Pokemon coordinates. The best programs for finding Pokemon. Pokemon map - the best services for the game Pokemon Go

The Pokémon Go game continues to break all records: it is the most downloaded project in the history of the App Store based on the results of the first week and an absolute hit on Google Play, which was downloaded more than 50 million times in three weeks. - not an easy task, but now every player can track the position of monsters in real time, no matter where he is.

The new PokeVision website allows you to find the exact location of Pokemon in any area, while it not only reveals where the monster is now, but also tells how long the animal will stay at the spawn point.

How it works

The developers of PokeVision have launched a website that intercepts data about Pokemon spawn points in real time and displays them on a map. All you have to do is open the resource, indicate your location and scan the territory, and then go hunting. There is also a filter available on the site that allows you to not display some monsters on the map if you want to catch a specific Pokemon.

PokeVision does not show absolutely all the Pokemon that currently appear on the map, but only some of them. Moreover, each mark is always 100% true - the site tested the accuracy of the map on 30 Pokemon, in each case the monster was waiting for us exactly in the place where the map showed.

How to conveniently use PokeVision on a smartphone

In order to always keep the card at hand, we recommend following a number of steps:

  1. Go to the PokeVision website from your smartphone
  2. Add a website icon to your desktop



Call “Menu” in Google Chrome, click “Add to Home Screen”:

PokeVision is now available directly from your desktop. Follow the icon while hunting Pokemon and see where the monsters are hiding, and then rush after them to the indicated location.

Pokemon GO is an extremely popular and truly interesting mobile product that has attracted millions of fans, whose army is growing daily, if not every minute. However, there is one drawback in the game: some Pokemon are extremely rare, and you really want to get them. If you wander around the city and hope for chance, you can lose all your sense of adventure. Fortunately, particularly savvy trainers have come up with another way to make their task easier: interactive maps with the location of all the characters in the area.

What does this give? Firstly, it significantly reduces search time. You already know in which area the same one, Lapras, Snorax and more most often appears. Secondly, the information is dynamically updated and supplemented by the players themselves, and you can leave your own marks with, and other points of interest. Let's look at the most popular cards that you need to use periodically without any fear of getting banned:

  • PokeRadar;
  • PokeCrew;
  • Pokevision;
  • Pokemon GO Map;
  • Gym and Pokestop search service.

Most of them work properly, are updated and supplemented, so you should not have any problems.


This map was created entirely by enthusiastic players. Everyone is free to mark the place where they were especially caught, or. You find your area, enter the coordinates and search. It is possible to work with filters based on popularity, rarity and more. Need a specific monster? Select only it and observe the last respawn points, including time and relative error.


The service is very popular, so it often suffers from “childish” diseases such as lags, brakes and crashes. The latter, however, happens extremely rarely. If you see that the functionality is not as good as usual, wait for some time.

The authors strongly encourage those who actively promote the project by installing new flags and markers on the interactive map. Those who add entire locations, even if not fully developed, are most valued. In any case, this is a colossal effort for the benefit of Pokemon GO players.


A very accurate resource showing the location with an accuracy of 5-7 meters. For large cities these are extremely accurate coordinates. It works very smoothly, without brakes. It is also filled by the players themselves. You can leave comments to make it easier to discover the time of appearance of very rare specimens.

Ideal for megacities with a large number of people, where everyone is free to decorate the service in their own way. But be careful, because sometimes you can stumble upon a deception from which you cannot protect yourself. Don't use PokeCrew too carelessly.


A wonderful product that shows the specific location of rare and powerful Pokemon from the Pokemon GO world. Unfortunately, it does not demonstrate good results in all large and not so large areas. The developer focused on large centers and cities like New York, Sydney and the like.

At the moment the card works with obvious interruptions. There was information about the closure of the project, but to this day the servers are still functioning, albeit with varying degrees of success.

