Pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter. Marinated porcini mushrooms

Probably, many housewives at some point will need information on how to pickle porcini mushrooms at home. Moreover, it has long been known that they are the most delicious.

Porcini mushrooms are a healthy product for humans that retain their excellent taste when pickled, fried or dried.

For many years, boletus has been called the king of mushrooms. But in fact, porcini mushrooms are equally good when canned, fried or boiled. Fresh boletus mushrooms are quite successfully dried, marinated in a variety of brines and very tasty and original dishes are prepared from them, which turn out to be aromatic and rich. However, the most delicious dish is pickled boletus, which can be the best addition to the family table or will take its place of honor at a festive feast.

A simple recipe for pickling boletus mushrooms

Before marinating, boletus mushrooms are thoroughly washed with running water.

It should be noted that pickling porcini mushrooms will be 100% successful if you follow the simplest recipe. To do this you need to take 3 peppercorns, 1 kg of mushrooms, a pinch of ground cinnamon, 2 - 3 bay leaves, 1 tsp. citric acid, 3 cloves, 2 tbsp. table vinegar, 1.5 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. granulated sugar.

Boletus mushrooms must be thoroughly washed to remove sand and debris. The stems of the mushrooms need to be cleaned. The largest porcini mushrooms should be cut in half, while small ones are best left whole. Then you should put all the mushrooms in a clean pan, add enough water and put on fire. Boletus mushrooms must be boiled in boiling water for 30 minutes.

After this, you need to drain the mushrooms in a colander. Separately, you should prepare the most suitable marinade: boil 1 liter of purified water with all the above spices. Therefore, each pickled boletus will be very tasty and aromatic. It is best to cook the mushrooms in the marinade for about 20 minutes and at the very end, be sure to add a sufficient amount of vinegar. The jars into which the prepared boletus are placed are pre-sterilized and closed with lids.

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The most popular ways to prepare pickled mushrooms

Before marinating, porcini mushrooms must be boiled for half an hour.

There are very interesting and simple marinade recipes, using which you can get very tasty dishes. To do this, you need to take 3 allspice peas, 0.5 g of citric acid, 2 cloves, 2 tsp per 1 liter of water. acetic acid, 6 black peppercorns, 5 g salt, 1 bay leaf.

Approximately 60 g of salt (2 tbsp) should be dissolved in boiling water. Then thoroughly washed porcini mushrooms are dipped into water and cooked for half an hour, skimming off the foam.

Fully prepared boletus mushrooms are drained into a colander and placed in pre-sterilized jars. Only after this can they be filled with chilled marinade. For 1 kg of mushrooms you need approximately 300 ml of marinade. All spices are boiled for 15 minutes and the bite is added at the very end. It is best to try the fully prepared marinade before use.

For pickling, it is best to choose smaller and stronger mushrooms.

You can pickle boletus mushrooms in another simple way. You need to pour water into the pan based on 1 kg of mushrooms: 70 ml of purified water, 1 tbsp. salt and about 2/3 cup vinegar. After the brine boils, you need to put the mushrooms in it and cook, stirring well and skimming off the foam.

After the boletus begins to settle to the bottom, you must add a little allspice and black pepper, a spoonful of sugar, a pinch of citric acid, 3 cloves and a bay leaf. If you wish, you can add a small amount of vinegar, dill, cherry or blackcurrant leaves to the marinade.

Completely cooled boletus mushrooms must be transferred to pre-prepared jars, where a small amount of vegetable oil must be poured on top. This will help protect the pickled mushrooms from mold. It is best to close the jars with lids that are not too tight. Such tasty preparations should be stored for the winter in a cold and dark place.

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The best way to please loved ones is to marinate porcini mushrooms

It should be noted that home-cooked mushrooms are an excellent opportunity to treat yourself to a very tasty dish in winter.

Seasonings for the marinade: black and allspice, cloves, coriander, bay leaf, salt.

Of course, you can marinate boletus mushrooms for soup and other dishes in completely different ways.

