Horses come from childhood - we get acquainted with various breeds of ponies. Various breeds of ponies

Welcome to the section dedicated to small ponies. This is a group of horse breeds whose main feature is short stature.

Hippologists from different countries have significant differences in their criteria for classifying horses as ponies. For example, the British traditionally call horses whose height at the withers is below 147cm a pony. In Germany, horses under 120cm are considered ponies. The International Equestrian Federation classifies horses of all breeds as ponies. below 150cm.

In Russia, horses with height at the withers are usually called ponies. less than 110cm.

General characteristics of pony breeds:

  • Strong type of constitution.
  • Quite short-legged (relative to body length).
  • The chest is deep and often wide.
  • The coat is thick with abundant down.
  • The head profile is straight.
  • Often drooping croup.

Horses up to 90 cm tall (according to some sources up to 86 cm) belong to the group dwarf or miniature horses. Some breeds of miniature horses have the constitution of standard horses without the characteristics of ponies. Others, on the contrary, acquired pronounced pony features. Dwarf horses are decorative and can mainly be seen in show programs, photo shoots and as pets.

Most pony breeds were bred to be strong, hardy horses. So, Shetland ponies worked in coal mines and pulled heavy carts with coal. In the modern world, ponies are used not only as beautiful horses for shows and exhibitions, but are also common custom horses.

Various breeds of ponies are used in children's sports, in driving, and used for moving goods. Ponies are often kept in private stables as companionship for a large horse.

It is worth remembering that although ponies are simply short horses, they have a number of physiological characteristics. Pony breathing rate 15-30 , Heart rate 30-45 beats per minute(in normal horses, respiration is 10-24 and heart rate is 28-44). The body temperature is no different from tall horses, but due to the characteristics of their coat, they have a high tendency to overheat and heat stroke.

Ponies, more than other horses, are predisposed to overweight or obesity, and accordingly, they are prone to concomitant diseases, for example, laminitis.

In this section, for each breed of pony, a complete description is given, its characteristics, the history of its origin and economic use initially and in modern society. Photographs have been added to each breed, allowing you to see these beautiful horses and evaluate their appearance, constitution and characteristics of the breed. Since ponies were bred in different parts of the world, it will be interesting to learn about the characteristics of such breeds, differences in appearance, temperament, maintenance, feeding and care requirements.

Kira Stoletova

People who are far from horse breeding and equestrian sports know little about ponies and where these creatures come from. Some generally consider all these animals to be nothing more than decorative pets for children. Nevertheless, several breeds of such horses can be distinguished.

All varieties have their own purpose and differ not only in height, but also in constitution. For anyone interested in horses, it is better to understand what types of domestic ponies there are and how exactly they differ from each other.

Distinctive features of a pony

A layman can only say about ponies that they are short and funny creatures that every child rode. But at the same time, he will not be able to determine the breed from the photo, nor will he be able to say about the purpose of this variety. Moreover, not everyone knows where the short horses end and the ponies begin and that they are not the same thing. But different countries have their own opinion on this issue. For example, in Russia an animal taller than 1.10 m is considered an average horse.

In modern Germany there is also a similar distinction. With a height above 1.2 m, ponies end there and small horses begin. If we talk about the UK, then here these kids have grown up: the limit is considered to be height equal to 1 m and 47 cm. In the International Equestrian Federation, this division is also used. The limit there is similar to that used by the British - 1.5 m. It is not enough to say that a pony is a small animal, similar to a horse, you must also indicate its height.

These cute creatures aren't just used to give little kids rides. They were originally bred for hard work. Among these odd-toed ungulates there are even real draft horses, which were previously used for really difficult work. That is why some species of these animals are distinguished by their strong physique. In general, almost all ponies have a number of differences that are specific to them:

  • Strong, sometimes even heavy build. The thing is that initially many rocks were used for working in mines and for transporting water over rough terrain. For such work, compact, strong and, most importantly, hardy creatures were required.
  • Short limbs in relation to the body. Speed ​​was never a priority for those who used these horses, and therefore ponies did not require long legs, but short stature and compact size were welcomed.
  • Thick and dense coat with developed undercoat. A number of varieties were used in the mountains and for travel in cold regions. Here not only endurance was required, but also resistance to frost.