Pokemon GO Map on PC

This method, according to the developers, works like a clock and is guaranteed to show the respawn points of absolutely all Pokemon in real time. Installed on a PC and complements the existing Google Maps service. The installation requires the following:

  1. Download the special archive from GitHub. Choose the version for Windows if you are using this OS. Or use another version.
  2. Unzip the archive to any folder, even to your desktop.
  3. Next, you should obtain a special API key from Google, accept the terms of the agreement and click “continue”.
  4. Name the key any way you like.
  5. Select the “not specified” option if you don’t really understand this and click on “create”.
  6. We must save the finished key that appears in a separate window for later use.

Now open the downloaded archive, look for the “Pokemon GO Live Map” application, enter your account login/password and the previously copied Google key. Additionally, write down the coordinates of your city, or a specific area. Save and you can use it.

The only drawback is that it only works on PC. But you can take a couple of screenshots of the area and send them to your phone.

Search for gyms and pokestops on the map

Google Maps created its own long ago service searching for all the hot spots in the Pokemon GO universe. BUT this resource, unfortunately, is only relevant for America and Europe, since the game was officially released there. Let's hope that soon we will be lucky enough to use the original client without various tricks.

Although no one will prevent you from creating your own mark by placing it on the map. There is already one small “drop” in Moscow, so the start has been successfully made. Now everything depends on the coaches themselves.


You should not blindly trust such sites and resources. The fact is that the developer began to very actively and even zealously fight against cheaters and dishonest players. Therefore, do not be surprised that the service, which successfully showed Charizard’s coordinates just 10 minutes ago, stopped functioning correctly just a couple of hours later.

Such tricks can be used only indirectly, without transferring the entire search initiative to him. Yes, the thing is really convenient and educational, but let's not be completely lazy. Still, Pokemon GO is a project that intentionally gets us off the couch, armchair, and computer. So let's continue to follow this.

Where to look for new Pokemon - this question sooner or later faces every trainer. There is one correct answer to this - explore a new area. And to make it easier, to know which Pokemon to go to this or that corner of the city for, you can use special pokemon cards— cards for Pokemon GO or Pokecards.

Pokemon placement maps are compiled by other trainers. Players mark the places where they saw this or that Pokemon.

Thus, when you go to the place indicated on the map, you have a good chance of catching the desired Pokemon. There are two types of Pokemon cards - in the form of a website and in the form of a mobile application. Let's consider representatives of both sides.

How do Pokemon cards work?

Websites with Pokemon GO maps

PokeCrew is perhaps the best card on our list. The site offers a convenient search for the desired Pokemon on the map. You can search either for the Pokemon you need or for those closest to you, or you can simply find out the Pokemon you meet in a city. Trainers from Russia also use the service. So for large cities you can find many marks about different Pokemon.

This is a comprehensive Pokemon map - includes a website and an app for iOS and Android. In general, the functionality of the card is the same as PokeCrew. Visually, there are even more Pokemon tags—mobile apps are playing their part. However, the stability of the project leaves much to be desired - the website stubbornly refused to work and show the Pokemon location map. Nevertheless, we managed to find out that with this map you can also search for Pokemon within Russia and the CIS countries.

Unfortunately, we were unable to make our own screenshots of the site.

PokéMapper is a no-frills Pokemon map. If in the previous two you could immediately find Pokemon icons on the map, here there are just multi-colored circles. To find out the Pokemon hiding behind them, you need to click. Not the friendliest interface, but it loads faster. The disadvantages include the fact that there are practically no marked Pokemon in Russia, the majority are in central Europe and the UK.

Pokemon Cards for Pokemon GO - Mobile Apps

Poke Radar for Pokemon GO

You can see nearby Pokemon and filter the Pokemon you need.

Pokemap: Map for Pokémon GO

A good base of Pokemon, a good base of trainers who add new finds to the map.

The most effective way to catch Pokemon is in places that match their natural habitat. For example, if you're on a beach or a dock, chances are you're more likely to find Water-type Pokémon. And if you find yourself in a desert climate, you are unlikely to come across aquatic Pokemon.

You can view all the types of Pokemon that you might encounter near your current location using the Nearby feature. Note that Pokémon that are already in your Pokédex will appear in color, while Pokémon that are not there will be shown as dark silhouettes.

If you encounter a Pokémon in a place where it might not be safe to catch it (for example, at a construction site or on private property that cannot be accessed from the street), then do not do it. You'll always have another chance to catch that Pokemon later!

