When and where was Hyperborea. Hyperborea is an ancient civilization. Where was Hyperborea? Barchenko decided that everything found was traces of Hyperborea

Along with the legends about Atlantis, in ancient history there lives the legend about Hyperborea - a country in which lived a sacred people with superpowers. This fantastic country, according to the descriptions of ancient authors, was located in relation to the Mediterranean somewhere far to the north.

For us, it is Hyperborea, the mythical ancestral home of the Aryans, that is of great interest, since it was there, in the northern ancestral home, that our civilization arose. From there, from the fantastic cities of Falias, Finias, Murias and Gorias, the Tuatta de Danaan came. And it was from there, according to legend, that Merlin moved Stonehenge. Nostradamus in his “Centuries” called the Russians nothing more than “the Hyperborean people.”

Since the times of ancient Greek mythology and the traditions that follow it, Hyperborea has been a legendary northern country, the habitat of the blessed Hyperborean people.
The name literally means “beyond Boreas”, “beyond the north”.

Explaining the legend, Plutarch (1st century AD) writes that once, in time immemorial, the harmony of the golden age was disrupted by a struggle for power between Zeus and his father Cronus, who was supported by the Titans. After the victory of Zeus, the titans, led by Cronus, went somewhere to the north and settled beyond the Kronian Sea on a large flowering island, where “the softness of the air was amazing.”
The birthplace of Apollo's mother, the Titanide Leto, was also Hyperborea, to which he traveled in a chariot drawn by white swans.

The Hellenes called Boreas the cold north wind, in contrast to Not, the moist wind from the South, and Zephyr, the gentle wind from the West. All of them, according to mythology, were considered siblings, born from the father of the stars - Astraea and his wife, the goddess of the dawn - Eos. The Orphic hymn is dedicated to Boreas:

“Moving the strata of the airy world with his breath,
O chilling Boreas, come from snowy Thrace,
Break the continuous stillness of the damp sky!
Blowing on the clouds, scatter the rain girls away,
Giving clear weather, so that with the joyful gaze of the ether
The sun’s rays shone on the earth, shining and warming!”

("Ancient Hymns")

For the Romans, the north wind is Aquilon. And in Pliny’s “Natural History,” Hyperborea sounds not only in Greek, but also as “the land on the other side of Aquilon.”

It was here, as Aeschylus writes: “at the edge of the earth”, “in the deserted desert of the wild Scythians” - by order of Zeus, the rebellious Prometheus was chained to a rock: contrary to the prohibition of the Gods, he gave people fire, discovered the secret of the movement of stars and luminaries, taught the art of addition letters, agriculture and sailing. But the region where Prometheus, tormented by an eagle, languished until Hercules freed him (who received the epithet Hyperborean for this) was not always so deserted and homeless. Everything looked different when, a little earlier, the famous hero of antiquity, Perseus, came here, to the edge of the Ecumene, to the Hyperboreans to fight the Gorgon Medusa and receive here magical winged sandals, for which he was also nicknamed the Hyperborean.

Antique maps are well known, where the name of the legendary country is written in Latin in the northeastern part of Europe.

Pliny claims that the Hyperboreans live beyond the Riphean Mountains (different authors placed them in different places of the ecumene: from the Alpine peaks to the Ural ridge). “Beyond these [Rhipaean] mountains, on the other side of Aquilon, a happy people (if you can believe this), which are called Hyperboreans, reach very advanced years and are glorified by wonderful legends. They believe that there are loops of the world and the extreme limits of the circulation of the luminaries. The sun shines there for six months, and this is only one day when the sun does not hide (as the ignorant would think) from the spring equinox to the autumn one, the luminaries there rise only once a year at the summer solstice, and set only at the winter solstice. This country is entirely sunny, has a favorable climate and is devoid of any harmful wind. The homes for these residents are groves and forests; the cult of the Gods is carried out by individuals and the whole society; Discord and all sorts of diseases are unknown there. Death comes there only from satiety with life. ". . . “There is no doubt about the existence of this people.”

For the ancient Greeks, the Hyperboreans were not a mythological people, but very specific people with whom they had living connections and contacts. The Hyperboreans, along with the Ethiopians, Phaeacians, and lot eaters, were among the peoples close to the gods and loved by them. Like their patron Apollo, the Hyperboreans were considered artistically gifted.
The priest of Apollo, the magician and magician Abaris was widely known. It is mentioned by many ancient authors, including in the works of Plutarch, Porphyry and Iamblichus. Abaris is credited with literature of religious and magical content. Being divinely inspired, he gave oracles and prophecies. They write that Abaris “all the time carried an arrow in his hand as a symbol of Apollo and went around all of Greece with his prophecies.” According to Diodorus, “the Hyperborean Abaris came to Hellas to renew ancient friendship and kinship with the Delians.” Abaris and Aristaeus, who taught the Greeks, are considered as a hypostasis of Apollo, since they owned the ancient fetishistic symbols of God (the arrow, raven and laurel of Apollo with their miraculous powers), and also taught and endowed people with new cultural values ​​(music, philosophy, the art of creating poems , hymns, construction of the Delphic Temple).

Modern historians disagree about the location of Hyperborea. Various authors localize Hyperborea in Greenland, near the Ural Mountains, on the Kola Peninsula, in Karelia, on the Taimyr Peninsula; It has been suggested that Hyperborea was located on a now sunken island (or mainland) of the Arctic Ocean.

A large group of historians believes that the legendary country was located in the northern part of European Russia and Europe. The second part of scientists places Hyperborea on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia in the so-called Khakass-Minusinsk basin. Still others believe that the most ancient paleo-continent was once located in the Arctic. It was from there, from the far North, that the original people came who founded the proto-religions.

The last assumption is confirmed by the famous map of Gerard Mercator, 1554, where the Arctic is clearly visible in the form of land, as Hyperborea is described in legends - a country surrounded by a ring of mountains, in the center of which stands a sacred mountain.

There is also a version that the Hyperboreans lived on the Solovetsky Islands, where, according to legend, they still live in an underground city. In pre-war times, the 30s, on the largest island of the archipelago, Soviet expeditions found a labyrinth of stones, in the center of which there was a passage to a system of underground tunnels. Many explanations have been proposed regarding the purpose of the Solovetsky stone spirals: burial grounds, altars, models of fishing traps. The passages of the labyrinth, forcing the traveler to search for a long time and in vain for a way out and, finally, leading him out, were considered as a symbol of the wandering of the Sun during the polar semi-annual night and semi-annual day in circles or, rather, in a large spiral projected onto the vault of heaven. Processions were probably organized in cult labyrinths to symbolically represent the wandering of the Sun. Russian northern labyrinths not only served for walking inside them, but also acted as a reminder diagram for conducting magical round dances.

The Kola Peninsula is also considered as a possible localization of Hyperborea, as evidenced by the ancient pyramids found there.
The search for Hyperborea is akin to the search for the lost Atlantis, with the only difference that a part of the land still remains from the sunken Hyperborea - this is the north of present-day Russia. However, unclear interpretations (this is our own private opinion) allow us to say that Atlantis and Hyperborea could actually be one and the same continent.

