Lesson summary: "Excursion to the ethnographic museum." Ethnographic excursion Ethnographic museum excursions for children

Ethnopark and camel farm “Nomad”
Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district
Open on Saturday and Sunday

The open-air ethnographic park “Nomad” introduces guests to the traditions and culture of nomadic peoples of different countries. The park has several zones - the Mongolian courtyard (the culture of the nomads of Mongolia, Buryatia and Kalmykia), the Turkic courtyard (the culture of the nomads of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan), the Northern camp (the culture of the nomads of Chukotka, Yamal, the Komi Republic and adjacent regions). Here you can see authentic dwellings: Mongolian yurts, Turkic yurts, Chukchi yaranga, Nenets tents, and also a zoo with Kalmyk camels, Mongolian yaks, donkeys, lambs, goats and geese.
During ethnographic excursions they will tell you about the life, traditions and culture of nomads of Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Chukotka and Yamal.
You can come to the ethnopark for an excursion or a concert of its own ensemble “Nomad”, which performs Chukchi, Eskimo, Koryak, and Nenets dances. You can also attend handicraft workshops on creating traditional amulets and leather jewelry.

Historical Park "Ratobor Field"
Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district
Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday

The Ratobor field, 40 km from Moscow, was invented by the Ratobortsy historical projects agency. Here are located an ancient Slavic farm, a tournament stadium, Mongolian yurts and an ethnopark. During a visit to the Ratobor field, guests find themselves in the world of Ancient Rus' and get acquainted with its life on a farm in the 10th century. The ethnopark introduces you to the authentic dwellings, life, traditions and culture of the nomadic peoples of Mongolia, Buryatia, Kyrgyzstan, Chukotka, Kazakhstan and Yamal. In summer you can ride a camel or donkey, in winter you can ride a dog or reindeer sled. Historical festivals are held on the field, and here you can also shoot in a medieval shooting range and relax with your family in a yurt or an Irish house. For children there is a playground with a fairy-tale world of Scandinavian myths.

Ethnopark "Ethnomir"
Kaluga region, Petrovo village
Open daily

One of the most popular and largest ethnopark in Russia. You should come to Ethnopark for festivals and holidays, at any time - to look at the traditional homes of different countries. The museum has ethnoyards “Ukraine and Belarus”, “Museum of the Russian Stove”, “Countries of Central Asia”, “North, Siberia and the Far East”, “Countries of South Asia”, “Russian Compound” and “Peace Street”, which introduces life of European countries, Asia, Africa, Australia and Latin America; as well as museums: Museum of Samovars, Museum of Dolls of the World, Museum of Irons, Museum of Russian Stoves.
In “Ethnomir” you can live in the nomadic houses of the peoples of Kyrgyzstan, Tuva, Kazakhstan and Tibet or in Indian tipis. Keepers of the courtyards will talk about traditions and introduce folklore and legends of their people.

Museum of Nomadic Culture
Moscow, metro station Aviamotornaya
Open daily from 10 to 19.00, by appointment

The small but interesting Museum of Nomadic Culture introduces visitors to the life of the nomadic tribes of Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan and the Far North. During interactive excursions that take place in a yurt, tent, yaranga, tent, tipi or Tibetan tent, a guide in traditional nomadic clothing talks about the life of each people. All exhibitions are located in real nomadic dwellings; the exhibits can be touched with your hands. In total, the museum has 4 main exhibitions: Steppe, Desert, North and New Dwellings: Tibetan tent, Indian tipi (Lakota), Gypsy tent.

Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
Moscow, metro station Maryina Roshcha
Open daily except Saturdays and Jewish holidays

In the fully interactive Jewish Museum you can get acquainted with the culture and life of the Jewish people from the reign of Catherine II to the present day. The permanent exhibition of the museum includes 12 thematic spaces, each of which corresponds to a certain period of world and Russian history. Here you can visit the local bazaar, overhear conversations in the kitchen and stories of dissidents. The Jewish town (shtetl) is the central space of the museum, from where you can enter the halls dedicated to the life of Jews in the big cities of the Russian Empire and Soviet Russia. During the excursion, visitors are introduced to the traditional Jewish way of life, laws, customs, holidays and rituals. The museum has a wonderful Children's Center.

