Kudin tea: beneficial properties, contraindications, benefits and harm. Kudin tea - beneficial and harmful properties, how to brew and drink correctly

What are the beneficial properties of kudin tea?

Where to buy kudin?

How to brew kudin?

Is it worth drinking kudin for weight loss?

Is kudin tea bitter?

How to drink kudin?

Kudin (ku din) is not tea at all, although it can be found in almost any tea store. Here we have collected the most interesting facts about this drink. Now you don’t need to collect information in pieces on the Internet. All here!

1. Kudin is produced from the leaves of an evergreen subtropical plant called broadleaf holly (llex latifolia). In the Chinese dictionary, holly is listed as ???, k?d?ngch?. Kudin means "bitter herb" in Chinese.

2.Holly grows mainly in the southern provinces of China, on damp, shady mountain slopes, as well as in mixed forests along river banks. This is a low, strong tree with thick, smooth branches and large green leaves with a glossy shine. Holly flowers are small, yellowish, formed in the axils of the leaves in the spring, the berries are small, round, yellow, orange or red, ripen in the fall and can remain on the tree all winter.

3.Holly has long been valued for its decorative and healing qualities. They decorated houses in Ancient Rome in the pre-Christian era, and subsequently holly (or holly) became, along with mistletoe, a symbol of Christmas. Druids considered holly to be a symbol of the sun, and North American Indians prepared antidotes from leaves and cuttings of tea holly ( Ilex vomitoria).

4.The raw material for the notorious mate drink also serves one of the types of holly - Paraguayan holly ( Ilex paraguariensis). Mate is prepared from its dried, crushed leaves and young shoots.

5. Useful properties of kudin tea. The history of the use of kudin as a medicine in China goes back more than one century.

The Chinese classify Kudin (or Khudin) as a bitter tea, khu cha. Bitter taste in traditional Chinese medicine is associated with yin energy, fire, heart and small intestine. It is believed that the bitter taste eliminates excessive heat and fire, and is used to treat coughs and shortness of breath, and for diseases of the stomach and intestines accompanied by nausea, vomiting and constipation. Bitterness also helps eliminate stagnation of energy (qi) in the body.

Simply put, ku din tea has a restorative, tonic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, and diuretic effect. In addition, kudin normalizes blood pressure, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and promotes weight loss, and also has an antitumor effect.

6. Kudin is collected only by hand, in small batches, in the spring. Then the raw materials are rolled, calcined and dried in the sun.

7. Kudin can be twisted, spiral, knitted, sheet and even pressed.

8. The highest grade of kudin tea - Kuding Shui Xiu - is made from small young leaves collected on the Yellow Mountain (Huang Shan) in Sichuan province. It was this that was delivered to the imperial court.

9. How to drink and how to brew Kudin tea? Kudin is an excellent preventive remedy, but you shouldn’t drink it often, it’s enough to brew it 2-3 times a week, but brew correctly so as not to get a drink of wormwood bitterness.

The optimal water temperature is 80 degrees, it is best to brew ku ding tea straight, 1-2 needles per gaiwan or teapot. It is not necessary to drain the first brew, but it is advisable to leave it for several seconds, increasing the time as the water cools. Kudin can also be brewed in a large teapot (3-4 needles) or simply in a mug (1 needle is enough). The main thing is to maintain the temperature regime and not overdo the brewing. The color of the finished infusion of kudin is yellowish-green, the aroma is subtle and noble, the taste contains bitterness and some astringency, the aftertaste is invariably sweet. Withstands repeated brewing.

10. Unfortunately, kudin tea often falls victim to prejudice. Many, having brewed it incorrectly at the first acquaintance, no longer want to continue this acquaintance, but in vain: kudin is an excellent assistant in the fight against a whole range of diseases, it fills the body with lightness and the mind with clarity. Kudin is also good as an addition to shu pu-erh.

Kudin tea, or as it is also called “bitter tear,” is a drink that can gradually heal the entire human body quickly and effectively. These are rolled leaves of the broad-leaved evergreen holly, dried using the best technologies (often called needles).

The original manufacturer is China. In this article we will talk about the benefits and harms of this drink, consider the advice of specialists in the medical field on its use, and learn the most common recipes for its preparation.

How to distinguish a quality product from a fake

People often purchase Kudin tea from well-known suppliers who have many positive reviews and regular customers. A consumer can be brought to them by recommendations from friends and acquaintances, or by their own choice, which is made based on the following indicators:

  • The supplier or intermediary has been in the trade for over 5 years.
  • Kudin tea is always available.
  • The product is shipped directly from China.
  • The product range is large.

