Summary of a lesson on fairy tales in the preparatory group. Lesson summary on the topic: "Fairy tales" in the preparatory group. Examples of the most common psychosomatic allergic reactions

Open lesson on the topic "Visiting Fairy Tales"

Target: development emotional sphere child and the formation of positive relationships among peers.




  • Development of psychological qualities: attention, thinking, imagination, arbitrariness of behavior, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, speech.
  • To develop the personal and semantic sphere of children (attitude to reality, experience, mutual assistance and interaction).
  • To develop the desire of children to participate in joint play activities, the skills of collaboration between the teacher and children.
  • Develop group cohesion, coordination of movements, skills of positive social behavior.
  • Develop the motivational sphere of children.


  • To instill in children a friendly attitude towards the characters, to evoke sympathy for them and a desire to help.
  • Teach children to express their attitude towards other people in different ways.
  • Strengthen the sense of unity and the ability to act in concert.

Integration of educational areas: Physical development, Cognitive - research, development, Artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative.

Equipment: a basket of apples; record player; diagram map, ball, ball of thread, flying carpet, patches (for the flying carpet), apple tree, cardboard apple with riddles, whatman paper, house (teremok), chest, pencils, A4 paper, cut-out pictures.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Psychological game “Hello Sunshine”

Hello! I am glad to see you. Let's start our event with a greeting and play the game "Hello Sunshine." We will affectionately call each other “sunny” and say hello to whoever is standing next to us while passing the ball to him. (Greet each other). So we said hello and wished each other health. Greet the sun and guests. Everyone felt pleased.

Guys, I suggest you sit in a circle. And we begin our event with the help of a “mood ball”. With its help, we will tell you what our mood is today. Why are you in this mood?

(Children throw the ball in a circle - a pattern is obtained).Children, look at what a wonderful pattern we have made and may we have the same wonderful mood today.

Guys, listen to these expressions and tell me where you can find such expressions: Once upon a time; In some kingdom, in some state; A long time ago; And I was there, drinking honey and drinking beer.

That's right, guys, these expressions are found in fairy tales.

Guys, today we will remember the fairy tales that are familiar to you.

Guys, I also have some tricky fairy tales, the names of the characters are written incorrectly, only you can help me. (Reads in a book)

  1. .In this fairy tale live brother Kozlenochka and sister Gulenushka. (Alyonushka)
  2. What are the names of Ivan Tsarevich's bosom enemies? Zmey Ravninych and Koschey the Fearless? (Serpent Gorynych and Koschey the Immortal).
  3. Do you know this fairy tale? It's called "Turkey Princess" (Frog Princess)
  4. I highly recommend that you listen to the fairy tale “Sivka Budka” “Sivka Burka”
  5. And here is another fairy tale, “The Striped Hen.” (Chicken Ryaba)
  6. And this is my favorite fairy tale, “The Boy with a Fist,” isn’t it? (Tom Thumb).
  7. There is a girl in a fairyland, her name is Vasilisa the Stupid! (Wise)

Oh, of course, her name is Vasilisa the Wise, how could I forget, I went to visit her and took the book “Favorite Fairy Tales” with me. Vasilisa the Wise liked these tales so much. But violent winds came and carried the book of fairy tales to the Far Away Kingdom. And Koschey and Baba Yaga enchanted the wind. Vasilisa gave me a map that will help us find the way to the Far Away Kingdom and asked you to help me. Can you help? (children's answers). Let's choose the main one who will be responsible for the map. (choose)

It's time for us to hit the road. And the flying carpet will help us with this! (takes out the carpet).

Oh, guys, how can we fly on it, it’s all full of holes, and who made these holes for us, do you think? (children's answers)

That's right, it's a mouse? (Which fairy tale is the mouse from? Teremok, Turnip, Ryaba Hen)

How about we repair our magic carpet together? Look what the holes in the carpet look like? (Children's answers)

That's right, they look like geometric shapes, so I have patches in the form geometric shapes, let's close all the holes.

Well done guys, the magic carpet is now like new again. Now we can use it to go to the Fairy Tale.(we all stand on the carpet and imitate flight)

And now we find ourselves in a fairy tale. Let's open the map and see what we should do next, where to go??(Apple Tree is shown on the map)

Educator: -Oh, guys, look what this map shows us.

Children : (look at the map and say) Apple tree.

Educator: - So we are on our way to the apple tree.

(approach the apple tree)

Educator:- Guys, if we are in the Far Away Kingdom, then please tell me in which fairy tale the apple tree helped the girl and her brother hide from those who were catching up with them.

Children: Geese-swans.

Educator: - Right. Let's ask the apple tree for directions. Just don’t forget the condition: you must behave very quietly so that Koschey and Baba Yaga do not hear us.

Children: - Apple tree - mother, show us the way where to look for our book.

Yablonka: -First guess the riddles on my apples, then you will know your path.

Educator: Are you ready to solve the riddles?

Children: Yes

Educator: (plucks apples and reads riddles).

Now let’s check how you know the characters from fairy tales.

Almost became the mole's wife

And a mustachioed beetle!

I flew with the swallow

High under the clouds.


Above my simple question

You will spend a lot of effort:

Who is the boy with the long nose?

