Smoking mixtures nasvay. Do you know what nasvay is made from?

Nasvay or nasybay is a weak drug, the main component of which used to be the nas plant, now shag and tobacco. Additional ingredients included in nasvay are: slaked lime, plant ash, tobacco dust, vegetable oil, often animal droppings and others. Nasybay is small balls, dirty green in color with an unpleasant odor.

The effect of using this “harmless” drug is characterized by slight dizziness, blurred vision, a feeling of relaxation, weightlessness, muscle relaxation, tingling in the legs and arms. This “high” does not last long – 7-10 minutes. And then side effects appear that cause not the most pleasant sensations - burning of the mouth, apathy, excessive salivation, sweating. And this is just the beginning, minimal harm to the body, then it gets worse.

How is nasvay harmful?

The entire list of health problems that arise among chewing tobacco lovers can be listed for a long time, since it is almost endless. But everyone should know at least in general terms about the dangers of nasvay.

So, the prospects awaiting people who are addicted to Central Asian exotica.

The above facts make it clear that the harm from nasvay is enormous. Using this mixture is far from harmless fun. This is gradual self-destruction. Comparing cigarettes and nasvay, we can conclude that smoking, while having a negative impact on health, is still not as dangerous as using nasvay. Therefore, you should not try to quit smoking with the help of nasvay. Zero benefit and harm on a huge scale are obvious. When you receive an offer to try an alternative to cigarettes, think carefully.

What is nasvay? Nasvay (nasybay, nat us, nose, natsik, ice) is a type of tobacco product traditional for Central Asia.

Compound: shag or tobacco, alkali (slaked lime or plant ash), chicken droppings or dung can be added, vegetable oil and seasonings can be added to improve the taste. Sold in the form of small balls, sticks or powder. It has a gray-green color, a specific smell and taste. Nasvay is sold in small plastic bags, so the buyer will not find out about the content of harmful substances and nicotine without undergoing a laboratory examination. Sellers of nasvay offer it as a means of helping. In fact, nasvay contains a large amount of nicotine and causes severe nicotine addiction.

Using nasvay.

Nasvay is placed under the tongue or upper (or lower) lip until the effect occurs. And the effect is slight relaxation for 5-7 minutes and blurred vision.

Consequences of nasvay.

1. Causes nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

2. Almost 100% risk of cancer of the lip, larynx, and tongue.

3. Destruction of teeth and their roots.

4. Memory deteriorates, mental development is delayed, fatigue and confusion appear.

5. If saliva gets into the stomach during consumption, the alkali corrodes the gastric mucosa, thereby contributing to the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

6. Possible infectious diseases, such as hepatitis.

7. Toxic damage to the kidneys and liver.

8. Using nasvay leads to infertility.

The only difference between cigarettes and nasvay is that cigarettes deliver their first blow to the lungs. nasvay– in the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract.

The worst thing is that the use of nasvay is developing very strongly among young people. The reason is that sellers of nasvay convince consumers that it is completely harmless, and even claim that nasvay helps get rid of nicotine addiction. Complete nonsense. Of course, people, especially teenagers who have never tried nasvay and don’t even know what it is, believe this. And today a big problem is the use of nasvay in schools. One of the reasons for the popularity of nasvay among teenagers is its general availability and low price, in contrast to alcohol and cigarettes, the sale of which is carried out from 18 years of age. And the price is also lower than the cost of cigarettes. After using nasvay, teenagers become psychologically and nicotine dependent.

And although nasvay causes enormous harm, especially to the health of adolescents, it is very difficult to combat this problem, because nasvay is not officially classified as a drug. In general, there is a problem, and the health of the younger generation is at stake. But this problem is still very poorly solved. It is necessary, for starters, to at least carry out more explanatory work at school and at home. Children need to know that nasvay is a poison that leads to nicotine and chemical addiction, the treatment for which is very long and difficult.

In this article I tried to explain in detail and clearly, what is nasvay and what effect it has on the body.

P.S. On the basis of the Federal Russian Federation dated February 23, 2013 N 15-FZ “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption,” wholesale and retail trade in nasvay is prohibited (Article 19, paragraph 8).

Health and good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog “A World Without Nicotine”

When answering the question about what harm nasvay can cause, it is important to first understand its composition, the consequences of use and possible forms of poisoning.