State Museum of Oriental Art
Moscow, metro station Arbatskaya
Open daily except Monday

At the State Museum of Oriental Art you can get acquainted with the enormous cultural heritage of the peoples of the Near and Middle East, Asia and the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far North. The museum's collections contain works of painting, sculpture and decorative arts from Japan and Korea, China and India. On excursions, children can get acquainted with fairy tales and legends of the East, attend a tea ceremony and visit the “Special Pantry” exhibition, which presents the peoples and cultures that existed in the North Caucasus from the 5th century. BC. to 14th century AD

Developer: Natalya Anatolyevna Putilina – history teacher, museum director

Lesson topic: Excursion to the ethnographic museum

Target: creating conditions for the correction and development of cognitive activity of students.
consolidate the concepts of “museum”, “historical sources”; form an idea of ​​an ethnographic museum; expand and deepen students’ knowledge of the history of their native land;
develop logical thinking, curiosity, and the ability to conduct comparative analysis;
to cultivate love for our native land, respect for our ancestors, pride in our talented people.
Progress of the lesson:

    Organizing time

Russia is a white birch

And the girl, ruddy from the frost,

And on a hot day the cheerful sound of the stream...

Russia is you and me!

We are going towards the heat and blizzards,

We share sorrow and joy equally.

We are all one great family.

Russia is you and me!

Every person has a place that is especially dear to them, no matter where they live on this vast planet. This place is called “small homeland”.

Some have a small homeland - a big city, a large industrial center, while others have a small village, lost on the banks of a slowly flowing river. And no matter where a person lives later, he is always drawn to his native places. His parents, friends, relatives live here, his roots are here.

Here are some proverbs that have appeared about the Motherland:

Everyone loves their own side.

Houses and walls help.

Your own land is sweet even in a handful.

The side is the mother, the stranger is the stepmother.

    Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson

Guys, where are we now? What is our museum like?

How many of you have been to the museum?

What does the word "museum" mean?

Museum - an institution engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects - natural, material and spiritual monuments, as well as educational activities.

At first, this concept denoted a collection of objects () by and, then, with, it also includes where the exhibits are located. Since the 19th century, research work carried out in museums has been added.

There are a lot of museums in the world with a wide variety of themes.

What types of museums are there?

(military, historical, applied arts...local history)

What is the name of our museum?

Ethnographic museum in the form of a peasant hut.

What is ethnography?(Ethnography is a part of historical science that studies ethnic groups and other ethnic formations, their origin (ethnogenesis), composition, settlement, cultural and everyday characteristics, as well as their material and spiritual culture.)

    Work on the topic of the lesson

In Russia, rich in forests, all buildings have long been wooden. In the village, the dwelling was called a hut. It is believed that this name comes from an ancient stove: the firebox over time transformed into a firebox, then into an isba, then into a hut.

All the building materials for the hut - long pine logs for the walls, planks, birch bark, shingles - were selected and prepared in advance. Trees were cut down in winter. They didn’t use a saw, only an ax - it seemed to clog the trunk and protect it from damage.

The logs were cleared of bark and recesses - bowls - were made at the ends to hold the logs together more tightly; a row of four logs connected at the ends into a rectangle is called a crown. For convenience, all the crowns were fitted to each other on the ground and only then the frame was erected. The cracks were plugged with moss.

A stove was installed in the hut. She played the main role in the space of the hut. The stove kept everyone warm during the long winters. Old people and young people slept upstairs. Bread was baked in the oven, milk was simmered, and mushrooms were dried.

Opposite the stove corner was the red corner, the brightest and most elegant place in the hut. Images (icons) and a lamp hung here, family meals were held at the table, and the first and last sheaves were placed here during the harvest, wishing well-being to the home.

At first glance, the hut is the most ordinary building. The peasant, building his home, tried to make it durable, warm, and comfortable for life. However, in the construction of the hut one cannot help but see the need for beauty inherent in the Russian people. Therefore, huts are not only monuments of everyday life, but works of architecture and art.

Here there is the same order that is observed in nature, everything is harmonious and perfect. In popular belief, the ceiling was associated with the sky, the floor with the earth, the subfloor personified the underworld, and the windows with light.

It was difficult to imagine a peasant hut without numerous utensils. “Utensils are a set of objects necessary for a person in his everyday life”

Among the tools of labor, the largest part are spinning wheels, which were used for a long time in everyday life, or were preserved as a memory.

What do you think the spinning wheels were used for?

Spinning wheel - an object of folk life, a tool used to spin threads.

