Who can ride under a brick? What does the “No Entry” road sign mean?

Failure to comply with traffic rules is a fairly common occurrence on the roads of both large and small cities. In addition to the fact that such actions are a direct violation of current legislation, they can also lead to accidents and road accidents that threaten the life and health of people.

Sign 3.1 “entry prohibited” is a graphic image in the form of a white rectangle located on a red background. Due to its appearance, this sign has received the unspoken and more common name “brick”.

This sign completely prohibits the passage of a vehicle into the area where it is installed. If it is used with signs indicating the direction of movement, then in this case the entry of cars is prohibited in these directions.

We can highlight specific cases in which this sign is installed:

  1. On one-way roads - in this case, a sign is needed to prohibit the passage of a car in the opposite direction. If there are several lanes on the road, this sign must be installed on each of them.
  2. On roads intended for traffic only by route vehicles - a sign is needed to prevent vehicles from entering such roads. Route vehicles include trolleybuses, minibuses and buses.
  3. On roads or sections with obstacles - to safely avoid these obstacles.
  4. At parking areas, gas stations and recreation areas - in order to separate places for entry and exit to their territory.
  5. Before entering an area where vehicle movement or entry from that direction is prohibited.

You should definitely pay attention to this sign when entering certain areas, since traffic police officers are usually located near the place where it is installed. For violating traffic rules and entering the territory in front of which this prohibition sign is installed, administrative liability is imposed in the form of a fine.

Fine for driving under a “brick” sign

The sanctions and fines applied for non-compliance with the requirements of sign 3.1 may vary; their exact amount depends on several factors:

  • the specific situation on the road in which the offense occurred;
  • the category of the violator himself (this is the first time he violates this rule or there have been similar cases before);
  • means used to record the violation (photo or video equipment).

The penalties applicable for each type of offense are indicated in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The amendments made to this Code in the fall of 2017 do not increase the punishment for violators - its amount remains the same. Depending on various factors, the following sanctions may be applied to the violator:

  1. 500 rub. – the most lenient punishment of all possible, which is applied if the car has driven onto the territory adjacent to the road, in front of which a prohibitory sign has been installed (Part 1 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). As practice shows, in the event of such a violation, a sanction in the form of deprivation of rights is not applied.
  2. 1500 rub. – this amount of the fine will be for drivers who, despite the ban, entered a lane intended only for route vehicles (Article 12.17, Part 1.1-2 of the Administrative Code). It is worth considering that for residents of two federal cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg - an increased fine is provided - 3,000 rubles.
  3. 5000 rub. or deprivation of rights for up to six months - a more serious punishment, which is imposed on drivers who, despite the presence of a prohibiting sign, enter a one-way lane (Part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). It does not matter how exactly the offender entered the road - with the nose of the car or using reverse gear. In both cases the punishment will be the same.

If the last type of violation occurs repeatedly, then the perpetrator may be subject to liability in the form of deprivation of the right to drive a car for up to 1 year (Part 3.1 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code). In the case where a repeated violation was recorded by special technical means (photo and video devices), the driver will be fined 5,000 rubles.

In some cases, the legality of applying punishment for a violation may be challenged by the driver. Most often this applies to situations in which the sign is installed in violation of accepted requirements. In other cases, the violator will bear full responsibility for driving under this sign.

How should the sign be installed?

In order for penalties to be applied to the violator, the sign must be installed in accordance with legal requirements and with the consent of the traffic police. This sign is placed immediately before an intersection, U-turn or entrance to a prohibited area, and the distance from its beginning to the sign must be at least:

  • 25 m – in populated areas. the height of the sign in this case should be from 2 to 4 m;
  • 50 m – outside the populated area. The height of the sign is 1.5-3 m.

The distance from the sign to the roadway (if it is installed on the side of it) must be at least 50 cm. At the same time, there are requirements for the visibility of the sign - it must be at least 100 m. The sign must not be obscured by tree branches, advertising boards or other interference.

If these requirements are not met, the application of punishment to the violator will be unlawful, since it will be impossible to distinguish between intentionality and guilt in his actions.

