Collage based on Russian folk tales. Fairytale collage. Applying basic correction

State government social service institution

Krasnodar Territory "Ust-Labinsk Social Rehabilitation

center for minors"

I approve

Director of GKU SO KK

"Ust-Labinsk SRCN"


"_____" ___________________2017

Lesson notes


Collage “Heroes of your favorite fairy tales”

Developed by: department teacher

diagnostics and social rehabilitation

E.V. Ivanova




"Heroes of Favorite Fairy Tales"

Target: organize leisure time for pupils, develop interest in Russian folk culture through Russian and Soviet fairy tales;creating a favorable emotional climate in the team; development of creative abilities; fostering a sense of collectivism, the ability to work in a group, coordinating their actions;formation of communication skills.

Materials and equipment: images of characters from children's fairy tales, whatman paper, colored pencils and markers, watercolors, glue, scissors.

Age group: 12-17 years old

Progress of the event:

1.Organizational moment

2.Introductory word

A fairy tale walks through the forest, leads the fairy tale by the hand,

A fairy tale emerges from the river, from the tram, from the gate.

Both for me and for you, fairy tales run in a crowd,

Adored fairy tales are sweeter than any berry.

In a fairy tale, the sun burns, justice reigns in it,

The fairy tale is clever and charming, the path is open to her everywhere.

Let's go on an amazing journey to where fairy tales walk the earth, where Emelya goes to visit the Tsar on the stove, where Ivan Tsarevich seeks Koshcheev's death, and young apples grow in the orchards.

Just like at our gates a fairy tale is waiting for a visit today,

Russian folk, fashionable in the countryside!

“Kolobok” and “Teremok” are not boring fairy tales,

People also came up with “boring” fairy tales.

What are “boring” fairy tales? (This is the kind of fairy tale that you can tell endlessly.)

Now I’ll tell you one:

Once upon a time there lived a king

The king had a court

There was a stake in the yard

There is bast on the stake,

Start over!

The Russian people have collected many wonderful fairy tales into their collection. Name the fairy tales that are your favorite. (Pupils call)

There are many fairy tales in the world, children love them all very much.

What do fairy tales teach us? Answer without prompting.

Children's answers (Be kind, fair, help each other, help each other out of trouble, etc.)

Are you perhaps hungry? And I’ll treat you to a salad from skazo! Will you “eat”?

"Salad from fairy tales."

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. They had Chicken Ryaba. The grandfather says to the woman: “Bake me a bun for me, woman, and I’ll go to the river and catch a fish.” The woman went to the barn, scraped up two handfuls of flour and baked a turnip. Turnip is rolling along the path, and towards her is a hut on chicken legs. The hut says: “Little Red Riding Hood, I will eat you!” And she replies: “Don’t eat me, it’s better to throw me into the water, I will fulfill your three wishes.” Just say: “At the behest of the pike, at my will.” The wish came true: a seven-flowered flower grew, and Thumbelina sits in the middle, with one crystal slipper on her foot. And in his hand is a golden key to the attic of Carlson, who lives on the roof. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened!

Today is fairy tale day at our Center. Let us come up with our own fairy tale. Let's draw characters and make a collage with them.

3. Main part

Educator: I want to remind you of the safety rules when working with scissors (instruction).

Students draw and color characters from their favorite fairy tales and form a collage on a piece of Whatman paper.

4. Lesson summary: Everyone did a great job. Look how beautiful we have turned out. “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!”

Collage as a method of mnemonics in the development of speech in older preschoolers. Children write. Fairy tales. Author of the collage and fairy tale Rogov Sasha 7 years old. 2010

Collage is one of the mnemonic methods for presenting information.

Collage - means "All sorts of things" (French)

The collaging method is interesting for older preschoolers. Children of senior preschool age have certain skills in productive activities: they draw, they know how to make appliqués from various materials. The collaging method is suitable for use in children's writing. The child comes up with a fairy tale or story himself and makes a collage instead of illustrations. This allows you to concentrate the entire plot on one sheet of paper.

I offer you samples of children's creativity. Children of the preparatory group from 6.5 to 7 years old.

Cheerful painter.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived forest animals.

Among them lived a cheerful hare-painter.

He had a rare talent.

The hare made the paints himself, mixing green leaves, red and yellow berries, mushrooms

with water from a spring.

With these paints the hare walked through the forest and painted huts for the animals and painted pictures.

And everything his brushes touched became bright, light, and elegant.

