Epiphany fortune telling for the betrothed. Fortune telling on Epiphany night

Many would probably like to find out their future - what awaits in the new year, whether wishes will come true, whether a child will be born, whether there will be a wedding, etc. Perhaps the best time for fortune telling is the last day of Christmastide - Epiphany. Or rather, the night before this holiday. At this time, a variety of fortune telling was carried out. True predictions could be obtained using a variety of objects: candles, rings, matches, coins, etc. And of course, very often Epiphany water was taken for fortune telling at Epiphany.

A little history

The night of Epiphany in past centuries in Russian villages was considered special. The old year was already gone, and the new one was just beginning, the future was dark and uncertain. By conducting divination rituals, people tried to bring clarity to their lives.

Of course, such rituals have never been approved by the Christian Church. Fortune telling before Baptism, just like at any other time, was considered a sin. Therefore, our ancestors, before starting to perform any actions related to prediction, usually took off the cross and removed all the icons from the room. After the ritual, the person had to wash himself. Thus, he seemed to be removing from himself, albeit a small, but still a sin.

Some Epiphany fortune-telling was considered quite harmless. Others belonged to the “terrible” category, so not everyone decided to carry them out.

Where and when to tell fortunes at Epiphany

Usually all prediction rituals were carried out on January 18, late in the evening or at night. Such fortune-telling conditions made it possible to create an appropriately calm and at the same time mysterious atmosphere. In some cases, the ritual should begin only at 12 o’clock at night. In others, the exact time did not matter much. The main thing is that it is already dark outside.

Sometimes divination rituals were performed on the street. In this case, the fortuneteller had to go somewhere: to a crossroads, to a cemetery, outside the outskirts, to the river, etc. Other rituals were carried out right in the house: in the upper room, in the entryway or in the bedroom. So, how did our ancestors predict their fate for the year on the night before Epiphany? Next, we will consider the most interesting rituals, many of which are still popular today.

Fortune telling on the mirror

This prediction ritual is considered one of the most dangerous. Of course, many have heard about him. After spending it, the girl can see her future groom. For this fortune telling, you need to prepare two mirrors and two candles in advance. At five minutes to twelve on the night of Epiphany, you should place one mirror in front of you, and the second behind your back, so that in the reflection you get a corridor stretching into the distance. You need to place two candles near the first mirror. You should also prepare matches and a piece of white cloth.

Fortune telling on a mirror is carried out as follows. At exactly 12 midnight the candles are lit. As the clock strikes, the fortuneteller begins to peer into the mirrored “corridor”, trying to see her betrothed there. Sometimes at the same time a conspiracy is pronounced, usually beginning with the words: “My betrothed mummer, come to me dressed up...”.

With the last word, a shadow should supposedly appear in the mirror, gradually taking shape. Having seen the face of the newcomer, the girl should immediately put out the candles and throw a white cloth over the mirror. Otherwise, something bad could happen to her. It was believed that none other than the devil appears in the mirrors as the betrothed. It was also forbidden to look around during the ritual, much less look into the mirror located behind the back.

Fortune telling with a candle and water

This ritual used to be performed in order to find out one's fate for the next year. For fortune telling in this case, you should prepare a candle and a wide, low bowl. It was also necessary to collect clean snow from the roof and melt it. It was allowed to replace such water with church, holy water. At midnight on Epiphany, they poured it into a bowl and placed it in front of them. Then they lit a candle, waited for the melted wax to appear and poured it into the water. Based on the figure that formed in the bowl, they determined their fate for the coming year.

Wax “signs” in water could come out in very different ways:

  • asterisks denoted success in business and study;
  • ovals and drops - wealth;
  • heart - love";
  • flowers - marriage, etc.

Some young people carry out similar fortune-telling with a candle in our time, having simplified the ritual a little. In this case, not wax is used, but a regular sheet of paper. A wish is written on it, after which it is set on fire with a candle. The ashy remains are placed in a cup with low sides. By illuminating them with a candle so that shadows fall on the wall, you can determine your destiny for the next year.

Fortune telling with rings

This type of prediction was also very common in the old days. Fortune telling on the ring was usually carried out in order to find out how long it would take to become a girl. On the night of Epiphany, several girls gathered in one room, spread a piece of black velvet on the table and lit candles. Next, each took a ring off her finger and rolled it over the fabric. Where it stopped and fell, a mark was made. The girl whose ring rolled the farthest was supposed to get married later than everyone else.

Through a ritual such as fortune telling on a ring, they also found out in how many years the wedding would take place. To carry out the ceremony, the glass was filled 2/3 with water. A married friend was asked to borrow an engagement ring. They hung it on their hair and carefully lowered it into the water. Then they took it out just as carefully, trying to move the hand as smoothly as possible. At the same time, the ring on the hair began to sway. The years remaining before the wedding were calculated by how many times it hit the walls of the glass. For modern girls with short haircuts, it can be replaced with regular thread.

Prediction for the year

You can also find out your fate for the next 365 days using ordinary glasses. As our ancestors believed, this is quite accurate fortune telling. Plus, it's also quite funny. In addition to glasses or some other small vessels, for the ritual you need to prepare a small handful of salt, a lump of sugar, a match or stick, a ring, a coin and a piece of bread. After this you should wait until nightfall.

Fortune telling for the year is carried out like this:

  • As soon as it gets dark outside, you should put one of the prepared items in each glass.
  • Next, the person wishing to tell fortunes is blindfolded.
  • After this, one of the available participants in the ceremony swaps glasses several times.
  • Then the blindfolded participant approaches the table and takes the first one he comes across.

This kind of fortune telling about a person allows you to find out your fate most accurately. In this ritual, bread means a well-fed life, a coin means big profits, a match means the birth of a child, a ring means marriage or marriage, salt means hard times, sugar means good luck.

