“The course of a young Gascon” from Sergei Bezrukov. Sergei Bezrukov: “I see everything in flashes, pictures”

Sergei Bezrukov presented his fans with an original gift by reviving his popular performance “Cyrano de Bergerac”. In the updated version, the director brought young artists to the stage, and entrusted the main role to the idol of girls, Gele Meskhi (TV films “Black Cat”, “Son of the Father of Nations”).

Edmond Rostand's heroic comedy has not survived a single production. Sergei Bezrukov made his interpretation of the story of the poet in love back in 2008 in St. Petersburg. And he himself played the main role. The role of the hero's beloved, Roxana, was then played by Elizaveta Boyarskaya. The performance enjoyed constant success not only in Russia, but also on foreign tours.

Two years ago, Sergei Bezrukov decided to revive Cyrano, but with the troupe of the Provincial Theater. The fiery romantic again appeared on the list of acting works of the artistic director. And yet, Bezrukov decided to pass the baton to youth.

“Cyrano de Bergerac is a wonderful, strong, well-established performance,” said the People’s Artist. “For many of our young actors, entering it is like taking a course for a young fighter or, as we joke at rehearsals, “a course for a young Gascon.”

Judging by the sold-out crowd at the Provincial Theater, the audience became interested in how the young performer would cope with the task. Gela Meskhi also understood the degree of responsibility very well.

When Sergei Vitalievich invited me to play Cyrano, I agreed without even thinking. They don’t refuse such roles,” the actor shared. - But already during the rehearsals I began to doubt: can I, can I stand it, will I justify the trust placed in me?

Judging by the reaction of the audience, Gela Meskhi justified the director’s hopes. True, at first the audience was perplexed: was Meskhi playing Cyrano? The masked actor spoke in a voice similar to Bezrukov’s. But when the hero opened his face, it became clear that the program had not deceived him - it was Gela.

Cyrano, performed by Meskhi, is not just a poet in love. He is a warrior, a daredevil, a wit, a brute. His de Bergerac is harsh, eccentric, starts up at half a turn and always gets into fights, defending his dignity. Although with the same courage he is ready to defend his beloved and his homeland.

Together with Gela Meskhi, Polina Galkina (Roxana) and Danil Ivanov (Christian) entered the play. Graduates of GITIS from the workshop of Leonid Kheifetz are a successful acquisition of the Provincial Theater. Fragile red-haired Galkina seems to have stepped out of Botticelli’s paintings. Her Roxanne is not only beautiful, but also brave. And Christian Danila Ivanova is a loyal friend and hero who dies in battle for his Motherland.


Director Bezrukov did something that many directors tried to avoid. He did not shorten the play, emphasizing the lyrical line of the work. “Cyrano” runs for almost four hours at the Provincial Theater, but time flies by. The artists on stage perform complex acrobatic acts, dashingly fencing with swords, dancing and singing. And after the performance, the audience hums songs from Cyrano. Isn't this a sign that the production has found its way to the hearts of the audience?

March 7 An unusual premiere will take place at the Moscow Provincial Theater: in the play "Cyrano de Bergerac" will play almost completely updated cast. In fact, this will be a new edition of the play.

Cyrano will be played by an actor Gela Meskhi(he is known to a wide audience from the television series “Black Cat”, “Son of an Enemy of the People”, “Physics and Chemistry”, etc.), who from this season joined the troupe of the Provincial Theater.

The role of Roxana will be played by Polina Galkina, Christiana by Danil Ivanov, they are both talented graduates of GITIS, course of Leonid Kheifets.

In the repertoire of any theater there must be a legendary performance that is so loved by the audience that it has not left the repertoire for decades. Actors grow up, over time the performers of the roles change - new editions of the same play are created, where younger actors play in the same director's picture. In March 2015, the MGT repertoire included the play “Cyrano de Bergerac”, which became the second actor’s version of the play: it was created in 2008 by the production center “Art-Peter” with St. Petersburg actors, and then was performed extensively under the auspices of the Sergei Bezrukov Theater.

Then the cast of the play was almost completely changed: in addition to Sergei Bezrukov in the role of Cyrano de Bergerac and Sergei Kunitsky playing the roles of Linier and Capuchin, actors from the Moscow Provincial Theater were assigned to all roles. Roxana - Karina Andolenko, Christian - Anton Sokolov, Le Bret - Anton Khabarov, Count De Guiche - Alexander Tyutin and Grigory Firsov and other MGT actors. Artistic director and the director of this performance is Sergei Bezrukov This is how he explained his decision to include “Cyrano” in the theater’s repertoire:

“This is a strong, established performance, and for many of our young actors, entering this production is like taking a “young fighter’s course,” or, as we joke at rehearsals, “a young Gascon’s course.” First of all, this is classical drama, an amazing poetic text, which also still needs to be mastered, which in itself is not easy. There is a combination of grotesque and drama; you need to master dancing, acrobatic skills, and the art of sword fighting. In a word, this is a very good school for young actors, and for me as an artistic director this is very important.”

