Physiotherapy. Therapeutic exercises for nephroptosis

Kidney prolapse or nephroptosis is becoming more and more common every year, especially in older people, although young people are not immune from this disease. Oddly enough, the reasons for its development are sudden weight loss, a sedentary lifestyle and, conversely, work associated with heavy lifting; even pregnancy and childbirth can provoke prolapse of the kidney.

But it is possible to cope with the problem. Today this is done through surgery, and in mild cases it is enough to regularly engage in exercise therapy for nephroptosis.

Ways to combat nephroptosis

In the arsenal of modern doctors there are only 2 effective methods that allow this: surgery and exercise therapy. The first is based on strengthening the ligamentous apparatus of the organ artificially, while in the second case, the ligaments and muscles are strengthened through regular training, which gives long-term results.

Attention! An operation, even performed by the best doctor, does not protect the patient from relapse, that is, repeated prolapse of the kidney.

Thus, physical therapy for nephroptosis is the most preferred method of treatment. Moreover, it is indicated for patients who have undergone surgery in order to consolidate the achieved result.

How to do exercise therapy?

Since today there are many options for exercises indicated for nephroptosis, the complex is developed individually for each patient, based on the condition and location of the kidneys, the person’s physical fitness and the presence of concomitant diseases. But you need to treat exercise therapy responsibly and try not to miss workouts, since the regularity of classes and the correct execution of each exercise determine how much the abdominal, hip and back muscles will be strengthened, and, therefore, the success of therapy.

Therapeutic exercise should be done in the morning on an empty stomach in a well-ventilated, but draft-free room where the proper level of illumination is provided. As for the floor, it must be level and fairly hard.

Advice: in good weather, it is best to do exercise therapy outdoors, for example, on the nearest playground or in the park.

For classes you will need:

  • comfortable sports shoes;
  • clothing that does not restrict movement;
  • rug.

All patients should understand that the presence of nephroptosis of any degree is a contraindication to jumping, running or lifting weights. But long walks and swimming will be an excellent addition to exercise therapy.

Attention! Before starting exercises, patients should definitely consult their doctor, since some exercises may be contraindicated for people with concomitant diseases, for example, problems with the cardiovascular system.

Complex 1

The exercises for nephroptosis listed below are considered the safest and simplest, so it is usually recommended to start with them.

  1. From a lying position, slowly raise and lower your legs 8–10 times.
  2. Raise your pelvis 10 times as high as possible, while pressing your legs tightly together.
  3. Lying on your back, clasp your hands above your head and raise them up. At the same time, the legs connected together are raised parallel to the floor and then slowly lowered. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Scissors. Similar to the previous exercise, the legs are first raised 20–30 cm above the floor and, as you inhale, spread them apart, and as you exhale, bring them together without lowering them to the floor. You can also cross your legs so that your right or left leg is on top. Repeat 10 times.
  5. Lying on your back, you should take turns pulling your legs bent at the knees towards your stomach. Repeat 5-8 times on each leg.
  6. Bike. From a lying position, with your hands folded under your head, perform leg movements that imitate riding a bicycle until you feel tired.
  7. Cat. Get on all fours, straightening your arms and back, looking forward. On the count of 1, the back is arched like a wheel and at the same time the head is lowered so that the gaze is directed to the navel. On the count of 2, they bend in the opposite direction, trying to look at the top of their own head. Repeat 10–15 times.

Important: all exercises should be performed slowly without jerking or sudden movements, without lifting your lower back from the floor.

After completing your workout, it is extremely important to properly relax your muscles. To do this, still lying on the floor, close your eyes, stretch your arms and legs in different directions and lie down for a few minutes, breathing easily and freely.

Complex 2

Those who have been successfully practicing exercise therapy for nephroptosis for some time can gradually complicate their program and begin to perform so-called inverted exercises.