Prediction at the church

Fortune telling for the year with water and a candle, glasses, etc. was considered quite accurate. However, the “terrible” rituals of prediction still seemed the most truthful to our ancestors. For example, fortune telling at the church gate.

Anyone who wanted to know his fate for the year, at 12 o'clock on the night of Epiphany, had to go to the closed doors of the church and start listening. Of course, there could be no physical sounds inside at that time. However, the fortuneteller’s subconscious reacted in a mysterious way to the unusual situation. As a result, the person conducting the ritual began to hear some otherworldly sounds. If this was the “noise” of a wedding, it means that soon one should expect the appearance of a second half in life. If the sounds of a funeral service were heard outside the church door, this was a harbinger that someone in the fortuneteller’s family would die within a year. The same thing awaited a person who decided to do such fortune-telling even if a dull knock was heard from behind the door. The wedding, in addition to the cheerful noise, was also predicted by the ringing of bells. This is actually a scary, but at the same time, as it was believed, accurate fortune telling.

Prediction from other people's conversations

This method of fortune telling was very common among most Slavic peoples. On the night of Epiphany, girls and boys approached the windows or doors of other people's houses and eavesdropped on conversations. Fortune telling in this way was also considered very truthful. Absolutely everything about him was important. If a person was angry, this predicted future quarrels and scandals in the family. If there was fun in the house, it meant good things to come. It was also possible to make a prediction based on the first phrase heard. In approximately the same way, our contemporaries, who trust various kinds of fortune-telling, learn their fate from the lines in the book.

Prediction in a dream

Our ancestors had many methods of such fortune-telling. A very interesting ritual is also performed using a mirror. This is a very simple and not at all scary fortune telling. The prediction in this case is made by a small mirror - an object that has long been considered mysterious and enigmatic. In the evening they took him outside and left him there for a while. In addition, we cut some spruce branches. Before going to bed, they brought a mirror into the house, wrote their wish on it with their finger and placed it under the bed with the reflective layer facing up. Then it was covered with spruce branches. In the morning they took out the mirror and checked whether the inscription on it was still there. If not, it means that the wish should soon come true.

Another common way of obtaining information about the future in a dream was the use of four card kings. In this way, fortune telling was carried out on the husband. In order to find out what the future spouse will be like, the cards were placed on the evening of January 19 under the king of spades, which meant an imminent marriage with a person older than the fortuneteller; king of clubs - a wedding with a business man or military man; Diamond - marriage with a familiar person; hearts - a successful marriage with a rich man.

Such fortune telling for a person who will later become a husband is quite truthful. However, sometimes the girl did not dream of any of the kings at all. In this case, in the morning she simply put her hand under the pillow and pulled out the first card she came across. Its meaning was unraveled in exactly the same way as described above.

Once upon a time in the villages there was another method of fortune telling in a dream. A girl who wanted to see her future groom did not comb her hair at night and put a comb next to her pillow. Before going to bed, she had to repeat the following phrase several times: “Come to me, betrothed, comb my hair.” Sometimes such fortune-telling before Baptism was carried out in a different way. The girl ate a little salt and did not drink water all evening. Before going to bed, she said: “Come to me, betrothed, give me water to drink.”

Predictions on grains

Very often in villages in ancient times such rather interesting fortune-telling was carried out. In this case, true predictions were “made” by an ordinary domestic rooster. The owners, wanting to know their fate for the next year, simply scattered grain on the floor and released a bird into the house. Next we looked at exactly how the rooster would behave. If he pecked all the grains, it meant that the family would have good luck in the coming year. If you don’t touch a single one, poverty and misfortune are coming.

A few fortune telling for your future husband

It was possible to obtain any information about the betrothed in other ways. For example, in order to find out where he lived, one had to go outside the outskirts on Epiphany night, take off his felt boots or boots and throw them far in front of him. Then you had to go up to him and see where the sock was pointing. The matchmakers should have been expected on the other side. If the sock pointed back to the village, no wedding could be expected this year.

Fortune telling about the husband was carried out a little differently. To carry out the ceremony, you had to take an ordinary broom and start sweeping the room with it. Swinging to the right meant saying a prayer, swiping left meant a curse. After sweeping the entire room, one should draw a line across the room with a piece of coal and stand on the right side of it. Next, you had to say: “Betrothed-mummer, appear before me.”

Wealth conspiracies

If fortune telling at Epiphany was disappointing for some reason, you could try to correct the situation on the same day. In various magical ways, our ancestors often, for example, tried to improve their financial affairs. A simple ritual with a can was very common in the villages of our country.

This ritual can still be performed today. In addition to the can, you need to prepare a cross made from sticks yourself, Epiphany water, one yellow coin and two white ones (or vice versa). The can itself must be made of unpainted material. You need to pour water into it and throw coins into it. The cross is hung on a cord or thread on the side.

On Epiphany night, the following spell is read over the water:

“At night I get up and get church water. Dark night, cleanse your body and soul. Come, angels, overshadow me with your wings, call God to me. I seat God at the table, treat him to various dishes, and pray to John the Baptist and the Blessed Virgin Mary. May the saints not leave me, may they free me from spiritual defilement, from the sins I have committed. I will enter the Kingdom of Heaven clean! Amen!"

After the conspiracy has been pronounced, you also need to read the prayer to the Epiphany over the can of coins.

Fortune telling with water was carried out very often at Epiphany in ancient times. The same applies to rituals with spells. Indeed, even today, many are confident that on this day absolutely all water becomes holy and acquires special powers.

