Fairy tales where there are unusual means of transportation. Topic: “Fairytale vehicles. "Sivka Burka", "Flying Ship"

Natalya Skochedubova


1. Help children understand that a book is a source of knowledge;

2. Learn to understand the content of what you read, use the knowledge gained;

3. Maintain interest in independent reading, books, and education careful attitude To her.

Questions quizzes

1. Which vehicle helped the Snow Queen steal Kai; (sled)

2. What did Ellie fly to? Fairytale Land ; (in your own house)

3. What made the house rise up and fly away? Fairytale Land; (Hurricane)

4. Using what fabulous remedy Ellie returned home; (silver shoes)

5. Which vehicle helped build Ivan Vodyanoy; (flying ship)

6. Which one fairy tale hero, having violated the rules of behavior on the road, he was severely injured and had to have his legs sewn on; (K. Chukovsky "Aibolit" Bunny - “...he was running along the path and his legs were cut”)

7. Which vehicle cut Bunny's legs Chukovsky's fairy tale"Aibolit"; (tram)

8. Which one fabulous the hero does not need to fly transport; (Carlson)

9. Fairy an airplane without doors or walls; (Magic carpet)

10. Which one Emelya traveled in a vehicle to the Tsar; (stove)

11. Which vehicle turned into a pumpkin when a passenger did not return home in time; (coach, fairy tale"Cinderella")

12. First fairytale woman - pilot; (Baba - Yaga)

13. For which road the vehicle does not need any gasoline, no electricity, no rails, don't even need a license (bike)

14. Fairy aircraft for one; (broom, mortar)

15. What transport baby remedy moves without fuel and without wheels; (snow scooter)

16. What fairy-tale hero - vehicle punished for frequent lateness because of the love of nature and birdsong; (Locomotive from Romashkovo)

17. Which one fabulous transport Did evil envious people send the queen and her son into exile? (barrel, « The Tale of Tsar Saltan» )

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

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Summary of the event on the public organization “Speech Development”. Literary quiz on Russian folk tales" (senior preschool age) Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution d/s No. 25 “Firefly”, Kstovo Summary of the event on OO Speech development.

Notes on observing a birch tree (senior preschool age) Birch Observation Note (Senior preschool age) Goal: To consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about the birch tree, its unique medicinal properties.

Goal: development of children’s cognitive activity in the process of experimenting with water. Objectives: 1. Introduce children to the properties of water.

Abstract senior preschool age “Vegetable salad” Objectives: Educational: -To consolidate children’s knowledge about vegetables, in what form they are eaten by humans, the concept of “vegetables”. -Secure the view.

OOD "Travel" area "Cognition" (senior preschool age) Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten general developmental type with priority implementation of activities one at a time.

Project “My Beloved Saratov” (senior preschool age) Project: “My Beloved Saratov” Problem: What can a 6-7 year old child know about his city? Goal: Development of cognitive activity of children.

MBOU "Secondary" comprehensive school №15"

urban district city of Salavat


Means of transportation by air in literary works

5a grade student

Scientific adviser:

Davletbaeva Olga Vasilievna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

highest qualification category

Salavat 2014

My research hypothesis: “...could people actually take off without all these “flying” devices?”

Goals and objectives of the study:

1) To analyze the prototypes of which aircraft the fairy-tale and literary “flying” devices became.

2) Create a kind of library of fairy-tale and literary flying heroes.

3) Prepare a series of conversations on this topic for elementary school students, which I could conduct myself.


In my research work, I want to talk about some “flying” fairy-tale and literary characters and their “flying” devices, and also try to understand and explain why many literary and fairy-tale heroes flew long before the first human flight into space. Unfortunately, no one knows when a person first raised his head to the sky and noticed its frightening size and at the same time fantastic beauty. We also do not know the time when a person first noticed birds soaring in the air, and the idea of ​​following them arose in his head. Just as any journey, even the longest one, begins with one small step, so the long history of the conquest of airspace began with an ordinary dream. Scientists believe that this happened a very long time ago. AND for a long time man saw only one opportunity to rise to heavenly heights - to become like birds and gain wings.

