Concert of the group Leningrad July 13th beginning. The “anniversary” concert of the group “Leningrad” took place at the Spartak stadium



“Let’s go for the record!” - announced Sergei Shnurov, for the first time announcing the upcoming concert at the St. Petersburg stadium, which will take place on October 19 and will become the largest musical event in the history of the group. In July 2017, Leningrad set its previous attendance record, gathering in Moscow maximum quantity The number of spectators that the Otkritie Arena stadium can accommodate is 47 thousand people. The legendary Zenit Arena in St. Petersburg seats 60 thousand spectators in an area of ​​287 thousand square meters, it's a little more territory Moscow Kremlin.

The level of the venue matches the group itself, here everything came together: the just triumphant World Cup in football, in which Shnurov and Leningrad took an active part, and the 45th anniversary of Shnur himself, which became the reason for the release of a new album, and the refreshed appearance of St. Petersburg itself after the World Cup, and new status Sergei, who is now in every sense “a berry again.”

The Leningrad concert at the St. Petersburg stadium under the motto #Leningradvzenite will inevitably go down in the history of Russian music as the most incendiary, most driving and hooligan show of 2018. This is not only an event in cultural history northern capital, but also the most mass session group psychotherapy in the country. After all, after each “Leningrad show” with its signature Dionysian riot, you feel like after a good Russian bath - tired, cleansed and happy.

“What Leningrad stands for is the search general meanings, - Shnurov formulated in one of his last interviews. - We resist semantic decay when there is no common language, when everything is so differentiated that four interlocutors at one table may not understand each other. I'm trying to find these connecting elements."

Uniting is what Leningrad does best. This is his secret potion: mix Louboutins with Van Gogh, Paris with Izhevsk, semiotics with boobs, and so on. On October 19, the group will unite almost sixty thousand individuals in the general Leningrad musical chaos at the St. Petersburg Arena. There is something natural in the fact that the first solo concert in the history of the stadium it will be Leningrad who will host. IN recent years He is generally at the forefront of events. Sergei Shnurov sensitively captures changes in the life of society and “returns” them to the public, ruthlessly and with love.

"Where do I get it from? building material? I haven’t come up with a single word in my life; it was all created before me. I'm just making an interesting collage out of it. New,” says Sergei.

And therefore, at every stage of its twenty-one-year history, “Leningrad” is actually new group. And Shnur can safely allow himself to change, without fear of losing his popular authority: smoking and running a marathon, writing an anthem for the World Cup and a jingle for a children's program, posing on Instagram with the director of the Hermitage and unknown drunks on the embankment, wearing an Ermenegildo Zegna suit and an alcoholic T-shirt, live and sing as he wants, where he wants and with whom he wants. And thereby show everyone: you have the right to be yourself! You have the right to be!

On the evening of July 13, the Leningrad group will give a concert at the Otkritie stadium in honor of the band’s 20th anniversary. Two days before the concert, almost all of the 47 thousand tickets were sold out, which means it will be a full house. Never before has the band had such large-scale performances. And on July 9, fans of Sergei Shnurov elected him president of the rock festival “Leningrad” did not even come to this year. In general, the team is at the peak of its popularity in two decades.

The date of the anniversary concert is no coincidence: July 13 is the birthday of the musician’s wife Matilda Shnurova, with whom he has been together for 10 years. In an interview with Ivan Urgant in 2016, Shnurov said: “Before Matilda appeared, Leningrad was shit.” BigPiccha tried to figure out who Matilda Shnurova was and how she influenced her husband and the popularity of his music.

(Total 27 photos)

“Today is @mshnurova’s birthday. I will sing for her and for you, and the rain will pass,” the singer wrote on the day of the concert.

Matilda Shnurova, aka Elena Mozgovaya, was born on July 13, 1986 in a village in the Voronezh region. Elena's parents divorced, her mother remarried, and for some time the girl lived with her grandmother, and then with her own father. At the age of 14, Mozgovaya ran away from home and never returned. Now she does not communicate with her relatives.