If desired, at Epiphany you can perform a less complex ceremony to attract wealth. In this case, you will also need water. In order not to feel the need in the coming year, you just need to write a special spell on a piece of paper and read it over a glass. Of course, Epiphany water is first poured into the latter. At the end of the spell, the leaf is burned. Its ashes should be thrown into a glass. After this, they drink Epiphany water. The plot on a piece of paper is written like this:

“I, servant of God (so-and-so), will get up, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, to the clear sea on Buyan Island. There lies the Alatyr stone, and the Mother of God sits on the stone, asking and praying to the Lord for our sins. I will ask the Most Pure Virgin to drive away evil and misfortune, failure and poverty from me. The key is in the sea, the tongue is in the mouth. Amen!"

Love spell

Not only fortune-telling before Baptism about the betrothed or fate, but also any other rituals performed on this day have special power. If desired, by arranging a certain ritual, you can, for example, easily attract the attention of a person of the opposite sex that you like or return someone’s love.

For the ritual, which will be described below, you need to prepare a glass of water, a photograph of the person being bewitched, a white, red or pink candle and a box of matches. The ritual begins at 12 o'clock at night. The candle is sprinkled with Epiphany water and waited until it dries. Then they light it with a match and place the last one next to it. The photograph is rolled up and taken in the left hand. On the right side they hold a glass filled with Epiphany water. Thus, you need to stand for a couple of minutes, discarding all unnecessary, negative thoughts. With the words “the kingdom of God is for the servant (so-and-so), and for me is his love,” the photo is lowered into the water. Then the glass is placed back on the table and crossed three times.

Next, take the match lying next to it and light it from the candle. As soon as it burns out completely, they throw it into the glass with the words: “Help me!!!” In this way the spirits of water and fire are invoked. After pronouncing these words, the glass should be covered with a clean sheet of paper and hidden in a secret place for a year.

Signs for Epiphany

Old fortune telling carried out on this day is still considered by many to be especially truthful. The same goes for spells. When uttered while performing certain actions, they have special power. However, you can find out about what events will happen in life in the coming year simply by looking at various signs.

For example, hearing dogs barking on Epiphany night means wealth. It was believed that animals in this way called a person to hunt, which promised rich prey. Fortune telling for Epiphany could also be done by observing the behavior of the cat. They carried her outside and waited for her to come back into the house. Luck and wealth awaited the owners if the cat crossed the threshold with its left paw.

In the evening of Epiphany, young men and women went out into the street and saw who they would come across first. If a young man is a sign of fun, wealth and happiness. If old - to illness and poverty. Well, probably everyone knows about the custom of asking the first person you meet for their name. It was believed that this was one of the surest ways to find out what the name of the future spouse would be.

It was also believed that on Epiphany night one would fall under heavy snowfall. In this case, happiness and joy awaited the person. For those who decided to swim in the ice hole on Epiphany, there was another good omen. The year was expected to be successful if a young man plunged into the water in front of the diver.

Someone classifies fortune telling before Baptism as superstition, someone considers it a sin, and someone believes in it unconditionally. You can treat them however you like. However, as echoes of past beliefs, they are, of course, extremely interesting.

Fortune telling for Epiphany is considered the most truthful. During this period, you can find out your destiny, but for this you need to carry out the rituals correctly.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

The most favorable period for fortune telling is considered to be January 18 and the night of January 19. Fortune telling on cards should be done during daylight hours, and rituals with candles and mirrors are usually carried out late in the evening or at midnight. It is believed that evil spirits summoned on Epiphany night can not only suggest a false future, but also bring misfortune to an unprepared fortuneteller.

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      Simple fortune telling

      The safest and simplest are fortune telling on cards and wishing for a dream. In a dream, you can see your betrothed, your future destiny, and the cards will tell you the answer to any question if you learn to lay them out correctly. Some methods are used at any time of the year, but it is believed that on Epiphany the predictions are the most truthful, and even the simplest fortune-telling can reliably predict the future.

      • On the maps

        Even those who have never practiced card fortune telling can easily master several simple layouts. You should only use a new deck or one that has never been played. Among experienced fortune tellers, there is an opinion that the new deck gives the most truthful answers at the first reading.

        It is not recommended to guess a lot and often on cards, since the word “guess” appeared precisely as a result of this. It is believed that multiple layouts negatively affect the future of the fortuneteller. As a result, you can “miscalculate” your lucky destiny.

        On request

        You need to take a deck of 36 cards, make a wish while thinking about it, carefully shuffle the cards and place them one at a time in four piles. They should be placed face down and sequentially: first the first card is placed, then the second, third and fourth, the next cards are stacked on top of the first in the same order.

        When the entire deck is laid out, you need to take the first pile, turn it over with the pictures facing you and throw aside all the cards up to the Ace; those remaining after the Ace are not thrown out, but participate in the further layout. Then the same thing is done with the second, then the third and fourth piles, each subsequent one is placed on top of the previous top shirt to the ace, and the pictures to itself. Thus, the bottom cards are thrown out of the piles, and the top ones remain in the hands of the fortuneteller.

        When the procedure is completed, the remaining cards in the hand are laid out one by one into three piles, and then the cards up to the Ace are folded back to the side in the same order as in the first layout. The remaining cards are laid out for the last time, in two piles, and the procedure of discarding cards up to the Ace is repeated.

        The wish will come true if at the last flip there are only 4 aces left in your hands. When there are 4 aces left in a row, but there are still cards after them, it is believed that the wish will come true, but not exactly as the fortuneteller dreams. If there are cards left between the aces, then you shouldn’t count on your wish coming true.

        Questions for cards

        It is believed that on January 18, with the help of cards you can get a direct answer to any question. A very simple fortune telling with asking questions that require clear answers: “yes” or “no” is suitable for this.

        For this fortune telling, you can take a deck of 36 or 56 cards. After thoroughly mixing the deck, you need to ask questions and pull out one card at a time from the middle. The answer to the question is the suit and value of the card:

        • hearts from 2 to Ace - yes;
        • Diamonds from 2 to Ace - yes, but there is some slight interference or doubt;
        • clubs from 2 to 10 - no, but with a little effort it may be yes;
        • clubs from jack to ace - no, but if you try really hard, then maybe yes;
        • peaks from 2 to 10 - no, but don’t be upset, it’s for the best;
        • spades from jack to ace - no.

