The best beaches in Australia. Australian beaches: a great holiday by the sea

Until recently, Australia was a very distant and unfamiliar country, but not so long ago more and more more people began to learn about the wealth of local nature. Some of the best beaches not only in Australia and around the world are located here and this is not surprising because the country is located between warm waters two oceans and a coastline of more than 25,500 km.

– Palm Cove, Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Top 10 Australia

The best and most beautiful beaches

Ten thousand Australian beaches stretching along the coast are perhaps the main wealth of the continent. This is not only one of the main components of urban space and an integral part of Australian views, but also a certain way of life for every average Australian.

Most Australian beaches simply don't have any names. Only 25% of beaches have access via paved roads. 10% of the beaches can be visited via gravel roads. Up to 20% of beaches can only be reached by car - an all-terrain vehicle on the sand. The remaining 45% of beaches can only be reached by sea or helicopter. The length of beaches can be from 20 meters to hundreds of kilometers like Coorong in South Australia.

Australia's beaches are more than just places to enjoy the sun and water. Many of them are located next to national parks, so in these areas you can combine nature and beach holidays. Wildlife and marine life coexist closely in these areas. Therefore, this list is dedicated to beaches that better fit the definition of “a place like paradise.” There are not many vacationers here, and sometimes not at all, and there may be no tourist infrastructure built nearby; these beaches are often wild.

– 1 – Whitehaven Beach

– White Harbor Beach or Whitehaven Beach, Queensland

Whitehaven Beach is six kilometers of perfect white sand. The island itself Holy Trinity (Whitsunday), where the beach is located, has the status of a national park and is protected by the state. This made it possible to preserve the pristine purity and nature here. The warm, clear water of the coast is appreciated not only by tourists, but also by marine life - not far from the shore you can often see dolphins playing. The only drawback of the island is the lack of hotels, the construction of which is prohibited here by law. Therefore, most tourists come here for only one day, settling in the neighboring Hamilton Island, where you can find a huge number of comfortable hotels. Besides, this beach is one of the 10 most luxurious beaches in the world. The beach has received numerous awards, including being Queensland's cleanest beach and even CNN's most eco-friendly beach in the world.

– 2 – Turquoise Bay

– Turquoise Bay, Exmouth, Western Australia

Turquoise Bay located near the town of Exmouth and has one of the most beautiful reefs in the world - Ningaloo. The bay is known as the best place for swimming and snorkeling in Western Australia. The marine park covers a very large area, more than four thousand hectares and extends into the sea for approximately 10 nautical miles.

If you plunge into the crystal clear waters, you will see a colorful wealth of corals and plants, more than five hundred species of fish, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. Many tropical marine animals such as clown fish, turtles, sea snakes, sharks and others will be found here in Turquoise Bay. Protection environment in this area has great importance to preserve flora and fauna in their natural form. In this regard, the legislation provides for serious fines and provides improved control to prevent natural vandalism by tourists. Such cases are quite rare here, because everyone who sees this beauty becomes partial to this paradise.

– 3 – Cable Beach or “Cable Beach”

– Cable Beach or “Cable Beach”, Broome, Western Australia

Cable Beach or "Cable Beach" known not only in Australia, but in the rest of the world as one of the most impressive beaches in its beauty.

It is 6 km away. northwest of Broome, in Western Australia. The coastline of the beach stretches 22 km. and is covered in soft white sands jutting out into the calm and shimmering turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean.

Uniform tides (which sometimes penetrate almost 9 m into the land) wash the sand of the beach clean, giving it its famous whiteness. This creates a safe and generally ideal environment for swimming and relaxing. The beach is famous for its most picturesque sunsets and sunrises, which on it become exceptionally unusual. In 2004, the Coastal Review newspaper, published in Perth, called Cable Beach“a beach of inspiration, harmony and the most beautiful sunsets in Western Australia.”

The beach was named “Cable Beach” because a telegraph cable was laid through it from Broome to the town of Java in 1889.

