Briefly about the artistic style of speech. Artistic style: concept, features and examples

It influences the reader’s imagination and feelings, conveys the author’s thoughts and feelings, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, and is characterized by imagery, emotionality, and specificity of speech.

The emotionality of an artistic style differs significantly from the emotionality of colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style presupposes a preliminary selection of linguistic means; All language means are used to create images.

The artistic style is realized in the form of drama, prose and poetry, which are divided into corresponding genres (for example: tragedy, comedy, drama and other dramatic genres; novel, short story, story and other prose genres; poem, fable, poem, romance and other poetic genres ).

A distinctive feature of the artistic style of speech can be called the use of special figures of speech, the so-called artistic tropes, which add color to the narrative and the power of depicting reality.

The artistic style is individually variable, so many philologists deny its existence. But one cannot fail to take into account that the individual author’s features of the speech of a particular writer arise against the background of the general features of the artistic style.

In artistic style, everything is subordinated to the goal of creating an image in the perception of the text by readers. This goal is served not only by the writer’s use of the most necessary, most precise words, due to which the artistic style is characterized by the highest index of vocabulary diversity, not only by the widespread use of the expressive capabilities of the language (figurative meanings of words, updating of metaphors, phraseological units, comparison, personification, etc. .), but also a special selection of any figuratively significant elements of the language: phonemes and letters, grammatical forms, syntactic structures. They create background impressions and a certain imaginative mood in readers.

Art style finds application in fiction, which performs a figurative-cognitive and ideological-aesthetic function.

Typical for an artistic style of speech attention to the particular and random, followed by the typical and general. Remember “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol, where each of the shown landowners personified certain specific human qualities, expressed a certain type, and all together they were the “face” of the author’s contemporary Russia.

The world of fiction - this is a “recreated” world, the depicted reality is, to a certain extent, the author’s fiction, which means that in the artistic style of speech the subjective moment plays the most important role. The entire surrounding reality is presented through the author's vision. But in a literary text we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in this world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, etc. This is associated with emotionality and expressiveness, metaphor, and meaningful diversity of the artistic style of speech.

The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word performs a nominative-figurative function.

The lexical composition in the artistic style of speech has its own characteristics. The number of words that form the basis and create the imagery of this style includes figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of usage. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic authenticity when describing certain aspects of life.

It is very widely used in the artistic style of speech the speech polysemy of a word, revealing its meanings and shades of meaning, as well as synonymy at all linguistic levels, thanks to which it becomes possible to emphasize the subtlest shades of meaning. This is explained by the fact that the author strives to use all the riches of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to create a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also a variety of figurative means from colloquial speech and vernacular.

The emotionality and expressiveness of the image come to the fore in a literary text. Many words, which in scientific speech act as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and journalistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech carry concrete sensory ideas. Thus, the styles are complementary to each other.

For artistic speech, especially poetic, it is characterized by inversion, i.e. changing the usual order of words in a sentence in order to enhance the semantic significance of the word or give the entire phrase a special stylistic coloring.

Syntactic structure of literary speech reflects the flow of the author’s figurative and emotional impressions, so here you can find a whole variety of syntactic structures. Each author subordinates linguistic means to the fulfillment of his ideological and aesthetic tasks.

In artistic speech it is possible and deviations from structural norms in order for the author to highlight some thought or feature that is important for the meaning of the work. They can be expressed in violation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and other norms.

Try writing a comment in book style!!!

Greetings, dear readers! Pavel Yamb is in touch. A fascinating plot, an interesting presentation, an inimitable, unlike anything else style - and it is impossible to tear yourself away from the work. By all indications, this is an artistic style of text or a type of bookish style, since it is most often used in literature, for writing books. It mainly exists in written form. This is what causes its features.

There are three genres:

  • Prose: story, fairy tale, novel, story, short story.
  • Dramaturgy: play, comedy, drama, farce.
  • Poetry: poem, poem, song, ode, elegy.

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  1. Task 1 of 10

    1 .

    - Yes, he spent his entire scholarship. Instead of buying a new computer, or at least a laptop

  2. Task 2 of 10

    2 .

    What text style does this passage belong to?

    “Varenka, such a sweet, good-natured and sympathetic girl, whose eyes always shone with kindness and warmth, with the calm look of a real demon, walked towards the “Ugly Harry” bar with a Thompson machine gun at the ready, ready to roll these vile, dirty, smelly and slippery types into the asphalt, who dared to stare at her charms and drool lasciviously."

  3. Task 3 of 10

    3 .

    What text style does this passage belong to?

    - But I don’t love him, I don’t love him, that’s all! And I will never love you. And what is my fault?

  4. Task 4 of 10

    4 .

    What text style does this passage belong to?

    “Based on the results of the experiment, we can conclude that simplicity is the key to success”

  5. Task 5 of 10

    5 .

    What text style does this passage belong to?

    “The transition to a multi-tier architecture of Internet-oriented client-server applications has confronted developers with the problem of distributing data processing functions between the client and server parts of the application.”

  6. Task 6 of 10

    6 .

    What text style does this passage belong to?

