Linear functional management structure advantages and disadvantages. Linear-functional structure: advantages and disadvantages

What is a functional management structure? What is it, what is connected with it, what scheme does it have? We will try to answer these questions, as well as others, in the course of this article.

The functional management structure is a type of structure that is formed based on the main directions in which a particular organization operates. In this case, the units will be combined into special blocks.

Many large and medium-sized enterprises and organizations use an approach called “functional” when forming divisions. What does it mean? This means that the functional management structure implies the use of functions in the areas in which the company operates. This may be sales of products, their production and similar actions. The blocks will be formed according to their functions, that is, they will have the same root names that are characteristic of the area of ​​activity.

The functional structure of management has some features: the separation of divisions located within the boundaries of blocks can only be carried out according to certain approaches. Let's give a simple example: the organization of workshops takes place with an eye on the products being manufactured. At the same time, the organization of sites will be dictated by the technologies used in the production of products.

Structure blocks

The functional structure of management assumes the presence of three blocks.

The first is production. It includes those divisions that are in one way or another related to the core products manufactured by the company. The connection can also be between services and their provision, and not only visible in the case of products. The production block also houses auxiliary units that provide all the services necessary for the functioning of the main units. Also in the production block are those divisions that service both auxiliary and main processes. Well, this chain is completed by experimental units. They are responsible for producing prototypes of certain products. The role of departments can be very different. Moreover, it will directly depend on the nature of the activities carried out by the organization. Not every company creates prototypes. And the means that are used for auxiliary production are also not available in every company.

The second block is management. The functional structure of management in this case suggests that the block will contain service, information, pre-production (that is, preparatory), administrative and advisory departments and commissions. Let's look at this issue a little more specifically. Information departments include various kinds of archives and libraries. Service units will carry out their activities dealing with issues related to research in the field of marketing. Administrative commissions are nothing more than legal departments and accounting departments, planning services. But advisory commissions can be presented as committees working in the field of improving technology and the organization as a whole.

The third block, which is used by the functional management structure, is the divisions related to social sphere. Examples include certain children's institutions and health centers, various clubs and recreation centers, and so on.

Where is the functional organizational management structure used?

The question of the scope of application today has already been studied far and wide. There are 5 main areas where functional organizational structure management. The first area is single-product enterprises. The second is enterprises that implement quite complex different meanings and long-term projects. They can also be innovative. The third area in which the functional structure of enterprise management is applied is large companies and firms that are concentrated on the production of a certain type of product, that is, which have their own specialization. The fourth area of ​​application of this management structure is the organization of design and research activities. Well, this list is completed by enterprises with a very narrow specialization.

What tasks does a functional control system solve?

In the course of using this structure, several challenges arise that management faces. Let's try to list them:

1) Difficulty in ensuring communications.

2) Leveling the load that falls on a particular unit.

3) Careful selection of personnel and specialists who will be allowed to work in functional departments.

4) Assistance in coordinating departments.

5) Prioritization, selection of specialists.

6) Development and implementation of motivational, special mechanisms.

7) Prevention of separatist processes within units.

What are the advantages of a functional management structure?

1) Specialists are quite competent in the implementation of certain specific functions.

2) Line managers are practically not involved in the decision special issues. It is also possible to expand the capabilities that line managers will have while reducing their workload. Managers will be able to engage in operational management of production processes by redirecting issues to other appropriate persons.

3) If necessary, experienced specialists participate in the role of consultants. As a result, there is no longer a need (or is noticeably reduced) to attract specialists with a broader work profile.

4) The risk of erroneous decisions will not be zero, but it will certainly be reduced to it.

5) When performing managerial functions, duplication will be excluded.

What are the disadvantages of a functional management structure?

1) It is quite difficult to maintain constant mutual connections established between services.

2) Decision making requires a lot of time, it is a long procedure.

3) Functional services often lack mutual understanding among themselves. Actions turn out to be uncoordinated, there is no unity in them. At the same time, the responsibility of performers, which they must bear for the work performed, is reduced. All this happens because different performers receive instructions not just from different leaders- they receive them from several managers at the same time.

4) There is an excessive interest of certain departments in the implementation of tasks and goals.

5) Personal responsibility is reduced. No one wants to take responsibility for the final result.