– 4 – Beaches of Jervis Bay

– Hyams Beach, Jervis Bay, New South Wales

On the south coast of New South Wales, just 2.5 hours from Sydney, lies the whitest sand in the world. This is a real paradise, a true pearl of Australia, having the status National Park. The beauty of the beach is recognized by tourists from many countries around the world. The clearest emerald water, calm bay waters and the world's whitest sand beaches Jervis Bay. It is believed that there is no whiter sand! It is thanks to the snow-white sand that this beach is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Jervis Bay- territory on the southeast coast of Australia. The land was purchased by the Australian government in 1915 from the state of New South Wales so that the capital, Canberra, would have access to the sea. Until 1989 it was part of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). There are three small towns on the territory. Population: about 600 people. Area 6677 hectares.

The most accessible and famous of all the beaches in the bay is Hyams Beach.

– 5 – Beaches of Lizard Island

– Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland

The island is a national park with 24 sandy beaches, the famous Blue Lagoon and coral gardens. Here you can completely escape the everyday hustle and bustle and feel in complete harmony with nature. This place has a unique tropical charm. The island has very clean and untouched nature without any traces of pollution. This is a paradise for tourists who want to find solitude near the waters of the Great Barrier Reef. The most high point The island is located at 359 meters above sea level and is called Cooks Look. The park has an airstrip and a small hotel.

When Lieutenant Cook landed on this island, located 27 kilometers off the coast of Australia, he found only lizards there. However, for the Dingiil aborigines this is still a sacred place called Jiigurru and they held initiation rites for young men here. Since 1939, the island has been a national park and an integral part of the Great Barrier Reef, carefully protected by the state.

Lizard Island- a unique island. More than 80 people simply cannot fit on this wonderful island, but there is something for everyone. Many excursions are included in the price, as is the opportunity to practice some sports. For an additional fee, you can practice scuba diving or snorkeling - or take an excursion to the Great Barrier Reef, which is just 50 minutes away by motorboat.

In the west of the island there is a research station owned by the Australian Museum and studying the Barrier Reef; scientists who worked on it have already published more than 1000 articles about it.

– 6 – Springs Beach

– Springs Beach, Agnes Water, Queensland

Wild enough Springs Beach, located a little south of the famous Agnes Water, in the state of Queensland. If you are looking for a true surfer's paradise, then you should go straight here. The coral sea, from which incessant trade winds constantly blow, guarantees an excellent wave, almost all year round. The beach is undeveloped, and in order not to suffer from a lack of something, it is better to immediately take it with you from the city, fortunately, there are a lot of different shops, rental offices, bars, restaurants and hotels.

There is a local legend about where the name of the resort town located nearby came from. The legend tells that a fugitive robber, who almost drowned in these turbulent waves, was nevertheless thrown onto a sandy beach. Then the daughter of a local fisherman picked him up, went out and cured him. Having fallen in love with a girl, the convict took the path of reform, got married and had children. Thanks to them, a village arose, which later grew into a fairly large resort town. And the girl bore the name that the city now bears.

– 7 – Waterloo Beach

– Waterloo Beach, Victoria

Fantastically beautiful secluded Waterloo Beach, which is located in Waterloo Bay, is located 200 km away. from Melbourne. Nature here is so abundant that it may seem like you are somewhere on the equator. Here rocky outcroppings, made of granite blocks, like pebbles, hewn to a streamlined shape, jut out into the bright blue waters of the ocean. Perfect sand and crystal clear water in Waterloo are an ideal holiday option for lovers of silence.

It will take a long time to get to the beach and the path will be quite difficult; this scares away tourists and is completely in vain. This place is definitely worth a visit. Local residents say that the “Spirit of Life” itself lives in Waterloo Bay, whose voice can only be heard in bad weather.

– 8 – Palm Cove

– Palm Cove, Cairns, Queensland

Palm Cove, this is a wonderful combination of the benefits of civilization and privacy. The beaches here do not belong to some hotel located nearby, they are accessible to everyone. So many local residents comes here to relax.

This paradise was a training ground for the Australian Air Force and Army in the early to mid 1900s. The islands off Palm Cove, Double and Scout Hat, were used as training targets for the Australian Army.

Its current name Palm Cove, the area received only in the mid-1950s, when the authorities repurposed this area for tourism, and before that the names were “Double Island”, due to its proximity to the island of the same name and “Palm Beach” (Palm Beach). As we can see, the beauty of the coastal palm grove played a role in the choice of name.

