What is the most reliable way. Why is it important to obey laws? Knowledge is power! Power to the people

The word “turmoil” has many meanings: it is disorder, disruption, devastation, as well as uprising, rebellion and even discord between the people and the authorities. In a word - a mess.
The Time of Troubles, or “the great ruin of the Moscow state,” as they said then, happened at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries. and lasted approximately 12-15 years, until 1613, when Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was elected. Over these years, Russia was devastated, thousands of people died of hunger. There was no legitimate government, the government of the country changed hands about ten times: impostors, Polish henchmen, and the Seven Boyars replaced each other.
Troubles settled, first of all, in the minds and souls, people raised weapons against each other, everyone thought about their own benefit, and not about the good of the Fatherland. The weakening of the country was not slow to be taken advantage of by its enemies, who were ready to grab for themselves a tasty piece of Russian land. With general anarchy (anarchy, disorder), Russia was threatened with the loss of state independence.
But it was precisely this threat that stirred up patriotic forces. The idea of ​​civil harmony and strong legal authority won in the minds of the people. For the sake of order and the common good, people were ready to give everything. National unity made it possible to end the Troubles. And Russia was saved.
What lessons can be learned from these events?
The Time of Troubles is, of course, a very difficult period. But one thing can be said firmly: the weakening of legitimate power, rampant anarchy, violation of order and justice can lead the country to ruin, wipe it off the face of the Earth, as happened to our homeland in 1991.

Law establishes order in society

Have you ever wondered what order is and why it is needed in society? But our whole life is based on a certain order. People work, study, get treatment, drive cars, trains, bicycles, relax, travel, go to the cinema and shops, adhering to established rules. Of course, disruptions occur. But what does this lead to? The rules are established so that people can live comfortably and peacefully; any violation of them can end very badly.
Order. What a wonderful word! Order is absolute reliability, as the ancient Greek thinker Pythagoras (6th century BC) argued. And the Russian writer V.I. Dal (1801 - 1872) believed that order is the correct structure.
Human society needs a proper structure. People understood this a long time ago and came up with legal laws - rules that, as you know, are established by the state. Everyone must follow these rules. People feel comfortable and calm when the house is warm and light, when there is food, transport, shops, schools, hospitals work well, when traffic rules are observed, in other words, when there is order in the country.
If you want to know where order begins, open the main law of the state - the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It clearly states how state power is structured, what rights and responsibilities a person has, and much, much more.
But the Constitution is only the main law; there are also others: “On Education”, “On Environmental Protection”, “On the Mass Media”, “Family Code”, “Labor Code”, “Law on Military Duty and Military service”, etc. Even by the name you can guess what they are talking about. Each of these laws helps to establish order in a specific area of ​​our life.
Unfortunately, there are people who break laws. This is not only harmful, but also a very dangerous phenomenon. For example, Vova violates traffic rules. We can say that by doing so they undermine the established order and interfere with the normal life of citizens. And sometimes they create a serious threat to the entire society.
To ensure order, the state must not only take care of passing new laws. It is obliged to ensure compliance with existing laws, and to punish violators without fail.
Russia has adopted the Criminal Code. It indicates which offenses are dangerous to society, which of them are crimes, and also establishes punishment for their commission. Therefore, the law not only establishes order, but also protects it.

