Lunar calendar 30. Lunar calendar

Symbols of the day: golden swan

Stones of the day: rock crystal, pearls, white coral, black garnet, tourmaline

Description of the day

Unlike previous lunar days, the 30th is the calmest and brightest day of the lunar month. This is probably why it doesn’t last long and infrequently: good things, as you know, come in little bits.

This is a day of internal and external harmony.

Today you can complete things, take stock, do the cleaning, and pay off debts. It is especially important to think about the results if the 30th lunar day precedes an eclipse. Everything that is done today is easy and relaxed. It is believed that the 30th lunar day is a day of love, forgiveness and harmony. It is peace in deeds and relationships - with others and, more importantly, with oneself.

Haircut on this day

Gardening on this day

Everything you do today succeeds. But with the exception of new things: the start of a grandiose enterprise should be postponed for just a few days.

Try to please your friends, family and loved ones in some way. Give a gift, say good words. However, if you schedule important meetings in the first half of the day, be careful. In some ways, the unfavorable vibrations of the 29th day still remain. If possible, wait a little while meeting strangers.

On the other hand, this is the time to in the best possible way suitable for communicating with relatives and old friends and for summing up results. Second half of the 30th lunar day especially favorable. This time enhances intuition, helps to realize the gift of foresight, and sends true premonitions. A wonderful period for creativity: there is an opportunity to create an outstanding work, do something new, discover an unknown facet of talent. Pay attention to the thoughts that come to you today: they can change your life.

Features of the day

On this day they may be waiting for you pleasant surprises; Dates and friendly meetings go well. This is a time of rest for the body, and above all for the soul. Allow yourself peace and joy, that pleasant pastime that everyone has never gotten around to. Put off important things for later, enjoy life, give up fuss and minor worries, and don’t bother yourself with everyday problems. There will always be time to think about them.

On this lunar day you are also given the opportunity to see the results of your actions. What you have been working on during the lunar month is now ready to enter your life. There's a good chance that today.

And one more characteristic of the 30th lunar day: this is an excellent time for working on earth. If you have your own garden, remember this! And if not, try to at least go to the country or out of town. Breathe fresh air, walk on the grass: you will see what a boost of energy it will give. It will come in handy in the coming lunar month.

The birthday fell on the 30th lunar day. This is one of the last incarnations at this level - perhaps they will no longer be born on Earth.

It is difficult for such people every 15th lunar day - at this time they are weakened and they do little.

On this day, people of high destiny are born, with some important life task for the world as a whole, but endless difficulties await them in everyday life. Holy Fool, Mother Teresa, etc. - this is the ultimate version of the lifestyle written in the family of those born on this day.

They are poor at being active in business (catching up is not their strong point) and concretizing their efforts. It is difficult to specify efforts and set the direction for the targeted expenditure of effort and resources. It's hard to avoid risk.

Those born on the 30th lunar day, which rarely happens, are beautiful, kind, wise, reveal themselves early, follow their ideal, and are monogamous.

The birth of a child on this lunar day is a gift for the family. Man 30th ld. Called to bring joy and love to the world, he has an innate ability to forgive. The best of them are mentally pure and highly spiritual; they deserve respect for their actions even from their enemies. Having found Higher love and mercy towards everything and everyone, such a person can complete the circle of earthly incarnations, since he has undergone training. But, if a person of this day of the Moon is weak-willed or lacks spiritual development- life will teach him many lessons. He will often wishful thinking (even to the point of self-deception), following the lead of sensual pleasures and the desire for pleasure. Justice can be understood by him in a way that is convenient and beneficial for him, to suit his goals. Clever materialists will influence his opinion, replacing moral values ​​with material ones and justifying these substitutions with lofty words. A person of 30 ld needs similar lessons. so that, having passed the last and most difficult tests of vanity, lust, flattery, lies, pleasures and others, he begins to strive with all his might to acquire the qualities of True Knowledge: modesty, humility, simplicity, renunciation of violence and others.