  1. Plow. From a lying position, twists are performed so that the connected straight legs touch the floor behind the head. Stay in this position for 2–3 minutes.
  2. Shoulder stand. The technique for performing this exercise is initially similar to the previous one, but then you need to fix the body for 1 minute so that the heels are pointing vertically upward and the hands are supporting the back.
  3. Fish. From a lying position on your back, throw your head back, as if trying to reach your forehead to the floor. Stay for 20–30 seconds. This exercise must be performed last, as it is necessary for proper relaxation of the neck muscles.

Important: during menstruation, women should interrupt classes or switch to lighter exercises of complex 1.

Complex 3

Already advanced athletes can supplement their training with more difficult exercises, which will certainly increase the effectiveness of the entire complex. But before complicating your program, you must get your doctor’s approval, otherwise you can only worsen your condition.

  1. Peacock. From a squatting position, they lean forward and, resting their stomachs on their folded elbows, try to reach their foreheads to the floor. At the extreme point, the head is slightly raised and fixed in this position. While performing this exercise, you should maintain deep and calm breathing.
  2. Uddiyana bandha. Having taken a stable position with your knees slightly bent and your straight arms resting on them, you should pull in your stomach and hold your breath. Maintain this position for as long as possible, and then relax the abdominal muscles and take a calm breath. This breathing exercise should be practiced for at least 15 minutes daily.

Attention! With grade 3 nephroptosis, it is unsafe to perform the above exercises. In such cases, it is very important to improve your condition with lighter workouts.

The kidneys are not a static organ; they have a certain physiological mobility. For example, when breathing or physical activity, the kidneys move. The norm is considered to be a displacement of one lumbar vertebra. If the vertical deviations exceed two centimeters, then we are talking about pathological displacement or nephroptosis.

Since the kidneys in their anatomical bed are fixed by ligaments, surrounding fascia and perinephric fatty tissue, when under the influence of negative factors or with age their atrophy occurs, it is quite natural that the kidneys descend below two centimeters. Certain physical exercises can help restore the correct position of the organ.

When the kidneys prolapse, both surgical and conservative treatment is carried out, which is based on special physical exercises that can ensure the return of the organ to its anatomical place. However, they can only be performed, especially at the initial stage of treatment, under the supervision of a doctor. Classes begin only after a thorough diagnosis and diagnosis. For each person with this problem, an individual set of exercises is selected. Indications for physical therapy are the I and II degrees of development of nephroptosis; in the third degree, the exercises will not be effective, so only surgical intervention can help the patient.

Despite the proven positive dynamics after physical exercise, there are a number of contraindications when exercise therapy is strictly prohibited, among them:

  • complications in the form of structural changes in the kidneys;
  • disturbance of urine outflow;
  • high blood pressure;
  • high body temperature;
  • menstruation;
  • threat of internal bleeding;
  • large kidney and gallstones;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • oncology.

Nephroptosis is a rather complex disease, so if it occurs, you should avoid the following types of exercises:

  • at any stage of the disease, strength training on exercise machines and lifting weights should not be performed;
  • with body shaking, such as running, jumping, squats;
  • exercise bike, treadmill, orbit track;
  • from football, volleyball, basketball;
  • in the form of sharp slopes.

In addition, when compiling a complex of exercise therapy, the presence of other health problems is also taken into account. For example, with arterial hypertension and varicose veins in the legs, static elements in the treatment complex should be abandoned.

We also note that people who first encountered the problem of kidney prolapse mistakenly assume that now they will need to completely change their lifestyle and give up sports, and women will stop keeping their figure in shape. No, physical activity for nephroptosis, on the contrary, is recommended. However, the approach to sports and physical activity will have to be changed, since, as noted above, shaking the kidneys is contraindicated, so it would be more correct to visit a qualified specialist and jointly select the type of sports activity.

In addition, it is worth taking into account the stage of the disease, at the first stage physical activity is useful, since controlled loads can return the organ to its place, at the second stage the approach to exercises and sports should be extremely careful, the loads are minimal, and at the third stage even the slightest load threatens disastrous consequences.