All the animals loved the cheerful hare and his gift.

But in this forest lived an evil Wizard - he did not like bright colors.

He only liked one color, black.

And one day when the hare was sleeping, the evil Wizard and his servants stole his paints and brushes.

As time passed, the forest began to lose its light, bright colors. The animals began to think about how they could return his magic brushes to the hare. And then they called the forest fairy for help. The fairy herself did not like the boring gray forest.

She decided to help the animals and returned his brushes to the hare, and the evil Wizard was forever expelled from the forest, which again became elegant and festive.

Faithful friends.

Once upon a time there lived a Carrot, a Beet and a Potato. They lived together: Carrots gave juice, Beetroot made vinaigrette, Potatoes made soup. But then one day trouble happened. Carrot disappeared. Beetroot and Potato grieved, grieved, and went in search of their girlfriend. They walked across the field and met the Field Mouse. The field mouse gave them a ball, not an easy one, but a magical one. A ball rolled, and Potato and Beetroot ran after it. Suddenly Sparrow is in front of them, crying, he is hungry. Potatoes and Beetroot fed him soup and vinaigrette. Sparrow thanked them and said: “If you need my help, throw my feather, and I will appear right away,” and Sparrow flew away, and Potato and Beetroot ran further after the ball. The ball led them to the kingdom of the evil spider. There sat Carrot in the dungeon, and the spider's servants guarded her on all sides. How to free Carrot? Then Potato and Beet remembered about Sparrow's feather, threw the feather and Sparrow flew to them. Potatoes and Beetroot told about their misfortune. The sparrow flew to the spider and pecked it. Immediately everything sparkled and the kingdom of the spider collapsed. And Beetroot and Potato took their Carrot and set off on their way back. And they lived together cheerfully and amicably.


Collage from fairy tales.

A mouse was running through the forest, got tired, sat down to rest and suddenly saw a sad frog sitting in the thick grass in the middle of the forest.

Why are you so sad? - asked the mouse.

“I’m sad because I don’t have a friend,” answered the frog.

Don't be sad, if you want, I will be your friend. Let's build a small house and live together. They built a house from twigs and dry leaves. And they began to live in it, sing songs and cook porridge. The little animals were so happy that the wolf heard them. He ran to the mansion, let's knock and ask for a visit.

That's how the tower is! And who lives in the mansion? - asked the wolf.

Animals looked out of the window.

I am Little Mouse.

A – Frog-Frog. And who are you?

And I am the Wolf! I want to live with you!” the wolf growled. - Unlock the door now!

The animals were not even a little frightened, and out of fear they could no longer answer.

Ah well! Well, wait a minute! Now there will be nothing left of your little mansion,” cried the Wolf.

The wolf began to blow: “F-f-f-f-u-u-u!”. And the tower scattered in all directions, as if a hurricane had hit it. There was a mansion, but no! A mouse and a frog are sitting in a forest clearing and crying bitterly.

The wolf felt ashamed that he was so big and offended the little animals. He felt sorry for them

I began to carry logs, cut boards and build a new mansion. Yes, it was built better than before, the windows were carved, the shutters were painted, there was enough space for everyone, and there was still room left for guests.

The mouse and the frog were delighted with the new little house. They began to thank the wolf, invite him to visit, and treat him to tea and pies. The wolf took a bite of the treat and ran into the forest to do his wolf business. And he promised not to forget his friends, to come visit and bring gifts.

Meanwhile, a hare was running through the forest and saw a mansion.

That's how the tower is! – the hare marveled. - And who lives there, in the little house?

And he started banging on the door with all his might.

This is where we live. I am Mouse-Norushka, and Frog-Frog. And who are you?

I am Bunny - Runner, I have a drum. Let me into the little house, I’ll let you play the drum. The animals opened the door and let the bunny in.

“Where is your drum?” they asked.

He stayed there on the porch. Go and bring it - the hare answered them.

Only the animals are on the threshold, and the hare locks the door and won’t let the owners in.

What to do? What should I do? The Mouse and the Frog are sitting on a stump, crying, grieving, wiping away their tears with their paws.

Fox-Sister runs past.

What are you grieving about? - asks.

The friends told everything about their grief.

“Don’t cry,” says the fox, “I’ll drive him out.”

