A set of exercises for the back that can be done right at your workplace. Industrial gymnastics at work: a set of simple exercises

Many women refuse to exercise, complaining about the lack of free time. Alas, these are just empty attempts to justify one’s own laziness, because you can do gymnastics “on the job,” right at the workplace.

Of course, if you are afraid that your colleagues will misunderstand your actions, warn them about your “gymnastic plans” and be sure to invite them to join you!

The most important rule of gymnastics in the workplace: try to sit as little as possible and move as much as possible. While talking on the phone, walk back and forth around the office. If time permits, do not use the elevator, but go up and down the stairs. Moreover, even sitting on a chair can have health benefits.

Sequence of gymnastic exercises in the workplace

1. Sitting on a chair, take a deep breath, and as you exhale, sharply draw in your stomach. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 30-50 times.

2. Sitting on a chair, rest your palms on the seat slightly behind you. The fingers should point forward. Close your knees and, as you exhale, raise your bent legs. Repeat the exercise 30-40 times.

3. Sit on the edge of a chair, tense your legs as if you were going to stand up and stay in this position until you feel tired.

4. Sitting on a chair, place your knees slightly forward and your feet back. Place your palms on the edge of the seat and rise slightly, holding yourself up using the strength of your leg muscles. Stay in this position until you feel tired.

5. Sit on the edge of a chair, close your legs, pressing your knees tightly together. Take turns straightening your legs and pulling your toes towards you. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times with each leg.

6. While sitting on a chair, firmly grasp a tennis ball or your own fist between your knees. Maintain the pressure until you feel a burning sensation in your legs.

7. Sitting on a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart and press your left heel onto the floor. Maintain muscle tension for 3-5 seconds. Then do the exercise with the other leg. Repeat 10 times with each leg.

8. Sit on the edge of a chair and tighten your buttock muscles, lifting yourself slightly above the seat. Hold the muscle tension for 2-3 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

9. Stand with your back to the table, rest your palms on the tabletop and slightly bend your elbows. Bend your knees and transfer your body weight to your hands. Do push-ups from the table, bending and straightening your arms. Repeat 10-15 times.

10. Sit up straight, place one hand on the table and press your palm onto the tabletop. Maintain the pressure for as long as you can. Then repeat the exercise first with the other hand, and then with both hands at the same time.

11. Grasp the edge of the tabletop with one hand and tense your muscles as if you want to lift the table. Stay in this position until you feel tired. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

12. While sitting at a table, place one hand on the tabletop, palm down, and the other under the tabletop, palm up. At the same time, press down on the tabletop with both palms, as if you want to flatten it. Stay in this position until you feel tired. Repeat the exercise, changing hands.

13. Sitting on a chair, grab the side edge of the seat with one hand and pull it up, as if you want to tear it off. Stay in this position until you feel tired. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

14. Sitting in an office chair, grab the armrests with your palms and pull them towards you, as if you want to tear them off. Stay in this position until you feel tired. Repeat the exercise several times.

15. Raise your arms to shoulder level, spread them to the sides and straighten them. Stay in this position until you feel tired.

16. Place your hands behind your head, clasp your fingers and place your palms on the back of your head. Press your palms on the back of your head, overcoming the resistance of your head, while trying to keep it straight. Stay in this position until you feel tired.

17. The starting position is the same. Press your palms on the right side of your head, overcoming its resistance. Stay in this position until you feel tired. Repeat the exercise, pressing on the left side of your head. At the same time, you need to keep your head straight.

18. Place your right palm on your forehead and, against resistance, press your head against it. Hold the pressure for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

19. Place your right palm on the right side of your head and, against resistance, press your head against it. Hold the pressure for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Do the same exercise with your left palm placed on the left side of your head. Repeat 10-12 times with each hand.

20. Lower your chin as close to your chest as possible. Place your hands behind your head, interlock your fingers and place your palms on the back of your head. Slowly raise your head up, overcoming the resistance of your hands. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

21. Stand with your back to the wall. Press into it with your arms, palms, shoulders, buttocks and heels. You should feel your back straightening and your posture straightening. Stay in this position for as long as you can. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Then, trying not to change your body position, walk around the room for a few minutes. Periodically lean against the wall again to check your posture.

Hi all! This article is dedicated to accountants, secretaries, and all those who, due to their line of work, are forced to move little. If it is difficult to find time to do physical exercise, if it so happens that you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then these exercises in the workplace are just for you.

Desk Exercises Everyone Will Appreciate

It's simple - watch and repeat. Together with colleagues, boss, accountant and business traveler.

In fact, inactivity is a pressing problem. Use special exercises, the so-called hidden(or ) gymnastics.