6) The control required to monitor the process and its progress is quite complex. Moreover, this applies to individual projects and the entire region as a whole.

7) The organizational form reacts to changes with great difficulty; it has already frozen and is not developing.

Types of functional control system

One of the varieties is the linear-functional management structure. Its diagram is presented in the figures below.

The linear-functional structure is used to divide managerial labor. At the same time, functional units should advise and provide assistance on the development of certain issues, as well as prepare plans, programs, and decisions. The entire load associated with command and control is transferred to the linear units.

The linear-functional management structure, the diagram of which was shown earlier, has its advantages and disadvantages. In fact, they will become the subject of further analysis of the topic.

Managers related to departments functional type, have a certain influence on production units, but only in a formal sense. In most cases, they cannot do anything on their own, that is, they are not able to give orders without confirmation from the relevant representatives. In general, the role of functional services has a direct connection with the scale at which activities are carried out. They are also related to the management structures of an organization or enterprise. All technical training falls to the functional services. They must work through the issues in advance and leave options for their solutions. In this case, questions may relate to the management of the production process.

What are the advantages of a linear-functional structure?

1) Decisions and plans are prepared more carefully and deeply. Therefore, they have greater efficiency. Plans may also be related to the specialization of individual employees.

2) Line managers are freed from resolving a number of issues, which, in turn, allows them to reduce their workload. These are issues related to logistics, financial calculations and their planning, as well as other issues.

3) The presence of a certain connection and a clear hierarchical ladder. An employee does not report to several managers, but only to one.

What disadvantages does the linear-functional structure have?

1) Each individual link does not want to work for the common good of the company or take on other people’s tasks. In most cases, a link works only on its own goals, performing a narrow range of functions.

2) There are no close relationships between departments. There is practically no interaction between these components. This concerns the horizontal.

3) But vertical interaction, on the contrary, is very highly developed. Even much more than necessary.


The functional management structure, an example of which was given almost at the very beginning of this article, has the diagram shown below.

It is characterized by the creation of certain divisions. Moreover, each of them will have specific tasks that must be performed.

An example of a linear-functional management structure can be demonstrated by the Federal Migration Service. Another diagram of this management structure is presented below.


The advantages and disadvantages of a functional management structure were discussed during the article. The concept was also defined and the blocks included in the functional management structure were described.

Linear structures management are rare, mainly in small enterprises that produce homogeneous products using simple technology in the absence of broad cooperative ties, in conditions of a simple production structure. However, these structures are widely used as elements of complex structures at the level of linear units. With the help of clear lines of subordination and relatively short communication channels, the efficient functioning of the linear structure is ensured. However, the inevitable overload of information when expanding the scale of activity limits the scope of its application.

Linear management structure is a management structure in which the necessary division of the management system into its component parts is carried out on the basis of a production characteristic, taking into account the degree of concentration of production, technological features, breadth of product range and other characteristics.

Features of the linear management structure:

 prompt decision making;

 narrow sector of managerial influence;

 relatively simple, it contains unity of power, management, and responsibility for the entire range of tasks; quite flexible.

Disadvantages of a linear management structure:

 extremely wide range of functions performed;

 communications are overflowing with information; The possibility of concentration of homogeneous work throughout the company is eliminated.

The functional management structure is used in single-product enterprises. It can be found in enterprises implementing complex and long-term innovative projects, medium-sized and highly specialized enterprises, in research and development organizations.

Functional management structure- a management structure in which the heads of functional departments specialize in a certain area of ​​enterprise management and are responsible for the implementation of the corresponding functions.

Features of the functional management structure:

 variety of control influences;

 high demands and thoroughness in the development of individual tasks and works;

 relatively complex;

 high specialization of management, grouping of power, management, responsibility only for certain management functions;

 focused on achieving the current effect.

Disadvantages of a functional management structure:

 narrow specialization in work, power, rights, responsibility;

 low flexibility of strategy;

 weak dynamism of the structure; weak responsibility for complex decisions.

In its pure form, a functionally organized management structure is not very rational, since it is very difficult to subordinate a multitude of goals, tasks and activities that have different priorities to the unity of the organization’s goals.

34. Linear-functional and linear-staff management structures

The management mechanism of the organization is driven by the developed management structure.