In the north of Russia, numerous geological parties have repeatedly encountered traces of the activity of the ancients, however, none of them purposefully set as their goal the search for the Hyperboreans.

However, wherever Hyperborea is located, its spirit, its call can be heard in the creations of the Indo-Europeans from Scandinavia to Hindustan. The legendary northern ancestral home echoes its harsh spirit in Slavic and Scandinavian mythologies, distinguishing them from the “Atlantean” mythologies of the Egyptians and Greeks.

These are all myths, stories and legends. But what do we know now about this amazing homeland of the Slavic people? It turns out that there are quite a few communities that are searching for Hyperborea and proving its existence.

Let's get started. ;-)

In August 1845, the Russian Geographical Society was established in St. Petersburg, the main task of which was declared to be “the collection and dissemination of reliable geographical information.” One of the subtasks of the Russian Geographical Society was the search for the Northern Lands.

20th century
In 1986, ethnologist Svetlana Vasilievna Zharnikova, in her article “On the possible localization of the Sacred Mountains Meru and Khara of Indo-Iranian (Aryan) mythology,” published in the “Newsletter of the International Association for the Study of the Cultures of Central Asia, UNESCO,” pointed to the localization of Hyperborea , having determined the location of the Hyperborean Mountains of ancient authors in the area bounded by the Ural Mountains, the Timan Ridge, the Northern Uvals, the hills of the Vologda region, the hills of the modern Leningrad region and the mountains of Karelia:

Since the late 90s of the 20th century, Hyperborean expeditions began to be carried out, as a result of which a large number of ancient sanctuaries were discovered located in the North-West of Russia - from the Kola Peninsula to the Urals. They were carried out by several research groups, the main ones being:

since 1997 - the “Hyperborea” expedition under the leadership of Doctor of Philosophy Valery Nikitich Demin;
since 2000 - Northern Exploration Expedition of the Scientific Tourism Commission of the Russian Geographical Society;
since 2005 - a specialized scientific expedition of the International Club of Scientists;

as well as individual researchers.

21 century

In the summer of 2000, on the Kola Peninsula, in the Khibiny Mountains, the Complex Northern Exploration Expedition of the Scientific Tourism Commission of the Russian Geographical Society discovered traces of structures of the ancient Northern civilization, which had a matriarchal cult.

In 2000, in the highest place of the Kola Peninsula - on Mount Yudychvumchorr, the same expedition found a phallic megalith - the prototype of the Delphic Omphalus.

Since March 2002, annual scientific conferences on Hyperborea began to be held, at which scientists began to regularly exchange with each other the scientific knowledge they had acquired, both in the theoretical and practical aspects of their research. The need to unite scientists engaged in research on Hyperborean topics was caused by the fact that the evidence obtained at the end of the 20th century, testifying to the existence of a highly developed northern civilization long before the birth of Christ, which had the deepest knowledge about the Universe and Man, made obvious the inadequacy of the reality of the historical paradigm existing in science .

In the summer of 2002, on the Kuzovsky archipelago of the White Sea, the Complex Northern Search Expedition of the Scientific Tourism Commission of the Russian Geographical Society discovered, lifted and installed in its original place a majestic stone Throne. This action began the active Hyperborean study of this place in the Russian North.

On March 19, 2004, scientists who took an active part in the practical and theoretical study of Hyperborean topics came to the conclusion that on this date the territorial location in the Russian North of one of the oldest civilizations on earth, which the ancient Hellenes called Hyperborea, was finally established. The phrase “Hyperborean Rus'” has entered science on a full-fledged basis.

On December 16, 2004, Hyperborean researchers A.P. Smirnov and I.V. Prokhortsev proposed a physical model of the Principle of Order. It gave the key to understanding Hyperborean sacred geography, the symbolism and layout of the temples of Hyperborea, establishing the location of the Hellenic Elysium (Elysian Fields), the ancient Egyptian northern Duat-n-Ba.

In 2005, researchers from the International Club of Scientists, summarizing the results of scientific expeditions known to them at that time to the North of Russia, taking into account the idea expressed by Jean Sylvain Bailly about the northern origin of the ancient Egyptian myth of the dying and resurrecting god Osiris, which, according to Plutarch, was the rational beginning of existence for the Egyptians in the sky and the underworld, they made the observation that large sanctuary complexes in Hyperborean places in the North of modern Russia in ancient times were located by their builders in strict accordance with the position of the stars in the constellation “Orion”. Additional expeditions carried out to test the scientific hypothesis about the commonality of the Hyperborean (Old Russian) and Ancient Egyptian cultures fully confirmed the validity of this assumption. Thanks to this, a new page was opened in the study of Hyperborea. Hyperborea was materialized from Hellenic myth into a scientific and historical Reality that was completely accessible to study, which subsequently allowed Russian scientists to make a number of new discoveries.

By the end of 2005, the International Club of Scientists had completed the development of a method for searching for ancient Hyperborean sanctuaries using projections of celestial constellations on Earth, which significantly accelerated the search and discovery of their location.

In the fall of 2005, the location of the Black Sun of Hyperborea was localized.

Since 2005, scientists began to hold summer, since 2006 - winter scientific and cultural festivals YagRA, and since 2007 - Festivals of Light, which are a reminiscence of the ancient Hyperborean Festivals of honoring the Supreme Universal Law, according to which Nature exists, and according to which, in order to be happy, people must live.

In 2006, research carried out in Hyperborea made it possible for Russian scientists to find the location of the ancient Russian... Paradise. Yes Yes!

In 2006, ancient inscriptions carved on stones in ancient Greek were discovered in the White Sea sanctuaries of Hyperborea.

In 2006, researcher A.Yu. Chizhov discovered stone pyramids in the northwestern skerries of Lake Ladoga, the location of which exactly corresponded to the star Gamma Canis Majoris.

In 2006, to the natural scientific basis of the matriarchal concept, in addition to the data of ancient mythology and female figurines of Goddesses found by archaeologists in different places of the world in ancient excavations, ethnology was supplemented with evidence of the arrangement of Hyperborean sanctuaries in accordance with the matriarchal views of their ancient builders.

Since 2007, EI tours began to be held, which provide lovers of ancient history with a unique opportunity to personally participate in full-scale Hyperborean research.

On August 17, 2007, on one of the island megaliths in the Kem skerries of the White Sea, an expedition of the International Club of Scientists discovered and read an inscription made in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. This was the name USIR (Osiris). After this, ideas about the development of human civilization since ancient times changed dramatically.

The most important discovery of 2007 was the discovery of a very ancient city, presumably antediluvian, on one of the White Sea islands. The scientists who found it suggest that this city is the same ancient Northern Heliopolis, which was reported to the scientific community by W.F. Warren and R. Guenon. It was possible to understand and explain the peculiarities of the connection between Hellas, Crete, Ancient Egypt and Hyperborea.