For this method you need to use 4 black peppercorns, 1 kg of mushrooms, 2 bay leaves, a small amount of cinnamon, 4 allspice, 3 tbsp. vinegar, 3 pcs. cloves, 2 g citric acid, 1 tsp. sugar, 1.5 tbsp. salt. First, you should thoroughly rinse and peel the porcini mushrooms in order to remove soil and moss. It is recommended to cut off the stems of the largest mushrooms. After this, you need to put the mushrooms in a saucepan, add purified water and cook for about 7 minutes. During cooking, be sure to stir the boletus mushrooms so that they do not burn.

Fully cooked mushrooms should sink to the bottom of the pan. After this, you need to drain the water and rinse the mushrooms thoroughly. Then they are again transferred to the pan and filled with purified water so that it completely covers the boletus mushrooms. Then you need to add seasonings and simmer for about 10 minutes. The mushrooms that have not yet cooled down should be placed in jars, where the bay leaf should already be located. After this, you need to cover them with lids and pasteurize for 30 minutes in a water bath.

Every housewife can learn how to pickle boletus mushrooms. For example, you can take mushrooms and wash them well. Then put in a saucepan, add pre-purified water and cook for about 25 minutes. In a separate bowl, you need to prepare the marinade: bring a sufficient amount of water to a boil, add vinegar, salt and sugar. Boiled mushrooms should be transferred to the marinade and cooked for about 6 minutes. I put white mushrooms in jars that already contain parsley, black pepper, garlic, bay leaf, basil, and cloves. Then they are poured with marinade and the jars are tightly closed.

Whatever recipe you choose, pickled porcini mushrooms will definitely delight you with a great taste.

Canned mushrooms for the winter at home... there are more than enough preparations for this yummy. And just the memory of this mind-blowing delicacy makes every gourmet’s mouth water. After all, such an exquisite dish will qualitatively complement and diversify the menu of any celebration. But to prepare the gifts of the forest, you will have to work a little.

Let's reveal some secrets of the art of preparing this delicacy and learn how to marinate at home.

Every housewife loves to surprise her family and guests with her signature home-cooked dish. In this regard, many refuse to buy products in supermarkets that can be prepared with their own hands, especially if the hostess knows the main secrets of witchcraft in the kitchen.
Let’s reveal the main secrets and recipes for preparing masterpiece pickled mushrooms for the winter, because such a dish is an unsurpassed delicacy.

Did you know? For a long time there were discussions about which kingdom this product should belong to: plants or animals. And as a result, in 1960, a separate kingdom was identified - the kingdom of mushrooms. Its representatives consist of protein (which brings them closer to animals), carbohydrates and minerals (these components are inherent in plants).

  1. For this process, you should choose only enameled or tinned containers, since such containers are not corroded by vinegar.
  2. As for the vinegar itself for the marinade, it is better to choose bread or fruit vinegar. The best option is Rhine (nest) and aromatic vinegar.
  3. Small mushrooms are pickled whole, cutting off only the lower part of the stem. This will also add an unsurpassed look to the dish.
  4. If during a “quiet hunt” you came across only large forest gifts, it is recommended to cut them into 3-4 parts.
  5. It is recommended to preserve the caps of porcini and aspen mushrooms separately from the roots.
  6. It must be preserved without the skin.
  7. Preparing valueu for the cooking process involves soaking it for several hours.

What mushrooms are suitable for pickling?

Any representatives of this diverse kingdom are suitable for pickling mushrooms for the winter in jars, except for the poisonous ones, of course.

Did you know? Mushrooms are considered the most diverse of earth's inhabitants. There are about two million varieties, of which only 100,000 have been learned, and even less have been classified.

When looking for a species for conservation, your choice should be: greenfinches, rowers, saffron milk caps, boletuses, goats, fatties, etc.

Pickling methods

There are more than enough recipes for making pickled mushrooms for the winter. But there are only two that all housewives probably resort to.

Boiling mushrooms in marinade

This method is in great demand, since during the cooking process the favorite delicacy is soaked in all the components of the marinade and acquires a particularly aromatic taste characteristics. To implement this method you will need:

  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 0.5 tbsp. water;
  • a third of a glass of table vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 5-6 pieces of allspice;
  • cloves, to taste;
  • acid (on the tip of the knife).
Water is poured into an enamel bowl, vinegar and salt are added, and mushrooms are placed in this mixture. All this must be brought to a boil and cooked over low heat.