Linear-functional management structures are based on the mine principle, according to which for each function - linear or headquarters - a hierarchy of services (mine) is formed, permeating the entire organization from top to bottom. The linear-functional structure is often called traditional or classical. This is explained by the fact that it is most often used to build any medium-sized organizations.

Linear-functional structure management is a management structure that combines both linear and functional principles of organizing the relationship between production and management elements of systems.

It is interesting that linear management links are called upon to command, and functional links are called upon to advise, help in developing specific issues and preparing appropriate decisions, programs, and plans.

Features of the linear-functional management structure: stable operation of the structure; works well in sustainable production environments; focused on price competition.

Disadvantages of a linear-functional management structure:

 different purposes of structural units; weak linkage and responsibility for solving a set of problems and achieving the company’s goals;

 complexity in operational management of the functions of a new project, new production, new organization of production.

The practice of using linear-functional structures indicates that they are most effective when the management apparatus uses a certain formalized algorithm, when solving typical problems and performing standard functions. They are completely unsuitable for conditions in which the internal and external parameters of the organization’s activities are constantly changing. Under these conditions, their use leads to irrational distribution of information flows and exceeding controllability standards, especially among senior managers. The main shortcomings of the linear-functional structure are eliminated by the creation of a headquarters management structure.

The management structure is also represented by a line-staff structure.

Headquarters management structure- a management structure, in which special services (headquarters) are formed at the level of senior managers to develop management decisions in the area of ​​competence of the relevant manager.

Advantages of this structure:

 release of senior management from auxiliary, secondary functions in the management process;

 high quality of decisions made.

Disadvantages of this structure:

 making most decisions, regardless of their importance, by one person - the top manager;

 slow decision-making, since problems are discussed throughout the hierarchical chain from bottom to top within each functional unit;

 determining the quality of decisions not so much by the competence of managers and specialists themselves (it can be high), but by the quality of the information received by them;

 development of “departmentalism” within the organization; reluctance of managers to take on greater responsibility over time.

In functional structures, functional units are created that are endowed with authority and responsibility for the results of their activities. Linear links differ from functional ones in the integration of facility management functions, a set of powers and responsibilities.

The bottom line is that the performance of individual functions on specific issues is assigned to specialists, i.e. each governing body (or performer) is specialized in executing individual species management activities. In an organization, as a rule, specialists of the same profile are united in specialized structural units (departments), for example, a planning department, accounting department, etc. Thus, common task Management of an organization is divided, starting from the middle level, according to functional criteria. Hence the name - functional management structure (Fig. 11.2). Instead of universal managers who must understand and perform all management functions, a staff of specialists appears who have high competence in their field and are responsible for a certain area (for example, planning and forecasting).

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The functional structure implements the principle of dividing and consolidating management functions between structural units and provides for the subordination of each lower-level linear unit to several higher-level managers who implement management functions. The advantages and disadvantages of this structure are presented in Table. 11.2.

Table 11.2. Advantages and disadvantages of a functional management structure



High competence of specialists responsible for the implementation of functions (increasing professionalism). Freeing line managers from dealing with some special issues. Standardization, formatting and programming of management processes and operations. Elimination of duplication and parallelism in the performance of management functions. Reducing the need for generalists. Centralization of strategic decisions and decentralization of operational ones

Excessive interest in achieving the goals and objectives of their departments Difficulties in maintaining constant relationships between various functional departments. I Emergence of trends towards excessive centralization. Duration of decision-making procedures.

Relatively frozen organizational form, difficult to respond to changes. The complexity of the division of power (multiple subordination)

Applicable for large and medium-sized businesses linear-functional structure(Fig. 11.3), still widely used by Russian organizations.

The linear-functional structure implements the principle of unity of command, linear construction of structural units and distribution of management functions between them and a rational combination of centralization and decentralization.

Typical management levels in a linear-functional structure are:

  • o highest - institutional level ( CEO, director, president). The activities of the head of this level are determined by the goals and strategies for the development of the system as a whole. At this level it is realized most of external relations. The role of the individual and her professional qualities is great here;
  • o middle - management level, uniting middle managers and their staff. Middle managers solve problems arising from functional specifics;
  • o lower - production and technical level, uniting lower-level managers located directly above the performers (senior foreman, foreman). Lower-level managers are called operational managers. They are responsible for ensuring production process all types of resources and for working with people. Communication here is predominantly intragroup and intergroup.