Little is known about Mozgova’s youth. After Voronezh and before moving to St. Petersburg, she lived in Moscow and worked as an editorial assistant in a large publishing house. They write that the girl met with the leader of the Voronezh group “7B” Ivan Demyan and with photographer Dmitry Mikheev, who came up with her pseudonym Matilda. Shnurova denies rumors about a relationship with actor Evgeny Tsyganov.

Matilda was interested in music from the age of 12: Prodigy, Mumiy Troll, Dolphin. She first heard the Leningrad group at the age of 13, that is, in 2000. It was the album "Dachniki". So she can honestly say that she grew up listening to Shnurov’s songs, and Shnurov can say that he raised his wife.

The girl met the lead singer of “Leningrad” in Moscow at the group’s corporate party; she was then 20 years old. A mutual friend brought them together. Shnurov describes it this way:

“We are playing, and she comes with some curly brunette. And I was a little dated. Even, probably, very dated. I ask - rock star b*tch: "What's your name, baby?" She: "Matilda." Me: “Holy shit!” – these were the first words she heard from me. After that, I got so fucked up that they literally carried me out by the arms, and when they carried me past Matilda, I said: “We’ll find you.” Well, then we found it.”

Sergei Shnurov in an interview with editor-in-chief Yuri Dudu

In another interview, Shnurov said that as a child one of his favorite female images there was a girl from the painting “The Swan Princess” by Mikhail Vrubel, and he had a special relationship with her since childhood. And when he met “something from this picture,” this relationship naturally continued.

The second time Matilda saw her future husband was after his concert, and he immediately asked to come to her home:

“All our dates ended immediately. We met for the second time in 2006 at the first Leningrad concert after Luzhkov’s ban. It was at the Tochka club on Leninsky. After the concert, Seryoga asked: “Where do you live? Let's go to you." "For what?" - Well, I decided to build something out of myself. “Why? F*ck you!” After that, the topic of dating was closed forever. I didn’t expect any more romantic dates from this man.”

Matilda Shnurova

The musician explains this pressure simply: “When you see a picture come to life that you stared at as a child, what can you do? Just take it." Later life The couple's marriage was just as original: according to legend, Shnurov proposed marriage in the kitchen while he was looking for sausage in the refrigerator. He simply said: “Let’s get married,” and Matilda replied: “Of course, it’s time.”

In 2010, the lovers registered their relationship in the St. Petersburg Wedding Palace; among the gifts for the newlyweds was a bright pink phallic-shaped bouquet. In 2016, the musician in an interview with Ksenia Sobchak said: “Surely Matilda lacks the so-called romance, but I can’t give what I don’t have.”

They began living together in December 2006. Now the couple have settled in a crowded communal apartment in the “Chaliapin House” on the corner of the Kryukov Canal and Rimsky-Korsakov Avenue. The cat Vasilisa lives with them.

In St. Petersburg, the girl had “so much nothing to do” that she graduated from the Technological Institute, where she studied biochemistry. In her final year, she even worked in the laboratory, but then left the institute: it is impossible to be both a biochemist and the wife of a rock star.

Instead, Shnurova began to help the musician in his business. At first it was the Blue Pushkin bar, in which Shnurov was a co-owner, and then the woman met chef Igor Grishechkin and in 2012 opened her own restaurant of Russian cuisine, Kokoko.

The establishment is financed by the lead singer of Leningrad, but Matilda herself is in charge of the management. She spends a significant part of her free time in the restaurant, watching the menu, and abroad studying trends in establishments noted by the press.

The symbol of this place and the star of girls’ Instagrams was the dessert “Mom’s Favorite Flower” in the form of a broken pot of soil.

Then, independently of Shnurov, Matilda opened the Isadora ballet school in St. Petersburg and claims that before her there were no amateur schools in the city, only professional ones, although there is a demand for ballet classes among the townspeople. She talks a lot about how important it is for spouses to be distracted from each other and mind their own business: “If I hadn’t worked, we would have separated a long time ago.”

Although the couple has been together for ten years, they give the impression of eternal newlyweds. The Leningrad soloist often posts photos with his wife on Instagram, signing them with cynical-romantic poems with the hashtag “f*ck a dream.” Now it is already difficult to find publications by its author using this tag: the idea has gone to the people.

