Ksenia Bubenko: the story of her illness. Let them talk about anorexia, thin people Let them talk: Sergey Gaisin

Hello! I have long wanted to contact you, but I never dared because I am a secretive person and cannot say everything in public. Help, please, I really want to live, I’m struggling on my own, but it’s not working, and I’m getting worse every day. Now my weight is 33 kg with a height of 163 cm. I am 25 years old. My optimal weight, at which I felt good, was 45 kg, the maximum weight when I was treated with hormones in childhood due to an enlarged thyroid gland was 49 kg. Now the thyroid gland is normal, I constantly get tested, hemoglobin is actually quite high, the last time it was 145, before that it was 154, but the sugar, on the contrary, dropped to 3.4. I think I lost weight because of stress: the death of my grandparents, I broke up with my boyfriend, but I forgot about it, there was stress at work, I was studying, finishing higher education, although I myself gave up sweets and salty foods (especially). And now I’m trying to get back to everything, I even started eating everything, but now my organs are failing. I’ll start from the beginning: in May 2013, I was in a psychoneurological dispensary on Furmanova in Tver, but I ate almost nothing there, since I cannot perceive highly salty food, and I began to have even more inability to perceive food. Then I was treated in my city of Rzhev by psychotherapists, but they told me that I needed to eat more, and there was no point in feeding me pills, since they made my blood pressure drop and make me weak. I went to meetings with Moscow psychologists, they also said that I myself must fight, I’m trying, but another problem lay in my city in the hospital, as I came in with terrible pain in the abdomen and on the left side of the abdomen and above. We identified erosive hemorrhagic gastritis, duodeno-gastric reflux and pancreatic disease. She was treated with omeprazole and ciprofloxacin alone. But this is not a cure, the pain does not go away. I eat only milk porridges with village and city milk, buttered ones. I was at the Kashin sanatorium in mid-December 2014, they gave me a free trip from work from the trade union, but I feel like I’m getting worse. The pain is getting worse every day, now my lower abdomen has started to hurt terribly and I have been having a constant headache for a very long time. Only in the morning there are fewer headaches and a little more strength. Then I don’t understand at all what’s happening to me. I eat little by little: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner twice. But I feel no better, I also feel bad and the pain does not subside. Don't get me wrong, I live with my parents, I have a younger brother (studying in another city), we have very little money, we barely live. Despite all my testimony, I constantly go to work through tears and pain, I am an editor of the first category in the library, I get a little 7,000 rubles. Mom 5,000 rubles, dad is a pensioner and can no longer work due to health reasons. I work somehow so that I can at least buy groceries. Please help, save me, I really want to live! To enjoy life again, to have strength again, because I used to love cooking so much! But understand, we have no money at all, and I can’t express myself in public and I’m embarrassed. Help, save, respond! Help me get to a normal clinic, a nutrition institute, where they will really help, where doctors can work, there will be food, not pills. I believe in God's help! Answer me, please, I will be very grateful because my strength will soon run out, and I really want to live. Thank you!
Kuznetsova Ekaterina Mikhailovna Tver region. Rzhev st. Marata 29/106, block 136.
2-32-67, 89040108759
katerina [email protected]

“Let Them Talk”, episode 06/23/2015, video: the long-awaited program went on air. TV viewers are always interested in how the lives of the people who were the heroes of the program turned out. Andrei Malakhov invited old acquaintances to the studio: Gennady Zheltov, the hero of the issue “Seven on the Shops” (the man raised the children alone after the death of his wife), Natasha Zhultaeva from the program “Love and Hunger” (the girl weighed only 21 kg), Galina Kashnikova from the story “ A burden for everyone" (140 kg woman who was left without legs) and others. How did their fate change? The program release dated June 23, 2015 will be told in a video.

“They say and do”: the Zheltov family was remembered by many. The story about a young father who did not give up when he was left alone with seven children inspired TV viewers. Many began sending parcels to Zheltov. Sometimes the head of the family took 10 parcels a day. What was most often sent to the head of the family and how are things going with him on the personal front? Who gave the family a house? Watch the episode of the program “They Speak and Do.”