– 9 – Ned’s Beach

– Ned’s Beach, Lord Howe Island

An isolated oceanic island of volcanic origin, the shape of which resembles a boomerang, stretching from north to south for 10 km and having a width of about 2 km. The island is located in the Tasman Sea, 770 km northeast of Sydney, part of a group of islands of the same name, which are one of the oldest volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean (about 20 million years old). The depth of the seabed in the area of ​​this group of islands is more than 2,000 m. The islands are known for their unusual topography and are home to many endemic bird species.

In the center of the island there is a beautiful lagoon with white sand, and on a secluded Ned's Beach the fish can be fed directly from your hands. Wherever you go, you won’t get lost here, because the island has only one street and 18 tiny bungalows. In this paradise there is only you, white sand and beautiful palm trees everywhere.

– 10 – Durras Beach

– Durras Beach, New South Wales

Durras Beach- an attractive place on the Australian coast, attracting those looking for a secluded holiday among wild nature, lovers of romance and adventure seekers who cannot imagine a beach holiday without extreme entertainment.

This paradise, remote from civilization, with snow-white sands and clear waters, small bays and bays with rocky headlands, stunning views of the ocean and eucalyptus forest next to a picturesque lake, is located about 4 hours south of Sydney. This is a wild corner of nature, so it is not surprising that the animals living here are not afraid of people, considering these places their home, and you can even see kangaroos on the beach.

The wind-sheltered shores of Durras Lake are an excellent place for camping. Here you can not only swim and sunbathe, but also engage in various outdoor activities: fishing, canoeing or exploring the picturesque surroundings. Duras Beach has become especially popular among surfers.

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One of the biggest questions that occupied me before going to Australia were beach questions. What are the beaches in Australia? What kind of infrastructure is there? Is the ocean warm? Is it possible to swim? That's what I want to answer with today's report from Manly Beach, Sydney.

1. The original trip plan included the Gold Coast, an oceanfront city with wide sandy beaches and a paradise for surfers. But then - including with your help! - I excluded this item from the route. As it turned out, it was not in vain. The beach infrastructure of most Australian cities, as I expected, is more aimed at athletes or sunbathers without an umbrella on a towel. I don’t consider myself to be either the first or the second.

2. There are several beach areas in Sydney. The most famous are Bondi and Manly, I was at both. In both cases, it is a wide strip of beach with fine sand, a promenade, and at a distance there are cafes and restaurants. It’s a pity that there is no (or I didn’t see) a cafe with a view directly to the ocean. There are a couple of such kiosks in Manly, I haven’t seen them at all on Bondi, except for the cafe in the Icebergs club.

3. Australians consider it wrong to pay for the beach, so there are almost no offers for renting umbrellas and sun loungers. On Bondai, we still took umbrellas, sun loungers and beach towels, we paid something like 50 dollars, this is the price for two for a day. Australians themselves sunbathe without umbrellas, even during lunch. I can’t do this, I can’t be in the open sun at all, I need shade.

4. You can have a nice time on the grass under the pine trees. By the way, pay attention to how many tables and benches there are! You can take food with you and have a picnic. True, drinking alcohol here is prohibited by law.

5. Most of the beach is given over to surfers. You can swim only in strictly designated areas. Swimming here is unique: you go in, walk for a long time in knee-deep water, then a wave rolls in - you consider yourself to have taken a swim. Swimming is probably difficult, although I haven’t tried. There are fresh water showers along the beach, but no changing rooms were found.

7. Many people relax on the rocks and swim there.

9. And some work;)

10. This is what the main street of Manly looks like. Most of the stores are dedicated to swimsuits, flip flops, surf shoes and sunscreens. If you forgot something, you can buy it without any problems.

11. This is what the promenade looks like - wide, planted with spreading pine trees.

12. Where the promenade gives way to a narrow walking path, these lizards live on the rocks. The photo was taken by my husband - I was afraid to get so close. They are harmless, they just love the sun too.