The law seeks to establish justice

Now think about what justice is. Is it possible to achieve it in society?
Justice lies in the fact that philosophers believe that everyone receives what they are entitled to. They say that justice helps to establish good relations between people.
People really need justice. When an innocent person is punished, it’s a shame. When someone gives you a bad mark undeservedly, it’s unpleasant. It is unfair if the strong offend the weak, beat him and humiliate him. It is unfair when some have all the rights, while others only have responsibilities. Probably, every person, deep down in his soul, is convinced that good and honest deeds should be recognized and rewarded, and evil ones should be condemned and punished.
People have long sought to establish justice in society in some way. And they found the most reliable way - with the help of laws. Here is the Russian Truth - an ancient set of laws that began to be written down more than 900 years ago. Already in him one can see the legislator’s desire for order and justice. For example, there is an article in Russian Pravda called “About the Horse”: “If someone buys a horse... and the horse is damaged, then go to the seller from whom you bought it and take your silver (money) from him.”
And in the Council Code of 1649 - a collection of laws of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, in Chapter X, entitled “On the Court,” it is directly stated: “The court of the Tsar ... Alexei Mikhailovich ... must judge all people of the Moscow state, from high to low rank, in truth (fairly) "
It is believed that everyone should have both rights and responsibilities, that justice should apply to all people without exception, regardless of age, education, nationality, or financial status. Even the punishment of the offender must be fair.
The laws that we adopt in Russia are designed to affirm and protect justice. This is required by the Constitution - the law of laws. And she herself serves as the main example of justice. You can see this.
Article 6. Every citizen of the Russian Federation has all rights and freedoms on its territory and bears equal responsibilities...
Article 19. Everyone is equal before the law and the court.
Article 43. Everyone has the right to education.
Article 58. Everyone is obliged to preserve nature...

The law establishes the boundaries of freedom of behavior

Order and law act for the sake of human freedom. The word “freedom” is used in a variety of meanings: freedom of movement, free person, free place, free apartment, freedom of speech, free territory, etc. If you think about it, in all these phrases you can find a certain general meaning: we are always talking about what - space, lack of constraint, availability of opportunity. Philosophers believe that freedom means the absence of constraint, bondage, and the ability to act as one wishes. In general, freedom is a normal, natural state of man.
Since we are talking about laws, it is important for us to know the opinion of lawyers - specialists who are well versed in them. In legal science (the science of laws, of people's rights), freedom is defined simply and precisely: freedom consists in the ability to do everything that does not violate the law or cause harm to others.
To make it clearer, check out the fable that lawyers like to tell.
Once upon a time there lived two neighbors. One day they quarreled and one hit the other. The victim complained to the judge. The judge called the offender and asked what right he had to beat the person. In response, the offender said: “I am a free person and can freely use my fists.”
Then the resourceful judge sternly said to the offender: “The freedom of your fist ends where your neighbor’s nose begins!”
And he punished the bully.
Do you understand the wise meaning of these fables?
It turns out that freedom, like human rights, cannot be limitless and limitless. Because in this case it becomes lawlessness, arbitrariness and harms the rights and freedoms of other people.
Think: there are a lot of people, each with their own interests, desires - their own freedom. And if people do not follow certain rules of behavior, they will constantly collide with each other, just as airplanes that violate flight rules collide in the sky. But this is a terrible disaster.
People have only one way to avoid human catastrophe - not to harm others. This is why you need to follow the laws, because only fair laws can set the boundaries of possible behavior. These boundaries allow people to maintain order, justice, and freedom in society. The Russian Constitution, along with listing human rights and freedoms, contains strict restrictions. For example, part 5 of Article 13 states: “It is prohibited to create... public associations whose goals... are aimed at... changing the foundations of the constitutional system, undermining the security of the state, creating armed groups, inciting social, racial, national and religious hatred.”
Strict but fair! Do you agree?


The philosopher Socrates (469-399 BC) lived in ancient Athens. Although Socrates did not write a single line, many stories about him have been preserved by his compatriots, admirers, and students. He was not only an outstanding thinker, but also a courageous citizen. He did not hold responsible government positions, but he did not consider himself to have the right to shirk his civic duties - attending public meetings, participating in jury trials, etc. More than once he boldly and openly criticized politicians for the injustice and lawlessness that is being committed in the state.
It is not surprising that many politicians were afraid and did not like him. The accusation was brought against him that he did not believe in gods and was a bad influence on young people. This was tantamount to a charge of treason. For faith in the Olympian gods was considered the highest law that united the Athenians into a single state. And the court, by a majority vote, sentenced him to death.
Friends tried to persuade Socrates to escape from prison. However, the philosopher flatly refused out of respect for the court decision, which was tantamount to law. He was deeply convinced that breaking the law could cause destruction to society. “Can society exist if court decisions have no force in it? - he told his friends. “And besides, what a bad example for young people!”
Socrates remained faithful to the court decision. At the appointed time, he took the cup of poison. The punishment was carried out because the majority of the judges voted so.
And soon the Athenians repented of their deeds. They exposed the main slanderer and executed him. A bronze statue was erected of Socrates himself.

