Leonid Yakubovich - biography, information, personal life. Leonid Yakubovich Socio-political views of Leonid Yakubovich

By choosing fame and glory, many celebrities doom themselves to ridiculous rumors and gossip. Today, Leonid Yakubovich is at the center of events - since August 2017, loyal fans have been wondering whether the man is alive or not.

  • Victim of evil tongues
  • What is the truth?

Victim of evil tongues

The Russian TV presenter has been appearing on TV screens for decades, participating in all kinds of shows and even acting as a judge in KVN. Perhaps this is why Leonid Arkadyevich became a victim of evil jokers who are not lazy to inform the public about his death.
At first, numerous reports appeared saying that Yakubovich’s health had deteriorated - almost all free time the man spends his time in hospitals and hopes only for a miracle.

Judging by the facts presented, the doctors themselves do not hope to save the TV presenter, but only extract money from him and advise friends and relatives to gradually collect money for the funeral.

Many fans believed the information presented, since 71 years is no joke and anything could happen. Especially considering Leonid Yakubovich’s difficult schedule, constant flights, concerts and all kinds of official receptions. Even a young body may not be able to withstand such a rhythm of life, let alone a person of respectable age.

After some period of time, sad news began to appear, accompanied by mourning photographs - the host of the famous television program “Field of Miracles” died in Germany after a severe stroke. Close people are grieving and are very worried about such a loss.

How many times has a famous TV presenter died?

IN in social networks and news began to appear in the press not only about the famous artist’s stroke, but also about the fact that his soul had gone to another world due to a severe heart attack.

And if these two versions are at least somehow similar to each other, then it is not clear where the third one came from - it assures that Yakubovich was seriously injured in a car accident. Doctors who arrived at the scene stated that the man received injuries incompatible with life. And, if he had survived the accident, he would have remained disabled for the rest of his days.

It is unclear who to believe in such a situation. Probably, everyone had to choose a version to their liking and are preparing to say goodbye to Leonid Arkadyevich, who, after all these rumors appeared, really did not get in touch with the people for a long time. But soon everything changed.

What event made the artist speak

To begin with, it is worth noting that the press was already strewn with similar “tragic” headlines several years ago. Then Yakubovich remained silent and did not react in any way to the news of his death - he continued to do what he loved and appear on television screens.

But in 2017, things went so far that sad memories of the TV presenter, conversations about who he bequeathed his fortune and “obituaries” began to appear on social networks.
It was this fact that forced Leonid Arkadyevich to openly tell all his friends and foes reliable information about his state of health.

What is the truth?

According to the TV presenter himself, his health does not cause any concern and there is absolutely no reason for concern. Leonid Yakubovich claims that he had no heart attacks or strokes and, in principle, never had to complain about his heart in his entire life.

As for the car accident, it really happened, but a lot of time has passed since that moment, and the artist himself, one might say, escaped with only a slight fright. There were no negative consequences in the body after this incident.

The man also denied rumors about being treated in Germany, although he assured everyone that he undergoes periodic medical examinations and all the results show excellent results.

After everything that happened, Yakubovich asks his fans to trust the media less, since he is definitely not going to die in the near future. And, apparently, as proof, the artist performed at one of theater scenes Moscow - everyone was able to make sure that their idols were really all right.

By the way, Leonid Arkadyevich is a little amused by the fact that in most cases he dies due to a weak heart and sincerely does not understand where this opinion came from.

Also, the hosts of “Field of Miracles” often began to joke that in the event of a real death, probably no one would pay attention to this news. But let’s hope that this will never happen, and dear Leonid Yakubovich will delight us for many, many years to come.

Despite his age, 71-year-old Leonid Yakubovich is still busy with active creative activities: he hosts the show “Field of Miracles” and participates in different projects and also sometimes visits social events. Due to his busy work schedule, he sometimes has to refuse interesting offers. The artist considers his TV show “Field of Miracles” not so much an intellectual, but more an entertaining program that helps lift the mood of the audience.