There is a group of horses that differ in constitution from other ponies, but not in size. These are dwarf equids that were bred for various shows, as well as especially for children. For example, there are breeds bred for sports competitions that have a harmonious rather than a strong physique. One variety in particular is the saddle ponies, and they only took the sizes from the other ponies. They are used for training children and children's sports competitions.


Initially, ponies appeared in northern Europe in conditions where strong and hardy creatures were needed. They were also required to have a certain unpretentiousness, while speed was not considered a necessary quality.

The name comes from a Gaulish word that translates to “little horse.”

Initially, small horses were used as draft animals. There is plenty of evidence for this. Ponies were used in mines to transport ore, as water carriers, and for hard day-to-day work in the countryside. Many breeds that are used in one or another school of equestrian sport appeared later, in the 19th and 20th centuries.

To understand the differences between individual varieties, it is not enough to look at photos of representatives of the breed. Animals that are similar in appearance may have different care requirements, particularly when it comes to foals. There are other differences, for example, the nature of the animals, their running characteristics and body features. There is no way to know all this from just one image of an animal. This requires detailed descriptions of each major variety of domestic ponies.

Shetland variety

Shetland equids are also called the Scottish variety of ponies, and this cannot be said to be a misnomer, because their homeland is the Shetland Islands, which are located in the northern part of Scotland. The climate of this part of the country influenced the appearance of this breed. The mane and tail are distinguished by long and thick hair, the coat is dense, well protecting from the cold. The height of the Scottish horse is small, and according to the standard it should not exceed 1 m and 7 cm.

If we talk about appearance, the Shetland pony has a large and wide chest, strong bones and short legs. This horse is extremely unpretentious and hardy, which is why it is not at all difficult to care for it.

Even-toed ungulates of this breed are distinguished not only by their endurance, but also by their remarkable physical strength. At the same time, horse breeders value them for their understanding and learning ability, which is combined with a calm and even phlegmatic character.

The Welsh pony is one of the most graceful varieties of these horses. It is difficult to say exactly when this group of breeds appeared, because such equids lived on the British Isles even before the conquest of the territory by the Romans. The Uul pony began to acquire its modern appearance precisely after the Roman legions came to Britain. It is believed that at this time they crossed with a number of other varieties, which greatly influenced their appearance and performance.

Outwardly, these odd-toed ungulates resemble smaller versions of classic horses. They have a harmonious physique, a straight back, strong and slender legs, and a noble head carriage.

In total there are 4 separate breeds, each of which belongs to the Welsh Pony. Here's the full list: Mountain Pony (Type A), Riding Pony (Type B), Cob Pony (Type C) and Welsh Cob (Type D). Moreover, their height varies from 120 to 152 or more centimeters. The height of Welsh Cobs often exceeds 1.5 m, so they are not always even accepted as real ponies.

Representatives of this variety may seem somewhat rude or even unsightly when compared with the same Welsh horses. The thing is that these creatures were used in the harsh conditions of Iceland, where more elegant and lighter pets simply would not have taken root. There they needed strong and hardy horses, which are what Icelandic ponies are. According to breeders, these odd-toed ungulates are capable of galloping almost all day long, since their endurance and strength are comparable to the best heavy trucks.

The appearance of the Icelandic pony is indeed somewhat rough. He has a large and powerful skull, a short and thick neck, a barrel-shaped body and a wide chest. Almost any suit is allowed; here the standard does not impose any restrictions. The average height is 1 m 35 centimeters. Moreover, in Iceland these odd-toed ungulates are classified as full-fledged horses, and not ponies. Icelandic horses have a calm and obedient character, developed intelligence and a calm and trusting attitude towards people.

This variety is worth mentioning separately. This is a hybrid of the Arabian horse and the local Creole horse. The Creole variety (or Criollo as it is called) appeared in South America in the same way that Mustangs appeared in North America. These are feral domestic horses that have adapted to local conditions. And it is their descendants that are polo ponies, which are bred specifically for playing polo. Although these horses are not ponies by blood, their size suits this name.