        "Yes" or "no" on peas

        The simplest method of fortune telling was used in Rus' on the day of the festive service on January 19. To do this, a fabric bag was prepared in advance, into which dried peas were poured. It was believed that during the ringing of the bells one could find out the answer to the most important question.

        In order to get the answer, when you first hit the bell, you need to put your hand into a bag of peas, mentally ask a question or make a wish, and then take a small handful of peas in your palm. Finding the answer consists of throwing out peas, each of which is alternately accompanied by a “yes” or “no” answer. You should start throwing out the peas with “yes”, the second pea is thrown out with the word “no”, the third again “yes” and so on until one last pea remains in the palm, which is the answer.

        How to see your future husband in a dream?

        You can get information about your future husband in a dream. To do this, you need to pull four kings from a card deck. To find out what your spouse will be like, you should put the cards under your pillow on the evening of January 18 and say: “Dream, my king, show your role.”

        If one of the cards appears in a dream or a king appears, whose suit is clear in the vision, then the dream is solved as follows:

        • king of spades - the husband will be much older than the fortuneteller, wealthy and angry;
        • king of clubs - there is a wedding with a military or business man, the spouse will be strict and domineering;
        • king of diamonds - the future husband is already familiar with the fortuneteller, is somewhere nearby, in the usual circle, the relationship with the spouse will be equal and friendly, but there will be no money in the family;
        • King of Hearts - portends a happy marriage with a rich and generous man, there will be peace and love in the family.

        A dream about a king means a quick marriage. If none of the kings appeared in a dream, then in the morning you need to pull out any card you come across from under the pillow - the meaning of the card will not change, but in this case the wedding will not be soon, and you should not expect matchmaking in the coming year.

        Another surefire method of fortune telling before going to bed suggests that your betrothed will dream if you ask him to. Before going to bed, the girl needs to sit on the bed with a comb, not comb her hair, but, on the contrary, tousle it with her hands. The comb should be placed by the pillow and the future spouse should be called several times with the words: “Mummer, come, comb my hair.” The betrothed is also called with the following phrase: “Betrothed, come and give me some water,” but before that you need to eat something salty at night and not drink water.

        It is believed that after such rituals the betrothed will come in a dream. It is not necessary that he will comb or give water to drink, but it is the one who dreams that will become the spouse of the fortuneteller.

        For money and profit

        In the old days, people learned about wealth or poverty through fortune telling on the street; these baptism rituals were mainly associated with the amount of snow seen or fallen. At home, you can tell fortunes for money or profit in the coming year in the following way:

    1. 1. Fortune tellers take three opaque cups, a handful of coins and a crumpled banknote.
    2. 2. One fortuneteller leaves the room, and the remaining ones turn the cups upside down and place them under one coin, under the second crumpled bill, and the third is left empty.
    3. 3. The fortuneteller who returns to the room selects one of the cups, depending on the contents, and the prediction for the next year is interpreted:
    • found coins mean good profit;
    • empty cup - no changes in the financial sector;
    • crumpled bill - upcoming losses and losses.

    Special rituals

    There are many fortune telling using various attributes, but at Epiphany it is customary to use mirrors, candles, rings and water. With their help, you can find out your fate, the number of children in your future family, see your betrothed, or get an answer to an important question.

    Epiphany week is the most suitable period for the most mysterious fortune-telling. During Christmas time, you can look into the future every day, but on the night of January 18-19, you should not guess with mirrors. It is believed that the evil spirits reflected in the mirrors are capable of getting out that night and bringing misfortune into the house. That is why in Rus' it was customary to tell fortunes in bathhouses, since fortune telling was mainly done by young boys and girls, and the older generation did not allow them to do it at home, partly because of superstitions, and sometimes simply considering such an activity stupid.

    How to look into the future through a mirror?

    The ritual with mirrors is carried out late in the evening; it is not recommended to do this alone, as what you see can scare the fortuneteller to death. It is advisable to have at least one person nearby who can come to the rescue in an unforeseen situation.

    For fortune telling, you need to take two mirrors and two candles. One mirror should be large, and the second can be smaller. The fortuneteller sits in front of a large mirror, places the second one with the front side facing another mirror, and the back side towards himself so that the upper part of the mirror reaches the chin. Two candles are installed between the mirrors. It is necessary that the lit candles create the appearance of a tunnel due to reflections.

    When everything is prepared, you need to tightly close all doors and windows and turn off the lights. The assistant should sit so that he cannot look into the mirrors.

    The fortune-telling girl needs to let her hair down, and the man needs to take off his headdress. Looking into the tunnel created by the light of candles, you need to say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner.” You can call your betrothed or betrothed several times, all this time you need to continuously peer at the end of the tunnel until the silhouette of a person appears there.

    The approach of the silhouette is usually very slow, but sometimes rapidly fast, so you should watch it carefully. As soon as the face becomes clearly visible, you must immediately say: “Forget me! ", and turn the smaller mirror upside down or cover it with a handkerchief prepared in advance.

    For those who are not known for their reaction speed, it is advisable to abandon this method of fortune-telling: according to popular belief, a fortune-teller who is not “over-the-top” can get a slap in the face from what he sees in the mirror, and the mark from the blow will remain until the day of the future wedding.

    Fortune telling with a ring and a glass of water

    These methods of fortune telling are not as creepy as with mirrors, but in the ring you can see the face of your future spouse or use it to find out the number of children that will appear in the family.

    To carry out the rituals, you need to get the wedding ring of a close relative or friend, but the fortune telling itself should be done alone so that you can concentrate as much as possible on the process.