Social studies lesson on the topic “Why is it important to obey the laws” 7th grade

Social studies lesson on the topic “Why is it important to obey the laws”

Subject: social studies.

The date of the:

Goal: learn how the law sets the boundaries of freedom of behavior, get acquainted with the biography of Socrates.

During the classes

I.Organizational moment

II.Repetition of covered material

1. Conversation on questions:

Why does human society need order?

What is the most reliable way to establish order in society?

Explain what the meaning of justice is. Why do people strive for it?

What is the most reliable way to establish justice in society?

2. Communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson

III.Presentation of program material

A story with elements of conversation.

The law establishes the boundaries of freedom of behavior

Order and law act for the sake of human freedom. The word “freedom” is used in a variety of meanings: freedom of movement, free person, free place, free apartment, freedom of speech, free territory, etc. If you think about it, in all these phrases you can find a certain general meaning: we are always talking about what - space, lack of constraint, availability of opportunity. Philosophers believe that freedom means the absence of constraint, bondage, and the ability to act as one wishes. In general, freedom is a normal, natural state of man.

Since we are talking about laws, it is important for us to know the opinion of lawyers - specialists who are well versed in them. In legal science (the science of laws, of people's rights), freedom is defined simply and precisely: freedom consists in the ability to do everything that does not violate the law or cause harm to others.

To make it clearer, check out the fable that lawyers like to tell.

Once upon a time there lived two neighbors. One day they quarreled and one hit the other. The victim complained to the judge. The judge called the offender and asked what right he had to beat the person. In response, the offender said: “I am a free person and can freely use my fists.”

Then the resourceful judge sternly said to the offender: “The freedom of your fist ends where your neighbor’s nose begins!”

And he punished the bully.

Do you understand the wise meaning of these fables?

It turns out that freedom, like human rights, cannot be limitless and limitless. Because in this case it becomes lawlessness, arbitrariness and harms the rights and freedoms of other people.

Think: there are a lot of people, each with their own interests, desires - their own freedom. And if people do not follow certain rules of behavior, they will constantly collide with each other, just as airplanes that violate flight rules collide in the sky. But this is a terrible disaster.

People have only one way to avoid human catastrophe - not to harm others. This is why you need to follow the laws, because only fair laws can set the boundaries of possible behavior. These boundaries allow people to maintain order, justice, and freedom in society. The Russian Constitution, along with listing human rights and freedoms, contains strict restrictions. For example, Part 5 of Article 13 states: “It is prohibited to create... public associations whose goals... are aimed at... changing the foundations of the constitutional system, undermining the security of the state, creating armed groups, inciting social, racial, national and religious hatred.”

Strict but fair! Do you agree?


The philosopher Socrates (469-399 BC) lived in ancient Athens. Although Socrates did not write a single line, many stories about him have been preserved by his compatriots, admirers, and students. He was not only an outstanding thinker, but also a courageous citizen. He did not hold responsible government positions, but he did not consider himself to have the right to shirk his civic duties - attending public meetings, participating in jury trials, etc. More than once he boldly and openly criticized politicians for the injustice and lawlessness that is being committed in the state.

It is not surprising that many politicians were afraid and did not like him. The accusation was brought against him that he did not believe in gods and was a bad influence on young people. This was tantamount to a charge of treason. For faith in the Olympian gods was considered the highest law that united the Athenians into a single state. And the court, by a majority vote, sentenced him to death.

Friends tried to persuade Socrates to escape from prison. However, the philosopher flatly refused out of respect for the court decision, which was tantamount to law. He was deeply convinced that breaking the law could cause destruction to society. “Can society exist if court decisions have no force in it? - he told his friends. “And besides, what a bad example for young people!”

