Baptism. Interesting and simple Epiphany fortune-telling. Fortune telling for Epiphany. Epiphany fortune telling in Rus'

Christmastide ends on January 18th. Therefore, fortune telling before going to bed on the night of Epiphany is considered the most truthful. At this time, it is allowed to carry out the most complex rituals, find out the name of the betrothed and predict future events.

There are many ways to “invite” your future spouse into your own dream:

Place a comb and a piece of soap under the pillow, and then say the words: “He who is appointed by fate, come, wash me and comb my hair”;

Take four kings from a new deck of cards, hide them under the bed at the head of the bed, and press the heel of your favorite shoes on top. Before going to bed, whisper a spell: “My betrothed, the mummer, I’m waiting for you, beautiful, dressed up. Come into my house, show yourself to me, marvel at me, be amazed at my beauty.” If the king of spades appears in a dream, it means that the future groom will be several years older than the girl or higher in social status. It can also predict that the future spouse will be very jealous or greedy. The King of Clubs foretells a widowed man, a military man or a very reserved person with business acumen. The King of Hearts promises the dreamer a young, fairly wealthy guy for whom she will have to fight. The King of Diamonds promises a love relationship and a possible wedding with the person for whom the girl has the most tender feelings;

Before going to bed, eat a salty dish, put a glass of water at the head of the bed and say: “There’s water, I can’t get drunk. My dear, come and give me some water.”

Important: You need to go to bed in a clean, light-colored nightgown, with your hair down. It is advisable to remove the cross, rings and bracelets. You need to say “whispers” several times, and after that go to bed and not talk to anyone.

Only the bravest girls will dare to tell fortunes about their betrothed in the following way. As soon as midnight strikes, you need to take a broom and start sweeping your own room. While swinging to the right side, you need to read a prayer. When sweeping dirty linen to the left, you need to utter curses. After this, a line is drawn in the middle of the room. Ideally, it should be drawn with charcoal, but you can use chalk.

According to legends, the future husband actually comes to some young ladies. But there were also those who saw the devil.

Fortune-telling using a mirror is distinguished by special magic. As soon as midnight strikes, you need to get rid of elastic bands and hairpins, comb your hair, put on a nightgown, remove jewelry and belts. Next, go to the kitchen, install a mirror on the countertop, light a candle, sit opposite and say: “My betrothed, come and drink tea. My betrothed, come to dinner. My betrothed, show yourself to me.”

You need to sit still and carefully look at the left shoulder of your own mirror image. Before the devil comes in the form of the betrothed, the candle flame sways slightly and becomes dimmer. The mirror may darken. At this point, it must be wiped with a clean towel.

After some time, the groom will come and look at the girl from the mirror. Having looked at the facial features, it is necessary to clearly pronounce the words of amulets: “Chill out of this place.” The image will disappear. To complete the fortune telling, you need to extinguish the candle, wrap the mirror in a clean towel and hide it in a secluded place, mirror surface down.

We must not forget about words of amulets. Otherwise, the devil may come out of the mirror. If something like this happens, the main thing is not to get confused and fulfill your promise - to treat him to tea.
Important: fortune telling on a mirror must be carried out in absolute silence, in a secluded place. None of the relatives should know about the ritual. After the ceremony you need to go to bed without saying a word.

Fortune telling by wish

On January 18, on the night of Epiphany, you can also tell fortunes about the fulfillment of a wish. To do this, before going to bed, you need to cut out twelve rectangular pieces of white paper, write one wish on each and put it under the pillow. In the morning, without getting out of bed, take out any three sheets. The wishes that are written on them will definitely come true.

A few hours before bedtime, take a small mirror outside. Before going to bed, bring it back into the house, write a wish with your finger on the mirror surface, hide it at the head of the bed and place several spruce branches in a circle. The dream will come true if the inscription disappears by morning.

Write your wish on thin tissue paper and go out onto the balcony or small hill. Wait for a gust of wind and release the leaf. If he rushes upward, his plan will certainly come true. If it flies down, then luck will turn away from the person. A piece of paper spinning in a spiral means that you will have to make an effort to achieve your goals.

Pour rice into a transparent glass and say: “Fate tell me what to expect: good or evil, prosperity or bad, good health or a miracle.” Next, you need to quickly make a wish and pour the rice onto a flat surface. From the entire mass it is necessary to select spoiled grains and count them. If their number is odd, then the plan will certainly come true.