Therapeutic exercises for nephroptosis are a guarantee of health. A specially designed set of exercises must be performed daily. As a rule, it includes exercises that strengthen muscle tissue in the abdominal cavity and lower back; exercise helps to increase intra-abdominal pressure. Thanks to the indicated effects, the prolapsed kidney returns to its anatomical location. Also, therapeutic exercises have a beneficial effect on the functions of the genitourinary system, and overall well-being.

Therapeutic physical exercises for nephroptosis should be based on the following principles:

  1. An integrated and systematic approach. Charging should be regular. The exercises are performed once or twice for thirty to fifty minutes.
  2. Subsequence. There must be a warm-up, a main complex and final exercises.
  3. Increasing load. Depending on the stage of the disease, the amount of exercise is gradually increased. The initial complex consists of 10-12 exercises, which are repeated 4 times, then additional exercises are introduced.

Exercise therapy consists of special and general developmental exercises.

Special ones are aimed at strengthening the muscles and tendons in the kidney area, these are:

  • dynamic breathing exercises to strengthen skeletal muscles and normalize metabolic processes;
  • static - tension of certain muscles in a fixed position, that is, targeted tension and relaxation occurs;
  • diaphragmatic and chest breathing in static conditions.

Diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing uses the powerful muscle between the chest and abdominal cavity. It ensures blood saturation with oxygen and prevents the development of respiratory diseases.

Chest breathing can be clavicular or costal. During exercises, it is necessary to develop the costal muscle, which involves all the intercostal muscles. You need to do it as follows:

  • simultaneous inhalation through the mouth and nose, while we draw in the stomach, and raise and round the ribs;
  • exhale through the nose, gradually the abdominal muscles relax and the chest drops;
  • pause for three to five seconds.

General strengthening exercises include simple movements of different parts of the body, exercises for correcting posture and coordination.

The basis of exercise therapy for nephroptosis is a horizontal position of the body or at an angle of no more than 60 degrees relative to the plane.

From sports equipment you can use rollers, a small ball, a fitball, an inclined Evminov board, an expander tape.

Immediately before charging, it is important to ventilate the room well, wear loose clothing and comfortable shoes. The exercises should be performed on a special gymnastic mat.

Exercises are done on an empty stomach or two to three hours after eating.

Video on the topic

There are quite a lot of elements of gymnastic exercises that strengthen muscles and return the wandering kidney. Let's focus our attention on the Bubnovsky gymnastics complex. The doctor has developed a whole series of unique techniques that can restore the human body after serious injuries and displacement of internal organs. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics for nephroptosis quickly and effectively allows you to return the kidney to its place.

This technique does not require visiting a specialized clinic or training equipment. The main task of the proposed exercises is to activate the activity of the deep muscles of the trunk. All of them are performed while lying on your back:

  • legs straight, pressed tightly against each other, slowly rise perpendicular to the floor while inhaling, and lower as you exhale. The exercise is repeated 10 times;
  • “bicycle”, rhythmic breathing, perform for two minutes;
  • bend your knees and alternately press your thighs to your chest, repeat 10-12 times;
  • strongly squeeze a small ball in your knees and hold it in this position for ten seconds, after relaxing, repeats – 8;
  • legs together straight, bend left and right.

As the muscles become stronger and endurance is trained, the number of repetitions can be increased and the following exercises can be additionally performed:

  • lying on your back, straight legs should be thrown back behind your head, and your hands should reach your toes; it is also important to monitor your breathing, it should be rhythmic;
  • “Birch”, you need to try to hold your body in this position for as long as possible;
  • “Bridge”, you should bend in such a way that your stomach rises as high as possible and your body forms an arc.

Bubnovsky exercises should be performed daily for about three to four months. If further examination does not reveal a worsening of the condition, then at the first stage of nephroptosis, you can add bending of the back up and down from the knee-elbow position. The exercise should be done smoothly, without tension.