Socrates remained faithful to the court decision. At the appointed time, he took the cup of poison. The punishment was carried out because the majority of the judges voted so.

And soon the Athenians repented of their deeds. They exposed the main slanderer and executed him. A bronze statue was erected of Socrates himself.

Why do you think Socrates refused to escape from prison? Why did Socrates say that laws cannot be broken? Why did the Athenians erect a monument to Socrates: did they want to pay tribute to his philosophical merits or his loyalty to the law? How do you think?

Knowledge for every day

1. You should always remember that any violation of the law interferes with the normal life of people. It can cause many troubles for others and for the offender himself.

2. It should always be taken into account that any violation of the law strikes at justice. People really don't like this. This will definitely ruin your normal, good relationships with others.

3. Remember that not only you are free, but also other people. This means that you need to respect other people’s freedom no less than your own. There is a simple and reliable way to protect freedom - do not harm anyone.

IV.Lesson summary.

Self-control questions:

How do philosophers explain the meaning of freedom? How do lawyers explain the meaning of freedom?

Why can't freedom be unlimited?

Complete the assignments in the “In the classroom and at home” section.


Assessing Student Answers

We often hear that specialists should know the laws, but an ordinary person does not need this. Laws change often, you can’t keep track of everything. Why do you think it is necessary to study laws?

Law establishes order in society

Why is it important to obey laws? There are many different answers to this question. We'll only give three. But, in our opinion, very important. Let's start with some history lessons that are useful to take into account when talking about laws.

Our whole life is based on a certain order. People work, study, shop, go to theaters and cinema, travel, adhering to established rules. These rules help maintain order. There are violations of order, but this almost always leads to disastrous results. After all, the rules are established so that people can live comfortably and peacefully.

Order is absolute reliability, as the ancient Greek thinker Pythagoras (6th century BC) argued. V.I. Dal believed that order is the correct structure.

The means by which people established order - customs and traditions - began to take shape already in primitive society. How to run a household, act on a hunt, divide prey, exchange food, judge and punish - the entire life of the community was subject to strict rules. Otherwise, a person could not survive.

With the emergence of the state, legal laws appeared - rules that, as you know, are established (and protected!) by the state. Everyone must follow these rules.

The correct organization of social life is the key to reliability. People feel comfortable and calm when the heating works properly in the house, there is electricity and gas, when there is food in stores, hospitals, schools, and transport work well, when citizens not only know, but also comply with the laws, officials honestly perform their duties, and the police knows how to maintain public order.

Discussion of the law in the State Duma

If you want to know where order begins, open the main law of the state - the Constitution. It clearly states how state power is structured, what rights and responsibilities a person has, and much more.

In addition to the main law - the Constitution, there are also others: on education, on environmental protection, on the media, on conscription and military service, the Family Code, the Labor Code, etc. Even by the names you can guess what it is about. they are talking. Each of these laws helps to establish order in a specific area of ​​society.

Unfortunately, there are people who break laws. This is not only harmful, but also a very dangerous phenomenon. Lawbreakers undermine the established order and interfere with the normal life of citizens. And sometimes they create a serious threat to the entire society. To ensure order, the state must not only take care of passing new laws. It must enforce existing laws and punish violators.

The Criminal Code has been adopted in Russia. It indicates which offenses are dangerous to society, which of them are crimes, and also establishes punishment for their commission. The law not only establishes order, but also protects it.

The law seeks to establish justice

Now think about what justice is. Can it become the basis of social life?

Justice lies in the fact that philosophers believe that everyone receives what they are entitled to. They say that justice helps to establish good relations between people.

People really need justice. When an innocent person is punished, it is insulting. It is unfair if the strong offend the weak, beat, humiliate, or steal. It is unfair when some have rights, while others only have responsibilities. Probably every person is convinced that good and honest deeds should be recognized and rewarded, and evil deeds should be condemned and punished.

It is believed that everyone should have both rights and responsibilities, that justice should apply to all people without exception, regardless of age, education, nationality, or financial status. Even the punishment of the offender must be fair.