In 2008, it was decided to hold the scientific and cultural festival “YagRA” in four seasons: winter (winter solstice), spring (vernal equinox), summer (summer solstice) and autumn (autumnal equinox), that is, strictly in accordance with its ancient holiday canons.

In the summer of 2008, researchers from St. Petersburg Olga Khromova and Alexei Garagashyan managed to establish the site where one of the greatest Hyperborean sanctuaries was once located, which was dedicated to “Beta Orionis” - the star “Rigel”. This place is Kozhozero in the Arkhangelsk region.

In 2008, it was established that the oldest megalithic complexes discovered on the islands of the White Sea contain symbols known from Ancient Egypt, hieroglyphic words and complete phrases related to the cults of the ancient Egyptian Gods Osiris and Thoth.

It has been established that the overwhelming majority of already deciphered “stone texts” in the White Sea megalithic complexes contain information of fundamental physical content. This is a kind of message from the ancients about the structure of the world. In an extremely brief summary, the main wisdom of the Hyperborean priests, which they conveyed in their messages, can be expressed in words like this:

Live by Nature, in accordance with it, and not by any other institution. The Primordial Natural Law is God, Truth and the basis of the Supreme Justice. There is no Truth higher than its Order.

In the fall of 2008, the Northern Search Expedition of the Russian Geographical Society discovered on the islands in the waters of Belomorsk the remains of ancient megalithic objects, territorially corresponding to the terrestrial projections of the famous “Sword of Orion” - an asterism that includes two stars of the constellation “Orion” and “I” and the Great Nebula of Orion ( M42).

Since 2009, all Internet users participating in Hyperborean expeditions and EI-tours of the International Club of Scientists have the opportunity to constantly be in the thick of events occurring in the circle of scientists involved in the science and technology of the Hyperborean civilization. This became possible thanks to live video reports from scientific conferences on Hyperborea, held monthly by the International Club of Scientists.

In 2009, after many years of observations of the Sun on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes at the megalithic observatory structures of the Kola Peninsula, the famous researcher of the Russian North Lidia Ivanovna Efimova obtained data indicating that these megalithic structures had another important purpose - to record a very specific moment time in history.

In 2009, an expedition of the International Club of Scientists in northern Russia identified a place that, in ancient times, may have served as a prototype plan for the sacred pyramid complex at the mouth of the Nile. There are strong scientific reasons to believe that it was his “Texts of the Builders of Edfu” that was called the “Place of the First Time.” In 2009, to the previously discovered northern “proto-Egyptian” pyramids of the Kola Peninsula, the pyramids of Lake Ladoga and the Great Pyramid, which remains so mysterious because of its inaccessibility The Urals (as the researchers of Hyperborea call it) added the ancient pyramids of the White Sea region.

On the left is the pyramid in Hyperborea, on the right is the pyramid at Giza
In 2009, the Earth's projection of Mu-Orion ceased to be a secret. This happened after individual researcher Igor Gusev described in detail the complex of megalithic objects he discovered with characteristic Hyperborean symbolism preserved on its stones, located to the west of the modern city of Monchegorsk, majestically stretched in the Orion style on the banks of the beautiful Imandra - that is, in the very place where in Hyperborean style, the earthly Mu-Orion should have been located.

In 2009, researchers from the International Club of Scientists in northwestern Russia completed the identification of objects from the ancient megalithic complex, located in exact accordance with the projection onto the earth of the main stars of the Orion constellation. All objects of this megalithic complex, as established, were built under one general idea.

In 2009, in the majestic White Sea Hyperborean complex, called by its discoverers the northern Duat-n-Ba, a large stone image of a head was found, with the signature below (made in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs) - The Greatest Lord of Eternity. As you know, this is exactly how the priests called Osiris in ancient times!

Since 2009, the study of the Hyperborean past of the Kanina Peninsula began.

In the fall of 2009, an expedition of the International Club of Scientists in the White Sea region discovered, obviously, the largest in size man-made monument to the famous mantra “AUM”, which is immortalized by several dozen (!) man-made megalithic meters.

In 2010, having deciphered part of the ancient stone texts found on the islands of the White Sea, researchers from the International Club of Scientists established what the Hyperboreans called themselves. After all, the name - Hyperboreans - was given to the mysterious northern people by the Hellenes only because they believed that this blessed people lived beyond the north wind Boreas. The vocalization of the ancient name of the Hyperboreans is conveyed by the lexeme RSH or RS.

In the winter of 2010, an expedition led by the famous Hyperborean explorer Lidia Ivanovna Efimova discovered the location of an underground city of an ancient highly developed civilization on the Kola Peninsula. This “hidden”, “inaccessible”, “obscured” place, which contained information in the myths of most northern peoples of the world, from that moment ceased to be such.

In the summer of 2010, in the Kem skerries of the White Sea, an expedition of the International Club of Scientists made an important discovery, which made it possible to determine how the Hyperboreans (as the ancient Hellenes called them) and the Aryans related to each other in historical terms.

In the summer of 2010, on the Kola Peninsula, researcher Igor Gusev identified an ancient step pyramid made of stones. Its approximate height is 80 meters.

In the summer of 2010, 2 previously unknown stone pyramids were found on the islands of the White Sea (the discovery was made by an expedition of the International Club of Scientists).

In the summer of 2010, it was established that the oldest megalithic complexes on the islands of the White Sea contain hieroglyphic texts known from Ancient Egypt related to the cult of the ancient Egyptian God Ptah.

In the summer of 2010, an expedition of the International Club of Scientists found a large stone image of a falcon flying with outstretched wings on one of the White Sea islands, which has a distinct spherical shape. This is exactly how the earliest known hypostasis of the God Horus, Horus the Great, was depicted in Ancient Egypt, and the sages of Hellas deduced its Hellenic semantic equivalent under the name Apollo, to whom in Hyperborea, according to the Hellenic historian Diodorus Siculus, a remarkable spherical temple, decorated with many offerings.

In the summer of 2010, an expedition of the International Club of Scientists in the White Sea region found a large stone statue of the Sphinx and the Great Northern Pyramid located in close proximity to it.

In the summer of 2011, on the islands of the White Sea, an MKU expedition found possibly the oldest runic signs carved on stones. Hyperborean runes (so far scientists have called the signs they found that way) were able to be identified as a variant of writing using the now known signs corresponding to the ancient Germanic runes of the Elder Futhark.

Megalithic-linguistic discoveries in the Hyperborean regions of Russia, and a new analysis of Vedic, Avestan, ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Cretan, Greek, Etruscan and Northern Russian texts, myths and fairy tales allowed in 2011 the Russian ethnologist Svetlana Vasilievna Zharnikova to explain the most sacred of The most ancient images of the Great Mother are the image of the Mother-in-law.

