Cow step by step drawing. How to draw a cow - step by step instructions with photos. Drawing small details

Thanks to the cow, this useful, kind animal, we have milk, sour cream, cheese, and butter. Previously, no one could do without her country house, she was the main breadwinner, and her loss was perceived as the loss of a family member, no less. In our age of continuous chemistry, there is nothing better than a glass of the freshest fresh milk. The real thing, without powders or additives. It is so nutritious and healthy that it is not for nothing that it is given to those who are engaged in hazardous work. Do you want to be healthy, have strong bones and a balanced nervous system– drink natural delicious milk. And as a sign of gratitude, you can try to draw a cow with a pencil.

  1. Of course, it would be nice to first study its anatomy, but this is already too difficult for beginners, so we will limit ourselves to a simpler drawing. You will need a thick white sheet of paper, slate pencils, and a soft eraser. Let's start drawing a cow with very simple geometric shapes. Let's depict the body as a large rectangle, and the head as a beveled trapezoid, base up. Be sure to observe all proportions of the animal. The most basic and effective technique of all artists is to take a pencil, extend your arm forward, cover one eye and measure the object (for example, the head of a cow from the top of its head to its lower jaw). Then, without lowering your hand, estimate how many times this length will “fit” into the length of the body. In the same way, you can measure the length of the legs relative to the width of the torso, in general, be sure to take as many measurements as possible in the preliminary drawing. This determines how realistic and believable the animal will be. That’s why, in order to correctly draw a cow with a pencil, we analyze the drawing step by step and in detail already at the sketch stage. To prevent serious mistakes. On the legs, mark the junctions of the joints with dots.

  2. Now you can start drawing the characteristic silhouette of a cow. We draw her high withers, a large belly, an udder and a muzzle. Since cows are ruminants, their jaws are well developed. We finish drawing the small curved horns and protruding ears. Notice how the neck and hooves are drawn.

  3. We use an eraser to remove all that is unnecessary and outline the outline and details more clearly.

  4. We mark the darkest places. These will be both black areas of color and natural shadows. There is a white stripe running down the middle of the cow’s muzzle; we will draw large uneven spots on the body. Deep shadows are found on the udder, left hind leg, lower belly and upper part right leg. Let's outline the outline of the eyes and make the nostrils with small inverted “drops”.

  5. Carefully shade all the dark areas. But, the most important thing is that you don’t have to do it haphazardly. Try to keep the strokes even. On the cow's body they go at a slight angle to the left, on the muzzle, on the contrary, to the right. This makes it possible to visually separate areas of the same tone. Pencil drawing is difficult because sometimes only the direction of shading can show that objects or parts of the image are different. Another tip is that the strokes on the cow’s body should not be the same; at the top and bottom of each spot they are darker, in the middle they are lighter. Due to this, it seems that the skin is a little shiny, and this way it looks more natural.

  6. We enhance all the contrasts of the picture. We draw the eyes of the cow, almost black. This requires almost jewelry precision and firmness of hand, because you definitely need to leave a tiny circle clean slate on the pupil to show the moisture and shine of the eyes. Make a light gray area around it. The deepest shadow will be on the cow's neck, behind the ears. This way the head will be visible more clearly, it seems to rise above the entire picture. Draw the tip of the tail darker to create a visual line along which the eye will glide – the cow’s muzzle, the belly with black spots, the udder, the tail. Thus, we force the viewer to see the drawn animal as a whole, focusing his attention precisely due to these contrasting areas. Only then will a person consider the minor details of the drawing.

After such training, you can safely go to the village, where you will draw cows from life. Fortunately, the animal is quite phlegmatic and can for a long time pose naturally.

Cows are not only very useful, but also incredibly charming animals. The landscape with these peacefully grazing artiodactyls evokes a feeling of peace and quiet joy in most people. At first glance, there is absolutely nothing complicated about how to draw a cow. But this is not entirely true, because these creatures have certain structural features that should definitely be taken into account.
Before moving on to studying the question of how to draw a cow step by step, it is worth preparing all the necessary tools and materials for this:
1). Multi-colored pencils in the set;
2). Pencil;
3). An eraser;
4). Black pen with gel ink;
5). Paper.

