Stones with a hole in the middle are called. Chicken God - a stone with a hole or a magical talisman

The oldest amulet created by nature itself is considered to be the chicken god or a stone with a hole. People who found it on the seashore said that their lives had changed dramatically for the better. The main thing is to find a suitable amulet and be able to use it correctly.


The history of the chicken god goes back more than 1 million years. Even in paganism, people believed that this stone was protection from evil spirits. On January 15, the ancient Slavs celebrated Kurki Day and always put order in the poultry houses. According to ancient beliefs, it was on this day that a black rooster laid an egg, from which the insidious serpent Basilisk hatched. According to another legend, a hole in the mineral was formed by Perun’s lightning strike.

“Chicken” comes from the word “churiny”, which means the spirit of the ancestors - Churu. He guarded the borders of the other world. There are other names for the stone: dog god, chicken happiness, Boglaz, thunder stone, witch stone.

The holey stone is a symbol of fertility. The ancient Slavs used it as a talisman for hunting and farming. Thanks to him, the production of chicken eggs increased. Healers treated various diseases in children and adults with the help of the dog god.

What does the stone look like?

Chicken god is a naturally occurring mineral that has a hole. Ideally, it is located in the very middle of the rock. Size, shape and color can be very diverse. There are round, oval, square and even triangular stones.

The hole in the mineral was formed due to mechanical destruction due to geological and natural processes. The hole could have been caused by an air bubble that burst over time. It must be cross-cutting.

Where can you find a stone with a hole?

You need to find the stone with the hole yourself. This is the most important rule of the talisman. It doesn’t matter what size, shape or color it is. If you buy such a talisman in a souvenir shop, it will not have any magical effect, just like one that is simply given as a gift by someone. After all, the mineral may turn out to be a fake, in which the master himself made a hole. An artificially created hole does not make the stone magical.

To find a stone with a hole, you need to walk along the sea or river bank and carefully look under your feet, perhaps there is a chicken god lying among the pebbles. There are quite a lot of such mascots on the beaches of Crimea. The Black Sea throws them out like a wave right at the feet of tourists.

In 2003, a huge number of wonderful stones with holes were found near Alushta. They were all completely different sizes and shapes. This way you can find several thousand talismans at a time!

Magic properties

The main purpose of the amulet is considered to be to protect birds and the entire household from brownies, evil spirits, evil eyes and misfortunes. There is an opinion that a hole in a stone is a kind of transition to another reality.

Keeping three amulets at once will bring the owner good luck for ten years, five stones will provide good fortune for twenty years, and seven will provide good fortune for the rest of his life. All of them must be found by one person. The most powerful is considered to be a crystal stone with a hole. A necklace made of multi-colored stones has a strong magical effect. It reliably protects its owner.

The amulet has a beneficial effect on poultry and animals. It is customary to hang it in a chicken coop or barn, on a stake in the yard or in places where livestock live. Grooms hang the chicken god from their horses to protect them from disease.

Today, holey stone is used for the following purposes:

  • health promotion;
  • attracting money and good luck;
  • getting rid of worries and bad thoughts;
  • protection from the evil eye and damage;
  • elimination of insomnia and nightmares.

The chicken god can have a completely different color, on which the strength of the impact will depend:

  1. Black and white purifies the human soul.
  2. White gives its owner harmony and kindness.
  3. Red brings good luck in love.
  4. Black gives confidence in any undertaking.
  5. Green attracts material wealth.
  6. Blue gives inspiration.
  7. Malachite protects young children and gives adults good health.
  8. Coral is suitable for travelers.
  9. Orange resists the vicissitudes of fate.

If a wife wants to protect her husband from dirty thoughts and save the family, she should give her husband a black pebble interspersed with white. The Chicken God helps in a variety of situations. You need to turn to him to lose weight, get rid of an illness, sell an apartment or car, break off a relationship with a person or find new love. Astrologers say that the chicken god is most suitable for Virgo, Capricorn and Sagittarius.

Signs associated with stone

There are several signs associated with the discovery of a stone. If you find it in the rain, it promises profit and a good harvest; in sunny weather, it predicts fun and happiness. If you get a pebble under your feet during snow, you need to wait for good news and a safe trip. Depending on what time of day the amulet was found, one can judge what awaits the person:

  • night – overcoming problems;
  • morning - protection from deception and lies;
  • day - good surroundings;
  • evening - longevity.

Losing a talisman is not a bad omen. There is no need to expect troubles and misfortunes. Perhaps your luck will change at some point, but no serious dangers are foreseen. If the amulet suddenly breaks, you should be on guard in the near future. This portends imminent troubles.

There are other signs associated with the chicken god:

  1. Immediately after the discovery, you need to look into the hole of the stone at sunrise and make a wish. It will certainly come true.
  2. If you put four pebbles in the corners of the house, then there will always be prosperity in it.
  3. A mineral with a hole in the cradle of a newborn relieves the baby from nightmares in his sleep.
  4. Women need to take the stone with them to ease the pain during labor and childbirth itself.