These movements (or exercises) can be performed anytime and anywhere without attracting the attention of others.

The method of “constant hidden training and physical impact on the body,” or more simply, “gymnastics for the lazy,” is an excellent alternative to traditional physical education classes.

The main task of this method is to replenish the pain that most residents of large cities experience.

The effectiveness of classes depends on their frequency and regularity.

Any exercise is performed either until fatigue sets in, or as long as there is a desire and opportunity.

You can perform the exercises statically or dynamically - this does not affect the effectiveness of the training. If no one can see you, both options are good.

If you need to make the training invisible, use the static option.

Exercises you can do without attracting attention

  1. For example, when you wash your face, you can stand barefoot on a rubber mat with a lumpy surface- this is a good tonic procedure, since on the soles of the feet there are many biologically active points associated with internal organs. Thanks to the unevenness of the mat, a natural massage of these nerve formations occurs and the body receives an additional charge of vigor.
  2. Leaning over the sink , do not bend your knees- This helps to increase muscle tone.
  3. Walk as much as possible, do not stand passively on the escalator in the subway, but, if possible, go up and down the stairs.
  4. When you go, don't slouch. Learn to walk easily and naturally, then you will get less tired.
  5. While in transport, standing in line with all your might, as if you want it to touch your spine. . Do this as often as possible and you will get rid of excess fat around your waist and belly. But this exercise cannot be done immediately after eating.
  6. Still as strong as possible tighten your butt muscles. Count to six and relax. The more often you do this exercise, the faster and more graceful your silhouette will be.
  7. When doing household chores or walking along the office corridor, while no one is looking, take turns four steps on toes and four regular ones. Then four heel steps, then four normal ones. You can try it - it strengthens.

Hidden gymnastics by Vorobyov for those who hang out at the computer

  1. Sitting on a chair come off the floor with force. To increase the effect, you can press your palms on your knees. Repeat 30 - 40 times for 1 minute.
  2. Sitting on a chair lift your socks off the floor, as if overcoming resistance. At the same time, the muscles of the lower leg, foot, and thigh become noticeably tense. Repeat 30 - 40 times for 1 minute, you can also do it while standing.
  3. You can also do it 40 times tense and relax, it is especially good to do this in transport, since in winter it is absolutely invisible. Just squeeze them and relax.
  4. As you inhale, inflate your stomach, and as you exhale, inflate with all your might. pull in your stomach as if you want it to touch your spine. Count to six and relax. Repeat this as often as possible.
  5. Slide your shoulder blades back toward your spine so that your back appears flat. Repeat 30-40 times.
  6. Clench and unclench your fists, making great efforts to do this. So that the tension in the arm muscles reaches .
  7. Turn your head first to the right and then to the left 90 degrees. Repeat this at least 10 times for each side.
  8. Firmly resting your palms on the seat of the chair, raise your feet slightly above the floor. Then try to get up yourself. Slowly return to the original position. This perfectly strengthens the muscles of the shoulders and chest. While sitting, make periodic circular movements with your feet, each in turn.

Exercises in the office - exercises in pictures

Another option for isometric gymnastics that you can perform in the office without getting up from your chair, and you can do it without others noticing.

Pain and heaviness in the muscles, fatigue, headache at the end of the working day... Are the symptoms familiar? You don't have enough movement! Simple exercises will help relieve stress and lift your spirits.

Tula resident Alena Podymova is a former athlete.
And she does office gymnastics one or two times. Are you so weak?

We thank the Tula branch of MEGAFON OJSC for their assistance in photography.

Give me a minute of physical education!

According to statistics, 65% of Tula residents have a sedentary job, and most of them spend the whole day at the computer. Lack of physical activity, especially in winter, leads to increased fatigue and decreased performance.
“Tula residents are increasingly complaining of heaviness and pain in the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle, and discomfort in the cervical spine,” says city therapist Natalya Chernykh. – Most of the unpleasant symptoms are caused by a sedentary lifestyle and stress on the spine.
You can relieve tension with a set of simple exercises. It is no coincidence that in the 70s, morning exercises for children and “industrial gymnastics” at 11.00 were broadcast on the radio every day. She has helped millions stay fit. Do you remember how work at Tula enterprises stopped for a minute? Now this is funny to someone, but in vain! By exercising 5-10 minutes a day, you can feel a surge of strength. Gymnastics can be done right at your workplace.
- Movement is life! – says the head of the Tula health center “Maturity” Valery Chernolikhov. – Even ordinary gymnastics will help you maintain health and youth for a long time and forget about “sores.” Tested for yourself!