The laws that are adopted in our country are designed to affirm and protect justice. The Constitution requires this. At the same time, she is a model of justice. You can see this. Here are some articles of the Russian Constitution:

The law establishes the boundaries of freedom of behavior

Order and law act for the sake of human freedom. The word “freedom” is used in a variety of meanings: a free person, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, free place, free territory, etc. If you think about it, in all these expressions you can find a certain general meaning: we are always talking about some kind of space , lack of constraint, availability of opportunity. Philosophers believe that freedom means the absence of constraint, the ability to act at will, according to one’s own will. In general, freedom is a normal, natural state of man. V.I. Dal defined freedom with the word will, meaning “spread in actions, absence of bondage, violence, coercion.”

In legal science (the science of laws, of people's rights), freedom is defined simply and precisely: it consists in the ability to do everything that does not violate the law or cause harm to others.

Let's remember a story that lawyers love to tell. Once upon a time there lived two neighbors. One day they quarreled and one hit the other. The victim complained to the judge. The judge called the offender and asked what right he had to beat the person. In response, the offender said: “I am a free person and can freely use my fists.” Then the judge said to the offender: “The freedom of your fist ends where your neighbor’s nose begins!” And he punished the bully.

What is the meaning of this story? It turns out that freedom, like human rights, has limits; it cannot be unlimited. Because in this case it becomes lawlessness, arbitrariness and harms the rights and freedoms of other people. In our wise language there are the words freemen and freemen. According to V.I. Dahl, freemen are a noisy crowd, a gathering of playful youth; a willful, violent gang, freemen are also robbers. Strongly said!

What conclusion can be drawn from this? And the conclusion is strict: freedom is not freedom! Freedom is order. Being free does not mean taking liberties. This means acting according to the rules, according to the laws.

Think for yourself: there are a lot of people, each with their own interests, desires - their own freedom. And if people do not follow certain rules of behavior, they will constantly collide with each other, just as airplanes colliding in the sky, violating the flight rules. But this is a terrible disaster.

    People have only one way to avoid human disaster - to obey the laws. Only fair laws can set the boundaries of possible behavior. These boundaries allow people to maintain order, justice, and freedom.

It is quite logical that the Russian Constitution, along with listing human rights and freedoms, contains strict restrictions. For example, part 5 of article 13 is a striking example of a legal boundary established by law. The article states that the state prohibits the creation of such public associations that seek to change our constitutional system, undermine the security of the state, create armed groups, and incite social, racial and religious hatred.

Everyone understands why the state introduces such a strict law: we are talking about the most important thing - the security of the state and the entire people. Therefore the ban is fair.

Let's check ourselves

  1. Why does human society need order? How to install it?
  2. What is the meaning of the concept of “justice”? Why do people strive for it?
  3. What is the most reliable way to establish justice in society?
  4. How do philosophers and lawyers explain the meaning of the concept of “freedom”?
  5. Why do you think freedom cannot be unlimited?

In the classroom and at home

  1. After the lesson, the guys talked about the fate of Socrates. Sergei said that Socrates still had to listen to the advice of his friends and escape from prison. After all, he was convicted unfairly. And this soon became clear. What answer would you give to Sergei? Take into account the opinion of Socrates himself.
  2. The guys got into an argument somehow. Lena said that the law cannot be broken because it violates justice. Boris answered her: “No, breaking the law is unacceptable, as it harms order in society.” Who do you think is right?
  3. The English scientist and philosopher Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626) wrote: “Although justice cannot destroy vices, it does not allow them to cause harm.” What do you think is the way society can protect justice from human vices?
  4. An argument broke out in the class. Victor says: “Justice requires restriction of freedom.” Natasha objects: “No, restricting freedom is unfair.” Who do you think is right in this debate? Explain why.
  5. Are there discrepancies between what is written in the law and what happens in real life? Have you encountered any deliberate violations of the law? Give examples. What could be the consequences of violations?
  6. Using Internet resources, select statements from great people about justice, freedom and social order. Compile your own electronic mini-encyclopedia of wise thoughts.