    “Yasha was just a petty dirty trickster, who, nevertheless, had very great potential. Even in his pink childhood, he masterfully stole apples from Aunt Nyura, and not even twenty years had passed when, with the same dashing fuse, he switched to banks in twenty-three countries of the world, and he managed to clean them out so skillfully that neither the police nor Interpol could ever catch him red-handed."

  7. Task 7 of 10

    7 .

    What text style does this passage belong to?

    “Why did you come to our monastery? - he asked.

    - What do you care, get out of the way! – the stranger snapped.

    “Uuuu...” the monk drawled meaningfully. - Looks like you weren't taught any manners. Okay, I'm just in the mood today, let's teach you a few lessons.

    - You got me, monk, hangard! – the uninvited guest hissed.

    – My blood is starting to play! – the churchman moaned with delight, “Please try not to disappoint me.”

  8. Task 8 of 10

    8 .

    What text style does this passage belong to?

    "I ask you to grant me a week's leave to travel abroad for family reasons. I am enclosing a certificate regarding the health of my wife. October 8, 2012."

  9. Task 9 of 10

    9 .

    What text style does this passage belong to?

    “I am a 7th grade student who took the book “Alice in Wonderland” from the school library for a literature lesson. I undertake to return it on January 17th. January 11, 2017"

  10. Task 10 out of 10

    10 .

    What text style does this passage belong to?

    “During the war in the village. Borovoe, 45 houses out of 77 survived. The collective farmers had 4 cows, 3 heifers, 13 sheep, 3 piglets. Most of the gardens on private plots, as well as an orchard with a total area of ​​2.7 hectares belonging to the Krasnaya Zarya collective farm, were cut down. The damage caused by the Nazi invaders to the property of the collective farm and collective farmers is estimated at approximately 230,700 rubles.”

The ability to write in this style gives a good advantage when making money by writing articles for a content exchange.

Main features of the artistic style

High emotionality, the use of direct speech, an abundance of epithets, metaphors, colorful narration - these are the features of the literary language. Texts influence the imagination of readers, “turning on” their fantasy. It is no coincidence that such articles have gained popularity in copywriting.

Main features:

Artistic style is the author’s way of self-expression; this is how plays, poems and poems, stories, short stories, and novels are written. He is not like the others.

  • The author and the narrator are one person. In the work, the author’s “I” is clearly expressed.
  • Emotions, the mood of the author and the work are conveyed using the entire wealth of language. Metaphors, comparisons, phraseological units are always used when writing.
  • Elements of conversational style and journalism are used to express the author's style.
  • With the help of words, artistic images are not simply drawn; hidden meaning is embedded in them, thanks to the polysemy of speech.
  • The main task of the text is to convey the author’s emotions and create the appropriate mood in the reader.

The artistic style does not tell, it shows: the reader feels the situation, as if transported to the places that are being narrated. The mood is created thanks to the author's experiences. The artistic style successfully combines explanations of scientific facts, imagery, attitude to what is happening, and the author’s assessment of events.

Linguistic diversity of style

Compared to other styles, linguistic means are used in all their diversity. There are no restrictions: even scientific terms alone can create vivid images if there is an appropriate emotional mood.

Reading the work is clear and easy, and the use of other styles is only to create color and authenticity. But when writing articles in an artistic style, you will have to carefully monitor the language: it is the book language that is recognized as a reflection of the literary language.

Language features:

  • Using elements of all styles.
  • The use of linguistic means is completely subordinated to the author's intention.
  • Linguistic means perform an aesthetic function.

There is no formality or dryness to be found here. There are no value judgments either. But the smallest details are conveyed to create the appropriate mood in the reader. In copywriting, thanks to the artistic style, hypnotic texts appeared. They create an amazing effect: it is impossible to tear yourself away from reading, and reactions arise that the author wants to evoke.

The obligatory elements of the artistic style were:

  • Conveying the author's feelings.
  • Allegory.
  • Inversion.
  • Epithets.
  • Comparisons.

Let's consider the main features of the style. There are a lot of details in works of art.

To form the reader’s attitude towards the characters or what is happening, the author conveys his own feelings. Moreover, his attitude can be both positive and negative.

The artistic style owes its rich vocabulary to epithets. Usually these are phrases where one or more words complement each other: incredibly happy, beastly appetite.

Brightness and imagery are a function of metaphors, combinations of words or individual words used in a figurative sense. Classical metaphors were especially widely used. Example: His conscience gnawed at him for a long time and insidiously, causing cats to scratch at his soul.

Without comparisons, artistic style would not exist. They bring a special atmosphere: hungry like a wolf, unapproachable like a rock - these are examples of comparisons.

Borrowing elements of other styles is most often expressed in direct speech and character dialogues. The author can use any style, but the most popular is conversational. Example:

“How beautiful this landscape is,” the writer said thoughtfully.

“Well,” his companion snorted, “the picture is so-so, not even ice.”

To enhance a passage or give a special coloring, reverse word order or inversion is used. Example: It is inappropriate to compete with stupidity.

