Where did the black eyebrows from good morning go? Personal life and biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina. Difficult childhood in a provincial town

“Morning of Russia” is one of most popular programs, broadcast on the Rossiya-1 TV channel every weekday from 05.00 to 9.00. Her story began in September 1998. Then it was known as “Good morning, Russia!” Over almost 17 years of existence, not only the directors and the concept of the program, its plot content, studios have changed repeatedly, but also, of course, those who meet the morning with us on the other side of the screen. One of the last replacements became very painful for the audience, who could not understand where the presenter Irina Muromtseva had gone, who had so unexpectedly disappeared from the air after so many years of regular appearances on it.

Leading programs

Over the entire long history of the program, more than forty of them appeared in the program. Among them are those who were in the studio, newscasters and journalists representing various thematic sections. The most popular, recognizable and loved by the entire country were two couples: together with Anastasia Chernobrovina, and with Irina Muromtseva. And if the first three still appear on the channel’s morning broadcast, then on November 27, 2014, all viewers of the program, turning on the TV, were at a loss: where did Irina Muromtseva go? She was replaced by Elena Lander, who did not suit the majority of fans of the program, who were not ready for such an unexpected replacement. But why did this happen? Let's figure it out and at the same time remember some facts professional biography TV presenter.

Irina Muromtseva’s career on television before “Morning of Russia”

Her first appearance took place in 1999 on the NTV channel in the then popular program “Segodnyachko”, the successor to the program “Vremechko”, the genre of which was defined as folk news. It aired three times a day: morning, afternoon and late evening.

A year later, in 2000, Muromtseva acted as one of the producers of the “Hero of the Day” program, and since 2001 she worked as an announcer on Radio Liberty. During this period, the most attentive viewers may have said to each other: “Remember, there was this Irina Muromtseva, a TV presenter. Where did it go, I wonder?” Indeed, at this time she did not appear on television, but she worked quite successfully outside of it.

Five years later, in 2006, she received an offer to work on the Rossiya TV channel, where her first broadcast took place, first as a news anchor, and then as a morning program.

Eight years in Morning of Russia: how it was

Irina herself admitted that the project team has become a second family for her for such a long time. She fit perfectly into her new surroundings and successfully hosted the program together with Andrei Petrov, and later with Vladislav Zavyalov, when the project management decided to make a reshuffle. In the process of work, Irina was able to fully reveal her acting talent, as she once dreamed of enrolling in VGIK. This happened during the filming of scenes that clearly illustrate current topics program plots.

During this time, pleasant changes took place in her personal life: in March 2013, she became a mother for the second time and went to the maternity hospital straight from the filming of the last one before maternity leave ether. Then the audience didn’t even have a question about where the presenter Irina Muromtseva had gone. Everyone understood perfectly well what event was coming in her life, and at this time on the television screens of the main morning show Anastasia Chernobrovina appeared in the country.

Prerequisites for leaving the Rossiya TV channel

According to some sources and interviews that the TV presenter herself gave after leaving the program and the channel, in the summer of 2014, at the TEFI award ceremony, she received an offer from general director Channel One, not only conduct a new unique for Russian television Sunday project, but also to produce it. After much deliberation, the decision was finally made, and, turning on their TVs on the morning of November 27, 2014, viewers wondered: where did the announcer Irina Muromtseva go and what kind of woman takes her place on the air? The project management did not officially announce the departure of the presenter, who over the years has become a recognizable face of the popular morning program, but Irina herself published in social network“Instagram” entry confirming the fact that she no longer works on the Rossiya-1 TV channel and is preparing her own show.

New Channel One project: what viewers can expect

Probably, Anastasia Chernobrovina today is one of the most discussed people on television, since there are no-nos around her name, and some rumors or gossip appear, which then cause a storm of discussions, comments and even disputes among regular users of Internet resources. She herself is no longer surprised or even annoyed by such a stir around her (although she could, because some statements addressed to her are very far from tactful). Apparently, over the years of working on television, I’ve already gotten used to it. But, nevertheless, not wanting to once again become an object of gossip, my personal life Anastasia Chernobrovina carefully hides from prying eyes (which incurs further big wave guesses and conjectures).

The biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina is already 38 years old this year. Your childhood future star TV screen, whose parents, unfortunately, divorced when she was little, spent time with her grandmother. It was there that she laid down the first principles for her body healthy eating, since the grandmother did not have time to prepare delicacies, and they ate the most ordinary and simple products. Anastasia Chernobrovina’s mother worked in Izhevsk as deputy director of a restaurant. Also in the leading family, consisting mainly of women only, there is younger sister Olga, who, both in habits and in character, is the complete opposite of her famous sister. Since her school years, Anastasia Chernobrovina realized that she dreamed of being somehow different from those around her. This was associated with the first experiments with clothes and makeup, which sometimes shocked teachers and others.

Following her dream, after school she chose the psychology department of a local college. During the same period, the biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina was closely intertwined with television, although so far only local. Realizing that now television would become her main profession, the girl abandoned college and went to study in Yekaterinburg, however, she did not stay there for long, changing the university to a more prestigious capital one - the University of Culture and Art. Television career also developed gradually. During her biography, Anastasia Chernobrovina managed to be both a reporter and a news presenter, but she was most remembered and loved by viewers on the program “Good Morning, Russia!”

The greatest number of rumors, of course, is caused by the personal life of the TV presenter. The star laughingly denies all the romances, marriages and pregnancies attributed to her. Although she has repeatedly emphasized that she has had a soulmate in her life for a very long time (more than 11 years). Since he does not want to become a public person, the presenter never mentioned his name in her interviews. The chosen one of the television star works and for the most part lives in France, where he is engaged in landscape design. With Anastasia Chernobrovina, they are united by a common love of travel, so they certainly plan their vacations so that they can be just the two of them on the next exciting journey. By the way, the TV presenter also boasted about such an unfeminine hobby as fishing. There were rumors in the press that Anastasia Chernobrovina finally officially married her lover in the middle of summer last year, but the presenter herself never confirmed them. The couple, despite their long relationship, also does not have children yet.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Chernobrovina

Answering questions about height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Chernobrovina? It seems that before us is a fragile, young girl who still has her whole life ahead of her. It’s hard to imagine that this amazing presenter is already forty years old. However, this is not surprising, because with a height of 169 centimeters, her weight is 50 kilograms, so she looks stunningly slim and petite. In addition, he constantly takes care of himself, visits beauty salons and spas, but at the same time notices that he does this without fanaticism. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a presenter or not, but you have to look good, that’s what Anastasia thinks. But where did her creative journey begin? Let's tell you here.

Biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina

The biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina begins in the city of Izhevsk. It should be noted that her mother gave birth to her at a very young age, because she was only seventeen years old. The pregnancy was not planned, but the grandmother of the future presenter insisted that the child be born. Nothing is known about the TV presenter’s father; she maintains almost no relationship with him, although at one time she found him on her own. Nastya’s mother later married three more times, but to no avail.

Anastasia later had a sister, Olya, whom Chernobrovina raised herself, because her mother could disappear for days at work. But Nastya repeatedly repeated in interviews that she does not blame her mother for anything, because she did everything so that the children had at least the most necessary things. Until she graduated from school, the girl lived with her grandmother, who taught her everything. Her grandmother taught her patience, instilled in her a love of reading, and made her do any task in an excellent way. This greatly influenced her desire to be the best in everything she took on.

The girl’s desire for publicity was not immediately apparent. It even happened that when she learned that there would be a photographer at school, she could run away from class. But still, the makings of a TV presenter awoke in her early childhood. She loved to make notes on a dictaphone and then listen to her voice. Her grandmother’s upbringing allowed her to develop a good speech apparatus, and her erudition broadened her horizons. After the girl graduated from school, she decided to go to the Faculty of Psychology.

The main goal at that moment she began to understand various human problems, help people solve them. But after six months of study, she accidentally ended up on local television, where she ended up working for three whole years, trying her hand as a presenter. Then, over the course of three years, the career of a TV presenter took off. She worked in the “Day by Day” program, and also independently created the “Working Afternoon” program.

This program was dedicated ordinary people that work in the vast expanses of Russia. She began hosting the “Morning of Russia” program in 2002, thanks to interesting information, natural charm could maintain excellent ratings. Seven years later, her long-time dream came true; she began hosting the “My Planet” program, and is also the author of this project. Currently, the woman continues to improve and develop. She leads various programs, travels and reads a lot. Although, at one time she realized for herself that psychology is not a profession to which she wants to devote her life, but this does not mean that she is not interested in this science. Nastya reads psychological books, tries to look at life with optimism, and does not refuse to help her friends and relatives when they turn to her. A talented woman has proven that she can be talented in many areas of life.

