Is it easy to learn to play the accordion? How to play the harmonica. DIY bags master class

Playing the Harmony without notes by ear

The article tells how to learn to play the Harmony without notes by ear Using a tutorial Bayan without notes authors D. G. Parnes E. S. Oskina

There was a tutorial published in 1998 year and is intended for people with musical ear. Who can sometimes take a button accordion or accordion and choose the melody they like. Or sing to your own accompaniment with friends familiar song.

The book is available in electronic form download online PDF 20 Mb

The methods and approaches outlined in the tutorial also suitable for Harmony. You only need mark right and left keyboards harmonica so as to play tutorial tunes.

The basis of training is playing, singing and accompaniment of popular songs and melodies. There are more than 500 songs in the tutorial. Are being produced auditory-motor skills. The accompaniment of the songs is remembered. The schemes of melodies are caught, basics of musical harmony. You can play and sing all the songs in the tutorial not once, but several times. Return to favorites. Refine the techniques you have learned.

In the tutorial notes, indicating sounds, replaced by numbers.
Instead of 7 notes do re mi fa sol la si
Given 7 digits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
It's simple. Sound 3 higher sound 1, A sound 2 below sound 6
You learn from a book an old forgotten craft - playing by ear.

The authors are candidates of science and art history and have an excellent knowledge of musical notation. This method of teaching without notes is approved by the Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky, School named after. Gnesins, has been teaching at the School named after him for many years. Ippolitova-Ivanov.

playing shouldn't look at the keyboard. Only by hearing and touch. Imagine that accordion transparent. At first you can sometimes peek at playing with myself in the mirror. After a few lessons you won't need to watch.

Sounds of the right Harmony keyboard (auditory technique)

Rows 1 - 2 Sharps
Rows 2 - 5 low(the bassiest) seven sounds.
Rows 5 - 8 middle seven sounds.
Rows 9 - 12 high(the squeakiest) seven sounds.

In the book by Parnes Oskina in the song examples, small numbers under the syllables indicate exactly sounds of sevens. The sound numbers of low, middle and high sevens are the same. This tips for playing by ear. You can't really go wrong with a tune in seven. Although according to the laws of musical harmony seven higher or lower is correct.

To navigate the keyboard well blindly and by ear You need to play scales
Possible in the middle of the keyboard Possible from top to bottom Possible back and forth

Major scale
starting from 1 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1

Minor scale
starting from 6 - 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 (sounds up, the last one is seven higher)

Sounds of the left accordion keyboard (auditory technique)

First row of furs - Bass. From top to bottom there are 8 keys (6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) At the very top is the 9th 4#

Second pair row Chord - Below it's bass. 4 chords From top to bottom 7s - 7, 3s - 3, 6m - 6, 2m - 2

Third pair row Chord - Below it ba With. 4 chords From top to bottom 2b - 2, 5b - 5 1b - 1, 4b - 4.

Ready accompaniment chord melodies. Done special rods of left mechanics harmonies. One key chord - immediately 3 sounds.

Bass sound - Number without a letter - (For example 2 )
Minor chord - Number with a letter m(For example 2m)
Major chord - Number with a letter b(For example 2b)
Sept chord - Number with a letter With(For example 3s)

Who is up to learning the accordion? played the guitar. Easily play the chords. Press the bass along with its chord. In second row those same cherished 3 chords - 3c, 6m, 2m (in letters E7, Am, Dm)
Letters replaced by numbers absolutely for beginners. It's easier for them this way. Anyone can guess that the sound 6 above sound 3. But not everyone will guess that the sound A is higher than the sound E.

Options for reading melody and accompaniment

Same song Three tankers

Option 1
Completereading notes
This is music reading for professionals. The part (melody) of the right hand is given on the staff with treble clef. The part (bass and chords) of the left hand is given on the second staff with bass clef. You can play bass and accompaniment chords in elective or ready system tool.

Option 2
Shortened (variety)reading accompaniment
The part (melody) of the right hand is given on the staff with treble clef. The part (bass and chords) of the left hand is given abbreviated (letter) designation.