This photo is captioned: “When I get too close to her, my *** rises up, so I have to quietly cover it with my left hand.” Another one of the signatures that Shnurov dedicated to his wife: “Whoever has the same woman has the same summer. Everything about me is ***** and “Love is when you jerk off to your own wife on tour.”

All this does not stop him from calling his wife Motya and Grandma, although she is 13 years younger than him. The couple's favorite number is 13: this is their age difference, and both were born on the 13th - the husband in April, the wife in July.

Having received the “Person of the Year” award according to GQ magazine, the musician posted a photo with Matilda on Instagram and wrote: “I received my most important prize when I met you.”

And here Shnurov composed a quatrain: “Ten years ago I grabbed her by the butt. And I thought: wow, this seems to be mine.”

The couple are friends with TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, culinary blogger Veronica Belotserkovskaya, entrepreneur Polina Kitsenko and other social figures from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Not only cords famous musician, but also a well-known artist in narrow circles, and many years ago he even made money by making copies Dutch masters. One day the singer drew a picture of his wife. Matilda Shnurova describes it this way: “Sergei drank for two days, watched me sleep, and made such cute doodles on a printout of “Apocalypse.” And he wrote: “She’s sleeping.”

When TV presenter Ivan Urgant in his evening show asked Shnurova how she influenced the group’s creativity, the couple did not immediately find an answer and simply began hugging to the general embarrassment.

In the same interview, Shnurov’s wife admitted that she still influences the songs of “Leningrad”: she goes to the fitness club and tells Shnurov about the women she sees there. The musician admits: “For the connection with the female half outside world“Of course, Matilda answers.” So we should thank her for the songs “Bag” and “Exhibit”.

Although Shnurova strongly emphasizes love and respect for her husband, she is capable of publicly criticizing him. For example, in an interview with Sobchak, a woman said that she does not watch his live broadcasts on Instagram:

“Did you see this live broadcast when he went there drunk and sat there for a day? I turned it on with horror at some point, saw that he was crying to the songs of Viktor Tsoi, shouting: “I drink to those who died in Afghanistan,” and immediately turned it off, because I couldn’t see it, *****, Don't want".

Matilda Shnurova

In another interview, a woman says that Sergei Shnurov is unbearable in everyday life:

“People don’t know what a trash can is. But at the same time, when he spends the day at home, he notices that everything around him has become a bit dirty. I have to organize my life in such a way that I don’t go crazy. I try not to pay attention to some things, the housekeeper helps with some things, I teach Sergei to do some things.”

Matilda Shnurova

After Alisa Vox left the group, there were rumors that this happened because of Matilda Shnurova’s jealousy, but she herself denies this: no one influences Sergei’s decisions, not even his wife.

“The Leningrad group is Sergei’s project. He is a strict, tough leader, he makes all decisions himself. The group has existed for 19 years, and there were no such people who could influence his thoughts. This is not the first reshuffle in the group; at some point he closed Leningrad altogether! And no one can make him change his mind, including me. This is absolutely accurate."

Matilda Shnurova

Matilda admits that she is a fan of the group and is glad when there is a “singing f***ing chick who moves well,” but she should not interfere with the team and put a spoke in the wheels. Alice Vox head ballet school accused of ingratitude:

“Alice, it’s surprising that there was no thank you either for Ledovy, where 12 thousand spectators watched you, or for the sold-out Moscow concerts. You have it here most subscribers are fans of the Leningrad group.”

After Vox left, Shnurova and her husband participated in the competitive selection of new soloists for the group and screened about 400 candidates.

Although the Leningrad group has thousands of fans, there are now two young fans in the team beautiful girls, Shnurov’s wife is not jealous of him: “I’m calm, because I know that I’m worse.”

During the marriage, the lead singer of “Leningrad” certainly changed his way of dressing. In old photographs the musician looks rather unpresentable: long hair, worn things, unkempt beard.