Learning to read and respect the law

Respecting the law means consciously observing it. To learn to obey the law, you first need to read and think about it. We need to start, of course, with the basic law - the Constitution.

Since in class we talked about the fact that the law sets boundaries for possible behavior and thereby establishes order, let’s read Article 29. Part 1 of this article says: “Everyone is guaranteed freedom of thought and speech.” Freedom of thought and freedom of speech are natural innate human rights. The right to think freely is the basis of our inner spiritual life, the opportunity to think and determine our attitude to the world around us. And freedom of speech gives us the opportunity to openly express our thoughts and defend our point of view.

However, there is freedom, and there is freemen, and the law takes this into account. Unfortunately, people have wrong, bad, as they say, “black” thoughts. But thought cannot be prohibited. It is prohibited to utter words that insult and humiliate other people or incite hostility. Therefore, further, in part 2 of Article 29, we read: “Propaganda or agitation that incite social, racial, national or religious hatred and enmity are not permitted. Propaganda of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic superiority is prohibited.” As you can see, the law puts a limit on freemen! Crossing the border means breaking the law.

It should be remembered that any violation of the law interferes with the normal life of people. It can cause many troubles for others and for the offender himself.

  1. It should always be taken into account that any violation of the law is a blow to justice. People really don't like this. This will definitely ruin your normal, good relationships with others.
  2. Remember for the rest of your life that not only you alone are free, but also other people. This means that you need to respect other people’s freedom no less than your own. There is a simple and reliable way to protect freedom - do not harm anyone.

Question 1. What is law? What is oprichnina, what misfortunes has it brought to Russia?

Law is a set of mandatory norms and rules governing social relations. A law in jurisprudence is, in the narrow sense, a normative legal act that is adopted by a representative (legislative) body of state power in a special manner, regulates certain social relations and is ensured by the possibility of applying state coercive measures. In addition, in a broad sense, law refers to any regulatory legal act operating within a specific legal system.

Oprichnina is part of state policy in the Russian state from 1565 to 1572, which consisted of implementing emergency measures, confiscating feudal property and lands in favor of the state, reducing boyar-princely power and strengthening the centralization of the state.

The main goal of the oprichnina - to destroy the remnants of feudal fragmentation and undermine the foundations of boyar-princely independence - was not achieved. As a result of this: In the west, the troops of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth successfully pushed back the Russians. The Livonian War ended with few Russian gains; Swedish troops captured Narva, Koporye and other districts and refused to return them; In 1571, due to the low combat effectiveness of the oprichnina troops, the Crimean Tatars burned Moscow; Further enslavement of the peasantry took place, and in the harshest forms (corvée).

Question 2. Why do you think it is necessary to study laws?

Laws allow, allow or prohibit a person from performing any action. Laws are needed to maintain order.

Question 3. What threatened the state with the absence of legitimate power?

There would be chaos and lawlessness in the state. People would not adhere to any laws and act only in their own interests, without fear of future consequences. Neighboring states would most likely go to war against our state and ruin it.

Question 4. Why can we say that laws help establish justice in society?

If there were no laws, society would be divided, chaos would ensue, a person could kill and rob without consequences, without fear of being punished.

Question 5. Why did Socrates refuse to escape from prison? Why did the Athenians erect a monument to Socrates? Did they want to honor his philosophical merits or his loyalty to the law? How do you think?

Socrates refused to escape from prison because he was a guardian of the laws and respected the laws. The Athenians erected a monument to Socrates because they, having repented of what they had done, decided to leave a memory for posterity and remembered him as a great philosopher and a man faithful to the laws.

Question 6. Why does human society need order? How to install it?

If there is no order, there will be no society. Society implies order and organization. Order leads to the harmonious development of society, smart order is the desire for various activities, the development of this activity to complete perfection, and crazy order is tyranny, dictatorship.

You can establish order by passing laws, creating special law enforcement agencies and using special measures against those who violate order.

Question 7. What is the meaning of the concept of “justice”? Why do people strive for it?

