Maxim Averin, Anna Yakunina: “You only had to fight once to understand how scary it is to lose. The cry of the serene capital Maxim Averin married Anna Yakunina

“While my husband was lying on the sofa with a book, I danced half naked in a nightclub to feed our daughter,” Anna Yakunina, the star of the film “Sklifosovsky,” once admitted. According to the actress, she has a lot in common with her character from the series. Yakunina also wants to be a princess, but she has to be a strong woman and face difficulties. Today Anna is often seen at social events with Maxim Averin, the leading actor in the TV series "Sklifosovsky". Who really is he to her? And what role does it play in her fate?

Anna was born into a creative family. Her father was an artist, her mother a director. The girl grew up without a father. Her parents lived together for about a year, after which they separated. “I understand why they separated. They were very different people, that’s why they couldn’t live together. My father didn’t help us financially, so my mother was offended by him for a long time,” said the actress.

Anna's aunt, ballerina Tatyana Velikanova, danced at the Bolshoi Theater, and the family really wanted Yakunina to follow in her footsteps and also become a ballerina. “After the exam at the choreographic school, they told me: “A very good girl, but I need to enter the acting department,” said Anna. As a result, the family went to Leningrad, where Yakunina successfully passed all the tests and entered the Vaganova School.

It was hard to study; Anna lived in a boarding school. The girls were constantly on a diet, so food stamps had to be given to the boys. And at some point, Yakunina decided to leave the school. “It was youthful maximalism. I called my mother and said: “If you don’t pick me up, I’ll come myself.” My parents took me, and already in Moscow I entered the studio school at the Moiseev ensemble, so as not to upset my mother,” said Anna.

Having decided to connect her life with the acting profession, Yakunina went to enroll in GITIS. At first she became a free listener, and a year later she was officially enrolled in the acting department. The girl’s first great love was her classmate Vladislav Gandrabura. Their relationship developed rapidly, but they broke up when Anna found out about the betrayal.

In her third year, Anna had an affair with another classmate, Sergei Stegailov. “He was very educated, erudite. This captivated me,” recalls the actress. She became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia, in her fourth year. In order to somehow feed her family, after performances Anna danced with other actresses in a club. “I understood that I had to work and raise the child. But Sergei thought less about it. This is where our differences in life began,” said Yakunina.

Anna was able to finally separate from her husband only when a new man appeared in her life. She met her future husband Alexei after a performance in her native Satyricon. They got married when Anna was already eight months pregnant. And in 1996, their daughter Marusya was born.

The actress admitted that her husband Alexey is very jealous of all her partners. Over the many years of living together, he never got used to the peculiarities of the acting profession. The only partner of whom Alexey is not jealous is Maxim Averin. He's almost like a member of the family now. “I think that Maxim is my gift. He’s just a dear man, a brother. I’m proud that I have such a friend,” the actress admitted.

Why did Anna Yakunina have a conflict with Konstantin Raikin? How did the actress survive the betrayal of her first love? And why did you leave Satyricon? Answers are in the program