What is nasvay, what is it made from

Nasvay refers to a form of a peculiar tobacco product that is legally distributed in the countries of Central Asia, and has gained its widespread influence in the territories of Russia, Ukraine and the countries of the post-Soviet space. In appearance, the product is small balls (short sticks) of earthen or dark green color with a specific odor, which are packaged in small plastic bags for ease of sale.

The original nasvay, made according to the recipe, contains high-quality tobacco, shag or tobacco dust. Lime is used as an alkaline element that promotes improved penetration of product components into the blood. However, there are many surrogate potions on the market, where flax ash, chicken or camel droppings are used as an alkaline element. To enhance the taste, various aromatic oils, spices and even poisonous mixtures are mixed into nasvay.

It is surprising that even without paying attention to the dubious set of ingredients, nasvay is attractive to modern youth and people of different professions. The low cost, ease of use of the product, and rapid dependence on it have a detrimental effect on people who are willing to pay 100-150 rubles per packet.

Important! Many sellers, in order to increase interest in the product they sell, point to the fact that nasvay helps get rid of cigarette slavery. But in fact, this product carries an even larger dose of nicotine, and provokes an even more stable addiction to the drug.

The product in question, although it belongs to the category of chewing tobacco, is not actually chewed, but simply placed behind the cheek or lip, held in the mouth, and periodically spit out saliva. Through the mucous membrane of the mouth, nicotine directly enters the bloodstream, causing a person to receive short-term dubious pleasure of euphoria and relaxation from the process.

It must be admitted that nasvay is a drug, the consequences of which are known to specialists. When realistically comparing the risks, you need to know what a passion for nasvay can lead to, so that in the pursuit of “ to adulthood“Don’t ruin your health!

Practice shows that addiction leaves its mark on the human nervous system. Global changes begin to occur in the body, leading it to a feeling of withdrawal, hyperexcitability, hallucinations, loss of attentiveness and memory. The damage to the immune system caused by nasvay provokes its weakening, therefore, a person becomes more susceptible to diseases!

Important! Modern research proves that regular use of this drug contributes to the development of cancer pathologies, which increases the risk of mortality. Teenagers who are not aware of the risks think little about the fact that even a one-time use of nasvay can give rise to an even more stable addiction than from cigarettes.

  • Firstly, the saliva that has accumulated after “throwing it in” cannot be swallowed!
  • Secondly, swallowing the mixture itself is unacceptable!

If saliva is swallowed, a person may show acute signs of poisoning, such as weakness, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms may be accompanied by dizziness and headaches.

If you swallow nasvay balls, a tobacco mixture enriched with tobacco and dubious additives can provoke gastrointestinal poisoning. In medical practice, there are known cases of salmonellosis due to the use of chicken manure in the product. In addition, quite often the patient experiences an increase in body temperature, upset stool and other dyspeptic symptoms that require doctor’s attention.

Consequences of using nasvay

The consequences of using this tobacco mixture include the appearance of signs of impotence in the patient, since the ingredients of nasvay promote vascular constriction, disrupting rational microcirculation in the body. In addition, “throwing in” the mixture worsens blood flow to such an extent that there is a real threat of developing heart attacks and strokes, even among the youngest lovers of a mild high.

And, of course, pregnant women are included in a special risk group, on whose body the presence of tobacco, dubious flavorings and animal feces interferes with the normal development of the human fetus. The death of a baby in the womb increases significantly!

Important! In medical practice there is a term teratogenic effect. This is one of the possible situations when a newborn child of a mother who smokes and abuses nasvay is more likely to develop various types of upper respiratory tract infections. Consequently, the child is born with a severe pathology, which is very problematic to heal!

Nasvaem poisoning: what to do?

It is worth saying that the tobacco product is a potent substance, so an excess of the mixture with nicotine and ingredients that enters the stomach will immediately affect your well-being throwing.

The very first measure in case of poisoning is prompt gastric lavage with water followed by the intake of activated carbon. In mild stages of poisoning, these measures may be enough for the person to return to normal.

If the stage of poisoning is more serious, that is, it is not limited only to signs of bitterness in the mouth, nausea and weakness, then the patient requires hospitalization. We also recommend that you read the article:.