Top 10 office diseases

  • Thrombosis, varicose veins. Due to the sitting position, the lumens of the blood vessels are filled with blood clots, preventing normal blood circulation. If left untreated, thrombosis can lead to heart attack and stroke.
  • Headache. It can be caused by swelling of the neck muscles, as well as flickering fluorescent lights.
  • Drowsiness. Maybe due to lack of oxygen.
  • Obesity. To avoid this, doctors advise walking at least half an hour a day. Take a walk during your lunch break or on your way home from work.
  • Arthritis of the hands, which is provoked by long work at the computer.
  • Osteochondrosis. Muscle tension in the back, neck, and shoulders due to an uncomfortable posture. As a result, at the end of the working day, a person will be more tired than a miner who has worked a shift.
  • Infectious and viral diseases. The mouse and keyboard are the dirtiest places in the office! It is they, and not, for example, door handles in the restroom, that accumulate the largest number of pathogens.
  • Decreased visual acuity due to working in front of a monitor for a long time.
  • Haemorrhoids. One of the factors that provokes the development of the disease is sedentary work.
  • Overwork and stress due to long working hours and high work intensity.

> Letter of the law

Art. 18 of the Labor Code regulates that during a working day (shift), an employee must be given a break for rest and food lasting no more than 2 hours and no less than 30 minutes, which is not included in working hours.
The break time is established by internal regulations or by agreement with the employer. Many companies have a 5-minute break every hour.


Cool gymnastics
After rummaging through the World Wide Web, we found some funny gymnastics for you, dear office workers.
Inhale – the office door opened. Exhale - there is no director! Step on the spot - fill the table with papers, create the appearance of work. Squats - sat down on a chair, straightened out your skirt, jumped up to the fax machine, sat down again. We reached to the right and took a hole punch. To the left - take a piece of paper. We rounded the back and made a recording. Head to the right - they smiled at Sasha as he entered. Head to the left - sunshine! Fine! We train our fingers by tapping on the keyboard.
Freeze - nothing should interfere with the thought process. Jogging to the printer. Inhale - lunch. Exhale - you've eaten too much. Relaxed and digested.
Tilts - we collect scattered pieces of paper from the flying director. Chaotic running - nervously fulfilling the director's wild fantasies. Turn the body to the right - look at the clock. Turn the body to the left - whether there is a traffic jam on the street or not.
They straightened their shoulders, raised their heads and painted their lips. Inhale, inhale, inhale - run from work!

Let's start doing exercises in the office in order!

Physiotherapists have developed a set of exercises that will help stretch muscles and provide physical activity that office workers lack. It is advisable to repeat each exercise up to 10 times. In this case, gymnastics will take no more than 5 minutes.

Alternately press the table top and bottom with your hands firmly, as shown in the figure. This exercise is effective for the muscles of the arms and chest.

An inactive lifestyle does not improve health - everyone knows this. However, very often work involves a constant sitting position with movement only at lunchtime. During long periods of sitting, muscles become stiff and sore, and your back and neck get tired. But even while in the office, you can find an opportunity to warm up at least a little. This is why gymnastics exists in the workplace.

Even if you're not working in your own office and there are other people around you, some of these exercises can be done quite discreetly without leaving your desk.

Gymnastics complex right at the workplace

  1. Simple turns and tilts of the head - forward and backward, right and left.
  2. Movement of the shoulders forward and backward, while at the back the shoulder blades are brought together as much as possible.
  3. Move your shoulders up and down, up in one movement, and down in two short jerky movements.
  4. Clasp your hands and rotate your wrists, then do a short stretch by turning your clasped hands, palms away from you, and pulling them forward.
  5. “Active sitting” - straighten up, sit so that your back is straight, your shoulders are straight, your stomach is pulled in, tense, your feet are flat on the floor and your knees are bent at a ninety-degree angle. Try to reach up with the top of your head, as if there is a string attached to it and someone is pulling on it. Feel the stretch in your vertebrae. Stay in this position for a while, then relax and repeat again.
  6. Lean your back on the back of the chair, stretch your legs forward as far as possible, while tightening your buttocks, slightly lift your pelvis from the chair.
  7. Place your legs straight, knees at right angles. Alternately raise your legs onto your toes, while straining your calves.
  8. Make rotational movements with your feet.
  9. If possible, sit on the edge of a chair, lean back, hold onto the chair (seat or legs) with your hands and bring your legs bent at the knees to your stomach. This will put stress on your abs.
  10. If it is not possible to do such an active movement, just sit up straight and take a deep breath. Exhale sharply and pull your stomach in as far as possible, as if creating a vacuum inside. Hold your breath and do not relax your muscles for as long as you can. Then take a few breaths in and out. This exercise will not only strengthen your abs, but also massage your internal organs and improve blood circulation in them.
  11. If you have a swivel office chair, then hold the edge of the table and rotate your lower body to the right and left, while keeping your body fixed. If you have a regular chair, simply turn your torso from side to side, pressing your hands to your chest, leaving your pelvis motionless.