We all come from childhood and the influence of our parents and their upbringing leaves an imprint on our entire later life. It is the responsibility of parents to teach a child born on this day (who differs from other children in his experience of past incarnations) to constantly remember spiritual values ​​and perseverance in the face of carnal pleasures. They must teach him to share his gift of mercy with other people. In addition, parents with early childhood are obliged to teach their child to distinguish between Good and Evil, no matter what clothes they wear, to be moral under any circumstances and to be aware of their responsibility to any creature of this world. Otherwise, in the bustle of the world and the pursuit of pleasure, he can waste his life on trifles.

Only after passing the tests of sensual pleasures and one’s own egoism, having gained peace of mind and love for all beings, having learned to organize oneself and the surrounding space, a person can complete the path of earthly incarnations.

To be born on the 30th lunar day - the shortest and rarest day in the lunar month - is a great reward, great happiness for both a person and his entire family. People born on the 30th lunar day are not bad, they have the best human qualities, and, as a rule, they are given a happy and joyful life- as a gift, a reward for past good deeds. As a rule, these are very beautiful, spiritually developed people, very kind and compassionate.

They bring grace and forgiveness to the world, and are capable of demonstrating the Highest Cosmic Love. They are altruists, always ready to help and do not expect any gratitude or encouragement for this. Usually, from early childhood, they begin to realize themselves, their calling, their task, and if your child was born on the 30th lunar day, try to understand that this little person is smarter, wiser and spiritually purer than you can imagine. Such people rarely go astray - they know their purpose and religiously follow it. As a rule, they are monogamous, very faithful and devoted, capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of loved one. They spread this love around them, radiate it, and give people joy. Sometimes these people remain misunderstood by others, lonely, unrecognized. But in any case, the main thing for them is love, and this quality makes them truly happy and spiritual.

The person was born on the New Moon in the "Days of Hecate". And he came into this world to get rid of what had become obsolete and understand “how and where next” to develop his soul.

Those born in the 4th quarter are “pensioners”. Their soul has already learned and worked. They came into the world like the postman Pechkin - “I’m just starting to live - I’m retiring.

Their task is to pass on their accumulated experience, teach and protect their loved ones from rash actions, and love and pamper their “grandchildren.”

They are greatly influenced by past experience, the one that is not remembered, and it is more difficult for them than others to understand themselves, their actions and reactions, they are more than others “pulled to the high,” just as the Moon in the 4th phase is strongly attracted to the sun.

A person of the 4th phase has experienced a lot, so his emotions are mature, sharply manifested, there are outbursts and bursts of subconscious activity. Such people are capable of emotional overstrain, breakdowns, and unbridled impulses. At times they are unable to control their inner nature; they themselves do not know what they are capable of.

Moreover, the explosive reaction of such people often precedes the emotional contact itself. This bias towards everything is a consequence of enormous emotional experience. These people “know more than anyone else” and have their own opinion about everything – “don’t teach me, better help me financially.”

The quality of life of those born in the 4th quarter, as well as the quality of life of “pensioners”, very much depends on that very accumulated experience that cannot be remembered and again on their environment - on their “adult children”. It is these people who most often ask the question “why do I do this” and do not find an answer. And it is among these people that most of all are those whom you look at and don’t understand - why does he have everything, why is he so special, and does not shine with intelligence and is not endowed with talents and has not worked too hard, but has everything.

The best partners and life companions for people of the fourth phase are considered to be those born in the second phase of the Moon.

Which famous people were born on the 30th lunar day? On this day such famous people were born as:

  • Igor Krutoy - composer (Lev's birthday is July 29, 1954);
  • François Mitterrand - ruler (Scorpio birthday October 26, 1916);
  • Josemaría Escrivá - saint (Capricorn birthday January 9, 1092);
  • Oleg Dal - actor (Gemini birthday May 25, 1941);
  • Tim Roth - actor (Taurus birthday May 14, 1961)
  • The 30th lunar day does not occur in every lunar cycle. This beautiful time, filled with positive energy, light, love and beauty. It lasts from several minutes to several hours, but is considered a full lunar day. It has its own characteristics and characteristics, as well as rules that it is advisable to follow. If you want the thirtieth day to bring you peace of mind, great mood and success - do everything today so that it “sounds” in unison with the melody of the cosmos. Be kind and welcoming, provide assistance, forgive and forget grievances. Do not enter into conflicts, avoid communicating with evil people. Your inner balance is very important today.