Personal life of Anastasia Chernobrovina

The personal life of Anastasia Chernobrovina is shrouded in secrecy. News repeatedly appeared on the Internet: Anastasia Chernobrovina got married, photos, but, as you know, this is all speculation. Today, Anastasia is not married and has no children. She prefers to remain silent about the relationships she currently has. Journalists only managed to find out that her lover is an interior designer. They have been together for more than ten years, but they see each other extremely rarely because they are both busy. Although, it is quite possible that their secret lies precisely in rare meetings good relations. Maybe they will still decide to tie their lives officially or have already tied it up. Again, information appeared on the Internet that they did this, but there is still no exact evidence.

Family of Anastasia Chernobrovina

Anastasia Chernobrovina’s family today is herself and her work. And this is not an exaggeration, because the woman has a very busy schedule, which she, in principle, does not want to review. But this does not mean that she does not have a relationship, because it is known in the press that Nastya has been with her for more than ten years, has a lover, about whom she does not want to talk much, even hides her name young man. Nobody knows whether she is going to start a family with this man, but in any case, they are in no hurry, if only because they see each other extremely rarely.

Maybe that’s why they are happy that for them every meeting is a holiday. But then information began to appear that the woman had gotten married. One can only guess why, working on television, Anastasia so jealously guards her personal life. Maybe because she has something to hide, or maybe she thinks it’s really no one’s business.

Children of Anastasia Chernobrovina

The children of Anastasia Chernobrovina are a closed topic for the TV presenter. If only because she doesn’t have one. In general, Anastasia is extremely reluctant to talk about her personal life and does not want to dwell on this topic. As far as we know, she has always been responsible and careful about her personal life, so she has no illegitimate children that she could have given birth to by accident. Nastya is a responsible woman, so she believes that if you decide to have a child, then this should be done consciously and purposefully. Maybe the TV presenter wants children, but is not doing anything for it yet. Everything is possible in the future, so fans can only wait.

Although, as the facts given below show, Anastasia already has a child, this is so vague and incomprehensible that it is difficult to draw any conclusions on this matter. Therefore, any fan of the TV presenter can decide for himself whether he wants to see Chernobrovina as a mother and wife, or let her stay free woman. One thing remains certain: Nastya is very jealous of not interfering in her personal life, and she remains truly private and hidden from prying attention.

Husband of Anastasia Chernobrovina

Anastasia Chernobrovina’s husband is still unknown because she is hiding him. You could often find a request on the Internet for Anastasia Chernobrovina husband or Anastasia Chernobrovina and Andrei Petrov husband and wife. All these rumors arise because for a very long time Chernobrovina has been broadcasting in the company of Andrei Petrov, who also jokingly says that he is “married” to Nastya.

But as far as we know, they are connected only by business relations, nothing more. They work well together, they are comfortable with each other, but this has never led to romantic relationships. But this doesn’t stop fans, so they continue to come up with different romantic stories about this wonderful couple.

Anastasia Chernobrovina is pregnant photo 2016-2017

Anastasia Chernobrovina is pregnant photo 2016-2017 - this sounded like a bolt from the blue, because before that, it was believed that a woman had no family and was not going to have children. But the man she had been dating for more than ten years was still able to conquer her and rumors began to circulate that in 2014, she finally got married.

But again, there is no clear evidence because the ceremony was performed in secret, so it is difficult to say how true all this is. However, if the couple already has a child, then this will become known, at least a little. It must be said that Anastasia was always jealous of her personal life and carefully hid it, therefore, nothing can ever be said with certainty about her. She's really good at hiding like a true journalist.

Where did Anastasia Chernobrovina disappear from the air of “Good Morning”

At one time, viewers sounded a real alarm on the topic: where did Anastasia Chernobrovina disappear from the air of “Good Morning”.

Questions immediately began to arise: “where did Anastasia Chernobrovina go, where did she disappear,” and also “where is Anastasia Chernobrovina now, why isn’t she hosting “Morning of Russia”? There are no reliable answers to these questions; the press cannot find information that is unanimous in its opinion. There are no particularly accurate sources on the Internet either.