Unlike most animals, man is given the ability to see a blue sky covered with white, cotton-like clouds, a bright, yellow Sun, and colorfully colored birds fluttering carefree. He couldn't help but take advantage of it. The sky delighted and beckoned. Thus was born a dream, which was first embodied in legends and then became a reality. And yet, some scientists believe that people flew in ancient times. Why did they descend back to earth, having lost their wings? The sky has always been fraught with many mysteries - is humanity, in the 20th century once again taking off to the clouds, destined to solve them? Memories of this kind of flights long years underwent some changes and in a simplified form have survived to this day in the form folklore images. In legends northern peoples The flight technique was described very simply: a fire was lit from shavings, covered with wet matting, anyone could sit on the matting, and the heat lifted him into the heavens up to the Lord God himself. By the way, on the other side of the earth, the aborigines of Oceania have a similar myth about traveling to the heavenly country of their ancestors with the help of a smoke stream: “Iolofat sat on a stream of smoke and rose to Lang” or “a woman entered a smoke column and rose with him to the sky. ..” Perhaps it was precisely this method of aeronautics that served as the prototype for “flying ships”, references to which are found not only in many fairy tales, but also in the myths of the peoples of the world

II . Mythical and fabulous flying heroes of Russian fairy tales

If you carefully study the history of development human society, then you can notice that each ancient people who inhabited the Earth had their own fabulous and mi fic flying heroes. Good and sometimes sacred creatures had wings folded behind their backs and descended to Earth. Terrible dragons were also equipped with them, bringing people evil. Every wise wizard had to, first of all, fly. What kind of omnipotent is he if he can’t even fly?.. And since no one yet knew how exactly one could fly for real, people came up with ideas for what they could do. Whatever the residents flew on fairy world! In Russian fairy tales, these characters cut through the air either with a fiery feather, or with a heavy snake-gorynych’s body, or with a mortar or a curly horse’s mane. From legend to legend are new, closely intertwining children's fairy tales with ancient and half-forgotten mythology, in which echoes of pagan tribes of farmers, nomads, and warriors are mixed. In Russian fairy tales one can find traces of the most different cultures West and East, North and South. Phoenix bird - also known as the Firebird, a dragon with three heads, winged shoes, more often known as walking boots, a flying carpet. Our glider pilots consider their direct ancestor to be the one who once soared on this magic carpet. The flying carpet was built as a tailless glider, according to last word current technology. "What? - said one of the pilots in Crimea, in Koktebel. “If the updrafts are good, you can try it on the carpet, if nothing else is at hand.”

All these creatures and magical attributes created for flight are present in one way or another in almost every fairy tale, thereby creating a cleverly intertwined but integral layer of Russian mythology and culture. It is noteworthy that Most flying characters in Russian fairy tales, unlike European fairy tales, are not the embodiment of a person’s dream of flying. Their ability to fly is not a miracle; you can negotiate with them, catch them, tame them, outwit them, or, in the end, just communicate as equals. On the other hand, among the main characters there are often handsome men and beauties, princes and princesses, who, having “thrown themselves to the ground,” can turn into a dove or a falcon, a sparrow and even a bumblebee.

B Most of the people flew in fairy tales on different brooms. Every real witch had a small broom or broom. Famous Russian witch, Bab Yaga, the first to replace the broom with a wooden mortar. This apparatus was controlled using a pestle. Baba Yaga is the most popular flying character in Russian fairy tales. He invariably moves through the air in a mortar, often waving a broom. Baba Yaga prefers to spend days and nights in her quaint hut or in the company of Leshy and Kikimora. The appearance of her stupa in a fairy tale, cutting through the sky above the forest, does not, as a rule, promise anything good - the Bone Leg strives to eat all human flesh. But even an old woman can have a problem, and Yaga is by no means deprived human weaknesses- if you please her, he will reveal to the brave hero the treasures of his ancient wisdom: he will give you the blade of grass he needs, or he will tell you what and where you can get it in the forest. Baba Yaga, spirit of the forest, Russian dashing, fairy-tale creature, terrifying mere mortals with her truly scary appearance and way of life - independent Magic power, which must be reckoned with not because it can fly, but because it simply exists in those magical Russian forests, where sometimes only heroes and fools are carried.