Anna clicked the red button on the remote control, the TV screen went dark, making the room darker, only the light of the night lamp faintly illuminated the room. She glanced at the clock, where 20:23 immediately flashed. It’s still too early to sleep, but listening to natural disasters and catastrophes on the news that were about to begin on most channels is also not the best option. She never liked to spend time lying on the sofa in front of the TV, because she always had enough work on the other side, and some time ago she practically stopped doing this. Every program, movie, news reminded the woman of her grief. Almost five years ago she lost a man who, while not changing her life, turned her upside down forever. Beloved man and best friend rolled into one. For her, he still remained like that, and all the feelings she felt for him were contained in these two phrases. How they loved each other. And what a pity that they were given so little time together. Plane crash. Several weeks in a coma. Dozens of sleepless nights in the hospital. The doctors gave no chance. And... that’s it... “Max,” she whispered, looking at the smiling face in the black and white photograph, “My beloved, why is everything like this?” - she laid the frame on her lap, - And I’m not crying anymore, - she briefly wiped a tear from her cheek, - Well, almost, - she smiled painfully, - I know, you would have arranged for me... A strong wind blew through the window, so that the transparent tulle soared up, although the weather this evening was calm, not promising changes. Anna wrapped herself tighter in the blanket as the room became a little colder. For a minute it seemed to her that his arms hugged her, as if comforting her and hinting that he was always there and would never leave her. She closed her eyes, hugging the photo, but instead of its warmth, she only felt the cold penetrating into the apartment through the open window. Thoughts flashed through my head in his voice, he asked me to stop living in mourning and finally take care of myself. Pamper herself in a beauty salon, spend the evening in a cafe with friends, and not at home hugging his photo, agree to a new interesting role, and maybe even find a man with whom she could be happy again. But she still couldn’t forget him, because for her there was no one better than him and there never will be. During the day she was distracted by work, meetings with colleagues, etc., and in the evening, when she was left alone, it hit her again. After all, she remembered that terrible day to the smallest detail. Moment. A pair of brown eyes sparkled in the semi-darkness. . - Anna said incoherently, a tear sliding down her cheek. I came up with this only so that you don’t give up on your life, so that you don’t sit for years at the bedside of a man who can give his soul to God at any moment. You are an incredibly talented artist who has finally achieved recognition and... - And you asked what I needed at that moment!? - she fell silent, waiting for an answer, but there was no answer, - I needed to get you out! So that you are alive! And you deceived me so cruelly! She soon realized that she couldn’t cope on her own and turned to a specialist for help; it was he who pulled her out of deep depression, practically teaching her to live again. To live with the thought that it would be much more pleasant for him to see her happy... - Are you here? - Anna sobbed, crawling to the door, knocking on it quietly. This was their song. The one associated with one of the important days in the lives of both. For some time they were silent, their hearts beating in unison, saying everything for two people. Her breathing became calmer and more even every minute. Tears were still flowing from the eyes, but they were no longer from pain, rather from happiness that they were together again, despite many years of separation and cruel deception. Their faces were opposite. The man continued to hold her waist with one hand, and buried his other hand in her blonde curls. She did not resist when he gave in, easily capturing her lips. The innocent kiss turned into a more heated one, as if the two wanted to make up for lost years. It is unknown how long they could stand like this, feeling each other. Maxim could wait no longer, turning to his beloved with a request that had until now kept him in limbo.


I'm 50 years old and I don't hide it. Why stupid coquetry? To be young, in my opinion, is monstrous, even if you are always 30 in your soul. And if you “pull yourself up”, you won’t be able to play a girl anyway. Now there are a lot of non-surgical methods - hyaluronic acid, beauty injections... I am grateful for the years I have lived, and now also with attention. Now I have two for 25, and Russian people, as you know, love 2 for 50!


A man may well earn less, even be weaker than a woman in some ways, but most importantly, he must remain worthy. I know a lot of couples in which the roles are distributed exactly like this. They are all happy. It is important to complement each other. There is only one man in my life - my husband. Twenty-three years ago Lesha saw me in a play at the Satyricon Theater, fell in love and literally took me off the stage. Both are not angels. I am very explosive, Alexey is calmer. No matter what, we are one gang. As the children will say: “A rare couple.”


Everything I do is for the sake of my family: my husband, daughters, mother... They are my everything. I love comfort. How nice it is to return home from a tour, and there is a laid table waiting for you with your favorite people - buckwheat porridge, sauerkraut, fried potatoes, pickles, sour cabbage soup... My husband loves to cook. I admit, now only Lesha is in the kitchen. By the way, he is the only one who is far from creativity. An aviation engineer by training, he is engaged in business.


The daughters are already independent. I myself flew out of my parents' nest early. The youngest, Marusya, is 22 years old and is a fourth-year student at VGIK. He is already filming his fourth film. Nastya is 29 years old. She is a freelance artist. At first I was interested in scenography, then I switched to another specialty - theatrical costume design. Her debut will take place soon: she is preparing outfits for a production at the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre. I also took a photography course. In general, both are not slackers.


From the outside I seem to be an optimist, but in reality I am a terrible alarmist and pessimist. I constantly lament that nothing will work out: “Oh, mom, don’t go to the play today, there are some shortcomings...” Averin also heard enough while working on the one-man show. He says: “Leave me alone! Everything will be fine". This probably happens because of a terrible lack of confidence in oneself.


She started earning money at the age of 14. Mom Olga Velikanova, director of the Stanislavsky Theater, threw up hack work. During New Year's parties, she played the Snow Maiden, and I portrayed a bird or a snowflake. And so on for twelve days in a row. I remember how I received my first fairly large salary. I went and bought shoes and jeans. My friends were jealous and said how practical I was. I always tell my daughters Nastya and Marusya: you can’t sit idly by, you need to constantly develop and work hard. Then everything will work out.


