When there will be mystical stories. Mystical and inexplicable stories told by eyewitnesses. Here's what we've selected for you

Whatever happens in life. Sometimes it’s pure mysticism.

Read mystical stories with a happy ending.

Taxi driver clairvoyant

I have always disliked my appearance. It seemed to me that I was the ugliest girl in the Universe. Many people told me that this was not true, but I didn’t believe it. I hated mirrors. Even in cars! I avoided any mirrors and reflective objects.

I was twenty-two, but I wasn't dating anyone. Guys and men ran away from me the same way I ran away from my own appearance. I decided to go to Kyiv to take a break and unwind. I bought a train ticket and went. I looked out the window, listened to pleasant music..... I don’t know what exactly I expected from this trip. But my heart yearned for this city. This one, and not the other!

Time passed quickly on the road. I really regretted that I didn’t have time to enjoy the road as much as I should. And I couldn’t take any photographs, since the train was moving unbearably fast. No one was waiting for me at the station. I even envied those I met.

I stood at the station for three seconds and headed to the taxi rank to get to the hotel where I had previously booked a room. I got into a taxi and heard: “Are you the girl who is not confident in her appearance and who still doesn’t have a soul mate?” I was surprised, but answered positively. Now I'm married to this man.

And how he knows all this about me is still a secret.

The most mystical stories

Pray, or stories of miraculous salvation

I was orphaned at an early age. One old woman took pity on me and taught me to read a prayer-amulet, and said:
- Do not be lazy. Get out of bed and read. The tongue will not fall off. But you will always be protected from troubles.
That's what I've always done. Now I’ll tell you about two unusual incidents from my life.

Inner voice. Story one

In my early youth I swam in the Amur. Nearby, a steamboat was pulling a barge upstream. I didn’t know that the barge, which has a curve at the base of the bottom, pulls under itself when moving, and I swam close to it. I felt like I was being pulled under the bottom of the ship. An inner voice said: “Dive.” I took a deep breath and dived. I endured it as long as I could. I surfaced - the barge was about fifteen meters away from me. If it weren't for my inner voice, I would have drowned.

Inner voice. Story two

And the second case. The area where I live is replete with rock deposits (something like limestone). From this stone, cellars have been built here for centuries. The stones were tightly fitted to each other; no cementitious mortar was used. To dismantle such a basement, you need to dig out a large layer of earth from above. And experienced masters do this. They break out the back wall from inside the basement, and then, retreating to the exit, gradually, one meter at a time, they collapse the vault. When I needed to tear down the basement, I did just that. I broke the back wall, and then someone called me:
- Grigoryich!

I crawled out of the basement - no one was there. I stood there and looked around - no one was there. Strange. I clearly heard that they called me. I stand in bewilderment, I even feel some kind of timidity. And then there was a roar. The entire vault of the basement collapsed. If I stayed inside, I would die! After this, decide whether or not to believe in otherworldly forces...

New mystical story

One Christmas the girls were telling fortunes

This story happened on the eve of the brightest holiday of the year - Christmas! And you can’t call it anything other than a miracle. I was 19 years old and at that time I was experiencing a personal tragedy; my boyfriend left me very cruelly and went to live with my best friend.

The mood was not at all festive. I took a bottle of semi-sweet and, alone, sitting in the kitchen, began to cry about my bitter fate.

Then the doorbell rang, it was my girlfriends who came to visit me to share my grief with me, and a bottle of wine, of course.

Having gotten a little tipsy, someone offered to tell fortunes for the betrothed. Everyone laughed together, but agreed.

After writing the names of the men on pieces of paper, they took them out of the makeshift bag one by one. I came across the name “Andrey”. At that time, the only Andreev acquaintance I had was a cousin, and I was skeptical about such fortune-telling.

Suddenly one of my friends suggested continuing the fun outside and the whole crowd set off in search of adventure. As the Christmas fortune-telling continued, they began to run up to passers-by and ask for their name. And what do you think? “My” passerby’s name was Andrey. It was getting more interesting.

That same evening, in the park, I met my future husband... no, not Andrey! His name was Artem and I happily forgot about all these fortune telling.

5 years passed and on Christmas Eve, my husband and I were sitting and talking about the topic of children's baptism. Artem suggested that I give our daughter a middle name at baptism. To my silent question, he replied that he himself was given two names, the first Artem, and the second ANDREY!

When I remember the story from five years ago, I got goosebumps. And how can you not believe in the Christmas miracle?!

My mother-in-law and I lived together. She was a doctor, a very good one. Somehow I was sick for a long time. Weakness, cough, no fever. My mother-in-law calls and we talk about our children. I cough during a conversation. She suddenly says - you have basal pneumonia. I was very surprised. I answer that there is no temperature. In short, she drops everything and comes to us half an hour later. He listens to me through his phonendoscope, taps me on the back and says: “Don’t argue with me.” Get dressed, let's go for the x-ray.