However, some witches also loved to fly on a black goat. It was fun to sit on it backwards and hold on to the goat's tail. Many people in fairy tales showed the wonders of the art of flying on magic
y horses. The famous Ivan the Fool raced on a hot mare. Following the example of the witches, he also sat on his horse backwards. Rolled across the sky making thunder and lightning prophet Elijah. He had a thundering chariot. When in tsarist army they accepted the new plane and always served a prayer service to Elijah the Prophet. Many other famous and glorious heroes also flew on horses: the Greek Bellerophon rode on the winged horse Pegasus. Son The Sun Phaeton, having climbed onto his father’s chariot, went to shine for the people, but became confused and crashed to pieces.

III . Flying children's heroes literary fairy tales and stories

After dragons, all sorts of extravaganzas and witches, the ability to fly for heroes and anti-heroes migrated to a more harmless and safe form of children's literary fairy tales. In Western children's fairy tales, flights often appear: Little Muk (W. Gauff) gets shoes that carry him wherever he wants, the Snow Queen (H.H. Andersen) rolls the sick Kai across the sky in her cold sleigh...

However, there are not many characters for whom flying is as natural as walking is for us. However, you can remember several of these magical heroes without specifically re-reading a book of fairy tales. James Barry's Peter Pan is one of the most famous fairy-tale "flyers". This is one of the few characters who flies on his own, without additional magical attributes, and this is as natural to him as breathing air. The boy Peter, visiting the houses of city residents, loses his shadow in one of the rooms, without which he can’t fly away
It's impossible. This chance allows you to fly over the city and fairy lands the whole company children. To make this possible, you just need to lightly shake (as long as you have enough patience) the magical fairy, whose sparkling pollen, barely touching the body, can lift into the air uh anyone. And in order to soar calmly and freely on a summer night over a sleeping city, in addition to a grain of miracle, you only need a little confidence and desire. Break away from everyday life and, trusting in chance and a handsome hero, fly to the country of your loved ones.
dreams and be so free that the forces of gravity will cease to have any significant significance. The character of S. Lagerlöf’s story about the incredible adventures of Nils and the flock of geese also had to fly throughout almost the entire fairy tale. And although there was also some witchcraft here that made him boy-thumb, after all, he was much more anxious about flying, clinging to the feathers on the neck of a domestic goose, unaccustomed to flying, and fearing that he would fall off from a blow of wind or an overly sharp turn. Here, the ability to move through the air is an annoying and very exciting necessity on the way to saving the boy from the spell of the irritated gnome magician. Another thing is the goose Martin, who did not know either the sweet sensation of a long flight or lands beyond the poultry yard. For him, the opportunity to join a flock of wild geese is the only option for liberation from the routine life of a country bird and the fate of a hot dinner with baked apples and praise to the hostess about her culinary talents. The transformation of the inexperienced and slightly naive Martin into the hero of the wild goose flock is a miracle, probably more important than the ability to fly. That is why the author ultimately leaves a free sky for the birds, and for humans the opportunity to emerge victorious from any incredible situations.

ABOUT However, the most charming flying inhabitant European fairy tales remains cheerful, Carlson, what, with light hand Astrid Lindgren, lives on the roof and, thanks to talented Russian animators, has become the favorite hero of all children from 4 to 80 years old. Having a small and unburdensome propeller behind him, he is free to roam from floor to floor, looking into the windows from the street, playing pranks here and there, causing a slight mess behind the backs of grumpy nannies and housewives. Cheerfulness, the ability to give joy to others and turn everything into good joke- properties are completely human, but meeting them in life can be as difficult as a soaring passerby. Carlson's ability to fly is just a consequence of his easy, but by no means frivolous, character. And it doesn’t matter if the motor suddenly malfunctions - the bank raspberry jam, and everything will be fine again. Baron Munchausen (E. Raspe) was a good amateur pilot, if you believe his own words. He was a master of all sorts of inventions. Once he made a brave flight on ducks strung in a garland on a string. On another occasion, he managed to break the speed record while flying on a cannonball.

IV . conclusions

Having researched this topic, having analyzed works of art, I came to the following conclusions. Fabulous and literary heroes rise into the air thanks to the amazing imagination of man, thanks to his eternal desire to overcome gravity, to rise above everyday life and feel real freedom to feel the volume and infinity of the world. That is why they do not need special, smart devices. They fly using the simplest things found in the house. These are: a broom used to sweep the floor or yard, a mortar in which grain was pounded to obtain flour, a carpet used to decorate a home, boots that used to be worn by the richest townspeople, a cart (aka chariot) in which they carried their belongings, a sledge, on which children still ride down the mountain in winter, an umbrella that is used to protect themselves from the rain, a propeller similar to a fan for cooling the air, a balloon that is given for a birthday. That is why the most real domestic and wild animals and birds fly: a horse, a mare, a humpbacked foal, a goat, a deer, a wolf, geese, swans, and ducks. And some fly without even leaving home, like the girl Ellie, and the boy in love Vakula manages to saddle the devil himself. And finally, the “most-most” did not find anything more suitable at hand than an ordinary cannonball. They do not need any preparation, and they are ready to move in space and time and fly as long as a person is able to dream about flight, until one day a person flaps his wings and flies...