    For this fortune telling you will need a ring, a white thread and a glass half filled with water. You need to tie the thread to the ring, sit down at the table and place it in front of you. You should take the thread in your right hand and lower the tied ring into the top of the glass so that it does not touch the water. The arm should be straight and tense.

    After holding the thread with the ring for a few seconds, you need to close your eyes and say once the phrase: “As many bells, as many voices.” You should hold your hand until the tension in the muscles forces you to stop telling fortunes. The exact number of future children will be determined by the ringing of the ring against the walls of the glass. The number of times the ring hits the glass, the number of children the fortuneteller will have.

    Son or daughter?

    Married couples often want to know who will be born to them: a son or a daughter. Epiphany frosts are considered an excellent period for divining the gender of an unborn child. For this purpose, it is necessary for the wife to pick up a glass and the husband to pour a little water into it, preferably no more than one centimeter.

    At midnight from January 18 to 19, you need to put a glass of water on the balcony or outside the window on the windowsill, and in the morning see how the water has frozen:

    • if tubercles and irregularities form, a son will be born;
    • a smooth ice surface or holes foreshadow the appearance of a daughter;
    • Sometimes water mysteriously disappears from a glass, this indicates that there will be no children in the family in the near future.

    Do not be upset if the result of fortune telling turns out to be sad and does not live up to expectations. Epiphany fortune-telling is famous for the fact that the predictions received are valid for only one year, so one can hope for successful changes.

According to tradition, one night is reserved for Epiphany fortune-telling from January 18 to 19. At this time, you can find out your fate by telling fortunes in the same way as our ancestors did.

The most mystical night of the year opens the doors to the future, and with the help of proven fortune telling you can find out the answers to many questions. The most awaited time for fortune telling is used by girls to predict what their betrothed will be like when they get married. The site team has collected for you the most reliable fortune telling, which have been popular for a long time. They are carefully passed on from mouth to mouth from the older generation to the younger, and you can use them on the night of Epiphany.

Fortune telling by shoes

This method is one of the most popular. At night, an unmarried girl should leave the house, turn her back to the road and throw her shoes over her shoulder with a flourish. In which direction the sock points, that’s where you should wait for your betrothed. If the shoe lands with its toe against the door of the girl’s house, then she should not expect new love in the coming year. However, in the modern world, many people live in apartment buildings, so the toe of a boot or shoe may indicate that your betrothed is very close.

Fortune telling using a mirror

This ritual is no less loved by young girls. For fortune telling, you will need privacy, 2 candles and two medium-sized mirrors. Previously, people used to tell fortunes in this way when going to the bathhouse, but in modern conditions this is hardly possible, so the ritual can be performed in a separate room with the doors and windows closed. Place the mirrors so that they form a corridor, place candles on the sides and light them. Sit comfortably and peer deep into the mirror surface. Repeat the words to yourself: “My betrothed, come to me. Show yourself, look at me.”

After a while you will be able to see the outline of a person. Many claim that they clearly saw the face of an unfamiliar male person, who in the future turned out to be his betrothed.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

A girl needs to go outside in the dark and ask the first man she meets for his name. According to legend, this is what the future husband will be called. In the modern world, fortune telling can also be done over the phone. Dial a number you don't know and wait for an answer. If a woman answers on the other end, then in your personal life there will be obstacles and problems associated with a representative of the fairer sex. If a man answers, then feel free to ask his name. By the way, many people believe that this way you can make a wish. If an unknown person answers you "Yes" instead of "Hello", then it will come true.

Epiphany fortune telling: how to find out the name of your future husband

Fill a wide basin with water, prepare a nut or eggshell and a small candle. Write men's names on pieces of paper and place them around the perimeter of the pelvis. Place the shell with the candle in the center of the container with water and light it. Then take a fork and circle the water three times. Watch your boat. Whichever piece of paper she floats to, that’s what your groom will be called.

Fortune telling by wish

You can find out if you will get married this year using a mirror and fir branches. Write your question on a mirror surface, place a mirror under the bed and cover it with fir branches around the perimeter. In the morning the inscription will remain - the wish will not come true, and if it disappears, then a happy marriage awaits you this year.

Epiphany fortune telling with incense

At midnight, place 2 plates, cutlery and two glasses on a table covered with a clean tablecloth. Light a church candle, put a piece of incense in each plate and read the plot:

“Incense in church brightens souls, it drives away illnesses at home, and at Epiphany they use it to tell fortunes. Everything will be fine with him, dashing fate will forget me, and what I dreamed will be so. Show me, incense, my betrothed, whether he is near or far. Don’t just show him, say his name, tell him mine. Call me to visit."

Place a piece of incense from the device that was in front of you under your pillow. The dream you see will be prophetic. From it you can learn everything about your fiance.

Help from Higher Powers

On this day you will be able to go to church and turn directly to the Lord. Light a candle, go to the icon and say: “Lord, remove all the unnecessary ones from my life, send the necessary ones. My soul mate, pleasing to You, connected with me by fate. Amen".

Epiphany fortune telling for your future husband

Prepare several symbolic items for you that will indicate the qualities of your future husband. For example, a coin - to a rich groom, keys - to a husband with his own home and car, a bag of sugar - to a sweet married life, with salt - to frequent tears, and so on. Light a candle and put all the items in a bag or box. Mix them and take out the first one that comes to hand.

There are many fortune tellings, and you can ask the older generation for advice. Surely your grandmothers and mothers in their youth resorted to various rituals to find out their fate. Tell your fortune so you know what to expect in the future. Also on Epiphany Christmas Eve you can make your deepest wish, which will definitely come true. We wish you sincere and mutual love, good luck in your personal life, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Various Slavic holidays are known, but Epiphany can be considered unique, since it combines the traditions of both Christianity and paganism. Since the times of Ancient Rus', it has been customary to guess on this day in order to find out about important events of the coming period.