Now he is a style icon, and recently the Shnurovs jointly launched the Shnurovs clothing line: Sergei came up with the design and concept, and his wife took over the technical part of the project. So Matilda Shnurova is at the same time a manager, stylist, adviser and personal driver for her husband: the musician does not have a driver’s license.

“Of course, because of Matilda. She introduced me to DLT - what do you call it? Yes, TSUM. She led me into this temple, damn... I used to have a psychological barrier - I didn’t even think that things could cost that much. But once there was so much money that these things began to be perceived easier. In general, it makes no difference whether you buy socks at the market or buy a coat at DLT for a hundred.”

Sergey Shnurov answers Yuri Dud's question whether his wife influenced his style

At the same time, Matilda Shnurova is modest and downplays her role in the development of her husband’s style:

“Sergei has an absolute talent for wearing things. How he knows how to dress! Any woman will be jealous! In five minutes he pulls out a wild coat, yellow gloves, a wide-brimmed pirate hat and “Cossacks” from his wardrobe - and it will be cool. He can even afford huge logos - everything looks organic on him, because his character is visible a mile away. I can also compose something interesting depending on the mood, something to which Shnurov will say: “Oh, how cool!” “But I’ll walk over the image for an hour.”

Matilda Shnurova strictly controls her diet: she tries not to eat dairy, has breakfast with buckwheat, oatmeal or water porridge with grated Antonovka. In another interview, she talks about a special nutrition system and calls the ideal breakfast coffee with fried eggs, avocado and organic bacon.

As a restaurant owner, Shnurova cannot completely give up all foods and ingredients that are harmful to her figure, because she needs to taste new dishes, alcoholic drinks and cocktails on the menu. But the rest of the time she doesn’t eat sugar, except for fruits, and avoids desserts: if she eats them, it’s only during the day. And, like all healthy people, she tries to drink a lot of water and get enough sleep.

The restaurateur keeps in shape by training 4-6 times a week: this is stretching, strength training and running, and in addition to them massage and hot baths with salt and aromatic oils. At the same time, the girl does not impose her diet on her husband, who loves the cuisine of Soviet canteens and pours ketchup on all his food: “He gives so much effort at concerts that no fitness room is needed. His favorite sprats and sausage are only good for him.”

On her Instagram account, which is read by 340 thousand people, Shnurova promotes her husband’s work in every possible way - be it concerts, paintings or a book about his group.

The Leningrad group gave anniversary concert at the Otkritie Arena stadium in the capital on July 13. The team turned 20 years old. The performance, entitled “20 Years of Joy,” caused such a stir that tickets for the concert were only allowed to be booked for 24 hours.

The Leningrad group gathered a very diverse audience - from 18 to 50. At the very beginning of the concert, Shnurov performed one of his hits “A Couple of Women”: “We don’t need a fashionable club - a broom, steam and a couple of women.” During the song, on the screen behind the musicians, a picture of Shnurov was spinning in a waltz with matryoshka dolls.

At the concert, Sergei Shnurov was dressed minimalistically: in homemade shorts with stripes and a white T-shirt.

The group performed the relatively new “Louboutins”, “Manager”, and the good old WWW.
After "Exhibit" the group played the scandalous "Moscow".
The audience also heard the old hits of their favorite group. Both “Fiasco” and “Oh, my wife left” were heard from the stage.
At some point, Sergei Shnurov brought a glass of wine onto the stage, and immediately next to him was his wife Matilda Shnurova, who was celebrating her birthday that day. The artist performed “The Most Favorite” for his betrothed.
At the end of the evening, Shnur performed the lyrical “Life is Good.”

At the Spartak stadium there are thousands of happy, sweaty, sober faces; perhaps the concert in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Leningrad group became the most intelligent in the entire history of its existence. At the entrance there is a rigorous search, just like at the airport. Beer is non-alcoholic only.

There are so many police - on foot, in vehicles and on horseback - it's as if this is Navalny's anniversary concert.

All this did not stop the packed stadium from screaming and swaying when the hero of the generation appeared on stage. And it’s unclear which one:

A classic in its genre, “Leningrad” gathered an audience from twenty to fifty - and performed its own hit for everyone.