But 2 years have passed, the MGT troupe has been replenished with new actors, and the theater has decided on a new experiment: in addition to the wonderful established cast headed by the artistic director, the “school of a young Gascon” in this performance will now be completed by new actors who joined the troupe this year. In addition to the “recruits”, actors from the Provincial Theater already familiar to the audience will try themselves in new roles in this performance. Both casts of the play, new and old, will play in turns.

Gela Meskhi:

“When Sergei Vitalievich Bezrukov invited me to play Cyrano, I agreed without even thinking: they don’t refuse such roles. But then, during the rehearsals, as I comprehended the text and worked on it, I began to think: can I do it, can I stand it? Will I justify the trust he has placed in me? This will, of course, be a completely different performance, a different Cyrano de Bergerac. Sergei Vitalievich has his own Cyrano, he is magnificent, like the entire previous cast of the play, and of course I would like to work with them too. But, in my opinion, the new cast that we are rehearsing with at the moment are young, energetic, talented guys who, together with me, are also looking for some adaptations in their role, and together we find something new and interesting . I think we will succeed. But it’s up to the audience to decide, I hope they like it.”

March 7 An unusual premiere will take place at the Moscow Provincial Theater: in the play "Cyrano de Bergerac" will play almost completely updated cast. In fact, this will be a new edition of the play.

Cyrano will be played by an actor Gela Meskhi(he is known to a wide audience from the television series “Black Cat”, “Son of an Enemy of the People”, “Physics and Chemistry”, etc.), who from this season joined the troupe of the Provincial Theater.

The role of Roxanne will be played by Polina Galkina, Christiana - Danil Ivanov, they are both talented graduates of GITIS, course Leonid Kheifetz.

In the repertoire of any theater there must be a legendary performance that is so loved by the audience that it has not left the repertoire for decades. Actors grow up, the performers of the roles change over time - new editions of the same play are created, where younger actors play in the same director's picture. In March 2015, the MGT repertoire included the play “Cyrano de Bergerac”, which became the second actor’s version of the play: it was created in 2008 by the production center “Art-Peter” with St. Petersburg actors, and then was staged a lot under the auspices of Theater Sergei Bezrukov.

Then the cast of the play was almost completely changed: in addition to Sergei Bezrukov in the role of Cyrano de Bergerac and Sergei Kunitsky, playing the roles of Linier and Capuchin, actors from the Moscow Provincial Theater were appointed to all roles. Roxana - Karina Andolenko, Christian - Anton Sokolov, Le Bret - Anton Khabarov, Count De Guiche - Alexander Tyutin And Grigory Firsov and other MGT actors. Artistic director and the director of this performance is Sergei Bezrukov This is how he explained his decision to include “Cyrano” in the theater’s repertoire:

“This is a strong, established performance, and for many of our young actors, entering this production is like taking a “young fighter’s course,” or, as we joke at rehearsals, “a young Gascon’s course.” First of all, this is classical drama, an amazing poetic text, which also still needs to be mastered, which in itself is not easy. There is a combination of grotesque and drama; you need to master dancing, acrobatic skills, and the art of sword fighting. In a word, this is a very good school for young actors, and for me as an artistic director this is very important.”

But 2 years have passed, the MGT troupe has been replenished with new actors, and the theater has decided on a new experiment: in addition to the wonderful established cast headed by the artistic director, the “school of a young Gascon” in this performance will now be completed by new actors who joined the troupe this year. In addition to the “recruits”, actors from the Provincial Theater already familiar to the audience will try themselves in new roles in this performance. Both casts of the play, new and old, will play in turns.

Gela Meskhi:

“When Sergei Vitalievich Bezrukov invited me to play Cyrano, I agreed without even thinking: they don’t refuse such roles. But then, during the rehearsals, as I comprehended the text and worked on it, I began to think: can I do it, can I stand it? Will I justify the trust he has placed in me? This will, of course, be a completely different performance, a different Cyrano de Bergerac. Sergei Vitalievich has his own Cyrano, he is magnificent, like the entire previous cast of the play, and of course I would like to work with them too. But, in my opinion, the new cast that we are rehearsing with at the moment are young, energetic, talented guys who, together with me, are also looking for some adaptations in their role, and together we find something new and interesting . I think we will succeed. But it’s up to the audience to decide, I hope they like it.”

