When will they start paying military personnel? How to receive payment to military personnel for the purchase of housing (EDV)

In accordance with modern legislation, military personnel have a special status that allows them to receive free housing on a preferential basis. This possibility depends not only on the availability of a valid contract with the Russian Defense Ministry, but also on a number of other factors. In the material presented, you can find out who is entitled to EDV for the purchase of housing, and how to obtain EDV for a military personnel.

Who is entitled to a lump sum payment for the purchase of housing?

Who can receive EDV for housing? Until 2004, the country had a well-established procedure for providing housing to needy individuals and their families upon discharge from military service. The Ministry of Defense entered into contracts with construction organizations to build houses, or bought ready-made apartments in new buildings.

The situation changed in 2006. It was decided to completely modernize the existing system. The main idea was to provide EDV to military personnel for the purchase of housing instead of directly living quarters. For more than 5 years, certificates for EDV were issued to military personnel in parallel with finished housing.

In 2013, the allocation of ready-made housing was completely abolished, and only EDV for military personnel remained, about which, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, amendments were made to the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel.” The main idea was to provide the military with EDV on a permanent basis for housing instead of directly living quarters.

The following categories of persons can submit documents for receiving EDV to a military personnel:

  • contract soldiers, warrant officers and officers serving since 1998;
  • persons transferred to the reserve without the provision of residential premises through the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Since 2016, only citizens who registered no later than January 1, 2005, when the Housing Code of the Russian Federation came into force, have the right to receive EDV.

Due to this restriction, since 2016, by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, the EDV of military personnel who registered later than the specified period was frozen. They will be able to obtain housing only through the military mortgage program.

The instructions for paying EDV for the purchase of housing were approved by the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ, Order of the Ministry of Defense dated July 21, 2014 No. 510, as well as Government Decrees of the Russian Federation dated February 3, 2014 No. 76 and October 24, 2013 No. 942. The first step in realizing the right to EDV will be placing on the queue those in need of improved housing conditions.

The queue for receiving EDV for a serviceman is formed based on the date of submission of the application. You can track your turn to receive EDV for the purchase of housing in the unified register of military housing. The maintenance of such a register began in 2010 by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In the general queue for the provision of certificates, there are categories of citizens who have the right to priority receipt of EDV for a military apartment:

  • with 20 or more years of service who live in official housing;
  • those who entered into a contract before 1998 (except for students at that time in military educational institutions);
  • those who served more than 10 years and were dismissed for health reasons, due to reduction or reaching the age limit.

Important! A housing certificate can be used to buy an apartment in a new building or on the secondary housing market, pay off a mortgage, or build a house. What is important is that a serviceman can do this in any region of Russia of his choice.

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 76, military personnel have benefits when receiving EDV for residential premises:

  • teachers of military educational institutions, as well as scientific military workers with an assigned scientific degree;
  • commanders of military units;
  • persons holding the rank of colonel, captain 1st rank, general, admiral, marshal;
  • persons applying for an increase in living space for medical reasons.

If these persons submit documents for the EDV for military housing, they may qualify for payment of an additional 15-25 sq.m. housing.

Features of receiving EDV

Does divorce affect military personnel from receiving EDV? If military personnel are presented with documents to receive EDV without taking into account other family members (for example, when divorce), the calculation of the payment amount will be significantly reduced. In this case, the standard per serviceman will be used - 33 sq.m.

Is EDV paid for housing to military personnel if, according to Rosreestr he had real estate? If the documents for receiving EDV for military personnel contain information about the existence of ownership rights to other residential premises, the standard when calculating the payment will be reduced by the area of ​​​​the existing real estate.

The current housing program provides not only children's right for part of the monthly allowance of military personnel for the purchase of housing, but also a significant increase in the amount of payment. For example, for a family of three people the maximum payment will be increased three times.

Algorithm of actions

Payment of EDV for the purchase of an apartment involves the following algorithm of actions:

  • placing a serviceman and his family member in line under the regional program;
  • opening a bank account to receive EDV;
  • registration and submission of an application to the authorized institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the provision of EDV;
  • checking with the Rosreestr authorities information about the absence of housing in the property of the applicant for EDV;
  • making a decision on payment.

Queuing is carried out at the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place of military service. A decision on an application for registration must be made within 30 days.