A hand-held spinning wheel, consisting of a vertical part where the tow is tied and a horizontal part - the bottom where the spinner sits. The vertical part consisted of a blade (blade) and a neck (leg). The spinning wheel, especially the blade, was often decorated and painted.

Spinning wheel and spinning in sayings

The lazy spinner has no shirt

Like the spinner, like the shirt she wears

The spinning wheel is not God, but He gives you a shirt

You won't be able to weave in winter, there will be nothing to weave in summer.

Don't be lazy to spin, you'll dress well

Seven axes lie together, and two spinning wheels apart

Customs with a spinning wheel

The spinning wheel accompanied the girl from birth to marriage. Among the Eastern Slavs, the umbilical cord of a newborn girl was cut on a spinning wheel or spindle; the newborn was handed over to the godmother through a spinning wheel; They put the spinning wheel in the girl's cradle. A personal, signed spinning wheel was not lent, otherwise, as it was believed, there would be a fire or the bees would die. In the Russian North, a guy who wrote his name on a girl’s spinning wheel was obliged to marry her. Usually the groom gave the girl a new spinning wheel, made and decorated with his own hands.

Spinning continued throughout the autumn-winter period, interrupting only for the Christmas holidays.

    Student's message about the spinning wheel (Malina Anastasia)

It is impossible to imagine the life of a Russian woman without a spinning wheel, with which she spun wool and provided the whole family with the necessary things (samples of spinning wheels presented in the museum are shown).

An abandoned village, huts drowned in snowdrifts. A dim light glimmers slightly from one window. Let's take a look inside.

In the low light there is a light burning,

A young spinner sits under the window.

Young, beautiful, brown eyes.

A light brown braid extends over the shoulders.

The flickering light of the splinter barely illuminates the seated woman. In front of her is a spinning wheel with a tow, and in her hand is a spindle. Here they are - Russian spinning wheels. In the old days, working people thought about making production and household items beautiful. These artistically and tastefully made spinning wheels are evidence of the people's desire for beauty.

The spinning wheel - a tool for hand spinning - consisted of a vertical riser with a blade, to which a tow for spinning was tied, and a bottom - a horizontal seat for the spinner.

Many poets have sung the spinning wheel as the personification of the Russian peasant woman, who, despite her difficult lot, managed to retain her fortitude, love of freedom, kindness, and patience.

Among the many jobs that peasant women performed, spinning and weaving were the most labor-intensive. It took a lot of effort and weaving for the whole family, and even the taxes had to be paid in canvas. So the woman sat at the spinning wheel during the long winter nights. Hand spinning was very slow and unproductive. The most skilled spinner, working from dawn to dusk, could spin about 460 arshins of yarn (about 300 meters) per day. And to get at least 20 arshins of such fabric (about 15 meters), it was necessary to spin at least 20 thousand meters of yarn. To prepare her dowry, a girl must spin and weave from the age of 6-8. In ancient times, weaving began early in the morning before sunrise with a ritual. The craftswoman-weaver, in complete solitude, knelt in front of the red (holy) corner and affectionately, convincingly asked the Mother of God, and earlier, before the Orthodox faith, the goddess Mokosh - the original Slavic muse, the patroness of Slavic women - to help her safely complete the work that was very necessary for her family . Women spun and weaved only in their free time from working in the fields and around the house.

The spinning wheel was not only a tool of labor, but also a work of art: to brighten up hard work, it was decorated with carvings or paintings. Often a spinning wheel was a gift: the groom gave a spinning wheel to the bride, a father to his daughter, a husband to his wife. Everyone wanted to give a gift for joy and surprise. Here the master’s creative imagination had no limits. The spinning wheel became the joy of its owner and was passed down from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter.

Since time immemorial, people have sculpted various vessels from clay. They learned how to fire pottery. The outside of the pottery was coated with mineral paints and decorated with linear patterns. These were jugs of different shapes and sizes, mugs, cauldrons, bowls.

1) Game

- Let's play a game, I will show you a picture of a modern object, and you will find an analogue of this object among the exhibits.


A loom is the main weaving machine, equipment or device for the production of all kinds of pile, smooth, woven fabrics and carpets: linen, hemp, cotton, silk, wool, as well as other textile products.

    Message from a student (Veronica Yunakovskaya)


The loom has served humanity since ancient times. In some rural houses you can still find manual weaving (and carpet weaving) looms that require painstaking work, diligence and patience. Even on the scale of production, for the production of highly artistic, ornamental and subject carpets (handmade), the same vertical (which is a simple frame with stretched warp threads) and horizontal hand looms are used, known since time immemorial. Otherwise, in our days, weaving A machine is a complex, high-tech and high-performance electronic equipment.