Fortune telling for baptism for love

The most popular predictions relate to personal life, as single girls were waiting for this day to find out when they would meet their betrothed and walk down the aisle. Women who are in relationships seek to use magic to find out whether the feelings are sincere and whether such a union has a future prospect. Various fortune tellings are known on Epiphany evenings, which are carried out both in company and alone.

  1. The onion will help you find out the name of your future husband. You need to take an arbitrary number of bulbs and write a man’s name on each one. Place them in a bowl filled with water and leave them in the kitchen or anywhere else. Whatever name the first onion sprouts with, that will be the name of the spouse.
  2. Epiphany fortune telling with matches is suitable for girls who are in a couple. For one, take two matches, symbolizing lovers. They must be placed at the edges of the box and set on fire; if they are leaning towards each other, then the couple will live together happily. When the matches diverge, it indicates that the relationship will collapse.

Fortune telling for baptism for the betrothed

The traditional Slavic holiday is ideal for performing a ritual and seeing the image of your future spouse. The most popular and effective are fortune telling for the betrothed on mirrors at Epiphany. It is necessary to take two reflective surfaces, and one should be larger than the other. Place the mirrors opposite each other, and the smaller one should be closer to the fortuneteller. Between them, place two lit candles, which should look through the top of a small mirror.

The result is a long corridor, into the depths of which you need to peer for some time. After a few minutes, various objects will begin to appear, from which you can learn about the future. If before fortune-telling you say: Betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner, then you will be able to see the image of your future spouse. Immediately after this you need to say: Chur, me!, so that the vision disappears.

Fortune telling for the betrothed's baptism on paper

For different predictions, additional items are used in order to correctly implement the ritual. The simplest option is paper on which, for example, you can write the name of your chosen one, put it on a plate and set it on fire. If it does not burn completely, it means that the hopes associated with this person will become a reality. There are modern fortune telling for Epiphany with paper: take a sheet and cut it into 12 small strips. Write a man's name on each and place them under your pillow. When you wake up, take out one leaf without looking and find out the name of your betrothed, whom you will meet this year.

Fortune telling at Epiphany for the betrothed overnight

During Russian times, single girls gathered together on this Christian holiday to learn about the future. Such baptismal fortune-telling is to some extent entertainment, but in order to receive a truthful answer, the action should be taken seriously. It is necessary to prepare in advance any hat, a slice of bread, a spoon, a wallet with a coin and a glove. The selected items are placed on the table and one girl is blindfolded. She must randomly select an item from which the fortune-telling for Baptism at home is deciphered:

  • headdress - the girl will go down the aisle this year, and the marriage will be happy;
  • bread - you shouldn’t count on a wedding in the coming year;
  • spoon - there will be a wedding, but the family will not last long due to the betrayal of the spouse;
  • a wallet is a marriage of convenience, but it will bring happiness;
  • glove - the chosen one will be rich, but the relationship will not work out.

Fortune telling for baptism for children

Another topic that interests the fair sex is how many children will there be? You can get the answer by doing fortune telling on Epiphany Christmas Eve. You need to take a glass at night and pour water into it. Place the ring there and place the container outside or on the balcony. In the morning, an interpretation is carried out based on the state of the frozen water. If the ice surface is smooth, this is a bad sign indicating the absence of children. The presence of tubercles indicates the birth of a son, and depressions indicate the birth of a daughter. By their number, you can determine how many children the fortuneteller will have.

Fortune telling at Epiphany for wish fulfillment

Dreams are important for a person, because they make him move forward, achieve heights and get results. There are special Epiphany fortune-telling that help you find out when your desire will become a reality. A simple option is button prediction. In the evening, you need to place a button of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet on the balcony or veranda. In the morning, bring them home, pick them up and start throwing them one at a time on the table. The simple word for Epiphany is interpreted by the color of the last button that remains in the palm.

  • red - the wish will come true in the near future;
  • orange - your plans will come true, but only if no one gets in the way;
  • yellow - the desire will become reality, but it is not clear when;
  • green - the dream will come true, but enemies will try to interfere;
  • blue - the wish has already begun to come true;
  • blue - excessive talkativeness will not allow you to carry out your plans;
  • purple - the dream will not come true in the near future.

Fortune telling for Epiphany

You can find out what lies ahead with the help of your own dreams, since it is believed that at Epiphany the likelihood of seeing a prophetic dream increases significantly. The presented fortune-telling for Epiphany is suitable for married women, girls and men, the main condition is belief in magic. Before you fall asleep, ask aloud a question about your future, ending with the following phrase: Show me, Saint Samson, a holiday dream. After this, you need to close your eyes and not open them until the morning. Standing up is also prohibited.

Fortune telling for the future before Epiphany

It’s probably impossible to find a person who would refuse, because this can help avoid possible problems, prepare for tests, and so on. For those who are interested in whether it is possible to tell fortunes for the future at Epiphany, the following ritual is proposed: at exactly midnight, pour clean water into a beautiful bowl and add the white of a raw egg. Place the container in an inconspicuous place for three hours and during this time you cannot look into it. Fortune telling for Epiphany is interpreted by the shape the protein has acquired in the allotted time. Here you have to use your imagination and remember the associations:

  • gate - rise in a quarry;
  • heart - meeting your soulmate;
  • cradle - pregnancy;
  • dog - new friends;
  • road – travel and so on.

Fortune telling for Epiphany with money

People who have financial problems or want to make a serious purchase can conduct fortune-telling with money during Epiphany week to understand whether the situation will improve or whether it is worth tightening your belt for a while. For the presented ritual, it is necessary to prepare three deep plates and one coin, but not the smallest one. This fortune telling for Epiphany holidays is similar to a game of thimbles. The plate must be turned over and the fortuneteller must leave the room, and a third person must place a coin under one of the three containers.