You can only give or give a talisman to very close people. If the holey stone goes to the wrong person, the luck goes with it.

How to use the stone

It’s not enough just to find a magic stone, you need to make it work. The mineral can be placed in different places:

  • At the front door. Such a talisman will protect the house from evil and envious people. The stone should hang in a visible place.
  • In the center of the house. So the magical field of the amulet spreads evenly throughout all rooms.
  • By the bed. This placement of the dog god will make your sleep peaceful and sound. He will give you prophetic dreams, and if you tell him about your experiences, he will answer any question.
  • On the neck or wrist. You can wear the talisman in the form of a pendant or bracelet. It will protect its owner from troubles.
  • Like a keychain. It is worn on a short string with keys.
  • In the wallet. The stone will attract finance and luck.
  • In the bedroom. Two stones in this room will help attract love and will symbolize wedding rings.

If there is no particular need for the amulet, you should hang it in the closet with your clothes. For a stone to constantly influence a person’s life, you need to carry it with you.

Some magicians advise charging the stone with the energies of air, earth, water and sun. To do this, you need to pass a ray of sun and air through its hole, then pour a little water through it, and then sprinkle it with earth.

The lace for your amulet should be chosen only from natural fabrics. It can be linen, cotton, wool. The length of the thread should be selected so that the mineral fits freely around the neck and is at the level of the solar plexus. It is better if the thread is red.


A special conspiracy will help clear your mind from bad thoughts.

To do this, you need to soak the talisman in clean water, whispering over it 7 times:

“Let languid thoughts, dark thoughts, difficult decisions go away. Let it be so!"

Then the mineral is left in water for three days, and then taken out, dried and carried with you. The owner of the stone will thus get rid of mental suffering and sinful thoughts.

To charge the stone with energy and strengthen its strength, you should speak the mineral to yourself. To do this, you need to read a special spell directly into the hole of the stone every day for a week. At the same time, no one should hear the magic text:

“I attract good luck and blessings to myself,
I let go of troubles and misfortunes forever.
Take care of me from all misfortunes,
Bring me a lot of happiness."

If your tooth hurts, you need to put the talisman on your cheek and say:

“The pain goes into the stone, the pain goes out of the tooth.”

For headaches, you need to place the mineral against your temple and say:

“The stone is a chicken god, with a hole through it, take away my headache. Amen".

For those who have not yet found a holey stone, there is a special ritual with a conspiracy. You need to take a little millet in your left hand and, walking along the shore, say the words:

“Soon I’ll find a pebble,
I will bring good luck to your home.
Show yourself to me, faithful friend.
I’ll look around.”

In this case, you need to drop one grain at a time onto the ground.

Wish come true

In order for a cherished wish to come true, it is necessary to correctly perform a magical ritual associated with a holey stone. You need to hold the amulet tightly in your hand, say the cherished words into the hole and feel its strength and energy. There are several rules in this matter:

  1. You need to make a wish, clearly formulating it. The more specific it is, the better.
  2. The desire should be as real as possible. There is no point in wishing for something that cannot come true.
  3. There is no need to disturb the stone in vain if a person himself is able to carry out his plans.
  4. The desire must be sincere.
  5. It is important to believe in the properties of the stone.

They say that after a wish is fulfilled, the mineral may fall apart. Thus, he devotes all his strength to realizing his dream. You need to talk to the chicken god, trust him with your secrets and love him, then he will definitely reciprocate.