We took pictures. It's true, I have pneumonia. Just like she said. She made me go to the hospital and personally treated me. And after a short time she herself suddenly dies of a heart attack.

We grieved for her very much. And for some reason I kept remembering how, shortly before her death, she asked me:

How do you think? Is there something after death?

One day after a bath I wanted to lie down. She lay down, and suddenly the balcony door opened slightly. I was also surprised, it just doesn’t open without effort. There was definitely no draft. I followed this, afraid of getting sick again. There was a strong chill. I should get up and close the door, but I don’t want to. I can’t sleep, but I don’t want to get up, I’m very tired at the dacha. I just got cured, if I don’t close the door, I’ll get sick again.

And suddenly I thought:

I wonder if that light actually exists or not?

And mentally she turned to her deceased mother-in-law:

Mom, if you can hear me, close the door to the balcony, otherwise it will blow through me. You are gone, there will be no one to treat you.

And the door immediately closed! I think it seemed like something? Repeated:

Mom, if you can hear me, open the door.

Door opened!

Can you imagine?! We gathered the next day and went to church. Candles were lit for the repose.

We had a case. On their father’s anniversary they decided not to invite anyone, but to modestly remember him. Mother did not want the wake to turn into an ordinary drinking party.

We are sitting at the table in the kitchen. The mother put the photograph of the father on the table, and in order to raise it higher, she placed a notebook under it, leaning it against the wall. They poured a glass of vodka and a piece of black bread. Everything is as it should be. We talk, we remember.

It’s already evening, we decided to clean everything up. I say that the stack should be taken to the nightstand in my father’s room, let it stand there until it evaporates. My mother is very rational, she doesn’t really believe in all these customs. She says so frivolously: “Why clean up, I’ll drink it myself now.”

As soon as she said this, the notebook suddenly, for no reason at all, slid along the edge of the table and knocked over her father’s stack. The photograph fell, and every last drop of vodka spilled out. (I must say that the stack is round like a barrel and it is almost impossible to knock it over).

Have you ever had the hair on your head move? That was the first time I experienced this. Moreover, my whole body was covered in goosebumps from horror. I couldn’t say anything for about five minutes. The husband and mother also sat in shock. It’s as if my father said from the other world: “Here you go!” You’ll drink my vodka, of course!”

Yesterday I encountered something strange.

It’s already past midnight, I’m sitting with my dear one, watching “Midshipmen,” and we hear that someone is swinging in the yard.

The third floor, the windows overlook the landing and, due to the heat, are wide open. Our swing creaks disgustingly, this sound is familiar to tears - my little one adores them, but I can’t get to the mechanism to lubricate it.

After a couple of minutes, I began to wonder: who is it that fell into our childhood - I think there are no children on the street at this time.

I go to the window - the swing is empty, but actively swinging. I call my friend, we go out onto the balcony, the entire playground is clearly visible (the sky is clear, the moon is full), the swing is empty, but continues to swing, increasing its amplitude. I take a powerful flashlight, direct the beam at the swing - a few more “back and forth”, a jerk as if someone had jumped off, and the swing begins to stop.

I scared away some local spirit.

I remembered. Once upon a time we lived in the taiga. And then passing hunters came to visit. The guys are making small talk, I'm setting the table. There are three of us, two of them, and I set the table for six. When I noticed, I began to wonder out loud why I counted another person.

And after this, the hunters said that they stopped in one place on the boat - they were interested in a pile of brushwood. It turned out that the bear had picked up the man and covered him with dead wood; a leg in a gnawed boot was sticking out from under the brushwood. That's why they went to the city, taking a boot - to report where they were supposed to, order an aircraft to remove the corpse and assemble a brigade to shoot the man-eating bear.

The restless soul probably got stuck together with the boot.

We once rented an apartment with my husband and three-year-old daughter from a man. Everything was fine for the first six months. We lived in peace. And one day, on one of the cold winter evenings, I put my daughter in the bathtub, gave her children’s toys, and I did something around the house, periodically keeping an eye on her. And then she screams. I go to the bathroom, she sits, cries, and blood runs down her back. I looked at the wound, as if someone had scratched it. I ask what happened, and she points her finger at the doorway and says: “This aunt offended me.” Naturally, there was no aunt, we were alone. It became creepy, but somehow I quickly forgot about it.

Two days later, I’m standing in the bathroom, my daughter comes in and asks, pointing her finger into the bath: “Mom, who is this aunt?” I ask: “Which aunt?” “This one,” he answers and looks into the bath. “Here she sits, can’t you see?” I was in a cold sweat, my hair was standing on end, I was ready to fly out of the apartment and run! And the daughter stands and looks into the bathtub and seems to be meaningfully looking at someone! I rushed to read prayers in every corner with a candle throughout the apartment! I calmed down, went to bed, and early in the morning the child came to the corner of the room and offered some candy to some aunt!