Everything in life was difficult - with obstacles and not the first time. I never thought that I would become an actress. It's been a hard journey. There are a lot of projects in the arsenal that are nasty, uninteresting, primitive, and of low quality. But I wasn’t shy about working in them. Someone will say: “Oh, these serial actors...” I think there is no need to show off in the profession. Now I have the audience’s love, now all I have to do is earn trust. In general, as Tatyana Vasilyeva said: “An actor must fail with big roles. This is very hardening..."


People change. Over the years, you wonder how not to lose your loved ones. As a child, in kindergarten or camp, everyone cries when they part. Parties and affairs begin in youth. With age, claims and grievances arise. And that's when the relationship can end. Everyone has not only pros, but also cons. If you love, then you must try to accept both. I have five girlfriends, we have been together since school. We don't communicate every day. One lives in Cyprus, the other in Israel. But three will definitely be at the evening. As for Maxim Averin, he is already a member of the family. We feel each other subtly. Sometimes such things are accidentally born on stage that we ourselves are surprised: how?! I think it's chemistry.

In the life of each of them there were many trials, unexpected turns, meetings and partings. The only thing that remained unchanged was that they always had each other. Maxim Averin and Anna Yakunina, even in the popular series “Sklifosovsky,” seem to not be acting at all, but living their own lives and their own destiny. They once played on the stage of the same theater, now they have many joint projects, but in life... What connects these two, seemingly completely different people?

Crossroads of fate

Once upon a time, schoolboy Maxim Averin studied at the theater studio at the House of Cinema. In the same studio was teacher Olga Velikanova, Anna Yakunina’s mother. Maxim could have already met Nyura at that time, as he calls his colleague. Perhaps it was too early for them to meet each other; they were not yet able to appreciate what chance fate had given them.

Years passed, he graduated from the Shchukin School and was accepted into the troupe of the Satyricon Theater under the direction of Konstantin Raikin. Anna Yakunina has served in the same theater for seven years. They really met during a trip to Yekaterinburg.

No one even intended to sleep on the train: the actors laughed until they were exhausted, telling stories, and at the center of all this fun was Maxim Averin. It seems that it was then that he and Anna Yakunina noticed each other.

No, it wasn't love. It was much brighter, stronger and more meaningful for both of them: two kindred spirits met. They laughed at the same jokes, they could immediately continue a phrase said to another, they felt comfortable being silent together or talking about everything in the world.

Soul kinship

They are serious, real friends, refuting all stereotypes about the impossibility of friendship between a man and a woman. Maxim Averin is ready to fly to Anna from anywhere in the world if she suddenly needs help. And in fact, he will fly in, save, and insure.

This was the case when the celebration of the actress’s anniversary was planned and it was necessary to tie together her play “A Woman’s Monologue”. Maxim, despite his busy schedule, promised to put everything together into a single outline, but he desperately lacked time for rehearsals. The only run-through took place four hours before the performance. When the sound engineer could not find the phonogram in time, Maxim himself went on stage and confidently walked towards the actress, hugged her tightly and began to read poems by Robert Rozhdestvensky.

It looked like a director's move, but in fact the audience saw pure improvisation, which arose from the desire to calm down, save the situation, to lend their hands so that Anna would not fall from excitement right there on stage. When Yakunina was asked to repeat the one-woman show, she firmly decided not to bother Averin, she was convinced that she could handle the situation herself. Moreover, for the first time in a long time he went on vacation to Sochi.

When Maxim found out that the performance would take place tomorrow, he only asked how she was going to work it herself and why she agreed to this adventure in the first place. And an hour later he was already booking a plane ticket to Moscow, knowing for sure that he couldn’t leave his friend without support.

It seemed that when Yakunina left Satyricon, her friendship with Averin should have slowly ceased to exist. Different troupes, different schedules, each has its own life, in the end. But it turned out to be impossible to separate kindred spirits. Maxim did not attend Anna’s debut performance at Lenkom, where the actress moved, and was busy with Satyricon. But he managed to rush to the finale, fight his way through the army of theatrical law enforcement officers and present his friend with a gorgeous bouquet.

They look like twins, although Anna was born only seven years earlier than Maxim. They just can’t explain their incredible family connection in any other way. They literally feel each other. When Maxim gets tired and loses ground, the actress rushes to his aid. She consoles, calms, cares and brews tea for him. The actor always behaves like a man towards her: he protects her, protects her, lends his shoulder.