The premiere of the play “Cyrano de Bergerac” took place at the Moscow Provincial Theater (MGT). The production featured an almost completely new cast. The young artist Gela Meskhi tried on the mask of Cyrano de Bergerac.

I want the next artist's worship to grow from this play. Many played. Because it's classic, it's good material.

Sergei Bezrukov, artistic director of the Moscow Provincial Theater

The play "Cyrano de Bergerac" has a rich history. It entered the repertoire of the Moscow Provincial Theater in March 2015. It was initially staged by St. Petersburg actors in 2008, then it was staged for many years under the auspices of Sergei Bezrukov’s theater.

The new performer of the role of Cyrano de Bergerac, Gela Meskhi, was worried before the premiere. Even makeup couldn’t hide the excitement on the actor’s face. For the first time, graduates of GITIS appeared on the stage of the Provincial Theater with him, who were invited to play by Sergei Bezrukov. Polina Galkina played the role of Roxana, and Danil Ivanov played the role of Christian.

Polina is my classmate. We met Gela here. No one has any rivalry, no one puts a spoke in the wheels.

Danil Ivanov, actor of the Moscow Provincial Theater

Gela Meskhi admitted to journalists that he is not afraid of comparisons with the previous version of the play, where Sergei Bezrukov played. I'm sure his Cyrano will find his fans.

Everyone has their own Cyrano... We can't compare. I’m not afraid that the audience may say: remember, Sergei Bezrukov didn’t play like that here. Each actor is an individual.

Gela Meskhi, actor of the Moscow Provincial Theater,

performer of the role of Cyrano de Bergerac

Looking at the full hall and the silence, which was not disturbed by the sounds of mobile phones, we can say that the audience accepted the new lineup. After all, as Sergei Bezrukov himself admitted, the main thing is not the name on the poster, but the live performance.

In addition to the “recruits” who tried themselves in the play, actors from the Provincial Theater already familiar to the audience also appeared on stage. Both casts of the play, new and old, will play in turns.

After the official opening of the season at the Moscow Provincial Theater, the correspondent of the “World of Women’s Politics” asked how much Sergei Vitalievich trusts the directors who stage plays in his theater, because the repertoire is very different. And why did Gela Meskhi choose to take on the role of Cyrano de Bergerac?

— Sergei Vitalievich, when you invite a director to the theater, how much do you trust him, how much do you interfere in the process? Are there any disputes? Do you always like what is offered?

- Sometimes you like something, sometimes you don’t. We discuss whether there is an artistic council, or we agree from the very beginning on the direction that the director chooses. There is protection for the layout and the project itself, we sort it all out. Then comes the submission to the artistic council. We coordinate everything. There are young directors who are just trying and they need help. They tried and tried “The Jolly Soldier,” but in the end it turned out that the material was too serious, and it had to be collected, it had to be invented and made. And I’m a very fast person in this regard, I do performances quickly. My imagination is quite fast-paced and sparkling. I see everything in flashes, pictures. And so I made “The Jolly Soldier” in just two weeks; I also added some things in the set design and removed some things. There was no house in Ovsyanka ( house-museum of V. Astafiev - approx. editors), there was no woodpile. There was only the carriage itself. I came up with an atmosphere with a screen, with a window into that war - it was born right away at the rehearsal. The two weeks were fruitful; I designed the performance from start to finish. I took on the main difficulties myself. It happens that many works pass my strict analysis, but this is only if required.

— Tell me, why did you decide to bring in Gela Meskhi as the second cast member for your role in Cyrano de Bergerac? Were there any other options?

“To be honest, I didn’t think about it, but when Gela called and said that he wanted to work in the theater, because he was acting a lot, working a lot in films and began to feel out of breath, cinema stopped providing acting development. And theater gives this development, gives a feeling of something new. Gela felt that he was deteriorating and he needed a springboard to move on. I said, “Okay, then I’ll give you a big challenge: will you play Cyrano?” He replied: “I am ready and will try. It’s very scary, but I’ll try.” It seems to me that he is similar. It has the excitement and, most importantly, the temperament of Cyrano. He is an artist-personality. And here there must be an artist-personality. This is a serious test, which I hope he will pass with flying colors.

Natalia Kozlova

Photographer Yakovleva Svetlana

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