After the serviceman’s family is registered, he is placed on the waiting list of those in need. Upon reaching the required queue, the documents are submitted to the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - an application and a bank account agreement are submitted.

A comprehensive list of documents for obtaining EDV by military personnel is approved by Order of the Minister of Defense No. 510. The application must be signed by all adult family members of the serviceman.

Amount of payment for housing for military personnel

According to the new rules, the amount of EDV payment for housing to military personnel in 2017 depends on:

  • length of service (length of service) in military service;
  • family composition - according to the standards for a family of 1 person, the housing area is 33 m2, for 2 people - 33 m2, for 3 or more people - 18 meters each.
  • military rank - if the applicant is a colonel or has a higher rank, then this gives the right to receive funds for additional square meters;
  • presence or absence of housing ownership.

If a family lives in its own apartment, but its square footage is lower than that established by housing legislation and the family is recognized as needy, then the amount of the monthly allowance for a military personnel for the purchase of real estate will be equal to the amount for which the “missing” meters can be purchased.

Options for improving housing conditions are chosen by the serviceman himself, but he is obliged to report on the purchase of housing no later than 30 days after registration of ownership.

When is it provided?

As soon as the complete list of documents for receiving EDV for housing for military personnel is received by the Department of Housing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a ten-day period begins for making a decision on payment. If a positive decision is made, it is subject to execution by the financial support department of the RF Ministry of Defense at the expense of the Federal Treasury.

Important! To receive EDV next year, you must submit an application no later than April 1 of the current year. This is due to the need to plan federal budget funds.

Data for EDV for housing can be transmitted through the military registration and enlistment office at the place of service of the applicant for payment. Military commissariats are the authorized body of the RF Ministry of Defense, including when resolving housing issues for military personnel and those transferred to the reserve.

Providing housing for discharged military personnel must be carried out no later than the day of dismissal from military service, although they can purchase an apartment after dismissal from the ranks of the RF Armed Forces.

Documents for receiving EDV for housing for military personnel

What does it take for military personnel to receive EDV? In order to receive EDV for an apartment, military personnel must collect and submit the following package of documents to the relevant department of the Ministry of Defense:

  • application for payment;
  • an extract from the current account opened in the name of the applicant for the transfer of funds;
  • a copy of passports, birth certificates of all family members of the military personnel;
  • an extract from your personal file or other document confirming your length of service;
  • if you own housing, the number of meters is less than the established standards, a copy of the certificate of ownership.

Obtaining an apartment under the EDV is a complex process with a number of nuances and pitfalls. In this regard, we recommend that when purchasing a home using such funds, you seek help from qualified lawyers.

A similar procedure for improving living conditions contains a provision for receiving EDV for military personnel in the Federal Penitentiary Service. However, in this structure, the payment is issued in the form of a certificate, and persons who have served for at least 10 years and are dismissed from service for health reasons or organizational reasons are entitled to receive it.

If you need help in exercising your right to EDV, please contact our specialists for advice. To do this, use the feedback form on our website or call the hotline.

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The article talks about new legislative norms for military personnel, replacing the procedure for them receiving housing from the state with the provision of a lump sum payment for the purchase and construction of housing. In this article: the intricacies of receiving EDV, calculations, persons entitled to additional housing, the concept of an increasing coefficient.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the right of a military serviceman to his own housing, and the state is obliged to strictly fulfill its obligations to the defenders of the Motherland.

In mid-December 2013, the amount of a lump sum payment was announced that the Ministry of Defense would transfer to military personnel for the purchase of housing or its construction. If a military man's service life is more than 20 years, then he can receive about 5,000,000 rubles to purchase an apartment.

As the Ministry of Defense suggests, after the adoption of the new regulation, it will be easier to resolve problems for the relocation of military personnel, and this applies not only to army units, but also to all law enforcement departments where there are military personnel. According to the initiators of the law, this should also apply to retired military personnel whose term of service has already ended and their turn to receive housing has not yet arrived.

At the end of December 2013, the President signed the Federal Law of November 2, 2013 N 298-FZ “On Amendments to Articles 15 and 24 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”. Since 2014, the military, unlike the old scheme, are not provided with housing, but receive a lump sum payment from the state for these purposes.