The best in language, its strongest capabilities and beauty are reflected in literary works. This is achieved through artistic means.

Each author has his own style of writing. Not a single random word is used. Each phrase, each punctuation mark, the construction of sentences, the use or, on the contrary, the absence of names and the frequency of use of parts of speech are means of achieving the author’s intention. And every writer has his own ways of expressing.

One of the features of the artistic style is color painting. The writer uses color as a way to show atmosphere and characterize characters. The palette of tones helps to dive deeper into the work, to present the picture depicted by the author more clearly.

Features of the style include deliberately identical construction of sentences, rhetorical questions, and appeals. Rhetorical questions are interrogative in form, but they are narrative in essence. The messages in them are always associated with the expression of the author’s emotions:

What is he looking for in a distant land?

What did he throw in his native land?

(M. Lermontov)

Such questions are needed not to obtain answers, but to attract the reader’s attention to a phenomenon, subject, or to express a statement.

Appeals are also often used. In their role, the writer uses proper names, animal names, and even inanimate objects. If in a conversational style the address serves to name the addressee, then in the artistic style they more often play an emotional, metaphorical role.

It involves all the elements at the same time, as well as some of them. Each has a specific role, but the goal is common: filling the text with colors to maximize the conveyed atmosphere to the reader.

Features of speech

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The world of fiction is the world that the author sees: his admiration, preferences, rejection. This is what causes the emotionality and versatility of the book style.

Vocabulary features:

  1. When writing, template phrases are not used.
  2. Words are often used in a figurative sense.
  3. Intentional mixing of styles.
  4. The words are emotionally charged.

The basis of vocabulary is, first of all, figurative means. Highly specialized combinations of words are used only slightly to recreate a reliable situation in the description.

Additional semantic nuances are the use of polysemantic words and synonyms. Thanks to them, an original, unique, imaginative text is formed. Moreover, not only expressions accepted in literature are used, but also colloquial phrases and vernaculars.

The main thing in book styles is its imagery. Every element, every sound is significant. That’s why common phrases and original neologisms are used, for example, “nikudism.” A huge number of comparisons, particular accuracy in describing the smallest details, the use of rhymes. Even the prose is rhythmic.

If the main task of the conversational style is communication, and the scientific one is the transmission of information, the book style is intended to have an emotional impact on the reader. And all the linguistic means used by the author serve to achieve this goal.

Purpose and its tasks

Artistic style is the building material for creating a work. Only the author is able to find the right words to correctly express thoughts, convey the plot and characters. Only a writer can make readers enter the special world he created and empathize with the characters.

Literary style distinguishes the author from the rest and gives his publications a peculiarity and zest. That’s why it’s important to choose the right style for yourself. Each style has its own characteristics, but each writer uses them to create his own style. And there is absolutely no need to copy classic writers if you like him. He will not become his own, but will only turn publications into parodies.

And the reason is that individuality was and remains at the head of the book style. Choosing your own style is very difficult, but this is what is valued most of all. So the main features of the style include sincerity, which forces readers not to tear themselves away from the work.

Artistic style differs from other styles in the use of linguistic means of other styles. But only for aesthetic function. And not the styles themselves, but their features and elements. Literary and extra-literary means are used: dialect words, jargon. All the richness of speech is necessary to express the author's intention and create a work.

Imagery, expressiveness, and emotionality are the main things in book styles. But without the author’s individuality and special presentation there would not be the most artistic work as a whole.

There is no need to get carried away excessively with conversational style or include scientific terms in the text: only elements of styles are used, but all styles are not thoughtlessly mixed. And a description of the smallest details of the apartment into which the main character glanced briefly is also useless.

Colloquialisms, jargon, a mixture of styles - everything should be in moderation. And a text written from the heart, not compressed or stretched, will become hypnotic, attracting attention to itself. This is the purpose that artistic style serves.

Pavel Yamb was with you. See you!

Language fiction sometimes mistakenly called literary language*. However, in reality, what is characteristic of artistic speech is that all linguistic means can be used here, and not only units of functional varieties of the literary language, but also elements of vernacular, social and professional jargons, and local dialects. The writer subordinates the selection and use of these means to the aesthetic goals that he strives to achieve by creating his work.

In a literary text, various means of linguistic expression are fused into a single, stylistically and aesthetically justified system, to which normative assessments attached to individual functional styles of the literary language are not applicable.

One of the features of the artistic style is the use of figurative language to accomplish the tasks set by the artist ( It's a sad time! The charm of the eyes... - A. Pushkin). The word in artistic speech is a means of creating images and acts as a means of the artistic meaning of the work.

The selection of words, phrases, and the construction of the entire work of art are subject to the author’s intention.

To create an image, a writer can use even the simplest linguistic means. Thus, in A. Chekhov’s story “The Long Tongue,” the character of the heroine, deceitful, stupid, frivolous, is created through the repetition of words in her speech (But, Vasechka, what mountains there are! Imagine high, high mountains, a thousand times higher than church... Above there is fog, fog, fog... Below there are huge stones, stones, stones...).