With such a management structure, full power is assumed by the line manager, who heads a certain team. In developing specific issues and preparing appropriate decisions, programs, plans, he is assisted by a special apparatus consisting of functional units (directorates, departments, bureaus, etc.). IN in this case functional

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structural divisions are subordinate to the chief line manager. They carry out their decisions either through the main manager, or (within the limits of their powers) directly through the corresponding heads of executing services.

The advantages and disadvantages of the linear-functional structure are presented in table. 11.3.

Many years of experience in using linear-functional management structures have shown that they are most effective where the management apparatus performs routine, frequently repeated and rarely changing tasks and functions. Their advantages are manifested in the management of organizations with mass or large-scale types of production, when production is less susceptible to progress in the field of science and technology. With such an organization of management, an enterprise can function successfully only when changes occur evenly across all structural divisions. But since this is not the case in real conditions, there is an inadequacy in the response of the control system to the requirements of the external environment.

Table 11.3. Advantages and disadvantages of a linear-functional management structure



In-depth preparation of decisions and plans related to the specialization of employees. Freeing the chief line manager;) from in-depth analysis of problems. Possibility of attracting consultants and experts. Combining the advantages of linear and functional structures

Lack of close relationships and interaction at the horizontal level between structural subdivisions. The responsibilities of the departments are not clear enough, since those preparing the decision, as a rule, do not participate in its implementation. An overly developed system of vertical interaction, namely subordination according to the management hierarchy, i.e. tendency towards excessive centralization. Competition and conflicts over resources

The situation is aggravated by the loss of flexibility in the relationship between staff and procedures. As a result, the transfer of information becomes difficult and slows down, which cannot but affect the speed and timeliness of management decision-making. The need to coordinate the actions of different functional services sharply increases the workload of the head of the organization and his deputies, i.e. upper echelon of management.

The disadvantages of a linear-functional management structure in practice are aggravated in business conditions in which there may be a discrepancy between the responsibilities and powers of managers different levels and divisions; controllability standards have been exceeded, especially among directors and their deputies; irrational information flows are formed; overly centralized operational management production; The specifics of the work of various departments are not taken into account; the necessary normative and regulatory documents are missing.

It should be noted that in Russia, under the conditions of a command-administrative system, for many years the linear-functional type of structure was predominant. We can say that even today linear-functional structures or their fragments are common in various sectors of the national economy.

A type of linear-functional structure is a linear-staff structure, when functional units are created at each hierarchical level. In this case, two forms of subordination are possible: directly to the head of a linear unit at a given level; the head of the relevant functional unit at a higher level. This structure promotes high professional specialization, standardization, formatting and programming of management processes. The line-staff structure is shown in Fig. eleven . 4.

In pyramidal structures, the relationships considered are limited to two dimensions: vertical and horizontal. When constructing them, they operate with the limiting assumption that the organizational structure must be represented on a two-dimensional diagram drawn on a flat surface. These design restrictions often have serious and costly consequences.

Firstly, it is not cooperation that arises between individual structural units, but competition.

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Secondly, this way of representing the structure seriously complicates the definition of the functions of individual departments and the measurement of performance indicators due to the great interdependence of the departments.

Third, it contributes to the creation of structures that resist change. Therefore, they degenerate into bureaucratic structures that cannot be adapted.

Fourth, the two-dimensional representation of the organizational structure limits the number and nature of possible solutions to emerging problems. In the presence of such a limitation, solutions are impossible that ensure the development of the organization taking into account technical and social change, the pace of which is increasing more and more. The current environment requires that organizations are not only prepared for any changes, but also capable of undergoing them.

The listed disadvantages can be overcome by building an adaptive organizational structure.