The easiest way to draw a cow with a pencil is step by step:
1. First, draw a rectangle representing the body of the animal;
2. Draw the neck and head of the cow to the body, also shown schematically;
3. Draw straight sticks to represent the front legs. In the form of sticks, but this time slightly curved, draw the hind legs. Also mark the tail with a line;
4. On the top of the animal’s head, draw not too large horns, and next to them – ears;
5. On the cow’s face, draw large eyes, as well as nostrils and a mouth. Draw the outlines of the animal's head;
6. Draw the back, neck and tail. Please note that the skin forms folds on the neck and chest of a cow;
7. Draw the front legs of the animal, not forgetting to make them somewhat rounded where the joints are located;
8. Draw the hind legs of the cow, which have a characteristic curve;
9. Outline the abdomen. And then draw the udder;
10. Now you understand how to draw a cow with a pencil step by step. But to make the drawing look more realistic, you should definitely color it. Before using colored pencils, you need to trace the sketch with a pen and then remove it with an eraser;
11. Use a black pencil to color the eye and nostril of the cow. Gray color the horns and shade the animal’s face in places;
12. Using a flesh-colored pencil, shade the inside of the animal’s ears and its nose. Using red-brown pencils, draw spots on the cow's body. Using black, lightly darken those areas of the body that have no spots;
13. Color the cow’s udder with a flesh-colored pencil and shade in places with a brownish-red pencil;
14. To prevent a cow drawn with a pencil and then painted from floating in the air, color the grass green pencil.
The drawing of a cute and very good-natured cow is completely ready! Now you know how to draw a cow and then color it. A similar image can be colored with paints!

Today we will draw the head of a cow. We have already drawn and sculpted the cow itself. Wet nurse in old times was the hope and support of the family among the peasants. Nowadays we drink milk from cartons, and we know how those “kos” look in the face, far, far away in the meadow, it doesn’t hurt.

When I was approaching New Year bull, of course, it was necessary to make a cow mask. Preferably, like in cartoons. Okay, let's see how cartoonists and soft toy manufacturers draw a cow for us. A huge pink oval - a nose with holes in the nostrils, eyes and horns are visible above it. The main emphasis is on the incredibly swollen nose - so to speak, a hippopotamus with horns. As an image from the dimension of animated reality, of course, a legitimate interpretation. But, comrades, if you look the truth in the eyes, and a real cow in the face, then, honestly, in life the noses of cows and bulls are narrower than their shoulders, and even narrower than their foreheads.

I once happened to be on a street where many artists offered to draw portraits of passers-by or, if they wanted, caricatures. I note that many of the portraits that I saw admired their resemblance and skill. Cartoons, yeah, that's a different story. Some distorted their appearance only a little and benevolently, so to speak: a little bigger eyes, a little rounder cheeks... But there were such cartoons - you wouldn’t wish it on your enemy - cruel grotesquery. How the customers tolerated this is a mystery to me... Well, you understand what I’m getting at - the popular model of a cow’s face today is of the second type - a merciless distortion of the appearance.

The first lesson is how to draw a cow's head realistically.

How to draw a cow's face step by step

So let's restore the picture of reality - let's draw the cow as it is. The real one.

Take a square sheet of paper, without pressing, easily draw a middle line with a pencil. We draw, observing symmetry.

Cows' eyes are wide apart. Not just wide, but very wide. Apparently they have monocular vision, that is, each eye sees a different field of view, but there is no need to focus both eyes on the same object. What am I getting at with such a tricky formulation? And besides, standing right in front of a cow’s face, you can’t really look into her eyes - they are not directed forward.

Let's designate the eye sockets. The forehead is wide and generally quite spacious. The horns will be a crescent moon. I don’t know how effective such a weapon is, it seems to me that the horns should be like daggers forward, but this is a theoretical assumption. (Look, rams generally have curled horns, but somehow help them out in battle. But what can I say - moose fight off their enemies with bush-like horns).

The muzzle is long and slightly widens towards the nose. Slightly! The cheeks are not retracted or plump, but average. The ears are on the sides of the muzzle - above the eyes, but under the horns. And they are, of course, on the same line.

These ears have the shape of a wide bell. But, after all, if you say this to children in words, then they begin to draw ears like Shrek’s. Therefore, we will make do with just showing - this is the shape of the ears.