Some claim that the star TV presenter was offered a better position and that she is now working on other programs. Others say that it was pregnancy that prevented Anastasia from continuing to work on her usual projects. But soon she will return and everything will fall into place. One way or another, Chernobrovina was and remains the favorite TV presenter of thousands of Russians.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anastasia Chernobrovina

About Anastasia Chernobrovina you can find a sufficient amount of information about her career, creative path, childhood years. That is, everything that is usually written about public people who constantly flash on screens. One of these sources is the Wikipedia page (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobrovina,_Anastasia_Andreevna), which contains general facts about the TV presenter, how she achieved success in her field, when it happened and under what conditions circumstances.

But Anastasia Chernobrovina does not have an Instagram page. And this is not surprising, it would be strange if this charming, mysterious woman had it, considering that the TV presenter does not want to tell anyone about her personal life. But Instagram exists precisely for those who want to share different events, even sometimes the most intimate ones. But this is not about Chernobrovina. So, fans will have to be content only with independent resources, reading what is freely available. The Wikipedia page is always at the service of those who want to know something about Anastasia Chernobrovina.

Anastasia Chernobrovina, the face of the Rossiya TV channel and a real source of positive emotions on air, told us how she regains her strength, why she didn’t become a psychologist and what she dreams of in the coming year.

This slender girl with radiant eyes brightens the morning of TV viewers. Nastya Chernobrovina always smiles, is invariably polite and collected. True, she is sorely short of time - so our interview began at a time when most people are long asleep.


Nastya, it’s almost two in the morning. How do you cope with such a rhythm of life?

I endure it for one reason - I do what I love. Otherwise, I definitely wouldn’t be able to sleep for four to five hours, write texts for my films at night, and give my all at work during the day. I understand that the body's capabilities are not endless. Today, for example, I practically slept through one important event (laughs). I set an alarm clock for myself with twenty snoozes in a row and... I didn’t hear it! It’s good that I still woke up about forty minutes before the start. She gave up the idea of ​​going to the make-up artist, and grabbed the hairdryer with one hand, and with the other telephone handset, in which she shouted to the organizers: “I’ll be there soon!” Made it...

Why such a race for survival?

Actually, I have a lot of energy, and if I don’t distribute it in different directions, I burn myself out. I absolutely love everything I do. Just get enough sleep, nothing else is needed! (Laughs.)

After school, you studied for six months at a pedagogical college in the psychology department, but dropped out. Has it become uninteresting?

I dreamed of being a psychologist to help the whole world. Ability to listen to people and understand life situations gave me hope that I would turn out to be a competent specialist. But one day - I was fifteen years old at the time - I was caught by the controller. I was on the bus and forgot to buy a ticket. And this two-meter-tall uncle grabbed me like a little kitten and threw me out of the bus. I hurt myself painfully on the steps, then on the ground, I was very ashamed in front of the passengers who were looking at me, sprawled on the ground. I never had to experience greater humiliation again. How I cried! The stress was severe. I didn’t understand: why is this happening to me?! For several days I was mentally trampled, I could not pull myself together. That’s when I decided: since I’m so vulnerable that I can’t help myself, then what can we say about others. And as soon as I realized that psychology was not my thing, fate brought me together with television people.


You grew up in Izhevsk, and then came to Moscow and easily conquered it - you became a presenter on TV-6, TVC, Rossiya-1 channels... Are you lucky?


1. Born on April 10, 1977 in Izhevsk. Her mother, Natalya Gennadievna, is the director of the restaurant. Nastya has a younger sister Olya.

2. B school years Nastya liked to shock others with her appearance. She had a hairstyle of 65 braids on her head, and she was the first in her class to use decorative cosmetics.

3. Since the age of 16, Anastasia’s hobby has been fishing. Her lover gave her a special women's fishing rod, and she spends all summer weekends on the shore of the lake. The rest free time improves her English.

4. Nastya played twice in Fort Bayard and participated in the television project Dancing with the Stars. Season 2009." She learned to dance from scratch, which did not stop her from reaching the finals.

5. Nothing is known for certain about Nastya’s personal life, except that her beloved man is a designer. She never mentions his name; she says that even at home she calls him “beloved.”