Unlike the motley crowd, Shnurov was minimalist: homemade shorts with stripes, an “alcoholic” T-shirt and a guitar over his shoulder - the first song, along with the greeting, drowned in the squeak of the fan zone and quickly flowed into the more discriminating “We don’t need a fashionable club - a broom , couples and a couple of women." On the screen behind the artists, this video was accompanied by a very clear video sequence -

the undrawn Cord, interspersed with painted nesting dolls, spins in a crazy waltz.

During the first part of the first half, the musicians were almost indecisive: they were testing the waters, interfering with the archaic and Louboutins. The archaic went well: “The Manager,” dedicated to the white collar workers of the 2000s, still makes these same managers rip their throats out and laugh at themselves with sincere valor and anger.

For those who couldn’t remember the words, the traditional “WWW” was played, but the classic women’s song “Goodbye (unfounded man)” was greeted coolly. New soloist“Tits” are much better, excuse me, and the hysterical girlish lyrics heard at gatherings with friends after the third glass of wine will always be associated with the image of the person performing this song former soloist Yulia Kogan.

“Leningrad” can be called kitsch and show-off, but we have to admit that it is the kitsch and show-off it reproduces that are the inherent qualities of what is called the “mysterious Russian soul.” Moreover, everything is arranged in such a way that sincerity replaces daring somehow suddenly and seems out of place. Like at this concert - here is the multi-instrumentalist and showman Alexander “Adolfovich” Puzo performing “Fuck the Fuck...”, but a violin and accordion appear from behind him. The resulting alliance resembles a half-naked gypsy camp - but what would a party be without gypsies?

But sometimes the sequence of songs was frankly confusing: only the girls in the spectator stands danced “Exhibit”, as Shnurov charges the scandalous “Moscow”. If there was some kind of patriotic sarcasm put into this song, the proximity to the Louboutins, after which the stands unanimously sat down to rest, it could not stand it.

But despite all the “Louboutins”, “Ecstasies” and “Tits”, the concert did not look like a pop university disco - quite unexpectedly for the viewer, the group included those peasant intonations that many so lacked:

the masculine “Fiasco” and “Oh, my wife left” reminded that the music of “Leningrad” was once composed over a mug in the kitchen and described the life of every second person. More precisely, every second man in our country.

At the climax of the action, for a second it seemed that Shnurov was being unfair to his sober spectators: the musician jumped onto the stage with a glass of wine. It was expected that he would drink it in one gulp, splashing it on the “alcoholic”, and then, for example, break it with a cry of “Hu...” - as he did repeatedly. But it was at this moment, as if trying to prevent this wild scene, that the artist’s wife and comrade-in-arms, Matilda Shnurova, suddenly materialized nearby. It turned out that the glass was not for fun, but for the woman he loved: the next ten minutes of the concert passed on an almost lyrical note - Shnurov congratulated his birthday wife on her birthday, sang his “Most Beloved” to her, she, barefoot, danced next to him.

For the second act, the group had all the hits in the “dance” and “scream” category. The restless audience from the stands flocked to the arena: elbows were flying around, but it was fresh and spacious. And ridiculously safe:

no fights, no crush, no broken bottles - just the creaking of crushed cups underfoot.

Shnurov was visible to everyone and everywhere: he flew in the air above the stadium on large screens, swearing right in the ear, shouting down the fans, and then forcing the fans to swear, shouting down him. And when at the end he began to sing the lyrical “Life is Good,” the sweaty hands of the audience raised several thousand glowing gadgets - and it finally became clear how many people had once again come to eat what “Leningrad” feeds them, and how many of them are now suffering from this very, very good.

Dear site visitors! We bring to your attention a report on the anniversary concert of the Leningrad group, which took place on July 13, 2017 at the Moscow Otkritie Arena stadium!