This innovation is beneficial to everyone, both the state and the military itself:

  • Now you don’t have to wait for many years for your turn to get housing.
  • You can buy an apartment in the area of ​​the city that you like best, and not in a military town, as before.
  • The problem with bribery disappears. It is no secret that many military personnel had to achieve legal rights to housing through bribes.
  • Not every construction company agreed to work with the Ministry of Defense, and the construction of residential facilities dragged on for years, and the quality left much to be desired.
  • The state will no longer have the obligation to provide housing to citizens in public service, which includes not only military personnel, but everyone to whom the state was supposed to provide housing as part of their service.

Every year the number of people on the waiting list for housing from the state, which could not properly fulfill its obligations to military personnel, increased. Numerous problems accumulated, but they had to be solved urgently. In this regard, the initiative of the Minister of Defense could not have come at a better time: if the state begins to issue cash benefits for the purchase of an apartment, there will be a sufficient choice of the necessary housing, in addition, it will be possible to purchase not only an apartment within the boundaries of a military unit, but to build or buy your own house with a piece of land.

Who is eligible to receive a lump sum payments to military personnel for the purchase of housing?

  • Everyone who has signed a contract to serve the fatherland since 1998. These include warrant officers, midshipmen, junior and senior officers.
  • All retirees who during their service were never able to get an apartment.

As analysts noted, this reform has undeniable advantages. Firstly, the serviceman will have the opportunity to choose his own housing of the size and layout that he needs, and in the place where he likes it. In addition, many everyday situations are resolved, for example, the reorganization of a military unit, or injury in the line of duty, when a person was fired after serving for more than 10 years. Now these citizens also have the right to receive EDV.

How should everything really happen, and where are the pitfalls?

Don't know your rights?

Let’s imagine that the Ministry of Defense transfers money to a serviceman, but this process is very lengthy, and formally, the money is considered received. There are still many doubts about the implementation of this program, but in the future EDV can eliminate all waiting lists for housing from the state. Families of military personnel will have the opportunity to use the EDV to buy an apartment in a new building, the prices of which are much lower than the market average.

What payments to military personnel for the purchase of housing are provided by the program?

As mentioned earlier, the program was launched on the initiative of S. Shoigu, who noted that the Ministry of Defense under the old scheme would not be able to soon provide housing to everyone in need, and besides, there were great restrictions on the choice of place of residence.
As for the amounts, for a single military man who has served for at least 15 years, the monthly allowance will be 3,000,000 rubles, and after purchasing housing, he can submit a report for dismissal. And many of them cannot do this, since they never received the housing promised by the state. If an officer has a family of more than three people, then the size of the EDV should be tripled.

The government expects to implement the receipt of EDV by military personnel from May 2014

Let us turn to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2014 No. 76, which defines the rules for determining payments. All calculations of the lump sum payment will be made by the federal authorities using the formula: P = N × C × Ks.

How is it deciphered?
N - data on the total required living space.
C - data on the cost of 1m2 for all regions of Russia, they are determined according to information from the Ministry of Construction and Housing of Russia, they are updated after 6 months.
Kc is a coefficient that determines the total duration of military service.
Based on these data, it is easy to independently calculate that an unmarried serviceman can count on a living space of 33 m2, for a married couple without children - 42 m2. And a family consisting of three people or even more is supposed to count on 18 m 2 for each family member.
The rules highlight the category of military personnel who have the right to receive a subsidy for additional living space of 15 m 2: these are a colonel (captain of the first rank), a general (admiral) and a marshal. This rule also applies to the commander of a military unit, to a military personnel engaged in teaching activities; for those who have a military degree and serve in defense research institutes.

How to understand the term Ks?

Ks is a symbol for the increasing coefficient; it shows the length of service of a serviceman. For example, if a military man has served more than 10 years, but not 16, he will be given an increase factor of 1.85. And for those servicemen who were in the ranks from 16 to 20, the coefficient corresponds to 2.25. Next comes the calculation for those who served 21 years - 2.373, and for those who were in military service for more than 21 years - 2.75. In addition, for those families whose family member died, a coefficient of 2.75 will also be applied. If a serviceman has some kind of housing, but he is recognized as in need of additional living space, then he will also receive EDV, but the amount of the subsidy will be lower than for those who do not have any housing. To calculate the subsidy in this case, they do not take the cash equivalent, but the mandatory standard of living space.