Yoga is a fairly ancient technique, the basis of which is the restoration of mental and physiological balance. Yoga therapy is actively used in the first and second stages of nephroptosis, asanas are selected on an individual basis. They support the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

At the third stage of the disease, the possibility of practicing yoga should be discussed with your doctor. As a rule, classes can be resumed after surgical treatment.

All asanas are performed at a slow pace, without sudden movements and serious effort. Therefore, this method of treatment is perfect for weakened and elderly people.

A set of exercises helps restore the balance of the body’s internal forces, improve overall well-being and cure various ailments.

The most effective asanas for kidney prolapse:

  • “extended triangle”, initial standing position, legs stand parallel to one another, then the left foot needs to be turned inward, and the right foot outward, arms spread to the sides with palms down. Now you can perform bends in such a way that the right hand falls to the right leg, and the left one rises up at this moment. As you exhale, the chest, stomach and head turn towards the raised hand. You need to stand in this position for three minutes. Breathing is even. Then do the same exercise on the left side.
  • “staff”, you need to sit on the floor, legs extended and joined at the feet. While taking a deep breath, bend your torso forward as deeply as possible, it’s good if you can reach your feet with your hands. Then, while taking a deep breath, you need to return to the starting position.
  • in case of deficiency of perirenal fatty tissue, yogic practices are recommended, the basis of which are breathing techniques and relaxation.

There are other yoga asanas that are helpful for kidney prolapse. Only a specialist can determine which ones are indicated in a particular case.

You should also take into account the fact that nephroptosis has many contraindications, therefore, like physical activity, yoga asanas can aggravate the condition if performed without a doctor’s recommendations.

According to medical statistics, women are much more likely to suffer from kidney prolapse than men. But they have one problem - weakening of the ligaments and muscles that hold the organ in its anatomical position. Therefore, all courses of gymnastic exercises, both for women and men, have a single goal - to strengthen the abs, back and sides, thereby ensuring the return of the kidney to its place.

So, let's look at the basic exercises that are recommended to be performed during warm-up.

Starting position – lying on your back. Legs straightened, arms along the body. As you inhale, the legs rise up, and as you exhale, they lower.

The next exercise is to put your hands behind your head and lock them together, raise your legs a little and without lifting your back from the floor, you should turn in one direction and the other so that each leg is alternately at the top.

Then we lift our legs off the floor five centimeters and hold them in this position for ten seconds. The warm-up complex also includes breathing exercises: while inhaling, we draw in the stomach, and while exhaling, we stick it out.

After completing these simple exercises for five to ten approaches, you can begin the main exercise.

All exercises are performed while lying on your back. It includes the “bicycle” already known to us from Bubnovsky’s method, and we supplement it with the “scissors” exercise. It is performed simply: the legs are raised ten centimeters from the floor, first spread wide, and then criss-crossed. You need to do it ten to twelve times.

In a lying position, you need to imitate walking, alternately bending and straightening your legs.

Pulling your legs towards your chest as you inhale and lowering them as you exhale.

Another effective exercise is to raise your legs at a ninety-degree angle, spread them out to the side as wide as possible, then, as you exhale, bring them together and lower them to the floor.

These are simple exercises that do not require much physical effort. If the doctor sees that the patient can cope with them quite well and there are no contraindications, then new exercises, somewhat more complicated, are added to the complex.

We are talking about exercises that are performed on the side and in the knee-elbow position.

Charging is performed alternately, first on one side, then on the other.

And so, you need to stretch out your hand and lower your head on it, and raise your upper leg as high as possible. Stay in this position for five to seven seconds and, as you exhale, lower your leg. Do the same on the other side.

The next exercise is to lie on your side, pull your leg towards your stomach, and exhale, bring it back. Do twelve times. Do the same on the other side.

The same exercise can be performed from the knee-elbow position.