Made it out of logs?

(Papa Carlo)

The granddaughter went to her grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

The gray wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

On unknown paths

Her house is on chicken legs.

There is a dark forest around

The light in the window is burning.

(Baba Yaga)

Refuge of the Little Mouse,

Green frog

And other animal company.

Tell me the name in unison. (Teremok.)

On the last apple tree it is written: - Go left, you will find a road in the forest.

Educator: Guys, our path is further to the left. Tell me, please, which way will we go?

Children: ( point to the left)

Physical exercise “Movements”

We're kicking, stomping,
We clap our hands!
We are the eyes of a moment, a moment,
We shoulders chick-chick!
One-two, one-two,
It's time for us to go!
One - here, two - there,
Turn around yourself.
One - sit down, two - stand up
Everyone raised their hands up.

They let me go, they shocked me!

Educator: Let's walk quietly, don't jostle. We remember that we must help each other. Guys, this is the forest the apple tree told us about. (The teacher’s cell phone started playing.)Yes, this is Mashenka from the fairy tale Geese and Swans. (Mashenka asks us to help her find the way through the forest to Baba Yaga’s hut in order to quickly save her brother)

There are 2 Whatman papers with drawn labyrinths hanging on the board.

The teacher and the children are looking for the way. And when they find it, the teacher asks the children a question: “Guys, we found a way for Mashenka through the forest. Well, how can we send her a card??”

Children: Express your suggestions.

Educator: Guys, we live in the 21st century. Everyone has computers and cell phones. And the phone has many functions and even a camera. So let's take a photo of the road for Mashenka and send it to her.(the teacher takes a photo and sends it)

Educator: - We helped Mashenka, it’s time for us to go. Let's take a look at our map.

Guys, look, the map shows us the house. So our path lies to the house.(approach the house)

What a beautiful, painted house. Tell me guys, in which fairy tale did one hero break a house and scare away all the residents???

Children: Teremok.

Educator: Well done! Right. There is a note hanging on the house. Let's read it.(reads the note)

- Good fellows and beautiful girls! We, the heroes of the Teremok fairy tale, learned one of Koshchei’s secrets. We are afraid of him, so we hid. And we inform you. We saw how Koschey and Baba Yaga cut up a photograph and kept repeating: “Now they will never find their book.” When they left, we found all the pieces, but we couldn’t put them back together. Maybe you can do it. We wish you good luck. Residents of the tower.

Educator: Guys, we need to try to collect the pieces of the picture, it’s probably very important information about where Koschey and Baba Yaga hid our book. But we need to be very quiet because we have already come very close to the place where the book is hidden. This means Koschey and Baba Yaga are somewhere nearby.

Children: (They collect cut-out pictures that depict Koschey with a chest. There is a lock hanging on the chest)

Educator: Probably Koschey and Baba Yaga hid the book in a chest. There's a lock on the chest, and it's so big. To open this lock, everyone needs to draw one key, then the lock will open.

Children: (Children sit at tables and draw keys, when they have drawn everything, a sound is heard as if a lock has opened)

Educator: Guys, we heard the lock open, but somewhere very close, let's look. (find a chest)

- Well done! We found the book “Favorite Tales”. Why do you think Koschey and Baba Yaga stole the “Book of Fairy Tales”? That's right guys, because there is a lot of goodness and magic in fairy tales. Today we tried and returned the “Book of Fairy Tales”, for this we had to overcome hard way, solve riddles and pass all the tests. We won because we are friendly guys, right?

Educator: - It's time to return to kindergarten to your friends and toys. To do this, let’s stand on a magic carpet, close our eyes and say everything together magic words: “One, two, three - get back to kindergarten! "

So we found ourselves in a kindergarten group!

Children: - Hurray!

Educator: - What was difficult for you, Vanya? What task did Masha like to complete? Vladik? Which task was the easiest for Timur... Oleg?

Guys, pay attention to the basket, there are red and green apples in it. They mean what mood you are in today after our trip. Red apples are a cheerful, joyful, good mood. Green - sadness, boredom, it means you were not interested today. I suggest taking an apple that suits your mood.

Educator: - Well done boys. Look how many red apples you have in your hands, it means we had a great trip today.(and if there are green ones, you can offer them to take a red apple and their mood will lift).Thank you for the exciting journey.. Goodbye!

Target: Continue to teach children creative storytelling
using TRIZ technology.

Educational objectives:
1. Clarify and enrich children’s knowledge about Russian folk and original fairy tales.
2. Learn to recognize fairy-tale characters.
3. Continue teaching children to compose. fairy tale, connect individual pictures into a single plot through a logical chain of actions and transformations. Use means of expression- description. Learn to use a graphic analogy (TRIZ) when highlighting the most important thing in the image of a fairy-tale hero - character.
4. Improve the ability to use different parts of speech exactly according to their meaning.
5. Introduce synonyms into the children’s dictionary: kind, laughing, affectionate, gentle, cheerful, playful. Antonyms: kind, evil, cheerful - sad, healthy - sick and others.
6. Continue to build skills educational activities: act according to the proposed plan, correctly evaluate the results of your activities.
7. Continue to teach children to formulate complete answers to the question posed.
8. Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher’s questions, take turns when answering questions, listen to the other child without interrupting.