Let's look at an example: a married serviceman without children is supposed to receive money for an apartment of 42 m2, but the family has an apartment of 36 m2. In this case, the difference in the missing area will be paid by the Ministry of Finance. The same scheme for calculating the EDV for those military personnel who live in a municipal apartment, even if they did not refuse it in advance.
Those military personnel who lost part of their living space due to donation, sale (or for other reasons, part of their property passed into the possession of other people) will not receive the due payment. Then, when calculating the EDV, the area that the serviceman lost on his own initiative will be deducted.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, who is entitled to EDV?

Although the Ministry of Defense has stopped funding the construction of houses for military personnel since 2014, those facilities for which funds were allocated before the resolution under consideration are still planned to be completed. As for the EDV, the Ministry of Defense expects to pay about 60 billion rubles to 11,000 generals, officers and military personnel under contract. For example, if a colonel served for 25 years, and his family consists of 6 people, then he can receive up to 11.5 million rubles for the purchase of housing.

What housing in the Moscow region can be purchased for this amount?

A decent new apartment in Moscow with one room costs approximately 6,000,000 rubles, for this money you can buy an apartment with 2-3 rooms on the secondary market. The cost of housing in the Moscow region is cheaper than in Moscow, and for this money you can choose an apartment with 4 rooms.

The current resolution is not aimed at increasing budget costs, but at redistributing cash flows. Every year, approximately 30 billion rubles were allocated for the construction and acquisition of housing for military personnel, and the same amount was spent on maintaining military personnel who were no longer on staff, but were awaiting their turn to receive apartments. But, starting from 2014, all these funds are allocated to receive EDV for military personnel. All these amendments affected not only those who are in active service, but also those who retired, but were at one time recognized as in need of an apartment.

Where can I apply for a one-time benefit?

To receive a subsidy, you must apply to the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or its structural unit. The application is signed by the serviceman and all members of his family (or legal representatives of minors). An agreement on opening a bank account is attached to the application. The Housing Department independently, within 10 days from the date of receipt of the application, requests from the Rosreestr department information about the availability of housing for the serviceman and his family members, as well as about the transactions they made before applying for a subsidy.

After receiving such information, a decision is made within 10 days to issue the EDV. It is sent to the financial support department of the Ministry of Defense at the place of residence of the person applying for the subsidy and to the personnel authorities of the Ministry of Defense. A copy is sent or given to the recipient of the subsidy against signature.

Payments are made through the Federal Treasury.

How will military personnel receive a one-time allowance for the purchase of housing?

In many ways, calculations will depend on the number of family members of a serviceman, on the existing right to receive additional living space for certain categories of military personnel, and on the cost of one square meter of living space. The calculation of the benefit amount will be significantly influenced by the coefficient showing length of service, and the greater it is, the greater the amount issued.

The article talks about the updated legislative framework, according to which the provision of public housing is being replaced with cash payments for the construction or purchase of living space for military personnel and their families

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The Russian Constitution enshrines the rights of military personnel to their own housing, and obliges the state to comply with its direct responsibilities to them.

Since December 2013, the amount of payment that should be provided to the military from the Ministry of Defense for the purchase of housing or construction has been made public. It amounts to about 5 million rubles for those military personnel who serve the Fatherland for at least 20 years.

Representatives of the Ministry of Defense believe that such an initiative will help solve the problems of military resettlement, and this applies not only to army units, but also to all structures in which military personnel work. In addition to active military personnel, this project also helps solve housing problems for those employees who have already retired.

At the end of 2013, the President signed Federal Law No. 298-FZ of November 2, 2013 “On Amendments to Articles 15 and 24 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel.”
According to experts, these projects will help solve the problem of providing military personnel with housing. Already in 2014, these bills will begin to work, and the military will receive a one-time state benefit for their housing needs.

It is worth noting that such innovations are beneficial not only to the military, but also to the state itself:

  • Only a few developers agreed to cooperate with the Ministry of Defense. In most cases, the construction of residential buildings for the military was delayed for a long time;
  • There will be no need to wait in line for an apartment for a long time;
  • The problem of corruption also disappears. It is no secret that in order to obtain their own housing, many military personnel had to shell out their hard-earned money to officials;
  • The state will lose its obligation to provide housing to all citizens who are in public service.