Kudin is produced in a wide range. But when purchasing such tea, you need to be careful about its components. The composition contains exclusively broadleaf holly leaves. Customers can be offered tea that consists of Paraguayan holly leaves produced in China, but this is more like mate than the product we need.

After the package is opened, attention should be paid to the quality of the leaves in it, a mandatory requirement for those:

  • Dryness.
  • Light brown specks.
  • Weak specific odor.

If dust, debris or other unpleasant findings are found in a tea pack, you should try to return the purchase to the unscrupulous seller or simply throw it away, without dooming your body to long-term processing of low-quality slag.

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value of Kudin tea

This healing drink has absorbed many of the vitamins that are necessary for active human life. Includes:
  • Ascorbic and nicotinic acids.
  • Flavnoids.
  • Tannin.
  • Caffeine.
  • Essential oils.

The number of calories in Kudin tea can be from 1 to 5 kcal per 100 ml, depending on the specific type of drink. This figure has little impact on the diet. As a rule, Kudin is drunk separately from any dishes, not sweetened or consumed in combination with desserts.

What beneficial properties does tea have on the body?

Chinese doctors claim that this healing drink has universal and restorative properties, which is why they often recommend it to many of their patients. If you consume Kudin tea in small quantities, it:

  • Effectively strengthens the immune system, maintaining it at the same level.
  • Prevents cancer.
  • Quickly removes toxins from a weakened body.
  • Accelerates the healing process for colds and viruses.
  • It has a tonic and invigorating effect.
  • Reduces the likelihood of blood clots and thins the blood.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • It has a stimulating effect on the human nervous system.
  • Significantly improves memory and improves the patient's mood.

The benefits of a magic drink

In China, Kuding tea is valued for its properties of stimulating brain activity during sleep, colored by colorful dreams and prophecies.

For adults
The magic drink can normalize hormonal balance, enhance female and male libido, and significantly increase performance. The effect on the male body is manifested in stimulation of potency, improvement of erection and the emergence of the ability to control the duration of sexual intercourse. Women may notice a disappearance of PMS and menstrual pain.

For pregnant and lactating women
During pregnancy and lactation, it is better not to take Kudin tea, since additional stimulation of the central nervous system is more likely to harm the woman’s body than help. During this period, the best option is to drink green tea with added milk.

For children
In China, healers consider it unnecessary to offer children a drink up to the age of six, but pediatricians in the CIS countries take this more seriously and set an age limit of 12 years. The process of accustoming a child to a drink should proceed as follows: 1 teaspoon of tea on an empty stomach every morning, this will have a tonic and strengthening effect on his body. Over time, it is allowed to increase the dose to 50 ml daily.

For older people
After a person reaches the age of 50, the drink should be consumed in moderation, and then it will only bring benefits:

  • Slows down aging.
  • Prevents the possible development of sclerosis.
  • It is an excellent mood lifter.
  • Helps you stay active for a long time.
  • Makes adaptation easier.

For people of a special category
It is recommended to drink Kudin tea only if you have high blood pressure. It will be most effective when consumed by people weakened after illness or treatment with medications. Able to increase tone, immunity and cleanse the body of harmful toxins. It helps diabetics well, as it has a beneficial effect on the functions of the thyroid gland.

Contraindications apply to people:

  • With inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • With a stomach ulcer during exacerbations.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Children under 12 years of age.

Side effects have not yet been observed if precautions are taken when choosing a seller, as well as if contraindications are observed.

People who want to get the maximum benefit and, at the same time, have fun, should learn how to brew correctly. One leaf of tea must be filled with 350-400 ml of cool water, and then there are several brewing methods:

  1. One sheet is filled with 50 ml of water, which is then drained and filled with the same amount for 15 minutes. Then add 300-350 ml of water at 80 degrees - Kudin will brew after 5 minutes.
  2. The needle is brewed in a container with water at 50 degrees for 10 minutes. If tea is prepared using this technology, then water at 70-80 degrees is added for 5 minutes.

Note! Kudin, brewed according to the recommended technology, will acquire a gray-green color; otherwise, the drink is brewed incorrectly and will be ineffective during treatment.

Indications for use:

  1. To normalize the activity of the endocrine glands, drink it on an empty stomach, before meals, twice a day.
  2. In order to improve metabolism, drink it hot after lunch and breakfast.