Fifteen years ago, the Leningrad group, then rapidly gaining popularity, came under pressure from the Moscow authorities. Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, by personal order, banned Sergei Shnurov and his gang from all major capital concerts, citing the predominance of profanity in the group’s songs. For several years, fans of Leningrad had to travel to other regions or even countries to listen to their favorite band. But soon this ban evaporated by itself - Cord returned to the Moscow halls. True, the group performed mainly in clubs of various sizes, while various sports palaces, sports complexes, ice arenas, as Luzhkov wanted, if they provided Leningrad with a platform, it was only for festival sets. Last year, this legacy of the former capital mayor was consigned to the annals of history - the group gave a concert in the new VTB Ice Arena. And Leningrad decided to celebrate its twenty-year anniversary, in general, in a stadium with many thousands of people.

This, of course, was an adventurous idea, but doomed to a positive result. Considering the next round of frenzied popularity of Leningrad, which arose last year thanks to the talented video clips “Exhibit” and “Drink in St. Petersburg,” only outspoken pessimists could doubt the success of the venture. On July 13, more than 45,000 people came to the Otkritie Arena stadium, which became an absolute record for the box office concert domestic performer in recent years. Naturally, such an influx of spectators could not but cause problems associated with access to the stadium. Thousands of people stormed the entrances of the arena, spending an hour or more long haul from the Spartak metro station, queues, passages through police cordons, searches and other similar things.

Otkritie Arena took a long time to fill, so the exit to Leningrad was delayed by 1 hour and 10 minutes. To ensure that the earliest spectators did not get bored while waiting for the concert to begin, the warm-up set was presented by the Brevis Brass Band. Her performance proved that the majority of spectators who had already entered the stadium would easily win the TV show “Guess the Melody” - each instrumental version of Leningrad songs was picked up by dozens of voices from the first notes.

Despite its enormous size, the stage of the Spartak arena still seemed too small for Leningrad. That evening the group appeared in an expanded composition of two dozen participants. Leader Sergei Shnurov was accompanied by vocalist and percussionist Vsevolod Antonov, aka Sevich; guitarist Konstantin Limonov; bass guitarist Andrey Kuraev; guitarist Dmitry Guguchkin; tuba player, keyboard player and accordionist Andrey Antonenko; trumpeter and vocalist Roman Parygin; saxophonist Grigory Zontov; saxophonist Alexey Kanev; trombonist Vladislav Alexandrov; drummer and vocalist Alexander "Puzo" Popov; percussionist Alexey Kalinin; drummer Denis Mozhin; keyboardist Ilya Rogachevsky; violinist Viktor Rapotikhin. To the surprise of many, vocalist Vasilisa Starshova, who replaced Alisa Vox in Leningrad a year and a half ago, was absent from the concert. As it became known later, the girl left the group, so on July 13, her companion Florida Chanturia took the rap for the singer. Florida was assisted by a choir of four backing vocalists. In addition, a crowd of Leningrad’s friends appeared on stage for backup dancers and backup throughout the entire concert, including Shnurov’s wife Matilda, sports commentator Vasily Utkin, singer Glyukoza and others.

The main characters of the evening began their triumphant performance with a welcome song "Show", who promised that everyone who came to the Otkritie Arena would have a good time. Despite the size of the venue, there was no perceived barrier between the musicians and the audience - everyone was on the same wavelength. Before he could go on stage, Sergei Shnurov immediately went down to the audience and shook hands with the fans from the first row, who had spent four hours (or maybe more) watching the concert up close. To maintain the right mood of four tens of thousands of people, Shnur traditionally sometimes stopped the music and asked them to sing along louder, as was the case on the first song of “The Show.” A "F*ck" Sergei stopped so that the entire dance floor began jumping in sync.

If anyone was waiting for festive concert Leningrad retrospective program with old rare songs, then he could be disappointed. The celebrants did not change the track list much compared to previous performances. Even the order of the songs often did not change. So for "Show" Leningrad played a number "F*ubab", released in 2014 simultaneously on two albums “Minced Mince” and “Our Beach”, and the main hit fifteen years ago "WWW".