In 2011, megalithic attributes of the “spiritual companion” of Osiris were discovered on the White Sea islands, whose image was used by the “Lord of Truth of the RA”, the “creator of beauty” of the first of the now known classical Egyptian pyramids (its “sister” was allegedly found in the Polar Urals) - Ancient Egyptian king of the IV dynasty Sneferu. According to Egyptologists, this character in ancient times was responsible for the birth of a person into the afterlife, was the embodiment of sovereignty, and his main symbol - Djed - meant STABILITY. His name is Anedzhti.

In 2011, a megalithic complex with a remarkable man-made stone symbol located on a multi-meter slab in the very center was found on an island in the White Sea. Its comparison with the symbol of the Supreme God 1 Deer, which he, according to the Mayan Selden Scroll, transmitted to Quetzalcoatl as a symbol of the Supreme Power, gave reason to assume that an ancient temple complex may have been found, dedicated to a symbol extremely important for the ancient priests of Hyperborea and the Mayans.

In 2011, on the shore of an island in the White Sea, a multi-meter stone boat was found, almost identical to the image of the Boat of Dionysus on the Exekius Cup, dating back to 530 BC.

Research and discoveries in Hyperborea continue.

Hyperborea (aka Arctida) is the foremother of all world culture, a country known to us from ancient manuscripts. Location - northern Europe. It is assumed that traces of this ancient civilization were found on the Kola Peninsula. There is no doubt that ancient Hyperborea is directly related to the ancient history of Russia, and the Russian people and their language are directly connected with the disappeared legendary country of the Hyperboreans. It is not without reason that Nostradamus in his “Centuries” referred to the Russians as “the Hyperborean people.”

According to reviews of ancient historians, Hyperborea was the foremother of all world culture. The wise Hyperboreans possessed a huge amount of knowledge, even more advanced than that of the ancient Greek civilization. It was the immigrants from Hyperborea, the Apollonian sages Abaris and Aristeas (considered servants of Apollo), who taught the Greeks to compose poems and hymns, and for the first time discovered the basic wisdom, music, and philosophy. Under their leadership, the famous Delphic Temple was built...

Literally, “Hyperboreans” means “those who live beyond the Boreas (North Wind)”, or simply “those who live in the North”. Many ancient authors reported on the existence of Hyperborea and the Hyperboreans. One of the most authoritative scientists of the Ancient World, Pliny the Elder, wrote about the Hyperboreans as a real people who lived near the Arctic Circle and were connected with the Hellenes through the cult of Apollo the Hyperborean. By the way, Hercules and Perseus, like Apollo, had the epithet - Hyperborean...

This is what Pliny the Elder says verbatim about the existence of Hyperborea in Natural History (IV, 26): “Behind these [Rhipaean] mountains, on the other side of Aquilon, live a happy people called Hyperboreans, reaching very advanced years and glorified by wonderful legends They believe that there are loops of the world and the extreme limits of the revolution of the luminaries. The sun shines there for half a year, and this is only one day when the sun does not hide (as the ignorant would think) from the spring equinox to the autumn, the luminaries only rise there. once a year at the summer solstice, and they set only at the winter solstice. This country is entirely in the sun, with a fertile climate and is devoid of any harmful wind. The homes of these inhabitants are groves and forests; the cult of the Gods is carried out by individuals and by the whole society; and all sorts of diseases. Death comes there only from satiety with life.<...>There is no doubt about the existence of this people."

Even from this small passage from Natural History it is not difficult to get a clear idea of ​​Hyperborea. First - and this is the most important thing - it was located where the Sun may not set for several months. In other words, we can only talk about the circumpolar regions, those that in Russian folklore were called the Sunflower Kingdom.

Another important circumstance: the climate in the North of Eurasia in those days was completely different. This is confirmed by the latest comprehensive studies conducted recently in the north of Scotland under an international program: they showed that 4 thousand years ago the climate at this latitude was comparable to the Mediterranean, and a large number of heat-loving animals lived here.

However, even earlier, Russian oceanographers and paleontologists established that in the 30-15th millennium BC. The Arctic climate was quite mild, and the Arctic Ocean was warm, despite the presence of glaciers on the continent. American and Canadian scientists came to approximately the same conclusions and chronological framework. In their opinion, during the Wisconsin glaciation, in the center of the Arctic Ocean there was a zone of temperate climate, favorable for flora and fauna that could not exist in the circumpolar and polar territories of North America.

The main confirmation of the indisputable fact of a favorable climatic situation is the annual migration of migratory birds to the North - a genetically programmed memory of the warm Ancestral Home. Indirect evidence in favor of the existence of an ancient highly developed civilization in the northern latitudes can be provided by powerful stone structures and other megalithic monuments located everywhere here (the famous cromlech of Stonehenge in England, the alley of menhirs in French Brittany, the stone labyrinths of Solovki and the Kola Peninsula).

A map of G. Mercator, the most famous cartographer of all times, who relied on some ancient knowledge, has been preserved, where Hyperborea is depicted as a huge Arctic continent with a high mountain (Meru) in the middle.

Despite the meager information of historians, the ancient world had extensive ideas and important details about the life and morals of the Hyperboreans. And all because the roots of long-standing and close ties with them go back to the ancient community of Proto-Indo-European civilization, naturally connected with both the Arctic Circle and the “end of the earth” - the northern coastline of Eurasia and ancient continental and island culture. It was here, as Aeschylus writes: “at the edge of the earth”, “in the deserted desert of the wild Scythians” - by order of Zeus, the rebellious Prometheus was chained to a rock: contrary to the prohibition of the Gods, he gave people fire, discovered the secret of the movement of stars and luminaries, taught the art of addition letters, agriculture and sailing.

However, the region where Prometheus languished, tormented by the dragon-like kite, until Hercules freed him (who received the epithet Hyperborean for this) was not always so deserted and homeless. Everything looked different when, a little earlier, the famous hero of antiquity, Perseus, came here, to the edge of the Oikumene, to the Hyperboreans to fight the Gorgon Medusa and receive here magical winged sandals, for which he was also nicknamed the Hyperborean.

Apparently, it is not without reason that many ancient authors, including major ancient historians, persistently talk about the flying abilities of the Hyperboreans, that is, about their mastery of flight techniques. This is, however, how Lucian described them, not without irony. Could it be that the ancient inhabitants of the Arctic mastered aeronautics? Why not? After all, numerous images of possible aircraft - such as hot air balloons - have been preserved among the rock paintings of Lake Onega.

Archaeologists never cease to be amazed by the abundance of so-called “winged objects” that are constantly found in Eskimo burial grounds and date back to the most distant times in the history of the Arctic.

Here it is another symbol of Hyperborea! Made from walrus tusk (hence their amazing preservation), these outstretched wings, which do not fit into any catalogues, naturally suggest ancient flying devices. Subsequently, these symbols, passed on from generation to generation, spread throughout the world and became entrenched in almost all ancient cultures: Egyptian, Assyrian, Hittite, Persian, Aztec, Mayan, and so on - to Polynesia.

