Material on the topic: Scenario of the game program "Winter Entertainment". Outdoor play program for children. Winter fun

Scenario for the “Winter Fun” program.

Props: hoops - 10 pcs., two shovels, two balls - for playing tennis, balloons, two hockey sticks, two pucks, fish, 5 bottles of colored water.

Cheerful music is playing. Two buffoons come out.

Buffoon:- Hello, dear parents and children! It's already mid-February. Spring will soon come and the white fluffy snow will melt, but we have not yet had time to enjoy the delights of our Russian winter. So let's play and have fun, breathe in the frosty air, and roll around in the snow.

Buffoon 2: The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand!

It stings your nose and rips your cheeks.
It's time for us to run.

Game "Musical Traps". Buffoons invite parents to become traps, and children run through them to the music. As soon as the music ends, the traps close, and the one who is caught also becomes a trap. The game continues until there are 2-3 children left who have not fallen into the trap.

Buffoon: So we found out who is the most dexterous.

Buffoon 2: Now let’s find out who is the most attentive.

Game "Slides, snowdrifts, snowflakes." Children move along the snowy playground to the music. At the leader’s command: “Slides,” the children stand in pairs, facing each other, holding hands and raising them above their heads. On the command: “Snowdrifts”, the children squat down. On the command: “Snowflakes,” children fall on their backs, arms and legs outstretched.

Buffoon 1: Oh, I wanted to catch some fish.

Buffoon 2: What you! Do they fish in winter?

Buffoon 1: Let's ask the guys. Can you fish in winter? (children answer)

Game "Winter Fishing"
Props for the game: cardboard fish on a string. The fish is tied to a belt.
The players' task: catch as many fish as possible (step on and tear off the fish from other players) and keep yours. Number of players - 2-10 people. You can invite your parents to play this game.

Buffoon 2: Guys, let's clap for the fastest fish and the best fishermen.

Buffoon 1: We are having a wonderful holiday. We gathered to see who is the fastest and most agile.

Buffoon 2: And what would a holiday be without balloons?

Buffoon 1: And here are the balls! (the buffoon throws the balls). Oh, they flew away.

Buffoon 2: Guys, don't let the balls fall (10-15 balls are thrown and the guys try to prevent the balls from falling to the ground).

Buffoon 1: Guys, you are all so great! They didn't let the balls fall. Let's now compete as teams.
Relay races

Buffoon 2: We need two teams. Which of the guys wants to join my team, stand behind me.

Buffoon 1: And whoever wants to join my team, stand behind me.

Buffoon 2: What would winter fun be without hockey? Let's try to play hockey. (Each team receives a stick and a puck. Use the stick to bring the puck to the designated line, pick up the puck and run back to the team. The stick is passed to the next player, and the relay continues.)

Buffoon 1: And I know another interesting relay race. In winter, we often shovel snow, and now each team receives a shovel, but we will carry a small ball on it. (Carry the ball on a shovel to the marked line and back, pass it to the next player, etc.. The team whose players return to the start-finish line first wins).

Buffoon 2: I would like to see who can crawl through the hoops the fastest (for each team an obstacle of 5-8 hoops is built, the guys need to crawl through the hoops and run back to the team, the team that returns to the starting position the fastest wins.

Buffoon 1: How fun and good it is for me to play with you. Guys, have you drawn in the snow? No. So let's try it. (Teams are given 1.5 liter bottles with water painted over with gouache (blue, red, orange, etc.), the teams draw pictures on the snow).

Buffoon 2: Guys, I know an interesting game “Train Engine”. I will be a train, and you are my carriages. Let's hit the road. Tu-tu-tu... (“The little engine” makes a big circle around the playground).

Buffoon 1: Chupa Chups station. The buffoon gives each player “Chupa Chups” for participating in the game program.

Buffoon 2: This concludes our game program. Goodbye, see you again!

Game program “Winter fun”

Target: acquaintance with new games for leisure, health promotion.

Decor: in the area where the event will be held, you need to trample a path in advance (it is better if it is winding), and draw footprints in the snow not far from it. It is also necessary to bury the treasure shallowly and mark this place either on the map or with the help of multi-colored flags.

Required attributes:

  • Items for decorating snowmen: carrots, coal for eyes, twigs, bucket;

  • Colored water poured into spray bottles;

    Sets for playing in the sand - shovels and molds;

    Treasure (bag with candies or toys), map or flags;

Progress of the event:

Presenter: Winter has come! Open the gate!