You can find many mysterious talismans right under your feet. Some of them have very ancient origins. We will talk about stones with natural holes - the so-called “Chicken God” stone (sometimes “dog god” or Boglaz) in Europe these stones are called witch stones, snake eggs. Hagstone, Holystone, Witch stone, Adderstone. Adderstanes in the south of Scotland and Gloin Nan Druidhe ("Glass of the Druids" in Scottish Gaelic) in the north. In Egypt they are called Aggry or Aggri.
Such stones are found all over the world; since ancient times they have been used as amulets of protection by many peoples of the world. The origin of the hole in such stones is attributed primarily to running water, river or sea. This is one of the reasons why these stones are considered very strong protective amulets - the stones retained the energy of the water that sharpened them for hundreds of years, which, as is known, best washes away bad energy. Belarusians believed that holes in such “pointed stones” appeared from lightning strikes, and called them “Perunova arrow” or “gromovka”. Other legends say that the name of the snake stone comes from the head of the snake or from the fact that snakes curled up and stuck together to death, then petrified.
Such a stone was definitely considered by all nations to be a very lucky stone, and the person who found it was lucky.
The Russian folk name for the stone, Chicken God, most likely came from a magical village environment. It was believed that a stone with a hole, suspended over a chicken roost, protected poultry from foxes, kikimoras and all sorts of troubles. Over time, people noticed that they themselves were protected by the “chicken god” no worse.
The name chicken god also may have appeared by analogy with the “cattle god” (as the god Veles is characterized) - amulet of livestock; The functions of a talisman could be performed by the same objects. The role of the dog god could be played by pebbles with through holes, a pot, a jar or a clay washstand without a bottom, the neck of a broken jug, a worn bast shoe, etc. In the Nizhny Novgorod province, the necks of broken jugs were hung in chicken coops and under the eaves of houses, believing that this would disturb the brownie pluck chickens and torture livestock. In the Yaroslavl province, the “dog god” was called an old pot, which was placed on a high pole in the place of the yard where the roosts are located: “The spirit that protects chickens resides in the pot.”
In some villages, round stones with a small hole inside are hung in kennels; such a stone, reminiscent of Thor's thunder hammer, protects birds from disease and is called the dog god.
It is also believed that the word “chicken” is a modified version of “churiny”, i.e. relating to Chur or Shchur, a deity or ancestral spirit among the ancient Slavs who protected borders, doors and openings. This is not without meaning, because... in Europe, a similar amulet paired with a key tied to it was used as protection against thieves.
In addition to chickens, “Perun’s arrow” was also used as a remedy for diseases, primarily for the treatment of breastfeeding in women and cows. A sick woman squeezed milk onto the floor, passing it through a hole in a stone, and a sick cow had her udder rubbed with a thunderbolt and milked through it into a hole made in the ground. According to the Golds, a round jade stone with a hole gave a person happiness: for this, boys were allowed to suck their mother’s breast through a hole in such a stone, and girls were hung with the same stone around their necks.
In the event of the death of one of the relatives, the family, in order not to miss the deceased, looked into the mouth of the stove or into the chimney, saying: “All the sadness goes into the stove.” After removing the body, they turned over all the hollow utensils in the house: pots, buckets, tubs, etc., and placed a kneading bowl on the bench where the deceased lay. On the Northern Dvina, after a funeral, they went to the povet to “look into holes”; you had to look not at something in particular, but simply into a crack. The Kamchadals, after participating in the funeral rite, made rings from wooden rods, climbed through them twice and threw them into the forest. The purpose of all these actions is to isolate oneself from the deceased, break off contact with him, and mark the boundaries of the human and other worlds.
A holey pebble, a dish without a bottom and a torn bast shoe - they all have a hole, and since they belong to the element of earth, this hole is likened to a cave, the possibility of heavenly fire passing through matter. We must also take into account that in ancient times the rooster was called a hen and was also associated with fire. But not only small specimens of pebbles were perceived as carriers of special power. In Madron, Cornwall, a patient with lumbago had to crawl nine times in the direction of the sun through a “creeping stone”, and in order to increase the child’s health, he had to push it through the gap in the Men-an-tol stone. The Odin Stone (in Orkney) was trusted with the marriage of those who, holding hands, passed through the hole in it, swearing an oath of fidelity to each other. And in Castledermot there is an Oath Stone, also with a hole. If you hold hands in this opening and take an oath, it is considered unbreakable. The same stones that fit in the palm of your hand were practically recognized
everywhere as important amulets. And protective shells with holes are found at sites of Stone Age man. At the same time, in different places they were called either sacred or witches, and in Scotland - mare's (most likely due to the belief that they protect horses from sweating, and also help foaling mares).
Some researchers talk about a separate divine being - the Chicken God, partly correlated with Hecate-Artemis (Hecate is the goddess of night and death, Artemis is the maiden goddess, huntress). Gaia is the earth, and from there to the more ancient Rhea-Cybele and, possibly, to the Assyrian Astarte. The chicken god is a female patron who gives the keeper of the hearth special power. Researchers believe that the holey stone, as an earthly artifact, symbolizes the womb of the “Earth Goddess” - a female symbol, as opposed to a phallic one.

In Europe, holey stones are called witch stones, they are considered witches, they help against witches. The Celts also valued them as powerful amulets. The general purpose was the same as everyone else's - protection from the evil eye, evil witches and nightmares, for which purpose such a stone was hung at the head of a child or an adult. Also, the witch stone was hung in the stables so that witches could not ride horses and spoil them. Boatmen in Weymouth attached them to their boats to increase their catch and provide protection from the unpredictable elements.

In Great Britain they were used as special protection by tying a key to a holey stone. Local residents believed that in this way they, as it were, linked the key to the front door and the magic stone with special protection from thieves. Of course, the thieves quickly realized this, and the real key had to be replaced with an old one, which did not open the door.
Also, perforated stones in folk legends were used to see the souls of the dead and magical folk such as fairies, gnomes, goblins and elves. A hole in the stone revealed a secret world of spirits.
In Italy, both the perforated stone and the key are symbols of the goddess Diana, known to the Greeks as Artemis. The virgin goddess was the patroness of women and witches.
The key is an important magical symbol that gives access to the desired place in a physical and mystical sense. The key refers to Diana, who is reincarnated in the form of Jan, an alternative form of her name - Janus (god of entrances and exits), and her role as guardian of the heavenly gates, doors and thresholds of the house. It is also a symbol of Hecate, the mistress of the lower world, who has the ability to open gates and imprisoned souls.
Italian folklore also links the perforated stone and fairies. It is often said that it is a holy stone. It is considered as a doorway, or the key to the doorway, to the magical kingdom.