There is no doubt that ancient Hyperborea is directly related to the ancient history of Russia, and the Russian people and their language are directly connected with the legendary country of the Hyperboreans that disappeared or dissolved in the depths of the ocean and land. It is not without reason that Nostradamus in his “Centuries” referred to the Russians as “the Hyperborean people.” The refrain of Russian fairy tales about the Sunflower Kingdom, which is located far away, also represents memories of ancient times when our ancestors came into contact with the Hyperboreans and were themselves Hyperboreans. There are also more detailed descriptions of the Sunflower Kingdom. So, in the epic fairy tale from the collection of P.N. Rybnikov, it is told how the hero on a flying wooden eagle (a hint of the same flying Hyperboreans) flew to the Sunflower Kingdom:

He flew to the kingdom under the sun,
Gets off the eagle plane
And he began to walk around the kingdom,
Walk around Podsolnechny.
In this kingdom of the Sunflower
The tower has melted - gold tops,
The circle of this mansion was a white courtyard
About those twelve gates,
About those strict watchmen...

But the legendary Sunflower Kingdom also has a modern exact geographical address. One of the oldest common Indo-European names for the Sun is Kolo (hence “ring”, “wheel” and “bell”). In ancient times, it corresponded to the pagan solar deity Kolo-Kolyada, in whose honor the holiday of caroling was celebrated (the day of the winter solar solstice) and archaic ritual songs were sung - carols, bearing the imprint of the ancient cosmist worldview:

... There are three golden-domed towers;
In the first mansion the month was young,
In the second mansion there is a red sun,
In the third chamber there are frequent asterisks.
When the month is young, it is our master.
The red sun is the hostess,
Often the stars are small.

It was from the name of the ancient Sun God Kolo-Kolyada that the name of the Kola River and the entire Kola Peninsula arose.

The cultural antiquity of the Soloveyskaya (Kola) land is evidenced by the stone labyrinths present here (up to 5 m in diameter), similar to those scattered throughout the Russian and European North with migration to the Cretan-Mycenaean (the famous labyrinth with the Minotaur), ancient Greek and other world cultures.

Many explanations have been proposed regarding the purpose of the Solovetsky stone spirals: burial grounds, altars, models of fishing traps. Latest in time: labyrinths - models of antennas for communication with extraterrestrial or parallel civilizations. The closest explanation to the truth of the meaning and purpose of Russian northern labyrinths was given by the formerly famous Russian science historian D.O. Svyatsky. In his opinion, the passages of the labyrinth, forcing the traveler to search for a way out for a long time and in vain and, finally, leading him out, are nothing more than a symbolization of the wandering of the Sun during the polar semi-annual night and semi-annual day in circles or, rather, in a large spiral , projected onto the vault of heaven.

Processions were probably organized in cult labyrinths to symbolically represent the wandering of the Sun. Russian northern labyrinths not only served for walking inside them, but also acted as a reminder diagram for conducting magical round dances.

Northern labyrinths are also characterized by the fact that next to them there are piles (pyramids) of stones. There are especially many of them in Russian Lapland, where their culture intersects with traditional Sami sanctuaries - seids. Like the Lovozero Tundra, they are found all over the world and, along with the classical Egyptian and Indian pyramids, as well as mounds, are symbolic reminders of the polar Ancestral Home and the universal Mount Meru, located at the North Pole. It is surprising that stone spiral labyrinths and pyramids have been preserved in the Russian North. Until recently, few people were interested in them, and the key to unraveling the secret meaning contained in them was lost.

More than 10 stone labyrinths have been found so far on the Kola Peninsula, mainly on the seashore. Most of those who have written about Russian labyrinths reject the very possibility of their rapprochement with the Cretan megaliths: the Cretans, they say, could not visit the Kola Peninsula, since it would have taken them several years to reach the Barents Sea along the Atlantic Ocean, bypassing Scandinavia, although Odysseus, as is known, reached Ithaca is at least 10 years away.

Meanwhile, nothing prevents us from imagining the process of spreading labyrinths in reverse order - not from South to North, but vice versa - from North to South. Indeed, the Cretans themselves, the creators of the Aegean civilization, are unlikely to have visited the Kola Peninsula, although this is not completely ruled out, since it was part of the Hyperborea zone, which had constant contacts with the Mediterranean.

But the ancestors of the Cretans and Aegeans probably lived in northern Europe, including the Kola Peninsula, where they left traces of labyrinths that have survived to this day, prototypes of all subsequent structures of this kind. The path “from the Varangians to the Greeks” was not laid on the verge of the 1st and 2nd millennia AD, connecting Scandinavia, Rus' and Byzantium for a short time. It has existed from time immemorial, serving as a natural migration bridge between the North and the South.

So the ancestors of modern peoples left one after another across this “bridge” - each in their own time, each in their own direction. And they were forced to do this by an unprecedented climatic catastrophe associated with a sharp cooling and caused by a shift in the earth’s axis and, consequently, the poles.

Many believe that the highly developed civilization of Hyperborea, which perished as a result of a climate cataclysm, left behind descendants in the form of the Aryans. The search for Hyperborea is akin to the search for the lost Atlantis, with the only difference that from the sunken Hyperborea, it is believed that a part of the land still remains - this is the north of present-day Russia.

This word is strange - HYPERBOREA...The history of Hyperborea itself is even more interesting. The history of Hyperborea is mysterious, legendary and controversial. Did this country exist? There are a number of scientists who will answer this question in the affirmative.

In Petrozavdsk, the capital of Karelia, two festivals under this name are held - winter and summer.

In winter, sculptors from different countries gather and sculpt beautiful figures from ice.

And in the summer, youth organizations gather for a summer camp with this mysterious name. This is a tribute to the legend of Hyperborea!

Why Hyperborea? Translated from ancient Greek, it means beyond the north. Boreas - north. But the Hyperboreans themselves called their homeland - BY WHOM, which means Heavenly Country.

Quite a lot is now written and spoken about this polar country and this mysterious civilization. In the ancient writings of India, Greece, and Persia there is a description of a wonderful country that is located in the north and about its people, who were considered gods.

They were described in legends as a happy people who lived a blissful life, accompanied by songs, dances and reverent prayers. And they lived on the territory of ancient Rus'? So where did Rus' come from?

In different sources, the location of Hyperborea is in different places, but most are inclined to believe that Hyperborea was located near the North Pole, not far from the Kola Peninsula. Another interesting fact, already proven by scientists, is that several millennia BC our planet turned upside down, or rather changed its magnetic poles. And where the north and south poles are now, there used to be an equator. This means that these places had the most favorable climate.

Russian oceanographers and paleontologists have found that in the period from the 30th to the 15th millennium BC. e. The Arctic climate was quite mild. American and Canadian scientists came to the same conclusions.

The mystery of why birds fly north also finds its solution in the fact that their genetic memory of birds is invitingly drawn to their homeland - to the warm Hyperborea, which for some reason went under water.

There is a map of Hyperborea created by ???? by the navigator Gerardus Mercator in 1595, which amazingly coincides in outline with the relief of a huge plateau at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

Hyperborea on Gerardus Mercator's 1595 map.