For some time there were rumors on the Internet about “his death”, however, the TV presenter himself said that he had long been accustomed to such messages and did not pay attention to them. It is in excellent physical fitness, which he supports through playing tennis. Yakubovich’s personal life was also happy: he has long had complete harmony in his relationship with his wife, and communication with his children and granddaughter brings only pleasant moments to the artist.

Leonid Arkadyevich was born in 1945 in Moscow. His father worked as an engineer and then became the head of a design bureau. Mom was a gynecologist by profession, but this did not stop her from being a passionate theatergoer and adoring music, painting and literature. Together with his mother, the future artist went to performances, listened to music at the conservatory and visited exhibitions. But besides this, he managed to misbehave with the boys and play sports.

After he was expelled from school, the young man worked as a worker at an aircraft factory, and then entered the Institute of Electronic Engineering, but did not graduate, as he decided to become an engineer. IN student years Yakubovich played in youth theater, and was also a member of the KVN team.

In the photo Leonid Yakubovich in childhood with his mother and in his youth

After receiving his diploma, he worked for several years as an engineer at a factory. Creative activity the future TV presenter started working only at the age of 34. At first he wrote scripts for youth programs and various theatrical performances, and also wrote monologues for pop artists. During these same years, he made his film debut. During his career, he starred in more than 20 film projects, and was also the host of such entertainment programs, like “Wheel of History”, “Guessing Game”, “Million Dollar Laundry” and many others. The “Field of Miracles” program appeared in his creative biography in 1991.

Yakubovich’s first wife was an ordinary girl who was then studying at a vocational school. Future artist was also a second-year student, but this did not stop him from getting married. However, the family did not work out, and the young man suffered for some time due to leaving ex-wife. But he soon improved his personal life by meeting Galina Antonova, a student at the Institute of Civil Engineering. The girl was a soloist in a vocal and instrumental ensemble, and Leonid at that time took part in KVN. The young people met at one of the outdoor concerts. They began an affair, and the young man even moved to the university where his beloved girl studied. In their final year, they got married and then moved in with his parents.

TV presenter with his son Artyom

In 1973, the couple had a son, Artem. When the artist’s career took off, quarrels and misunderstandings began to occur in the family. Being a public person, Yakubovich was always surrounded by fans, which could not but affect the relationship between the spouses. And when the TV presenter got another woman, they decided to break up. The son was 18 years old at the time, and at first he lived either with his father or with his mother, so he was very worried about his parents’ divorce. Artem received a diploma in civil engineering and also studied at the Academy foreign trade, and now works on Channel One. He got married, and in 2000 gave his star father a granddaughter, Sophia. Leonid Arkadyevich developed a friendly relationship with his son.

In the photo, Leonid Yakubovich with his family: wife Marina Vido and daughter Varya

He met his current wife Marina Vido on a cruise in the Mediterranean, when they were filming one of the “Fields of Miracles” programs. Marina was then doing advertising for the VID television company, and she deserved a trip on the ship as a gift for good work. A romance began between them, and later the lovers decided to live together. In 1998, their daughter Varvara was born, who is growing up as a serious and thoughtful girl. My wife left work and is now busy organizing the house. The TV presenter’s son and granddaughter do not visit him very often, mostly at family celebrations.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 05/28/2017

    Life has such a property - to move forward, and along with the calendar years. So to answer How many years to the long-time (by the time of involvement in the program) presenter Field of Miracles, Leonid Arkadyevich, let's clarify the year of his birth. So this presenter, actor was born in the year of the end of the Second World War, i.e. V 1945 . The date is the end of July - 31. Next, we just do math. If we are now in 2015, then Yakubovich It turns out 70 (seventy) years - anniversary. In five years, God willing, in 2020, we will celebrate his 75th birthday, etc.

    Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich, born July 31, 1945. Accordingly on this moment he is 71 years old. He will turn 72 this summer. There was so much gossip about his health, but Leonid Yakubovich, in spite of all his enemies, is alive and well.

    The host of the ageless program on Channel One, Field of Miracles, Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich was born on July 31, 1945. Today, the presenter, beloved by many viewers, celebrates his 70th birthday. For which we congratulate him with all our hearts. We wish you good health, for long years and excellent broadcasts.

    Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich, as it turned out, is the same age as my grandmother - he is now 69 years old. He was born on July 31, 1945. Accordingly, next year, 2015, he will celebrate his 70th anniversary!

    At the moment, Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich is seventy-one years old, and in the summer of July thirty-first he will be seventy-two years old. This cheerful person has been acting as the host of the Field of Miracles program for many years now and does an excellent job of it.

    In the summer of 2017, the beloved artist will celebrate his seventy-second birthday.

    I would like to wish Leonid Arkadyevich, for a long time remain as cheerful and cheerful as possible. Health and many smiles from grateful viewers.

    In 2015, the permanent host of the Field of Miracles show and actor Leonid Yakubovich celebrates his 70th birthday.

    Yakubovich graduated from two technical universities and started working as a turner, but his talent took its toll. Now it is difficult to find a person in the post-Soviet space who does not know this man. On this day I would like to wish him health and happiness.

    Leonid Yakubovich almost always looks cheerful, somehow you can’t tell that this actor is already over eighty.

    Despite his advanced age, the presenter is still very popular and many viewers love him.

    We hope that the perky mustache Yakubovich will delight us for a very long time.

    I was surprised to learn recently that Leonid Arkadyevich, it turns out, is the same age as Pobeda. To be honest, I thought he was much younger. Or younger? He was born in nineteen forty-five, in July... that is, it turns out that in just over five months he will turn seventy-two years old).

Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich is the most famous Russian and Soviet TV presenter, as well as a screenwriter for many theatrical productions and plays, actor and producer, holder of the title People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and parents

Leonid Yakubovich appeared into this world in the glorious capital of Russia on July 31, 1945, almost immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War. According to the zodiac sign - Leo, and according to eastern horoscope- rooster.

In childhood

The parents of the future leader in raising their son were quite loyal, giving relative freedom of action to little Leonid. Arkady Solomonovich and Rimma Semenovna were of the opinion that the development of independence and responsibility for actions in a child, as well as decisions made should be started from a very early age.

Once, while still a schoolboy, Leonid approached his father with a request to check his diary, but the parent firmly explained that studying was solely the son’s business and that he should turn to his father only when serious problems arose.

Studying was easy for the open-minded Leonid; history, literature and, of course, participation in amateur performances were especially interesting. But in the 8th grade, the future TV presenter was expelled from school for 3 months of absenteeism, which he spent as a member of an expedition to Eastern Siberia - Leonid’s innate curiosity did not allow him to ignore the advertisement for the recruitment of those wishing to go to the taiga.

That evening, the parents were notified, and the next morning a group of children safely set off to conduct scientific research. The trip turned out to be quite unusual.

The participants' responsibilities included spending daily time in the forest with virtually no clothing and taking notes on the moments of insect bites with an accurate description of what happened. In other words, during the so-called expedition, various anti-mosquito agents were tested.

The end of the short trip dragged on for several months and the arrival in Moscow occurred after the end of the summer holidays, for which reason Leonid Arkadyevich was expelled from school for severe absenteeism.

Of course, secondary education was still received at evening school, and in parallel, young Leonid acquired his first labor skills, working as an electrician at the Tupolev plant.


Completion of studies at evening school becomes the first step towards the alluring novelty of student life, and Yakubovich simultaneously enters 3 theater institute trying In a similar way determine your future path. But at this moment the father takes everything into his own hands and asks Leonid to first get a specialty suitable for life and only then continue creative search its essence.

The obedient son immediately collects documents from all three universities and enrolls to study at the Institute of Electronic Engineering in Moscow, where he enjoys playing in a small miniature theater. A little later, Yakubovich was transferred to the Kuibyshev Institute of Civil Engineering, from which he graduated in 1971.

Later, Leonid Arkadyevich will remember his student years with their bright play in the KVN team and fun trips around the country as the happiest and most eventful in his life.

Creative path

After college, following his chosen specialty, Leonid Yakubovich begins work at the Likhachev plant, where he works from 1971 to 1977. But his vigorous creative nature does not give him rest and, remembering the quite successful humorous scenarios created during the games in KVN, Leonid Arkadyevich decides to continue this path.