Thoughts materialize! Since my youth I really wanted to achieve exactly what I have now. Of course, 17 years ago, when my love affair with television began, I didn’t imagine that I would travel around the world and make a program about travel, for example. But there was a passionate desire to work as a television journalist. In general, than formerly man sets a goal, the better. I was about nine years old when I read poetry and recorded my speech on a tape recorder, listened to my voice, worked on the necessary intonations, imagining myself as a news anchor. For some reason, it was the news that aroused keen interest. When I graduated from school, I got a job at a regional television news service, where I worked for three years. Then she moved to Moscow - and away we go!

As you know, people on television don’t hire people from the street.

I already had experience, so I came and said: “I can do this and that!” Then I clearly knew what I wanted. People are persistent in different ways. Simply saying “I can” with ambition is not enough. To achieve success, you need to work hard. For example, I didn’t expect the bosses to happily announce: “Oh, Nastya! We are so glad to see you! Here you go, work on topics like these.” No, I myself looked for story topics, worked on them, went to the management and suggested: “Let's do it like this?” What amazed them all terribly. Any employer likes it when a person is independent and has a sparkling eye.

How did the travel project come about?

I realized that I really want to travel, share emotions and knowledge about different corners land. I started thinking about program topics. And as soon as we started turning over dreams and plans in our heads, a producer appeared who gave our program “Morning of Russia” on the “Russia” channel the opportunity to film stories about how the world wakes up. I was the first swallow to fly to photograph the morning of South Africa.

Not a bad job!

Oh, I’ve heard snide remarks from editors more than once: “Well, of course, they’re tired! Ecuador, Venezuela... We would be happy to fly instead of you.” I once said: “You don’t need us instead. Let's join us." Ten days in the USA, for example. The flight is long, more than a day. The temperature difference is forty degrees. To film the sunrise, you have to get up at three in the morning. And due to a busy schedule, you go to bed at one in the morning. At the same time, you need to think about what you say in the frame and how you look. And the weather can be bad, and sometimes you have to spend the night in the car. You come back, and you have a week of daily broadcast... In general, those people then took back their words (laughs).


For many years in a row, your broadcasts began at five in the morning. It’s probably not easy to get up at two in the morning, go to make-up at three in the morning and sit in front of the camera with a joyful smile?

It's not easy, you're right. Helped me cheer up breathing exercises, borrowed by me from oriental practices. I read somewhere that for greater efficiency, the Japanese use the following exercise: on the count of “six,” take a deep breath through your nose. Do not breathe, also counting to six. Finally, after counting to six, exhale slowly. It’s worth doing 5-7 such repetitions, fatigue disappears as if by hand. The wonderful Natalya Vartanovna, a speech teacher on our TV channel, taught me many other useful exercises.

With such an incredible workload, do you support your immune system with dietary supplements or vitamins?

No, for some reason I don’t trust them. Once I bought some vitamins, and then, at home, I carefully read the instructions and ingredients - and the desire to drink them disappeared. It's better to get everything you need from fresh fruits and vegetables. It is also very effective to instill vitamins intravenously. I had a case when my immune system failed, I went to a therapist and she prescribed me IVs with vitamins. I came to the hospital for a week, lay down for a couple of hours, slept while the solution slowly, drop by drop, flowed into the vein. For a long time I felt absolutely great. Ozone therapy also suits me - it’s very invigorating.

How do you take care of your face?

For my face, a course of mesotherapy with an ozone cocktail and vitamin masks is enough. The sun does the rest Fresh air and sea water.

Do you have any favorite body treatments?

I really love massage! I like Thai, Balinese and Filipino. I first went for a massage in Thailand about twelve years ago and then spent a very long time looking for massage therapists in Moscow. But the Thais in Moscow are fading. They do massage well only in their homeland. There they live in familiar, comfortable conditions - they smile, are positive, relaxed, no one rushes them, and everything turns out differently. That's why I only give massages abroad.

Do you like spas?

Not, no so much. I can’t lie wrapped in seaweed for two hours - I’m too restless. The best treatments are swimming in the sea, basking in the hot sand, and getting a massage. And there is one more win-win thing for health - sex.


If you do manage to go on vacation, where do you fly and for how long?