In Hyperborea there was Mount Meru - the universal mountain, the center of gravity of the heavenly and subcelestial world. And such a mountain actually exists in the Russian waters of the Arctic Ocean, its peak almost reaching the ice shell.

It is unknown where the Flemish navigator got such an ancient map from. There are also mysterious ancient maps of Antarctica made before its discovery. There is a theory that these cards first came to the ancient Greeks from the Hyperboreans themselves, who left their homeland, apparently due to some kind of catastrophe..

In the calendars of the Mayans, Assyrians and Egyptians, the catastrophe of Hyperborea dates back to 11542 BC.

Huge stone monuments, stone labyrinths and spirals on the Kola Peninsula, Solovetsky Islands and Karelia speak of ancient traces of life in these northern latitudes.

The name of the river on the Kola Peninsula - Kola, comes from the name of the Solntsebog Kolo - Kolyada. Kolo is the sun.

Most researchers believe that the ancient mysterious civilization of the Hyperboreans is at least 15-20 thousand years old.

According to esoteric teachings, Hyperborea is the most secret place on the planet, and the Hyperboreans possessed such powerful knowledge that modern man does not possess.

In his Centuries, Nostradamus called the Russians a Hyperborean people.

The most amazing thing is that the ancient Indian Vedas talk about the northern country of abundance and happiness, which is located next to Mount Meru, where the abode of the first creator Brahma and other Indian gods was.

In this case, there is no doubt that Hyperborea is directly related to ancient Rus' and to the most ancient and mysterious civilization, which gave rise to many peoples?

So does this mean that the Russians are the Hyperborean people?

Currently, since the late 90s, thanks to the expeditions of Russian ascetic scientists, Hyperborea has literally been resurrected from historical oblivion, which means that from now on world prehistory takes on a completely new sound, and its chronology is pushed back into the depths of millennia.
Now the phrase “Hyperborean Rus'” has entered science on a full basis.
This is what the famous researcher of Hipperborea V.N. writes. Demin:
“Once upon a time in the North of our planet there existed the ancestral home of one humanity, one language, the mother of Culture. Fleeing from the global cataclysm, its surviving inhabitants settled in different places on the Earth, forming different peoples and languages. In the early editions of the myths of all peoples, this country was spoken of as the country of the Golden Age of mankind, as a Paradise Land. The Hellenes called this country Hyperborea, that is, “located beyond the north wind Boreas….
But, if we take the consequences of the last cataclysm, an Indian and Iranian group arose. A bloc emerged linking modern Germanic, Turkic and Slavic peoples. A block associated with future Hellenes. Each of them had their own fate. They began to migrate from north to south. Moreover, migration took many years, when cultural degradation could occur.
….. Gradually. There were transit points. One of them, I believe, was Arkaim, a transit point for the migration of Indo-Europeans from north to south. There they settled for a thousand years...”

Remember magic circles Arkaim? There are similar ones on the Kola Peninsula.

“...The Egyptians appeared 3.5 thousand years BC. And they came there with the polar calendar. With the same polar calendar came 2500 thousand years BC. e. Etruscans to the Mediterranean Sea... Then the Hellenes appeared there - 2000 BC. – also with a polar calendar of 350 solar days...
Therefore, we can consider the “Hyperborean” III millennium BC the beginning of history in its conscious understanding. And this story is directly connected with the North.” »
He believes that the Chinese and Indians also come from Hyperborea, but left it earlier, before the cataclysm that destroyed this country. But their language and culture remained much in common with the rest of the descendants of the Hyperboreans.
From this perspective, it is interesting to look at the settlement of peoples with the Uralic group of languages.
Let's start with the fact that the language of the current Lapps inhabiting the Kola Peninsula belongs to the Finno-Ugric group of languages, which is a branch of the Uralic group. What kind of group is this?
Where are the Urals and where is the Kola Peninsula? It doesn't seem that close... And the languages ​​are similar.
But there's more to come...
This group of languages ​​is common in Hungary, Norway, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Estonia and other countries. In Russia, these are the languages ​​of Khanty, Mansi, Nenets, Udmurt, Komi, Mari, Mordovian (Moksha, Erzya), Nangnasan, some Volga, Finnish, Karelian, Vepsian, Ingermandlandic, Votic, Livonian, Tessrian-Sami, Kildin, South Estonian - You are Russian.
If you look at the map of the settlement of peoples who speak this language, it begins to seem that they all came from the North Pole, spreading rays to the south.

And the further the peoples went from the north, the less they retained the ancient language in their memory. We already know how quickly language changes, based on the example of recent decades. And what can we say about centuries and millennia? But a lot remains. For example, Russians have the Vedas, and Hindus have the Vedas. What about runes that look like hieroglyphs?
Scientists, summarizing the results of scientific expeditions to the North of Russia and taking into account the idea expressed by Jean Sylvain Bailly about the northern origin of the ancient Egyptian myth about the dying and resurrecting god Osiris, made the observation that large sanctuary complexes in Hyperborean places in the North of modern Russia in ancient times were located by their builders in strict accordance with the position of the stars in the constellation "Orion". Additional expeditions carried out to test the scientific hypothesis about the commonality of the Hyperborean (Old Russian) and Ancient Egyptian cultures fully confirmed the validity of this assumption.
Researcher L.I. Efimova proved that the more ancient northern Kola and White Sea pyramids became the prototype of the Egyptian pyramids.

This is what she writes in her article “Was Ancient Egypt Founded by Northerners?”
“The ancient “Builder Texts” inscribed on the Temple of Horus in the Egyptian Edfu speak of the builders of the pyramids as enlightened ones who arrived from the islands of the northern country, which suffered a flood. It was these sages who once began to build Egypt, and they initially carried out their construction according to the plans of their northern country, also called Duat-n-Ba (perhaps this is what they themselves called their country, because the name Hyperborea was given to it by the ancient Greeks).
The ancient Egyptian priests considered the Duat to be the place where “the sun of the world hidden from us meets the sun of our world.” According to the conclusion of Egyptologists, Duat meant the reddish glow of dawn before dawn. This is exactly the picture that can be observed at 65 degrees north latitude in the Russian North. It is interesting that Ancient Egypt was called Kem by its inhabitants themselves. In Karelia, on the shores of the White Sea, there is just a city with a similar name, Kem.
In the late 2000s, on an island in the White Sea near Kem, a white egg-shaped megalith was found with a Phoenix-like bird (an Egyptian bird from Heliopolis), which dies and is reborn again.
In the immediate vicinity of the megalith egg, they discovered a gigantic, even larger than the stone egg, black monolith, which in shape simultaneously resembled a pentagram, a dog’s head and an exaggeratedly large eye. Upon careful examination of this megalith, it was discovered that on this stone eye-pentagram-dog, an image of a throne with a foot was clearly artificially formed in volume, and under it - a seated kneeling man in a headdress reminiscent of the ancient Egyptian crown of Upper Egypt." (Arguments and Facts, northwest, 2011)

On one of the White Sea islands - Kuzov Island, not far from the Solovetsky Islands - the remains of a very ancient city, presumably antediluvian, and an unusually huge throne were found.