An exercise called “cat” also has a very beneficial effect on the back and abdominal muscles. Its essence is that, while in a knee-elbow position, while inhaling, arch your back upward, hold it a little and lower it down as you exhale. Must be performed at least fifteen times.

Even more complex exercises include:

  • “birch tree, it is written about in Bubnovsky’s method;
  • “plow”, we are talking about an exercise in which, from a supine position, the legs are thrown over the head and the toes touch the floor. It is important to stay in this position for two to three minutes.
  • lying on your back, your head thrown back quite strongly, you need to try to touch the floor with your forehead.
  • “abdominal lock”, you should sit down and bend your legs so that your knees are as close to the floor as possible. Place your palms on them, exhale deeply and draw in your stomach. It is important to sit for as long as possible, after which you need to slowly relax your stomach and inhale. The exercise trains breathing well, which is very important for prolapsed kidneys.

It is also important to understand that physical therapy is only an additional method of treating kidney prolapse, although it is quite effective. Therefore, drug therapy and surgical intervention cannot be ruled out.

It should be understood that without proper treatment, nephroptosis can lead to more than serious consequences, namely:

  • to infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • to acute or chronic kidney failure;
  • to miscarriage or the birth of children with congenital pathologies of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • shrinkage of the organ, its complete dysfunction and death.

Therefore, it is very important to promptly and correctly treat this pathology.

However, it is worth remembering that the article provides only general descriptions of certain complexes and exercises. In no case should you perform physical therapy or yoga without a doctor’s permission if your kidneys are prolapsed, as you can cause serious harm to your body.

Doctors call abnormal mobility of the kidney, when the organ does not stand still and tends to move downwards, nephroptosis. With such a serious problem, exercise therapy becomes the main conservative treatment method. The exercises included in it, used when the kidney has prolapsed, help return the organ to its natural position. Classes begin after a comprehensive examination, taking into account the stage of the disease and the patient’s physical fitness.

Useful component of classes

The kidneys are a paired organ that has a direct connection with the muscular system of the human body, so exercises for nephroptosis are suitable for both the right and left kidneys. Weakening of the muscles adjacent to the kidneys leads to disturbances in their functions and causes prolapse. And . The goal of therapeutic exercises for prolapsed kidneys is to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back, and lower back, and to create reliable support for these organs.

Breathing exercises included in the physical therapy complex help normalize metabolic processes, prevent inflammation and improve blood circulation in the kidney area. As in regular physical education, therapeutic exercises begin with a warm-up. The degree of load allowed to the patient is determined by the doctor.

If you want to get real results from gymnastics, control the adequacy of the loads. If you haven’t trained your body before, you shouldn’t mindlessly load it right away. Moreover, any physical overload during nephroptosis is strictly prohibited. Only its dosed distribution can return the organ to its correct location.

Features of the preparatory warm-up

In the exercise therapy complex for nephroptosis, the warm-up exercises are quite simple and can be easily mastered by people with different physical fitness. It is important to note that the preparatory exercise movements are performed while lying on your back. The following exercises look like this:

  1. You need to lie down on a hard surface. Legs straight, arms along the body. Then inhale and raise both legs up to a vertical position. Slowly lowering your limbs, exhale.
  2. Bringing our hands together, we raise them above ourselves. Raising our legs a little, we begin to turn first in one direction, then in the other, so that when turning, one leg is on top of the other. We linger in each turn for a few seconds.
  3. Raising your legs by about 5 cm, you should try to hold them in this position for 10 seconds.
  4. We do a breathing warm-up, drawing in the stomach as we inhale, and slowly exhaling, sticking it out.

We repeat each exercise 8-10 times.

Warming up prepares the abdominal muscles for a certain load, and makes it easier to perform basic exercise therapy movements.