Important! The cooking time depends on the type of main ingredient: the caps of porcini and aspen mushrooms, as well as chanterelles and champignons are cooked for 20-25 minutes, their legs - 15-20 minutes, - 25-30 minutes. During cooking, it is necessary to collect the foam with a slotted spoon so that the marinade does not turn out cloudy.

If your mushrooms have sunk to the bottom of the pan and foam no longer comes out during boiling, you can remove them from the heat. To the almost finished delicacy you can add allspice, sugar, cloves, citric acid and bay leaf. The cooled dish should be put into jars, filled to the top with fragrant liquid and tightly closed with lids.

Boiling mushrooms separately from the marinade

This recipe for preserving mushrooms for the winter involves boiling the fruits of the forest separately from the marinade in lightly salted water. The cooking process itself resembles that indicated in the previous method.
The mushrooms are placed in a container filled with salted water (30-40 g of salt per 1 liter of water) and cooked until the product settles on one side and the water becomes clear, remembering to remove the foam. Then the cooked delicacy is placed in a colander to get rid of excess moisture. During this time, you need to prepare a marinade in parallel, for which you will need the following ingredients (dosages indicated per 1 liter):

  • 80% vinegar essence: 3 tsp, or 9% vinegar (1 faceted glass);
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • bay leaves - 4-5 pieces;
  • black pepper - 10 peas;
  • allspice - 6 peas;
  • cloves - 2-3 buds;
  • dry - 2-3 g.
All components need to be mixed and boiled. Then pour the resulting liquid over the cooled mushrooms placed in jars and cover with plastic lids.

Important! Some housewives add citric acid to the marinade (literally at the tip of a knife). This component is a kind of vaccination of the dish against botulism. For the same purpose, it is not recommended to close jars with metal lids.

Which marinating method should you choose?

Both recipes for pickled mushrooms for the winter are equivalent, since in the end you get an unsurpassed dish. But, if you draw a line of division, then the first method can be called more tasty, and the second - representative.
The fact is that the marinade in which the mushrooms were cooked will darken and fade a little over time and become viscous. But the taste of the forest delicacy will be especially aromatic and tantalizing to the taste buds.

With the second method, the marinade will be transparent and light. Therefore, when choosing how to pickle mushrooms for the winter in jars, you need to clearly formulate for yourself the purpose of this process: to prepare a masterpiece dish for the home table, or a copy for “special occasions.”

Preparing mushrooms for pickling

Successful hunting for forest gifts is only half the battle, although special vigilance is needed here, since the diversity of mushroom species can confuse even the most experienced mushroom picker. You should look especially carefully at each mushroom so that it doesn’t end up in the basket.

After collection, you need to prepare for preservation at home.


The collected forest products must be sorted by type, because each variety has its own characteristics (taste, smell, time and behavior during cooking). It is also recommended to divide the species by size. An aesthetic criterion comes into play here: mushrooms of approximately the same size look much more attractive on a holiday table.

Important! If you want to make assorted mushrooms, you should remember that, despite the information indicated in the recipes for preparing pickled mushrooms for the winter, some types should not be cooked together. So, boletus will darken if placed in the same container with boletus. Cooking white boletus, boletus and boletus in one vessel ends with the boletus being overcooked, while the white boletus and boletus are undercooked.

Soaking and soaking

These processes are relevant for species such as honey mushrooms, valui, and pigs, and are unique cleaning methods. For example, it is recommended to soak honey mushrooms for an hour in salted water, and then rinse them under a high-pressure stream of water. This method will save you a lot of time that would be required for manual cleaning.
As for valuev and, before pickling, they must be soaked for two days in salted cold water. The water needs to be changed every 10-12 hours.

It is not recommended to soak the remaining varieties (white boletuses, boletuses, milkweeds, boletuses, etc.), as they will absorb excess moisture. They just need to be washed in running water.


Almost every mushroom unit needs individual inspection and cleaning. So, for champignons and butter mushrooms, you need to remove the skin from the caps, and the latter are first advised to be immersed in boiling water for 1 minute to facilitate this process. In boletus, boletus, boletus, russula, etc., the legs are separated from the caps, and the chanterelles are thoroughly cleaned of dirt and debris under running water.