Literary speech has a high emotional ambiguity, the author in one text can deliberately “collide” different meanings of the same word (The one who, having sipped passion, only drank mud. - M. Tsvetaeva).

The meaning of a literary work is multi-valued, hence the possibility of different readings of a literary text, different interpretations, and different assessments.

We can say that artistic style activates the entire arsenal of linguistic means.

Features of conversational style.

The conversational style is so different from all others that scientists have even proposed a different name for it - colloquial speech. The conversational style corresponds to the everyday sphere of communication, uses the oral form, allows all types of speech (monologue, dialogue, polylogue), the method of communication here is personal. In the colloquial style, in contrast to the oral form of other styles, deviations from literary pronunciation are quite significant.

The colloquial variety of the literary language is used in various types of everyday relationships between people, subject to ease of communication. Conversational speech is distinguished from bookish and written speech not only by its form, but also by such features as unpreparedness, unplannedness, spontaneity, and direct contact between participants in communication.

The spoken variety of the literary language, unlike the bookish and written one, is not subject to targeted normalization, but it has certain norms as a result of speech tradition. This type of literary language is not so clearly divided into speech genres. However, here, too, various speech features can be distinguished - depending on the conditions in which communication takes place, on the relationship of the participants in the conversation, etc.

Naturally, a lot of everyday vocabulary is used in a conversational style ( kettle, broom, apartment, sink, faucet, cup). Many words have a connotation of disdain, familiarity, condescension ( get pissed off - learn, scald - talk).

In this style, many words acquire a “multicomponent” meaning, which is very clearly seen in the examples: How are you? -Fine. How was your trip? -Fine. No headache? -Fine. To yousimple hamburger or double? Thissimple socks or synthetic? Please give me a general notebook andsimple .

Gerunds and participles are almost never used in conversational style, but particles are used very often here, well, that means as well as simple, non-union complex and incomplete sentences.

The vocabulary of conversational style is predominantly of everyday content, specific. Conversational style is characterized by economy of speech means (five-story building, condensed milk, utility room, Kat, Van, etc.). Phraseologisms that are expressive and depressing are actively used (like water off a duck's back, play a box that is difficult to lift, play the fool, wash your hands, etc.). Words with different stylistic connotations are used (interweaving of bookish, colloquial, colloquial words) - the Zhiguli car is called “Zhiguli”, “Zhiguli”.

With apparent freedom in choosing words and constructing sentences, the conversational style is characterized by a large number of standard phrases and expressions. This is natural, because Everyday situations (traveling by transport, communicating at home, shopping in a store, etc.) are repeated, and along with them, linguistic ways of expressing them are fixed.

The stylistic stratification of speech is its characteristic feature. This stratification is based on several factors, the main one being the spheres of communication. The sphere of individual consciousness - everyday life - and the unofficial environment associated with it give rise to a conversational style, while the spheres of social consciousness with the accompanying formality feed book styles.

The difference in the communicative function of language is also significant. For the presenter is for book styles - a message function.

Among book styles, the artistic style of speech especially stands out. Thus, his language acts not only (and perhaps not so much) but also as a means of influencing people.

The artist summarizes his observations with the help of a specific image, through the skillful selection of expressive details. He shows, draws, depicts the subject of speech. But you can only show and draw what is visible, concrete. Therefore, the requirement for specificity is the main feature of the artistic style. However, a good artist will never describe, say, a spring forest directly, so to speak, head-on, in the manner of science. He will select a few strokes and expressive details for his image and with their help he will create a visible image, a picture.

Speaking about imagery as the leading stylistic feature of artistic speech, one should distinguish between “image in words”, i.e. figurative meanings of words, and “image through words.” Only by combining both, we get an artistic style of speech.

In addition, the artistic style of speech has the following characteristic features:

1. Scope of use: works of art.

2. Speech tasks: create a living picture depicting what the story is about; convey to the reader the emotions and feelings experienced by the author.

3. Characteristic features of the artistic style of speech. The statement basically happens:

Figurative (expressive and lively);

Specific (this person is described, and not people in general);


Specific words: not animals, but wolves, foxes, deer and others; didn’t look, but paid attention, looked.

Words are often used in a figurative meaning: an ocean of smiles, the sun is sleeping.

The use of emotionally evaluative words: a) having diminutive suffixes: bucket, swallow, little white; b) with the suffix -evat- (-ovat-): loose, reddish.

The use of perfective verbs with the prefix za-, denoting the beginning of an action (the orchestra began to play).

Using present tense verbs instead of past tense verbs (I went to school, suddenly I see...).

Use of interrogative, imperative, exclamatory sentences.

Use of sentences with homogeneous members in the text.

Speeches can be found in any fiction book:

Shined with forged damask steel

The rivers are a icy stream.

Don was scary

The horses snored

And the backwater foamed with blood... (V. Fetisov)

Quiet and blissful is the December night. The village sleeps peacefully, and the stars, like guards, vigilantly and vigilantly watch that there is harmony on earth, so that unrest and discord, God forbid, do not disturb the unsteady harmony, do not push people into new quarrels - the Russian side is already sufficiently fed with them ( A. Ustenko).