An Arab custom states that a similar stone should be tied around the necks of young camels to protect them from evil spirits and the evil eye.

Interesting beliefs are found in the use of a holey stone as a kind of “lie detector”. To ensure that a person was telling the truth, one had to look at the speaker through a hole and then it was clearly visible whether the person was lying or telling the truth.

Large stones with holes were used to control the weather by threading a string through them and then spinning them overhead to dispel clouds, winds and rain.
You could also take the stone in the palm of your left hand and rub it with your thumb clockwise around the hole, thinking about your desire. A similar technique is also used with amber.
Some farmers used witch stones to prevent milk from curdling. They believed that milk passed through the hole of such a stone would be protected from evil witches, who caused the milk to quickly curdle before it was used for the right purposes.
The holey stone - the stone of the snake - was also held in great esteem among the Druids. It was sort of one of their insignia of extraordinary ability. There are even mentions of this in Pliny in his books Natural History

"There is a kind of egg, which is very valuable among the Gaels, which the Greek authors did not mention. A large number of snakes in the summer curl up and stick together into a tight ball, with their saliva and mucus, after which they turn to stone, and this is called the "serpent's egg." The Druids say, that an amulet thrown into the air must be caught in the cloak before it touches the ground. The person who intercepts the stone will be able to fly.<… "Этот дырявый камень как знак, некоторый носят с такой показной роскошью, что я знал римского рыцаря, Воконтия, который был убит глупым императором Клавдием, просто потому, что он носил этот камень на груди во время судебного процесса, полагая, что камень сможет защитить его от приговора."

Every nation has traditions associated with stones perforated by nature, regardless of its size and shape. Some believe that with the help of a hole, the stone accumulates the energy of the cosmos and transfers it to its owner.
In Gobustan (Azerbaijan), at the entrance to the cave of petroglyphs, there is a large triangular stone with a hole. It is unknown what the ancients used it for, but it is now believed to help girls get married. To find the groom, you have to crawl through the hole three times. They say that when buses full of schoolgirls arrive, the girls line up.
Near the Afurdzhinsky waterfall there is a sanctuary called Pir, to which childless couples go to crawl through a hole in the rock.
The British believe that you can be healed by climbing through a crevice in a tree or stepping over a stone with a hole.
In Koktebel, seven “chicken gods” are worn around the neck.
Stone is the embodiment of the element of earth. And a through hole in a stone symbolizes passage through matter, overcoming earthly obstacles, “a drop wears away a stone,” therefore the “chicken god” can serve as a talisman that helps overcome everyday difficulties and physical ailments. Many people noticed that after finding a holey stone, the hardships in life became less, as if someone was taking them away from those places where trouble could happen to them.
Such a stone certainly brought its owner health, success and fulfillment of desires. To fulfill a special wish, you had to look through a hole in the stone at the sunrise and make your cherished wish. They say that during execution the stone may even fall apart, giving all its strength to the realization of the plan.
. Holey stones also help to get rid of worries associated with material difficulties, to drive away thoughts about the hopelessness of one’s situation. The spirit of the “chicken god” alleviates mental and physical suffering, inspires the desire to look for ways to solve one’s problems, so holey stones are useful for those who are depressed and pessimists.
It is especially useful to have holey stones with you as a talisman that makes life easier for people born under one of the earthly signs of the Zodiac (

One of the most ancient amulets is the Chicken God stone. Its magical properties were noticed about a million years ago, during pagan times. In ancient times, people believed that this talisman would get rid of evil spirits. He was especially effective in protecting domestic animals.

The magic pendant has its own holiday, which is celebrated in January and is called chicken day. On this day, all chicken coops must be cleaned. According to legend, at this time the black rooster laid an egg from which the Basilisk serpent could emerge. On January 15, all the women fumigated the outbuildings using elecampane and resin, thus protecting the animals.

The Chicken God was hung in chicken coops and barns so that his magical powers could work on livestock.

Its name comes from the word “churiny” in honor of a spirit named Churu, who defended the border of reality.

The stone is attributed to the earth element. The hole passing through it symbolizes overcoming various difficulties. Water endowed the stone with strong energy and helped cleanse it from negative influences. Water to clean the stone can be used running, river or sea water.

The person who found such a stone noticed obvious positive changes in his life, there were much fewer worries and more often he was lucky.

According to esotericists, a hole in a stone can open a path through the universe, helping to overcome a difficult situation in life and fulfill secret desires.

To feel the magical properties of the amulet, you should carry it with you every day.

There are several zodiac signs that are especially recommended to use the chicken god talisman, these include Virgo and Taurus. Due to their obstinate disposition, they often have difficult life situations. For Libra and Aquarius, who belong to the air element, it will help maintain an optimistic mood.

Varieties of Chicken God

There is a wide variety of amulets that differ in their characteristics. Gemstones are often used.