Option 3 Conditionalreading numbers and letters

The part (melody) of the right hand is given In numbers under the syllables of the song's words. The numbers for sounds of a higher or lower octave are the same. Bass and accompaniment chords are given Numbers with letters under the syllables of the song's words. Numbers and letters are not a game program. Just a hint. If the melody is right. You don't have to look at numbers and letters.

Option 4 ConditionalReading 50 accordion keys in numbers


Right hand verse:

Right hand chorus:
3-15-4-4-6-6-17-2-17 – repeat 2 times.

Left hand verse:
In the verse we beat the left hand like a march.

Left hand chorus:
We play the chorus without stopping.

Reading the 25 digits of the left and another 25 digits of the right accordion keyboard resembles mechanical game of barrel organ.

Option 1- Playing from notes Melody and accompaniment from notes. Exactly this complete and rich sound.
Option 2- Playing with notes and letters. Melody by notes, accompaniment by letters
Option 3- Play by ear. Melody by 7 octave numbers, bass accompaniment by 7 octave numbers, chords by 3 letters
Option 4- Game by numbers. Melody and accompaniment on 50 digits of the harmony keys

If as a child you graduated from music school, and know musical notation. More suitable for you Option 1 or Option 2

However, due to employment, an adult cannot afford 5 years 2 hours a day study in children's music school. Unfortunately, he does not have time to master musical notation. A the song just begs to be to sing it. Therefore suitable for the amateur Option 3 and Option 4.

Beginners harmonica players prefer Option 4. You can immediately without hearing selection play and learn the song by numbers. You just need to remember 25 keys on the right keyboard and another 25 keys on the left keyboard. What kind of tricks are not undertaken for remember numbers 50 keys. Even down to painting the keys with multi-colored nail polishes.

How will digital cameras remember? more than 200 keys on the button accordion or accordion? Therefore, who wants music without notes? choose Harmon. Because fewer keys.

Meanwhile playing by ear is easier than by numbers. And suitable for button accordion and accordion. And most importantly. No need to relearn on an accordion from a digital recorder to a sheet music recorder. You can go straight to the notes.

From the picture Option 3 Play by ear Three tankers can be determined. Key La Minor(6m) The main note of the chorus accent (On gra - NI- tse) Syllable NI this is a note Mi (3)

But since this playing by ear without notes. So as not to burden the player with anything other than music, there are no notes in the picture (A minor and E) There is only bass 6, chord m and supporting sound 3 During training, the authors determined that the designation of notes by numbers is perceived better than by letters.

The blind auditory method is correct. And we must strive for it. However, it can be difficult for beginners.

Place a novice harmonica player at an unmarked keyboard with twenty-five white keys in two rows. It's like throwing a man out of a boat in the middle of a river, hoping that he won't drown, but will learn to swim.

Therefore, in the first 1 - 3 months of training you can mark the right keyboard. As you learn It’s better to remove the markings. So as not to be dependent on markup. And free to play on any unmarked instrument e
When marking, it is important to follow the principles.

  • Selecting everything means selecting nothing.
  • Mark octaves by sounds
  • No colors, only black and white markings
Example markup.
Black keys.
  • Sharps
  • Octave sounds Sol La Si

Good luck in mastering a musical instrument.

Blog of Ivan Kopytin Bayan Accordion Accordion

Hello, dear beginner (and not so beginner) harmonica players! I am glad to welcome you to the website ““.

First, a short introduction... With this article I will try to open, I hope, a whole series of lessons on playing the accordion for beginners and I will try to reveal this science from, based mostly on my own experience. I feel that this will not be easy, since it will be difficult for a person who already more or less owns the instrument to get into the skin of a beginner and look at this process through his eyes. Actually, this most often happens when a teacher loses sight of points that are not at all obvious to an inexperienced student...