  • 7. School of Psychology and Human Relations. The main provisions of the doctrine of “human relations”.
  • 8. The main directions of the school of management science, its methodological approaches.
  • 9. Characteristics of the American management model; the main factors determining its formation. Management experience in American companies.
  • 10. The essence of the Japanese management model.
  • 11. Western European management model: basic provisions of the social market economy
  • 12. Development of management in Russia. Features of management in conditions of public ownership
  • 13. Formation of a market management mechanism in Russia
  • 14. Organization as an open management system. Laws of organization
  • 15. Organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurship
  • 16. Organization as a process of creating structure. Authority and Responsibility
  • 18. Linear-functional management structure, its advantages and disadvantages.
  • 19. Divisional management structure, its advantages and disadvantages.
  • 20. Adaptive management structures. Bureaucratic type of structures, its characteristic features.
  • 21. Corporate culture
  • 22. Organizational structures of future enterprises: virtual corporations, multidimensional organizations
  • 23. Nature and classification of management functions Management functions are types of activities through which the control subsystem influences the control object.
  • General functions (inherent in all social control systems)
  • Private functions
  • Innovation (Development of new products and services)
  • 24. Goal setting in the management process. Mission and its functions
  • 25. Hierarchy of goals. Management by Objectives
  • 27. Strategic planning, choice of enterprise development strategy. Experience in developing strategies in foreign companies.
  • 28. Current planning. Directions and guidelines for current plans
  • 29. Organization as a management function
  • 30. Coordination as a management function, its main tasks
  • 31. Motivation as a management function. Main tasks of the motivation process
  • 32. Problems of personnel motivation in Russia
  • 34. Content theories of motivation Maslow’s hierarchical theory of motivation.
  • 35. Process theories of motivation
  • 36. Control as a management function
  • 37. Types of control and characteristics of its effectiveness
  • 38. The influence of material, power and spiritual motivation on the choice of management methods; an integrated approach to the application of management methods
  • 39. Organizational and administrative methods of management: characteristics, varieties.
  • 40. Economic management methods: characteristics and features
  • 41. Socio-psychological management methods and their importance for the development of social activity of personnel and the team as a whole
  • 42. The essence and role of management decisions; their classification; requirements for management decisions.
  • 43. Stages of making a management decision
  • 44. Modeling in decision making. Model types
  • 45. Formal and informal groups, their characteristics
  • 46. ​​Characteristics of the main theories of leadership. Types of Leaders
  • 47. Forms of power and methods of its implementation; strengths and weaknesses of various forms of government.
  • 48. Democratic management style, its characteristics
  • 49. Liberal management style, its characteristics
  • 50. Authoritarian management style, its characteristics
  • 51. Adapting leadership styles to business situations
  • 52. The main components of the psychological structure of a person: orientation, abilities, character. Social foundations of personality formation.
  • 54. Conflicts in management; types of conflicts
  • 55. The main causes of conflicts
  • 56. Ways to overcome conflicts
  • 57. The process of change in the organization and its management
  • 58. Reasons for staff resistance to organizational changes
  • 59. Self-management of the leader
  • 3 Aspects of a manager’s job:
  • 18. Linear-functional management structure, its advantages and disadvantages.

    The linear-functional structure ensures such a division of managerial labor in which the linear management units are called upon to command, and the functional units are called upon to advise, assist in the development of specific issues and prepare appropriate x decisions, programs, plans. Heads of functional departments (marketing, finance, personnel) exercise formal influence on production departments. As a rule, they do not have the right to independently give them orders; the role of functional services depends on the scale of economic activity and the management structure of the company as a whole. Functional services carry out all technical preparation of production; prepare options for resolving issues related to the management of the production process. Advantages of the structure :

    Freeing line managers from solving many issues related to financial planning, logistics, etc.;

    Building relationships “manager - subordinate” along a hierarchical ladder, in which each employee is subordinate to only one manager.

    Disadvantages of the structure:

    Each link is interested in achieving its own narrow goal, and not the general goal of the company;

    Lack of close relationships and interaction at the horizontal level between production departments;

    An overly developed vertical interaction system;

    Accumulation at the top level of authority to solve, along with strategic, many operational tasks.

    19. Divisional management structure, its advantages and disadvantages.

    To solve problems caused by firm size, diversification, technology and change. external environment, a divisional organizational structure was developed, according to which the organization is divided into blocks: 1. by the provision of goods or services 2. by buyer groups (consumer-oriented) 3. by geographic region.

    The need to use a divisional structure arose in connection with the sharp increase in the size of enterprises, the diversification of their activities, and the complexity of technological processes. The key figures in managing organizations with this structure are not the heads of functional departments, but the managers heading production departments. Product structure scheme: Advantages of the divisional structure:

      closer connection between production and consumers, accelerated response to changes in the external environment;

      improvement of coordination of work in departments due to subordination to one person;

      emergence of y divisions competitive advantages small firms.