The nostrils are large, set quite widely apart, but NOT wider than the eyes. Visible under the nose underlip. General overview about the cow's face has been conveyed, now let's tint it. For this I use a brown, dried permanent marker. After fluffing up the writing end a little, I dip it in cologne - the color turns out amazing. You can do the same with a dried black marker, you will get various shades and shades of gray.

Second lesson - How to draw a bull's head.

Now let’s consolidate what we’ve learned: we’ll draw the bull’s head step by step. I can’t say for sure how much you can tell a cow and a bull apart by sight. I will assume that the bulls are aggressive and their facial expression is stern and gloomy. Remember the Chiago Bulls - a frowning aggressive look. But Chicagobull is stylized. We will draw realistically.

A cow is an animal that a child has been familiar with since childhood. Every child knows that it produces healthy milk. Therefore, it is always interesting for children to draw a cow. The image itself is quite complex and requires certain artistic skills.

Since drawing lessons are an educational time for children, before the start of the lesson you can do a little work: tell it yourself or ask the children to describe this animal, highlight its main features, body parts, features.

In order to draw a cow with a pencil, you need to prepare the following necessary items:

  • paper;
  • simple pencils of varying degrees of hardness;
  • eraser;
  • a special device for rubbing hatching or paper folded into a cone, which is also used for this.

It is better if children have a clear example of an image of this animal. Therefore, before the lesson, look for photographs or artistic images cows. If you do not pursue the goal of drawing an image that is close to natural, then you can look for so-called cartoon images of a cow.

Stages of drawing a cartoon image

Let us note once again that it is quite difficult to draw a cow step by step, so this drawing is used for preschool and primary school children.

The animal can be depicted step by step as follows.

  • We start by drawing the head. It consists of an oval with half of another oval on top. Next, we draw the details of this image (eyes, ears, mouth and, of course, horns). What it will look like in the end is shown in the figure.

  • Now we draw the body. The cow is a slow animal and quite large. Therefore, the body should be large and thick. You need to draw it in a rather large semicircle, which at the bottom smoothly turns into the hind and front legs.
  • Our drawing is almost ready. An animal can be made spotted by placing spots on its body and shading them with a simple pencil.

  • The last stage is to make the image more dynamic. To do this, we use shading and a tool for rubbing it.

Stages of drawing a natural animal

This type of drawing is more difficult to perform. Here you need to strictly adhere to the stages and forms, which will ultimately give the right result. Let's figure out how to draw a grazing animal step by step with pencils.

A cow consists of two main parts: the head and the body, which are depicted on paper as two ovals of different sizes.

Since a grazing cow is depicted, the oval, which will become the head in the future, will be depicted below the body and connected to it by the neck. The body should be several times larger than the head. It is very important to maintain these proportions, otherwise the drawing will not look natural.

Next comes the drawing of the main parts of the body. The head is depicted in the form of an inverted pear, where the narrower part will be lowered down, and the wide one will become the top part of the head. The legs and tail are attached to the body. All unnecessary details are removed using an eraser.

On last stage you need to depict the details and, using simple pencil strokes, add dynamism to the image.

We hope you were able to depict the animal! If not, don’t despair and try again!

For the little ones, we present a lesson on drawing a domestic animal, which can be seen in a village meadow. This is a cow. A small number of colors and ease of drawing will allow you to teach your baby to draw with colored pencils.

The finished result

Draw a cow with a pencil step by step

Necessary materials for drawing a spotted cow:

  • brown, pink and plain graphite pencils;
  • gel pen or felt-tip pen;
  • eraser.

Step by step drawing of a cow:

1. The body of a cow is very similar to an oval. Therefore, we will draw such a figure on a piece of paper.

2. Next, draw the head in the shape of a small oval with a dividing line.

3. We finish drawing the legs of our cow.

4. Draw ears on the head.

5. Add horns and eyes to the head, and oval-shaped spots on the body.

6. Draw the nostrils and the spot on the head near the right ear.

7. Add an udder and a tail to the drawing.

8. Now you can outline the drawing with a black felt-tip pen or a simple gel pen.

9. Use a pink pencil to decorate the udder and the middle of the ears.

10. Use a brown pencil to add color to the tail and horns.

11. Use a gray graphite pencil to color the spots on the cow’s fur, and use a gel pen to color the eyes and nostrils.

12. In the end, we got a wonderful step by step drawing cows.

We tried to answer in sufficient detail the question of how to draw a cow. Follow our drawing workshops - it will be interesting.