But I'll try. And I hope that these lessons will be really useful for someone who wants to learn how to play a 25x25 double-row harmonica (we will talk about this, but, in general, these lessons can also be applied to harmonicas with fewer keys, in both right and left keyboards, for example, 23x12). And one more important point: try to understand the principles of the game itself, and not wait until the end of your days for the “good uncle” to post a “number” or show how to play a specific melody and which buttons to poke with which finger...

If the numbering of buttons is mentioned somewhere, then you should know that it is standard (pictures). So, let's go!

This lesson is for those who pick up an accordion for the first time, wanting to learn how to play it, but don’t know at all which way to approach it. Those who already know how to stretch bellows and even make some sounds can safely skip it.

Accordion player's seat

First, let's decide on the position of the accordion player. Although, even among experts there is no consensus on this matter. The self-instruction manuals suggest using the same position as that used by accordion players. But some adherents of traditional playing consider it wrong to transfer the accordion school of playing to the accordion. Therefore, the main principle here is: the fit should be comfortable. In general terms: the accordion is placed with the bellows on the thigh of the left leg, the neck of the right half-body rests with the lower corner on the right thigh and remains motionless, while the left hand stretches the bellows. In this case, the instrument is either close to the body (it is so convenient to play using the thumb of the right hand), or moves forward.

Some accordionists keep their legs closed and their accordion rests with its fur on both legs at once. Shoulder straps can be worn on both shoulders, or only on one right one. From personal experience: when playing while sitting, I most often use one strap, if the piece being performed does not require the obligatory and frequent use of the thumb.

In general, after a few years of training, I began to notice a reluctance to put on a second belt, and the one I put on, I put on my arm just above the elbow - so you feel somehow freer or something...

If you wear both straps, then the tension of the straps should be adjusted so that the accordion is not suspended on your shoulders (as when playing standing), but rests with its fur on your thigh. But here, too, you can look at it from the other side: after all, someday you will have to play while standing, but here you need a slightly different skill, so, in principle, you can hang the accordion on your shoulders. Let me just say that once you learn to play while sitting with one strap, it won’t be too difficult for you to play while standing, you’ll just need to practice a little. In general, I repeat, the landing should be comfortable for you personally

Hand position

A few words about hand position. When playing the accordion, the right hand is positioned so that the thumb is behind the fingerboard, and the palm itself rests on the fingerboard in the area of ​​the lowest joint of the thumb. Moreover, the palm rests on the bar not with its entire surface, but only with its upper part. The lower part of the palm is slightly moved to the side. This is, in my opinion, the most convenient way to play.

If it is necessary to use the thumb, it is brought out from behind the fingerboard to press the desired button at the right moment. Typically, the thumb is played on semitone keys (keys No. 1, 2 and 14), but many professional virtuosos also use it on other keys when playing complex passages.

You will see how the right hand is positioned when playing in the video below. In fact, if we consider the position of the right hand from the point of view of the old accordion school, then two main positions are used depending on the melody being played: this is the position when the fingers are perpendicular to the fretboard, and the position when the fingers are directed diagonally down. This is quite applicable for harmonica. I think, in relation to the accordion, there is no particular need to strictly observe any rule for the placement of the right hand: you yourself will find the most comfortable “grip” for yourself in a given situation.

Extracting the first sounds from the accordion

Now let’s do a simple exercise: press some button on the right keyboard and at the same time press it, start; stretch the fur with your left hand. For those who don't know: the right keyboard is the one where the buttons are located on the neck (and not on the body, like on the left). We try to pull the bellows smoothly, without jerking or loosening, so that the sound is even. Now we squeeze the fur without releasing the button.

As you hear, the sound remains the same. The same sound when changing the direction of movement of the bellows on the same key is one of the characteristic features of the harmonica-lame, in contrast to most Russian accordions of the past, which are not very common now and have, as a rule, different sounds when squeezing and releasing the bellows or in one of keyboards (left, right), or both (with the exception of the Yeletsk piano accordion and).

Now we’ll do almost the same thing, but when we change the direction of movement of the fur, we’ll press another key with another finger, the one next door (it doesn’t matter, top, bottom, side...)