Methods of application

In cooking
Adding Kudin leaves to food is contraindicated. It is highly not recommended to drink tea with any desserts or sweets.

As a means to lose weight
A well-known fact: Kudin tea improves metabolism, can significantly reduce cholesterol, and also effectively breaks down fat. Therefore, the product is widely used as a proven means of losing weight. In such cases, drink the drink twice a day after meals. After some time after regular use (a purely individual time period for each), a person’s craving for sweets decreases and, sometimes, an aversion to “junk food” arises, since the liver and the body as a whole are cleansed of toxins.

In folk medicine
Since the healing drink is a means of strengthening the body, it has also found its use in folk medicine. Guaranteed to help:

  • To relieve or even relieve a hangover.
  • In removing toxins after severe poisoning.
  • In preventing depression and apathy.
  • In the treatment of dermatological diseases.

In cosmetic procedures
A remedy such as the famous Chinese Kudin tea also helps against wrinkles, effectively rejuvenating the skin on the face or preventing formations on the body in the form of cellulite.

Having learned about all the healing properties, one can hardly call Kudin tea, because, first of all, it is a good Chinese remedy that strengthens and can heal the human body. You can use it not only for pleasure (a person, of course, will not begin to enjoy it immediately, but only when he gets used to the taste that is quite specific to “tea”), but also in order to rejuvenate himself and feel a surge of new strength.

Video: how to brew kudin tea correctly

Every cup of tea drunk ruins the pharmacist.
Chinese proverb

Kudin tea is an unusual elite type of tea, popularly called “Bitter Tear” for its special tart taste. In fact, it is a mistake to call kudin tea, since in fact it is prepared not from tea leaves, but from leaves of broad-leaved holly.

What it is? Holly is an evergreen exotic tree that grows in tropical and temperate latitudes. There are two main types of hollies: broadleaf, from which kudin is prepared from its tightly curled leaves, and Paraguayan, from which a tea-like drink called “mate” is made, the benefits of which are still debated).

Due to the unpretentiousness of holly, kudin tea is produced throughout China. The leaves are collected manually, preventing damage from mechanically rough equipment; carefully selected leaves are subjected to traditional mechanical and heat treatment.

Historical reference

In China, there are many legends and traditions dedicated to the holly tree and kudin tea. As one of them says, humanity learned about the wonderful drink during the reign of the emperor. He wanted to present his chosen one with the gift of eternal youth, so he ordered his subjects to collect the most effective recipes for rejuvenation.

One of his subjects accidentally ended up in a monastery, whose abbot told him about an amazing drink that has healing powers and preserves youth. The monk provided a whole barrel of kudin tea as a gift to the emperor. And his chosen one, Yang Guifei, after taking a sip of the wonderful drink, became even more beautiful and blossomed like a sakura flower in spring.

Similarities with green tea

As already mentioned, kudin cannot be called tea in the full sense of the word, since the leaves for its production are collected not from tea bushes, but from the holly tree. But in the methods of collection, processing and brewing, these two drinks are extremely similar.

Firstly, the leaves for both drinks are collected only by hand. Secondly, after collection, the leaves are twisted and dried in the natural rays of the sun, preventing damage from steam exposure. And thirdly, similarities can be seen in the brewing method: dry leaves are poured with hot water and infused.

The taste of the kudin drink depends on the temperature of the water: the higher it is, the more pronounced the bitter tint appears.

Types of tea

In China, several varieties of kudin tea are produced, differing in the “age” of the leaves used as raw materials and the processing method. Xiu tea, produced from very young leaves collected in Sichuan province, is considered elite. Tea experts say that this method makes the drink more delicate and aromatic. The most common types of kudin tea are:

  • spiral;
  • twisted;
  • pressed;
  • connected;
  • sheet.

It is believed that young leaves release their taste and strength into water more easily, so their value is much higher. And large leaves release flavor more slowly, so they last for several brewing cycles.

The benefits and harms of “Bitter Tears”

Holly can truly be called a storehouse of useful substances. It contains a whole complex of vitamins (groups B, A, E, PP, C) and microelements (potassium, magnesium, sulfur, silicon, manganese). In addition to all this, kudin tea contains flavonoids that activate the body's enzyme systems.

The fabulous benefit of a drink made from holly leaves lies in the balanced content of stimulating substances, which has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of women and men, increasing erectile function in men and excitability in women.

