documents are needed to obtain SNILS. In the Pension Fund at the place of residence or registration of the minor, certain documents are required from authorized persons (parents, guardians), including:

  • A document to confirm the identity of either parent, who provides information intended for opening an insurance account for the child (passport, ID).
  • Birth document of a minor (certificate provided for persons whose age is less than 14 years).

An application form for a minor citizen (based on the ADV-1 model), which must be filled out and certified by the signature of one of the parents. In a number of branches and representative offices of the Pension Fund, it is practiced to electronically fill out this document by a fund employee on the basis of the presented birth document and passport, then print it out and transfer it to the parent for review and signing.

For teenagers over 14 years of age who decide to independently come to the Pension Fund for SNILS, it is enough to have a passport and a completed and signed application form.

The process of registering a pension account after transferring all documentation to the Pension Fund does not exceed 3 weeks.

How to fill out the form?

The child’s SNILS questionnaire can be filled out when visiting the Pension Fund or in advance if you print a sample from the Pension Fund’s official network website. The form requires correct and clear completion of the fields with the following information:

  • personal information about a minor (last name, first name, patronymic) and gender;
  • information about the date and place of his birth;
  • citizenship;
  • point of residence/registration;
  • information from a document confirming the identity of a minor (birth document, passport for children over 14 years old).

At the end of the page, the date of filling out the column is indicated and the signature of the parent, the authorized person of the insured person, or the child himself, if he is over 14 years old, is signed. It is advisable to fill out the form in block letters without errors or corrections.

Do I need to do SNILS before school?

In some school and pre-school institutions, in order to enroll a minor in them, a mandatory requirement is to provide a pension document and SNILS.

This requirement is contrary to law. Moreover, the administration of a child care institution (school, preschool) must issue SNILS accounts for students based on an application received from the child’s parents/guardians.

The administration's demand is partly explained by the fact that each child (not only beneficiaries) receives a subsidy for food in a child care facility and is purchased a set of school textbooks. The accuracy of calculating amounts depends on SNILS, which is a general identifier for a child in almost all departmental structures (municipal, state).

How to apply online?

Registration of SNILS for a child is carried out on the basis of Federal Law No. 27 of 04/01/1996, which determines the execution of a pension document for an individual directly by the Pension Fund and its branches. The document reflects information about the individual: account number, personal data of the citizen, the date of his registration in the database of the country's insurance system.

This information is legally classified as information subject to confidentiality requirements. Therefore, the possibility of transmitting an application form for registration and receipt of a pension account via the Internet is not provided.

Pros of SNILS

To understand why a child needs SNILS, it should be taken into account that this number in the near future will supplant all other personal identifiers (TIN, policy, passport). Already now it is used not only to calculate pensions, but also:

  • As an identifier of an individual when providing medical care by the compulsory medical insurance fund. Having an insurance number simplifies the relationship between a medical institution and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund when treating children, providing free medical supplies (medicines), and queuing for high-tech medical care.
  • Accelerates the identification of a number of categories of citizens (disabled children) in need of social support. According to Federal Law No. 178 of July 17, 1999, the provision of social support (therapeutic nutrition, medicines, sanatorium and resort treatment) is provided to citizens included in the federal list (register) of persons entitled to this assistance. To register a child in the register, his SNILS number is required.
  • SNILS acts as a single identifier and the main requisite when issuing a universal electronic card, which performs the functions of many documents, including an identity card, especially when applying for services provided by state or municipal structures.

SNILS provides the ability to prepare many documents electronically (receiving a certificate from the legal register of real estate, submitting an application for a replacement foreign passport).

The number is required for schoolchildren and students engaged in official part-time work during school holidays.

Video on the topic

When a new citizen of a country is born, the very first document is a birth certificate. This document is issued within a month after the baby’s first breath. After this, parents usually prescribe the baby.

Later, when the baby starts to get sick or some kind of help from the state is required, any municipal institution begins to require a green card. Many are beginning to be indignant, since previously this document was not required, and only children over 14 years of age received them.

Today, obtaining SNILS for a newborn is a mandatory procedure for parents who want their baby to receive all the necessary benefits and goodies from the state. Now let's figure it out - how to get SNILS for a newborn and what is it for?

Why is it necessary?

SNILS or Insurance Number of Individual Personal Account until 2011 was used only in the insurance industry, as well as for calculating pension contributions by the employer to the Pension Fund or third-party non-state pension funds.

And before this period, children received a green card only from the age of 14. At the moment, the state has expanded the capabilities of a citizen’s registration number, and now this information is used in almost any state. sphere.

With the help of SNILS you can get support for various regional and state. programs. Also, without this document, young mothers will not receive maternity capital. In this case, the insurance policy is issued without a green card for newborns, but you need to get SNILS for a newborn as soon as possible.