The number of people on the waiting list for housing increased every year. The adoption of new standards will allow the Ministry to fulfill its obligations to the defenders of the Fatherland as quickly as possible. In addition, the choice of housing will be unlimited, and military personnel will have to make a choice - buy housing on the secondary market or organize the construction of their own home.

Who is entitled to one-time payments to military personnel?

According to the adopted innovations, the right to a one-time state benefit is received by:

  1. Retired military personnel who did not wait to receive an apartment during their service;
  2. All contract military personnel who began serving in 1998.

Experts assess this project as generally positive. Now military personnel will be able to independently choose their own housing of the layout and area that they need. In addition, the employee will have the opportunity to personally determine the area for residence. Other everyday situations will also be resolved.

Since the beginning of 2014, the Ministry of Defense has officially stopped allocating funds for the construction of houses for the military. However, all projects that were started before the adoption of innovations will be completed. Regarding the EDV, the Ministry plans to make payments to 11 thousand generals, officers and ordinary military personnel for a total amount of about 60 billion rubles. Moreover, the amount of payment will directly depend on the number of military family members and his professional experience. According to preliminary calculations, a general with 25 years of service experience and at least 6 family members can claim 11.5 million rubles.

How to calculate a lump sum payment to military personnel for the purchase of housing in 2015?

The procedure for calculating payments, as well as the rules for determining benefits, are discussed in Government Decree No. 76 dated February 3, 2014.

All calculations come down to a single formula: P=N*S*Ks

The formula is deciphered as follows:

N- information about the required living space.
WITH— data on the cost of one square meter of housing in a specific region. This value is calculated for six months, and is clarified only after 6 months.
KS- length of military service.

According to preliminary calculations, a soldier without a family can count on 33 square meters. m, and a married couple claims 42 sq. m.

In addition, separate rules provide for a category of military personnel who have the right to additional living space of 15 square meters. m. Such a subsidy is given to generals (admirals), marshals and colonels. In addition to them, the rule applies to commanders of military units, military teachers and employees in the defense scientific sector, provided that they have an academic degree or service to the Fatherland.

How to understand the term Ks?

In fact, Kc is a symbol for an increasing coefficient that shows length of service. For example, if a military man spent 10 to 16 years in service, he can count on a coefficient of 1.85. For those military personnel who have been in service for 16 to 20 years, the coefficient will be 2.25. For military personnel with 21 years of service, the figure is 2.373, and for those with more than 21 years of service, it is 2.75. The same coefficient is used for military families in which one of the members died in service.

If an employee has housing, but for certain reasons he receives the status of needing improved housing conditions or the provision of additional meters, then he will also receive EDV, but the amount of payment will be an order of magnitude lower.

Military personnel who have lost part of their housing due to a donation or sale of a property share will not receive the required subsidy. In this case, when calculating the EDV, the area that the employee lost on his own initiative will be deducted.

What payments under the EDV program for housing for military personnel are provided by the program?

One of the disadvantages of the program for subsidizing military personnel is that the money takes quite a long time, although from the moment of accrual the issue is considered closed. Nevertheless, experts predict that over time this small drawback will be eliminated, and EDV will be able to save people from endless queues.

Regarding the amount of payments, for a military man without a family who has served for at least 15 years, the subsidy will be 3 million rubles. After he receives the money into his account, he has the right to resign, or to continue serving the Fatherland. And if a military man has a family, then the size of the EDV will be increased in accordance with the number of family members.

As noted in the press service of the Ministry, previously the defense structure annually allocated 30 billion rubles for construction contracts, and spent the same amount on the maintenance of officers who were not on staff, but continued to wait for an apartment. Now the entire amount will be used for payments, and this will allow us to fulfill our obligations to military personnel as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How to get EDV for housing for military personnel?

The procedure for issuing EDV is prescribed in Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 510 of July 21, 2014

In order to apply for a subsidy, you must submit a written application to the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The application must be submitted on behalf of all members of the military family and contain all signatures. It is also necessary to open a bank account and attach a corresponding agreement to the application. Within a 10-day period, the Department submits a request to Rosreestr to find out whether the employee and his family members have living quarters, and also to check all business transactions that have been carried out by the applicant recently.

After considering all the data, the department makes a decision within 10 working days. The decision is forwarded to the financial support department of the Ministry at the applicant’s place of residence, as well as to the personnel service of the Ministry. A copy of the decision must be delivered personally to the applicant or sent to him by letter with notification.