13. Well, a few pictures of Manly himself. It must be great to live by the ocean!

14. Houses with water views.

15. Just some kind of Greece!

I liked the beaches in Australia - it’s nice to walk along them, breathe the ocean air, and watch people. You can swim, but if you don’t live within a 5-10 minute walk, it’s inconvenient: you have to carry the entire beach arsenal with you from Sydney, and then, when you get tired of the beach, walk with wet towels in your bag. Might be worth it if you want the real thing beach holiday, rent an apartment on Manly or Bondi, enjoy the sun and water in the morning, come home, get yourself ready, have lunch, and then go to Sydney. There is a ferry to Manly (about a 20-minute journey), and Bondai can be reached by car (15 minutes from the center of Sydney). The water in January was about 20 degrees; according to my feelings, it is colder in the Atlantic at the same temperature.

If you are flying to Australia, but are looking for a 100% beach holiday and resort hotels, then it is better to pay attention to Queensland, where there are many islands in the Coral Sea with hotels a la the Maldives. Also google Kangaroo Island, there are many beautiful lodges and wonderful beaches.

All of the above fully applies to the beaches of Melbourne: they are very beautiful, great for surfers, but not very suitable for those who, like me, do not like to sunbathe without an umbrella on a towel.

The sun is active, sunscreen is a must, even if you just went out for a walk, but in Israel in April I personally found the sun much more dangerous than in January in Australia.

There are no sharks or other marine life in the Melbourne and Sydney area. There are lifeguards on all city beaches. If you drive a car, you can easily reach secluded and beautiful areas of the beach where there will be no one but you. At the same time, tell me!

By the way. Do you know how many kilometers of beaches there are in Australia? 37 thousand!

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White Paradise is a famous beach located on Holy Trinity Island, the largest island of the archipelago of the same name, consisting of 74 islands. The length of the beach is 7 kilometers, and the white quartz sand of the beach is considered the cleanest in the world. here you can experience nature at its best, relax and take a break from outside world. The beach has received numerous awards, including being Queensland's cleanest beach and even CNN's most eco-friendly beach in the world.

LifeGlobe has repeatedly written about the most unusual beaches in the world, for example about Punalu - a black sand beach. On the same beach it’s the other way around - the sand here is perfectly white

At the northern end of the beach there is an amazing cove where currents move sand and water, creating an amazing fusion of colors. Walking along the beach you can admire the amazing nature, without rushing anywhere and relaxing your soul and body

There are many ways to have a good time here, for example, you can book a trip on a yacht, a small boat or even a seaplane flight over the bay. From the air you can especially see the amazing contrasts of water and sand that nature paints

Fans of active sports can go rafting, kayaking or jet skiing, but if you want tranquility, you can just have a picnic on the beach with a bottle of good champagne

We should also talk about the local sand - the purity of which is 99.89%, which far exceeds the most stringent requirements for the production of the world's best glass, optical lenses for binoculars, etc. The origin of the sand is not known exactly, but scientists say that it is not of local origin, and most likely it is brought here by sea currents

White Paradise Beach is considered one of the most beautiful in Australia and is included in the top 10 best beaches in the world. Once here you will understand why tourists come here from all over the world. You will understand what heaven on Earth is

Take note and plan your unforgettable vacation to the gold coast of Oz!

Bondi Beach, Sydney

This is one of the most famous Australian beaches. If, once in, you are interested in which of the country’s beaches is definitely worth visiting, then all the paths will one way or another lead you to the Bondi Beach coast. Surely, on its coast you will see crowds of vacationers and surfers conquering high waves, and this is not surprising.

Bondi Beach has long been so popular, because in addition to attractive conditions for, it is also one of the least remote beaches on the ocean coast from Sydney (only 7 km from the city).

Beaches of Bruny Island, Tasmania

Tasmania is definitely worth taking note of. The landscapes of these places are more reminiscent of places where nature has still retained its pristine charm. White wallabies and little penguins can be spotted here, making Bruny's beaches a wonderful adventure for true wildlife lovers.

In addition, there are excellent conditions for surfing and surfing, but there are no prestigious resorts and numerous vacationers here. You can get here by ferry from nearby Hobart. Stay on Bruny Island Beach for a few days and you'll be able to fully enjoy a secluded holiday in the Australian wild.

Whitehaven Beach, Holy Trinity Island

We can safely say that just after seeing photographs of Whitehaven, you will definitely want to be on this Australian beach - it’s not for nothing that this unique place invariably finds itself on the list of the best beaches in Australia from year to year. The coast here is covered with snow-white quartz sand, which impresses with its whiteness and incredible softness.