The maximum height of these equids should not exceed 1 m 55 cm, so they fit well into the requirements of the International Equestrian Federation.

This hybrid variety is grown mainly in Argentina and is quite expensive outside its borders. The price of one such horse can exceed 10 thousand. That is, although there are nurseries that breed these horses outside of South America. Here's what they write about these creatures:

“The polo pony is not a pet that you can buy for fun. Of course, these horses are distinguished by endurance, strength and intelligence. They also obey the rider in everything, are incredibly beautiful and graceful. But they need constant physical activity, which not everyone can provide. Buying this horse for a child and then having it sit in the stable for days is cruel to the pony.”

Small horses called “ponies” are incredibly popular today and are found in almost every equestrian club. These cute unusual horses have become an integral part of childhood. Well, who among you, as a child, did not dream of riding a pony? But, as it turns out, initially these horses were not used for children at all, but for hard work in the mines. We invite you to discover their wonderful world, as well as get acquainted with the diversity of breeds, with us.



The name "pony" comes from French and means "foal". However, in fact, for a horse to be called that, it is not enough to be short in stature. All these horses have a number of features. Today in the world there are many species and breeds that differ not only in origin and type, but also in appearance. There are breeds of ponies that were created by nature itself without human intervention - aboriginal, and there are also those that are the result of careful selection.


Scientists are confident that the first species of ponies appeared in the north of Scandinavia and on the islands of Europe. The appearance, as well as the short stature of these horses, is due to the harsh and sometimes even extreme living conditions. Rocky terrain, scarce food and poor soil, severe frosts and wind - all this played a major role in the formation of indigenous pony species. That is why they are particularly resilient and unpretentious.

Ponies are considered the ancestors of ancient primitive horses, for example, Solutre. The northern European type is descended from the tundra pony and is today preserved in the Exmoor type. Scientists are confident that most of the known breeds today are the result of crossing Exmoor with southern European horses.


In the broad sense of the word, “ponies” are small horses whose height at the withers, by average standards, does not exceed 1.47 m. But not every short horse can be called a pony, since the latter have a number of features. For example, in addition to their small stature, ponies are characterized by disproportionately small legs compared to the body. They have heavy bones, often a large head, thick outer hair, a long tail and mane.

Different countries have their own growth limits for ponies. So, for example, in the UK they include horses with a height of less than 1.47 m, in Germany - 1.2 m, and in Russia - 1.1 m.


Looking at the different breeds of short horses, you will notice that many of them differ in certain traits. Depending on this, several types are distinguished.

These horses have a more harmonious and elegant physique. They are the result of selective breeding with the horse. Used in sports in various disciplines. Example, Welsh.
Show pony
These horses have especially beautiful gaits and a high stride, which is why they are used in shows.
Local or aboriginal
These horses have a strong build, often thick hair, and strong legs. Places of residence well adapted to harsh climates, hardy.
Polo pony
Riding horses that were bred for playing polo. Today they are also used for other equestrian disciplines. Improved by the influx of Arabian and Thoroughbred stallions.
The result of selection of small Thoroughbred mares with half-stallions or Dartmoor and Welsh mares with Thoroughbred stallions. Popular in children's horse racing, as in the video below (Global_Star_TV_Russia)


This is the most numerous and famous breed of pony, the favorite of all children and tireless workers of parks and circuses. In addition, it is one of the most ancient breeds, which originated in the harsh conditions of the north of Scotland - on the Shetland Islands. Already in the Middle Ages, they were known as “Shelties” - small but very hardy horses, capable of carrying a load five times their own weight. They gained particular popularity after 1847, when England banned female and child labor in mines. At the same time, small but very strong animals began to be used in mines.

As for appearance, the Shetland pony has a small head with a straight profile, a strong neck of medium length, and a short, wide back. They also have a broad chest, but a short loin and a narrow, long croup. Very lush and dense mane and tail protect animals in harsh climates. There are different colors, but the most common are dark: black, brown, bay, and less often karak. Height at the withers should not exceed 1.07 m.