Developmental tasks:
1. Develop children’s ability to act in a coordinated manner.
2. Develop coherent speech, thinking, imagination, fantasy.
3. Develop auditory attention and memory.

Educational tasks:
1. Cultivate an interest in reading, a love of spoken word folk art, fairy tales.
2. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Corrective tasks:
1. Increased visual acuity. Amblyopic eye training. Improving color perception.
2. Development and training of visual attention and memory.
3. Development of gaze fixation.
4. Development auditory perception.
5. Development of coordination of movements.

Integrated educational areas:
"Reading fiction", "Cognition. FCCM", "Cognition.
FEMP", "Socialization", "Health", " Physical Culture»,

Preliminary work:
Reading and analysis of original and folk tales and riddles. Introduction to symbols (TRIZ). Examination of illustrations “Heroes of Fairy Tales”. Formation of children's knowledge about the structure of a fairy tale: beginning, climax, ending. Introduction and analysis of proverbs about fairy tales, selection from the text and analysis of phraseological units: imagery, brightness, expressiveness, accuracy, brevity. Selection of musical accompaniment. Dramatization. Acquaintance with illustrators: I. Bilibin, E. Rachev, E. Charushin, Konashevich. Use of ICT. Di. "Your own storyteller." Printed board games: “Turnip”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”.

Two easels; two pointers; flannelograph; illustrations of fairy tale heroes; diagrams depicting fairy tale heroes and their character; illustration “Confusion”; illustrations for the game “Recognize by the Shadow”; diagrams for the game “Your own storyteller”; soft cube; multi-colored landmarks; CDs; surprise medals; two physical education arcs.


Organizing time. The chairs stand in a semicircle near the board. There is a landmark (flower) on each chair.

Children come in to the music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” and stand near the teacher.

Q: “There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
But to live in the world
We can't live without them.
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead.
We will knock on the door of a fairy tale,
Fairy tale, wait for us to visit.

Q: Today we are going to visit fairy tales.
“If you call it a fairy tale,
Then you’ll take the flower with you.”

Q: Name your favorite fairy tale.
The children call, the teacher hangs a “flower” on each child’s neck -
reference point.

Q: These are unusual flowers - they will help you travel through fairy tales.
“All the flowers swayed
We found ourselves in the land of fairy tales."
Children sit on chairs, each with its own “own” landmark on the back.

Q: Children, wizard fairy-tale heroes put on “invisible hats”, so now we will only hear their voices. Listen carefully and name quickly.
An audio recording plays. Children name the characters. Voice: Brother - Ivanushka, Mashenka, gold fish, Carlson, The Frog Princess. Winnie the Pooh, Mama Goat, Fox, Emelya, Morozko, Ivan the Fool.

Q: Well done! You recognize all the heroes, but the wizard continues to perform tricks.
There is a poster “Fairy Tale Confusion” on the board.

Q: Look what he did?

D: He mixed up all the fairy tales.

Q: What fairy tales did he mix up? Name them.

D: “Puss in Boots”, “Cinderella”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Masha and the Bear”, “The Frog Princess”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “Po pike command", "Zayushkina's hut", "The hare is bragging."

Q: Right. What did the wizard mix up in the picture?

D: Cinderella is given a glass slipper to try on, not boots.
It is not the cat in boots who tries on the shoe, but the prince.
The bear is not carrying the frog princess, but Mashenka.
The princess on Gorshin sleeps not on the stove, but on a feather bed, and the stove is from the fairy tale “At the Order of the Pike.”
Little Red Riding Hood meets not a hare, but a wolf.
(The teacher removes the poster from the board).

Q: “We all solved fairy tales
And all the heroes were found.
We need to go further."
(Children stand up one after another and follow the teacher.)
Q: “We’ll walk along the path
Let's cross the bridge."
(“Bridge” - two arcs. Children pass between them.)
Q: The one who says the opposite word will walk across the bridge. Flowers will help you find your place.
- Cheerful - sad,
- kind angry,
- Brave - cowardly,
-Old - young,
-Strong - weak,
-Healthy - sick,
- Smart - stupid,
- Polite - rude,
- Full - hungry,
- Mighty - weak,
- Mischievous - obedient,
- Lazy - hardworking.
(“The bridge” is removed. To the left of the window is an easel. On the floor there are flowers - landmarks. Children stand, each, near their landmark.
On the easel are “shadows” of fairy-tale characters.

Q: The wizard hid the heroes.
"If we solve them,
We will save them from magic.”
Q: We name the shadow, turn it over to see if you guessed correctly.
D: This is Baba Yaga, Puss in Boots, the King, Emelya, the Little Mermaid, Buratino, the Serpent Gorynych.
(As they are named, children turn over the illustrations, there is a color image).
Q: You recognized all the heroes, now let’s rest.

6 .
Gymnastics for the eyes.
"We came to a wonderful forest.
(Draw a circle to the right with your eyes)
There are many fairy tales and miracles in it.
(Circle to the left)
Pine trees on the left, spruce trees on the right,
(Eyes to the right and left)
There's a woodpecker on top, knock and knock.
(Eyes up and down)
Open your eyes, close them.
And quickly run home.
B: Go to the window. Look at the circle on the window, look at the house.
How many windows on the first floor have lights on? Count it. Look at the circle. On the top floor?
Q: Well done! We return to our chairs.