Viewers of the “Let Them Talk” program also remember Ilya Margevich. He complained about his addiction to alcohol to the legendary Nick Vujicic, the most famous motivational speaker in the world. Vujicic inspired Ilya to change - the guy is undergoing rehabilitation. Margevich appeared in the studio, saw his mother and talked about his successes. You can be happy for Ilya by watching the episode “They Say and Do.”

“Let them talk”, issue 06/23/2015, video: Natasha Zhultaeva doubled her weight - now it is 42 kg. The girl appeared in the studio and instilled hope that she would definitely get better.

Galina Kashnikova from the program “A Burden for Everyone” caused a wave of sympathy. For the first time after the program aired, the woman wanted to live. How is life going for the heroine of the program? Has Galina's partner, who used to steal food from the family, changed? It is simply impossible to look at these changes without tears.

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Let them talk


Description: The program “Let Them Talk” - the most discussed stories and people.
In this studio, they discuss stories about which it is impossible to remain silent: by bringing up for discussion the private problem of an individual, an individual family, we talk about what worries everyone without exception.

332 entries

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The star of the film “The Noble Nest” Tamara Chernova found herself on the brink of poverty, alone and isolated. At 90 years old, she is forced to take care of herself and ask strangers for help, despite the fact that she has a daughter and granddaughter.

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The famous Soviet actress Zoya Fedorova was found murdered in her apartment in December 1981. Show in full... The killers have not yet been found. According to one version, the artist became a victim of American intelligence services.

The fate of Zoya Fedorova is full of secrets and mysteries. They say she was an agent of the Soviet secret services. In the 40s, she had an affair with the American military attaché Jackson Tate - when the NKVD learned of her pregnancy, the American was immediately expelled from the USSR, and Fedorova was sentenced to 25 years in the camps on charges of espionage.

In 1946, Zoya Alekseevna gave birth to a girl and named her Victoria in honor of the great victory. Little Vika, as the daughter of an enemy of the people, was sent with the actress’s sister to Kazakhstan. Victoria Fedorova for many years did not know who her real parents were.

Until the end of her life, Zoya Fedorova acted in films, her daughter Victoria also became an actress - in the West she was called the “Russian Sophia Loren.”

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Let them say - Unequal marriage: why did the people's artist leave everything to his young wife?
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People's Artist of the USSR Mikhail Pugovkin would have turned 95 this year; he died literally two weeks after his 85th birthday. Show in full... At the funeral, Mikhail Ivanovich's only daughter Elena and his wife Irina Konstantinovna saw each other for the last time - after that the women stopped any communication with each other.

Mikhail Ivanovich met Irina Lavrova when he was already 70 years old. He was grieving the death of his second wife Alexandra Lukyanchenko, with whom he lived for 32 years. Irina was 49 years old at the time, and the union was called an unequal marriage. He is a recognized artist of the USSR, she is a simple organizer of theatrical meetings.

The news about her father’s wedding came as a real shock to Mikhail Pugovkin’s only daughter, Elena. After Mikhail Ivanovich’s meeting with Irina Konstantinovna, the relationship between father and daughter, which seemed to be improving, deteriorated again. Irina Pugovkina fenced off her husband from meetings and communication with his family.

Irina and Elena will meet in the studio to talk frankly about painful issues and find out why the artist’s daughter was left without an inheritance.


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Let all the episodes talk about anorexia

Posts tagged 'anorexia'

For the third day in a row, the show's studio is discussing cases that shocked you. From each episode you will learn about how the program helped the heroes, how their lives changed after the whole country learned about them. The 20-year-old girl was the heroine of the program. Her weight was just over 20 kg. Anna's life simply could have ended at any moment. You can see this girl today, she is difficult to recognize.