Complete treatment complex

A complex of exercise therapy for women with nephroptosis involves performing special and developmental exercises. For clarity, we have combined the exercises of the main part of exercise therapy into a table:

Special exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscular system in the kidney area. Like the warm-up, they are all performed in a supine position. The angles of elevation of the limbs depend on the stage of the disease: at the 1st stage the descent is by 15 degrees, at the 2nd stage - by 30 degrees. Examples of exercises:

  1. Everyone knows the “bicycle”. We don’t raise our legs high, we pedal for 1.5-2 minutes.
  2. We pull either the right or the left leg towards the stomach, helping ourselves with our hands. We do 8-10 times.
  3. We keep our feet on the floor, lie on our backs, legs bent at the knees, put a ball between our knees and squeeze it for 10 seconds, then relax the compression. Repeat 8-10 times.
  4. We raise our legs up 90 degrees, inhale and slowly spread them apart. Returning to IP, we exhale. We repeat the movements 6-8 times.
  5. We turn over onto the right or left side, swinging with the leg that lies on top. We make 8 swings up and down with one leg, then the other.
  6. Final exercise. We get down on all fours with emphasis on our knees and palms. We arch our back, the lower back muscles are tense. We bend the lower back down, the muscles are relaxed. We linger in each position for 10-15 seconds, do this 10-15 times.

After working the abdominal and back muscles, we move on to breathing exercises, which help strengthen the diaphragm that separates the abdominal and thoracic cavities. The fact is that most people, especially older people, breathe through their chest. It uses the clavicle muscles and lungs. Lower breathing puts stress on all muscles, thereby affecting the position of the kidneys. Lower breathing exercises are performed while lying on your back:

  • take a slow, deep breath so that your lungs fill and your stomach bulges;
  • exhale just as slowly, drawing in the upper abdominal region;
  • relax.

Repeat 8-10 times.

You can check if you can do lower breathing in a simple way: just put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach, and check which part of your body rises and falls when you breathe. If your stomach sticks out, it means you are doing everything right.

Exercises on the side and knee-elbow position

Performing movements while lying on different sides allows you to work with both the right and left kidney. When the lower back sags, the organs located in the abdominal region fall into place, and the protrusion of the back puts stress on the abdominal muscles. This complex includes the following exercises:

  1. We lie down on either side. We place our head on the hand pulled towards it. Raise your leg to the maximum possible height, hold it up for a few seconds, then slowly lower it.
  2. Remaining in the same position, we raise both limbs (arm and leg).
  3. We combine physical and breathing movements. As you inhale, pull the leg lying at the top towards your stomach, and as you exhale, straighten it.

We repeat everything 8-10 times.

By doing exercises in the knee-elbow position, you can work out the muscular system of the abs, lower back and back.


Massage is included in the treatment program for nephroptosis and is carried out before the start of exercise therapy. It is performed by a specialist and is classical in nature. At the beginning of the procedure, the patient lies on his stomach, the doctor massages the lower back and back with circular stroking movements. Then, moving from below, from the sacrum, upward, to the cervical vertebrae, it works the muscles adjacent to the spine. The back massage ends with kneading the muscles of the lumbar region, working in the kidney area.

The next stage is abdominal massage. Turning over onto his back, with his arms extended along his body, the patient slightly bends his knees. Using circular movements, the doctor strokes and kneads the abdominal muscles. Having finished with the stomach, the specialist moves on to the hips, while the patient must straighten his legs. To benefit from massage, you need to complete a course of 15-20 procedures 3 times a year. After the massage procedure, you need to lie quietly for a while.