He succeeds quite well in this, and since 1979 he began actively writing script texts for several television programs.

In 1980, Yakubovich was elected a member of the professional committee of playwrights in Moscow, and from that moment to the present, he has written at least 300 pop, theatrical and stage works, for example, “The Foreman’s Monologue,” talentedly performed by Vladimir Vinokur, the plays “Tutti,” “Kuku, Man", "Haunted Hotel" and others.

Texts by Leonid Arkadyevich and works written by him are performed by V. Vainarovsky, E. Petrosyan and many other famous pop artists. And some of his works, still performed on stage, are more than 20 years old.

The year 1988 is marked by the experience of hosting the first beauty contest in Moscow, as well as the execution of my own script, written specifically for the event. During the same period, Leonid Arkadyevich will begin 2 years of activity as an auctioneer.

Television career

1991 becomes major milestone in the life of Yakubovich. On November 1, Leonid Arkadyevich takes the baton from the first host of the TV show “Field of Miracles” Vladislav Listyev and this moment determines his further popularity.

Yakubovich’s natural charm, kind humor and pure improvisation in communicating with the players bring the program tremendous success, and Leonid himself incredible love from the audience. Until now, the famous mustache of the capital show host is his business card and the absolute symbol of the program.

In 1995, Leonid Yakubovich became the manager of the “Analysis of the Week” program and conducted it throughout the year. After which he tries on the role of the host of the game program “Wheel of History”.

Film career

Flowing with ideas creative side the legendary presenter, of course, did not allow him to stay away from modern cinema. Yakubovich the actor has more than 20 films and TV series to his credit:

"Moscow Holidays" (1995);
“Shouldn’t we send a messenger” (1998);
"Russian Amazons" (2002);
"They Don't Kill Clowns" (2005);
“Both Fathers and Sons” (2012);
“Grandfather of my dreams” (2015) and others.

On the set of "Jumble"

Personal life of Leonid Yakubovich

The first experience of married life was gained by Leonid Yakubovich during his student years. Galina Antonova, who became the first wife, gave the famous presenter a son, Artem, in 1973. But in 1995, on the initiative of Leonid Arkadyevich, the marriage was dissolved.

Soon Yakubovich married again to his colleague Marina Vido. In 1996, there was an addition to the presenter’s family - a daughter, Varvara, was born, and two years earlier, the wife of his son Artem gave birth to a daughter and Leonid’s granddaughter, Sophia.

With Marina Vido

A happy father goes out with his daughter. So Leonid and his daughter attend film premieres and other events, where the two of them are never bored. Leonid can wear his favorite pilot jacket to the cinema, and Varya can go to the film premiere in a cosplay costume, as she did at the premiere of the Harry Potter film.

For the sake of his wife and daughter, Leonid Yakubovich even transformed himself. By the summer of 2018, he lost 20 kg excess weight so that they don't feel embarrassed about him.

Hobbies and other achievements

In addition to a successful career as a TV presenter, as well as a screenwriter and actor, in 2002 Leonid Yakubovich accepted the title People's Artist Russian Federation, and in 2005 he received the Order of Friendship. In addition, the presenter is a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia and is a member of the Television Academy.

One of Leonid Arkadyevich’s favorite hobbies, of course, can be called driving sports aircraft. Having accidentally found himself in a specialized flying club, Yakubovich instantly became interested in the idea of ​​personal control of air transport. Gradually, pilot skills were acquired and the famous personality was included in the Russian team, admitted to participate in the World Aerospace olympic games, which took place in Turkey in 1997.

The famous pilot is invited to the opening of various events within the country. So Leonid Yakubovich became an honorary guest at the Krasnodar flight school at the beginning of September 2018, where the first 15 girls were accepted to train as military-civil pilots. Yakubovich gave a speech to the cadets and noted that “the first flight is never forgotten.”

The famous host of the capital show “Field of Miracles” Leonid Yakubovich was born in the summer of 1945 in Moscow. A romance broke out between his parents at the front: first the couple corresponded, and then met. The reason for the correspondence between two unknown young people was a curious incident.