Main types of looms

There are manual, semi-mechanical, mechanical and automated machines. High-performance automatic machines, hydraulic, pneumatic, pneumatic rapier, etc. Based on their design, they distinguish between flat and round machines (used only for the production of special fabrics, such as hose fabrics). The machines can be narrow (produce fabric up to 100 cm wide) and wide, designed for light, medium and heavy fabrics. There are machines for fabrics with simple weaves (eccentric), for finely patterned fabrics (carriage) and for fabrics with large, complex patterns (jacquard).

2) Group assignments

- Let's complete tasks in groups

Group 1 - find and describe the object - jug

Group 2 - find and describe the object - iron

Group 1 - find and describe the object - trough

Group 2 – find and describe the object - sofa


A samovar is a device for boiling water and making tea. Initially, the water was heated by an internal firebox, which was a tall tube filled with charcoal. Later, other types of samovars appeared - kerosene, electric, etc. Currently, they are almost universally replaced by electric kettles and kettles for stoves.

    Message from a student (Natalia Zhilyaeva)

The samovar is, in some way, a sign of Russian identity.

There is a legend according to which Peter I brought the samovar to Russia from Holland, but in reality samovars appeared half a century after the death of Tsar Peter. Initially in Russia, the samovar began to be made in the Urals. The following is known about the appearance of the first documented samovars in Russia (in Tula). In 1778, on Shtykova Street, in Zarechye, brothers Ivan and Nazar Lisitsyn made a samovar in a small, initially, first samovar establishment in the city. The founder of this institution was their father, Fyodor Lisitsyn, who, in his free time from working at the arms factory, built his own workshop and practiced copper work in it.

Already in 1803, four Tula tradesmen, seven gunsmiths, two coachmen, and 13 peasants were working for them. There are 26 people in total. This is already a factory, and its capital is 3,000 rubles, its income is up to 1,500 rubles. The factory passed to Nazar's son Nikita Lisitsyn in 1823.

In the first half of the 19th century, they began to produce products from silver substitutes, which found mass sales in the circles of the middle-income urban population - the bourgeoisie, bureaucrats, various intelligentsia, and in the families of the nobility.

By the 1840s, the fashion for the so-called “second Rococo” came to Russia, which was characterized by rich, lush ornamentation. The base, handles, top of the body and edges are decorated with borders of stylized intricate floral curls and flowers. The samovar has a double tray, which is also very elegantly decorated.

By the end of the 19th century, the shapes of samovars became more massive. heavy, often rough.

3) Group task

- Now let’s complete the task in groups, connecting modern objects and “great-great-ancestors” into pairs with a line.

Imagine, guys, a Russian hut a hundred years ago. If we entered it, we could admire the lavishly decorated household items and elegant costumes. And of course, in the most conspicuous place, a rukoter, a towel, a wiping machine, a wiping machine were blazing with a hot pattern - all this is the name of one of the household items.

What are we talking about?

Of course, about the towel

The length of the towels was from 2 to 4 meters, the width corresponded to the width of the loom. This is usually 36 - 38 cm. A towel was used to decorate the red corner, where icons stood on a shelf-shrine and a lamp glowed. Heat-filled towels were hung on the walls, on photographs of relatives, on mirrors. At the washstand there was also a towel-wiping cloth embroidered with flowers, birds and other subjects.

4) Riddles about objects of Russian everyday life.

    It may melt, but not the ice

It's not a lantern, but it gives light.(candle)

    Grandma has a safe

It's not new for a long time,

Plus it's not steel at all.

And oak.

He stands modestly in her corner.

In it the grandmother keeps dressing gowns, socks,

Cuttings for the dress, a little yarn,

A downy handkerchief and even a pension.

But not the door, but the lid on it

Very heavy with a padlock.(box)

    Glass bubble house,

And a light lives in it.

During the day he sleeps

And when he wakes up -

It will light up with a bright flame.(lamp)

    Before lunch in the heat of the moment

Will work from the shoulder-

And in the end, be healthy

It will break so much wood.(axe)

    Who's horned in the hut?(grab)

    The box is dancing on my knees -

Sometimes he sings, sometimes he cries loudly.(harmonic)

    The black horse jumps into the fire.(poker)

    He's a tall and strong guy,

Swallows wood chips without difficulty.