Interesting: You can even tell your wish using your phone. To do this, you need to concentrate on your dream and wait for the phone call. If a man calls first, then his plans will come true in the very near future.

How to find out the future

On the night of Epiphany, January 18, it would not be amiss to tell fortunes about future events. Before going to bed, you need to take a shower, comb your hair, put on light, loose clothes, and remove all jewelry.

At midnight, fill a glass bowl with water, carefully pour in the egg white and hide it under the bed. After three hours you need to see what form it has taken:

The heart promises a new relationship;
the arch promises important changes in life and a transition to a new stage;
the bow advises to improve relationships with loved ones;
pancake portends loneliness;
a wreath is considered a harbinger of joyful events;
a balloon prepares for temporary difficulties;
the mushroom is a harbinger of good health, longevity and material well-being;
the road opens up new perspectives;
the droplet promises money;
an apple promises temptation, which it is better not to succumb to, as well as obtaining new sources of income;
the web warns against intrigue and gossip;
the stripe portends a move or a long journey.

When interpreting what you see, the main thing is to listen to your own intuition.

You can tell fortunes with wax in a similar way. To do this, you need to melt a candle in an iron mug and slowly pour it into a deep vessel with water. There is no need to blow on it, push it or adjust the edges. After the wax has cooled, you need to remove it from the plate, turn it over and interpret your fate according to the figures you see on the inside.

Note: You can tell fortunes with wax only when the Moon is clearly visible in the sky.

For the next fortune telling you will need seven small glasses. In each of them you need to put salt, sugar, pepper, a piece of bread, a coin, a ring and a match. Next, you need to blindfold yourself and take any glass at random. According to its contents, fate is predicted for the coming year:

Sugar promises good luck, fortune and the “sweet life”;
salt prepares for sadness, partings, tears and temporary difficulties;
pepper promises an eventful life, filled with vivid emotions and impressions;
bread is considered a harbinger of stability and prosperity;
the coin promises a significant improvement in financial situation;
the ring foreshadows a marriage with a loved one;
The match is preparing for a new addition to the family.

You can get an answer to a difficult question using a kitchen knife. Such fortune-telling on the night of Epiphany, January 18, requires maximum concentration. Before going to bed, you need to write down possible answers on pieces of paper and place them around the cutting board on which the knife is located. It is necessary to clearly state the question to yourself for several minutes. You cannot be distracted by extraneous noises. It is better to carry out the ritual when everyone in the household is already asleep.

After formulating the question, you need to unwind the knife. The action is repeated three times. The first answer indicated by the point of the knife is the most truthful. The remaining two are considered auxiliary and help to understand the situation in more detail and draw up a plan of possible actions.

Absolutely everyone is allowed to tell fortunes on the night of Epiphany. You need to listen carefully to the prompts of the Higher Powers, but at the same time do not forget that each person independently creates his own destiny.

Since ancient times, Epiphany fortune-telling has been performed by girls on the night of January 18th to 19th. It was believed that the most reliable fortune-telling was Epiphany, since they were the last for the Christmastide period.

According to popular beliefs, the eve of Epiphany, that is, the evening of January 18, the famous “Epiphany evening,” is a time of rampant evil spirits. She tries to sneak into the house as a werewolf - in any guise. To protect the home from evil spirits entering the house, they put the signs of the cross in chalk on all doors and window frames, which is considered a reliable protection against everything demonic. If you don't put a cross on the door on Epiphany Eve, you'll be in trouble, they thought in the old days.

Fortune telling with Epiphany water and wax

For this Epiphany fortune-telling you will need wax and a plate with. They tell fortunes as follows: melt the wax in a tablespoon, pour the melted wax into a pre-prepared plate with Epiphany water. This must be done several times until a pattern is formed on the bottom of the plate. He will tell you about your future.

If the wax breaks up into small droplets, then this is a sign of wealth.
Large figures are interpreted based on their shape or associations:

  • fan - difficulties at work, tension in the team;
  • grapes - good luck and happiness in your personal life;
  • mushroom - health and long life;
  • dragon figure - something good in life: achieving a goal, making a dream come true;
  • a bell always means news. Smooth on all sides - good, crooked - bad, and several bells mean alarm;
  • leaf from a tree - people envy you and weave intrigues behind your back;
  • the monkey promises betrayal, false friends and lies;
  • pants portend a quick choice on the path of life;
  • an apple predicts a temptation that is better to refuse;
  • an egg portends either a child or changes in life.