Annex 1

Flight device

Koschei the Deathless - main negative character Russian fairy tales, whose death is at the end of a needle, which is in an egg, and the egg is in a pike, a pike in a duck, a duck in a falcon, a falcon in a chest, a chest under the roots of an oak tree on the island of Buyan. He's the one you have to fight with good fellows before finding your “frog princess”

L flies on its own using its wings through fairy tales of all peoples of the world

Fire-breathing dragon (one or many heads) – the main negative character of many legends of the peoples of Europe


Baba Yaga lives in most Russian folk tales. He always only threatens to commit a crime, but most often helps good fellows find Elena the Beautiful or Vasilisa the Wise

Broom, mortar

Van Tsarevich,
aka Ivan the Fool, the hero of Russian folk tales. Most often, the main slacker, on whom happiness falls " By- pike command»

WITH gray wolf, Little Humpbacked Horse, flying carpet

Witches live in the oral folk art peoples of Europe, in W. Shakespeare's tragedy "Macbeth", in modern children's horror films and fantasy, in Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" They gather at the Sabbath to worship the devil, perform sacrifices, feasts, dances and bacchanalia (consultation with a teacher-mentor)

M Etla

"Daedalus and Icarus" (from myths Ancient Greece)

WITH homemade wings.

« Little Muck»

B Ashmak

« The Snow Queen»

running sleigh

"Peter Pan"

on its own, without additional attributes, sprinkled with pollen from the Tinker Bell fairy

« Wonderful trip Nils with wild geese"

D some geese

"Mary Poppins"

Umbrella, laughing gas

"Three stories about the Kid and

P propeller

« Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything"

IN balloon

“Dunno in the Sunny City”, “Dunno on the Moon”

IN hot air balloon

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen"

U weave, core

Research results

1) I read and analyzed Russian folk tales, fairy tales and legends of the peoples of the world, and works of art by famous children's writers, in which fairy-tale and literary characters fly themselves or with the help of a “flying” device.

2) I compiled an illustrated catalog of flying heroes and their means of transportation and tried to determine the prototype of what kind of modern aircraft this “flying” device could be.

3) Prepared a presentation in Power Point and defended it on class hour within the framework of a school-wide decade of research work.

4) I have prepared an illustrated text booklet that can be used as a visual aid and as a kind of encyclopedia of flying heroes.

5) Made a plan and schedule for conducting conversations on the research topic in primary school. I conducted them in December 2014 in the 1st and 2nd grades of my school.

A small child of some acquaintances, being left at a party and extremely dissatisfied with this, said:
- By pike command, according to my desire, put on a T-shirt and shorts and I’ll find myself at home.
The words of this young man- an expression of the dreams of perhaps all people - freedom of movement. You thought it too in Moscow, and you thought it again in London.
Thoughts about free movement are thousands of years old, during which time humanity has dreamed up many mythical mechanisms capable of moving them in space. The following is a list of the 10 most common mythical vehicles.


A bunch of sponge, brushwood or a bunch of twigs mounted on a stick, a tool designed for sweeping the oven floor before planting bread. One of Baba Yaga's attributes, with which she covers her tracks.
Usually the “grandmother” moves not on a broom, but in a mortar, but there are examples of witches flying independently on a broom and a broom.
Mentioned in many Russian folk tales.


A mythical carpet with which you can move in space over very long distances. The principle of operation is unknown.
Mentioned a lot oriental tales, popularity was brought by its mention in Tales of a Thousand and One Nights.
Old Man Hottabych appeared in the Soviet film; I personally admired him for his coolness.


Magic shoes from European HF Slavic fairy tales giving +100 to movement speed. Also known as seven-league boots, adding 7 miles minus 1 step to every step taken.
Usually kept under lock and key in a casket, perhaps so that they do not escape on their own.