It’s enough for me to spend 3-4 days by the sea, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s southern or northern, and I literally come to life. The skin does not dry out, vision improves, nails become stronger. Sea air is incredibly healing. There was a period in my life when I worked without rest for ten years in a row. There was no money, I had to get back on my feet in Moscow. When I finally could afford ten days of complete rest, my beloved and I flew to the islands and... slept all these days! We got up, drank mineral water, ate a little, swam and fell asleep again. But I understood one thing: I won’t mock myself like that anymore. At least for three days, you need to take breaks from work. And you don’t have to fly far away; you can go to the Baltic states.

What do you do during your vacation?

If there is a sea or ocean nearby, I swim a lot, literally from morning to night. I eat a lot of fish and vegetables. And I sleep...

Nastya, in the frame you are always lively and cheerful. What do you do if you don’t want to smile, but you have to?

I am a living person and I get irritated or upset. I used to get terribly nervous on business trips when something didn’t go as I imagined: “How can this be! I was preparing for this, but this is what happened.” All this exhausted and devastated me terribly. Sometimes it was possible to break through the situation, but at what cost! How much effort went into this! One day a wise man told me: “Why do you resist circumstances? Why are you, like a trout, swimming against the current? Relax, accept the disruption of plans as a gift of fate, and you will see how much life will reveal to you.” I thought about it and decided to try to do as he says. I go on a business trip, and usually everything doesn’t go as planned. But instead of exploding, I smiled at people: “It’s not working out? OK then. And what do you suggest? Like this? Well, great." And although it didn’t seem to suit me at all, I accepted it. As a result, we were driving to a new filming location, and along the way such amazing places unexpectedly opened up, such things happened interesting acquaintances that I grabbed my head: how wrong I was! No need, no need to break through the wall with your head.

Do you believe in fate?


1. CONDUCT A LIFE AUDIT. If you constantly feel a loss of strength and apathy, think about it: is this what you are doing in life? Look for what you like. Develop your talents and don’t be afraid to experiment - life itself will show you the right path.

2. BREATHE. To relieve fatigue, do breathing exercise: Stretch your arms forward with your elbows bent, and then, with a sharp exhalation, bring your elbows together.

3. REST. If you can't get enough sleep during the week, do it on the weekend. Take pity on your body, give up plans and lie in bed all day.

4. LISTEN AND WATCH. Life decided everything for us a long time ago. Pay attention to its signs and calmly go with the flow, keeping the main goal in mind.

5. GO TO FALL FULL. If you are losing weight, do not starve yourself, it is better to eat protein foods that are easily digested. And never try to sleep hungry - this is a lot of stress for the body.

It is clear that each of us has something predetermined from above. If you don’t accept the lessons of fate, resist, or become indignant, it begins to teach you harshly. If something doesn’t go well, it’s just not the right time. You need to wait patiently. I often ask the Almighty the question: “What’s wrong? Tell me!” - and I’m waiting for an answer. He comes - through people, situations. And everything steers towards where it needs to go. There is always a reward for waiting. But before you come to such harmony with yourself, you need to work a lot, listen to your inner voice, intuition. We must learn to resolve issues without tension, without conflict. Sometimes I get nervous, lose my temper and scold myself: well, I got angry myself and got others going. And this only causes pain.


Nastya, if it’s not a secret, how much do you weigh and how do you manage to remain such a reed?

47 kg with a height of 165 cm. I once had an ulcer. Anyone who knows about this disease first-hand also knows that during an exacerbation it is painful to eat. As a result, I lost so much weight that I already weighed 39 kg! But you won’t explain to everyone the reason for being thin. There were rumors about my anorexia. Then she slowly began to gain weight. Now I eat with a voracious appetite, but I have such an active metabolism that all calories are burned instantly.

Do you eat at night?

And how! I can grill both large fish and chicken and kill them (laughs). True, I don’t eat this with potatoes or rice - only with vegetables. I love you and chocolate candies. But he doesn’t crave other carbohydrates. I stopped drinking coffee, it became tasteless. When it comes to nutrition, I adhere to a simple principle: eat what you want. The body itself feels what it needs. I am categorically against diets because they involve a short period of abstinence from certain foods. And then again - great! The vigor of your body should serve as a guide. If you “fly”, but at the same time you eat potatoes and mushrooms, it means that this is good for you.

What makes your soul sing, besides work?