It is necessary to be able to distinguish between the artistic style of speech and the language of a work of art. In it, the writer resorts to various functional styles, using language as a means of speech characterization of the hero. Most often, the characters’ remarks reflect a conversational style of speech, but if the task of creating an artistic image requires it, the writer can use both scientific and business in the hero’s speech, and the failure to distinguish between the concepts of “artistic style of speech” and “language of a work of art” leads to perceiving any excerpt from a work of art as an example of an artistic style of speech, which is a gross mistake.


The study of the stylistic stratification of the Russian language is carried out by a special science - stylistics, which studies various issues concerning the rules and features of the purposeful use of various words and forms of the national language in various kinds of statements and speech. Its appearance is quite natural, since defining the boundaries of a particular functional style and its features has always seemed very important for linguistic science, since the definition of the rules and laws of a language has always gone hand in hand with the definition of norms for the use of certain elements of language in specific speech contexts. According to linguists, normative grammar and stylistics, lexicology, lexicography and stylistics have long been and are firmly connected.

Among the works of Russian linguists, studies and articles on Russian stylistics occupy a prominent place. Here we can highlight such important works as articles by academician L.V. Shcherba (especially “Modern Russian Literary Language”), and numerous large and small studies, monographs and articles by Academician V.V. Vinogradova. Also interesting are various studies and articles by A.M. Peshkovsky, G.O. Vinokura, L.A. Bulakhovsky, B.V. Tomashevsky, V.A. Goffman, B.A. Larina and others. In these studies, for the first time, on a theoretical basis, questions were raised about the separation of artistic style into a separate category, about its specificity and peculiarities of existence.

However, linguists have still not found agreement and unity in understanding the essence of the “language” of fiction and its place in the system of literary speech styles. Some put the “style of fiction” in parallel with other stylistic varieties of literary speech (with the scientific, journalistic, official business style, etc.), on a par with them (A.N. Gvozdev, R.A. Budagov, A.I. Efimov, E. Riesel, etc.), others consider it a phenomenon of a different, more complex order (I.R. Galperin, G.V. Stepanov, V.D. Levin).

But all scientists recognize the fact that, in essence, the “language” of fiction, developing in the historical “context” of the literary language of the people and in close connection with it, at the same time seems to be its concentrated expression. Therefore, the concept of “style” when applied to the language of fiction is filled with a different content than in relation to other functional styles of the Russian language.

Depending on the scope of the language, the content of the utterance, the situation and the goals of communication, several functional-style varieties, or styles, are distinguished, characterized by a certain system of selection and organization of linguistic means in them.

Functional style is a historically established and socially conscious variety of a literary language (its subsystem), functioning in a certain sphere of human activity and communication, created by the peculiarities of the use of linguistic means in this sphere and their specific organization.

The classification of styles is based on extralinguistic factors: the scope of use of the language, the subject matter determined by it and the goals of communication. The areas of application of language correlate with types of human activity corresponding to forms of social consciousness (science, law, politics, art). Traditional and socially significant areas of activity are: scientific, business (administrative and legal), socio-political, artistic. Accordingly, they also distinguish between the styles of official speech (book): scientific, official business, journalistic, literary and artistic (artistic). They are contrasted with the style of informal speech - colloquial and everyday.

The literary and artistic style of speech stands apart in this classification, since the question of the legality of its isolation into a separate functional style has not yet been resolved, since it has rather blurred boundaries and can use the linguistic means of all other styles. The specificity of this style is also the presence in it of various visual and expressive means to convey a special property - imagery.

Thus, in linguistics the specificity of artistic style is noted, which determines the relevance of our work.

The purpose of our research is to determine the features of the artistic style of speech.

The object of study is the process of functioning of this style in the Russian literary language.

The subject is specific linguistic means of artistic style.

Consider the general concept of “speech style”;

Identify the distinctive features of the artistic style of speech;

Analyze the features of the selection and use of various linguistic means in this style.

The practical significance of our work lies in the fact that the material presented in it can be used both in studying the general course of stylistics of the Russian language, and in studying a separate topic “Artistic style of speech”.

CHAPTER… General concept of speech styles

Functional style is a type of literary language that performs a specific function in communication. That's why styles are called functional. If we assume that style is characterized by five functions (there is no consensus among scientists about the number of functions inherent in language), then five functional styles are distinguished: colloquial, scientific, official business, newspaper journalistic, and artistic.

Functional styles determine the stylistic flexibility of language, diverse possibilities of expression, and variation of thought. Thanks to them, language is able to express complex scientific thought, philosophical wisdom, outline laws, and reflect the multifaceted life of the people in an epic.

The performance of a particular function by a style - aesthetic, scientific, business, etc. - imposes a deep originality on the entire style. Each function is a specific setting for one or another manner of presentation - accurate, objective, concretely pictorial, informative and business, etc. And according to this setting, each functional style selects from the literary language those words and expressions, those forms and constructions , which can best fulfill the internal task of a given style. Thus, scientific speech needs precise and strict concepts, business speech gravitates towards generalized names, artistic speech prefers concreteness and figurativeness.