Criteria for assessing the violation committed

The choice of specific penalties depends, first of all, on the severity of the offense committed and the potential danger that this entailed. That is why the fine for unauthorized entry into the territory of a parking lot or gas station is 10 times less than for entering the lane of oncoming traffic - in these cases, the severity of the driver’s guilt varies.

If, as a result of the violation, there is a real danger to the health, life or property of other citizens, then the measures taken must be as strict as possible - in the form of deprivation of rights for a certain period. In other cases, punishment is limited to fines. Fines are also imposed on drivers who have not previously committed traffic violations.
The assessment of severity is based on two documents:

  • protocol for the inspection of the scene of the incident;
  • report.

These documents are drawn up at the scene of the offense by a traffic police officer and serve as the basis for bringing the offender to justice. The testimony of victims (if any) and witnesses to the commission of this offense are also taken into account.

If the violation was recorded automatically, using special technical means, the resulting data is also attached to the case. Most often they are photographic and video materials from the crime scene.

Exceptions to the rules

  • drivers of route vehicles - in the event that we are talking about entering a lane intended for such vehicles;
  • drivers of vehicles who were moving in oncoming traffic or entered a prohibited area in reverse. this is a rather controversial and dangerous maneuver, since some traffic police officers still fine drivers for such a violation.

But if the driver can prove that such actions were forced and objectively necessary, and the maneuver itself was performed safely, he will avoid liability. For example, if it was necessary to park in a parking lot or avoid an obstacle on the road.

Is it possible to challenge a fine?

If the driver violates the requirements of this sign, liability may be applied to him - in the form of a fine or deprivation of his car license. The specific form and amount of punishment depend on the degree of danger that the commission of this offense entailed.

In some cases, even when entering territories marked with a prohibitory sign, the driver can challenge the application of penalties to him and the presence of his guilt in the offense. The reasons for this include:

  1. Installation of a sign without the participation of government agencies. Very often, managers of enterprises and organizations independently install this sign in order to protect other people’s cars from entering their territory. If they did not receive special permission from the traffic police for this purpose, and the sign was installed without permission, the driver will not be considered a traffic violation. In addition, there is also a certain liability for independent and illegal installation of a sign.
  2. Installation of a sign without complying with legal requirements. These include requirements regarding the location and height of its location, as well as visibility for the driver. If the violator can prove that the sign was invisible for objective reasons (for example, covered by branches), he will be able to avoid a fine. Photographs of the crime scene and the sign itself can be used as evidence.
  3. Installation of a sign along with signs that are unacceptable for this purpose. These include plates 8.3.1-8.3.3 and 8.4.1-8.4.8. If there is one of these signs near the sign, the fine can be challenged.

In addition, you should remember about the sign’s coverage area - it includes:

  • the territory before entering which it is installed;
  • distance from one intersection to another;
  • one lane of oncoming traffic.

To extend the prohibition zone, the sign must be installed again. Therefore, it is impossible to fine a driver who, after finishing one intersection, enters another, since this would be a violation of the law.

Prohibition signs are a category of graphic images of traffic rules, for non-compliance with the requirements of which the most serious liability is imposed. The most common and well-known sign among drivers from this group is sign 3.1, which is installed to prohibit entry onto a certain road or territory.

Questions and answers

My wife drove under a brick in January 2017 and didn’t even notice it at first. What threatens her now?

Everything will depend on the specific circumstances. If there was a camera recording traffic violations in that place, then there may be a fine. But often drivers only receive a warning. And if a violation was not recorded, then nothing threatens at all.

Today I received a fine saying that I broke the rules and drove under a brick. Only in the photo you can’t see either the sign or the road markings. Just my car number on a white background. From this photo I can’t even understand where I could have violated. What can you do now?

You need to go to court and appeal the administrative violation report. File a complaint in which you indicate that the photograph does not show the fact of the offense.

Today I was leaving the yard and turned left and didn’t notice the prohibitory sign. As a result, I drove onto a one-way road in the opposite direction. The inspector drew up a report, now I face a fine or even deprivation of my license. Is there anything we can do now?

You will have to challenge this protocol in court. If you have arguments or mitigating circumstances, then the court may side with you and choose the minimum punishment provided for in this article.