All payments are made by the Federal Treasury. It is worth recalling that the size of the subsidy depends on several factors, in particular, the number of family members of the applicant and length of service. By the way, it is the latter that plays a decisive role; the higher the coefficient, the larger the amount of money will be transferred to the applicant.

State support is always divided according to the category of its recipients. Thus, military personnel can also qualify for subsidies and benefits. Since their activities are aimed at state support and protection of the population, assistance from government bodies is also significant.

Persons serving under a contract under the Ministry of Defense have a special status and therefore can qualify for a housing subsidy. However, the fact of military service alone is not enough; it is important to remember that additional factors are: length of service, rank and special conditions that were received by those in need during their work to guard law and order and protect the state system.

What is housing subsidy in 2018?

Initially, before 2004, when the program was just gaining momentum, EDV for military personnel was a certain right to housing received upon discharge after serving in the armed forces with more than 10 years of service.

The procedure for providing subsidies underwent modifications in 2006, along with the adoption of a new Government Resolution. Now, instead of living quarters, funds are provided in the form of a certificate. However, those who initially received government assistance in the form of a specific apartment continued to apply for a finished property.

Since 2013, the program began to be abolished. The adoption of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation put an end to receiving only monetary compensation instead of apartments and other residential premises.

Today, the program operates as usual, however, only three categories of citizens will be able to participate in it and register:

  1. Those undergoing military service and included in the waiting list before the introduction of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (until 2006);
  2. Those transferred to the reserve due to health reasons or retirement due to length of service;
  3. Those who have length of service and military service experience of more than 10 years and are currently working.

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The main principle is the citizen’s need to receive benefits to improve housing conditions.

When is a one-time cash payment (LCD) provided for the purchase of housing?

There are three main points when a person performing military service under a contract in the armed forces may qualify for a payment aimed at improving his living conditions:

  1. Transfer to the reserve in the event of an illness that prevents further service or retirement age;
  2. The birth of the first and subsequent child in the family, when housing conditions do not meet the requirements at the time of “replenishment”;
  3. The need for housing in the absence of personal, small square footage, or the building being recognized as unsafe.

Each of these cases is the basis for filing an application for review of documents and registering a person as needy.

Upon dismissal

If, at the time of dismissal, the military service record is more than or equal to 10 years, he can submit documents for consideration to the department. The funds will be transferred later, despite the fact that the person has actually terminated his employment relationship.

At the birth of a child

The birth of a child is a reason to think about improving your living conditions. Based on this, the state guaranteed an additional payment when exchanging housing for a larger apartment. In this case, it does not matter whether “primary” or “secondary” housing is purchased.

For the purchase of housing

If there is no housing at all, the Ministry of Defense takes care of providing it. The application is considered, of course, not for a day or two. That is why it is not prohibited to take out an apartment on a mortgage, and only then, when the funds arrive in your personal account, transfer them to pay off the debt, excluding penalties and fines for late monthly payments.

Calculation of EDV for the purchase of housing: calculator

Those who want to find out in advance how much a military man can expect when submitting documents for payment of EDV can use a special calculator on the website of the Ministry of Defense.

Or you can try to get your bearings by knowing a few important aspects:

  1. Standard square footage per person in a specific region;
  2. The number of people in the military personnel's family (only the spouse and children, since parents, brothers, sisters and grandchildren are not taken into account). Exceptions can only be isolated cases when such persons are officially recognized as dependents in court;
  3. Living space of an already owned apartment or room;
  4. Other factors that are relevant when providing residential premises.

By summing up the numbers and taking into account all the nuances, you can calculate the total amount of money due, based on the current government support program.

Who pays the lump sum benefit?

In order for a citizen who is in a contractual labor relationship through the Ministry of Defense to receive EDV for the purchase of housing or other benefits associated with the birth of a child or upon dismissal, it is necessary to act according to a certain algorithm.

Firstly, the most important step is to prepare all the necessary documents on the basis of which the final decision will be made. Each case will have its own “package”, but, as a rule, it comes down to the following list:

  1. Applicant's passport - for personal identification;
  2. Spouse’s passport, marriage certificate and children’s birth certificates - so that the commission can determine the composition of the family and understand what standard will be adopted in further calculations;
  3. Information about real estate owned by the serviceman and his family members;
  4. Certificate of a personal account opened in a banking institution, which belongs directly to the applicant.