However, style is not only a method, a manner of presentation. Each style has its own range of topics and its own content. The conversational style is limited, as a rule, to everyday, everyday subjects. Official business speech serves the court, law, diplomacy, relations between enterprises, etc. Newspaper and journalistic speech is closely related to politics, propaganda, and public opinion. So, we can distinguish three features of the functional style:

1) each functional style reflects a certain aspect of social life, has a special scope of application, its own range of topics;

2) each functional style is characterized by certain conditions of communication - official, informal, casual, etc.;

3) each functional style has a general setting, the main task of speech.

These external (extralinguistic) features determine the linguistic appearance of functional styles.

The first feature is that each of them has a set of characteristic words and expressions. Thus, the abundance of terms and special vocabulary characterizes the scientific style to the greatest extent. Colloquial words and expressions indicate that we have colloquial speech, a colloquial-everyday style. Artistic speech is replete with figurative, emotional words, while newspaper and journalistic speech is replete with socio-political terms. This does not mean, of course, that the functional style consists entirely of characteristic words specific to it. On the contrary, in quantitative terms their share is insignificant, but they constitute the most significant part of it.

The bulk of words in each style are neutral, inter-style words, against which the characteristic vocabulary and phraseology stand out. Interstyle vocabulary is the guardian of the unity of the literary language. Being general literary, it unites functional styles, preventing them from turning into special, difficult to understand languages. Characteristic words constitute the linguistic specificity of the style. They are the ones who determine its linguistic appearance.

Grammatical means are also common to all functional styles. The grammar of the language is the same. However, in accordance with its setting, each functional style uses grammatical forms and constructions in its own way, giving preference to one or another of them. Thus, for the official business style, which is based on everything personal, vaguely personal, reflexive constructions, passive phrases are very characteristic (reception is made, certificates are issued, money is exchanged). The scientific style prefers direct word order in sentences. The journalistic style is characterized by rhetorical figures: anaphors, epiphoras, parallelisms. However, in relation to vocabulary, and especially in relation to grammar, we are not talking about absolute, but about relative assignment to one or another style. Words and grammatical structures characteristic of a particular functional style can be used in another style.

In linguistic terms, functional styles differ in terms of imagery and emotionality. The possibilities and degree of imagery and emotionality in different styles are not the same. These qualities are not characteristic in principle for scientific and official business styles. However, elements of imagery and emotionality are possible in some genres of diplomacy and in polemical scientific writings. Even some terms are figurative. For example, a strange particle in physics is called that because it really behaves unusually, strangely.

Other functional styles favor emotionality and imagery. For artistic speech, this is one of the main linguistic features. Artistic speech is figurative in nature and essence. Imagery in journalism has a different character. However, here too this is one of the important components of style. She is quite predisposed to figurativeness and especially to emotionality and colloquial speech.

Thus, each functional style is a special influential sphere of literary language, characterized by its own range of topics, its own set of speech genres, specific vocabulary and phraseology. Each functional style is a kind of language in miniature: the language of science, the language of art, the language of laws, diplomacy. And all together they make up what we call the Russian literary language. And it is the functional styles that determine the richness and flexibility of the Russian language. Colloquial speech brings liveliness, naturalness, lightness, and ease into the literary language. Scientific speech enriches the language with precision and rigor of expression, journalism - with emotionality, aphorism, artistic speech - with imagery.

Characteristics of the artistic style

artistic speech stylistics Russian

The specificity of the artistic style of speech, as a functional one, lies in the fact that it is used in fiction, which performs a figurative-cognitive and ideological-aesthetic function. Unlike, for example, the abstract, objective, logical-conceptual reflection of reality in scientific speech, fiction is characterized by a concrete figurative representation of life. A work of art is characterized by perception through the senses and re-creation of reality; the author strives, first of all, to convey his personal experience, his understanding or comprehension of a particular phenomenon. But in a literary text we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in this world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, and the like. Associated with this is the emotionality and expressiveness, metaphor, and meaningful diversity of the artistic style of speech.

The main goal of artistic style is to master the world according to the laws of beauty, satisfy the aesthetic needs of both the author of a work of art and the reader, and have an aesthetic impact on the reader with the help of artistic images.

The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word in this functional style performs a nominative-figurative function. The number of words that form the basis of this style, first of all, includes figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of usage. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic authenticity when describing certain aspects of life.

The artistic style differs from other functional styles in that it uses the linguistic means of all other styles, but these means (which is very important) appear here in a modified function - in an aesthetic one. In addition, in artistic speech not only strictly literary, but also extra-literary means of language can be used - colloquial, slang, dialect, etc., which are also not used in the primary function, but are subordinate to an aesthetic task.

The word in a work of art seems to be doubled: it has the same meaning as in the general literary language, as well as an additional, incremental one, associated with the artistic world, the content of this work. Therefore, in artistic speech, words acquire a special quality, a certain depth, and begin to mean more than what they mean in ordinary speech, while remaining outwardly the same words.

This is how ordinary language is transformed into artistic language; this, one might say, is the mechanism of action of the aesthetic function in a work of art.