Today, a truck driver who was transporting materials for construction received a fine. He drove under a brick and was stopped by a traffic police officer. The sign was located five meters from the construction site. Where to turn now?

You need to try going to court. In your situation, the fine may be canceled.

I live in the yard, and our road is being repaired here. We have to drive around this place a little. But where you can go around there is a prohibitory sign. Tell me, can I drive under a brick if I live in a house next to which this sign is installed?

No you can not. The effects of the signs apply to all road users.

Andrey Sokolov

Articles written

The road sign with the image of a brick on a bright red background was made specifically to prohibit the entry of cars. If you see such a sign, it means that there is an area nearby where you cannot drive or leave vehicles. The fine for driving under a “brick” is from 500 rubles. However, in special cases, the result of such behavior may be the deprivation of the driver's license for a certain period.

What does the “No Entry” road sign mean?

The “brick” sign is a prohibitory sign (3.1). It can be located in a nearby area (for example, in a parking lot), on a one-way road, or in other places. It is mandatory for all motorists, except drivers of buses, trolleybuses or minibuses.

Driving under a “brick” sign is possible only in cases strictly defined by the rules, and violating them threatens drivers with a substantial fine.

Most often the violation occurs:

  • when entering a public transport lane;
  • when driving into the courtyard area and between houses;
  • when turning at a break in the median strip with a lawn;
  • at the exit from a gas station or parking lot.

There are different amounts of fines for violations. The most severe punishment can be deprivation of rights for up to six months, and if the “brick” is repeatedly ignored and an emergency situation is created, up to one year.

Road signs: types and meaning

Prohibitory symbols on roads are often similar. In order not to confuse them, it is worth repeating once again how one pointer differs from another. For example, the famous “brick” clearly prohibits entry into the territory, and the very similar “No Traffic” sign imposes a ban not only on getting in, but also on leaving. It looks like a red circle on a white background and does not apply to minibuses and disabled vehicles.

The “brick” should not be confused with the indicator that prohibits the movement of mechanical vehicles (tractors, etc.). The symbol is an image of a car in a red circle. It does not apply to ordinary passenger vehicles driven by a non-mechanical engine. A similar sign exists for freight vehicles, as well as for motorcycles, cyclists and even pedestrians. Prohibitory signs can restrict the movement of freight vehicles, prohibit overtaking and indicate danger around a bend.

In addition to prohibition signs, there are warning and priority signs. Sometimes a symbol simply carries some information, although from the outside it may seem that it is communicating a prohibition. Only after examining the sign as a whole can you make a decision on the road. Prohibitory symbols are always outlined in red so that they can be seen from afar.

What does a “No Entry” road sign look like and what does it mean?

The sign, which is popularly called a “brick,” officially bears the name: “No Entry.” It looks like a red circle with a white rectangle against it. There are usually no backlights for such signs, but they try to place them in well-lit places and in a visible area.

In some cases, the mark does not apply to:

  • buses (including route buses);
  • trolleybuses;
  • trams.

This symbol is used primarily to prevent motorists from speeding into one-way traffic. They also install it at gas stations to facilitate the entry and exit of cars in large numbers. You can also see “bricks” in the courtyards of houses where children play.

In certain situations, a bus or minibus can drive past a brick sign, if necessary. Sometimes the sign indicates the time when the ban is in effect (for example, from 15.00 to 18.00). This means that the rest of the time you can still drive under the sign (for example, to leave the courtyard area).

The fine for “brick” is intended to discipline drivers. However, this is one of the most frequently violated signs, especially in parking lots, gas stations and courtyards. As a rule, the violation is recorded by video cameras. After this, within three days a letter from the traffic police arrives to the driver’s address with photographic evidence and a request to pay the fine. You can check the presence of a fine by looking at the information system on the Internet. In particular, a service for checking fines exists on the official website of the traffic police.

Where and how should the “brick” sign be located?

The prohibition sign must be visible from all sides. In most cases, its task is to limit oncoming traffic for the safety of general traffic, so it is located only in special places.

“Brick” is placed on the roads:

  • with one-way traffic to prevent oncoming traffic;
  • with several separated roadways;
  • with a minibus lane sign;
  • to deny entry;
  • to separate entry and exit (for example, from a gas station).