If the lion is the king of beasts, then the recognized “king” of the mushroom kingdom is, of course, the boletus or porcini mushroom. This product has a wonderful taste and attractive aroma, and is perfect for preparing any dishes and canning. Let's figure out how to pickle porcini mushrooms in jars for the winter so that the appetizer is a great success.

Porcini mushrooms are easy to cook, as it is almost impossible to spoil their taste. But, of course, you need to know some of the subtleties and nuances of preparing the workpiece.

Ideally, you should use independently collected mushrooms for pickling. The fact is that when buying mushrooms at markets, we have no way to find out where exactly they were collected. Meanwhile, mushrooms collected in environmentally unfavorable areas can be harmful, since they have the ability to accumulate various toxins from the environment.

The collected mushrooms must be thoroughly washed and peeled. For cleaning, it is recommended to use a brush (you can even use a toothbrush), since this is the only way to remove all the stuck grains of sand and other debris. But there is no need to soak them. Moreover, prolonged soaking can cause the mushrooms to become tasteless.

For pickling, it is best to select small, young mushrooms. Large mushrooms are best sent for drying or frying. It is not necessary to boil porcini mushrooms; however, preliminary blanching in water with salt and citric acid helps preserve the light color of the mushroom.

It is convenient to pickle mushrooms in glass jars. Canned food can be made without sterilization by covering the jars with nylon lids. This product must be stored strictly in the refrigerator.

You can also prepare canned food, rolled up with tin lids. But since this method of preservation is dangerous for the development of botulism, it is necessary to additionally sterilize the canned food. In addition, it is recommended to store jars with airtight closures for a short time - 1-2 months. But jars covered with plastic lids, if stored in the cold, can be used for a year.

Interesting facts: porcini mushrooms can only be collected in forests. Their industrial cultivation is unprofitable. In addition, fresh mushrooms store very poorly.

A simple recipe for pickling porcini mushrooms with vinegar

You can marinate porcini mushrooms using a simple vinegar marinade recipe. For pickling, we will select small young mushrooms.

  • 1.2-1.5 kg of porcini mushrooms (fresh weight);
  • 7-8 black peppercorns;
  • 3-5 peas of allspice;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 130 ml vinegar (9%);
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 4 teaspoons salt.

We wash the boletus with cold water using a brush and cut it into large pieces. Then pour a sufficient amount of water into the pan and add some salt. Place the chopped mushrooms in boiling water and cook for half an hour from the moment of boiling. During the cooking process, you need to stir the mushrooms.

Read also: Plum compote for the winter - 6 recipes

Place the boiled mushrooms in a colander and rinse with cold water. Water the mushrooms with cold water until they have cooled completely.

To prepare the marinade, pour 1 liter into a saucepan, add salt and sugar, bring to a boil and simmer for several minutes. Then add vinegar and stir. Dip the prepared mushrooms into the marinade and cook at low boil for half an hour.

We wash the jars and sterilize them over steam or in the oven. Place a bay leaf and a few peppercorns on the bottom of the container.

Advice! If desired, you can add 1-2 clove buds to the jars.

Place the mushrooms along with the marinade in prepared jars. The container should not be filled too tightly; the optimal layout is considered to be 70% mushrooms and 30% liquid.

We close the jars with lids hermetically, place the bottoms up on the lids and cool. Then we place the jars in the refrigerator for storage. It is advisable to consume mushrooms within two months.

Recipe with citric acid

You can marinate mushrooms without vinegar. The marinade is prepared with citric acid.

  • 800 gr. porcini mushrooms;
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid;
  • 50 gr. Sahara;
  • 30 gr. salt;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • bay leaf, black peppercorns and allspice to taste.

We select young mushrooms, wash them well, and cut off the lower part of the legs. Cut the boletus into 4 parts. Heat water in a saucepan and add a little salt. Place the prepared mushrooms in boiling water and cook for 30-40 minutes. Then drain the mushrooms through a colander, pour cold water over them and let cool.

Place the cooled mushrooms in clean, sterilized jars. Prepare the marinade: pour two glasses of water into the pan, add sugar and salt, add citric acid. Boil until all seasonings are dissolved. Pour the boiling marinade into jars. We close them with ordinary nylon lids and let the jars cool. Then we store it in the refrigerator.

Marinating frozen porcini mushrooms for the winter

Collected porcini mushrooms need to be processed as quickly as possible. However, there is not always time to bother with preparing the marinade. Therefore, it makes sense to freeze washed mushrooms. And then, when you have time, you can marinate the frozen boletus.