A lazy person's dream, a self-propelled unit with voice control and heated seats. Specifications: all-terrain, fuel - wood, coal, etc. passenger capacity is limited only by overall dimensions.
Mentioned in the Russian folk tale At the command of the pike.


The people came up with flying ship, put it together cautionary tale, V fairy tale of the same name"Flying ship". It has its disadvantages and its advantages over other magical things. There is only one drawback - it is low power, but there are also advantages - I must say magic words to fly anywhere on it, and this provides protection against theft. The flying ship has a large capacity and the ability to transport various cargo and more heroes.


Sandals with wings attached to them. Used by Hermes during the battle with the Gorgon Medusa. They were given the opportunity to rise into the air.
At the same time, nothing is known about the principle of operation, and it is completely unclear how the inner wings did not touch each other.


The Persian writer Kay-Kavusa came up with such a miracle as a flying throne. The throne was an ordinary throne, to which four poles were attached at the corners. The roof was supported on poles on top, and pieces of meat hung under the roof.
Eagles were tied to the throne below, reaching for the meat and lifting the throne by taking off.
In this simple way the author traveled to China.


Chinese literary character, Monkey King - Sun Wukong, known from the novel "Journey to the West", knew how to fly on a cloud.
Sun Wukong went on a journey in search of a teacher who would teach him immortality. The Taoist who took him as a student taught him how to fly on a cloud, 72 transformations and other magical actions. Sun Wukun's Cloud (Auspicious Cloud)

9 Winged disk, Nar, a pillar of fire on which the Chorus moved

an ancient mythological symbol widely used among peoples Ancient East. Great-grandson of God underground kingdom, Horus, fought on the winged disk of his grandfather Ra (Marduk).
The winged disk of Ra, or the so-called Nar, a pillar of fire, was depicted as an oblong cylindrical object with fins or short wings.


A fantastic aircraft shown in the movie “Kin-dza-dza!” In some countries former USSR the word "pepelats" has become a common noun for the ironic designation of inconvenient or old Vehicle, since the pepelats in the film are cramped inside, poorly lit and noisy. Many people use this word to refer to their car. Also, sometimes the word “pepelats” is used to refer to aircraft - helicopters, small aircraft.


Goals and objectives………………………………………………………...3

Progress of the study………………………………….4

Main part………….…………………………...5


Source of information……………………………8



Goals:Find out how fairy-tale transport differs from the real one, determine which one is more effective.


Learn to explore fairy tales, compare, find commonalities and differences.

Find out the qualities and capabilities of fabulous transport.

Develop the ability to compare fairy-tale objects with an airplane or helicopter.

Define General characteristics and distinctive features.

Draw fairy-tale objects based on your impressions and make an exhibition of the drawing “What they fly on in fairy tales.”

Play the game “What is it like?”

Take a quiz " Fairytale remedies movement."

Compare the forms and purpose of vehicles.

Draw conclusions.

Main part.

We read Russian folk tales: “Carpet airplane”, “Baba Yaga”, “At the command of the pike”, “Geese Swans”, “ The Little Humpbacked Horse»,

"Sivka Burka", "Flying Ship";

Literary fairy tales: “Puss in Boots”, “Thumbelina”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key”

Watched cartoons:
"Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything"
"Carlson, who lives on the roof"

"The Adventures of Munchausen"

" Frog traveler"

" Dr. Aibolit"

We learned that in these fairy tales the heroes move through the air using different means: a mortar and a broom, a carpet - an airplane, boots - walkers, a flying ship, balloons, their own propeller.

We divided all fabulous vehicles into three groups:

Magic items (flying carpet, flying ship, mortar, broom, Russian stove, walking boots)

Animals and birds (swan geese, wolf, humpbacked horse, ducks)

Miscellaneous (propeller, barrel, cannonball, balloons)

Based on our impressions from the fairy tales we read, we drew pictures depicting fairy-tale vehicles.

We put together an exhibition of drawings, examined them, compared the drawings and realized that the nature of the drawing depends on the quality of the fairy-tale object.

The game “What is it like” helped us find common parts of the structure of fairy-tale and real transport. We discovered that all real aircraft have wings, but in fairy tales they are not necessary. The stupa, the airplane carpet, and the walking boots have no fuel capacity and no wheels (chassis). Real air transport is designed for several dozen, or even hundreds of passengers, while fairy tale ones can accommodate one or several characters.