Yes from anything! Go fishing, go out of town and breathe in the frosty air. Or record a song... I’ve been writing poetry for a long time and singing a little for myself. And recently I met some good guys - professional musicians, they helped me record several songs in the studio - I gave them to my beloved. I'm not going to conquer show business. Still, everyone should mind their own business.


How do you look at “philistine happiness”? Geraniums on the windowsill, husband on the sofa, house full of children...

For me, like for any woman, it seems like happiness to come home in the evening, kiss my beloved, curl up next to him and sleep in his arms. And then get up and run to conquer the world! But I’m such a terrible fidget - it seems to me that such happiness will be enough for me for about twenty minutes, and then we will both break loose and run about business. We rarely see our loved one because both of us are busy. But we like this lifestyle. I give him positivity and drive, he gives me experience, wisdom, calmness.

Do you share a house?

No, we don’t live together, although, in principle, today I already want to fall asleep and wake up together. I wasn't ready for this before. The same goes for having children. And now I already want to become a mother. If God willing, I will be happy. I think there is no specific age for a woman to give birth. Some people are ready at 20, while others are only ready at forty. I don't make plans, I only express my desires to the Universe. I hope she hears me again at the right time.

But children can interfere with your career.

No! Never! Children, on the contrary, give a second wind. They give a powerful incentive to live and be young. After all, they are spontaneous and energetic.

Nastya, your eyes constantly glow with happiness. Is it from natural optimism or is everything so cloudless in your life?

I would be lying if I said that everything is serene and cloudless. Of course not. It doesn't happen that way. There is everything in my life - pain, joy, losses, and gains. I just really love my job, people, I have a loved one - what else is needed to feel happy?

How and where are you going to celebrate the New Year?

I usually don’t know until the last minute where I’ll end up this year. magical night. But wherever midnight finds me on December 31, I certainly perform one ritual. As the chimes strike, I write a note with wishes - one or two or three. Just not a car, but something figurative - interesting work, home, travel... You burn this very note, throw the ashes into champagne and drink until the chimes stop striking. And then you quickly run up any stairs - so that the whole next year to go up!

Anastasia Chernobrovina’s work begins when the audience is just waking up. Despite the fact that the TV presenter has to get up very early, she always starts a new day with good mood, which is then transmitted to a large audience. In addition to the Morning of Russia program, Anastasia also hosts various projects, concerts and festivals. Despite the fact that Chernobrovina devotes all her strength to her favorite business, she does not forget about her personal life. Journalists reported about her marriage and pregnancy, however, the presenter herself did not confirm these speculations. Despite this, she dreams of a family and children, for whom she can quit her job.

Anastasia was born in 1977 in Izhevsk. Her mother was 17 years old at that time, and her father abandoned his beloved immediately after the birth of the baby. Her grandmother was also involved in raising the girl. During her school years, the future TV presenter visited the studio, where she demonstrated her acting abilities. However, Nastya herself dreamed of another profession that would bring her dynamics and adrenaline.

After graduating from school, she entered college, choosing the psychology department, and at the same time broadcast on local television. Filming the stories captivated the girl, and she decided to connect her future activities with television. In 1996, Chernobrovina left for Moscow, where she entered the University of Culture and Arts. Then she started working on television, where she moved from channel to channel. Since 2002, Anastasia has become one of the hosts of the Morning of Russia program on the Russia-1 TV channel. Her professional work has already been noted: in 2015 she became a winner of the TEFI award.

Chernobrovina prefers not to talk about her personal life, but in her interviews she has repeatedly emphasized that she is attracted to established and independent men who do not create scandals and scenes of jealousy. For several years now, the TV presenter has been dating her lover, who works in interior design. In addition to Russia, he also has to live in France, so the lovers cannot yet start a family.

In the photo is Anastasia Chernobrovina

When the time comes, the couple will play secret wedding on some island where only relatives and friends will gather. Her lover often surprises her, taking her on a trip to an unknown destination, however, Anastasia can afford to give him any gift. The couple rarely sees each other and, perhaps, because of this they have a very strong and stable relationship.

Her younger sister Olga lives in Izhevsk, where she works in a consulting company. She also dreamed of becoming a TV presenter, but soon realized that this was not her thing. The broadcast star’s mother got married and now lives in Tatarstan. Relatives often watch her programs and are proud of her. Anastasia rarely sees her family, but they constantly call each other.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 09/21/2016