Justice is the concept of what is due, containing the requirement for the correspondence of action and retribution: in particular, the correspondence of rights and duties, labor and remuneration, merit and their recognition, crime and punishment, compliance with the role of various social strata, groups and individuals in the life of society and their social status in it. Justice is the general moral sanction of the common life of people, considered primarily from the point of view of conflicting desires, interests, and responsibilities; it concerns human relationships in all their socially significant varieties (from the interpersonal sphere to international relations).

Question 8. What is the most reliable way to establish justice in society?

A just society is one in which every person fully realizes the abilities given to him by nature.

Question 9. How do philosophers and lawyers explain the meaning of the concept of “freedom”?

Freedom is a state of a subject in which he is the determining cause of his actions, i.e. they are not directly caused by other factors, including natural, social, interpersonal and individual-tribal. In philosophy: Freedom is the possibility of a subject expressing his will on the basis of awareness of the laws of development of nature and society. In law, freedom is the possibility of certain human behavior enshrined in the constitution or other legislative act (for example, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc.).

Question 10. Why do you think freedom cannot be unlimited?

Because the freedom of one person ends where the freedom of another person begins. In other words, a person can do everything only until his freedom begins to affect the freedom and interests of other people. And therefore human freedom cannot be unlimited.

Question 11. After the lesson, the guys talked about the fate of Socrates. Sergei said that Socrates still had to listen to the advice of his friends and escape from prison. After all, he was convicted unfairly. And this soon became clear. What answer would you give to Sergei? Take into account the opinion of Socrates himself.

Socrates could have appealed the verdict, or had the case reviewed. Then everything would soon fall into place, and he would remain alive. But Socrates was apparently a man of principle.

Question 12. The guys somehow got into an argument. Lena said that the law cannot be broken because it violates justice. Boris answered her: “No, breaking the law is unacceptable, as it harms order in society.” Who do you think is right?

Boris is right. Since breaking the law entails punishment, and justice must be proven. If someone broke the law and got away with it, then someone got punished.

Question 13. The English scientist and philosopher Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626) wrote: “Although justice cannot destroy vices, it does not allow them to cause harm.” What do you think is the way society can protect justice from human vices?

Society can protect justice from human vices only through laws, education, raising the standard of living of the people and eliminating the root causes that give rise to vices.

Question 14. An argument broke out in the class. Victor says: “Justice requires restriction of freedom.” Natasha objects: “No, restricting freedom is unfair.” Who do you think is right in this debate? Explain why.

A person must have limitations both in desires and sometimes in freedom. If a person is guilty of anything, he must be punished for it in the form of imprisonment. And so the restriction of freedom (if a person is unselfish) is unfair.

Question 15: Are there any discrepancies between what is written in the law and what happens in real life? Have you encountered any deliberate violations of the law? Give examples. What could be the consequences of violations?

Yes, there are discrepancies. Example: The area of ​​road construction and repair is under the close attention of prosecutors. In road construction in many regions, cases of violation of the contract system have been identified. The nature of violations committed by customers and contractors is not affected by the category of the road - whether it is a federal highway or an inter-settlement road; in all cases they are approximately the same. The category of the road only affects the amount of damage caused by deviation from the established requirements. Indeed, on this basis, the volumes of financial resources allocated from the budget system differ. The most common and serious offense in the field of road construction and repair is overpricing. Another common type of violation is related to the unreasonable choice of procurement method from a single supplier. Subjects are liable in the form of a fine.

Question 16. Using Internet resources, select statements from great people about justice, freedom and social order. Compile your own electronic mini-encyclopedia of wise thoughts.

You can become free only when even the very desire to seek freedom becomes a bridle for you and you stop talking about freedom as something sought and achieved.

Jubran X.

Free peoples must guard their freedom tirelessly and with zealous vigilance.

Franklin B.

We are truly free when we have retained the ability to reason independently, when necessity does not force us to defend opinions imposed and, in some way, prescribed to us.

Justice without wisdom means a lot, wisdom without justice means nothing.

To teach people to love justice, we must show them the results of injustice.

If humanity strived for justice, it would have achieved it long ago.