Not all novice drivers can easily distinguish between two prohibitory signs, which at first glance are similar to each other, but in fact are quite different in meaning. Traffic signs, which are called traffic prohibited and entry prohibited or brick, as drivers call it in everyday life, can be found quite often both in a populated area and outside it. What do these signs have in common and how do they differ?

No entry ( sign 3.1) is a sign that controls the entry of vehicles onto a specific road in a specific direction. This is a round sign, red, with a white rectangle on it. It was thanks to this image that this sign began to be called “brick”.

No movement sign ( sign 3.2) restricts the movement of vehicles in any direction. That is, if there is a one-way road in front of the driver, this sign cannot be installed. This sign looks like a white circle with a red rim.

What is the difference?

The only thing these two signs have in common is that they prohibit movement in one direction or another and the fact that their effect does not apply to fixed-route transport, that is, taxis, buses, trolleybuses, etc. In turn, each of the signs has a number of its own characteristics.

If a brick sign prohibits the movement of all vehicles except route vehicles, then traffic prohibited allows certain categories of the population to move in the territory defined by this sign. Disabled drivers or those transporting disabled people may not pay attention to sign 3.2 if the disabled sign is installed on the car.

In addition, if the owner of the vehicle lives or works at an enterprise that is located on the territory in front of which this sign is installed, then he can also drive on a restricted road. True, in this case, he is obliged to enter or leave the prohibited zone only from the intersection closest to his destination. In the event that a driver needs to cross an area with a traffic prohibited sign, he must have with him documents indicating that he is actually registered or works here. Otherwise, controversial issues may arise.

Where can signs be installed?

The traffic rules clearly define the list of places where entry and traffic prohibited signs are installed. The brick sign can most often be seen where it is necessary to adjust the direction of movement. It is installed:

  1. On one-way roads, but in the opposite direction from the permitted direction.
  2. In front of the lane that defines traffic exclusively for route transport.
  3. In case of entry into a territory into which entry from this side is prohibited.
  4. In parking lots, gas stations, and rest areas in order to organize one-way traffic of vehicles in order to ensure safer and more convenient movement.

In turn, a traffic prohibited sign is installed if it is necessary to restrict the driving of cars on a certain section of the road. It is installed if:

  • The road is in disrepair and requires repairs.
  • Before the start of the pedestrian zone.
  • If the road is intended exclusively for the movement of route vehicles.

Each of the signs can be installed independently, but most often accompanying signs are located next to them. In particular, near the traffic prohibited sign you can find signs that inform about the prohibition of movement in one direction.

The meaning of the prohibition sign, in the center of which there is a white rectangle on a red background, colloquially called a “Brick,” is stated in the first appendix to the Traffic Rules. This sign contains information about the prohibition of movement of any vehicles in a certain direction. We will tell you in our article where this sign is installed and what the driver faces if he ignores it.

Application of the prohibitory sign "Brick"

Installation of this sign is used in the following cases:

  • when traffic in the opposite direction is prohibited on a section of a one-way road;
  • when traffic is prohibited on a lane intended for public vehicles, including buses, trolleybuses and trams;
  • when traffic to the territory is prohibited from a certain area;
  • when movement is prohibited when there is any obstacle ahead. In this case, simultaneously with the prohibition sign, a sign regulating the direction of detour traffic is installed.

In addition, the “Brick” sign is often used at gas stations and adjacent areas of entertainment and shopping centers in order to regulate the movement of incoming and outgoing visitors’ vehicles.

Penalties for driving under "Brick"

The choice of administrative punishment for ignoring sign 3.1 depends on certain factors:

  • from the appointment of a prohibitory sign installed on a specific section of the road and the situation associated with the violation;
  • systematic violations of traffic rules by a certain driver of a vehicle;
  • availability of video recording confirming the fact of violation.

For each specific case, the Administrative Code prescribes its own penalties. The latest changes that affected the rules in the winter of 2015 did not affect the amount of fines; it remained the same.