The fox ran to the tower, let's chase the hare. And he sits, the doors and windows are closed, he doesn’t come out, and doesn’t let anyone in. So the fox returned with nothing. The animals began to think together about how to drive the hare out of the hut. We thought and thought and came up with an idea. They decided to call Grandfather Bear for help, he is the strongest in the forest. The Bear came and roared through the whole forest.

Rrrrr...rrrr..., Get out, hare!

As soon as he hit the door, he tore it off its hinges.

“Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf,” the bear growled, “you want to build your own hut.” The hare got scared, jumped out of the house and ran. And Mouse-Norushka and Frog-Frog still live in the little house - they get along and greet guests. And the forest animals love to visit them, drink tea and pies, sing songs, and lead round dances.

Scenario of the fairy tale “NEW TEREMOK”.

Q: It was a long time ago, in an open field, in a wide expanse, in a dense forest, a mouse was running along high hummocks. I ran and was tired. I sat down to rest and saw a frog.

Mouse: What, frog, are you sad, answer me, why are you silent?

Frog: I’m sad, because I’m alone, I don’t have a girlfriend.

Mouse: If you want, dear frog, I will be your friend.

I'm cunning, it's time to build housing for us,

So that the doors are strong, so that the animals do not touch us.

Frog: We will build a hut here, the little animals will come to visit us.

Q: So the two of us got down to business and the work began to boil...

The mouse collects leaves, the frog carries twigs.

Crow: Here I fly through the forest, collecting gossip everywhere.

You couldn't find a more curious crow in the whole region,

I stick my beak everywhere and quickly fly home.

Magpie: Have you heard, godfather, the news about the frog?

Together with the mouse she built a hut.

And the hut is not bad, enough for two girlfriends,

So we fly, it’s time to tell the news to the animals.

Q: Tili-tili, tili-bom and the girlfriends’ house is ready.

And fun began in the forest, to the surprise of everyone around

The little animals dance the Polish dance and wave their handkerchiefs cheerfully.

(an animal dance is performed, then they run away)

Q: They made so much noise and joked that they even woke up the wolf.

Wolf: What's that noise in the clearing? Have any gypsies been here?

And the grass around is crushed, but what kind of hut is this?

This is how the tower is, who lives in the tower?

Mouse: I'm a little mouse.

Frog: And I am a frog, and who are you?

Wolf: I am a poor, poor wolf, my teeth click and click.

I was lying in the shade, and suddenly I heard a noise.

I walked around the whole forest and didn’t find anyone.

Yes, I’m a little tired on the road, I can barely drag my feet.

Let them live forever, or I’ll eat them both!

Q: The mouse and the frog are silent and only tremble from fear.

The little wolf took a breath, blew, and destroyed the house!

All the little animals ran away, so they don’t have a hut!

Frog: We sit on a stump together with the mouse and feel sad.

Where will we live now and share a crust of bread?

Mouse: Eh, little wolf, how could you destroy our little house?

We would have let you in anyway, given you tea and honey.

Wolf: You girlfriends, don’t be sad, and please forgive me!

I’ll fix everything - I’m a wolf, I’ll build a new little house.

Q: Our top got down to business, and the work began to boil

Planes boards, drives nails,

pricks and teases, cuts splinters.

Tili-tili tili-bom, the little wolf built a house.

The shutters are carved, the windows are painted.

There was room for everyone in the house, and there was still room for guests.

Mouse: We bow to you very much, the house is beautiful from all sides.

Frog: Stay with them, you will guard our house.

Wolf: No, thanks, I can’t, I’ll run errands.

Q: The little animals have said goodbye and are living in their hut.

A scythe suddenly appeared in a clearing in the forest.

Hare: That’s the little mansion, who lives in the little house?

(And he began to bang on the door with all his might.)

Mouse: I am Mouse - Norushka.

Frog: And I am a croaking frog. And who are you?

Hare: I am a Bunny - Runner, I have a drum.

Whoever unlocks the tower will take my drum!

(The animals opened the door and let the bunny in)

Frog: Where is your drum?

Hare: In the clearing, under the pine tree!

Q: A hare entered the little house and locked it.

No matter how much the animals knocked, they didn’t get into the hut.

What to do, how to be? We need to open the mansion.

Mouse: The wolf built a strong, glorious house

Yes, the deceiving hare settled in him.

Frog: Whoever is not afraid to help the little one will drive the bully hare away.

Q: Fox ran past and heard her friends.

Fox: The hare is clearly wrong here, I have a hot temper

I'm not afraid of quarrels or fights, show me where your enemy is?