Epiphany fortune telling for the betrothed

Finding out the name of your betrothed turns out to be very simple. You need to go out into the street and ask the first man or woman you meet (depending on who you need) what to call you. According to folk legends, your groom will look like this stranger, in addition, he will have the same name.

If you don’t want to go anywhere, take several sheets of paper, write one male or female name on each of them and put it, for example, in a hat. Shake several times and pull out one leaf at random.

The name that will be written on the piece of paper will be the name of your future husband or wife. Similarly, you can find out your age and zodiac sign.

Epiphany fortune telling: throw a boot

Having learned the name of your betrothed from Epiphany fortune-telling, begin to find out where to expect him from. Go outside the gate of the house, take off your felt boots, boots or boots from your left foot and throw it over your shoulder, toe first.

The clue lies where the sock is pointing. In which direction the toe of the shoe points, the groom will appear from there and that’s where the bride will leave her home. If the toe of a felt boot or boot is turned upside down and points to its owner, then the bride will not be matched for a year.

Fortune telling for the betrothed at baptism

You can see and find out who will be betrothed in a prophetic dream in several ways:

Method No. 1
Before going to bed, comb your hair with a clean comb, then put it under the pillow and say: “Mummer, come to me, comb my hair.”

Method No. 2
Eat something salty at night and don't drink after that. And when you go to bed, say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me and give me some water to drink.”

Method No. 3
Before going to bed, place four card kings under your pillow, saying: “My betrothed, the mummer, dream in my dreams.”

It is better to say phrases in the first, second, and third methods several times so that the subconscious mind remembers your request to see the groom.

If in the third method you dream of the king of spades, the groom will be much older than you, either in age, or higher in social status, or multifaceted in his internal personal development; he can also be very jealous or just stingy. If you dream of a king of the cross, the future husband will be a military man or a business man, or simply having such a character. But the king of diamonds is a person you desire, most likely already familiar to you, loved. The King of Hearts prophesies a rich groom, but it may happen that he is already married or has a passion, that is, you will have to fight hard for him.

Didn't anyone dream? Then just pull out from under the pillow at random, without hesitating for a long time, one of the cards and interpret your female share yourself.

Epiphany fortune telling: 6 glasses of wishes

Take six small glasses and pour some water into them. You put something in the cups one by one (so that each cup contains something) - salt, sugar, a piece of bread, a piece of money (coin), a ring, a match.

  • Salt - to tears, to be sad.
  • Sugar - sweet life, good year.
  • Bread is bread, a well-fed life in the year.
  • Money - to money in the year.
  • Ring - marriage in the year.
  • Match - to the child.

Then, one by one, they blindfold themselves and come up and choose a glass. What they pull out is a forecast for the coming year! The most truthful thing is the first time, you can pull it out the second time - it’s like the background of the year.

Fortune telling with a boat

For this fortune-telling, take a basin of water so that it is not completely filled with water. On the sides of this basin, folded strips with the names of fortune tellers are hung or attached, or possible events are written on them: wedding, infatuation, kidnapping, passionate love, failure, illness, etc. take a walnut shell (its half) and place a small candle stub (you can use a Christmas tree candle) in the middle of it. They launch the boat into the middle of the basin, and depending on which edge it approaches and which piece of paper it sets on fire, such an event will happen to the one whose name is written on the piece of paper or who is telling fortunes.

Fortune telling for marriage on Epiphany night

To find out which of your friends will be the first to get married, there are also several ways:

Method No. 1
Cut the threads to equal lengths and set them on fire. Whoever's thread burns out first will be the first to be married.

If the thread goes out immediately and less than half is burned, then you won’t get married.

Method No. 2
Take a gold ring and a large piece of black velvet. Take turns rolling the ring, saying: “I’ll roll the ring around the city, and then I’ll go get that ring and get to my dear one.” Place a mark where the ring stops. Whose ring stops first, that girl will get married first, and if the ring rolls further than the others, she will get married later than everyone else.