  • 1 kg frozen mushrooms;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar;
  • 4 buds of cloves;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 6 black peppercorns.

Place a pan of water on the fire, bring it to a boil and add salt to it. We take the mushrooms out of the freezer and put them in boiling water without defrosting. Cook the mushrooms for a quarter of an hour from the moment they boil. Then place the mushrooms in a colander and pour cold water over them.

Read also: Apple jam for the winter - 16 simple recipes

Wash the pickling jars well and sterilize them. For example, you can heat the jars in the oven. Place garlic cut in half at the bottom of each jar, add peppercorns and clove buds. We place the mushrooms in the prepared container; they need to be placed quite tightly, but without additional tamping.

Pour a liter of water into the pan, add sugar and salt. Boil the marinade for at least three minutes. After making sure that the sugar and salt have dissolved, pour in the vinegar and immediately remove from the heat. Pour the hot marinade into jars and cover with plastic lids. Let the jars cool and store in the refrigerator.

Boletus is considered the king of the entire mushroom kingdom. It surpasses even meat in protein content and is considered its natural substitute, for which it was nicknamed white meat. Therefore, it is worth including this product in your diet.

But if it’s easier to get it in summer and autumn, then what to do in winter? Of course, eat delicious preparations made in the summer. Let's find out how to marinate and roll porcini mushrooms into jars.

For an experienced mushroom picker, it will not be difficult to distinguish a good mushroom from a poisonous one. But there are chances that the mushroom may mutate and become unsuitable for food. Therefore, it is better to buy boletus mushrooms that are specially grown on farms.

The porcini mushroom has a characteristic brown cap (color may vary depending on soil composition and age) and a white stalk. A distinctive characteristic is the white color of its tubular layer between the cap and the stem, which will always be white regardless of the condition or method of preparation.

Before cooking, you should make sure that there is no accidental poisonous satanic or gall mushroom, which looks like boletus.

It is worth dealing with mushrooms in the very first hours after collecting or purchasing them, since this product quickly deteriorates and it is better to prepare them for consumption or pickling in the first 5-6 hours. They can be pickled, salted, dried and frozen - they are delicious in any condition.

First of all, you need to select good specimens, sort them by size and wash them.

A good mushroom should be strong, whole, not crushed and without wormholes, otherwise it will not only not be stored for long, but may also contain toxic substances.

Regardless of the method of further storage, they must first be sorted, carefully inspected for dents, cuts, wormholes, and affected areas removed. It is best, of course, not to use spoiled mushrooms for long-term storage and eat them immediately, but after removing the affected area, they can still be pickled or salted.

To prepare, you will need a large container for washing and soaking. Of course, the size of the container depends on the amount of product, but it is better to take a large basin or use a bathtub so that the mushrooms fit freely in one layer.

There are three ways to clean them from dirt:

  • first soak for 30 minutes, then again for 15 minutes in plenty of cold water;
  • dousing with boiling water up to 5 times;
  • rinse with plenty of running water.

As soon as the dirt and grass are washed away, the boletus mushrooms must be dried and prepared for further cooking. Whatever storage method is chosen, it is best to use small and medium-sized specimens whole, and cut especially large ones in half. For pickling or pickling, only the caps can be used, and the legs can be eaten.

Marinated porcini mushrooms

Pickled mushrooms are stored well for a long time in an airtight container. They are usually pickled with acid - acetic or citric. There are many options for marinade, but boletus goes well with any of them. Let's look at winter recipes that, in our opinion, are the most successful.

Boletus marinated with citric acid

If you don’t want to use vinegar, you can easily replace it with citric acid. The mushrooms have a piquant taste and are stored just as long as using a vinegar marinade.

  • boletus – 800 gr;
  • citric acid – 20 g;
  • salt – 60 g;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • water – 2 glasses.

Time spent: 3.5 hours.

Calorie content: 30 calories.

Quick recipe for pickling porcini mushrooms

Thanks to this marinade, mushrooms are stored for a long time. The recipe is based on using a 1 liter jar.