SNILS functions

  • Registration for public services.
  • Checking the funded part of the pension in the Pension Fund and Non-State Pension Fund.
  • Receiving benefits, subsidies, medicines.
  • Participation in government programs.
  • Registration for work.
  • Medical care in some clinics and hospitals.

How to get, make and where to apply

More recently, schools and kindergartens were involved in registration when they reached the age of 14. At the moment, all the documents and registration are handled by the parents. There are several ways:

  • Through MFC.
  • Submit an application to the Pension Fund.
  • Through the online portal of public services on the Internet.

What documents are needed for registration?

  • Original birth certificate and 1 photocopy.
  • Passport of any parent. If at the time of the birth of the child the father and mother were not married, then the mother’s passport will be needed.
  • Application of a certain sample. It is issued by the Pension Fund or MFC, so you don’t need to print it out and look for it yourself. A sample form is shown below.

One parent will be required to submit documents. The baby's presence is not necessary.

How long does it take to make a children's SNILS? The green card will take approximately one to two weeks to be issued. After this period, any of the parents can come and pick up SNILS. Where to get it? Issuance takes place at the address where the application was submitted.

Through the public services portal

In reality, registration still takes place directly at the MFC or PFRF. On the government services website, you can download the form and see the addresses of the MFC and Pension Fund nearest to you.

  1. Go to https://www.gosuslugi.ru/.
  2. In the search bar we write “SNILS”.
  3. Below you will see the item you need, click on it.
  4. Next, click “Fill out the form.” A file in “DOC” format will be downloaded to your PC and will need to be filled out. Be sure to fill out the form correctly and carefully. All letters must be printed and each square must contain only one character or letter. To fill, use only a bright helium pen.
  5. Next, select where exactly you want to apply and click on “Find a Pension Fund branch” or “Find an MFC.”
  6. Afterwards, you need to come to the designated address with an application, birth certificate and a copy.

SNILS for a newborn is received at the same address where the parents submitted the application. Unfortunately, online registration does not take place, due to the fact that such a procedure requires an electronic signature, which is very difficult to obtain on the portal.

Some people still don’t know not only how to get SNILS for a child, but also what kind of document it is and what information it contains.

SNILS is the number of a citizen’s personal account. We receive it when we register in the compulsory pension insurance system.

On pension certificates this number is depicted as clearly and clearly as possible.

Pension certificates look like green plastic cards (slightly larger than usual). They contain information such as:

  1. Registration date.
  2. Place, date of birth.
  3. Full name of the person who took out the insurance.
  4. Personal account number or itself.

Reference information is located on the back of this document.

Why do children need SNILS?

This document needs to be completed for several reasons:

  1. Faster identification of disabled children by the state. They will quickly receive the necessary benefits and payments in connection with their illnesses.
  2. SNILS is needed to receive free medications for up to three years when organizing outpatient treatment. Members of low-income families receive free treatment up to 6 years of age.
  3. To register on the official website for the provision of public services. They register there only using SNILS.
  4. For those who decide to start a part-time job during school holidays.

Registration and receipt of SNILS

In order to obtain this document, there are four possible options.

  • When documents for obtaining SNILS are transferred to the Pension Fund by parents or legal representatives. All they have to do is wait until the document is ready and receive it. At the same time, the child himself does not have to come to the Pension Fund.
  • The child himself can submit documents to representatives of the Pension Fund upon reaching the age of 14. The pension certificate is also issued to him personally.
  • Sometimes the obligation to provide documents to obtain SNILS is assigned to educational institutions.
  • When concluding an agreement on interdepartmental interaction between the Civil Registry Office and the Pension Fund, paperwork is completed automatically. Then the registry office employees submit the documents themselves when parents register their child for the first time.

What documents are needed for registration?

The set of documents will consist of:

  • Insurance pension certificate. Issued by the Pension Fund within a period not exceeding 3 weeks.
  • Questionnaires and passports, if a child who has reached the age of 14 applies to representatives of the Pension Fund.
  • Applications for the insured person. It is filled out according to form ADV-1. In some departments, employees themselves can fill out this form electronically. Why do you need to give them a birth certificate (if lost, you can) and a passport (if overdue, paid).

  • Child's birth certificate. It is necessary if he is not yet 14 years old.

  • Passport of the parent who is applying for the document.

Some people are interested in whether it is possible to obtain SNILS for a newborn if there is only a temporary registration. The answer is yes. And for those who do not have Russian citizenship at all.

It is enough to submit an application using the form described above, the passport of one of the parents. A birth certificate is also required.

What to do if the insurance certificate is lost?

The procedure and main recommendations for such situations are listed in paragraph 5 of Article 7 of the Federal Law “On individual (personalized) accounting in the state pension insurance system.