Many people are interested in the question of how long nasvay can last in the blood, and whether nasvay poisoning can lead to death. If we are talking about nicotine, then its presence in the blood is concentrated up to 5-6 hours. To cause paralysis of the respiratory muscles, about 50 mg of nicotine must be present in the body. That is why, in case of severe convulsions and signs of weakness, only ambulance or hospital specialists can help the patient.

Help with nasvay poisoning

  1. Relieving symptoms of intoxication by administering saline solution.
  2. Conducting symptomatic therapy in case of life-threatening situations. The use of anticonvulsants and antiemetics in combination with painkillers is appropriate here.
  3. Finally, with frequent use of nasvay, a person develops a persistent psychological dependence, which requires close attention. In particular, psychologists must work with the victim.

Since 2013, nasvay has been included in the list of substances prohibited for storage and distribution in the Russian Federation. In some countries, nasvay is not prohibited, but there the use of other types of drugs is considered the norm. Let us remind you that long-term use of nasvay leads to the development of cancer, incl. in 80% of cases it is cancer of the lower lip, tongue and larynx.

The myth that nasvay frees you from nicotine addiction has been dispelled quite a long time ago. Nasvay develops nicotine addiction and increases the level of nicotine in the blood.

Composition of nasvay

The composition of nasvay is very diverse and “manufacturers” often add flavor enhancers (seasonings) and psychotropic substances to their product. Nasvay is sold in small plastic bags that do not have any inscriptions on them, so the content of nicotine and other harmful substances can be found out only after a special examination.

Nasvay is a drug

Nasvay - causes nicotine addiction! Nasvay contains a very large amount of nicotine. The alkali allows nicotine to be absorbed very well in the oral cavity, and then nicotine is quickly delivered through the bloodstream to the brain. Already approximately 1-2 minutes after laying nasvay, nicotine enters the brain and affects brain receptors. Gradually, the brain begins to get used to the stimulation of nicotine and nicotine addiction develops, which is quite difficult to get rid of. It is nicotine addiction that prevents smokers from quitting. Nicotine, according to American scientists, is one of the 20 most common drugs. Almost all nasvay traders position it as a means to quit smoking and get rid of nicotine addiction. But it is important to remember that nasvay, on the contrary, very strongly causes nicotine addiction, as it contains a large amount of nicotine.

Nasvay, consumption

Nasvay is consumed by placing it in the mouth, which produces abundant saliva, and the alkali included in nasvay promotes the rapid absorption of nicotine in the oral cavity. When consuming nasvay, you should not swallow saliva, since the alkali corrodes the gastric mucosa and contributes to the development of gastritis, and subsequently gastric ulcers. In addition, swallowed saliva often becomes a source of infection (only the sellers know the conditions under which nasvay is made, and they don’t care about your health). Therefore, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are quite common companions for those who use nasvay. Teenagers say that the main reason for using nasvay is that after nasvay they don’t want to smoke. This is due to the fact that nasvay contains a large amount of nicotine, the body is saturated with nicotine, and once a teenager has taken another nicotine dose, the need for the next one disappears. After intravenous drug administration, drug addicts do not try to snort it later.
Smoking cigarettes damages the lungs, while nasvay damages the oral mucosa and gastrointestinal tract.

Nasvay and cancer. Chemicals and nicotine itself contribute to the development of oral cancer. More than 80% of patients diagnosed with oral cancer used nasvay (data from the Uzbekistan Republican Oncology Center). You can buy nasvay for 20-30 rubles; the main consumers of nasvay are teenagers. It’s a pretty deplorable situation: buy a package of potion for 30 rubles in order to get lip cancer.

Nasvay, consequences

Nasvay, consequences of use

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ATTENTION: on the territory of the Russian Federation, from June 1, 2013, in accordance with the Federal Law “On protecting public health from the consequences of tobacco consumption,” wholesale and retail trade in nasvay is prohibited.