The whole family in the evening

He treats you to tea.(samovar)

    Four brothers

They stand under the same hat.(Table)

    There is a back

But it doesn’t lie

Four legs,

But he doesn’t walk

But it's always worth it

And he orders everyone to sit.(Chair)

    The steamer is coming -

Back and forth

And behind him there is such a smooth surface -

Not a wrinkle to be seen.(Iron)

5) Completing the task

- Let's complete the task - find the oldest object in the picture and cross it out

6) Music from Russian fairy tales

Guys, in what fairy tales are the objects that are in our museum found? (music from fairy tales sounds)

    Lesson summary (reflection)

Guys, did you like our lesson today? What did you like most? What conclusion can we draw?

Complete the task “What level am I at?”

Presentation of medals

The more we value the past.

And we find beauty in the old,

At least we belong to something new.

Prices for excursion tickets depend on the number of participants, type and duration of the tour. You can sort programs by cost, rating, and traveler reviews. The list of inexpensive excursions includes historical, architectural, literary and water excursions:

  • By historical places. Architectural and historical will add to the knowledge base about the emergence of Moscow, the stages of its development, residents, cultural and architectural values. You will be shown exhibits of famous museums, the heritage of the Kremlin, the magnificent architecture of the capital's mansions and theaters.
  • From the height of birds' flight. We offer unforgettable excursions to the highest points of the capital. Together with your guide, you will see the observation deck of the Moscow City business center, the Ostankino TV tower and climb to the spire of one of the seven Stalinist skyscrapers.
  • Boat trips. Slow cruises along the Moscow River await you. From the ship or boat you will see the sights: the Moscow Kremlin, St. Basil's Cathedral, Luzhniki Stadium, Park. Gorky. Excursions can be combined with a romantic date at a fish restaurant.
  • Secrets and riddles. You will find walks with diggers along underground rivers and catacombs, an exclusive excursion to Stalin’s bunker, and an acquaintance with the Moscow metro tunnels.

Today there are many ways to have a fun and colorful weekend. The city has a large number of entertainment centers, cinemas, and cafes. But very often you want to spend time with some benefit, learn something new and at the same time have a great break from the bustle of the city. An excellent option for relaxation are ethnographic excursions. This is a great opportunity to better understand the culture of the people and truly plunge into the life of ancient times. After all, no documentary film or TV show can convey all the flavor.

A great way to spend time in the Moscow region

You can go on an excursion to the Nomad ethnopark with the whole family. Visitors are greeted by a friendly guide. On the territory of the ethnopark in the Moscow region you can visit thematic, ethnographic, educational, and animated excursions. Participants can visit the national home, see the costumes of nomads, dance, and listen to ethnic music. In addition, you can taste national cuisine. You can see geese, sheep, camels, goats.

For children provided:

  • entertaining quests,
  • puppet show,
  • archery range

So the child will not be bored, and his cognitive activity will increase. There are also leisure areas for preschool children. In addition, visitors have a great opportunity to see animals, feed them and even ride a camel, donkey, or deer. But in the city zoo there is no such opportunity. Schoolchildren can also visit ethnographic museums; this will help motivate students to study culture and history.

In addition to an educational seasonal excursion on the territory of the ethnopark, you can hold an original and unforgettable corporate party, birthday, or children's party. Various holiday scenarios are provided for children. You don’t have to wait until the weekend to visit the park; you can arrange a group excursion on weekdays.

☀️Operating hours☀️
Saturday and Sunday
from 10:00 to 17:00

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Service for tourist groups is carried out on any day by prior arrangement.

Sat/Sun – December 28 and 29 from 10:00 to 17:00
Mon/Tue – December 30 and 31 CLOSED
Wed – January 01 from 12:00 to 17:00
then all the holidays RA-BO-TA-EM
January 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 from 10:00 to 17:00

☀️ Cost: ☀️

🔸 Adult ticket: 500 ₽
🔸 Children from 7 to 14 children: 350 ₽
🔸 Parents with many children: 350 ₽
🔸 Students: 350 ₽
🔸 Pensioners 250 ₽

☀️ Free: ☀️

🔸 Children under 7 years old
🔸Disabled people
🔸 Children from large families under 14 years old
🔸 Combat veterans
🔸 For birthday 1+1
*to receive a discount, present a document

☀️ Save your ticket! –50% for repeat visits ☀️

For technical reasons, only cash is accepted in the park. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.