Method No. 3
Take a piece of bread and a ribbon. Place in an empty and clean pot or drawer. Then blindfold yourself and take the first thing you come across. If you took the ribbon, then wait for the matchmakers; if you took the bread, then you should remain a girl for now.

Method No. 4
The girlfriends put a bucket on the girl’s head and spin it around. If you walk out the door with a bucket on your head, you will get married this year, but if not, then not.

For those who are no longer interested in the issue of marriage, you can tell fortunes about the distant future, the birth of children, etc. You can also tell us what age you will get married. You need to fill a glass with water two-thirds full and hang the wedding ring on a thread. And taking the end of the thread, lower the ring into the water, to the bottom. Then carefully lift the ring above the water and watch its movement. It will begin to swing (the hand should be motionless). How many times the ring hits the walls of the glass - at that age you will get married. For those with long hair, you can use your own hair instead of thread. When the ring begins to swing like a pendulum or describe a circle, many feel the presence of something supernatural.

Christmastide will soon end, and it will end with another holiday - Epiphany. This day became not only a significant church holiday, but also a time for many folk mystical rituals. Remember how Zhukovsky wrote: “Once on Epiphany evening the girls were telling fortunes, they took the shoe off their feet and threw it behind the gate...”

What else did our ancestors do on Epiphany besides throw their shoes around? Read!

A lot of snow - a lot of bread...

In the agricultural country that Russia was for many centuries, weather issues became especially important. Our ancestors were most concerned about what kind of summer it would be - dry, rainy or fruitful? Even in winter, they tried to predict the vagaries of nature and decide what to sow in the coming spring?

Try writing down the weather conditions for Epiphany with your children and see in the summer whether they still “work”?

    If on Christmas Eve it snows only in the morning, then buckwheat will produce well.

    Snowstorm on Christmas Eve - the bees will safely overwinter and will swarm together.

    Bright stars favor cattle breeders and also promise a good pea harvest.

    Cold baptism - for a dry summer.

    If there is a snowstorm on Epiphany, then the snow will remain until Easter.

However, the peasants not only expected mercy from nature, but also tried to “influence” it in “magical” ways. On Christmas Eve, a dish of treats was placed on the windowsill, and the owners invited frost to try the offering. The frost, of course, was in no hurry to enter the flooded hut, so one should have been “offended” by it and said: “Just as you don’t go into the house, don’t go to the harvest.” Note to gardeners!

Fortune telling for the hostess

The mistress of the house, of course, was most concerned about the health and well-being of all household members. Therefore, special cookies or bread in the form of crosses were baked for Epiphany. Each cookie represented a specific family member. If the bread turned out smooth, fluffy, rosy, baked, then the year would go well for this family member. The worse the baking, the more problematic the year ahead.

The worst thing is if the bread is uneven and cracked. It was better not to show such cookies to the household, but to immediately feed them to the chickens - no cookies, no bad year!

And, of course, all women, young and old, tried to wipe their faces with Epiphany snow early in the morning in order to be fair-skinned and ruddy all year!

I can't bear to get married

As Zhukovsky correctly noted, girls of marriageable age did the most fortune-telling at Epiphany. By the way, it was believed that it was a good sign to agree on a wedding (get engaged) on Epiphany. The future family will be strong and happy!

    The famous shoe throwing happened like this: the shoes (certainly from the left foot) were thrown in front of oneself, leaving the outskirts. Wherever the toe of the shoe points, the groom will come from that side for the girl. Well, if the sock points back to the native village, then marriage, alas, was postponed for a year (for some reason they did not expect proposals from fellow villagers).

    Still curious girls sneaked up to the closed church and listened: could they hear wedding music? If someone thought they could hear singing or the ringing of a bell, then this is a sure sign of an imminent marriage! Well, if someone imagined a funeral service, it was a sign of imminent death, just like that!

If the weather was not conducive to going to a closed church, then you could guess at home! For example, ask a question and call the cat into the room. If she crosses the threshold with her left paw, then the wish will come true, if she crosses the threshold with her right paw, then not. If you do not have the talents of trainer Kuklachev, it is better not to reproduce this fortune-telling in a large group! Cats are capricious creatures, they will be offended...

    Better resort to fortune telling with shot glasses or glasses! Six glasses contain salt, sugar, bread, a coin, a ring and a straw (a match will also work). The glasses are covered with scarves, the dish is turned and each of the fortunetellers chooses his destiny for the year: salt - for sadness, sugar - for luck, bread - for a prosperous, well-fed life, a coin - for money, a ring - for marriage, and a straw - for an increase in family!