First exercises

That's it, let's indulge and that's enough, now let's move on to more serious exercises. Let's try to play the major scale. Despite the menacing name, there is nothing complicated here. We simply go through eight keys in a row in two rows, starting with key 3 and ending with key 18, and then go back the same way. In this case, the ring finger presses the keys of the first row (starting from key number 3), and the index finger presses the second (starting from key number 15). It should look like this:

Now let’s complicate the task: we do almost the same thing, but now we move to the very bottom of the keyboard, to the very last key and go back again:

First we play at a slow pace, then, when everything works out without errors, we can increase the “speed”.

About fur management

About changing the direction of movement of the bellows in this exercise: I don’t know exactly what the professionals would say, but it seems convenient to me to change it after every eighth sound. We begin to play with tension, opening the bellows slightly (just a little) in order to have a small supply of air. Remember a little rule: try never to spread or squeeze the bellows all the way. This will inevitably lead to pauses and jerks where they should not be.

How much time to spend on exercises and whether to look at the keyboard

It would be a good idea to spend a couple of minutes on these exercises every time you sit down to play the accordion. This scale can also be “driven”, only with the ring finger and little finger for their development (and it is very advisable to develop them as soon as you start learning).

Should you look at the keyboard when playing? I will say this: you will have to watch the first time, because otherwise you are unlikely to hit the right keys. But with the acquisition of some experience, the need for this will disappear by itself. Your fingers will get used to and feel the keyboard.

This is probably the end of the first lesson.

How to learn to play the harmonica?

Playing any musical instrument remains a useful skill even with the widespread use of players and other similar devices. Here the big role is played not by quality and volume, but by the exceptional soulful component of live music. By choosing the harmonica as a priority instrument, you will be able to both introduce famous modern compositions to your friends in a new light, and get closer to the national culture. At the same time, learning to play the harmonica is no more difficult than many other “mobile” instruments.

School of Music

There are several ways to learn to play the harmonica, button accordion or accordion. The first is to study at a music school. Here, under the guidance of a professional teacher, you will be able to master not only the skill of playing music, but also gain comprehensive knowledge about the peculiarities of constructing a melody and reading notes.

This will greatly facilitate independent selection in the future and will allow you to expand your repertoire indefinitely. Of course, to study at a music school you will need to fulfill the requirements of teachers and spend quite a lot of time, but the result is worth it.

Yard method

The second method involves learning from a friend who already knows how to play the harmonica. This path, like “yard” learning to play the guitar, makes it possible to quickly learn to play a limited number of compositions without the ability to read music. This greatly limits both the repertoire and overall musical development, but it significantly saves time.

Self-instruction manual

Alternatively, you can try to master the instrument yourself with the help of tutorials and video lessons. This method has the positive qualities of the previous two, but requires great perseverance, desire and some talent.

It is also the best option in cases where visiting a music educational institution is impossible and there are no friends who can play the harmonica. Let's take a closer look at it.

Features of self-paced learning

Most versions of self-instruction manuals initially introduce the student to basic definitions and basic concepts. Under no circumstances should you skip such lessons and proceed directly to practice. This significantly affects the speed of mastering the instrument and the development of playing skills.

The main guarantee of any independent studies using such methods is consistency and complete mastery of each lesson. Compliance with these conditions guarantees a quick and effective completion of the course. After this, knowledge is usually sufficient for free choice and learning of almost any composition.

In parallel with learning to play this instrument, you can devote time to mastering its younger brother, the harmonica. Detailed information about it can be found in our article.


Playing the harmonica for beginners

Starting to learn new skills is a little scary. Especially when it comes to musical instruments. Especially when you need to learn to play the “accordion,” as this instrument is affectionately called, starting from complete scratch. It seems that this is no longer possible for an adult, because you need to coordinate not one, but two hands at once.

But for students of the Virtuosi school, there is almost nothing impossible in learning the harmonica, even for beginners. Experienced teachers will teach you how to play your favorite melodies beautifully using the “from simple to complex” method. And in six months you will perform a number at our reporting concert, even if you have never held an instrument in your hands before!