The peculiarities of the language of fiction include an unusually rich, varied vocabulary. If the vocabulary of scientific, official business and colloquial speech is relatively limited thematically and stylistically, then the vocabulary of artistic style is fundamentally unlimited. The means of all other styles can be used here - terms, official expressions, colloquial words and phrases, and journalism. Of course, all these various means undergo aesthetic transformation, fulfill certain artistic tasks, and are used in unique combinations. However, there are no fundamental prohibitions or restrictions regarding vocabulary. Any word can be used if it is aesthetically motivated and justified.

We can say that in artistic style all linguistic means, including neutral ones, are used to express the poetic thought of the author, to create a system of images of a work of art.

The wide range in the use of speech means is explained by the fact that, unlike other functional styles, each of which reflects one specific aspect of life, the artistic style, being a kind of mirror of reality, reproduces all spheres of human activity, all phenomena of social life. The language of fiction is fundamentally devoid of any stylistic closure; it is open to any styles, any lexical layers, any linguistic means. This openness determines the diversity of the language of fiction.

In general, artistic style is usually characterized by imagery, expressiveness, emotionality, authorial individuality, specificity of presentation, and the specificity of the use of all linguistic means.

It influences the reader’s imagination and feelings, conveys the author’s thoughts and feelings, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, and is characterized by imagery, emotionality, and specificity of speech. The emotionality of an artistic style differs significantly from the emotionality of a colloquial style, since the emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function.

A broader concept is the language of fiction: the artistic style is usually used in the author's speech, but other styles, such as colloquial, may be present in the speech of the characters.

The language of fiction is a kind of mirror of literary language. Rich literature means rich literary language. Great poets and writers create new forms of literary language, which are then used by their followers and all those who speak and write in this language. Artistic speech appears as the pinnacle achievement of language. In it, the possibilities of the national language are presented in the most complete and pure development.


All researchers talk about the special position of the style of fiction in the system of styles. Isolating this style in the general system is possible, since the style of fiction arises on the same basis as other styles.

The field of activity of the style of fiction is art.

The “material” of fiction is the common language.

He depicts in words thoughts, feelings, concepts, nature, people, and their communication. Each word in an artistic text is subject not only to the rules of linguistics, it lives according to the laws of verbal art, in a system of rules and techniques for creating artistic images.

The concept of “language of a work of art” includes the entire set of means that the author uses to reproduce life phenomena in order to express his thoughts and views, convince the reader and evoke reciprocal feelings in him.

The addressee of fiction is the reader.

The goal setting of the style is the artist’s self-expression, artistic understanding of the world through the means of art.

Fiction uses equally all functional - semantic types of speech - description, narration, reasoning.

The form of speech is predominantly written; for texts intended to be read aloud, prior recording is required.

Fiction also uses all types of speech: monologue, dialogue, polylogue. Type of communication – public.

The genres of fiction are known - these are novels, stories, sonnets, short stories, fables, poems, comedies, tragedies, dramas, etc.

Features hood st

One of the features of the style of fiction is that all elements of the artistic system of a work are subordinated to solving aesthetic problems; the word in a literary text is a means of creating an image and conveying the artistic meaning of the work.

Literary texts use the entire variety of linguistic means that exist in the language (we have already talked about them): means of artistic expression, stylistic or rhetorical figures, and both means of the literary language and phenomena outside the literary language can be used -

dialects, definition

jargon, definition

swear words,

means of other styles, etc.

At the same time, the selection of linguistic units is subject to the artistic intention of the author.

For example, the character's surname can be a means of creating an image. This technique was widely used by writers of the 18th century, introducing “speaking surnames” into the text. To create an image, the author can, within the same text, use the possibilities of polysemy of the word, homonym definition

Definition of synonyms and other linguistic phenomena.

The repetition of a word, which in scientific and official business styles emphasizes the accuracy of the text, in journalism serves as a means of enhancing impact, in artistic speech it can form the basis of the composition of the text and create the artistic world of the author.

The artistic means of literature are characterized by the ability to “increase meaning,” which makes it possible to have different interpretations of literary texts and different assessments of them. For example, critics and readers assessed many works of art differently:

Drama A.N. N. Dobrolyubov called Ostrovsky’s “The Thunderstorm” a “ray of light in a dark kingdom,” seeing in its main character a symbol of the revival of Russian life. His contemporary D. Pisarev saw in “The Thunderstorm” only a drama in a family chicken coop; modern researchers A. Genis and P. Vail, comparing the image of Katerina with the image of Flaubert’s Emma Bovary, saw many similarities and called “The Thunderstorm” “the tragedy of bourgeois life.” There are many such examples: interpretation of the image of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Turgenev’s Bazarov, Dostoevsky’s heroes. An example of the same from Shakespeare is required

A literary text has its own originality - the author's style. The author's style is the characteristic features of the language of the works of one author, consisting in the choice of heroes, compositional features of the text, the language of the heroes, and the speech features of the author's text itself. So, for example, the style of L.N. Tolstoy is characterized by a technique that the famous literary critic V. Shklovsky called “detachment.” The purpose of this technique is to return the reader to a vivid perception of reality and expose evil. This technique, for example, is used by the writer in the scene of Natasha Rostova’s visit to the theater (“War and Peace”): at first Natasha, exhausted by separation from Andrei Bolkonsky, perceives the theater as an artificial life, opposed to her, Natasha’s, feelings, then, after meeting Helen Natasha looks at the stage through her eyes. Another feature of Tolstoy’s style is the constant division of the depicted object into simple constituent elements, which can manifest itself in the ranks of homogeneous members of a sentence. At the same time, such dismemberment is subordinated to a single idea. Tolstoy, fighting against the romantics, developed his own style and practically abandoned the use of figurative means of language.