Depending on the above factors, the penalty may be as follows:

  • imposition of a fine in the amount of 500 rubles, - in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 12.16 of the Administrative Code, the minimum administrative sanction that can be applied to an offender who has passed this sign;
  • imposition of a fine in the amount of 1,500 rubles, - in accordance with Part 1.1-2 of Art. 12.17 of the Administrative Code, issued in the case when the car owner entered the lane reserved for public transport. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the fine in this situation is 2 times larger - 3,000 rubles;
  • imposition of a fine in the amount of 5,000 rubles or confiscation of rights for up to six months - in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 12.16 of the Administrative Code is the most severe punishment for offenders who enter a one-way road section without paying attention to the installed “Brick” sign.

According to Part 3.1 of Art. 12.16 of the Administrative Code, if a similar incident occurs again, and an inspector from the State Traffic Inspectorate became an eyewitness, the driver’s license may be confiscated for a period of one year.

If only video footage is available to confirm the fact of an offense, we will be talking about imposing sanctions in the form of a fine of 5,000 rubles.

It should be noted that the pattern of application of administrative sanctions can be challenged by the driver only if the sign is installed in non-compliance with the established requirements.

Rules for installing a sign

The prohibitory sign “Brick” requires its installation in accordance with the set of Traffic Rules and with the consent of the authorities of the State Traffic Inspectorate. Its placement can usually be seen before the intersection of roads that run perpendicular to each other, i.e. intersections, turning around or entering an area where traffic is prohibited.

The distance from the prohibited area to the sign should be:

  • at least 25 meters - in human settlements. The height of the sign for timely identification by drivers should be from two to four meters;
  • at least 50 meters - outside settlements. The height of the location is from one and a half to three meters.

When the sign is located on the side of the road, the distance between it and the road should be 50 cm. Visibility for recognition of the sign by the driver of a moving vehicle is about 100 meters. There should be no advertising boards or structures installed near it; branches of nearby trees should be cut down so as not to create an obstacle.

If these requirements for installing a prohibitory sign are not met, the application of administrative sanctions to the driver will be considered groundless, since it will be difficult to consider intentionality in his actions.

Criteria for assessing the offense

According to Part 3 of Art. 12.16 of the Administrative Code, the determination of the type of punishment directly depends on the degree of danger that the commission of an offense created for society. If we are talking about a threat to the health and life of citizens, confiscation of a driver’s license for a certain period is used as a punishment. Less significant acts of offenders, as a rule, entail the imposition of penalties.

The basis for bringing the driver to administrative responsibility is the report of the State Traffic Inspectorate employee and the protocol of the inspection of the scene of the incident.

Eyewitness testimony will play a significant role in this case. Confirmation in the form of photographs or videos must also be included in the case materials.

Usually only a fine is assigned to persons who have a “clean history” - those who have not violated traffic rules.

A separate line is the topic of passing a prohibitory sign in parking areas. The installation of the “Brick” sign in this case serves as a regulator for the uninterrupted movement of transport, its entry and exit. Accordingly, ignoring this sign does not pose a greater danger to the public than other types of driving under a prohibitory sign.

Exceptions to the rules

In particular:

  • drivers of fixed-route transport, subject to entering the traffic lane that was intended for such transport;
  • car owners who reversed onto a one-way road.

The possibility of carrying out this maneuver is dictated by the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of October 24, 2006 No. 18, which deals with the safety of the action and the objective necessity of its implementation. In practice, this is a rather controversial point, which usually does not exclude the imposition of a fine by an employee of the State Traffic Inspectorate. Drivers often use this maneuver when parking in a parking lot or driving around obstacles that arise along the vehicle’s path.

Is it possible to challenge a fine?

The possibility of challenging the charged fine for a given traffic violation usually arises in the following cases:

  • If the sign was installed without the participation of the State Traffic Inspectorate authorities. We are talking about the independent decision of enterprise managers to install the “Brick” sign in order to prohibit the entry into the adjacent territory of vehicles that do not fall under the category of official ones. In this case, ignoring the prohibition sign will not be considered a violation of traffic rules.
  • If the sign was installed without taking into account the established requirements regarding location, height and visibility for moving vehicles. Photographs of a sign installed with violations can be used as evidence. For example, an image of a sign where it is covered by a billboard or tree branches.
  • If there are unacceptable signs next to the prohibition sign. For example, 8.3.1-8.3.3 and 8.4.1-8.4.8.