After this, the person returns and chooses a plate at random. If there is a coin under it, it means that in the coming year you will have a chance to become rich. The situation when the plate is empty allows you to carry out the manipulations again. If the coin was found the second time, it means there will be money, but not in large quantities, and if not, then the year will be poor.

Many people use different prediction methods, but they do not take it seriously, and then they cannot count on a true result. Only faith in magic and in every action performed gives a chance to receive correct information about one’s own future. There are different ways to tell fortunes at Epiphany, but they all share some important rules. When using any additional items, it is recommended to first charge them with your energy, for which you hold them in your hands for a while.

Epiphany fortune-telling at home should be carried out alone, unless otherwise suggested by the chosen method of prediction. It is important that nothing distracts from the manipulations being performed. It is equally important to avoid energy blocks, which include, for example, crossed arms or legs. It is recommended to remove the surrounding items. To get a truthful answer, you need to remove the cross, since magic and religion are incompatible things. After performing Epiphany fortune-telling, it is recommended to wash yourself in order to wash away possible negative energy.

Fortune telling for Epiphany using a book

Many people believe that predicting the future requires some training and skills, but this applies to complex rituals or working with cards. There are simple fortune telling that even beginners can master. For one of them you need to take a book and hold it in your hands. After that, say the first two numbers that come to mind, and the first will mean the page number, and the second will mean the line at the top. To carry out the simplest fortune telling at Epiphany, read the indicated text, which will contain important information about the future.

Behind is Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year, Christmastide, Epiphany is coming...

The Feast of the Epiphany ends Christmastide. This day commemorates the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the waters of the Jordan River. This holiday is also called Epiphany, because during the baptism of Jesus Christ, a dove flew from heaven - the Holy Spirit - and the voice of God was heard, saying that Jesus Christ is His beloved Son.

At Epiphany, water is blessed in churches. Orthodox Christians have long had a custom of bringing home holy water and storing it carefully. This water is considered healing, they drink it, wash their faces with it, and sprinkle their homes with it.

In ancient times, Epiphany was considered a turning point. That evening we hoped for the best, made plans, made wishes. “On the night of Epiphany the sky opens,” people said. And of course, no Epiphany Christmas Eve was complete without fortune telling. Any fortune-telling has at all times been condemned by the church, since a fortune-teller temporarily entrusts his soul to evil spirits. It is for this reason that fortune telling was timed to coincide with 12 o'clock at night. The next day, on Epiphany, they necessarily plunged into the ice hole, thus washing away their sins.

Today, nothing has changed, and many girls also cannot resist the temptation to find out their fate. On a frosty Epiphany night, beautiful girls gather at one of their friends’ houses and begin to tell fortunes.

Fortune Telling for Baptism

❦ Fortune telling with a shoe

This is the most famous and widespread type of fortune telling. This is how our great-great-grandmothers in the villages used to tell fortunes. Take off the shoe from your left foot and throw it behind the gate (you can through the window). If after this you are lucky and you find discarded shoes, carefully look at how they are lying. If your toe is towards home, it means you won’t get married this year.

❦ Fortune telling with rings and grains

Let each of your girlfriends fortune telling with you bring rings made of a different metal. Take an opaque container, pour grain or cereal into it and hide the rings there. Mix thoroughly. Each of you must take a handful of grain, and by which ring she gets along with the grain, you can judge her future.

For example, a copper ring means that a girl will marry a poor young man, a silver one - for a simple guy from a good family, a ring with a stone - for a wealthy person, and a gold one - for a very rich one. If you get your ring, it means your most cherished wish will come true. If there is nothing in the handful, then there will be no changes in the new year.

❦ Fortune telling using a ring, bread, brush and tobacco

Take 4 identical opaque cups, put a ring in one of them, a piece of bread in the second, a brush in the third, tobacco in the fourth and cover them with paper. Mix the cups and choose one of them. Look inside the cup: bread - for wealth, a ring - the groom will be a dandy, a brush - a simple man, tobacco - the husband will be caught smoking.

❦ Ring in water

Take an ordinary glass with a smooth bottom without any designs. Pour three quarters of water into it and carefully lower the wedding ring into the middle of the bottom, after cleaning it. Concentrate and look inside the lowered ring. Those who have a rich imagination claim that this way you can see the face of the future groom.

❦ Fortune telling with chicken

Buy a live chicken at the market and bring it home. Scatter various objects on the floor (a piece of bread, gold, silver and copper rings), immediately place a mug of water - and give the chicken freedom of choice. If she starts drinking water, it means that your husband, alas, will abuse alcohol; if she starts pecking at bread, she will find a sensible and wealthy husband. He will go to a golden object - to be a rich husband, he will choose a copper ring - you, poor fellow, will live all your life with a lazy beggar. You can tell fortunes on chicken either alone or in a large group. If there are a lot of people, everyone puts their own item. Whose goodness the feathered friend likes more, that girl will get married faster.

❦ Fortune telling under the window

At midnight, open the window in the house wider, and then sit down with your girlfriends in a row and take turns saying: “The betrothed! Drive past the window! After whose words some sounds are heard outside the window, she will be the first to get married.

❦ Fortune telling on a towel

Hang the towel outside the balcony at night. If by morning it is wet, then it’s a sign of marriage; if it’s dry, you’ll end up staying in your parents’ house.

❦ Fortune telling on burning paper

Write your lover's name on a piece of paper, place it on a plate and set it on fire. If the piece of paper does not burn completely, it means that the wish you associate with this person will come true.

❦ Fortune telling by snow

At midnight, take a handful of snow outside and throw it against the wind. If snow falls directly on you, your future husband will be young and handsome. If the snow flies to the side, then you should marry an old man.

You can also walk on fresh snow at night. If by morning no one crosses the tracks or tramples them, your life will be free. If it’s the other way around, you and your husband will argue for the rest of your life.