Kudin tea has been used since ancient times in imperial bedrooms as a means of seduction, as well as to demonstrate the strength and power of the ruler.

But the beneficial properties of kudin do not end there. The multivitamin complex included in its composition has a valuable antioxidant effect due to inhibition of the action of free radicals.

The main beneficial properties of the drink are described in ancient manuscripts stored in Dunhuang:

  1. Holly leaves, brewed and infused, have the ability to increase immunity, so kudin is often used in the prevention and treatment of infectious and colds, as well as in weakened patients.
  2. Kudin tea has an antitoxic effect, eliminating the harm of accumulated metabolic products, thus improving the activity of the liver and kidneys - organs that remove harmful substances.
  3. In patients with chronic diseases of the digestive system, kudin is used to localize and reduce the inflammatory process.
  4. When taken daily, kudin tea has the ability to reduce appetite, so it is often used in folk medicine for weight loss.
  5. Kudin thins the blood, reducing thrombus formation, and also lowers blood pressure by relieving vascular spasm.

Brewing technique

Method 1

It is important to observe the temperature regime when brewing kudin, since the bitterness of the drink increases with increasing temperature. For brewing, you must use clean, fresh water, preferably from natural sources. After bringing the water to a boil, you need to remove the pot or teapot from the heat. As previously mentioned, when using boiling water, the drink turns out to be excessively bitter.

The first tea leaves should be drained (it is necessary to wash the leaves and remove dust). After this, I add two to three sticks, spirals or spindles (depending on the type of treatment) to hot water, boil for 10 seconds and remove from heat. Some people prefer to immediately pour the tea leaves without waiting for it to infuse, thus eliminating the bitterness and preserving the benefits of the drink.

Method 2

Wash and soak two or three kudin sticks in cold water, then pour hot water over them. Let the drink brew for a few minutes and pour into cups.

You need to be prepared for the fact that kudin has a pronounced bitter tint, but by brewing it correctly, you can soften the taste without harming the beneficial qualities of the drink. There are a number of rules that must be followed to maximize the benefits of this medicinal drink.

  • For hypertension, kudin should be taken 30 minutes before meals.
  • If you are overweight, drink a glass of kudin 1–1.5 hours after eating.
  • If you have diabetes, the harm will be minimized if you drink a glass of this tea in the morning before eating your first meal.

The benefits of the drink are more clearly manifested if the intake of kudin is not combined with food, that is, the intake is carried out before or after a meal. The advice of nutritionists on this issue clearly states that stimulation with both a healing drink and food is extremely harmful.


Kudin can cause irreparable harm to the health of patients with peptic ulcers and gastritis. The benefits of this drink for some endocrine diseases are also controversial.

This drink is made by brewing the dry leaves of a plant common in the subtropics. “Kudin”, or “Khudin”, as it is also called, translated from Chinese, means “bitter grass”. And this is completely true: the drink is included in the list of bitter teas (Khu Cha).

Tea made from Holly leaves is an extremely rare phenomenon in modern nature.

Broadleaf holly grows in southern China on shady mountain slopes in humid climates. These conditions contribute to the manifestation of the special qualities of raw materials for the production of Kudin.

Before you figure out the benefits and harms of white tea, it must be said that its consistency is heterogeneous. Kuding Shui Xiu belongs to the extra-class category; it is produced from the smallest leaves of a plant native to the Sichuan region. There are loose and pressed, in the form of spirals, arrows and needles. What are the benefits of green tea?

Kudin green tea: what is it good for?

The drink is more medicinal than thirst-quenching, and it also cannot be considered among the teas that unconditionally bring pleasure from regular consumption. But over many centuries, it has earned itself a well-deserved reputation as a life-saving remedy for many diseases, and the main admirers of this tea are people with health problems.

Kudin green tea, how is it beneficial for humans? The ancient Chinese healers wrote about it. Modern experts, based on scientific data, have identified what exactly is responsible for the Chinese’s passion for this drink. Properly prepared Kudin contains a bunch of vitamins, macro- and microelements that are vital for humans. The amount of flavanoids in Kudin is ten times greater than in regular green tea.