The “Let Them Talk” program receives thousands of letters every day. They write from people who want to help the heroes of the program, and they also write from people who ask for help. But many people are concerned about how the lives of the program’s characters change after the broadcast. Gennady Zheltov, who is 57 years old, after the death of his wife, is forced to raise seven children alone.

Today's heroine is 180 cm tall and weighs 36 kg. Masha Voznesenskaya lives in Moscow. The girl wanted fame, as well as attention - the attention of her own father. That is why she brought herself to a terrible state. Today the girl looks at her old photographs, she does not understand how she got herself into this state. The girl really wants to become the same.

Galina Zhultaeva, who lives in the Chelyabinsk region, turned to the program for help. The woman is desperate. She wrote a letter in which she said that her daughter had been suffering from anorexia for a long time. The girl's weight is 21 kg and she is 23 years old. The mother says that her daughter is dying before her eyes, the girl’s condition is extremely serious, but the mother does not know how to help her daughter.

Anna Egrchukova lives in Moscow. Two years ago the girl weighed 65 kg, today Anya weighs 26 kg, her height is 168 cm. The girl is only 19 years old. Anna lost weight very quickly; in a short time she lost two-thirds of her weight.

18-year-old resident of Yaroslavl Elena Leader weighs 26 kg with a height of 165 cm. The girl always wanted to lose weight, she lost weight, as well as her teeth.

Previously, Elena, according to her mother, was very cheerful, she was well-fed, but in moderation. At the age of 15, my daughter began to lose weight. She was in love with a guy who called her fat. Since then, Lena has been losing weight.

Let them talk to Dmitry Borisov watch online

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Archive of the section ‘Let them talk 2015 all issues’

Svetlana lived in marriage with Sergei Lanskikh for 33 long years, the family lives in the Sverdlovsk region, and the family raised two daughters. This marriage almost fell apart because of what happened 10 years ago. A letter was sent to the husband that his son was looking for him.

Today you will see the 10th episode of Aftar Zhzhot. You will have something to laugh about. These videos have received a huge number of views online. The authors of the videos and actors were invited to the program. The whole country will be able to meet them today.

30-year-old Sergei Gaisin, who lives in Kumertau, is literally melting before our eyes... Until relatively recently, he had normal weight and a good physique, but today, with a height of 186 cm, he weighs only... 37 kg! In the recent past, Gaysin was an athlete who had a prestigious job and was always in the spotlight. Today Sergei leads a reclusive lifestyle...Will they be able to help him on the program, see Let them talk 01/19/2016 - Melting before our eyes.

Male anorexia

Before the broadcast, Sergei Gaisin talks about his difficult situation:

“I was so physically ill that sometimes I thought: “That’s it, I’m already finished”...

A few years ago, a guy had a good physique, played sports and had a job he loved. In addition, Sergei had many friends and acquaintances, he got along well with everyone and was, one might say, the center of attention. Today, with his tall height of 186 cm, he weighs almost 37 kg!

Gaisin’s mother Nadezhda Dmitrievna is very worried about her son. The woman called the editor of the program with a plea for help to save Seryozha.

Male anorexia is a rare phenomenon, because this disease is considered female. What is the cause of this disease, which men are at risk and how to help a guy who is melting in front of his family and friends?

Let them say: Sergei Gaisin

The main character of the broadcast came to the program. Here's what he says about himself:

- Hello. I came to you straight from the hospital. Changes for me began back in 2009, when I began to notice that I was losing weight. Then I weighed 87 kg with a height of 186 cm. I was actively involved in sports, I had good muscle mass, I had my own trainer at the gym. I was engaged in a sports program, although not for competitions, but simply for myself. I’ve never had a dry spell, since I’m not prone to being overweight, so I just gained weight. I analyzed it for a long time, tried to find the reason why I became like this, but I still don’t understand. I want to get rid of this disease and be a full-fledged person.

Sergey Gaisin until 2009

When asked by experts whether Sergei experienced severe stress, the guy answered the following:

— In 2008, I graduated from the university and began working in shifts: in the morning, in the afternoon, and there were also night shifts. The work was good and I really liked it. The team is friendly, everything was great. I was not married. I never intended to lose weight because I don’t need it.