Blizzards and blizzards are winter friends!
Snow and frost will freeze your nose!
Hide your ears, hurry up your nose!
And get outside quickly!

Guys! Today we have gathered to have fun, play and frolic! Let's prove to Mother Winter that we are not afraid of frost! In any situation, we are ready to sing and dance! Right?

Then let's go! Or rather, let's run! One after another! Let's warm our feet by running and jumping along the path!

Game "Snow Path"

Along a pre-trodden path in the snow, children follow the leaders, repeating their movements: jumping on one leg, on two, at a walk, with a grab of the shin, stepping in small steps. It will be more interesting if the path is winding and there are turns at the most unexpected moments. The task of the participants is not to go astray.

Presenter: Our feet have warmed up, winter won’t freeze them now! The frost won't reach them! Now let's warm our hands! Tell me, who can draw a wonderful picture without hands?

Presenter: Right. Well done! Well, it will be difficult for us without hands! Therefore, we will now warm them up. And at the same time, let's say hello to each other!

The “Greetings” competition is being held

Children are divided into two teams. Teams line up opposite each other. The participants’ task is to convey the handshake to the end of the line as quickly as possible: first, the first and second participants shake hands, then the second and third, and so on.

Presenter: Guys, winter is a wonderful time! It allows you to create paintings right in the snow! You can paint and not be afraid of getting dirty with paint. And if something doesn’t work out, then you can cover your tracks and draw a new picture. Our next competition is “Jolly Artists”.

A competition of artists in the snow is being held.

You can give the task to draw a cheerful sun, a house for a frozen animal, or a drawing on a free topic.

Presenter: Well, now let’s try to guess what Mother Nature drew in the snow.

The Pathfinder competition is being held

Traces of various animals are pre-painted on the snow. The participants' task is to guess which animals left their prints in the snow.

Presenter: You see how easily you can “read” from the snow who passed through and how many there were. Do you think we can guess from all the tracks how many animals have passed? Guys, when wolves walk through the snow, they follow each other, trail after trail, to confuse those who follow them. Do you think it's difficult? This is what we will check now!

A relay race is held with two teams “Track to trace”

Players must walk one after another through the snow, stepping on the footprints of those in front. It is important not to stumble, not to leave additional traces by which one can guess that more than one person passed by.

Presenter: Winter is a great time for sledding! Previously, people harnessed several horses to large sleighs and rode on freshly fallen snow.

The competition “Troika Rushes” is held

For the competition, sleds are needed according to the number of participants, grouped in groups of three. Participants take the sled by the rope. You can put a doll on the sled. The players' task is to run to a certain place and back as quickly as possible.

Presenter: Guys, what else can you do in winter? So many interesting activities! Tell me, what is the name of the snow man you sculpt out of snow every winter? That's right, snowman! And our next competition is “Build a Snowman.” Let's see whose team can complete this task faster.

Children they make snowmen and decorate them.

Presenter: So the residents of our winter town are ready. But they can be attacked by destroyers. What to do? We will protect them! To do this, we need to learn to shoot accurately! Let's learn how to throw snowballs at them!

The presenter conducts the game “Hit with a Snowball”

A pre-made scarecrow is installed on the playground. Participants try to hit it with a snowball from a certain distance.

Presenter: You are sharp and dexterous! Did they forget to put a carrot instead of a nose on the snowmen? No? Then you are just great! Tell me, what color is winter? Why is she white?

(White because snow is white.)

Presenter: It's boring to see the same color all the time. Let's color winter. Let's make it colorful! How will we do this? That's right, with the help of paints! Or rather, with the help of colored water!

The game “Color the Winter” is being held

For it you will need multi-colored water poured into spray bottles. Children can color previously prepared drawings. You can draw a rainbow: seven participants walk one after another, spraying water of the desired color.

Presenter: We have had a beautiful winter, bright, bright! Now it's more fun outside! Are you tired yet? Shall we continue playing? Let's be cooks now. Let's try to make a huge beautiful cake.

First, prepare the basis for the future cake - the cake layer. To do this, snow is applied and compacted. Then decorations are made using molds.

Presenter: Boys and girls! Still want a competition? There is a real treasure buried throughout this area! Yes Yes! If you don't believe me, check it out! Try to find at least one! What do those who want to dig up treasure need? That's right, a map and a shovel! Here's a map, here's a shovel - let's go in search of treasure!

Participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given shovels and a map where the location of the treasure is marked with a cross. Participants find this place and tear up the snow. For younger children, you can mark the location where the treasure is located with flags of a different color for each team.

Presenter: Hooray! We found a treasure! And each of us is happy! Now let's divide this treasure, then we will continue to play! And the next winter fun will allow you to gain honor and glory. After all, only the one who can defeat an honest people will be considered strong and brave!

The Flamingo competition is being held

Participants stand on one leg - who can hold on in this position longer?

Presenter: Our snow meeting is over! We were tired, but we had fun and interesting! See you again, guys!

You can also do the following games and competitions:

    "Snowman": A driver – a “snowman” – is selected from among the participants. He catches up with the other participants and gives them a snowball. The one who is hit by the snowball becomes the driver.

    "Snowflakes": All participants are running and frolicking. As soon as the command is given, they must unite in groups of 6 people (fewer can be done if there are few children). The first snowflake to form wins. The game can be complicated by establishing the following rule: all players must hold hands and take the same pose.

    "Winter and Spring": In winter the snow falls, and in the spring it melts. If the presenter says the word “Winter,” the children run and spin, pretending to be snowflakes. If the presenter says the word “Spring,” the children should sit down as if they had melted. Whoever makes a mistake loses.

    "Guess whose mitten": A game of attention. The driver is selected. He turns away from the rest of the participants. One of the players takes off the mitten and places it in a predetermined place. All children hide their hands in their pockets. The driver turns, takes the mitten, approaches the child to whom, in his opinion, the mitten belongs, and says: “The mitten has a pair.” The participant takes his hands out of his pockets. If it is his mitten, then he becomes the driver; if not, the driver gives the mitten to the owner and guesses again.

    Winter relays:

    “Ski track!”- with ski poles, depicting movement on skis;

    "Bunnies"- two jumps forward, one back;

    "Sly little foxes" - run, covering your tracks with a broom - tail;

    "Snowball" - roll as large a ball of snow as possible;

    "Decorate the snowman" - at a distance from each team there are snowmen who have no eyes, nose, or hands. The participants’ task is to take turns bringing the required attribute and placing it in the right place. For example, put a bucket on your head, a carrot in the center of your face.

    "Tunnel"- dig a hole as deep as possible using a shovel;

    "Snow Well" - fill the improvised well (bucket) with snow as quickly as possible;

    "Puck!"- use a stick to move the ball to the end of the distance.

Tamara Orlova

The goal is to form children the need for a healthy lifestyle, physical activity and physical improvement.


To foster in children a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance and the desire to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

Develop physical qualities children(speed, strength, endurance, coordination);quickness of thinking.

Consolidate knowledge about New Year's traditions of different countries.

Presenter 1:

Have fun, honest people!

The holiday is now at the gates!

Presenter 2:

What holiday is it today?

What are people celebrating?

Presenter 1:

Well, you're Phil the Simpleton,

Have you looked at the calendar lately?

Presenter 2:

Well, I looked. ...

But there's something about him

I didn't see anything.

Presenter 1:

Guys, maybe

Can you tell me

What kind of festival is this at the gates?

(Answers children) It's Old New Year!

Presenter 2:

Holiday Old New Year

Loves our honest people.

Have fun, don't be bored,

And invite all your friends!

Presenter 1:

Today there is a holiday in the yard

This is how happy the kids are

There's a reason to have fun

Play around and have fun.

Presenter 2:

Songs, dances, laughter, carols,

People are celebrating with might and main

Well, today we are with you

Let's play without worries.

Presenter 1: Dear friends, it was not in vain that we decided to start our gaming in this way: jokes and jokes. After all, today is such a wonderful holiday "Old New Year". Today the New Year has come into its own and today we will go to game world, the world is fun and exciting. In these games you will have the opportunity to express yourself, to show how dexterous, fast, active and friendly you are. So, " Winter fun".

1. Game: "Arrows". We form into two teams. Everyone has it player two attempts to knock down the pin. The team that knocks down the most wins. Attention! Let's start!

The game is underway.

2. Game: "Who is faster". We stand in a circle so that there is an odd number players. We walk in circles in fourth speed, team: "Ball". Players grab balls. Whoever did not have time to grab it takes one ball and leaves. The game continues until one person wins. Attention! Let's start!