One of the favorite proverbs of Russians says that the law can be turned in any way. In the case of punishment for driving under a brick, this is true. Traffic police inspectors are trying to fine the offending driver or deprive him of his license, but are they right?

How to understand where you can drive under a brick, and where it will be fraught? We will understand all the intricacies of the traffic rules and clarify the particularly controversial aspects of this offense.

Driving under a brick - article for violation

The prohibitory “No Entry” sign blocks access to many convenient places for motorists, so many drivers ignore it from time to time. Cunning car owners have come up with little tricks to get through prohibited zones. But this can result in very serious consequences.

For driving under a brick, in some cases you can get off with just a warning, and in some cases you may even face deprivation of your license. You can violate this article by:

  • Entering an area in front of which there is a “No Entry” sign;
  • Entering a lane intended for the movement of another type of transport, as indicated by a prohibitory sign hanging above the lane;
  • Entering a lane where traffic is moving in the opposite direction.

Only the last point may result in a maximum fine or loss of license.

The driver also needs to know the dangers of running a red light. Details

What is the penalty for driving on a brick - a fine in 2018

Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation regulates the amount of the fine. It depends on the violation committed.
By violating the ban on driving to the territory where the “Entry is prohibited” sign is located, the driver, according to the article, can get off with a warning or a minimum fine of 500 rubles.

Having driven into a prohibited lane, which is usually intended only for route and city transport, the driver will have to pay a fine of 1,500 rubles (in the capital and St. Petersburg this amount is doubled).
Deprivation of rights for driving under a brick threatens those drivers who drive under a brick and end up in the lane of oncoming traffic.

The traffic police officer can vary the punishment. This violation may entail a fine of five thousand rubles or deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of four to six months. Drivers who repeat the risky entry into the oncoming lane may face a second fine of 5,00 rubles if the offense is recorded by CCTV cameras or imprisonment for 1 year if the car is stopped by a traffic police officer,

Entry under a brick fine 2018 is it possible to pay half

The traffic police willingly encourages conscientious drivers, and for many categories of fines there is a 50% discount if the fine is paid off in the first 20 days. Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation falls under this category, therefore the driver has the right to pay not 5,000 rubles, but 2,500 rubles, if the payment was made from the 1st to the 20th day from the date of registration of the offense.

When is driving under a brick allowed?

Traffic rules describe in detail the meaning of the “Entry prohibited” sign and the situations when passage is permitted.
Only two categories of drivers can pass through a prohibitory sign:

  • Entry is allowed to drivers of public transport transporting people;
  • Drivers of emergency services who drive with blue beacons on.

In other cases, a fine is imposed. It is also possible to prove that the “No Entry” sign was installed incorrectly and does not comply with regulatory documents.

Is it possible to drive under a brick to the place of work?

What should you do if getting to work is obstructed by a “No Entry” sign? Can this rule be violated by those who are official employees of the company?

The traffic rules state that sign 3.1 “Entry prohibited” applies to all categories of citizens, excluding vehicles that have a prescribed route and service vehicles with working blue lights.
You cannot drive under a prohibitory sign to your place of work, unless the vehicle is a public transport with a prescribed route.

Driveway under a brick in a shopping center parking lot

Road prohibition signs are placed in the parking lots of shopping centers specifically to regulate traffic, so that entry and exit are made from different directions. This measure helps to relieve parking and not create chaos in vehicle traffic.

Driving under a prohibitory sign in a shopping center parking lot will be the same as driving into oncoming traffic. Such a violation will result in a fine or deprivation of the license.

Is it possible to drive past the brick sign if you live in this area?

Residential areas sometimes do not have the most convenient entrances, so residents have a natural desire to shorten the road, making it faster and more convenient. This is strictly forbidden, because such a passage is convenient not only for residents, but also for traffic police officers who like to be on duty in such places, especially during rush hours.

And since in this case the driver’s actions are unlawful, and the traffic police officer is right, it is not difficult to guess how this meeting will end.

The driver must know that the road is full of dangers and most likely the brick was hung for a reason, and its presence in this place is justified. If you have doubts about the correct location of this sign, you can submit a request to the traffic police. This service has the right to lift the traffic ban in a given area if its use was not justified.