7 .
Q: While you and I were traveling, the wizard visited here again and left us portraits, but unusual ones, portraits - lines.

Q: What line is this?
(The teacher shows a wavy line on the board.)
D: It's a wavy line.
Q: What kind of character should a hero have that can be depicted with such a line?
D: He must be kind, gentle, affectionate, hardworking, caring
Q: List the heroes of fairy tales with such a character.
D: Cinderella, Snow White, Swan Princess, Mashenka, Vasilisa the Wise, Elena the Beautiful.
Q: True, why?
D: They are all kind, generous, caring, affectionate, gentle.
(The teacher hangs a portrait of Cinderella on the board next to the line).
(On the desk broken line.)
Q: Do you think a good character can be drawn with a broken line?
D: No.
Q: What is this line like?
D: It looks like lightning, like thorns, like needles.
Q: So, what kind of character can heroes be depicted with this line?
D: They are evil, cruel, heartless, envious.
Q: List them.
D: Kashchei the Immortal, Serpent Gorynych, Baba Yaga, Miracle Yudo.
(Together with the line of the character-Snake Gorynych)
Q: Right, what is the name of this hero?
D: His name is Ivan Tsarevich.
Q: What line can you draw it with?
D: You can draw it with a straight line.
Q: Why? What is his character like?
D: He is kind, strong, courageous, courageous, brave, powerful, wise.
Q: List the heroes who have such a character.
D: Ivan - peasant son, Ivan Tsarevich, Prince Guidon, Tsar Saltan, Elisha.
(On the board is the character of Ivan Tsarevich and a straight line.)
(The teacher hangs up Pinocchio and a line depicting an arc.)
Q: Why did I place this line next to this hero? What's his name?
D: His name is Emelya.
Q: What is his character like?
D: Cheerful, mischievous, funny.
Q: Why such a line? What does she look like?
D: It looks like a smile.
Q: What characters with such a character do you know?
D: Emelya, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Carlson.
Q: Well done! You were right about the characters. And now you yourself will turn into fairy-tale characters.

Music sounds, children get up, come out from behind the chairs, and form a circle.
Q: “What kind of masquerade is this?
And animals and birds parade
You won't understand anything
Where is the squirrel, where is the hedgehog?
Get ready and watch
Fairytale animal, freeze in place.
Fairy tales came to visit us
Determine who is who.
Pinocchio and Kashchei
And Malvina and the villain.
Get ready and watch
A figure from a fairy tale, freeze in place.
(Children go to their chairs.)

9 .
Q: And now you and I will compose our own fairy tale.
"We'll play with dice,
Let's write a fairy tale."
(On the easel is a plan diagram of fairy tales.)
Q: The first step is to throw the dice, count how many come up, look for a pattern, this is the beginning of a fairy tale. We make a proposal. We throw the dice again - we count, we make up a second sentence according to the scheme that appears. Just five steps.
Our fairy tale should be interesting, complete, a miracle and magic should happen in it. It must contain fairy-tale heroes and good defeat evil.
(Children compose a fairy tale based on the diagrams that have fallen out, the teacher guides and asks questions.)
(Approximate option fairy tales: see Appendix 1.)

Q: Well done! Now it's time for us to return.
Did you enjoy visiting fairy tales?
D: Yes.
Q: What did you like? What do you remember most?
(Children answer.)
Q: “Believing in a fairy tale is happiness,
And to those who believe
A fairy tale will definitely open all doors.”
The teacher distributes medals and souvenirs.

Appendix No. 1.
Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen. They lived in big palace. They had no children. They lived a boring life and one fine morning they found themselves on a desert island. It was very beautiful there. Grew up unusual trees and wonderful birds sang. On the island they met a kind stargazer, who told them about the planets and showed them through his telescope. The astrologer really liked the king and queen and he gave them magic apple. They thanked the astrologer and set off on their way back with this apple. It not only showed them the way home, but upon their return it continued to work miracles. And this is what came of it: in due time, a son was born to them and they began to live well and make good money.

Title: Lesson notes in preparatory group with TRIZ elements “Visiting a fairy tale”

Position: teacher of the 1st qualification category
Place of work: MDOU kindergarten No. 112
Location: Yaroslavl, Russian Federation

Abstract educational activities by region" Speech development"in the preparatory school group

"We read fairy tales - we know a lot"

Goal: To form children’s ideas about Russians folk tales, enrich the stock of literary impressions.



1.Form a personal perception of fairy tales;

2. Strengthen the ability to determine the name of fairy tales from the statements of the characters in fairy tales.

3. Strengthen the ability to form words from the proposed set of letters.

Developmental tasks:

1.Develop auditory and visual perception;

2. Develop children's speech.


1.Cultivate goodwill;

2. Cultivate emotional responsiveness and the desire to come to the aid of the hero of the fairy tale).

Preliminary work:

1.Reading Russian folk tales;

2. Conversations about the actions of the characters,

3. Didactic games "Guess what fairy tale." "Determine whose magic item".

4 Learning the role of Alyonushka (dialogue).

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, we have guests today. Let us greet you so that the words are not repeated. (Hello, good afternoon, glad to see you, welcome, nice to meet you (a girl can be heard crying).