Any physical activity during the working day is better than no physical activity at all. Take advantage of every convenient moment to do at least a couple of simple exercises: get up and walk around your office, and while standing at the printer or scanner, stretch up, stand on your tiptoes, and stretch your knees.

Never use the elevator in your office unnecessarily - the staircase was and still remains one of the best exercise machines available to everyone.

By the way, take this into account: it can be done not only at the table, but also in places of forced inaction, such as traffic jams, public transport or a queue.

There is another option for invisible exercises in the article “” - with it you will not only master hidden exercises, but also learn to invent them yourself.

Complexes in pictures (convenient selection)

And here are 3 more complexes that will be good both in the office and at home on long “television” evenings. Especially relevant for women!

Simplest. It will take no more than 3 minutes. But if done 4-5 times a day, it will serve as an excellent prevention of cervical osteochondrosis.

More active. Legs and abs work. There is a general warm-up of the body. An excellent option for industrial gymnastics.

Short complex. Develops flexibility, increases the amplitude of your movements (and this is youth, dear girls!). Well, warm-up and stretching are also present.

This is already a full charge. You can do it if you are alone in the office or you have convinced your colleagues of the need for physical feats.

Video complexes

Cool complex with professional trainers. Reams of paper, which can be found in any office, were used as weighting agents:

But here is an almost imperceptible exercise and warm-up. At work, on the road, again at home - at the computer or TV screen. In a word, it is suitable for execution anywhere and everywhere. You will definitely like this kind of physical education :)

Remember that several small workouts throughout the day will help you not only improve your well-being, but also tighten your figure and.

Your muscles and joints will thank you for this exercise, and you will feel much better. Be healthy, cheerful and beautiful!

Mini Tips for Losing Weight

    Reduce your portions by a third - that's what will help you lose weight! Short and to the point :)

    Add more or stop? When this question arises, it’s definitely time to stop eating. This is the body giving you a signal that you will be full soon, otherwise you would not doubt it.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, then take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude towards food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how delicious the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can’t stop and are frantically swallowing piece after piece.

Industrial gymnastics is not a relic of the past, but a simple useful activity that simply must become your habit.

This discipline appeared not only for political reasons; the very trend towards an increase in the number of office workers and sedentary mental work led to the need to introduce physical education into the work process.

What is industrial gymnastics and why is it needed?

Labor is the source of material and spiritual culture, the main means of forming and improving human abilities. Along with improvements in working conditions and the use of progressive methods to increase the level of social production, negative aspects of scientific and technological progress are also observed.

This is an increase in nervous and emotional tension and a decrease in muscle activity. But muscle activity is a vital, biological need of the body, one of the most important conditions for normal human life.

Industrial gymnastics is a mini-set of physical exercises performed during the work process to relieve fatigue, muscle tension and tension. It is designed to “take a breath” for a tired employee and has many health benefits.

Physical activity improves body tone, improves mood and energizes. With the help of physical education, you can relieve stress and irritation, stretch your muscles that are stiff and accustomed to the same position. Exercises also improve blood circulation and metabolic processes, giving a “second wind” to the work of the most “workaholic” parts of the body: the back, eyes, arms, neck.

One of the benefits of physical education is the aesthetic side of practice: joint exercises strengthen collective cohesion and set a general positive mood between colleagues.

The conclusion suggests itself: regular, especially mass performance of industrial gymnastics increases the efficiency of the workforce. This is precisely what was hoped for under communism.

Industrial gymnastics of the USSR. Story

In the USSR, industrial gymnastics began to spread in 1930. The introduction of gymnastics into the work regime of Soviet people was an initiative of the Communist Party and the Soviet state.

The goal is to preserve and strengthen the health of workers, to unite them for more productive work. The Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR indicated that physical culture should be fully used as a mass factor in increasing labor productivity and combating occupational hazards in production.

At the All-Union Scientific and Practical Conference on the Problems of Physical Culture and Active Longevity, data on the effectiveness of industrial gymnastics in the Soviet Union were presented. It turned out that where it was carried out, labor productivity increased from 2 to 6 percent.

That is why the widespread use of physical education for workers was given great importance on a national scale. Industrial gymnastics enjoyed deserved popularity, and its economic effect was firmly proven.