The Welsh is the most versatile type of pony and is highly intelligent, trainable and loyal to humans. They are tall and graceful, and for their narrow muzzle with large eyes and high-set tail they received the nickname “Arabs in miniature.” Welsh horses are also very ancient horses, with ancestors dating back to 1600 BC. There are suggestions that they are descendants of the Celtic ponies. As a separate breed, Welsh ponies originate from North Wales and were indispensable assistants to local residents: they worked on farms, in coal mines, drove carriages and were even used in war.

In 1902, a stud book was approved and all Welshmen were divided into 4 groups according to height. The first two (A and B) today still belong to the pony type, and the second two (C and D) belong to the cob type. Type A horses do not exceed 1.22 m in height and are used for small children. Type B horses are taller, up to 1.37 m, and are used in equestrian sports for children. The Welsh Pony has a small head, a concave profile, a muscular back and strong legs. The color is most often gray, dun or bay.


These horses are the oldest inhabitants of the peat bogs and heathers of Great Britain in the counties of Devon and Somerset. They still live here semi-wildly, although they are one of the popular types of riding ponies. Today Exmoors are considered exemplary ponies: they are strong, energetic, strong. Good foot placement indicates natural balance. Like other breeds, they are widely used in children's equestrian sports.

The height at the withers is approximately 1.27 m, the color is brown, saurasai or bay with characteristic red tan markings on the muzzle. They have a strong body, a noble head with characteristic large and slightly protruding eyes, a strong neck with good projection, a wide chest, and a wide, even back. The limbs are short with neat, strong hooves.

Exmoors are the only horses that have one extra molar - a sign of the primitive structure of the jaw.


These northern horses have a slightly rough appearance: heavy head, short neck, muscular elongated body, short legs, reddish-gray color. However, their slightly unsightly appearance is fully compensated by their incredible endurance and very good movement. In addition to the usual gaits, they have the ability to run at a hasty high trot - a telt, which is especially popular in various horse shows.

Height at the withers is on average from 1.3 to 1.37 m, although the Icelanders themselves consider their horses to be horses, not ponies. Another important feature is the huge variety of colors, there are even such unusual ones as dark purple in apples or silver-smoky in apples.

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Video “Little horses in the circus”

Ponies are very smart and quick-witted animals, so it is not surprising that they are participants in many circus acts. We offer you to watch interesting pony training in the video from CircusUkraine.

Well, who among us didn’t dream of riding a pony as a child? It is not surprising that the small, toy-looking horses have a firmly established reputation as children's horses. However, their touching eyes hide a huge spirit, and a small body hides great strength. Children's horses can withstand very difficult physical activity and can easily carry heavy loads. Find out with us who the horses called ponies really are.

In the broad sense of the word, a pony is a small horse, whose height in the traditional classification does not exceed 152 cm. The name itself comes from French, where it means “foal.” However, the smallest size is very small to bear such a name. There are a lot of short ones that cannot be classified as this subspecies. For example, the same low Arabian horses, whose height at the withers can be less than 152 cm, or many local steppe or forest breeds.

Real ponies have a number of features. Their most important distinguishing feature from an ordinary horse is their disproportionately short legs compared to the size of the body and the depth of the body. Because of this, the ponies' stride is much shorter and shallower; from the outside it seems that they are mincing. They also have a fairly large head in relation to their height. For more details on how they look, watch the video from Vyacheslav Kolm.

All ponies are divided into 5 types according to height:

  • A – up to 117 cm;
  • H – 117-127 cm;
  • C – 127-137 cm;
  • D – 137-148 cm;
  • E – 148-157 cm.

Origin story

Today there are dozens of pony breeds in the world, distributed throughout the world. However, hippologists still cannot say exactly where and when this type of horse originated. There is a version that their homeland is the European rocky islands and the territory of the Scandinavian countries. Experts are confident that the pony’s short stature and unprepossessing appearance are the result of long-term living in harsh, vegetation-poor conditions. This is what explains the incredible endurance and strength of these horses.