How is learning to play the accordion for beginners at the Virtuosi school?

People of different ages, professions, and backgrounds come to learn to play the accordion at the Virtuosi school - both from scratch and with minimal experience.

Harmonica lessons for beginners are one of the most entertaining musical learning experiences.

We offer various series of harmonica lessons - for beginners or experienced ones. Not sure what you'll like? Then you can start with a short course of 4 lessons.

How to play the harmonica? Information for beginners:

To choose a suitable course for learning how to play the accordion, get to know the teacher and decide on your first musical number, sign up for a trial lesson. It's absolutely free!

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The 21st century is upon us, and the vociferous harmonica, like many years ago, delights us with its iridescent, perky melodies. And the drawn-out melody performed on the accordion will not leave any listener indifferent. Self-learning to play the harmonica is available to anyone who loves its sound and really wants to play music on this instrument.

For amateurs, several methods of mastering the accordion have been established. And therefore, the first thing you need to decide on at the initial stage of training is which methodology to follow.

The first method is hands-on training.

The first method of learning to play the harmonica is based on watching video lessons from experienced masters, watching them play from the side, and relying on your ear for music. It consists in skipping the stage of studying musical notation and starting immediately to play the instrument. This option is suitable for folk music lovers who have never practiced professionally, but are naturally endowed with good musical abilities.

In this case, by the way, there will be recordings of authoritative performers in video format, their educational video materials. In addition, audio songs and tunes are useful for selecting melodies by ear. And you can master playing the instrument from notes later, when many technical issues have already been resolved.

Watch the video lesson by Pavel Ukhanov:

The second method is traditional

The second way of learning is the most fundamental and traditional, but also more interesting and more effective. And here, of course, you cannot do without self-instruction books and music collections for beginning harmonica and button accordion players. At the beginning of this path you will become familiar with the staff and its inhabitants, as well as with rhythm and durations. Mastering musical literacy in practice turns out to be much easier than many imagine. The main thing is, don’t despair!

If you are not familiar with sheet music, tutorials by such authors as Londonov, Bazhilin, Tyshkevich will come to your aid. In addition, from our site you can receive a great gift (given to everyone)!

Both options for learning to play the harmonica described above will give good results with regular and meaningful practice. The speed of learning, of course, depends on your abilities, quantity and quality of training. Well, if you use both methods, having planned their harmonious combination in advance, the result will not take long to arrive.

Rules for a beginner harmonica player

  1. Consistency in practice is the most important rule of any musician. Even if you devote only 10-15 minutes a day to mastering the harmonica, then distribute these small playing lessons evenly throughout the week. It is better if classes take place every day.
  2. Try to master the entire learning technology slowly, but correctly from the very beginning, without delaying compliance with the rules until later (“later” may not come due to the fact that something stops coming out). If you are not sure about anything, look for the answer to your question in books, the Internet, or from a musician friend. For the rest, act independently and boldly!
  3. The first exercise that needs to be learned on the instrument is the C major scale, even if you master the game by ear and not by notes, it is necessary to practice scales. Vary them by playing the scale up and down with different strokes (short and connected). Playing scales will improve your technique: speed, coherence, bellows control, etc.
  4. During performance, move the fur smoothly, do not pull, do not stretch to the end, leaving a reserve.
  5. When learning a scale or melody on the right keyboard, use all your fingers at once, choosing convenient options, and not one or two, since you simply cannot play with one finger at a fast tempo.
  6. Since you are mastering the accordion without a mentor, it will be good to watch your performance in a recording in order to see the game from the outside and correct mistakes.
  7. Listen to a lot of songs and tunes played on the harmonica. This will add expressiveness to your playing and help you structure musical phrases correctly.

Well, that's probably all for a start. Go for it! Inspire yourself by listening to popular artists and upbeat tunes! Work hard every day, and the results of your labors will be songs that your family and friends will undoubtedly enjoy when they gather around the family table!