  1. You need to contact the organization that issued the document no later than a month from the date of loss and ask the employees to restore the necessary information. The application is submitted to the Pension Fund along with another document indicating the certificate number.
  2. The same rules apply not only to individuals, but also to those who have entered into a civil contract or work under a regular employment contract.
  3. The same period is set for those who do not officially have employment contracts concluded with anyone.
  4. A duplicate of the lost document is issued by employees of the Pension Fund no later than a month after the loss was reported.

We receive SNILS again

Sometimes it happens that you need to get a new certificate, although a person already has one. For example, if the old document was badly damaged or lost, or if the owner changed his last name.

The easiest way to re-register SNILS is through employers. But you can solve the problem yourself if this option turns out to be unavailable.

It is enough to contact the nearest branch of the Pension Fund and fill out an application for document restoration (Form ADV-3).

Employees first carefully review the application and then issue a duplicate.

If the last name changes, the procedure remains the same, you just need to indicate new information in the application form. In this case, a new certificate is issued faster - in a maximum of three weeks.

Abbreviation SNILS: what else do you need to know about it?

All information relating to pension contributions and personal data contained in the individual account of a person insured in the compulsory pension insurance system is strictly confidential.

Such information cannot be provided to third parties unless the citizen himself gives consent. It can only be used to receive a pension (for example), services in the medical field.

It is impossible to find a person if you know his SNILS number. Disclosure of personal data is punishable under Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006.

You can use SNILS to open a personal account by going to the State Services portal. This number then becomes the user ID.

Individual SNILS numbers are also indicated on the reverse side of universal electronic cards. UEC is a card that replaces an insurance and pension certificate, allowing you to remotely receive a large number of government services.

At the same time, the UEC performs several functions:

  1. Public transport ticket.
  2. Electronic digital signature.
  3. Online wallet.
  4. Bank card.

In the future, the government plans to abandon standard documents, leaving only the UEC as a single identifier.

Important: The SNILS number looks like this: “123-456-789 01.” The last two digits are a checksum, which is calculated using a special algorithm.

For how long are SNILS issued?

The citizen receives this document for life. It changes only if any personal data has changed.

Starting in January 2012, a new category of citizens appeared, for whom participation in the pension insurance program also became mandatory.

These are temporarily staying foreigners who enter into a regular employment contract or work for a period of at least six months.

They now issue SNILS according to the same rules as ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation. Such citizens can contact the Pension Fund branch themselves, or write an application through their employer.

This also applies to persons under the age of majority. For example, citizens of Belarus also fill out SNILS according to general rules, providing the same documents as citizens of the Russian Federation.

How to get SNILS for a child

How to get SNILS for a child

How to get SNILS for a child - Key rules for document preparation

As soon as the mother and baby return home from the maternity hospital, the question arises of obtaining the first documents for the child. A birth certificate is required. Is it necessary to obtain an insurance certificate for newborns - SNILS? All questions related to the registration of the youngest Crimeans in the Pension Fund were answered byHead of the department for organizing personalized accounting of the Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Crimea Sapronova Tatyana Vladimirovna.

Is it necessary to obtain an insurance certificate for newborns - SNILS?

As soon as parents apply for benefits or medical insurance, they must provide a “green card”. This is what is colloquially called the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance. But more often you can hear the name SNILS from the first letters of the name of the document: insurance number of an individual personal account.

Why is SNILS necessary for a newborn?

Previously, the need to obtain SNILS arose only for working people, information about whom the employer transferred to the Pension Fund. It was used only for the efficiency of calculating pension savings, but over time, with the introduction of innovative technologies, its functions expanded significantly. Now it is necessary as a connecting element between the social services of the state.

Today, SNILS is one of the main documents that a child cannot do without. Therefore, it is imperative to register a SNILS for your child, and the sooner you do this, the calmer you will be.

Obtaining SNILS serves several purposes. For example, evidence of compulsory pension insurance will be required when receiving medical services. Among them is registration of preferential receipt of medications and specialized types of food that are necessary for disabled children. SNILS will be required to receive sanatorium treatment and free travel to the sanatorium. When applying for benefits of various types. And after the baby grows up and reaches the age at which he can work part-time during the holidays, he will not be able to do this without SNILS.

Where can I get SNILS for a newborn?

In Crimea, since December 2014, an agreement has been concluded on interdepartmental cooperation between the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Crimea and the Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Crimea, according to which the civil registry offices transmit information about registered newborns to the Pension Fund for registration of SNILS. Currently, this transmission is carried out every ten days - until the 5th, 15th, until the 25th.

This means that, based on the information received from the registry office, SNILS is issued at the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund, and specialists prepare certificates within 5 working days. Parents of a newborn need to contact the Pension Fund at their place of residence only to obtain an insurance certificate.

Have with you:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • identification document of the child's representative.

Thus, the procedure for obtaining SNILS for newborns has been simplified.