Maxim Fadeev spoke out against New Year's shows. New Year's TV: television crisis or holiday crisis? Criticism of New Year's programs on Channel One

The stars united against a blogger from Rostov-on-Don.

The petition of blogger from Rostov-on-Don Vadim Manukyan was signed by more than 116 thousand people. In an appeal to the management of Channel One, he asks to change the format of the New Year's show. But in this appeal, the public’s attention was naturally attracted, and the artists were offended by the phrase: “Believe me, few people liked being at the table “Visiting the Diva.”

The stars launched a flash mob in support of Alla Borisovna "myzapugacheva", fans prepared a response petition. And even Pugacheva herself spoke about this on her Instagram page: “Well, spiteful critics, are you excited? This is wonderful!!! So life goes on. And my strength is in the love and support of my fans. Convince yourself once again of this true happiness.”

The author of the petition, Vadim Manukyan (by the way, he previously worked as a leading specialist in the cultural department of the Rostov-on-Don mayor’s office) did not expect such a reaction and explained to the site website your position. He claims that he is not against respected stars, he just did not like the format of the New Year's light.

“I’m shocked, very surprised by the response to my appeal.” The petition is not about removing anyone from the air or banning them. Read carefully - I urge you to change the format of the New Year's light. In my opinion, people did not like the method of returning Alla Borisovna to the air that was offered to her (the format of a feast with the hosts of Channel One and Philip Kirkorov).

— But judging by the ratings, it was New Year’s Eve on Channel One that most people watched. And those who don't like it can always change channels.

— This is not only my value judgment, but also that of many people, judging by the responses to the petition. But I don't want things to get blown out of proportion like that. And I don’t have the right to tell honored people, artists. I switched channels from Channel One to Russia, but my base channel on the night from the 31st to the 1st was the “Culture” channel.

— No one threatened you or asked you to remove the petition?

- No. But it is very unpleasant that the story turned out to be so twisted, as it happens in a distorting mirror. I beg you, before you sign anything in defense of anyone, at least open the original source and make sure that you were absolutely in vain to defend the Diva so actively! The petition calls for the show's format to be changed in 2018 so that there will no longer be a feast like this, which has offended so many.

By the way, Vadim Manukyan’s idea of ​​drawing up a petition was born after he read producer Maxim Fadeev’s criticism of New Year’s television broadcasts on social networks. Vadim wrote to the producer about his idea to create a petition, and he supported him. This, as well as heated discussions on social networks, inspired the blogger to write an appeal to the management of Channel One.

Vadim Manukyan was provoked into drawing up a petition by Maxim Fadeev.

Petition by Vadim Manukyan (signed by 116,114 people)

- First channel! It seems to me that you need to urgently work on your mistakes, and, in my opinion, there have been a lot of them lately. Everyone has slowly gotten used to your “Let’s get married,” but when you launched this program in December instead of the Channel One Cup hockey match with the participation of the Russian national team and motivated this by the low ratings of the hockey battles, it seems to me that this was your strategic mistake!

And what happened on your New Year’s broadcast is simply beyond the bounds! Why did you highlight the New Year's broadcast of Channel One? Because, in my opinion, it has become significantly inferior in quality to its previous years. Believe me, few people liked being at the “Visiting the Diva” table. Read tens of thousands of comments under the petition and see for yourself!

You have many interesting projects, but New Year’s television needs to be radically changed!

Channel One, please conduct a survey among your TV viewers on how to improve the 2018 New Year's show.

Petition from fans of Alla Pugacheva (signed by 940 people)

— In connection with the active discussion of Channel One’s New Year’s programs in the media and criticism expressed in particular against Alla Borisovna Pugacheva’s participation in the holiday broadcast, we, the signatories below, ask you not to reduce Alla Borisovna’s presence on the air of the country’s leading federal channel.