    Or here’s another thing: sprinkle a handful of grains, nuts, coins, etc. on the table. Count them. If the number is even, the wish will come true!

    In addition to marriage, the issue of finances is also important. Place three plates on the table and ask someone to hide a coin under one of them. Don't peek! Now turn the plates over. If you find a coin right away, the year will be profitable. If it ends up under the second plate, you will stay with your own. Well, if it’s under the third, it’s better not to take risks and save your money!

No company for fortune telling? Guess for yourself! On the night of Epiphany, write down your 12 cherished desires on pieces of paper, roll them into balls and place them under your pillow. In the morning, pull out three of them without looking - they are the ones that will come true!

Prepared by Alena Novikova

According to tradition, one night is reserved for Epiphany fortune-telling from January 18 to 19. At this time, you can find out your fate by telling fortunes in the same way as our ancestors did.

The most mystical night of the year opens the doors to the future, and with the help of proven fortune telling you can find out the answers to many questions. The most awaited time for fortune telling is used by girls to predict what their betrothed will be like when they get married. The site team has collected for you the most reliable fortune telling, which have been popular for a long time. They are carefully passed on from mouth to mouth from the older generation to the younger, and you can use them on the night of Epiphany.

Fortune telling by shoes

This method is one of the most popular. At night, an unmarried girl should leave the house, turn her back to the road and throw her shoes over her shoulder with a flourish. In which direction the sock points, that’s where you should wait for your betrothed. If the shoe lands with its toe against the door of the girl’s house, then she should not expect new love in the coming year. However, in the modern world, many people live in apartment buildings, so the toe of a boot or shoe may indicate that your betrothed is very close.

Fortune telling using a mirror

This ritual is no less loved by young girls. For fortune telling, you will need privacy, 2 candles and two medium-sized mirrors. Previously, people used to tell fortunes in this way when going to the bathhouse, but in modern conditions this is hardly possible, so the ritual can be performed in a separate room with the doors and windows closed. Place the mirrors so that they form a corridor, place candles on the sides and light them. Sit comfortably and peer deep into the mirror surface. Repeat the words to yourself: “My betrothed, come to me. Show yourself, look at me.”

After a while you will be able to see the outline of a person. Many claim that they clearly saw the face of an unfamiliar male person, who in the future turned out to be his betrothed.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

A girl needs to go outside in the dark and ask the first man she meets for his name. According to legend, this is what the future husband will be called. In the modern world, fortune telling can also be done over the phone. Dial a number you don't know and wait for an answer. If a woman answers on the other end, then in your personal life there will be obstacles and problems associated with a representative of the fairer sex. If a man answers, then feel free to ask his name. By the way, many people believe that this way you can make a wish. If an unknown person answers you "Yes" instead of "Hello", then it will come true.

Epiphany fortune telling: how to find out the name of your future husband

Fill a wide basin with water, prepare a nut or eggshell and a small candle. Write men's names on pieces of paper and place them around the perimeter of the pelvis. Place the shell with the candle in the center of the container with water and light it. Then take a fork and circle the water three times. Watch your boat. Whichever piece of paper she floats to, that’s what your groom will be called.

Fortune telling by wish

You can find out if you will get married this year using a mirror and fir branches. Write your question on a mirror surface, place a mirror under the bed and cover it with fir branches around the perimeter. In the morning the inscription will remain - the wish will not come true, and if it disappears, then a happy marriage awaits you this year.

Epiphany fortune telling with incense

At midnight, place 2 plates, cutlery and two glasses on a table covered with a clean tablecloth. Light a church candle, place a piece of incense in each plate and read the plot:

“Incense in church brightens souls, it drives away illnesses at home, and at Epiphany people use it to tell fortunes. Everything will be fine with him, dashing fate will forget me, and what I dreamed will be so. Show me, incense, my betrothed, whether he is near or far. Don’t just show him, say his name, tell him mine. Invite me to visit.”

Place a piece of incense from the device that was in front of you under your pillow. The dream you see will be prophetic. From it you can learn everything about your fiance.

Help from Higher Powers

On this day you will be able to go to church and turn directly to the Lord. Light a candle, go to the icon and say: “Lord, remove all the unnecessary ones from my life, send the necessary ones. My soul mate, pleasing to You, connected with me by fate. Amen".