Scientists consider the prehistoric horse Solutre to be the most ancient ancestor of all modern ponies.

Main species and breeds

All pony breeds differ in type, origin and use. Today, many countries have their own little horses. Some of them are created by Mother Nature, others are the result of targeted selection. For example, typical “aboriginals” are widespread in Indonesia, Japan, China, and some northern regions of Europe.

However, perhaps the most significant contribution to pony breeding was made by Great Britain. Only here the modern classification includes 9 breeds: these are the well-known Shetland Pony, Exmoor, Welsh, Dale, Fell and others. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

Shetland One of the most famous and smallest types of ponies. Originates from the Shetland Islands, where the breed was formed over more than one millennium. The height at the withers is up to 110 cm and in appearance they resemble a small heavy truck. They have thick fur, a lush mane and tail, and short strong legs. Used in children's equestrian sports.
Welsh A very ancient breed, which today is divided into two types: mountain - small, no higher than 122 cm in height, and medium - up to 135 cm. In addition, there is another type of cob, which is from 137 to 159 cm in height, and is used in equestrian polo.
Exmoor or Celtic An ancient draft breed of the northern type, representatives of which still live in the wild. They have a height of up to 125 cm and are distinguished by a typical brown or dark bay color with lightening on the muzzle.
Icelandic A pure breed bred in Iceland, which is distinguished by a unique gait - ambling running. Thanks to this, horses can travel very long distances without fatigue. Used by local residents as a universal horse.

Polo and riding ponies represent a separate group. The first ones were bred by infusing the blood of an Arabian and purebred horse breed. They are distinguished by their strong build and height at the withers of about 150 cm. Pony riding horses are the result of crossing polo ponies with a purebred English breed. They have a height of 145 to 147 cm and are distinguished by a pronounced riding physique.

Use and breeding

The name “underground horse” is firmly attached to the Shetland ponies. This is due to a certain period in the history of their development, when little workers were used in coal mines to transport trolleys. When a law was passed in 1847 banning the use of women and children in mines, dwarf horses became an indispensable labor force underground. As historical data indicate, in the 1930s more than 16,000 Shetland ponies worked in English mines. They began to be used in other branches of human activity only at the end of the 20th century.

Ponies are strong and have great strength: per unit weight, they can develop a pulling force 1.5 times greater than horses of heavy draft breeds.

Today, small horses are extremely popular in children's equestrian sports. There is a real pony boom in our country: it is difficult to find an equestrian club or stable that does not have this cute horse. Ponies are used in children's show jumping and dressage, in runs and races. A separate type of polo pony is used for playing polo. In addition, the Shetland pony was used in breeding, in particular, for breeding the shortest horse - the falabella.

Ponies are small but incredibly strong horses that are very popular, especially among children. This is probably why they are considered for children, but initially their purpose was different.

Small horses have been used for many years to work in mines and only relatively recently began to work in the entertainment field - in the circus, park, and equestrian club.

From the point of view of scientists, the first types of these mini-horses appeared on the islands of Europe and northern Scandinavia. The short stature of horses, as well as their appearance, is due to the harsh living conditions. Poor soil, scarce feed, rocky terrain, as well as strong winds and frosts played an important role in the formation of this type of horse. Therefore, ponies are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and incredible endurance.

Ponies are considered the ancestors of ancient primitive horses, for example, the Solutre. The Northern European type of small horses originated from the tundra pony and is preserved today in its Exmoor form.

Most scientists believe that the bulk of the known horse breeds appeared as a result of crossing Southern European horses and Exmoors.

Gallery: pony (25 photos)

All breeds of these small horses differ in use, origin and type. Today, many countries have their own types of ponies. Some of them created by nature itself, others appeared as a result of targeted selection. For example, true aborigines are common in China, Japan, Indonesia, and also in some regions of northern Europe.

The main role in breeding mini-horses belongs to Great Britain, where today there are 9 breeds of small horses - these are the quite popular Shetland Pony, Fell, Welsh, Exmoor, Dale and others.