With this petition, we do not want to enter into a debate “about tastes” with our opponents who have expressed criticism, but we consider it necessary to draw your attention to the fact that there is a large group of people who are always happy to see Alla Borisovna appear in the programs of your channel, including New Year's Eve

Alla Pugacheva is the brightest personality of our time, a singer beloved by millions of people, her work has already become a national treasure of the country. To this day, leading print media regularly put news related to Alla Borisovna on the front page, messages in electronic media invariably reach the top, in all social networks the number of communities dedicated to the life and work of Alla Borisovna is increasing, which is an unconditional confirmation of the audience’s interest in the singer, against the background These demands in the spirit of “remove from the air” look simply ridiculous taste.

We consider the criticism against Alla Borisovna to be unfounded and hope to continue to regularly see our favorite singer on Channel One, including on New Year’s Eve.

A petition entitled “Stop the New Year's TV outrage!”, published on January 2 on the website, received 10 thousand votes in three days. The collection of signatures is still ongoing, and if successful, the petition will be sent to the heads of Channel One and the Rossiya channel - and.

It is based on an Instagram post by a music producer and singer, who spoke rather harshly about the New Year's shows shown on federal channels.

“I couldn’t finish watching a single musical “show” on federal channels. It seems that, according to the management of Channel One and Channel Two, the world froze in 1993. An impossible repertoire, a popular picture, terrible jokes and all together it’s just a plunge into HELL!” — wrote He. Fadeev himself preferred to watch “New Year’s Eve” on the “Culture” channel and, as he admitted, was afraid to switch the program so as “not to end up in the “past”, to a rural matinee based on requests from the 80s.”

“It’s a pity for our artists who, out of habit, agree to participate in Satan’s Ball!” - Fadeev noted, adding that he did not pursue any goals, but published the post because it hurt.

Some commentators on the producer's blog supported his indignation, others suggested simply not watching what you don't like. However, the authors of the petition (as well as Fadeev) did not offer any alternatives, but simply reasoning that everything is bad on television has long been a commonplace - and anything at all can be declared bad, depending on the preferences of the accusers. Gazeta.Ru tried to figure out what Russian TV viewers watch on New Year's Eve and how interested they are in it.

Most popular

On the evening of December 31 and on the night of January 1, the most popular programs for many years have been addresses from the President of Russia. This popularity is justified: the chimes, which begin to strike immediately after the completion of a solemn and short (the president speaks for about three minutes) speech, in fact remain the only way to know that the New Year has arrived, that it is time to raise glasses of champagne and make a wish. Accordingly, all other programs of all channels without exception are shown as an addition to this moment - as a background for cutting salads or for a New Year's feast.

Among the channels on New Year's Eve, Channel One and Rossiya 1 traditionally lead.

According to TNS Russia, presidential addresses shown on these channels show the highest ratings (15.2% for the First and 11.8% for Rossiya in 2015 throughout Russia among audiences over 4 years old). There are no data for 2016 yet.

Russians prefer to wait until midnight with some kind of New Year's comedy or melodrama - in 2015 it was the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” (it was shown on First and received a rating of 9.8%, taking third place on New Year’s week). In 2014 and 2013, such a picture was the well-known “Irony of Fate” (8.6% and 9.0% for the same First), in 2012 - again “Ivan Vasilyevich”, and in 2011 - “ New Adventures of Aladdin" (10.2% on "Russia"). All these films were aired immediately before the start of New Year's entertainment shows, and, as in the case of the president's address, the choice of something familiar in the pre-holiday bustle is more than justified.

Until the New Year

The situation with New Year's shows is also quite simple. The most popular for many years in a row have been the New Year's programs of First and Rossiya, criticized by Fadeev, apparently due to the fact that the total rating of these channels is about a third of the entire audience studied by TNS Russia. Including the one who doesn’t watch TV on New Year’s Eve, preferring to celebrate the coming year in another way - for example, watching the fireworks in the nearest park.

There is a lot of competition between the leaders, but over the past five years they have remained approximately equal in ratings.