Having compared the external and quality characteristics, we came to the conclusion that fabulous types of transport are much more convenient, more profitable, faster and more mobile than real transport:

- they don't need it special training for takeoff

- they are completely free, since you don’t need money for gasoline and repairs,

- You don’t need to learn how to control them - it’s easy,

- They can fly to any place.

But! They are not perfect because they can accommodate few people, some are unsafe (you can fall off an airplane carpet). Of course, our hypothesis was confirmed; it’s really faster and more interesting to get to school using fabulous vehicles.

But we decided to continue our research in this direction and come up with our own fantastic air transport.

A source of information

Russian folk tales.

Literary fairy tales.

Collection of cartoons.

To the question: Name the fairy-tale vehicles you know, asked by the author I-beam the best answer is Geese swans - geese
Masha and the Bear - box with pies and Masha
Princess frog - little box
the fox used the wolf as a means of transportation
A hut on chicken legs
STORM-HORSE - Perun's horse:
“Perun’s horse has a pearl tail, his mane is gilded, all studded with large pearls, and in his eyes he has the Margarit stone, where he looks, everything burns with fire.”
LIGHT-WINGED BOAT, drawn by white or golden swans, is a means of transportation Slavic gods or fairy-tale heroes.
DOBROGOST - y Western Slavs the patron of good news, the messenger of the gods - something like the ancient Hermes (Mercury).
Descending from heaven, he put on winged boots, reminiscent of the running boots of Russian fairy tales.

Answer from Kolibriya fresh[guru]

Answer from freshly salted[guru]
Core (Mühnhausen). , wild geese(Nils, the frog - traveler)
And the word “boots” does not decline (except for walking boots)

Answer from ~ Caroline ~[master]
Baba Yaga's stupa, flying carpet, flying ship, Sivka burka, running boots, swan geese, gray wolf, hut on chicken legs, help from wizards, pumpkin carriage, stove, little hunchbacked horse, fairy-tale characters sometimes turn into an animal and runs away, the devil, riding animals and birds, wearing an invisible hat, a broom, magic shoes (flying)

Answer from Sailor[guru]
Gray wolf, pepelats, stove, mortar, magic ring, Sivka-burka

Answer from Yovetlana Prokofieva[guru]
Running boots!

Answer from Echidna[guru]
house, silver slippers and flying monkeys - "emerald city"
train - "Alice through the looking glass"
cockchafer, water strider and other insects - a fairy tale about an ant who was late for the anthill
umbrella - Mary Poppins
Gogol's coffin

Answer from Vladimir Vekshin[guru]
A broom, a broom, a stove from "At the Pike's Command", there is also a sleigh on which Emelya rode from the forest, sleigh-scooters are mentioned in the fairy tale "The Rooster and the Cat", as edited by Ushinsky, a hut on chicken legs, geese-swans, gin from 1000 and one night, which takes the hero to different places, somewhere there is a magic ring with the same functions. There is a Russian one folk tale"The Flying Ship", in various fairy tales the hero escapes on an eagle, feeding it meat cut from his thigh. If you remember mythology, then there is Pegasus, the sandals on which Perseus fought the dragon, centaurs, clouds.

Answer from Qwerqwerqwe rqwerqwerqw[master]
If according to modern
Vacuum cleaner-broom This is for little girls
Airplane carpet For all kinds of tourists and Aladdins.
Eagle hang glider. For extreme sports enthusiasts and hobbits.
Fighter-Dragon For pilots and Aragons.
The Wolf car is for everyone and Ivan the Fool.
Tank - A stove for tankers and all sorts of stuff.
You can associate for a long time. The main thing is that we have transport that is no worse than in fairy tales.
About the time machine...This is rather an area science fiction than fairy tales.

Answer from Yoamiilo Kishka[guru]
Little Mook's shoes

Answer from Fabul[guru]
Bake. The devil (evenings on a farm near Dikanka)

Answer from Nick Storozhev[guru]

Answer from Daria[guru]
disappear instantly and appear where needed, in an old fairy tale there was a flying steamboat
broom, stove, sivka-burka, and fairy wizards help, etc.

Baba Yaga's stupa, with the help of the ring we ended up in another place, Sivka Burka, Gray wolf, with the help of Old Man Khattabych and other genies.