    Description of the thirtieth lunar day

    Characteristics of the 30th lunar day are harmony, restoration of strength, love. These extraordinary and rare lunar days are filled with pure energy of joy. The “tone” of this day is so pleasant and harmonious that you can effortlessly feel its sounds around you. On this day miracles happen and hopes come true. During this period, evil and deception hide in the darkness. This is truly a magical and mesmerizing day. The thirtieth day of the lunar calendar is a golden period for creative research and creating your own small miracle. This is a time to meditate and find balance. mental strength. If you live it as you should, this day can bring unexpected surprises and present long-awaited gifts from fate.

    Features and properties of the 30th lunar day

    It is better to spend this day away from the hustle and bustle, work, business and worries. Dedicate this period to old friends or close relatives. Give gifts, make surprises, bring them into the house dear people joy. Embrace this day with all its wonders and pleasant surprises. Enjoy this chance to experience true harmony in feelings and thoughts. Active actions are not recommended today. On the contrary, this is the day when you reap the fruits of the efforts spent in the previous days. Today you cannot rush too much, achieve something by deception and go ahead towards your goal. Spend these less than a day measuredly and calmly. Do not give in to apathy, irritation and aggression. Treat other people's negative emotions with grace and a bit of humor. Talismans and symbols:

    • the symbols of this day are the golden swan;
    • Astrologers list tourmalines, white corals and rock crystal as talisman stones;
    • element – ​​tree;
    • the main colors are chestnut, brown, orange, chocolate.

    The 30th lunar day is considered the most positive and favorable of the entire lunar cycle. On this day you cannot give in to sad thoughts, make plans or reproach yourself for mistakes you have made. Live only for this day - here and now. Leave other worries until next days lunar calendar.

    What should you do today to achieve success?

    During the 30th lunar day, it is better to complete all remaining tasks that are not related to grandiose work or physical effort. If you have already reached the finish line, it is better to calmly close all issues and not leave a load of unfinished work for the next lunar month. If you have a “long-term” project, just don’t work in this direction today. This is a great time to look back on the days you have lived. There is no need to list in your mind how many things you have managed to do or calculate the profit received. Remember the pleasant and happy moments you experienced this month. Reward yourself in the most pleasant way possible. This could be a trip to the theater, a new thing, a high-calorie cake or a glass expensive wine. You deserve it.

    Lunar relationships on the 30th day

    The thirtieth lunar day is best suited for unobtrusive communication with the family. This day is given to spend it with pleasure. Give your family a special, festive day. A good idea would be to go to nature, make barbecue, listen to music, swim and play outdoor games. Children will be delighted, and adults will be happy looking at them. If you can’t go to a pond, take your kids to the zoo or the circus. For older children, offer some kind of joint activity. You are very rarely together, so use this time to enjoy each other's company. If you spend this day at your workplace, keep communication to a minimum. Don't let your colleagues or bosses ruin your mood. Take up “non-dusty” work that allows you to do it mechanically, and think about how happy you are. When else will you experience such a surge of joy in the workplace?

    Registration of relationships and sex

    The 30th lunar day is absolutely not suitable for marriage. This is what almost all astrologers, mediums and psychics say. The day is too short and this may affect the future family life. Young spouses may not even notice how quickly their marriage has collapsed. It’s better not to risk your happiness and reschedule significant date on another lunar day. You will also have to give up sex on this day, of course, if you do not want your intimacy to last five or ten minutes in the future. If you don’t want to show asceticism, make a grand preparation before intimate caresses. Prepare romantic dinner, light the candles, pour some red wine into beautiful glasses. Gentle music, quiet conversation, leisurely hugs. Make love without haste, without aggression, try to understand your partner’s desires. Everything should be sensual, bewitching, magical.