Funds will be transferred to the specified bank account based on the results of the commission's review of the application.

Secondly, all collected documents are sent to the department under the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of the specific region where the serviceman is serving. Together with the application, they will be considered at the next commission, which will select candidates and the possibility of their participation in the program through discussion.

Thirdly, everyone who passes the selection will be put on a waiting list to receive a one-time payment. Within 10 days, funds will be credited to your personal account. Their consumption is subject to official reporting, which should not be delayed. At the end of 30 days after purchasing an apartment, individual residential building, or repaying a mortgage debt, the serviceman must contact the department with documents confirming the transfer of money from the current account for the intended purpose.

Assistance to military personnel is only one type of social support from the state. To find out more and more precisely about it, it is better to contact the personnel service of your department or the military registration and enlistment office if the applicant is transferred to the reserve. Each specific region has its own conventions and a certain list of documents, which can change up or down.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the information in this article may be out of date. However, each situation is individual.

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The military belongs to the category of beneficiaries who have the right to use various. One of them is a one-time cash payment to military personnel for the purchase of housing. Thanks to this benefit, many citizens become happy owners of their own apartment.

New provisions of the legislation on the provision of military housing

Recently, the Government of the Russian Federation decided that it will issue a one-time cash payment to military personnel for the purchase of housing in exchange for the provision of municipal residential property. State size assistance amounts to 5 million rubles. Beneficiaries have the right to spend the funds received on purchasing an apartment or building a house.

Thanks to innovations, many problems related to providing the military with living space are being solved. Families no longer need to be registered for several years in order to improve their living conditions. They have the right to buy an apartment in the area in which they prefer to live. There is an opportunity to purchase both new and secondary housing.

Who benefits from the subsidy?

Anyone who has served in the Russian Armed Forces for over 20 years can take advantage of a one-time payment to military personnel to purchase housing in 2019. There is an exception to this rule that allows money to be issued to people with at least 10 years of experience. This is possible if the military unit has been reorganized or a citizen has been injured while performing military duty.

Warrant officers, officers, military personnel, and contract employees have the right to receive one-time financial assistance from the state. Citizens who retired but did not receive living space during their service period are also entitled to take advantage of the benefit.

In addition to length of service, to receive a lump sum in 2019, it is required that the citizen does not have his own home. There are cases when a person is recognized as in need of improved living conditions if he has real estate. In such a situation, a person has the right to take advantage of state support, but in a reduced amount.

If a military man has lost part of his living space on his own initiative by selling or donating it, then in the calculator of a lump sum payment for housing (HLH), military personnel should indicate only the area remaining in the property.

How to apply for financial assistance?

If a person wants to receive a one-time payment to military personnel to purchase an apartment, then he should visit the Housing Department of the Russian Ministry of Defense. You will need to draw up an application that must contain the signatures of all family members.

Next, you need to open a bank account. Over the course of 10 days, the government agency checks information about the serviceman and makes a decision. The final document is sent to the financial department and the applicant himself. Based on the decision of the Department, the beneficiary is awarded a one-time military allowance.

Calculation of the amount of financial state support

The legislation establishes the procedure for calculating a lump sum payment to military personnel for the purchase of housing. is calculated by government officials using the following formula:

N*S*Ks=P, Where:

  • N – data on the required area of ​​residential real estate;
  • C – the price per square meter of residential premises, which may vary depending on the region in which the apartment is purchased;
  • Kc is a multiplying factor indicating the duration of a citizen’s military service.

You can calculate the approximate amount of financial benefits using the calculator for payments to military personnel for the purchase of housing in 2019 online. As a rule, the area that single military personnel have the right to claim is about 30 square meters. m. If you have a family, then it is possible to receive over 40 sq. m. m.

The concept of a multiplying factor

The increasing coefficient is an indicator of the duration of a citizen’s military service. For example, if a person served from 10 to 16 years, then the coefficient is 1.85, from 16 to 20 years - 2.25, over 21 years - 2.75. The latter indicator is also used for families where a serviceman died in the line of duty.

What is better: to use the EDV or get a mortgage for the military?

There is no clear answer to such a question. After all, both programs have their own advantages and disadvantages. Thanks to participation in the savings-mortgage system, citizens have the opportunity to become owners of residential premises within 3 years after joining this system.