  • porcini mushroom – 1 kilo;
  • water – 750 ml;
  • salt – 90 g;
  • granulated sugar – 25 g;
  • vinegar – 30 ml;
  • laurel – 2-3 pcs.;
  • allspice and black peas - 3-4 pcs.;

Time spent: 30 minutes.

Calorie content: 25 calories.

  1. Boil pre-prepared mushrooms in boiling water for 20 minutes;
  2. At the same time, boil the marinade: dissolve salt with sugar and vinegar in 500 ml of water;
  3. After the mushrooms are cooked in the first water, transfer them to the marinade and cook in it for 8 minutes;
  4. Place bay leaves, peppers on the bottom of a sterile jar, and mushrooms on top. It is necessary to place it carefully, as soft mushrooms are easily deformed;
  5. Fill the jar with marinade and roll up the lid using a special machine;
  6. Instant porcini mushrooms are ready for the winter. They need to be stored in a cool, dark place.

Salted porcini mushrooms

An equally popular option for storing porcini mushrooms is pickling for the winter. This is the most ancient and proven way to store this product. There are several types of pickling.

Classic recipe

This was the method that most housewives used at a time when neither citric acid nor acetic acid was widely available. Salted mushrooms store well and have a unique taste.


  • 1 bucket of boletus;
  • 100 ml sunflower oil;
  • 2 cups salt.

Preparation time: 4 days.

Calorie content: 24 kcal.

  1. Cover the mushrooms with salt (they should already be peeled and washed) and leave them for a day;
  2. After this, pour the resulting juice into a saucepan and heat it up a little. Pour the juice back into the container and leave for another day;
  3. Repeat the procedure with the juice, only heat it up more;
  4. On the third day, drain the juice again, boil it and return it hot to the container;
  5. After three days, boil the mushrooms along with the juice and cool;
  6. Place the boletus mushrooms, legs down, in a container (it is better to use a wooden tub) and pour in the juice;
  7. Pour vegetable oil on top, tie a bag around the container and cover tightly with a lid;
  8. Before use, you need to keep them in cold water for several hours, and then boil them 2 times in two waters.

Hot salting

When using this method of pickling for the winter, the mushrooms are subjected to heat treatment in hot water. This does not change their taste, and time is saved.


  • mushrooms – 1 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • salt – 30 g for brine and 50 g for pickling;
  • bay leaf – 3-4 pcs.;
  • cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • peppercorns – 3 pcs.;
  • cherry or currant leaves - 2-3 pcs.;
  • dill – 30 gr.

Preparation time: 4 hours for cooking and 45 days for salting.

Calorie content: 40 calories.

  1. Boil water with salt and place mushrooms in it;
  2. As soon as foam forms on the surface, remove it and add all the spices;
  3. Cook for 30 minutes, stirring;
  4. Cool and place in jars, sprinkle with salt and fill with brine so that it covers only 1/3 of the jar;
  5. After 45 days you can eat it.

Cold pickling

Another option for pickling for the winter, but without cooking, instead of which long-term soaking is used.


  • porcini mushroom – 1 kg;
  • salt – 30 g;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • dill – 10 g;
  • cherry leaves – 10 pcs.

Preparation time: 3 days for preparation and 40 days for salting.

Calorie content: 30 calories.

How to freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter

Freezing is the fastest and easiest way to preserve any food, and not just for the winter. This will not require much time and effort.


  • mushrooms – 1 kilogram.

Time spent: 15 minutes.

Calorie content: 24 calories.

  1. Dry the peeled and washed porcini mushrooms. For convenience, you can immediately cut them into pieces;
  2. Place them on the pallet so that they do not touch each other;
  3. Pre-freeze for 10 minutes;
  4. Remove the mushrooms and place them in a bag or container;
  5. Place back in the freezer. When using, defrost first.

Any product can be turned into a masterpiece if it is prepared correctly. To avoid trouble, you need to use little secrets:

  1. When cooking, it is necessary to use mushrooms of the same size or make them so, since small parts will quickly boil and lose their shape, while large pieces will not be ready yet;
  2. Porcini mushrooms must be cooked separately from other types due to different cooking times;
  3. Follow the recipe exactly and do not change it;
  4. During cold salting, a small layer of mold may form on the top of the tub, but there is nothing wrong with that and you can simply remove it with a spoon;
  5. When frozen, you can mix them with other frozen vegetables to create a ready-made mixture for soups or stews.