If you wear three talismans at the same time, you can expect that good luck will accompany you for 10 years.

The magical properties of a pendant of five amulets will ensure your well-being in the next 20 years.

If one person finds 7 Chicken God amulets at once, then you can count on exceptional luck for the rest of your life.

A pendant made from coral is considered quite strong and is especially popular among travelers; it protects well from unpleasant situations on the road.

The Chicken God made of turquoise will help you quickly climb the career ladder and build a successful business.

Malachite stone is also very popular. from an evil spirit, and will help adults maintain health.

A piece of crystal with a hole is one of the most powerful protectors; its special properties will help radically change a person’s destiny for the better and bring good luck.

The power of a symbol’s influence on a person largely depends on its color.

  1. The White Chicken God will make its owner meek, kind and patient, which will allow him to exist harmoniously with the people around him.
  2. with a hole will help you relax and improve your relationship with the person you like.
  3. A red talisman will help you meet love; it attracts mutual feelings into the owner’s life.
  4. Chicken God interspersed with white and red will strengthen married life.
  5. Blue pebbles are ideal for creative people, as they will help them find inspiration for their creativity.
  6. A green pendant will bring material well-being to life and significantly improve financial affairs.
  7. If a person needs an energy boost, he should choose an orange stone with a hole. This will help him withstand all the blows of fate.
  8. A black and white pendant will tell you how to overcome your shortcomings. It will help you establish a harmonious life without anger and negativity.

You can wear necklaces that consist of stones of different colors, this will be a very powerful amulet.

In addition to finding the pebble, it also needs to be charged to work properly.

How to work with a symbol

If you managed to find this magical amulet, take it in your hands and say three times:

“On a throne of stone, in the mighty sky, sits the lucky god, driving away the deadly cloud. Rumble thunder, drive away melancholy, remove illness and call success, help in everything.”

Bring it home, hold it under running water. Now the chicken god is ready.

The found stone can be placed near the bed, this will help you see prophetic dreams that will prompt answers to important questions.

The symbol is also hung in the form of a pendant and carried with you at all times.

By hanging the Chicken God near the front door, you can protect your home from dishonest people and negative energy.

The magic pebble can... To do this, you should look into its hole and say your desire out loud. Next, squeeze the talisman in your hand and feel how its energy passes through your body.

Where to get a stone - a talisman with a hole

The size of the pebble and its shape are not significant. The main condition for the talisman to work is that the owner must find it himself. If you bought a talisman or received it as a gift, it will not have any effect.

Finding the Chicken God among the pebbles is not difficult. In 2003, a huge number of such stones of various sizes were found at the foot of Mount Demerdzhi.

There are a large number of stones on Crimean beaches. Be careful when relaxing on the warm coast, and you will definitely find your own talisman.

The intricacies of fate and the black and white stripes of life, periods of ups and downs - all this sometimes forces a person to turn to magic and supernatural rituals. Life crises force us to believe in omens and talismans. Often things like this really help. No one knows for sure whether the amulet worked, or perhaps the person himself overcame the problems with the help of his energy and diligence, or simply went through a streak of bad luck once again. Magical properties are often attributed to certain stones: esotericists recommend wearing them as amulets.

A stone with a hole or gods are different

A special place among the stones endowed by human rumor with unusual properties is occupied by an original natural formation: a pebble with a hole. It is believed that it was the water that washed away filth and negativity by making a hole in the stone and endowing it with magical effects.

This is the rare case when the talisman can be found literally under your feet. Typically, clusters of such stones are located on the shores of water bodies. In childhood, probably everyone at least once found a holey natural miracle and rejoiced from the bottom of their hearts at their happiness. Not only among the Slavs, but also in many other cultures, people who found such a stone were considered lucky. They used unusual stones as talismans and amulets, and called them differently, depending on traditions and probable origin: Europeans - snake eggs, witch's stone, Belarusians - Perun's arrow, Russians - the eye of God or the chicken (dog) God.

The Russian name most likely appeared because this stone was originally used to protect chicken coops, barns and other outbuildings from the presence of evil spirits that could harm poultry or livestock: cause pestilence, death, attacks by martens, foxes, organize dangerous tricks of brownies and kikimore. A reflection of these beliefs can be observed in the fairy tale “The Chicken God”, written by Buratino’s “father” - Alexei Tolstoy.

Another version of the origin of this strange name somewhat echoes the European one. It is believed that the word form is “chicken” comes from the word "squinty", that is, from the god Shchur, who protected door and window openings. In Europe, there was a similar use of a stone with a hole: it was hung above the entrance as protection from robbers.

What does God's eye heal?

From a modern point of view, the maximum significant number of stones should be seven, and they are most suitable for people born under the auspices of the earthly element. It is believed that if all conditions are met, then the chicken god stone is able to provide the owner with good luck and happiness for life.