There were no special guests at the stadium from among former members groups. But the current musicians of Leningrad gave their best, from time to time replacing Shnurov at the central microphone. Trumpeter Roman Parygin introduced the party to "Turboboy"; "lover of women and all that, Alexander Adolfovich Puzo"(© Sergey Shnurov) dedicated to all travelers "Road"; Sevych explained what it really is "HLS". Leningrad, left without Vasilisa, gave almost all of its “women’s” songs to Florida. At the concert she sang not only the usual "Goodbye" or "Patriot"(in the second the vocalist forgot part of the lyrics), but also the song "Exhibit", which clearly added more than one thousand people to the group’s fan base. The dancing and jumping actress Yulia Topolnitskaya, who played main role in the video "Exhibit".

Shnurov himself remembered about this hit, at the end of the song "Moscow" suddenly drawn out: "On Louboutins..." "Oh, wrong song!"- the leader of Leningrad corrected himself, continuing to talk about his "beautiful dream", where the capital burned to the ground. Muscovites were not offended and sang along with the whole stadium (just as they were not offended office workers, tearing throats under the satirical "Manager"). Geographical theme the concert continued with the song "In St. Petersburg - drink".

The finale of the first part of the concert turned out to be quite sweet and romantic. song "Most Favorite" Shnurov dedicated it to his wife Matilda. The musician gave his wife wine and confessed his love to her. And because On July 13, Matilda celebrated her 31st birthday, Leningrad also addressed the girl "archaic" song "Birthday".

After playing for an hour and a half, the group announced an intermission. For Leningrad this is a completely standard situation, but if in clubs the bar’s cash register is replenished in this way, then at the stadium people first of all rushed outside the site to the toilet and smoke. For the Otkritie Arena workers, the break apparently was a big surprise, so many spectators had problems getting into the stadium again - they simply did not want to be allowed back.

A rested Leningrad began the second block of the anniversary show with one of the oldest compositions of the concert "Terminator". Then it was Florida's turn to sing "philosophical song" "Boobs", and also known from video clips "Kolshchik" And "Ecstasy". At the request of Shnur in the song "Super good" the girl showed how "with the money of Otkritie Bank, radiate pure positivity".

The good thing about a stadium concert is that, unlike performances in closed venues, it is legal to use pyrotechnics. There was a lot of fire, firecrackers, and confetti cannons on the stage. The spectators themselves did not disappoint, staging a small fire show under "No and no again". On the song "Just" Otkritie Arena was lit up with thousands of flashlights and phone screens.

Although Leningrad was allowed to play until exactly 23:00, Shnurov promised to exceed this limit. After the second intermission, the group returned with several more songs. Hit "Bomb" Sergei dedicated the song to Florida "SIZONNAYA" called it relevant, because with such a rainy and cold summer, many people can attribute the words from the chorus to themselves:

I don't want to go to the dacha
I don’t want to go to the dacha
Now I'm going to pay
And I'll scream loudly
I don’t want to go to the dacha...
I don’t want to go to the dacha!

In a theatrical performance "Monkey and Eagle" One of the backing vocalists showed herself well, not only performing the part of the retired Vasilisa, but also riding Puzo. And the finale of this epoch-making concert was the song "We are for it!"

But anniversary tour“20 years of joy” did not end there. Until the end of 2017, Leningrad can be seen both in Russia and in other countries: Latvia, Hungary, France, Cyprus, Israel, Germany, the Czech Republic, the USA, Canada, Belarus. On December 16, the group will play an additional anniversary encore concert in Moscow sports complex"Olympic".

Exact track list of the concert:
1. Show
2. F*ubab
3. WWW
4. A couple of women
5. Turboboy
6. X*yamba
7. Goodbye
8. Road
9. Exhibit
10. Moscow
11. In St. Petersburg - drink
12. Healthy lifestyle
13. Fiasco
14. Vacation pay
15. Manager
16. Scale
17. Patriot
18. My favorite
19. Birthday

20. Terminator
21. Boobs
22. Fish
23. Super good
24. Kolschik
25. No and no again
26. Ecstasy
27. Simple

28. ITD
29. Bag
30. Bomb
31. Pretrial detention
32. Monkey and eagle
33. We are for it!

Sand, especially for the site


Reports on past concerts of the Leningrad group.