The mother of the future TV star, Rimma Shenker, worked at the post office during the Great Patriotic War. She packed collected gifts and warm clothes knitted with her own hands into parcels for front-line soldiers. The parcels went to the front without a specific address. One day, captain Arkady Yakubovich received a package with gifts from Rimma. He was amused and puzzled by the fact that the unknown needlewoman, along with a touching letter, put two mittens for one hand into the box. Arkady Solomonovich decided to write to the unknown girl Rimma, and she soon answered him. The ensuing correspondence led to a meeting and a passionate romance. So the couple Yakubovich and Shenker had a son as soon as the fighting died down.

From an early age, the father taught his son to be independent and responsible for his actions. He never checked his diary because he believed that Leonid himself should decide how to study. Perhaps that is why the boy showed particular diligence in preparing his homework, but most of all he liked literature and history.

However, Leonid Yakubovich was expelled from school in the eighth grade. On summer holidays The guy and his friend went on a short expedition to Siberia: the guys responded to a street advertisement for work for young people. New mosquito repellents were tested on them: young Yakubovich with the same “volunteers” as himself simply sat in the taiga and wrote down when and how many mosquitoes would bite them. But the business trip dragged on, and the guy returned to the capital when his classmates finished the first quarter.

Yakubovich had to finish his studies at evening school, and during the day work as an electrical mechanic at the Tupolev plant.

Leonid Yakubovich decided who to be in the sixth grade. On new year holidays the guys staged the fairy tale play “Twelfth Night”, in which he played the Jester. On the improvised theater stage, the boy experienced such a storm of pleasant emotions that the question of a future profession disappeared: of course, he would become an artist.

After successfully graduating from evening school, Leonid Yakubovich did not forget about his childhood dream: he successfully passed exams in three capital cities at once theater universities. But it was then that his father, who worked as a designer at one of the factories, intervened and demanded that his son acquire a “livable” specialty, and only then go wherever he wanted. For Leonid, dad was always the most authoritative person, whom he could not disobey. Therefore, the guy entered the Institute of Electronic Engineering.

Leonid Yakubovich in his student years

At a technical university, Leonid Yakubovich continued to do what he loved: he enrolled in the Student Miniature Theater and soon made his debut on its stage. But soon the young artist dropped out of the mechanical engineering institute, preferring civil engineering. The fact is that this university had a strong KVN team “MISI”, into which Leonid Yakubovich “fit in” perfectly. The guys toured all over the country, received applause from its farthest corners, found new friends, and fell in love. According to Leonid Arkadyevich, these were the happiest years of his life.

So it began creative biography Yakubovich, which continues successfully to this day.

A television

In 1971, Leonid Yakubovich graduated from the institute and went to work in his specialty at the Likhachev plant. At the same time he continued to write humorous stories and scripts that I became addicted to during the years when I performed in the KVN student team. Many of the monologues he wrote were read by aspiring artists and.

Yakubovich is the author of several plays that were staged on the theatrical stage (“The Gravity of the Earth,” “Parade of Parodists,” “We Need Victory Like Air,” “The Haunted Hotel,” “Peek-a-Boo, Man!” and others).

In the early 80s, the cinematic biography of Leonid Yakubovich began: he first appeared on the screens in the famous film directed by Yuri Egorov “Once Upon a Time Twenty Years Later,” where the main characters were played by and. It is unlikely that the audience noticed Yakubovich in this melodrama, because he played cameo role: one of the classmates gathered at the alumni meeting.

In his youth, Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich became famous as a screenwriter of popular Soviet programs“Come on, guys!” and “Come on, girls!” In addition, he made successful steps in business, founding the first Auction House in USSR.

In 1991, the artist was invited to the casting of the host of the entertainment television program “Field of Miracles” on Channel One, and already in November of that year Leonid Yakubovich appeared on the screens in the show beloved by millions. "Field of Miracles" enjoyed incredible success and popularity: people came to see it from all over former USSR, and the presenter himself became not only the face, but also the symbol of the rating project. Until now, most people associate the host’s surname with this show.