Here you often get the illusory impression that the sky has fallen to the ground and snow-white clouds have mixed with the turquoise ocean. All this beauty of Whitehaven Beach is complemented by picturesque reefs, impressive lagoons and an incredible interweaving of turquoise and emerald colors as you look out over the horizon.

Perfect coastline has a length of 7 km, so even if there are a lot of vacationers here, you can always find a corner for secluded relaxation.

Little Beach, Albany

If you want to be on a beach where you can feel like a person completely free from the conventions of civilization, then you can safely go to the Australian beach of Little Beach. It is known as one of Australia's first official nudist beaches.

Surrounded on all sides by forest and mountains, this secluded beach is exactly the place you dream of when trying to find your own island paradise. There are almost no tourists here, the water is incredibly clear, the sand is clean - isn’t this a true piece of paradise?

Cable Beach, Broome

If you are one of the romantics or photographers who want to capture picturesque colors nature, you will certainly fall in love with the incredibly beautiful sunsets at Cable Beach. A huge fireball frozen over the ocean at sunset will seem like the most unforgettable sight to anyone who chooses to relax on this Australian beach.

Of course, you can sit on a sun lounger with a glass of cold drink and admire this picturesque spectacle of Mother Nature. But still the best option– at this time, ride camels along the coast of Cable Beach. This leisurely walk is the best way to enjoy an unforgettable sunset.

Noosa Beach, Sunny Beach

This beach is a true paradise for surfers, especially for those who simply adore high, long waves that guarantee a passage of up to 200 m. In addition, this beach is also attractive for beginners in surfing. It also hosts the Noosa Surf Festival every March.

These are ideal waters and waves for surfing, so be prepared for the fact that there will be a lot of people wanting to conquer the waves. It's not a place where you can enjoy a secluded holiday, but it's still worth being included in the list of the best beaches in Australia that are definitely worth visiting.

Rockingham Beach, Western Australia

True connoisseurs of wildlife are advised to take note of Rockingham Beach, which is definitely worth a visit when traveling around Australia. The crystal clear waters are home to about 150 bottlenose dolphins. The beach is located just an hour from Perth, and can also be reached by boat.

Snorkeling connoisseurs will also appreciate this Australian beach. This beautiful place for relaxation in the lap of nature, without being too far from civilization. Near the beach you can find many cozy cafes. For lovers of a leisurely, relaxing holiday, this corner of Australia is a true paradise.

Bells Beach, Victoria

If you're looking for a beach where you can exercise all year round, then Bells Beach is worth a look. This is one of the most famous Australian beaches among surfers.

Huge waves, a coastline surrounded by rocks and impressive landscapes - this is not a true paradise for true connoisseurs of extreme sports!

75 Mile Beach, Fraser Island

The name of this beach is very eloquent, since it determines its actual length. A whopping 75 miles of spectacular sandy coastline! This means that even if there are many vacationers, you can always find a uncrowded corner of the beach that is suitable for you.

But don’t forget that there are a lot of fish in these waters. So this is a great place for a beach holiday on the coast. But if you want to swim, it is better to look for a safer place.

Cape Tribulation, Queensland

This is another beautiful Australian beach for those who like a secluded holiday. The beach is surrounded by tropical forests, making it difficult to get closer to wildlife. True, adventures are adventures, but you shouldn’t forget about safety. Here you can easily meet crocodiles sunbathing. In addition, getting to this Australian beach is not so easy.

There is no transport connection with this corner of Australia, so you will have to get here on your own. But this place is worth visiting. In addition, about 20 km east of the beach there is a famous one - one of the legendary attractions of Australia. So, a trip to this place is worth it!

Australia... How many adventure stories are associated with this unique continent, washed on all sides by ocean waters. For a long time remaining unexplored by Europeans, the mysterious and enigmatic country now attracts and attracts millions of tourists with its coastline and magnificent beaches. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Australian beaches are the best in all respects: beautiful sand, clean waters, appropriate high-quality infrastructure - everything provides a wonderful holiday for Australians themselves and visitors.