Useful video - 2 simple exercises for prolapsed kidneys and bladder

Yoga asanas for nephroptosis

At stages I-II of nephroptosis there is, which perfectly helps to normalize the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The choice of asanas for kidney treatment is individual and depends on the patient’s physical capabilities. The following asanas are suitable for correcting kidney prolapse:

  1. "Complete Boat Pose." Sitting on the floor, you need to straighten your legs forward, keep your arms along your torso, rest your palms on the floor (fingers pointing forward). We tense our arms, pull our stomach in, and slightly stick out our chest. We inhale, exhale, inhale and hold our breath. During this delay, you need to make a boat: lean back and raise your legs so that they rise above the floor at equal angles. Your arms should be extended forward. Slowly return the body to its original position. We repeat the “boat” 2-3 times.
  2. Ardha Pavanamuktasana. We lie on our back, keep one leg straight, and press the other to our stomach with both hands. We press on the knee while resisting the pressure. Maintain the position for 7-10 seconds. Let's breathe freely. After doing 2-3 repetitions, do the same with the other leg.
  3. Ardha Navasana. We take the same initial position as in the boat. We squeeze our palms into a lock at the back of the head. We exhale and tilt our torso and raise our legs. We squeeze our knees with tension, we pull our feet towards our face. We lean on the sacrum, the legs should be at an angle of 30 degrees, and the head and feet should be on the same line. The goal is to hold this position for 30 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.

Performing yoga asanas is recommended for patients diagnosed with lower lordosis (internal arching of the back in the lumbar region). Class times must be set by a trained professional. If yoga is difficult for you, you can limit yourself to only the basic complex of exercise therapy, but with its regular implementation.

When the kidneys prolapse, the effectiveness of exercise therapy methods appears only in the initial stages of the disease. By working on certain parts of the body during exercise therapy, especially the abdominal cavity, you can stop the downward movement of the organ and prevent the negative consequences of the problem.


In the 3rd stage of the disease, gymnastics is not relevant; a surgical solution is necessary here.

The patient must clearly understand that the prevention of nephroptosis does not require excessive efforts. , but performed regularly, helps keep muscles toned. When performing various exercises, there is always a load on the abdominal area, and, therefore, the kidneys remain in place.

Video - Strengthening the kidneys and genitourinary system

Nephroptosis is a disease accompanied by an increase in the mobility of the kidneys, when they can change position more than 2 cm from the physiological one. Therapeutic exercises for kidney prolapse are an effective way to alleviate the patient’s condition. Therefore, it is important for every patient who suffers from this pathology to know the basic exercises that help cope with the symptoms of the disease.

What exercises can you do if you have prolapsed kidneys?

To overcome the signs of pathology, there are many different complexes. It is recommended to do exercise therapy using a special shield; the foot end must be raised. They are aimed primarily at normalizing the tone of the abdominal muscles and correcting posture. Next, we will consider the most common exercises for kidney prolapse.

  1. It is necessary to raise and lower your legs alternately while on a backboard or floor (up to 10 repetitions).
  2. You should lie on your back and raise your body with an inclination to your right and then your left knee. Then they lie face up, stretch their arms, having previously connected them.
  3. You need to lie face down, arms out to the sides. Now you need to raise your body so that only your stomach and pelvic part touches the floor, fix it for a while and relax. It is important to keep your limbs straight. Up to 15 executions are recommended.
  4. While on the right side, you should raise your right straight leg up (up to 10 repetitions). Then change the position to the opposite side and perform it again.
  5. Exercises for nephroptosis are often performed with aids. Lying on your back, you should squeeze the ball with your feet closer to the surfaces of your thighs and fix it for a while, then relax. Repeat several times.

Swimming also has a positive effect with this diagnosis. In this case, physical therapy in the early stages of pathology is the main way to eliminate the disease.

Our doctors

What exercises should not be done with nephroptosis?

It is important to follow all doctor’s recommendations regarding performing exercise therapy for kidney prolapse. With this disease, it is forbidden to engage in active sports, in particular, you cannot jump or run. Lifting heavy objects should also be avoided.

Otherwise, this can cause severe complications, even to the point where the kidney comes off and requires immediate surgical intervention to save the patient’s life.

At the Urology Clinic named after. R.M. Fronstein specialists have the necessary knowledge in the treatment of nephroptosis. Many patients were cured of their illness after undergoing a course of therapy at this medical institution.