Belief in the supernatural capabilities of the stone goes back to the gray ages. In modern language, our ancestors were convinced that a hole washed out by water in a stone was nothing more or less than a portal to the world of gods, magic and sorcery. The chicken god was honored by the first people, as evidenced by the study of their sites, and was also respected by the Druids, Arabs, English, Scots, and Italians. He was associated with the cults of many gods: Odin, Veles, Hecate, Artemis, Astarte and the two-faced Janus.

It is interesting that in Rus', the more holes an object had, the more magical power it was endowed with.

The chicken god, according to the ancients, treated and protected literally from any misfortune and was actively used:

  • for obstetrics;
  • to rid the baby of nightmares and illnesses: a stone was hung at the head of the crib, thus driving out unclean spirits;
  • for mastopathy, it was recommended to pass a stream of milk through a hole in the stone;
  • if a child had problems with urination, then he should urinate into the hole to get rid of the disease;
  • as a remedy for toothache, by applying a stone to a sore spot;
  • in order to control the weather over one’s land plot, by installing a large chicken god on its territory;
  • to speed up the fulfillment of a cherished dream by looking through a hole in the stone at the heavenly body or stroking the amulet in a circular motion;
  • for treating animals, in particular cows, by massaging their udders with a stone and then “milking the disease” into the ground;
  • in the stables so that witches do not spoil the horses;
  • when fishing, to improve the catch;
  • from damage, the evil eye, to communicate with dead souls, elves, fairies, gnomes and other spirits;
  • to protect camels from the evil eye;
  • in order to distinguish truth from lies and catch a liar.

People wore the chicken god stone in different ways: on the wrist, neck, in the form of key chains and earrings. We tried to choose the hanging thread from natural materials: flax, hemp, wool. Often the amulet was hung on a metal chain. Any material was good for this purpose, but silver and gold were the best to conduct magical power.

Massive amulets, as a rule, were installed in the center of the home or area, for an even distribution of magical power, or hung in the form of beads around the perimeter of the room.

Important rule: Stones of natural origin, and those found personally, can help, heal and make you happy. Products made by handicraftsmen do not have any magical value.

Not everything is clear with the formation of such stones. Their natural origin varies, as do the myths about the chicken god. The formation of a hole in the structure of the stone was attributed to everything: a lightning strike, fused and petrified snakes, and some peoples even believed that the hole was made by the strong beak of a legendary bird. In fact, everything is much more prosaic: stones with holes owe their appearance exclusively to nature.

There are stones of biogenic, chemical and crystalline nature. TO biogenic relate:

  • with hole washed with water;
  • with a hole formed by erosion, for example in a desert area;
  • a hole that owes its appearance to the influence of flora and fauna on the stone.

Chemogenic minerals, holes in which are formed as a result of the ingress of mollusks, the influence of magma or an extracted foreign body, are represented by tuff, granite, chalcedony, gypsum, opal, pebbles, basalt.

Minerals crystalline nature with natural holes are diamonds, emeralds, rubies, modest quartz, moonstone and crystal.

It is believed that the properties of the stone closer to the hole increase significantly. The drop-shaped chicken god stones are especially valuable. They are actively used in lithotherapy and traditional healing.

Magic stones come in different colors, as can be seen in numerous photos, and this fact gives them additional magical functions.


It makes the owner’s thoughts much purer, and teaches the person himself kindness and patience.


With whitish areas it protects marriage from infidelity and lies. And pure red color will bring a lot of love adventures or even true feelings.


Luck and inspiration will invariably accompany the owner of such a stone. This is especially true for creative individuals.


The owner of the stone will forget problems with the opposite sex. A contrasting black and white pebble will cleanse the soul of the person asking for it from past mistakes.


Money amulet attracts financial luck and wealth.


Resilience in the face of the blows of fate, disobedience to circumstances in any, even hopeless situations, cheerfulness and vitality - these are the gifts that this amulet can bestow.

Modern use of an ancient amulet

Being a primordial god, subordinate to the earthly elements, the chicken spirit is able to help overcome life’s difficulties, protracted failures, hardships and troubles. Modern esotericists advise using the stone in the following cases:

  • the need to attract monetary energy;
  • strengthening physical condition;
  • cure for obsessive illnesses;
  • overcoming obstacles;
  • fulfillment of a cherished dream;
  • help in finding a soul mate.

But there are some rules that need to be followed to achieve an effective result. For example, to attract finance, you need to carry the chicken god in your wallet or as a keychain.

To guarantee that true love will come, you need to keep two holey talismans in your own bedroom, because they are so similar to wedding rings.

If, looking through the hole, you make a wish, then it will will certainly come true. Only for this you must find the stone yourself.

Looking for a lucky talisman

You can find the stone on sea and river banks. Basically, there are quite young stones, the energy of which is weak, because they were formed quite recently. But the magical effect will still be present. But if you meet the chicken god in the gray Urals, then the energy from such a find will be much higher.

A stone found in a volcano can become the strongest amulet and talisman. For centuries it has accumulated the fiery power of lava, earthly igneous rock and is the true embodiment of the spirit of the earth.