The film crew visited the city where Sergei Gaisin lives, and, in particular, the hospital where he has been staying lately:

— On January 1, 2016, I cried... I was in the hospital and I felt very bad on New Year’s Eve. I kept waiting for my parents to come. I asked them for forgiveness for everything that they had to go through because of me... I used to have a toned body, abs, biceps, but now I’m just thin. Weight: less than 37 kilograms! Very low blood pressure, sometimes drops to 80/60 and even sometimes to 70/40. I call it physical weakness, I feel like an old man at 30 years old. I worry about my parents, because they are also tired of taking care of me all the time.

Andrei Malakhov:

- Tell me, have you ever thought that until the age of 30, your parents overprotected you and demanded that you be a proper, obedient child? Moreover, the school, university, factory where you worked constantly demanded that you be the best! And you reciprocated: you graduated from school with a gold medal, university with honors, at work you were the best employee. Have you thought that it was an overly correct life that could lead you to such a state? Sorry if I'm being harsh. You just have to answer this question yourself in order to move on.

“It was no coincidence that I started talking about this.” After all, there is a German actor Jeremy Glitzer, who has a very similar story to yours. Now he is no longer alive. He was 37 years old...


One of the experts present in the studio put forward a version of the evil eye:

“Didn’t you think, Sergei, that you could have been jinxed by some girl whom you inadvertently offended in some way?” After all, many girls are interested in magic and go around making money. It is quite possible that you have been jinxed.

However, Oleg Gladyshev, a specialist from the Institute of Nutrition, thinks differently:

“This is a rare disease for men and is very difficult to treat. After all, it’s really incomprehensible why a successful guy, an excellent student and the best employee suddenly becomes like this!

Sergei's mom

In the studio, Sergei Gaisin’s mother, Nadezhda Dmitrievna. This is what she says about her son:

- When you answered our letter, we had hope! We watch all your programs and especially those episodes of Let Them Talk that are devoted to such a topic. We contacted you through someone who also had anorexia. We have already gone through various diagnostics, analyzed everything, even blamed ourselves. Yes, he is not kissed by us, he is very independent, he cooked his own food when he lived in an apartment.

“At first he complained of heaviness in his stomach. We went to the doctors and they advised us to simply feed Seryozha more often.


Anton Kazachkov, one of Gaisin’s friends, comes into the hall. He will talk about what Sergei was like before and how he began to change:

— Since 2009, we began to communicate less often, since he worked in shifts. But still, sometimes on weekends we managed to meet. And soon I stopped seeing him completely. At one time I even thought that he had a girlfriend, he just probably didn’t want to show her at first, so as not to jinx it. However, 2.5 years later I saw him at the clinic and didn’t even recognize him! I contacted his sister and she told me everything.

Andrei Malakhov:

— Sergey, our correspondent talked with you for a long time and you told him that you know the reason for your weight loss! But...You told him that it was a secret and you would never tell anyone. This is true? But then all this will continue until... the cemetery, to be honest.

Sergei did not answer the question about his secret, but talked about how he continues to play sports despite his illness:

— The doctor recommended an exercise bike to me, and I’m currently working out on it. When I was 15 years old I wanted to be like Schwarzenegger. I played basketball when I had the strength...

At the end of the broadcast, the above-mentioned Natalya Zhultaeva will appear in the program studio.

What will she tell about herself? And is Sergei ready to stay in Moscow to undergo treatment? Release Let Them Talk 01/19/2016 - Melts before our eyes.

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Let them say anorexia... What is anorexia... I was prompted by a review on the Internet about this problem, which is quite relevant for our time.

A young two-room girl wrote: “People, be careful about losing weight! My story will end in suicide. I, like everyone else, dreamed of losing weight. I was a little overweight and became fixated on it. I started losing weight at the age of 16, gradually eliminating all flour from food, limiting the amount of food I took and increasing physical activity. As a result anorexia. Having lost 20 kg of weight in a year, I weighed 46 kg with a height of 170 cm.