On this day, the owner of the apartment came to collect payment, I asked him who lived here before? And he told me that his wife and mother died in this apartment with a difference of 2 years, and for both the deathbed was the bed on which my daughter sleeps! Need I say that we soon moved out of there?

A friend of mine lives in a pre-revolutionary house. My great-grandfather, a merchant, built it. One day I returned from the store and saw a man in a sheepskin coat in the room. He is small, bearded, and spins around himself as if he is dancing.

A friend asked him: For better or worse?

To which he sang: And you will lose the child, you will lose the child!!!

And immediately disappeared.

For a long time, an acquaintance was worried about her children, picked them up from school, and did not let them go far from her. A year later, the eldest son went to live in another city, with his father. The mother visits very rarely, so we can say that she lost the child.

I didn’t write about this for a long time, I thought it was my personal thing. The other day I thought - I read you, you also share.

Mom will be 2 years old on June 26th. I remember how a week before we went to the beach (no one was sick and had no intention of dying). I saw golden threads from my mother’s head straight into the sky. My eyes are square, I backed away, sat down on the blanket. Eye-catching. I see my mother looking at me. All I could say was: Wow! Mom asked what, I told her not to move, I’ll look again. Mom said: “Maybe I’ll die soon?” Mommy, how right you were

For the first time, my mother fainted in her chair, I called an ambulance, and screamed in a non-human voice. And my mother, with a blissful expression on her face, repeated: “Mom, mom, mom...”, as if she really saw. Then I started yelling: “Girl, get out of here, leave her to me, go away!” The ambulance did not recognize the stroke; my mother came to her senses in front of them. In the evening everything happened again and forever.

It was many years ago. My 91-year-old grandmother died. After the cremation, we brought the urn with the ashes home and put it in the storage room for further burial in another city (this was her request). It was not possible to take it away right away, and she stood there for several days.

And during this time, a lot of inexplicable things happened in the house... At night, my mother heard some moans, sobs, sighs that had never happened before, I always felt someone’s gaze (reproaching) during the day. Everything was falling out of our hands, and the atmosphere in the house became nervous and tense. It got to the point that we were afraid to walk past the storage room and didn’t even go to the toilet at night... We all understood that the restless soul was toiling, and when my father finally took the urn away and buried it, everything changed for us too. Granny! Forgive us, we probably did something wrong!

Mom told me three days ago. Our children go to bed late, including schoolchildren. By midnight it is only relatively quiet. And the village itself is quiet. Only crickets now, and a rare dog barking. The night birds have already stopped singing and are preparing for autumn. Further from my mother's words.

I woke up to someone knocking on the second door in the corridor (the first one is wooden and has a bolt, the second one is modern metal). The knocking was not strong, and it was as if they were knocking with an open palm. I thought that one of the older children jumped out into the street without asking, and the grandfather locked the door after smoking. But it was almost 2 am, there was silence in the house - everyone was asleep. She asked “who’s there?” The knocking stopped for a while. Then a child’s voice said: “It’s me... let me in.” The yard dog and two lap dogs were silent. Once again she asked “who’s there?” The knocking stopped completely.

My mother is very rational and does not suffer from visions. She told me it was very alarming. You need to know our family, especially my mother - she doesn’t believe in anyone, she’s not afraid of anyone, so the usual reaction for her would be to get out of bed with the question “what kind of nonsense is this?”, but here it is. He says that it was a very natural and obvious event. And she didn't sleep.

From 28-12-2019, 21:28

Any doctor knows that there are no healthy people. Moreover, mentally healthy...
I’ll tell you a story I heard from the lips of one of my St. Petersburg friends. For reasons that will become clear below, I will change her name somewhat.

Alina had been divorced for more than three years. After ten years of marriage and a completely normal family life, she and her husband parted ways. Maybe because they knew each other since childhood and during this time they became quite fed up with each other. Maybe because the spouse sometimes gave reasons for justified jealousy. And Alina herself cuckolded her husband several times. True, not as openly as he...

In three years of freedom from marriage, the thirty-five-year-old woman has seen a lot of men. Of course, not in the full sense of the word. Most meetings ended with the first innocent date in a cafe or park. Why waste time on a bad option in advance?
With each new gentleman, experience increased. Alina learned within the first ten minutes of communication to imagine what kind of fruit or vegetable was blowing her cheeks. She did not double-check how correct her assessment turned out to be, completely relying on her feminine intuition.

Not everything in our world can be explained. There are many surprising and unknown things. We look for and publish on the pages of our website new mystical stories from people’s lives, so that you can read them online for free on our website.

Our writers connect with people who want to talk about events that happened to them, but don't know how to do it, or are afraid that they won't be believed. We listen to them carefully, and then write stories and stories about it. So that you can read mystical stories from real life for free on the pages of our website.

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