Unfortunately, there is absolutely no power in homemade stones with artificially made holes. It's not even worth trying waste energy and desires, trying to communicate with the fake chicken god.

Is it worth giving an amulet and will it be of any use to the person to whom it is given? There are completely opposite opinions on this matter. Probably, if the donor invests his energy component and strongly wishes happiness to his dear person, the effect will follow.

In the end, you can buy the desired stone in a souvenir shop, but first you need to make sure of its authenticity.

Stone happiness

It is also important how many amulets the owner has and in which stone nature has made a hole.

Chicken God- a stone with a hole.

Chicken God: what is it?

To protect from misfortunes, the evil eye, to gain protection, to protect poultry and the household from brownies - these are the main purposes of the chicken god stone. Find out what it might be like by reading here.

Chicken God is a pebble with a through hole formed under the influence of mechanical destruction by natural elements. As a rule, such pebbles can be found near rivers, lakes, and reservoirs.

It is desirable that the through hole in the stone is exactly in the middle, so it will have more strength.

In the old days, the Slavic peoples believed that a chicken eye would protect the farm, livestock, dogs, chickens from kikimoras and brownies, so they hung the chicken god in a prominent place. A used neck or shoes worn to holes could serve as this amulet. It was the Slavs who called such a round stone the chicken god.

Other names for this stone:

  • Dog happiness;
  • Boglaz;
  • Dog God;
  • Snake Egg;
  • Witch stone;
  • Perun's arrow;
  • Thunder stone.

Ancient beliefs claim that kikimoras and brownies and similar evil spirits harm birds and domestic animals, so this stone was called the chicken or dog god, which protects birds and dogs.

Nowadays, chicken coops and barns are not such a common phenomenon, so the chicken god can protect domestic animals: cats, dogs. It's worth hanging in the kitchen.

Chicken God: how to make a wish?

Some presenters advise that you need to charge the stone with four energies:

  • water;
  • the sun;
  • by air;
  • earth.

To do this, you first need to pass a ray of sunlight through a hole in the stone, then pass water through it, then air, and finally sprinkle it with earth.

In order to make a wish, you need to whisper the right words during the ritual. The power of such words comes down to the belief that the pebble will really help.

History of the talisman

This talisman is thousands of years old. Ethnographers agreed that this stone originated from paganism as a talisman.

Then the pagans believed that the stone protected against “wickedness.” After all, the hole symbolizes a door, gate, window. And all the energy coming to a person was filtered through this hole in the stone and blocked free access to everything bad.

Even before the adoption of Christianity, the Slavs believed in the god Veles. And the dog god became his replacement. This is evidenced by the fact that pagans and Slavs often depicted a pebble with a hole in the shape of a human face.

But people practicing dark magic used the stone to treat toothache. They put it to their cheek and read the plot.

How to use the talisman?

The chicken god will bring good luck only if a person accidentally finds him, for example, on the bank of a river and makes a wish.

To do this, without wasting time, you need to wash the stone in water, thus sanctifying it. Then you need to lift the stone up to the sky in your palm and say the magic words: “Everything in this world is not accidental and this stone was waiting for me here. I want this stone to become my faithful life partner and help me in all my endeavors. So that he would protect me from misfortunes and give me strength. With gratitude to the Holy Mother of God and Father God. Let this stone be illuminated. Amen!". It is very important to remember that this ritual should be performed completely alone, with firm faith in its fulfillment.

What color is the thread for the chicken god stone?

You need to buy red thread made from natural materials - linen, cotton, wool. The length of the thread should be sufficient so that you can freely put the talisman around your neck.

When threading a thread through a hole, be sure to say the following words:“The stone is faithful, the chicken god. Help me a lot, drive away all evil spirits. Let it be so!"

However, there is also a way to obtain the protection of a talisman even if it could not be found. If the chicken god is a gift, you need to wash it, wipe it dry, light a candle and wait until it burns out. From then on, the talisman will protect and bring good luck to its new owner.

For the talisman to be effective, it should be placed next to the place that is supposed to need protection:

  • If it's money, the best place for a stone wallet.
  • If it is a person, you can put it on a person.
  • If this is love, you need to hang it or put it in the bedroom.

There is also a tradition that, having found the chicken god, you should look through the hole and throw it back into the pond.

Another talisman is also called witch stone. Women associated with dark magic advise that since finding such a stone brings great luck, it should be used as a personal amulet and worn on a natural rope, on oneself, or woven into the “witch’s ladder.” , we talked about it here.

Having found such a stone on the coast, you can do it in different ways. Depending on what goals are being pursued.

For example:

  • If the person who finds the talisman wants to improve his problems on the personal front, then for the effectiveness of the stone it is worth hanging it in the bedroom. It is desirable that there be two stones at once, symbolizing a couple, the unity of two souls.
  • If you have some cherished dream that cannot come true, you should look through the stone at the sky, mentally make a wish and throw it back. In this case, the wish will soon come true.
  • To solve financial problems, you should put the chicken god in your wallet. He will attract money there.