The principle of operation of the TV show was very similar to the American analogue of “Wheel of Fortune”, but Leonid Yakubovich brought a lot of his own to the show: he improved and came up with the main “tricks” of the project. The director and author of the show approved the appearance of the black box in the program, as well as the organization of the legendary museum of the “Field of Miracles” show, where numerous gifts were sent from the participants.

Even Leonid Yakubovich’s mustache became a symbol of the “Field of Miracles”; it was not for nothing that the artist’s contract with Channel One included a clause prohibiting shaving it off.

The famous presenter was often invited to other projects. In 1996, on the RTR TV channel, Leonid Yakubovich hosted the “Analysis of the Week” program. In the same year, he became the host of the television game “Wheel of History” on the Rossiya TV channel. In this game, participants had to guess historical event which the actors acted out in front of them. But the show was not particularly successful, and was bought by the ORT television channel, where it existed until 2000.

Leonid Arkadyevich also authored the musical television game “Guessing Game,” where participants had to guess songs by melody. But the program had low ratings, although it turned out to be quite expensive, which is why it was soon closed. In 2000, Yakubovich returned to KVN as one of the jury members.

In 2005, Leonid Yakubovich was appointed director of the VID television company, which produced the show “Field of Miracles.” In the same year he created a series of programs dedicated to last hours lives of famous artists - “The Last 24 Hours”. It was published until 2010.

In 2004, 2006 and 2010, Leonid Arkadyevich hosted the “Wash for a Million” program.

In the spring of 2015, an authoritative TV presenter delivered the opening and final words in the program “Collection of Channel One,” and since March 2016, Leonid Yakubovich has co-hosted the program “Star on Star,” which is broadcast on the Zvezda TV channel. This is a talk show to which you are invited famous personalities: actors, artists, athletes with whom Yakubovich and Strizhenov have intimate conversations.

Today Leonid Arkadyevich is a star himself, so a huge number of people listen to his opinion. Due to latest events in Ukraine and the excitement that arose in the light of these events around the name, Yakubovich outlined his position quite clearly: he stated that he was outraged by the desire of some politicians and public figures deprive Makarevich of all state awards.


The artist’s ebullient energy is enough not only to appear on screen as a TV presenter - Yakubovich has a considerable filmography, which includes three dozen film titles. Most bright roles Leonid Arkadyevich played in the films “Moscow Holidays”, “Clowns Don’t Kill”, “Expedited Help”, “Russian Amazons”, “Paparatsa” and “Three Days in Odessa”.

Leonid Yakubovich in the film "Grandfather of My Dreams"

In 2014, Leonid Yakubovich tried his hand as a producer of the comedy “Grandfather of My Dreams.” He wrote the script for this film and played one of the key roles.

Leonid Yakubovich now

Today famous artist and the TV presenter, despite his advanced age (Yakubovich will turn 72 in the summer of 2017), is full of strength and energy. He still hosts the show “Field of Miracles” and attends various events, where the stars gather, plays his favorite tennis and continues to build a career.

But Leonid Yakubovich is forced to abandon some plans due to his enormous workload. This happened in September 2016: the premiere of the play “The Last Aztec,” where one of the roles went to the actor, was postponed indefinitely.

Immediately, alarming rumors spread that Yakubovich fell ill and urgently went to one of the clinics in Germany, where he was supposedly scheduled to have an operation. According to some reports, this rumor was confirmed to journalists by Joseph Raikhelgauz - artistic director Theater "School of Modern Play"

Some fans of the star suspected their favorite cancer, justifying his suspicion by the fact that Leonid Yakubovich in Lately lost significant weight. Others suggested that the star was in an accident and is struggling with it dire consequences. There were still others who claimed that the artist had a heart attack (according to another version, a stroke).

The artist remained silent for a long time, not wanting to refute rumors and speculation, but when they started talking that Leonid Yakubovich had died, he had to break the silence and reassure his overly worried fans.

Leonid Arkadyevich explained that he was still healthy and full of strength. And he decided to lose a couple of tens of kilograms of weight because it became difficult for him to move due to excess weight. To this end, Yakubovich regularly visited the gym and tennis court, managing to get himself in the right shape in a short period of time.