Educator: Who is crying there? Girl, what's your name?

Alyonushka. : Alyonushka.

Educator: Why are you crying?

Alyonushka: Father and Mother left me to look after my brother. I didn’t listen to them, I went for a walk with my friends and started playing. They swooped in Swan geese and carried my brother away on wings. Oh, it will be bad for me from my father and mother.

Educator: Don’t be sad, Alyonushka, look how many helpers you have. Guys, can we help Alyonushka out?

Children: Yes.


To get into a fairy tale,

Words to be said:

Close your eyes,

Try your best,

1,2.3 - turn around, you will find yourself in a fairy tale.

Here we are in the clearing. Guys, look, what is this?

Children: Stove.

Educator: Hello, mother stove.

Stove. Hello, good people.

Educator: Stove, can you tell me where the geese and swans flew?

Stove. I’ll tell you, just do my task first: open the door and look inside.

Educator: Guys, I found the disk, which means the task is encrypted on it. Guys, you have to find out from the illustration which fairy tale the hero is from (children can guess from the images).

Stove: We completed the task. I’ll tell you, the swan geese flew to the apple tree.

Educator: How do we get to the apple tree?

Pechka: I have a magic ball that will show you the way.

So tnank you,


We came to a forest clearing,

We raise our legs higher.

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

We walked carefully

They didn’t stumble, they didn’t fall.

They ran together merrily.

And not at all tired.

They came to the clearing

They found a miracle apple tree.

Educator: Hello, apple tree! Can you tell me where the swan geese are and where they flew?

Apple tree: GOOD DAY. I'll tell you if you pick my magic apples and complete the tasks.

Teacher (reads) Guess which character the words belong to:

1. Get into one of my ears and out of the other, everything will be... (Cow).

2. Don’t drink, brother, you’ll become a little goat (Alyonushka).

3. Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red one? (Frost)

4. A beaten person is not lucky (Fox).

5.Here, doll. eat, listen to my grief (Vasilisa the Beautiful).

Yablonka, Well done, you did it. The swan geese flew to the milk river (the teacher rolls a ball, the children walk like a snake).

Educator: Hello, milk river - jelly banks! Tell me. where did the geese and swans fly?

River: I’ll tell you, but in order to cross to the other bank, you need to build a bridge, not a simple one, but from letters. Listen to the riddle, the word is the answer for the bridge.


An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who, saying goodbye to green skin

He became sweet, beautiful, and pretty. (word-answer: Frog Princess).

River. We completed the task. Cross the bridge.


Now let's cross the river,

We'll get to the other side.

Let's come to Grandma-Ezhka

And we’ll save Vanyusha.

Baba Yaga appears. Sniffs.

Baba Yaga: FU, FU, FU. Who bothered me? It smells like a child's spirit, oh, there are so many of you. Why did you come? I'm not expecting guests.

Educator: OH, Baba Yaga, how angry you are, what a loud voice you have and unfriendly words.

Baba Yaga: Stop talking. Why did you show up without getting dusty?

Alyonushka: We came for brother Vanya.

Baba Yaga: Look what you want, I won’t just give it to you. Koschey sent me a crossword puzzle, I can’t guess anything. If you help me, my dears, then we’ll see.

Guessing a crossword puzzle together (questions about Russians folk instruments)

Baba Yaga: Where did you come from so smart?

Completed the entire crossword puzzle

The people here are very smart.

I invite everyone to stand in a circle,

Dance with Grandma the Hedgehog!

Dance game"Grandma-Ezhka"

Alyonushka: Baba Yaga, it’s time to return brother Vanyusha. We completed your task. Please return Vanya.

Baba Yaga: Well, okay, I took yours. Take your VANYA (offended).

Educator: For some reason I feel sorry for Baba Yaga. Maybe she does such bad things because no one loves her and she has no friends, no one cares about her?

Let's please her

Let's pick a flower and give it to her.

So that she doesn't feel sad,

To make her life more fun.

Children collect flowers and give them to the character.


Target: consolidate children's knowledge about fairy tales and fairy-tale characters.


Educational: - Form a consistent and expressive conveyance of the content of the work;

Strengthen the ability to write descriptive story from pictures.

Developmental: - develop figurative speech, creative imagination;

Develop a desire for accurate use of words;

Educational: - Cultivate love for fairy tales;

Develop the ability to cooperate with each other and adults.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales.

Materials and equipment: illustration for fairy tales, musical accompaniment, letter, disposable plastic spoons, napkins, scissors, stapler, PVA glue, eye stickers, colored paper.

Methods and techniques: conversation, explanations.

Progress of the lesson:

1. -Good morning Guys! Look, we have guests today, let's say hello to them!

- "Circle of Joy"

“They looked at each other,

Hold hands tightly

Left - right turned,

And they smiled at each other.” Let's smile at our guests too, let's give our smile. Well done! Have a seat!

2. Guys, does he like you? fairy tales?

Children. Yes. We love you. Like very much.