But the undoubted leaders so far are still those shows on Channel One and Rossiya that are on before the New Year. Thus, in 2015, “New Year’s Eve on First” received 8.3%, and “New Year’s Parade of Stars” (“Russia”) - 8.0%. A year earlier, the “Parade of Stars” attracted more viewers (9.4%), and at the First, the Old Year was celebrated, and these farewells attracted the interest of 8.4% of potential viewers.

Possible alternatives

The channels are unlikely to abandon New Year's broadcasts in the foreseeable future - even despite the appeal addressed to Ernst and Dobrodeev, who probably understand that they criticize the most what they watch most often. A very large part of Russians celebrate the New Year at home, at the table, next to a working TV - which means a large audience, attractive to advertisers. Channels will be able to abandon the tradition of showing the conditional “Blue Light” on the night from December 31 to January 1 (usual in recent years on “Russia 1” after midnight) only due to a sharp drop in ratings - as, for example, the First recently did with the series “The Far Side of the Moon - 2” or broadcasting your own hockey cup.

However, there is an alternative now - even apart from leaving the TV and going outside.

In 2015, the average daily rating of Rossiya during the New Year’s week turned out to be slightly lower (12.9%, First retained 15.4%), but seven channels were able to cross the 5% threshold (in 2014 there were five) - to The leaders were joined by (7.8%), TNT (7.4%), STS (5.5%), (5.3%) and Channel Five (5.2%). Which also host entertaining New Year's shows - on STS, for example, they show a special episode of “Ural Dumplings”, and on TNT - an equally special “Comedy Club”.

In principle, all New Year's programs on the main channels are filmed in advance and are very rarely broadcast live - hence the pop stars moving from button to button, which, perhaps, cause the most irritation among the audience.

But it cannot be said that no one is trying to fight this at all - on the same First, the show hosts the participants of “The Voice”, who cannot be accused of appearing on television screens in the last century. But despite the different formats that the channels offer every year, it will apparently be very difficult to wean viewers from calling all New Year’s shows a generalized “Blue Light” and at least somehow distinguishing between them. If it works out at all.

At the beginning of 2017, attacks by angry citizens on New Year's TV programs caused a lot of noise. Some particularly sensitive Russians experienced real culture shock from what was happening on the screen. However, nothing new: in fact, nothing much has changed on New Year’s television programs for many years, except that the bar is falling lower and lower, and the stars, which have become rather faded over the years of their tireless career, are becoming more and more frayed. Before the canons of the thrash genre, it seems "Pink flamingos" Our New Year's lights haven't come yet, but they've come close to them.

Some, however, did not silently endure such slaps in the face of public taste and loudly declared their indignation. Thus, a resident of Rostov-on-Don, Vadim Manukyan, compiled a full-fledged petition addressed to the general director of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst, demanding a more careful approach to filling the New Year's broadcast and conducting preliminary surveys of viewers to identify their true tastes.

« You have many interesting projects, but New Year's television needs to be radically changed! Channel One, please conduct a survey among your TV viewers on how to improve the 2018 New Year’s show.”

The petition really found a massive response among fellow citizens - at the moment it has already been signed by more than 160 thousand people. The well-known producer and musician Maxim Fadeev also supported the cry of indignation. He compared watching New Year's TV shows on Russian television to "plunging into hell":

It seems that, according to the management of Channel One and Channel Two, the world froze in 1993. An impossible repertoire, a popular picture, terrible jokes, and all together it’s just a plunge into hell! I was sincerely afraid to switch to Channel One or Channel Two, so as not to end up in the “past”, to a rural matinee based on requests from the 80s. How can television be reduced to such disgrace and such tastelessness? I'm shocked! As a child, I watched the same channels, and, apparently, none of the music players changed while I was growing up.

Konstantin Lvovich Ernst did not remain silent and finally responded to the numerous detractors of the morally outdated “lights”. He explained that the channel’s management will not change the format of New Year’s programs, and although the complaints are justified, they are not logical - after all, those who criticize these very shows for being in bad taste don’t watch TV anyway:

“The complaints of the youth part of the audience about New Year’s shows are fair. Why are they usually ignored on television? Because, doing audience research, we understand that the system viewers of New Year’s shows are people 45+.