My breasts disappeared and all my hair fell out. I was obsessed with counting calories and exercising. Subsequently, I realized that I needed to eat, but on a subconscious level, I still didn’t want to get fat. I ate everything and threw it down the toilet. My whole life was just about this. Then terrible depression, apathy. I didn’t want anything, I even became too lazy to vomit food. I went to doctors. I became so stupid that I could hardly remember the multiplication tables, and during a conversation I could not put together two words. I felt like a crazy amoeba. My advice to everyone: love yourself just the way you are. My death is dedicated to you, do not repeat my mistakes."

You can remember Isabelle Caro (the world symbol of the fight against anorexia) and her “No to Anorexia” billboard - the creator she became. Isabelle's life was interrupted at the age of 28 at around 28 kg. the exhausted body could not cope with the cold. 2 months after Isabelle left, her mother shot herself right at her grave.

Anorexia is a merciless disease that is becoming younger and younger every year.

Who is to blame and what to do …

Anorexia is a real problem of our time. Girls most often subject themselves to voluntary refusal of food. And the worst thing is that this disease can occur even in 12-13 year olds. Often parents themselves provoke this disease in their children, and then become powerless to change anything.

Anorexia is a mental illness, a person consciously strives to reduce body weight and refuses to eat, and he is not limited to the minimum body weight at which his body truly feels healthy. He keeps the weight lower and lower. The desire to lose weight becomes the most important and significant for such a person. Characterized by an altered perception of one's own body, this is one of the symptoms of anorexia. A patient with anorexia, looking at himself in the mirror, will always consider himself fat. A person does not understand the pattern that when losing weight at the waist or hips, he cannot help but lose weight inside. After all, the same thing happens to its internal organs and blood vessels, and the vital functions of the whole organism are disrupted. This is a rather complex disease; 20% of people suffering from anorexia die; they cannot be saved.

It is classically believed that this is a disease of adolescence and, moreover, it is a disease of smart young girls; it is also called a disease of excellent students. In the last decade, this disease has begun to occupy a wider age range, both increasing and decreasing the age limit.

And so I repeat, anorexia – It is a disease, an eating disorder, characterized by three main key features:

  • The person refuses to maintain a healthy weight;
  • There is a persistent fear of gaining excess body weight;
  • Characterized by a distorted perception of one's own body.

Fear of gaining weight can make eating quite stressful. All human thoughts are aimed at all kinds of diets, food and figure. He has no time for friends, family or hobbies, only an obsession with losing weight. In pursuit of thinness, a person goes to extremes. A person with anorexia tends to deny the existence of a problem. The truth is that anorexia is a serious and potentially fatal eating disorder. Fortunately, recovery is still possible. Proper treatment and support from people significant to the patient are necessary.

Types of Anorexia Nervosa

There are two types of anorexia. The first is when weight loss is achieved through calorie restriction. Second, weight loss is achieved through vomiting or the use of laxatives and diuretics.

Are you anorexic?... Try to answer a series of questions for yourself

  • Do you consider yourself overweight, although others say not;
  • Are you afraid of gaining weight;
  • Are your family and friends concerned about your weight loss, your eating habits, your appearance;
  • Perhaps you are constantly on diets and exhausting yourself with physical exercise, even when you feel weak and tired;
  • You build your self-esteem based on your weight and body size.

The line between healthy diets and anorexia

If we draw the line between healthy diets and anorexia, we can note that during a healthy diet a person controls his weight.

With anorexia, the person’s life and his emotional sphere come first into the balance. An anorexic person views weight loss as a path to happiness. With healthy weight loss, weight loss is only one way for a person to improve their health and appearance.

An anorexic's diet is very limited; he eats certain low-calorie foods. “Bad” foods such as fats and carbohydrates are prohibited. This person is obsessed with reading books about all kinds of diets, measuring and weighing portions, keeping a food diary, and studying food labels.