B: Liska began to chase the hare, stomping loudly and knocking.

Fox: Hey, bunny, come out, let the mouse and frog go.

Otherwise, as soon as I attack you, I’ll teach you a lesson in no time.

Q: The hare doesn’t open the door and doesn’t let the fox into the house.

The animals kept wondering how they could drive away the hare?

Fox: We need to call grandfather bear here immediately.

Uncle Misha, the strongman, can handle all obstacles.

Bear: If anyone is in trouble, I will come to your aid instantly.

Well, tell me, frog, who got into your hut?

Frog: This is a bully hare, he promised us a drum.

Are you tired of telling fairy tales to your children? Invite them to come up with their own. This will develop children's imagination and serve as a good exercise for your child's speech. There can be many options and interweaving of situations from different fairy tales, it is just important not to forget about the main, original characters - you will get a “collage of fairy tales.” And preschool children should be taught this method in a play situation. This is done approximately as follows.

You probably have a thick book of fairy tales in your house. This is what happened to this book one day. All the pages were mixed up. The first was the fairy tale "The Frog Princess". Ivan Tsarevich was just getting ready to set off on his journey to follow Vasilisa the Beautiful to the kingdom of Koshchei the Immortal when he found himself in a completely different fairy tale. The prince has no faithful assistants: neither a hare, nor a bear, nor a duck. How now to free Vasilisa the Beautiful? There is nothing to do: Ivan Tsarevich went through the pages of other fairy tales. No sooner had he turned the page than... How did the heroes of other fairy tales help him?

A fairy tale from a funny rhyme

Funny poems, usually short, help children create incredible fairy tales. Firstly, they develop a sense of humor in children, and secondly, the text of the poem serves as a starting point for them to write. We read the poem with a smile and offer the beginning of a fairy tale.

For example:

Balloon, playful

Naughty and obstinate

He ran away with the wind.

He didn’t tell us where.

The child is asked to invent what happened next with the balloon.

Let's continue the fairy tale

For some reason, we are accustomed to long-known and logically completed endings to fairy tales. Indeed, in fairy tales everything is logically completed: the turnip was pulled out, Kolobok was eaten by the fox, Little Red Riding Hood and the grandmother remained alive and unharmed. Cinderella and the prince got married. It would seem, what else is there to invent and invent? Gianni Rodari believes that we are not only able, but also useful, and proposes the “And then what?” method. (beginning after the end). This method is useful and interesting because: we can, by changing the end of the fairy tale, direct the child in the right pedagogical direction;develop the child’s imagination, breaking existing stereotypes.

Let's think about it: they pulled out the turnip, and how they divided it - who interfered with them, who worked the most for this; the bun was eaten by a fox - or maybe the bun in the fox’s stomach, with the help of magic words, turned into a giant and began to interfere with the fox; what the rescuers of Little Red Riding Hood and the grandmother did with the villain wolf; and how Cinderella and the prince live after getting married - maybe their stepmother and her daughters are disturbing them again. As you can see, there are always options.

Collage is a technical technique in art that consists of gluing various objects that differ from the base in color and/or texture onto a specific base.
We invite you to make your own original collage on the theme “Visiting a fairy tale.”

So your task is:

  • Make a collage on the specified topic “Visiting a fairy tale.”
    • The collage must be a single completed work; sets of photographs or paintings pasted onto a sheet of paper will not be accepted. Each work should have a clearly visible theme and a common plot for the entire work.
    • The logo of our Olympiad must be present, printed or drawn.
      Logo files: logo-white.pdf (1.31 MB) or logo-white.png (44 KB).
    • You can use various materials at hand, photographs, clippings, and hand-made items from paper. The collage may contain a small number of drawn elements, but the main part of the collage must be made using the technique applications.
  • Take a photo or scan your work and submit it for review by the jury using the form at the bottom of the page.
  • Work, even partially completed on a computer (tablet, etc.) will not be accepted.
  • Works are accepted in the form of scans or photographs in JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG format, up to 2 MB in size.

Job requirements:

  • Compliance with the rules of the competition;
  • Consistency of a single style and plot of the work;
  • Creativity and originality of ideas;
  • The quality and accuracy of the collage.

Note! The “personal” competition type means an individual participant, not a team. If a team took part in a competition with the “personal” classification type, then only the team captain will be a participant in this competition. If the work wins the competition, the captain will receive a diploma, not the entire team.

Test type: personal

Tags: Artistic, Creative

Participants' responses