Anna Yakunina's husband, Alexey, was never jealous of Anna for Maxim, although he sometimes joked: Averin spends much more time in bed with Nyura than his own husband. Actors do often have to play lovers on stage and even kiss, but this has nothing to do with their friendship or personal life.

Not to lose

They both value and cherish their friendship. And they quarreled only once in a quarter of a century of coexistence in the same living space. They both refuse to talk about the essence of the conflict, but both admit: during ten days of silence they realized how difficult it is to lose. It turned out that they couldn’t live without each other at all. When Anna, disregarding all conventions, called Maxim and said how bad she felt without him, he could have said the same phrase in exactly the same words.

Since then, the actors have become even more careful about their relationships. For Yakunina, Averin is much more than a friend, he is a dear person, a member of her family. For Averin, the actress is also more than just a friend. She is simply part of his life.

For Maxim Averin and Anna Yakunina, love is a kinship of souls. And everything, of course, in their friendship is the kind that only happens between truly family and like-minded people.

The long-awaited fifth season of the series “Sklifosovsky” has begun on the Rossiya channel, the website reminds.

This time it is dedicated to resuscitation. One of the main roles - the receptionist Nina - is played by Honored Artist of Russia Anna Yakunina. This season, her heroine goes to work long before the end of maternity leave, leaving her beloved son Pasha with a nanny...

Anna admitted that she really loves the Sklifosovsky project also because she and Maxim Averin, who plays the main role - doctor Bragin - have been friends for more than 20 years, celebrate almost all holidays together, and not so long ago Maxim settled next door to his beloved friend, and they can see each other even more often.

– How has your character Nina changed by the fifth season?

– It’s stupid to play perfectly, life consists of a huge number of horrors, you turn on the TV, and there the whole country is discussing how Alla Pugacheva lives. Scary! Watch her concerts and leave her personal life alone! Things are also happening to my heroine this season that may irritate many. Everything happens in the world. In this season, for example, the hero Anton dies.

– Your heroine is your age and suddenly becomes a mother...

-What's special here? Increasingly, women over 40 are becoming mothers; this happens all the time in the West. Previously, it seemed wild, but now they give birth up to 50.

– Are you considering this option for yourself?

– I don’t exclude it... But this doesn’t mean that I’m going to give birth at 50...

– You have two adult daughters. Are you ready to play the role of a grandmother?

- Naturally, why not? It is a great happiness to have grandchildren. It doesn’t matter - at 40, 50...

– Are your daughters not married yet?

– While they are having affairs, they are disappointed... I try not to put pressure, they must live their lives.

– What are Nastya and Marusya doing?

– Nastya is a costume designer. Marusya is a second-year student at the acting department of VGIK.

– Will you help her in her acting profession?

– If something depends on me, then of course. In addition, Marusya can always turn to Maxim Averin for any question. He has known her since birth, they are great friends.

– You have been friends with Maxim for more than 20 years. What is the basis of your relationship, which many envy?

– Max and I look at things the same way, we both breathe in unison. He is a friend and partner for me. For both of us, this friendship is a gift for life. We relax together, celebrate some dates. For three years in a row we started going somewhere on his birthday. His 40th birthday was celebrated in Sochi. Max is far from the superstition that you can’t celebrate 40 years. But he has a tradition of going on stage on his birthday. This year we spent November 26 in Israel.

– Did you really celebrate the New Year together?

– This year Maxim went on vacation, I worked until December 31st, “Sklif” was filmed. I spent my holidays at a dacha in the Moscow region with my family - with a Christmas tree and snow, as expected.

– Anna, you have been married for more than 20 years. What is the secret of family happiness?

– In life there are different stages, friction, conflicts, which patience helps to overcome.

– Is your husband jealous of your partners?

– Probably, he is not jealous only of Averin, he knows that we are like brother and sister. Although Alexey hides his jealousy in every possible way, he tries to treat my TV novels with humor.

– They say that the sixth season of the series is not far off?

– Yes, we found our audience, found each other in our acting team, built a wonderful relationship and are starting filming in February.

By the way

Averin bought an apartment next door. Maxim Averin about Anna Yakunina: “We speak the same language. It is happiness when you are so understood. Sometimes they argued, but they quickly made up. Anya is support and support for me. A year ago I moved to a new apartment. Now Nyusha and I live across the street from each other and in the evenings we often walk along Mira Avenue.”