The young audience that says, “This sucks, we won’t watch it,” doesn’t watch it.”

Konstantin Lvovich emphasized that those people who prefer to spend the New Year in front of the TV love the performers who perform there. And he added that from time to time they, of course, try to dilute the old guard with young faces, but they cannot afford radical experiments.

“I’m not a big fan of this New Year’s uniform either. But as soon as I allow myself, let’s make the New Year radical, fashionable and hyper-stylish, then we will definitely lose numbers compared to our neighbors.”

They are going to repeat the show during the Old New Year or show something similar. At the same time, tens of thousands of people did not like what they saw on the night of January 1st. People sign petitions en masse, and some famous artists also comment. Of course, it couldn’t have happened without Yuri Loza

Philip Kirkorov during the filming of the program “New Year's Eve on Channel One”. Photo: Dmitry Serebryakov/TASS

Those who did not watch federal channels this New Year's Eve should not be upset. In order to understand why fellow citizens are so outraged, it is enough to remember any New Year's show over the past 20 years. Nothing has changed there. There are no new faces. Only the rhinestones on Baskov’s jackets and the feathers in Kirkorov’s head change. Yuri Loza, who tried to break into the “blue lights” airwaves, knows that this is impossible. Nobody wants to share:

Yuri Loza musician “I have a New Year’s song that was written 13 years ago, but it has never been included in any New Year’s program. Precisely for this very reason, because it is much easier to stick Moiseev, who won’t bother anyone, he already has his “Cheburashka”, than Loza’s new song. Because Vine will come and then it will become clear that we need to crowd together. If you come there and say that you brought a new song, they tell you: if Kirkorov finds out that he took 20 suits and he has 19 songs left, there will be a big scandal.”

On the other hand, even with the same people you can do something decent. Over the course of 20 years, there were three confirmations of this: “Old songs about the main thing”, “Blue Light” and “First Night with Oleg Menshikov”. That's all. Producer Maxim Fadeev called the shows shown on central channels this New Year a “dive into hell”:

Maxim Fadeev producer “What the music editor is doing, I apologize, it’s quite simply beyond good and evil. These are some kind of rural celebrations in the bad sense, terrible jokes with fake laughter behind the scenes. On these channels there are simply people who should long ago be doing something else, babysitting their grandchildren. You see, I was also a part of all this. For example, the year before and last year, editors called us and said: we thought it would be cool if there were costumes for toilets, for example. I say: guys, have you gone completely crazy, we won’t do this. Well, then come up with something yourself.”

There’s just no money - this is how singer Lolita Milyavskaya explained the quality of New Year’s programs to Business FM. According to her, television crews literally took out and mixed scenery from different years. How to explain the fact that the conditional Buinov sang the same songs when there was money is a mystery. Television critic Yuri Bogomolov continues:

Yuri Bogomolov television critic“The same stars change their jackets, which, well, it was noticeable, move from one channel to another. Maxim Galkin showed us his show, and on the second channel a show called “Maximum” appeared, where the parodist portrays Galkin. In general, it turned out to be a doubling of Maxim Galkin. This is a level of absurdism that is difficult to imagine.”

But TV critic of Moskovsky Komsomolets Alexander Melman suggests looking for the positive in all this:

Alexander MelmanTV critic for Moskovsky Komsomolets“Probably, even some basic idea of ​​all this is for people to quickly turn off their TVs and go for a walk on New Year’s Eve, or somehow communicate, or somehow sing themselves, turn on karaoke, but just don’t watch this box. They’re in a crisis—well, good, that means we’ll watch it less.”

Taking into account the above, here is the program of the main TV channels for the Old New Year: Channel One - from 21:30 to -1:00 “New Year on First”. “Russia 1” - from 21:00 to 00:15 “Full house. Old New Year". NTV - Festival "Autoradio" "Disco of the 80s". It couldn't have come at a better time. The Old New Year in 2017 fell on Friday the 13th.