Let's take a closer look at the guide on how to find Pokemon in Pokemon GO.

To find a Pokemon you will have to move around the city with your feet(in real space) with GPS and game enabled. Camera control tap+swipe- turn, double tap+swipe— approaching/removing.

The appearance of Pokemon is not tied to , they appear randomly not far from your route. It has been noticed that Pokémon appear more frequently near arenas.

To search, there is an indicator at the bottom right that there are Pokemon somewhere nearby. When you click on it, a window with more detailed information will open (when you select a specific Pokemon in the nearby window, when you move towards it, the window will flash with a green frame).

Be careful on your way - in the real world there are obstacles (walls, fences, pillars, ponds, open sewer hatches, vehicles, etc.). Be careful and don't forget about it!

Well, a small guide on how to catch Pokemon in Pokemon GO.

To catch a found Pokemon, you need to tap (click) on it; when it appears in front of you, you need to throw a pokeball at it and get into the green or yellow circle (after catching the Pokemon can get out of the trap - you will have to catch it again or leave it).

To catch “difficult” Pokemon (with a yellow circle), feed them a berry (by taking a Razz Berry from your backpack, you can get them from PokeStops even when leveling up from 8), and they will be easier to catch. In addition to Pokeballs, there are also Great Balls, Ultra Balls and Master Balls, which make catching much easier.

The color of the sight circle indicates the difficulty of catching: green - easy, yellow - difficult, orange - very hard, red - impossible). The size of the circle also affects the chance of catching a Pokemon - the narrower the circle, the higher the chance of catching. The Pokeball can be presented twisted, then when caught there will be a bonus xp (see and FAQ).

After catching a Pokemon, it will appear in your Pokemon Storage (not to be confused with your inventory).

For caught Pokemon they give game points (expirience points - XP). The amount of XP for different caught Pokemon is different. XP is also given for collected items, capturing PokeStops and fighting (more on this later). A certain amount of collected XP allows you to get the next level.

How to search and catch Pokemon in Pokemon GOhttps://site/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/kak-poymat-pakemona.jpghttps://site/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/kak-poymat-pakemona-150x150.jpg 2016-07-16T16:44:32+00:00 PokemonGo Pokemon GO Guides

The most effective way to catch Pokemon is in places that match their natural habitat. For example, if you're on a beach or a dock, chances are you're more likely to find Water-type Pokémon. And if you find yourself in a desert climate, you are unlikely to come across aquatic Pokemon. You can view...

[email protected] Administrator Pokemon GO is a real game

Faced with the fact that it is very difficult to find a card with real Pokemon Go game data on the Internet, and also with the fact that they ask for money for the card, this page appeared, which I think will help many!

First of all, we decided to collect a list of really working and free Pokemon Go game cards.

1. Service: pokmap.ru - this is a map of all Pokemon Go arenas and pokestops.

The service is free and works directly from the developer’s servers. The only negative is the long loading and scanning of the selected zone. It is possible to select layers to display: arenas and pokestops, but the Pokemon are displayed extremely implausibly.

2. Service: fastpokemap.se - this is a search for Pokemon in a given radius.

The service does not show arenas, but more quickly and accurately shows which Pokemon are within the search radius. If you have free time, you can poke the scanner around the map and find out in which places you can meet 1-2 Pokemon, and where 5-6. Since many began to complain that the service does not work, having tested it on many devices, I would like to advise: do not press the scan button often, but just point at a point and wait. If the scanner button is red, then you need to wait until it turns light and press again until scanning starts green. If that doesn't work, try zooming out and after selecting the radius, pause before pressing the button. Ideally, the area itself is scanned after a single click on the map. It is better to make the scale smaller so that the radius of the circle fits completely on your screen.

3. Service: pokecrew.com is a service where found Pokemon are celebrated.

An excellent service, on the map of which people mark where and what Pokemon they found! Works fast and on a large scale! Having analyzed the appearance of rare and legendary Pokemon, it is worth noting that accidentally catching some of them is a great success. You can also draw conclusions about which place is more likely to catch the Pokemon you need.