    Disadvantages of the structure:

      growth of hierarchy, vertical management;

      duplication of management functions at different levels leads to an increase in the costs of maintaining the management apparatus;

      duplication of work for different departments.

    20. Adaptive management structures. Bureaucratic type of structures, its characteristic features.

    The main property of structures known to management practice is as flexible, adaptive or organic , is the ability to relatively easily change its shape, adapt to new conditions, and organically fit into the control system. These structures are focused on the accelerated implementation of complex programs and projects. As a rule, they are formed on a temporary basis, i.e. for the period of project implementation, solving a problem or achieving set goals. Varieties of this type of structure are design and matrix structures . Design structures are formed when an organization develops projects, which are understood as any processes of targeted changes in the system. One of the forms of project management is the formation of a special unit of the project team working on a temporary basis. It will usually include the necessary specialists, incl. and in management, project managers are vested with so-called project powers. At the end of the project, the structure dissolves and employees move to a new project structure or return to their permanent position. This structure has great flexibility, but when there are multiple projects, it fragments resources and makes it difficult to maintain the organization's capacity. The matrix structure is a modern effective type of organizational management structure, built on the principle of dual subordination of performers, on the one hand - directly to the head of the functional service, which provides personnel and technical assistance, with the other - the head of the project (target program), who is responsible for the powers required to implement management process in accordance with planned deadlines, resources and quality. At the same time, their subordination remains directly to the head of the departments.

    Mechanistic org. structure is an essentially bureaucratic organization, the main features of which are centralization, a strict hierarchy, a system of rights and responsibilities, and strict control over their implementation. Bureaucratic structures include linear, functional, linear-functional, divisional (product, consumer-oriented, regional).

    A mechanistic organizational structure is effective if:

    1. calm economic development;

    2. weak competition;

    3. no product development;

    4. stability of technology.

    The strength of a mechanistic organizational structure lies in the fact that its employees are professionally prepared for management activities, are loyal to the organization, and automatically perform their work according to given standards.

    The functional organizational structure of management is a scheme of operation of management bodies in which each of them is assigned to perform a certain range of technological, production, design, financial or information functions. Production units subordinate to the functional body are required to comply with all its instructions.

    The most common type of management structure is linear-functional. This management scheme includes linear units that perform the main work in the organization, as well as functional service units. Linear units are involved in decision-making at their level, while divisions help the manager make and develop decisions, and also inform him.

    Linear-functional organizational structure: description

    This management scheme is based on the mine construction method, in which specialization is carried out by functional subsystems (production, marketing, finance, development and research, personnel, etc.). Each subsystem forms its own hierarchy, which permeates the entire organization from top to bottom. The performance of each service is assessed through indicators that characterize the performance of its tasks. The entire system of rewarding and motivating employees is built accordingly. The final result (the quality and efficiency of the enterprise as a whole) fades into the background, since it is believed that all departments are working to achieve it.

    disadvantages and advantages

    Positive aspects are the clarity of the system of interaction between departments, unity of command (the manager takes control general management), delineation of responsibilities (everyone knows what they are responsible for), the ability to quickly react by executive units to instructions received from above.

    The disadvantage of the structure is the absence of links that develop a common work strategy. Managers at almost all levels primarily solve operational problems rather than strategic issues. There are prerequisites for shifting responsibility and red tape when solving problems that require the interaction of several departments. Enterprise management has little flexibility and does not adapt well to change. The organization and divisions have different efficiency and quality of work. The current trend towards formality of indicators tends to create an atmosphere of disunity and fear.

    The disadvantages of management in this structure are: large quantities intermediate links that are between employees and the manager making decisions. Top-level managers are susceptible to overload. The dependence between work results and the qualifications, business and personal qualities of senior management personnel is increasing.

    Thus, we can conclude that in modern conditions The linear-functional organizational structure has more disadvantages than advantages. With this organizational system, it is difficult to achieve high-quality work of the enterprise.

    The linear-staff organizational structure is designed to eliminate the shortcomings of the linear scheme. It allows you to eliminate the main drawback, which is associated with the lack of links intended for This structure provides for a reduction in the workload of senior managers, it is possible to attract external experts and consultants. However, the distribution of responsibilities remains unclear.