Educator. How is it possible talk about a fairy tale, what is she like?

Children. Magical, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise, etc.

Educator: Fairy tales There are happy and sad, funny, they are familiar from childhood. Our first ideas about the world, good and evil, and justice are associated with them.

Fairy tales loved by children and adults, they inspire writers and poets, composers and artists. On fabulous plays and films are staged, operas and ballets are created.

Fairy tales are"Soul of the People". Passed on from generation to generation fairy tales came to us from ancient times.

Do you guys want to fly to the country with me? fairy tales and test your knowledge about fairy tales.

But how do we get into the country? fairy tales? Let's remember what magical objects help fairy tale characters move.

Children: Airplane carpet, flying ship, walking boots, etc.

Educator: How about we get into fairy tale magic shoes will help. And they flew in a circle. Guys, our little shoes don't want to take off. What are we going to do?

Need to cast a spell “they put the shoes on flew a fairy tale» . (fabulous music) .

Educator: Here we are in the world fairy tales. 1 slide. Look at the magic screen they greet us fairy-tale heroes.

Slide 2 Letter. Oh, there's some old letter here, signed preparatory group. It says here that we guys must complete the tasks and for each task completed we will receive a golden key. When we collect all the keys, we will be able to open the magic chest. Are you ready to complete all the tasks?

1 task. You need to solve riddles about fairy tales and fairy-tale heroes.

Slide 3 is a riddle, slide 4 is a solution.

Grandma and grandpa roared:

What should we do with lunch now?

The mouse ran across the table

And the egg suddenly fell.

(Ryaba chicken)

A ruddy round boy,

Ran away from home for a day.

Wandered with a cheerful song

And avoided all dangers

Until the time in the forest

I didn't meet the sly fox. (Kolobok)

She is the most important mystery of all,

Even though she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandfather and grandmother.


IN deep forest the hut got lost.

A difficult old woman lives in a hut -

sits on a broom,

And then it flies over the forest like a bird!

(Baba Yaga)

Slide 11,12

I persuaded my brother

Big sister:

“You drink from a puddle

Muddy water."

The boy did not listen -

He turned into a kid. (Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka).

Slide 13,14

In the forest a girl stands crying,

He hides his hands from the cold.

And my nose is frozen and my ears too,

She looks like a Snow Maiden.

Frost began to talk to her,

From all sides towards her suit: and ask

Are you warm, girl? ( "Morozko").

15 Slide. Guys, a golden key appears on the magic screen, which means you have completed task 1. Well done boys!

Task 2. You need to name which one fairy tales these objects?

16 slide: 1. Magic mirror - FAIRY TALE


AND ABOUT THE SEVEN BOGATYRS. And who remembers what words the princess said while looking at the mirror: “My light, mirror! Tell

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All rosy and white?”

2. Broken trough - "Gold fish". How many wishes did the Goldfish grant to the old man? Well done, let's look further.

3. Whose crystal is this? Cinderella's slipper. How did Cinderella lose one of her shoes? She ran away from the prince.

4. Who had this item - the golden key, Pinocchio.

5. Which one fabulous the character can be defeated with this item (with a needle)- Koshcheya.

6. Broom – Baba Yaga. Well done guys, you know everything well fairy tales and your knowledge helped us overcome the task.

Oh guys, the golden key appeared on the screen! We also completed the 2nd task.

Guys, your eyes are probably tired, let's take a rest. Look at the magic screen and you and I will watch fairy forest.

3 task. You will need to guess songs from familiar cartoons. Listen to the first musical excerpt

1 song Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. Look, you guessed correctly!

2. Cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians". (There is nothing better in the world than wandering around the world with friends)

3. Cartoon song « flying ship» . (Stretch the bellows of the accordion, sing, play, play)

4. Song from the cartoon "Holidays in Prostokvashino". (If it weren’t for winter in cities and villages, we would never have known these happy days)

5. Merman's song from the cartoon "Flying ship". (I’m a merman, I’m a merman, someone would talk to me, otherwise my friends are leeches and frogs)

6. Cartoon song "Little Raccoon". (A smile makes a gloomy day brighter, a smile makes a rainbow light up in the sky).

7. Lullaby from the cartoon "Umka". (Your neighbors the polar bears are sleeping, sleep and you'll soon be a baby)

Well done boys! A key has appeared, which means we have completed this task. Let's play and relax!

Fizminutka: "Shoes"

One two three four five! (children jump forward)

I'm jumping along the path.

One two three four five!

I'm teaching the shoe to jump. (jumping in place)

One two three four five!

The heel broke off. (children crouch)

One two three four five!

Started jumping again (spread arms to the sides)

(music is cheerful or Russian-folk song)

4 task “Describe fairy tale» . Guys, you need to describe the actions fairy tales, and the rest of the guys have to guess.

Task 5. Picture of a doll. We need to make dolls. Let's all go to the table. We will make dolls from plastic spoons. Us will be needed:

1) Disposable plastic spoons.

3) paper napkins

4) Scissors, stapler.

5) PVA glue

6) Eye stickers.

7) Colored paper.