Finding such a stone is not easy on purpose. Today such stones are very rare. However, it's worth trying your luck. You need to search in places near bodies of water.

The chicken god will help against any misfortunes, energy imbalances and failures. You can buy the stone in any specialized store or order it online. Cases of fakes are common when craftsmen artificially make a hole in a stone. It is worth following a simple rule - along the edges of a through hole in a stone formed naturally, there will be smooth smooth edges.

Chicken God Stone: magical properties

The Chicken God has the following magical properties:

  • The Chicken God gets rid of problems, helps to attract luck, joy and what the owner wants. To do this, you can reach him and whisper your wishes to him, and he will definitely fulfill them.
  • It also works as a talisman, protecting from various evil spirits and “wickedness”, protecting from curses and damage.
  • The pebble will also come in handy if the owner has seriously decided to take up the magical arts. In this case, it can be used as a restorative force; it will protect the energy from bad things and give strength.
  • However, by default the stone brings good luck and protection to the finder. And in order for luck and joy to be transferred to whomever the owner wants, it can be given as a gift. Moreover, it is necessary that the one to whom the owner gives the stone kisses it, symbolizing the transfer of the power of the stone.
  • Such a stone will always accompany its owner, protect and help him.
  • Specialists in astrology and black magic claim that a stone with a hole is most suitable for the zodiac signs associated with the earth, that is, Capricorn, Virgo and Sagittarius.
  • The talisman will reveal its greatest power if you wear not one such stone, but seven. In some nations, it is customary to wear entire bundles of stones in a hole - for good luck, success, health and for protection.

There is another name for the stone - Thunder Stone and Perunov Strela. There is a legend that said that when Perun (the pagan god) was angry, he threw lightning from the sky and they fell into the stones, forming holes.

Where can I get the chicken god stone?

The Chicken God is not easy to find. Usually it is located in the coastal area and close to rivers and seas, waterfalls. You can also buy the chicken god stone in a special store. However, it is important to remember that you must first consecrate it and place a candle near it before using it.

Someone can give a stone to a new owner, however, it is important to follow the rules of the rituals and remember that without them the power of the stone will be barely noticeable. And most importantly, you need to believe in the power of the stone and remember that faith is the main thing.

Types and colors of amulets

The type of stone can be any, however, it is important to remember that processing takes away the power from it, and the larger the hole, the more central it is, the stronger the effect of the amulet.

Also, the color of the stone gives it various magical properties:

  • White stone It will make its owner kinder, more prudent, cleanse the soul, and produce catharsis.
  • Black and red pebbles attract love, liberate with the opposite sex and bring good luck in relationships.
  • To wives who doubt the fidelity of their husbands, or husbands who doubt the fidelity of their wives should be given a black stone with white splashes. It will protect the owner from dirty thoughts and save the family nest.
  • Creative people A stone with a bluish tint is suitable.
  • Green stone will bring financial well-being, improve your financial situation and help you build a career.
  • Chicken god orange will give the owner vitality and energy to fight further, despite the fact that fate may sometimes deal unfairly.

The dog god is the most powerful amulet of the family and the keeper of the hearth. In order to speed up the fulfillment of a desire or project that the owner of the stone is working on, he can place it in his left hand, and with his right hand (index finger) draw circles clockwise around the hole, as if symbolizing progress.

So, the stone attracts luck, goodness, success in the place where it was placed. If your child suffers from insomnia, you can tie the chicken god to the bed at the head of the bed and the pebble will definitely help the baby fall asleep.

Plot for good luck

In order for luck to always accompany the owner of the chicken god, it is necessary to take out a stone every three days, squeeze it in your hand and say: “Chicken god, a stone with a hole. Deliver me from what is a burden to me. Give me joy and good luck. So it will be!” . And he will definitely fulfill everything. The main thing is faith!

Conspiracy for purity of thoughts

The Chicken God helps not only to get rid of physical pain, but also to clear the mind.

To do this, you need to perform a ritual:

  • Before soaking the amulet in water, you need to speak to it. To do this, you need to prepare clean water and whisper the following words over it seven times: “Let languid thoughts, dark thoughts, difficult decisions go away. Let it be so!" .
  • Immediately after this, you need to place the amulet in this water and leave it alone for three days.
  • Next, you need to pull the talisman out of the water and let it dry naturally.
  • Ready. Now this amulet will save its owner from evil thoughts and mental suffering.
  • It is advisable to wear it on yourself for at least a week to feel the effect.

Conspiracy for pain

Spell for pain:

  • The chicken god stone will help relieve toothache for everyone without exception. To do this, you should place a stone on the sore tooth and say the words “The pain in the tooth will go away. Enter the pain into the stone."
  • Also, a stone with a hole will relieve or significantly reduce the severity of headaches. It’s enough to put it to your temples and say “The stone is a chicken god, with a hole through it. Take away my headache. Amen". And soon the long-awaited relief will come.

And finally, you should apply this magic stone to any place that calls for pain and it will take it away!