Epiphany fortune telling for your future husband

Prepare several symbolic items for you that will indicate the qualities of your future husband. For example, a coin - to a rich groom, keys - to a husband with his own home and car, a bag of sugar - to a sweet married life, with salt - to frequent tears, and so on. Light a candle and put all the items in a bag or box. Mix them and take out the first one that comes to hand.

There are many fortune tellings and you can ask the older generation for advice. Surely your grandmothers and mothers in their youth resorted to various rituals to find out their fate. Tell your fortune so you know what to expect in the future. Also on Epiphany Christmas Eve you can make your deepest wish, which will definitely come true. We wish you sincere and mutual love, good luck in your personal life, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Every girl has wondered at Epiphany at least once in her life. There are many ways to find out the future, but before Epiphany the church itself allows fortune telling, although it does not approve of it.

The fact is that fortune telling is a kind of witchcraft. In Orthodoxy, this is categorically prohibited, but fortune telling at Epiphany is allowed, since this is a kind of concession, respect for the ancient traditions of Rus', which appeared long before Orthodoxy came to our land. One way or another, on January 18 you can tell fortunes about the future or love without a twinge of conscience.

Fortune telling with mirrors

This is fortune telling for the betrothed. The mirrors form an endless corridor when they stand opposite each other. The energy background is distorted, so you can see what will happen. Mirrors can be of different sizes, but the one that is closer to the person can be small. In any case, there are no hard and fast rules here.

Before you start, you need to say: “Mummer, come to me.” You can add “have dinner” at the end. Many fortune-telling ladies and girls have repeatedly noted that they saw someone through the looking glass. Someone recognized the man as a man from his environment. You need to concentrate and not be afraid of anything, because fear will only distort your vision.

You also need to place two candles between you and the mirrors, because the ritual is carried out in complete darkness on Epiphany Christmas Eve. There should be no artificial lighting. Only fire. Be careful with this fortune telling, because it is not for nothing that it is only allowed on Christmas Eve, January 18th. It is dangerous, because mirrors have been associated with the other world since ancient times.

Fortune telling with matches

Take two matches and stick them on the sides of the matchbox. You can secure them in any way convenient for you, but so that the matches are nearby and do not lie on the surface, but look up. They symbolize you and your chosen one.

Light a match and see what happens. If they bend inward towards each other, then a successful life and love awaits you. Otherwise, nothing will work. When one match turns and looks at the other, but the other does not, this means that the feelings will not be mutual, and betrayal is possible.

Fortune telling on paper

There are two ways, and you can use both at once. The first is burning a paper sheet. Make a wish for a person and burn a piece of paper after crumpling it. If the sheet burns completely, then everything will “burn out.” Otherwise, troubles and difficulties will await you. Remember to be safe, so light a candle leaf and place it on a plate. Fortune telling is done alone, at night, closer to midnight.

The second fortune telling with paper - you need to cut the sheet into three, five or seven equal parts and write a name on each. Each name is a man you like. Pieces of paper are placed under the pillow, where they are mixed. In the morning you need to pull out the sheet without looking - the first one you come across indicates your betrothed. You can leave one piece blank to add the “nobody” option.

Fortune telling by book

You will need any book. Ask a person who doesn't know what you're saying to guess any two numbers from 1 to the number of the last page and from 1 to the number of the lines on each page. Next, you select a page and line based on the hidden numbers received.

Read the line and interpret it in the way that makes the most sense to you. This fortune-telling is carried out for money, for love and for the future in general. If the text of the line does not fit in any way with your future and its interpretation, then just consider yourself unlucky. Unfortunately, there is no second attempt here. This fortune telling cannot be called ancient, but it is quite popular in the modern world. You can repeat it once a month, preferably on the New Moon.

Fortune telling at Epiphany is an ancient tradition that continues to this day. Of course, far fewer girls are telling fortunes, because young people are moving away from traditions and beliefs. Despite this, quite a lot of people still want to know their future, so they tell fortunes on Christmas Eve to change their fate or find out more about it. Good luck to you, enjoy your fortune-telling, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

17.01.2018 02:05

Orthodox Christians begin to celebrate many church festivals with an evening service. Therefore, almost every major holiday...