Let's start with the hair for the doll. Take a paper napkin, fold it into four, draw a circle and cut it out. We fix it with a stapler. Making a pompom (fluff the ball). Pour glue into a spoon. Glue and lightly press our pompom to the spoon. Glue on the eyes. Cut out and glue a mouth out of red colored paper. Draw a dress on a napkin and cut it out. We make a cut to insert a spoon. We insert our spoon into the cut for the neck with the stick down. We tie a ribbon and secure the dress.

Our plastic spoon doll is ready! You can make dolls from plastic spoons from various materials(hair and beard are made of cotton wool, woolen threads, and clothes for dolls can be made from all kinds of fabrics, paper napkins).

3. Independent work children (soft music).

What beautiful dolls you have made, so elegant. Each child describes his doll. Let us take your dolls to ours group in the corner Puppet theater We’ll teach other guys how to do it too. The 5th key appeared on the screen. We guys coped with all the tests, our chest opened and fairy tale gives us coloring books fairy-tale heroes.

The guys were probably waiting for us in kindergarten. IN the fairy tale is good, and at home is even better. For our magic shoes to fly, we need say a spell“We put on our shoes and flew to kindergarten”. Guys, we've arrived back at the hospital. Did you like it journey? Let's remember what tasks we performed? About whom they composed a fairy tale? What exactly did you like? Guys, I really liked how you all answered the questions, most importantly, you were very friendly and that’s why you managed to complete all the tasks. Well done! Let's say goodbye to our guests! Thank you!

Shepeleva Tatyana Viktorovna


MAU DO "Sorokinsky Development Center" child - children's garden No. 1"

Target: create conditions for consolidating children's knowledge about fairy tales and their heroes.



Deepen, expand and consolidate children's knowledge about fairy tales.

Improve the ability to recognize a fairy tale from illustrations.

Improve knowledge about watches.

Fix the names of fairy tales; children's skills in writing sentences; plane orientation skills; ability to compose a syncwine; the ability to identify the first sound in a word;


Develop speech and cognitive activity of children, logical thinking through solving riddles, imagination, visual memory, observation, the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions and conclusions, the ability to perform various game tasks.


Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales, a desire to help them, and the ability to work together.

Integration: “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Physical development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Equipment: books, a book without pages, presentation, projector, board, magic mirror, ball, chest, cut pictures based on fairy tales, envelopes, flannelograph for each, 5 pieces of figurines for each child, a watch for each child, a stone with a syncwine diagram , book of fairy tales, coloring pages based on fairy tales.

V-l: Hello, guys! Guys, what are your mood now? (Good). And I'm in a good mood too. Look, I have a mirror in my hand, it’s magical. We will pass it on to each other and put our good mood into it (children pass the mirror from hand to hand).

Guys, you have conveyed your good mood to the mirror and it is smiling at you, and now you, smile at each other, and now let’s blow on our hands and share our smiles and good mood with guests.

V-l: Guys, today a package arrived at our kindergarten. Let's see what's in it.

Children: Book.

V-l: Guys, look, the book is empty. Where are the fairy tales?

V-l: Guys, what should we do? What should I do?

We need to find all the pages from the fairy tales so that we can read them. Guys, are you ready to take the test and return the pages of fairy tales to the book?

V-l: To help the book, we need to get to the Land of Fairy Tales. How do you think we can get to the Land of Fairy Tales?

Children: On a carpet - an airplane, on a fairy train, on hot-air balloon etc.

V-l: And I suggest you go through the magic mirror, and then we will find ourselves in the Land of Fairy Tales. But in magical land Only kind, polite and well-mannered children can enter. Before going through the mirror we need to call "magic words". (children call "magic words" (thank you, please, goodbye, hello) and pass through the mirror, and receive an apple emblem from the mirror, music sounds).

V-l: So we got into fairyland. Where next? Who will show us the way?

Children's guesses

V-l: In many Russian folk tales there is one magical object that shows the path for the heroes. Do you remember what these items are?

Children: This is a magic ball.

V-l: Yes, guys, a magic ball will help us today. This ball will show us the way to the land of fairy tales. We just need to say the magic words: “Help us little ball, bring us to the Land of Fairy Tales!” (the ball rolled towards the chest).

Let's open the chest, look guys, here's the first task

A game: "Guess and name"

The teacher asks a riddle, and the children name a fairy tale.


If Petya the Simplicity had not looked out the window,

The fox would not have carried him away into the dark forests.

("Cat, Fox and Rooster") (slide5)

Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears) (slide6)

Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor. (Aibolit) (slide7)

Lots of silver and gold

He hid it in his chests.

He lives in a gloomy palace

And he steals other people's brides.

(Koschei the Deathless) (slide 8)

Mom taught the children

Don't open the door to strangers,

The kids didn’t listen and fell into the wolf’s mouth.

("The wolf and the seven Young goats") (slide 9)

Well done, you completed the first task, and here is the first red page of our book.

Now we need to complete the next task.

2. Here is an envelope with cut-out illustrations for fairy tales. And Baba Yaga managed to visit here! Look, all the pictures are cut! It is impossible to understand what fairy tales are in the pictures. I don’t know how to figure out what kind of fairy tale it is! Shall we help you guys?

Children: Let's help.

(Children collect pictures and say the name of the fairy tale)

V-l: Well done! Another orange page for our book!