This is interesting! An experiment was carried out at one of the enterprises in the city of Kemerovo. From the beginning of the working day, the mechanics assembled about 99 parts per hour. Then their productivity began to decline. The workers were given 10 minutes of passive rest, after which they began to assemble 84 parts. On another day, during a break, they were asked to perform a set of industrial gymnastics. After the break, productivity increased to 123 parts per hour.

The complex of industrial gymnastics was compiled centrally, taking into account the specifics and characteristics of work activity, which also needs to be taken into account by you and me when choosing exercises for physical education.

Here is one example of selecting a complex. In a garment factory, almost all types of work are sedentary. For example, seamstresses sit behind a conveyor belt and perform the same operation. For such an enterprise, training should be designed taking into account the low physical activity of workers: gymnastics includes exercises for muscle groups not involved in labor activities, as well as exercises for coordination and attention.

For workers who spend the entire shift on their feet, for example, for workers on presses, complexes were compiled with exercises performed while sitting, with self-massage of the legs.

For workers of heavy physical labor - training in the form of a warm-up. The exercises are simple in coordination, dynamic and knead the muscles that receive the main load during work.

If there was increased gas pollution, dust content, or relative humidity in the production workshop, it was proposed to perform industrial gymnastics in another room or in the fresh air.

Why shouldn’t you be embarrassed to do industrial gymnastics?

Health is more valuable! If you are lucky with a team, offer to do five minutes of physical education together every day. Doing it together is easier and more fun, plus, if one forgets, the other will remind you. In a scattered team, look for at least one like-minded person. Working out together is not so awkward after all. If you are completely alone in your desire to develop a healthy habit, isolate yourself from everyone during the break or, more simply, do not pay attention to anyone and think better about your health.

The complex of industrial gymnastics is most important for office workers who have sedentary professions (secretaries, copywriters, programmers, bank workers), workers with increased emotional stress, similar work (seamstresses, confectioners, assemblers of small mechanisms, assembly line workers), professions with average ( turners, assemblers) and heavy (loaders, builders) physical labor, as well as workers experiencing constant mental stress (teachers, scientists, doctors, accountants).

Gymnastics at work is necessary for people working in noise, vibration, and at risk (pilots, drivers). Such professions require the greatest concentration, which means unloading with the help of special exercises is irreplaceable.

Many large companies have long realized the indispensability of physical activity for office workers.

Avito employees always have access to a huge gym, swimming pool and even a games room with a lot of useful entertainment.

Employers are obliged to take care of their subordinates and, at a minimum, provide a comfortable workplace with the necessary equipment for relaxation.

It is important to know!

To improve performance and efficiency, remember the following rules:

10 simple exercises for a quick warm-up at work

A set of industrial gymnastics exercises for office workers and other “sedentary” professions

A set of industrial gymnastics exercises for workers whose professional activities require concentration and attention are associated with significant stress, low motor activity and a constrained working posture:

1. Walk in place at a calm pace with relaxed swings of your arms back and forth for 20-25 seconds.

2. Starting position - hands to shoulders.

  • As you inhale, rise onto your toes, raising your arms up to the sides.
  • As you exhale, return to the starting position, relaxing your arms.
  • Perform at a calm pace 5-6 times.

3. Starting position - hands in front.

  • As you exhale, squat down, swinging your arms down and back.
  • As you inhale, straighten up, swing your arms out to the sides and move your arms back to the starting position.
  • Perform at an average pace 10-14 times.

4. Starting position - legs apart, hands behind your head.

  • As you exhale, perform three springy bends, trying to touch the floor with your fingers.
  • As you exhale, straighten up, fold your hands behind your head, and bend in the thoracic part of the spine.
  • Perform at an average pace 10-12 times.

5. Starting position - legs apart, hands on the belt.

  • As you exhale, turn your torso to the right with a swing of your right arm to the side back.
  • While inhaling, return to the starting position.
  • Perform the exercise with your left hand.

6. Starting position - legs apart, arms up.

  • As you exhale, bend to the right with your arms raised up.
  • While inhaling, return to the starting position.
  • Then do the same with a tilt to the left.
  • Repeat at an average pace 4-6 times.

7. Starting position - stand with feet shoulder-width apart.

  • As you inhale, raise your arms and stretch upward.
  • As you exhale, lower your arms down, relaxing them, shaking your hands several times.
  • Perform at a calm pace 4-5 times.

8. Starting position - main stance.

  • Move your left leg to the side with your toe extended, also moving your right arm to the side.
  • Put your foot down.
  • Repeat with the other leg and arm.
  • Draw a full circle with your left hand, then with your right. Clap your hands in front of you.