In a literary text we also encounter the image of the author, which can be presented as the image of a storyteller or the image of a hero or narrator.

The image of the author is a conventional image. The author ascribes to him, so to speak, “transfers” the authorship of his work, which may contain information about the author’s personality, facts of his life that do not correspond to the actual facts of the writer’s biography. By this, the writer emphasizes the non-identity of the author of the work and his image in the work. The image of the author actively participates in the life of the characters, enters into the plot of the work, expresses his attitude to what is happening, the characters, comments on the action, and enters into dialogue with the reader. An author's or lyrical digression is a reflection of the author (lyrical hero, narrator), not related to the main narrative. You are well familiar with the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”, a novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin”, where the image of the author is a striking example of the expression of a conventional image in the creation of a literary text.

The perception of a literary text is a complex process.

The initial stage of this process is the naive realism of the reader (the reader believes that the author directly depicts life as it really is), the final stage is the dialogue between the reader and the writer (in this case, “the reader is congenial to the author,” as the remarkable philologist of the 20th century said Yu.M, Lotman).

The concept of “language of a work of art” includes the entire set of artistic means that the author uses: polysemy of words, homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, archaisms, historicisms, neologisms, foreign vocabulary, idioms, catchwords.


As we noted above, the question of the language of fiction and its place in the system of functional styles is resolved ambiguously: some researchers (V.V. Vinogradov, R.A. Budagov, A.I. Efimov, M.N. Kozhina, A. N. Vasilyeva, B.N. Golovin) include a special artistic style in the system of functional styles, others (L.Yu. Maksimov, K.A. Panfilov, M.M. Shansky, D.N. Shmelev, V.D. Bondaletov) believe that there is no reason for this. The following are given as arguments against distinguishing the style of fiction:

1) the language of fiction is not included in the concept of literary language;

2) it is multi-styled, open-ended, and does not have specific features that would be inherent in the language of fiction as a whole;

3) the language of fiction has a special, aesthetic function, which is expressed in a very specific use of linguistic means.

It seems to us that the opinion of M.N. is very legitimate. Kozhina that “extending artistic speech beyond functional styles impoverishes our understanding of the functions of language. If we remove artistic speech from the list of functional styles, but assume that literary language exists in many functions, and this cannot be denied, then it turns out that the aesthetic function is not one of the functions of language. The use of language in the aesthetic sphere is one of the highest achievements of the literary language, and because of this, neither the literary language ceases to be such when it enters a work of art, nor the language of fiction ceases to be a manifestation of the literary language.” 1

The main goal of the literary and artistic style is to master the world according to the laws of beauty, satisfy the aesthetic needs of both the author of a work of art and the reader, and have an aesthetic impact on the reader with the help of artistic images.

Used in literary works of various kinds and genres: stories, tales, novels, poems, poems, tragedies, comedies, etc.

The language of fiction, despite its stylistic heterogeneity, despite the fact that the author’s individuality is clearly manifested in it, is still distinguished by a number of specific features that make it possible to distinguish artistic speech from any other style.

The features of the language of fiction as a whole are determined by several factors. It is characterized by broad metaphoricality, imagery of linguistic units of almost all levels, the use of synonyms of all types, polysemy, and different stylistic layers of vocabulary is observed. The artistic style (compared to other functional styles) has its own laws of word perception. The meaning of a word is largely determined by the author’s goal setting, genre and compositional features of the work of art of which this word is an element: firstly, in the context of a given literary work it can acquire artistic ambiguity not recorded in dictionaries; secondly, it retains its connection with the ideological and aesthetic system of this work and is assessed by us as beautiful or ugly, sublime or base, tragic or comic.

The use of linguistic means in fiction is ultimately subordinated to the author's intention, the content of the work, the creation of an image and the impact through it on the addressee. Writers in their works proceed, first of all, from accurately conveying thoughts and feelings, truthfully revealing the spiritual world of the hero, and realistically recreating language and image. Not only the normative facts of language, but also deviations from general literary norms are subject to the author’s intention and the desire for artistic truth.

The breadth of literary speech covering the means of the national language is so great that it allows us to affirm the idea of ​​the fundamental potential possibility of including all existing linguistic means (though connected in a certain way) into the style of fiction.

The listed facts indicate that the style of fiction has a number of features that allow it to take its own special place in the system of functional styles of the Russian language.

1 Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. M., 1983. P.49.