Guys, here is the next task that needs to be completed.

3. Here is a magic apple and “Fun puzzles” are written on it:

1. How many noses do three cats have? (3)

2. How many ears do two mice have? (4)

3. How many bellies do five hippos have? (5)

4. How much hind legs two bunnies? (4)

V-l: What great fellows you are! We completed this task too.

But another yellow page was found.

Guys, to open the next page, we need to pass the next test.

We need to place houses and heroes from a fairy tale in the clearing.

Children perform tasks on a flannelgraph.

On the right top corner arrange Zayushka's hut.

In the lower left corner is a fox's hut.

In the center is a cockerel.

In the lower right is a fox.

In the upper left is a hare.

V-l: What fairy tale is this?

Children: “Zayushkina’s hut”

(check the tasks on the slide)

V-l: And here is another green page! Before moving on, I suggest you play a little!

Dynamic pause "Fairy tales"

The mouse ran quickly (running in place)

The mouse wagged its tail (simulation of movement)

Oops, I dropped an egg (bend over, “lift the testicle”)

Look, I broke it (show “testicle” with outstretched arms)

What kind of fairy tale is this? Slide 17 (1)

Here we planted her (bend over)

And they poured water on her (simulation of movement)

The turnip grew good and strong (spread your arms to the sides)

Now let's pull it (simulation of movement)

And we’ll make porridge from turnips (imitation food)

And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip (show "strength")

What kind of fairy tale is this? Slide 17 (2)

We are a nice family of little goats

We love to jump and gallop (bouncing in place)

We love to run and play

We love to butt heads (stand in pairs and show “horns” with the index fingers of both hands)

What is the name of this fairy tale? Slide 17 (3)

Vl: Well done guys, you know fairy tales and their heroes well. Tangle behest us forward.

5. The ball rolled to the fairy stone. There are some diagrams on the stone. What is this? How do you think? (This is a syncwine scheme) What is syncwine?

Children: Cinquain is an awkward poem of 5 lines, composed according to certain rules.

1 line. Hero.

2nd line. Words signs.

3 line. Action words.

4 line. Proposal for a hero.

5 line. Your attitude towards the hero.

Question: Using the diagram, make a syncwine about your fairy-tale hero.

Children make up a syncwine.

V-l: What great fellows you are!

But another blue page was found.

6. The ball led us to the next task.

Trouble happened to Cinderella, Baba Yaga ruined the clock main tower, and Cinderella will not be able to return home on time.

Shall we help? In order to correct the clock, we need to remember what time and what Cinderella was doing. I’m reading Cinderella’s daily routine, and when you hear the time, show it on the clock.

Cinderella woke up at 6 o'clock.

At 9 o'clock I prepared lunch.

And at 10 o’clock I started cleaning.

At noon I washed clothes.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon I sewed outfits for my sisters.

At 7 o'clock I saw him off to the ball.

The Fairy came to the rescue at 8 o'clock.

At midnight all the magic will end.

V-l: Well done!

Here is another blue page found!

7. Guys, we have our last test.

Make a word from the first sounds. Name the picture and say which sound is first. (Children make up a word "THANK YOU" put the word on the board). What word did you get? The book thanks you for your efforts!

And here it is last page- purple!

All pages of our book are multi-colored. Name them all. Red, orange, ...., purple. What do these colors remind you of? Colors of rainbow. Well done, now let's turn our book into a real book of fairy tales. Our magic chest will help us. To do this we need to say the magic words “Snoop, snap, snoop!”- say these magic words 3 times

Educator: Let's look into our chest! Look what book we were able to put together! Every evening we will read it with you! Well done to all of you! I see that you love fairy tales and appreciate them!

Believing in a fairy tale is happiness. And for those who believe, the fairy tale will definitely open all doors. And he will give you something interesting. (Children receive coloring books as a gift from the chest). Baba Yaga sent you a gift for your courage, for your efforts, for your love of fairy tales. I propose to leave our ball in a fairy tale. And we return to kindergarten with gifts.

(We pass through the mirror to the music)


Do you think we helped the Book?

Was it difficult to help the book?

Guys, what was the most interesting?

Which test was the easiest?

What test did you find most difficult?

Why do you think we completed all the tasks?

Children: - Because we are very friendly, we know how to solve difficult tasks, we help each other. We worked as a team.

(distribute coloring books) I suggest you color the coloring pages yourself and tell your mom and dad a fairy tale about this hero at home.


1.L. M. Shipitsyna "The ABCs of Communication". - St. Petersburg, CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2002

2.T. A. Shorygina "Conversations on Good and Bad Behavior". - M., shopping center "Sphere",

4.O. L. Knyazeva “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture» . - St. Petersburg, CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2000

5. L. V. Voroshnina « Notes classes on children's speech development".

6.O. F. Gorbatenko " Complex classes by section « Social world» . -Volgograd, "Teacher", 2007.

7.B. N. Volchkova, N. V. Stepanova "Cognitive Development". - Voronezh, "Teacher", 2006.

8. Ushakova O. S., Gavrish P. V. “Introducing preschoolers to literature”. - M.: Sfera, 2005

11.Internet resource:

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodological material:
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- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

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