In 2007, on one of the island megaliths in the Kem skerries of the White Sea, an expedition discovered and read an inscription made in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. This was the name USIR (Osiris). And on the islands of the White Sea, the most ancient megalithic complexes contain symbols known from Ancient Egypt, hieroglyphic words and complete phrases related to the cults of the ancient Egyptian Gods Osiris and Thoth. These texts have fundamental physical content about the structure of the world.
Translated into modern language, these texts can be expressed as follows:
Live by Nature, in accordance with it, and not by any other institution. The Primordial Natural Law is God, Truth and the basis of the Supreme Justice. There is no Truth higher than its Order.

The mysterious country of Hyperborea is known to us from ancient Greek myths, according to which this state was located in the north. Like Atlantis, the existence of this highly developed state is not confirmed by reliable historical or archaeological sources. Individual and rather modest archaeological finds in the northern regions are known, but their connection with the mysterious ancient country is controversial and therefore not recognized by official science. Hyperborea was depicted on some ancient European maps until the Middle Ages, but rather due to tradition.

Ancient and medieval European maps are generally incredibly abundantly “populated” with the most bizarre peoples and incredible states located outside the world explored by European travelers. The country where Hyperborea was located in ancient times is not precisely known. Various researchers have expressed versions about the Arctic, Greenland, the Kola Peninsula and the Taimyr Peninsula, and the Ural Mountains. There is also a hypothesis that Hyperborea was located on a certain island or small continent, which subsequently sank as a result of a geological cataclysm. Due to the presence of several versions pointing to the territory of our country, some domestic esotericists suggest that in a symbolic sense, modern Russia is the heir of Hyperborea.

At first glance, the extreme conditions of the far north do not seem very suitable for the formation of a highly developed civilization. The achievements of the Eskimos, Chukchi and other northern peoples living in such conditions are, to put it mildly, quite modest. But, firstly, we do not know where exactly ancient Hyperborea was located, and how cold it was there in that historical era. Perhaps the cold on its territory was serious, but not critical for development. The history of Hyperborea, if you try to reconstruct it, may look like this. A highly developed people, for some reason (war?), migrates to the cold northern lands, or faces a cooling climate on their land. But moderately extreme conditions do not become death for him, but an incentive for the further development of technology and culture. But later this civilization dies due to the fact that the climate becomes colder and colder, putting its people beyond the brink of survival. People begin to migrate en masse to warmer lands. Abandoned dwellings have been covered with snow for centuries and covered with an icy shell. It is very possible that Hyperborea is precisely the mythical ancestral home from which the Aryans left. By the way, the Slavs and Hindus are considered the descendants of the Aryans.

Secrets of Hyperborea you can try to reconstruct it from ancient Greek myths. They contain a plot in which Hyperborean girls, sent with gifts to the god Apollo to the ancient Greek city of Delos, ultimately did not return home. They may have remained in Delos, preferring the benefits of a warmer climate. After this, the Hyperboreans began to send gifts to Apollo through the inhabitants of the countries located between them and ancient Greece. If we remove the cover of the myth, we can assume that initially the Hyperboreans conducted direct trade with the cities of ancient Greece, supplying there some valuable resource in exchange for resources they lacked, such as grain. Maybe amber, which the Greeks considered a sun stone and could well have sacrificed to the sun god Apollo, decorating his temples with it? But then the Hyperboreans, for some reason, switched to trading through intermediaries. Perhaps the emigration of their citizens to sunny Ancient Greece or their return home (from trade expeditions) with stories about a distant sunny country were perceived by the Hyperborean nobility as a threat to the existence of the state and direct contacts were stopped.

How old is humanity? Modern scientists, as a rule, give the figure 40 thousand years - from the moment the Cro-Magnon man appeared on Earth. This is the standard time interval allocated to human history in educational, scientific and reference literature. However, there are other figures that do not fit into the official framework at all. 400 thousand years - this date was calculated by ancient historians - Chaldean, Egyptian, Greek - and projected onto Russia by Lomonosov.

(Actually, in the scale of events of world history there is another, clearly fixed date that the imagination of modern people cannot accommodate: according to the scrupulous calculations of astronomers and priests of the ancient Mayans, human history began in 5,041,738 BC!)

Literally, the ethnonym Hyperboreans means “those who live beyond Boreas (North Wind)”, or simply “those who live in the North”. They were reported by many ancient authors. One of the most authoritative scientists of the Ancient World, Pliny the Elder, wrote about the Hyperboreans as a real ancient people who lived near the Arctic Circle and were genetically related to the Hellenes through the cult of Apollo the Hyperborean. This is what is said verbatim in Natural History (IV, 26):

Behind these [Rhipaean] mountains, on the other side of Aquilon, a happy people (if you can believe this), which are called Hyperboreans, reach very advanced years and are glorified by wonderful legends. They believe that there are loops of the world and the extreme limits of the circulation of the luminaries. The sun shines there for six months, and this is only one day when the sun does not hide (as the ignorant would think) from the spring equinox to the autumn one, the luminaries there rise only once a year at the summer solstice, and set only at the winter solstice.

This country is entirely sunny, has a favorable climate and is devoid of any harmful wind. The homes for these residents are groves and forests; the cult of the Gods is carried out by individuals and the whole society; Discord and all sorts of diseases are unknown there. Death comes there only from satiety with life. There is no doubt about the existence of this people."

Even from this small passage from Natural History it is not difficult to get a clear idea of ​​Hyperborea. First - and this is the most important thing - it was located where the Sun may not set for several months. In other words, we can only talk about the circumpolar regions, those that in Russian folklore were called the Sunflower Kingdom.

Another important circumstance: the climate in the North of Eurasia in those days was completely different. This is confirmed by the latest comprehensive studies conducted recently in the north of Scotland under an international program: they showed that 4 thousand years ago the climate at this latitude was comparable to the Mediterranean, and a large number of heat-loving animals lived here.

However, even earlier, Russian oceanographers and paleontologists established that in the 30-15th millennium BC. The Arctic climate was quite mild, and the Arctic Ocean was warm, despite the presence of glaciers on the continent. American and Canadian scientists came to approximately the same conclusions and chronological framework. In their opinion, during the Wisconsin glaciation, in the center of the Arctic Ocean there was a zone of temperate climate, favorable for flora and fauna that could not exist in the circumpolar and polar territories of North America.

The main confirmation of the indisputable fact of a favorable climatic situation is the annual migration of migratory birds to the North - a genetically programmed memory of the warm Ancestral Home. Indirect evidence in favor of the existence of an ancient highly developed civilization in the northern latitudes can be provided by powerful stone structures and other megalithic monuments located everywhere here (the famous cromlech of Stonehenge in England, the alley of menhirs in French Brittany, the stone labyrinths of Solovki and the Kola Peninsula).

A map of G. Mercator, the most famous cartographer of all times, who relied on some ancient knowledge, has been preserved, where Hyperborea is depicted as a huge Arctic continent with a high mountain (Meru) in the middle.