    Conceiving a child

    Characteristics of people born on the 30th lunar day

    Unique already by the time of their birth. The thirtieth lunar day is too short a period and people born today have extraordinary abilities and come to this world with a special mission. Anyone born on the 30th day has a very attractive appearance. However, its inner beauty also amazes the imagination with its huge set positive qualities. “Thirties people”, almost from infancy, display an extraordinary mind, quick decision-making, and an adequate perception of the world. These people have no illusions, they are not inclined to be deceived, but at the same time they often become science fiction writers or illusionists. Maybe because the very essence of things is accessible and understandable to them, they can so easily work miracles and penetrate and foresee future events. Those whose birthday coincided with the amazing thirtieth day are very kind and helpful people. They attract people like a magnet, make many friends and are very popular with the opposite sex. They are usually happy in marriage. Those born on the thirtieth day of the lunar cycle are talented, extraordinary and harmonious individuals. Their life is quite successful if they determine their goals in time, and do not constantly rush around in search of a calling.

    What do dreams mean on the 30th lunar day

    They usually tell you what karmic tasks you still have to work on. These are dreams from your subconscious. There is no need to be afraid of negative emotions or events seen in a dream. These are just echoes of your past worries and worries. Happy dreams show that you are on the right path and deserve encouragement. Therefore, when you wake up in the morning, allow yourself to be pampered, and then spend this day to your satisfaction.

    Rituals of the 30th lunar day

    Rituals today should be aimed only at good deeds. This could be a gratitude ritual dedicated to your spiritual mentor, parents, relatives or close friends. You can engage in rituals that allow you to live long life, become happy, attract finance and beauty. All this can be done on the thirtieth day without fear, even for novice magicians. The main thing today is that your actions do not run counter to the positive energy of these days. Carry out all rituals easily and with pleasure. Everything you do today should bring only positive emotions.

    30th lunar day

    Completion of the lunar month, last day of the cycle

    Moon phase: New moon.

    Characteristics of the day: It should be especially noted that these lunar days do not occur every month. They are the calmest and brightest of the entire lunar month. Today is the day of love, forgiveness, repentance and summing up the results of the month, as well as giving up unnecessary things, completing things, distributing old debts, and, most importantly, the day of entering the new lunar cycle.

    Impact on personality: Intuition is especially strengthened, the gift of foresight is revealed, and correct premonitions arise.

    Business and money: Today is not a suitable day for negotiations, so it is recommended to postpone the start of a grand enterprise for several days. On this day you are given the opportunity to see the results of your past actions. What you have been working on during the lunar month is now ready to enter your life.

    A wonderful period for creativity: there is an opportunity to create an outstanding work, do something new for yourself, and discover an unknown facet of talent. A normal day for financial affairs, the best of which is the distribution of debts.

    Health: Anyone who is sick or unwell on this day will soon recover. Be attentive to your family and friends. Food should be easily digestible.

    Haircut: It is advisable to cancel your trip to the hairdresser on this day.

    Relationship: The time has come that is best suited for communicating with relatives, close and old friends.

    Marriage: It is believed that today is not a suitable day for marriage.

    Birthday: People born on this day should pay attention to their health increased attention. On this day of the Moon and were born.

    It is necessary to put in order and clean the house, in particular, by bringing in talismans (for example, a horseshoe).

    Warnings: We need to cleanse ourselves, renew ourselves for a new life - in other words, wash away everything old, all our sins, forgive everyone and remain in love and harmony with the world and with ourselves. Thank the passing month for the lessons it brought you, and with a pure heart, prepare to enter the new lunar month.

    Dreams: Dreams today, as a rule, not only come true, but also bring great desired joy.

    The thirtieth lunar day is the rarest day in the lunar calendar. It does not always occur, and sometimes its duration is less than 60 minutes. This is unfortunate because this is a happy time, filled with light, kindness and love.

    The characteristics of the 30th lunar day indicate that this is a magical time. Any miracle can happen during this period. On this day goodness triumphs. In order for a person to feel all the charm of this time and take advantage of its opportunities, he needs to stay in good mood and be extremely honest with all the people around him.

    You can't be stingy and angry. You need to treat other people's problems with compassion and try to help solve them. It is not recommended to start new things, but to finish previously started things.