Patients with anorexia are very deceitful about food intake. If you come home and see that there is no lunch, this does not mean that it was eaten. Lunch can be anywhere, for example, in the toilet or in your dog's intestines.

However, people with anorexia constantly think about food. They may cook for others, collect recipes, read food magazines, plan meals, while not even touching the cooked food themselves.

Anorexia nervosa causes of the disease

This is a rather complex disease that occurs at the intersection of factors such as social, emotional, and biological.

Psychological reasons

Very often people who are perfectionists, people with low self-esteem, and those who have suffered psychological trauma in the past are susceptible to this disease.

Family and social pressure: images from TV screens, newspapers, glossy magazines. As a result of research, it was found that about 60% of the information in magazines relates to a woman’s appearance: how to lose weight, what diets, what dietary supplements to take, what cosmetics to use.

Biological causes of anorexia

Research suggests that there may also be a genetic predisposition to anorexia. Brain chemistry also plays a significant role. People with anorexia tend to have high levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress, and low levels of serotonin, a chemical responsible for feelings of well-being.

Main risk factors

  1. dissatisfaction with the figure;
  2. strict diets;
  3. low self-esteem;
  4. perfectionism;
  5. family history of eating disorders.

Impact of Anorexia

The body does not receive enough calories and goes into starvation mode. In essence, the body begins to consume itself. We can observe in an anorexic

  1. Severe mood swings, depression;
  2. Lack of energy, weakness;
  3. Poor memory, slow thought processes;
  4. Tooth decay;
  5. Dry yellow skin and brittle nails;
  6. constipation
  7. Dizziness, fainting, headaches;
  8. Growth of vellus hair all over the body and face.

Steps towards recovery

You may now think that anorexia has such a powerful hold on you that you will never be able to overcome it, but this is not true.

  1. Admit to yourself that you have a problem;
  2. Talk to someone . It can be difficult to talk about something you've kept secret for a long time. But more important to remember is that you are not alone. Find a good listener who can hear you on your journey as you strive to become a better person.
  3. Stay as far as possible from people, places and events that encourage you to lose weight. Stop looking at fashion, websites about diets and weight loss, fitness magazines, and friends whose entire conversation is about how to lose weight.
  4. Seek professional help

Consultation and support from an eating disorder specialist can help you regain your health, teach you how to eat healthy, and help you regain a healthy relationship with food and your body.

The fix idea of ​​a modern girl is an ideal figure. In the time of Rubens, the ideal figure was considered to be a powerful figure with rounded shapes, a noticeable difference between the chest and waist, and thinness and pallor were more likely signs of exhaustion rather than beauty and health. Times are changing, and the image of painful fragility and tenderness has been elevated to the ideal of femininity. Long-legged models with ideal proportions walk down the catwalk in slender rows, driving both men and women crazy. A model is a dream, a fabulous life, easy money and the love of hundreds of fans. Every girl dreams of such a life from early childhood. The heroine of this article, Ksenia Bubenko, who quickly slipped into the abyss called “anorexia,” was no exception.

The sad story of "victory"

Yekaterinburg has been worrying about a girl named Ksenia Bubenko for several years now. And after the release of the “Let Them Talk” program excited the public, residents throughout the country are worried about the girl. Ksenia Bubenko is an adult. At the time of the program's release she was 19 years old. By this age, the girl weighs 23 kilograms. She suffers from anorexia, and she herself has already come to the realization of this terrible diagnosis. On the program she told her sad story. Glamorous magazines became the motivation for losing weight. Model beauties excited the imagination of a young girl, and she wanted to become one of them. All that was needed to achieve happiness was to work on my figure and lose those extra pounds. Ksenia Bubenko solved the problem radically - she simply stopped eating. The results of such a “diet”, which Ksenia gave the name “Victory”, did not take long to arrive. If Ksenia Bubenko weighed about 48 kilograms before anorexia, then her minimum weight was 19 kilograms. In a short time, the girl lost almost 30 kilograms.