The unique chemical composition suggests that when used correctly, Kudin tea can have the best effect on the human body. What is so good about Kudin tea, the benefits and harms of which have been sufficiently studied? It has been proven that he:

  • perfectly invigorates, gives strength, energy, makes it easier to work with, relieves fatigue as if by hand;
  • increases immunity;
  • significantly reduces the amount of glucose in the blood;
  • cleans blood vessels;
  • relieves symptoms of colds, stomatitis, gingivitis, relieves heartburn, rhinitis;
  • helps strengthen memory;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • cleanses the liver, helps remove harmful substances from the body;
  • eliminates excess weight;
  • improves the functioning of the heart and digestive tract;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • minimizes the consequences of radiation poisoning;
  • prevents the development of malignant tumors.

A 100% natural, natural, environmentally friendly product called Kudin green tea acts as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, bactericidal, antioxidant, and diuretic.

White tea: benefits and harms

Surprisingly, Kudin tea has virtually no contraindications. There is one serious thing - chronic gastroenteritis. Just in case, Kudin is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers to drink due to insufficient knowledge of the possible negative effects on the fetus and small child, and for the same reason it is better not to insist on taking Kudin, even for purely medical purposes, by children under twelve years of age. There is no information about the allergenicity of the product, but if it occurs, you yourself will avoid taking it.

Kudin tea has ten times more flavonoids than regular green tea

There are no other warnings for use of the drink. He is able to give you pleasure personally and unconditional support for your body. We have figured out how green tea is beneficial, and now we will figure out how to prepare it correctly.

So, how to brew Kudin tea

Prepare for the fact that the process will not be quick or simple. This is understandable: we are dealing with a unique natural medicine, and the preparation of any drug does not tolerate fuss and irresponsibility. A whole brewing ceremony has long been developed.

  1. Water temperature. It is of fundamental importance: it determines how bitter the infusion will be. Kudin's arrows, poured with boiling water, will give out a taste reminiscent of wormwood. So those new to making this tea refuse to drink it after brewing it this way. You just need to fill the leaves with water at a temperature of 40 to 70 degrees. Then the result will be, although quite bitter, but a very interesting, noble taste of the drink. In general, the less hot the water, the less bitter the infusion will be.
  2. Amount of brewing. For a glass with a capacity of 250 milliliters you will need one teaspoon or half a stick (arrows, spears, needles) of Kudin. For beginners, it is better to take half a spear of the same amount of water for testing and feel the result. Then you can increase or decrease the dose. Well-brewed Kudin will be only slightly bitter, and soon the bitterness will be replaced by a pleasant aftertaste, even slightly sweet.
  3. Preparing the kettle. The teapot must be heated with boiling water before brewing. Just pour boiling water over it and drain the water.
  4. The process itself. The required amount of dry product is poured into the kettle and water is poured. It must be drained immediately. This way, firstly, you will clean the tea leaves, and secondly, and most importantly, you will give the dry leaves the opportunity to “come to life”. Now they will open up better. The second brew should be infused for 5-7 minutes. The longer the steeping time, the stronger the infusion will be, so choose the time depending on your own preferences.
  5. The maximum number of brewings for one serving of Kudin tea is five times. If this condition is met, the taste and benefits of tea will remain unchanged.

We warn you that the taste of Kudin is very specific, you need to get used to it. Drink the infusion without adding anything, in small sips. Fans also use Kudin cold: the tea leaves are filtered and cooled. No sweeteners or confectionery products are recommended for consumption with Kudin tea. Honey goes well with it, but if you drink the infusion as a medicine, it is better to avoid honey.

The dosage of Kudin tea should be considered an expert in the field of nutrition, in accordance with the body weight and characteristics of the body of a person who wants to lose weight

We tried to cover the topic “Kudin tea: benefits and harm.” Doctors' advice regarding the use of this drink mainly boils down to the need to take into account for what diseases its use is effective; at what time and how much it should be consumed. Before starting treatment, be sure to consult your doctor.

So, for hypertension and hypothyroidism, in order to normalize the pressure in the blood vessels and the functioning of the thyroid gland, Kudin is drunk half an hour before meals, 250 ml for two weeks.

Wanting to get rid of excess weight, the drink is prepared and consumed an hour after a meal in the same quantity without a time limit for taking it, that is, until you lose weight to the desired weight. Kudin is effective in this matter because it accelerates metabolic processes in the body and removes excess substances, but limiting your diet during the diet and increasing physical activity will not hurt.

Patients with type 2 diabetes should drink Kudin for two weeks without a break. Do this forty minutes to an hour before breakfast, 250 grams.

What is green tea good for? It helps take care of your health. This exotic drink has an original noble taste, very tonic, giving strength, vigor and optimism. So if you lead a healthy lifestyle, you should definitely try this drink.