    This day is best spent in peace and relaxation. This time is suitable for spiritual cleansing. At the same time, you can restore order in your home.

    On this day you need to listen carefully to your inner voice and focus on your feelings. On the 30th lunar day, intuition sharpens and the gift of clairvoyance may open.

    General characteristics of 30 lunar days:

    • Energy of the day: passive.
    • Symbol of the day: golden swan.
    • Element of the day: tree.
    • Stone of the day: , And .
    • Color of the day: orange, all shades of brown.

    The main task of this day is to remain in a good mood no matter what and do good. Today we need to help others more and not think about our own benefit.

    You cannot give in to aggression and entertain bad thoughts. If they appear, this means that a person has accumulated negative energy which poisons his life. There are several ways to get rid of it. On this day, you can choose any one and the procedure will bring positive results.

    The 30th lunar day has a peculiarity - if you spend it in a good mood, then the whole next month will be successful. If a dog barks at a person today, it is considered bad omen. She reports that this month they made a serious mistake that needs to be remembered and corrected. If this is not done, then the whole next month will be unsuccessful.


    This time can be spent with your loved one. The day is also suitable for ending a relationship if it does not bring joy, but only trouble. It is not recommended to make first dates on this day. It is better to spend it alone in order to understand your true attitude towards the person with whom the meeting was planned.

    Astrologers do not recommend planning a wedding on this day. They declare that the marriage will end as quickly as this day.


    On the 30th lunar day, you can do any household chores that bring joy. This time is right for energy cleansing Houses.


    The 30th lunar day is a favorable time for excavation work, but it requires special care. On this day, there is a possibility of damage to plant roots. Therefore, gardening tools should be used with caution. It is best to refrain from sowing.


    On the thirtieth lunar day, a person’s weak points are the feet and legs. You cannot treat them, much less prescribe surgery for them. Heart surgery is also not recommended.

    On this day the risk of developing allergic reactions. They may appear on different smells.

    If an illness occurs on the 30th lunar day, you need to turn to remedies traditional medicine. This will help you heal quickly.

    Today you can get rid of bad addictions. Water procedures are useful on this day.

    On the 30th lunar day, you need to stop adding hot spices and seasonings to your food. Meat consumption should be reduced. It is best to eat often and in small portions. Eating cereals, soups and natural juices will be beneficial.

    Work, money, business

    On the 30th lunar day there is no need to plan new tasks, but you should not refuse to complete old ones. On this day you can pay off your financial obligations. It's a good time to do charity work.

    Characteristics of people born on the 30th lunar day

    People born on the 30th lunar day have kindness and wisdom. They are compassionate, beautiful and smart. People born on this day may have physical disabilities and developmental delays. Often children are born with Down syndrome.

    People born on this day try to improve this world. They can be called peacemakers.

    No one is born on this day bad people. The 30th lunar day is a rare and good day, so children are born very rarely, but they are always born kind and sympathetic.

    Such people fall in love once and for life. They are searching true love for a long time, but if they find it, they try not to lose it. Divorces and remarriages For such people these are unreal events.

    People born on this day often experience mental anguish. They are torn apart by internal contradictions that give them no peace. In their sleep they are haunted by nightmares.

    Adherents of the idea of ​​reincarnation claim that people born on the 30th lunar day are the last stage of reincarnation. They have reached their highest level and will not appear on Earth again.

    Dreams on the 30th lunar day

    On this day prophetic dreams it’s very rare to dream, but dreams carry useful information stored in the human subconscious. Usually in a dream on this day there are events from the past that affect the psycho-emotional state and events of the present and future.

    On this day it is common for a person to take off his good dreams and a person wants to believe that they will come true, but this does not happen. Dreams of this day are a summary of the past month. Sometimes they reflect those aspects of a person’s character that he needs to adjust.

    Dreams seen on this day must be remembered. They need to be sorted out so that problems do not arise in the present and future due to events of the past.

    The thirtieth lunar day is the very day of the lunar cycle, so you need to monitor its appearance and use this time to your advantage.