Nasvay (nasybay, us, nose, ice)

a mixture of tobacco or “us” plant, alkali (slaked lime), plant ash, oil, seasonings. Can be added chicken droppings, camel dung and marijuana. Nasvay is described in different ways by its appearance. In some cases, nasvay is green balls, in others it is a grayish-brown powder. Fresh nasvay looks like large, soaked, green grains, while stale nasvay looks more like powder and is almost black in color. Some manufacturers are too lazy to granulate “us” (nasvay) and sell it in powder.
Previously, nasvay was made in the form of small peas, and then they switched to sticks, which are formed after passing the mass through a meat grinder. There are signs of a transition to larger-scale production throughout. Nasvay is becoming a popular and accessible drug.
Nasvay is not manufactured in a factory. Its production is organized at home (where else can you find such an abundance of camel dung or chicken droppings).. In the Asian region, nasvay is freely sold on trays.

Nasvay is placed behind the cheek or lip. The lime contained in the potion changes the acidity of the medium and enhances absorption nicotine through the oral cavity. This produces a large amount of saliva, which must be spat out. If such saliva enters the stomach, it can cause nausea and diarrhea. The effect achieved when consuming nasvay is mild relaxation, dizziness, blurred vision, tingling in the arms and legs. The effect lasts about 7 minutes.

Recently, this potion has become very popular among schoolchildren, which is very alarming..
The use of nasvay has a very strong impact on physical health and is accompanied by memory deterioration, deviations in mental development, diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth, larynx, stomach, increased risk of cancer, autonomic disorders, and periodontal disease. Determined that Cancers are 80% more common among nasvay users than that of an ordinary person. In addition, in such people, reproductive function is completely disrupted, due to the fact that sperm production stops. The Institute of Medical Problems of the National Academy of Sciences (Osh, Kyrgyzstan) conducted a study of the effect of using nasvay on the reproductive function of men. “Doctors knew theoretically that nasvay causes great harm to the body,” says the director of the institute, candidate of medical sciences Rakmanbek Toychuev. “For the first time, we conducted a systemic toxicological examination of 50 men of reproductive age - residents of Osh and the Kara-Suu district, who consulted doctors about infertility.” The harm that nasvay causes does not depend on the duration of its use. Nasvay can strike immediately, it depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The biggest danger is that by consuming nasvay, sperm production stops, reproductive function is disrupted, and there is practically no chance of its restoration.

And of course, we must not forget about addiction and nicotine dependence on nasvay. Nasvay is actually not a substitute, but rather tobacco that harms the body. And do not be deceived that reducing the nicotine content to some extent solves the problem. “Nasvayshchiki” compensate for the loss by increasing the quantity and changing the quality of the mixture. The only difference is that tobacco smoke hits the lungs first, while nasvay hits the oral mucosa and gastrointestinal tract.
Lastly, look at the report about nasvay:


  • Nasvay causes nicotine addiction, which means that the human body will constantly require nasvay or the person will become a smoker.
  • Nicotine causes a constriction of all blood vessels, which is why the brain, heart and other organs begin to experience oxygen starvation. Under the influence of nicotine, the wall of blood vessels becomes thinner and a stroke may develop. The heart of a user of nasvay works like that of an athlete, only due to narrowed blood vessels it does not receive enough oxygen, and this leads to gradual wear and tear of the heart muscle and the development of a heart attack.
  • Nasvay causes cancer!
  • Nasvay causes dental diseases such as periodontal disease, caries, etc.
  • Nasvay causes gastritis and can lead to stomach ulcers. In addition, the artisanal method of making nasvay does not guarantee the purity of the product, so infectious diseases (for example, hepatitis) companions of those who use nasvay.
  • Often other psychoactive substances are added to nasvay, so dependence on other substances may develop.
  • Teenagers who use nasvay are not able to properly assimilate educational material; they have serious memory problems and constant confusion.
  • Adolescents who use nasvay experience personality changes and mental disorders.
  • Teenagers who begin to regularly use nasvay may soon switch to harder drugs.
  • Consumers of nasvay suffer from oral diseases (periodontal disease, caries, etc.), intestinal infections, and viral diseases.
  • People who use nasvay experience disturbances in reproductive function (sperm production is impaired, sperm are inactive). According to the Institute of Medical Problems of the Academy of Sciences: Nasvay leads to infertility, and it is almost impossible to restore impaired reproductive functions.
  • Manufacturers of nasvay often add ephedrine, ephedrone, etc. to further “bind” customers, and this leads to even greater dependence. In addition to nicotine addiction, another chemical addiction develops, which, according to narcologists, is very difficult to treat.
  • Nasvay often contains heavy metals (cadmium, lead), and this leads to toxic damage