These tips will help you avoid mistakes and food spoilage. Using proven recipes and knowing the secrets of delicious preparations for the winter, you can enjoy the unique taste of porcini mushrooms all year round!

You can learn how to properly dry porcini mushrooms to prepare them for the winter in the following video.

It's not very difficult to marinate. Using the right ingredients and following all the recipe recommendations, you are sure to get a very tasty and appetizing snack that no one in your family will refuse.

Selection and processing of the main ingredient

White is possible only if you are completely sure that you have collected an edible forest harvest. After all, many people who do not understand mushrooms confuse them with other species.

It is advisable to collect such a product away from highways and various factories. If you decide to purchase mushrooms at the market, we recommend that you carefully inspect them. They should be elastic and as fresh as possible, and also free of dents and wormholes.

How to prepare pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter? First of all, they should be processed correctly. The product is thoroughly cleaned of forest debris and then thoroughly washed in warm water. If the mushrooms are large, then they need to be cut into smaller pieces.

As soon as the product is processed, it is placed in a deep pan and filled with cold water. It is also salted to taste and then placed on the stove.

Having achieved a strong boiling of the liquid, reduce the fire to a minimum. After removing the gray foam from the surface of the water, cover the mushrooms loosely with a lid and cook for about ¼ hour.

As time passes, the forest harvest should noticeably decrease in size. After this, it is discarded in a colander and washed thoroughly.

To obtain a more tender and tasty snack, it is recommended to heat porcini mushrooms again. To do this, put them back into the pan, fill with cold water, salt, boil and cook for ¼ hour. After the time has passed, the mushrooms are discarded in a colander, washed and left aside for several hours (until all the liquid has drained).

Marinated porcini mushrooms: recipe

There is nothing complicated in preparing pickled snacks for the winter. To do this you need to stock up:

  • processed and boiled porcini mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • natural table vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • drinking water - 1 l;
  • sugar - to your taste;
  • medium-sized table salt - 1 large spoon;
  • black peppercorns - 6 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - to taste and desire;
  • bay leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • ground cinnamon - to taste.

Preparing the marinade

We talked above about how mushrooms should be processed before pickling them. While all excess liquid is draining from the product, begin preparing the marinade.

Drinking water is poured into a deep bowl and brought to a boil. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, add 1 large spoon of table salt and a little sugar.

After the spices are dissolved, table vinegar is poured into the marinade and then removed from the stove.

Heat treatment process and formation of snacks

As soon as the marinade is ready, put all the previously processed mushrooms into it and mix thoroughly. Bay leaves and peeled garlic cloves are also added to the products.

After keeping the ingredients in hot brine for about 5 minutes, they are placed on the stove and brought to a boil again. In this composition, the mushrooms need to be cooked for about ¼ hour.

While the product is being heat treated, begin preparing the cans. For this purpose, containers with a volume of 0.7 or 1 liter are used. They are washed well with baking soda and sterilized in a double boiler or on the stove.

Having prepared the container, put the prepared mushrooms with the marinade into it (right to the edges of the jar) and immediately roll it up with tin lids. By the way, the latter should also be sterilized. They are thoroughly washed and boiled in plain water.

Where to store?

The finished pickled porcini mushrooms in the jar are turned upside down and left in this form for a day. After this time, the snack is put away in the basement or cellar, that is, any cool and dark place (can be kept in the refrigerator).

As you can see, pickling porcini mushrooms is quite simple. However, you should not consume such a snack immediately after heat treatment. It must be kept in a cool place for a whole month. This is the only way you will get tasty and aromatic mushrooms that will definitely delight all members of your family.

How to use?

Now you know how pickled porcini mushrooms are prepared. You should definitely save the recipe for this snack in your cookbook. After the product has been marinated and becomes aromatic and very tasty, place it in a colander and rinse thoroughly under cold water.

Shake the mushrooms vigorously, season them with a small amount of vegetable oil, mix thoroughly and place in a bowl. This appetizer is served at the table along with any first and second hot courses.

Porcini mushrooms can be pickled not only according to the recipe described above, but also in other ways. For example, some housewives add not citric acid to such a snack. You can also put clove buds, various seasonings, dried herbs, etc. in the brine.