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There are all conditions for active activities here. various types water sports: surfing, diving, rowing, high-speed swimming on all types of sports vessels. And all this happens against the backdrop of wonderful pictures of nature, where the turquoise of the ocean waves merges with the sapphire shine of the sky, the gold of the sand sparkles under the rays of the hot sun, and somewhere in the vast distance of the waves a fountain released by a whale rises up.

Heading to Australia? We will tell you how to get a visa correctly. — Read in our life hack.

Among ten thousand Australian beaches, it is very difficult to choose the best, each of them is good in its own way, but according to some criteria, 5 excellent beaches can still be identified.

Surfers Paradise

The beach, located on the Gold Coast in Queensland, is recognized as the best by tourists and local residents. The name itself reflects its main purpose - to welcome surf lovers, for whom this stretch of ocean with a wide strip of amazing sand is a real Eden for them. Those who love waves, who are masters of the ocean expanses, and who fearlessly jump over foamy crests come here from all over the world. Here you can hear French, English, Japanese, Chinese and Russian - the geography of tourists is very extensive, despite the distance of the mainland from Europe. The beach is located in the suburbs of the Gold Coast, a small town that has become famous throughout the world thanks to Surfers Paradise.

Everyone who has been here talks with delight about the beautiful sand, the extraordinary purity of the water, and the convenient and comfortable stay. The natural beauty of the environment is complemented by graceful skyscrapers soaring upward, reflected in the blue surface of the ocean with giant white candles. The coast guard warns swimmers about places with strong undercurrents, where even adults are not allowed to swim. 100 meters from the beach area there are cafes, eateries and shops where you can satisfy any demand.

Cable Beach

Located in Western Australia, near the town of Broome, it is also rated as one of the best beaches not only on the Australian coast, but also in the world. Twenty kilometers of perfectly white sandy strip along the impeccably clean, azure-colored ocean water attract thousands of people who want to splash around and sunbathe, breathe in the healing air of the salty waves and feel the power and strength of the boundless sea ​​elements. Despite the abundance of vacationers, everyone can find a secluded place here to enjoy their vacation in the close company of pleasant people.

The coastal water on this beach almost always maintains a constant temperature of +25 degrees, making swimming very comfortable throughout the year. The traditional entertainment here is camel riding at sunset along the coast, which gives tourists an inexplicable physical and aesthetic pleasure from communicating with exotic animals against the backdrop of enchanting landscapes.

Cottelow Beach

Also located in Western Australia, near the city of Perth, it is a favorite holiday destination for both Australians and visitors. The water here is so clear that even at great depths the picturesque underwater world is visible, so there are many scuba diving enthusiasts with fins and snorkels who are truly delighted with contemplating the beauty ocean floor. The beach is famous for its golden sand, pure water and a constant gentle breeze that creates good waves, which there are many who want to ride. On the territory there are many restaurants, cafes, pubs, where you can not only eat delicious food, but also listen to good live music, admiring the evening scenery.

Beach no different large sizes, but no less popular with tourists because it is located in the suburbs of eastern Sydney, making it easily accessible for arrivals. Despite the fact that its length is about 1 kilometer and its width is 50-100 meters, this beach has become the venue for various festivals, competitions and competitions - it is never empty. Here you can see world celebrities: beauties from the world of cinema, musicians, athletes, writers, scientists, so the strictest safety measures are in place on the beach: the swimming area is protected from sharks by a special net, and lifeguards are constantly on duty. The beach can safely be called cultural site, which in 2008 received the status National treasure Australia.

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The most exotic and remote beach located in the Whitsunday archipelago, consisting of 74 islands near the Great Barrier Reef. One of these uninhabited Whitsunday Islands has a stunning 6km stretch of beach that is a fun boat ride from Airlie Beach or Shute Harbour. This beach is considered the pearl of the island archipelago, as it is extremely beautiful and picturesque; covered with snow-white sand, almost entirely consisting of silicon dioxide, which makes it not only beautiful, but also healthy for vacationers. Only an unsurpassed painter of Nature could create such colors as can be seen here: the blue aquamarine of the waves, the snowy whiteness of the sand, the coral reflections of sunrise and sunset... It will already be happiness to see such a picture, and doubly happiness to plunge into the purest coastal water.