Despite the meager information of historians, the ancient world had extensive ideas and important details about the life and morals of the Hyperboreans. And all because the roots of long-standing and close ties with them go back to the ancient community of Proto-Indo-European civilization, naturally connected with both the Arctic Circle and the “end of the earth” - the northern coastline of Eurasia and ancient continental and island culture.

It was here, as Aeschylus writes: “at the edge of the earth”, “in the deserted desert of the wild Scythians” - by order of Zeus, the rebellious Prometheus was chained to a rock: contrary to the prohibition of the Gods, he gave people fire, discovered the secret of the movement of stars and luminaries, taught the art of addition letters, agriculture and sailing. But the region where Prometheus languished, tormented by the dragon-like kite, until Hercules freed him (who received the epithet Hyperborean for this) was not always so deserted and homeless.

Everything looked different when, a little earlier, the famous hero of antiquity, Perseus, came here, to the edge of the Oikumene, to the Hyperboreans to fight the Gorgon Medusa and receive here magical winged sandals, for which he was also nicknamed the Hyperborean.

Apparently, it is not without reason that many ancient authors, including major ancient historians, persistently talk about the flying abilities of the Hyperboreans, that is, about their mastery of flight techniques. This is, however, how Lucian described them, not without irony. Could it be that the ancient inhabitants of the Arctic mastered aeronautics? Why not? After all, numerous images of possible aircraft - such as hot air balloons - have been preserved among the rock paintings of Lake Onega.

Archaeologists never cease to be amazed by the abundance of so-called “winged objects” that are constantly found in Eskimo burial grounds and date back to the most distant times in the history of the Arctic.

Here it is another symbol of Hyperborea! Made from walrus tusk (hence their amazing preservation), these outstretched wings, which do not fit into any catalogues, naturally suggest ancient flying devices. Subsequently, these symbols, passed on from generation to generation, spread throughout the world and became entrenched in almost all ancient cultures: Egyptian, Assyrian, Hittite, Persian, Aztec, Mayan, and so on - to Polynesia.

There is no doubt that ancient Hyperborea is directly related to the ancient history of Russia, and the Russian people and their language are directly connected with the legendary country of the Hyperboreans that disappeared or dissolved in the depths of the ocean and land. It is not without reason that Nostradamus in his “Centuries” referred to the Russians as “the Hyperborean people.”

The refrain of Russian fairy tales about the Sunflower Kingdom, which is located far away, also represents memories of ancient times when our ancestors came into contact with the Hyperboreans and were themselves Hyperboreans. There are also more detailed descriptions of the Sunflower Kingdom. So, in the epic fairy tale from the collection of P.N. Rybnikov, it is told how the hero on a flying wooden eagle (a hint of the same flying Hyperboreans) flew to the Sunflower Kingdom:

He flew to the kingdom under the sun,
Gets off the eagle plane
And he began to walk around the kingdom,
Walk around Podsolnechny.
In this kingdom of the Sunflower
The tower has melted - gold tops,
The circle of this mansion was a white courtyard
About those twelve gates,
About those strict watchmen...

But the legendary Sunflower Kingdom also has a modern exact geographical address. One of the oldest common Indo-European names for the Sun is Kolo (hence “ring”, “wheel” and “bell”). In ancient times, it corresponded to the pagan solar deity Kolo-Kolyada, in whose honor the holiday of caroling was celebrated (the day of the winter solar solstice) and archaic ritual songs were sung - carols, bearing the imprint of the ancient cosmist worldview:

... There are three golden-domed towers;
In the first mansion the month was young,
In the second mansion there is a red sun,
In the third chamber there are frequent asterisks.
When the month is young, it is our master.
The red sun is the hostess,
Often the stars are small.

It was from the name of the ancient Sun God Kolo-Kolyada that the name of the Kola River and the entire Kola Peninsula arose.

The cultural antiquity of the Soloveyskaya (Kola) land is evidenced by the stone labyrinths present here (up to 5 m in diameter), similar to those scattered throughout the Russian and European North with migration to the Cretan-Mycenaean (the famous labyrinth with the Minotaur), ancient Greek and other world cultures.

Many explanations have been proposed regarding the purpose of the Solovetsky stone spirals: burial grounds, altars, models of fishing traps. Latest in time: labyrinths - models of antennas for communication with extraterrestrial or parallel civilizations.

The closest explanation to the truth of the meaning and purpose of Russian northern labyrinths was given by the formerly famous Russian science historian D.O. Svyatsky. In his opinion, the passages of the labyrinth, forcing the traveler to search for a way out for a long time and in vain and, finally, leading him out, are nothing more than a symbolization of the wandering of the Sun during the polar semi-annual night and semi-annual day in circles or, rather, in a large spiral , projected onto the vault of heaven.

Processions were probably organized in cult labyrinths to symbolically represent the wandering of the Sun. Russian northern labyrinths not only served for walking inside them, but also acted as a reminder diagram for conducting magical round dances.

Northern labyrinths are also characterized by the fact that next to them there are piles (pyramids) of stones. There are especially many of them in Russian Lapland, where their culture intersects with traditional Sami sanctuaries - seids. Like the Lovozero Tundra, they are found all over the world and, along with the classical Egyptian and Indian pyramids, as well as mounds, are symbolic reminders of the polar Ancestral Home and the universal Mount Meru, located at the North Pole. It is surprising that stone spiral labyrinths and pyramids have been preserved in the Russian North. Until recently, few people were interested in them, and the key to unraveling the secret meaning contained in them was lost.

More than 10 stone labyrinths have been found so far on the Kola Peninsula, mainly on the seashore. Most of those who have written about Russian labyrinths reject the very possibility of their rapprochement with the Cretan megaliths: the Cretans, they say, could not visit the Kola Peninsula, since it would have taken them several years to reach the Barents Sea along the Atlantic Ocean, bypassing Scandinavia, although Odysseus, as is known, reached Ithaca is at least 10 years away.

Meanwhile, nothing prevents us from imagining the process of spreading labyrinths in reverse order - not from South to North, but vice versa - from North to South. Indeed, the Cretans themselves, the creators of the Aegean civilization, are unlikely to have visited the Kola Peninsula, although this is not completely ruled out, since it was part of the Hyperborea zone, which had constant contacts with the Mediterranean. But the ancestors of the Cretans and Aegeans probably lived in northern Europe, including the Kola Peninsula, where they left traces of labyrinths that have survived to this day, prototypes of all subsequent structures of this kind.

The path “from the Varangians to the Greeks” was not laid on the verge of the 1st and 2nd millennia AD, connecting Scandinavia, Rus' and Byzantium for a short time. It has existed from time immemorial, serving as a natural migration bridge between the North and the South.

So the ancestors of modern peoples left one after another across this “bridge” - each in their own time, each in their own direction. And they were forced to do this by an unprecedented climatic catastrophe associated with a sharp cooling and caused by a displacement of the earth’s axis and, consequently, the poles.