"Let them talk"

On the “Let Them Talk” program, Ksenia Bubenko stepped on the scales. Her weight was 23 kilograms. Relatives and friends are horrified. They beg the girl to come to her senses, start eating and stop torturing herself. The program’s studio also brought together girls suffering from anorexia and in recovery. They told the audience their stories and gave advice on how to recognize and overcome the disease.

Anorexia predominantly affects the fair sex, who are more susceptible to the influence of other people's opinions. Perfectionist girls, such as Ksenia Bubenko, strive to always do everything perfectly and achieve the best results. For them there are no half measures, only victory, only an ideal result. Ksyusha’s height is small for a modeling career - 158 centimeters. But that didn't stop her. The girl, without telling her parents, decided to achieve her ideal weight by drinking only water. The parents, confident in their daughter’s prudence, could not believe that she was not eating anything, but then Ksyusha’s legs turned into bones covered with skin, and concern about her rapid weight loss grew into panic. On the “Let Them Talk” program, Andrei Malakhov invited the girl to fulfill one of her dreams - to organize a professional photo shoot when her weight exceeds 30 kilograms. Ksenia agreed to the 30 kilogram limit, but no more.

The insidiousness of anorexia

This alarmed parents and the audience even more, since, despite the obvious dystrophy and lack of weight and nutrients, vitamins in the body, Ksenia Bubenko does not want to recover to a normal weight and considers herself beautiful, although her protruding bones, covered with parchment skin, cause horror from those around you. Inadequate self-perception is one of the sure signs of an insidious disease - anorexia. Many parents incorrectly assume that anorexia only manifests itself when there is a significant amount of it. In fact, anorexia is a nervous disorder in which there is no appetite and there is a constant fear of gaining weight. Anorexia can also manifest itself in cases of significant excess weight, when a girl is under constant emotional pressure generated by her own dissatisfaction with herself, the ridicule of others and the desire to change. This disease is often attributed to models who regularly withstand huge competition and are terrified of the appearance of an extra kilogram, which will inevitably be noticed during a fashion show in swimsuits. According to rough estimates, about 1% of the fair half of humanity and 0.2% of the stronger half suffer from anorexia. The average age of those affected ranges from 13 to 20 years.

What are the main causes of anorexia?

It is rare, but it happens that the cause of the progression of anorexia is a brain tumor, which provokes an imbalance of hormones of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus. But predominantly the disease has psychological causes. In other words, the obsessive desire to lose weight is explained by low self-esteem, the desire to make a career, to please a lover, depressive disorders or schizophrenia.

How to recognize anorexia in the early stages?

The main symptom, of course, is weight loss of 20 percent or more of body weight in six months or less. Present to get better. Progressing Patients have a clear goal and dream about their desired weight. If there is no effect for a long time, depression develops, accompanied by outbursts of anger. When you lose weight, you may experience bouts of euphoria. New norms of behavior during meals appear and become stronger. For example, patients eat standing, divide the food they eat into portions, and hide from their family. Taking advantage of the trust of their loved ones, patients throw away food, put it on other people’s plates, and give it to animals.

If it works, then the patients completely refuse to eat, as happened in the case of Ksyusha Bubenko. Her muscles began to atrophy. It's scary to look at the girl's body. Calcium is washed out of the bones, teeth and hair deteriorate greatly. The girl has arrhythmia and constant weakness. The monthly cycle stopped, and since organ restoration was not observed, the cells began to die. If Ksenia Bubenko had recovered, perhaps the cycle would have returned.

Path to life

Now the girl requires urgent hospitalization, which she resists. Recovery will become possible when she begins to receive intravenous vitamins and medication. In addition, she needs a balanced diet and Ksenia Bubenko has now gained several kilograms, but still her health is still in danger. Without a clear desire to recover, the girl is doomed. Meanwhile, many hundreds of little girls study her photographs, envy her successes and dream of a career as a supermodel, the path to which for them begins with a diet.