The main types of small horses are worth considering in more detail.


One of the most famous and smallest species. Originally from the islands of the same name, where the formation of the breed took place over more than 1 thousand years. The height at the withers does not exceed 110 cm, and in appearance the horse looks like a small heavy truck. Representatives of this breed have short strong legs, a bushy tail and mane, and thick hair. Nowadays they are used in children's equestrian sections.


Quite an ancient breed, which has two subspecies: medium (height at the withers does not exceed 135 cm) and mountain - up to 122 cm. There is another type, the height of which is 137-159 cm. Such dwarf horses have found their use in equestrian polo.

Exmoor or Celtic

An ancient northern breed of draft type. These dwarf horses can still be found in the wild. Their height does not exceed 125 cm, they are distinguished by a typical dark bay or brown color with a slight lightening on the muzzle.


The breed was bred in Iceland. The Icelandic dwarf horse has a special gait - it runs at an amble. Thanks to this property, ponies are able to easily walk long distances without getting tired. Local residents use them as universal horses.

A separate group should include riding ponies and mini-horses used for playing polo. The first appeared as a result of crossing a purebred English breed and a polo pony. Their height is 145-147 cm, they have a well-developed riding physique.

Polo ponies were bred by mixing the blood of purebred riding and Arabian breeds. They have a strong build and are about 150 cm tall.

The following breeds are very popular in Russia:

  • falabella;
  • American pony;
  • Scottish pony;
  • Welsh pony.

Among them there are light draft and riding horses.

The Little Pony breed is of particular interest. For example, Shetland mini ponies belong to this group. Among the representatives of this breed you can find a horse whose height does not exceed 65 cm.

The breed was originally bred on the islands of the Atlantic Ocean. Despite its tiny size, this very durable horse is capable of carrying heavy loads.

The pony horse has a massive head and a wide build, as well as thick hair, a lush mane and tail. Most often, the animal's fur is piebald in color with light splashes throughout the background. Representatives of this breed of horses are actively used for children's horseback rides.

A century and a half ago, farmer Falabella (Argentina) bred a very interesting breed of pony stallions, which was later named after him. This breed is also a dwarf pony. The height of an adult does not exceed 86 cm, however, amazing specimens of height are often found only 38-45 cm and weighing from 20 to 65 kg.

The uniqueness of such mini-horses lies in the fact that with each generation the growth of the pony becomes smaller and smaller.

In Russia, Holland, Germany and America, a breed bred through selective selection called the mini-appaloosa is very popular.

These horses were bred through selective breeding based on Appaloosa horses. The main features of the mini Appaloosa are the following:

The most beautiful breeds of mini horses

Connemara ponies are among the top most beautiful horse breeds on the planet. For the first time they appeared in Ireland, after which they quickly spread throughout the world. These are cute-looking horses with a proportional build, thin and short legs.

Connemara horses have a gorgeous mane and tail - they are very shiny, long and thick. Most often, such horses have a dun or gray color, with small splashes of white. By nature, the animals are obedient and quite good-natured. They are unpretentious eaters and easy to train.

Since ponies, like ordinary horses, are distributed throughout the world, these miracle horses live wherever people live.

Incredible stories are told about ponies. These little girls take part in sports competitions, jumping, racing and overcoming obstacles, winning awards and valuable prizes. For example, there is a known case when the pony Scampi, at the age of 37, received first place in dressage at the Aintree sports center (Great Britain).

Feeding pony stallions

Since mini horses have a rather small stomach, they need to be fed frequently, but in small portions. It is very important to provide animals with clean water in sufficient quantity and ensure that feeders are washed regularly.

It is advisable for horses to spend the whole day grazing, since grass is their main food. In addition, it is easily absorbed by the animal body. However, monotony cannot be allowed either. Ponies should also receive other food from time to time.

There are a large number of all kinds of horse treats that you can give to your pet without fear for his health. The main ones are the following:

Power volume determined by the level of physical activity, as well as the conditions and place of detention.