❦ Eavesdropping

At midnight, go with your girlfriends to eavesdrop under other people's windows. The one who hears quarrel and swearing will have a bad life in marriage, but the one who hears fun will not escape happiness.

❦ Fortune telling at the crossroads

At midnight, go out with your girlfriends to the crossroads and, having each made a wish about your future groom, draw a circle around you. Standing in it, listen: if you hear laughter and singing, then you will soon get married, if you hear crying, swearing and lamentations, then you should sit among the girls and shed tears.

❦ Fortune telling by dog ​​barking

This method is suitable for those who definitely want to marry a foreigner. If you go outside at midnight, ask: “Bark, bark, little dog! Find out, find out, betrothed! — you definitely can’t avoid getting married to a foreigner from far abroad if, after listening, you can hear a dog barking somewhere in the distance. The louder the barking, the further away you are abroad. But if you hear a dog barking nearby, it means your betrothed lives on the next street.

They say that you can judge the age of the groom by the barking of a dog. A hoarse bark promises an old groom, and a ringing bark promises a young one.

❦ Fortune telling on a thread

Take threads of the same length with your friends and set them on fire. Whose thread burns out first will get married first. Whoever has less than half a thread is never destined to get married.

❦ Fortune telling with matches

Make a wish for a young man. Insert two matches into the sides of the matchbox and light them. If the burnt match heads are facing each other, it means that the mysterious person is thinking about you and you will be together.

❦ Fortune telling with a needle

Write the names of the people you are interested in on paper and place the pieces of paper in a circle. Place the needle and thread in the middle of the circle. Hold the needle by the thread so that it rests freely on the table, resting on the very tip. In the direction of which name the needle swings and stops, that person is your destiny.

❦ Fortune telling with cards

A deck of cards will answer your most intimate questions. Mix them thoroughly and remove them with your left hand. Ask questions while revealing cards. If the card is red, then the answer is positive and your dream will come true, if it is black, it won’t. If the card is black and small, then there will just be slight disappointment. If it is black and large, great difficulties await you ahead. If the card is red and small, it means your wish will come true, but not exactly the way you would like. But if the card is red and large, everything will be fine.

❦ “My light, mirror, tell me...”, or fortune telling on mirrors

People have long noticed that fortune telling on mirrors is one of the surest ways not only to find out whether a girl will get married, but even to see her betrothed.

You should immediately warn that this activity is dangerous. It is believed that the mirror has the ability to release evil forces into the world of people.

Since ancient times, mystical properties have been attributed to the mirror. Breaking a mirror means inviting death on someone.

You need to tell fortunes on mirrors at midnight, somewhere in a secluded room. The windows should be closed and curtained, the light should be weak and dim. It is better to tell fortunes in a non-residential area or in the attic. One girl with loose hair should guess; spectators can be present, but at a sufficient distance.

In Rus', mirrors were usually used to tell fortunes in the village so-called black bathhouse, since, according to beliefs, evil spirits live here.

❀ Fortune telling 1

In ancient times, girls used this fortune telling to see a very real gentleman. The girl explained to her parents and grandmothers, frightened by such a strange vision, that in front of them was not a real person, but a spirit, a ghost. Some believed.

Place two mirrors (one large, one smaller) opposite each other; the smaller mirror should be located closer to the fortuneteller. Light two candles between the mirrors. Say: “Betrothed! Come and have dinner with me!” — and look through the top of the smaller mirror. You will see a long corridor, gradually darkening in the depths. Look into the darkness - and after a while you will begin to see various objects there, by which you will determine your future. And sooner or later the future betrothed will appear in the mirror. You must overcome your fear and try to get a better look at this person. Then you need to throw a handkerchief prepared in advance over the smaller mirror as quickly as possible and shout loudly: “Forget me!”

They say that an evil spirit can slap a girl who is “not over-the-top” with a good slap on the wrist, the traces of which will not go away until the wedding.

❀ Fortune telling 2

Place two mirrors (one large, the other small) opposite each other, light a candle between the mirrors. Sit so that when you look into a large mirror, you see 12 small mirrors reflected in it. Quickly say the cherished words: “Betrothed! Show yourself in the mirror!

The reflection of a young man should appear in the last, twelfth, mirror. Don’t lose your head in fear, but carefully examine his facial features and clothes. As soon as you shout: “Out of this place!” - the image should disappear.

If no image appears in the mirror, it means that you are not in danger of getting married soon.

❀ Fortune telling 3

Cut the apple into 9 equal parts and, standing in front of the mirror, eat eight of them. Throw the last slice over your left shoulder. At the same time, the betrothed should appear in the mirror.

❀ Fortune telling 4

Go out to the crossroads at night, taking a mirror with you. Draw circles around you, peering intently into the mirror, say: “Mummer, come to me along the path and along the white snowball.” And if you are destined to get married soon, you will see your betrothed walking towards you along the road, you will hear the ringing of bells or cheerful singing.

❀ Fortune telling 5

Before midnight, prepare a medium-sized mirror and several fir branches. Before going to bed, place a mirror under the bed and place spruce paws around it. On the mirror, write the name of the person you are thinking about, or your deepest desire. When you wake up in the morning, look: if the inscription on the mirror has disappeared, then your wish will definitely come true or you will soon get married. If the inscription remains on the mirror, then the wish will not come true, and your sweetheart will never be with you.

❀ Fortune telling 6

When the moon is shining brightly in the sky, take a small mirror, stand near the window and position the mirror so that the month is reflected in it. Take a close look at it. After some time, several months should appear in the mirror. How many months you count in the mirror, how many close relatives your future husband will have.

❀ Fortune telling 7

Place a glass decanter with water on the table, and lighted candles on three sides of it. Place a mirror behind the decanter and look into it through the decanter. What you see in the mirror will come true.