The game is underway.

3. Game: “The chains are forged”. We formed two teams. I think there is no need to explain the conditions?

The game is underway.

4. Relay: "Give - bring". First player runs to the pin, puts the ball down, runs to the team. Second player runs and picks up the ball. He runs to the team and passes it to the third. On your marks! Attention! March!

The game is underway.

5. "New Year's Quiz"

In which country do they put New Year's gifts in stockings? (USA, Russia, Vietnam)

In which country is Santa Claus Bobbo Natale?, Argentina, Hungary, Italy)

In which country is Santa Claus called Pere Noel? (USA, France, Argentina)

In which country is it customary to throw furniture out the window on New Year's Day? (Italy, India, Australia)

What is traditionally set on fire in France on New Year's Day? (Christmas tree, clothes, log)

According to Japanese tradition, what do children put under their pillow on New Year's Eve? (drawing of your dreams, sweets, money)

In which country do they use a palm tree instead of a Christmas tree? (Germany, Brazil, Romania)

Which country is it in? tradition: On December 31st, climb onto chairs and jump into the New Year at the first strike of the clock? (Germany, Russia, Türkiye)

In which country is New Year a lantern festival? (Czech Republic, Uzbekistan, China)

There is a tradition in Cuba: on New Year's Eve, during the 12 strokes of the clock, eat 12 berries. What kind of berries are these? (grapes, sea buckthorn, cherry)

The birthplace of Santa Claus? (Lapland)

Homeland of Santa Claus? (Veliky Ustyug)

In which country is the New Year celebrated not at midnight, but at sunrise? (Croatia, Japan, Philippines)

In which country is Santa Claus called Joulupukki? (Finland, Türkiye, Vietnam)

In Greece, on New Year's Eve, it is traditional to break a fruit against the wall of the house. What kind of fruit is this? (mango fruit, potato fruit, pomegranate fruit)

In which country do they break clay pots filled with fruit, water or New Year's gifts for the New Year? (Mexico, India, Japan)

6. Captains competition: "Giant Steps". Captains from the starting line must take giant steps to reach the mark. Whoever gets to the goal faster, but in fewer steps, will win. On your marks! Attention! March!

The game is underway.

7. Relay: "I'll give you a ride". Teams are lined up in two columns. Each team is given an ice cube. One team member sits on it, the second takes him to the pin, there they change roles and move back to the team, passing the ice cube to the next pair.

The game is underway.

Presenter 1: summing up we can safely say: "friendship won!"

Presenter 2: Well, thank you guys.

For fun and daring.

The game was all good

And not so much for pampering.

Presenter1: It’s a pity to part with you,

But it's time for us to leave.

But on the next holiday,

Don't forget to invite.

Leading:2 Happy holiday! See you again!

Publications on the topic:

Methodological development of gaming activities in the second junior group “Chicken” Methodological development of gaming activities The goal is to create conditions for children to demonstrate speech and cognitive activity. Tasks: .

Summary of organized play activities “Winter Fun” Goal: to create an atmosphere of magic, fabulousness; to please and captivate children with a playful situation. Objectives: Educational: -enrich vocabulary.

This methodological development of the didactic manual "Learning with Fun" is a game notebook in A6 format, including.

Goal: to create favorable conditions for the positive mood of children and parents, conditions for joint play and cognitive activities.

Methodological development of the “Winter Fun” walk for young children Methodological development on the topic: Walk “Winter Fun” for young children. Goal: 1. Continue to shape children's ideas.

This game program is intended for children 4 -8 years old. The games can be conducted by parents, kindergarten teachers or school teachers, and high school students, older comrades of the participants in the event, or teenage brothers and sisters can help them. To conduct the games, the participation of presenters will be required.

Venue: on the street, in the park, at the stadium.

This activity will help teach children:

  • help comrades;
  • work in a team;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle.

Event format: a journey of teams through “stations”, at each of which a new task awaits them from the presenters and their assistants.

The task of the assistants: prepare props, musical accompaniment, and prizes for the winners for all “stations”.

Two or three teenage assistants are assigned to each “station.”

The more children participating in the event, the better: it is desirable that the number of teams exceeds the number of games.

After completing each stage, the teams will receive a piece of paper on which the syllables from the sentence will be written (“motto”).

Construction. Greeting the game participants

First presenter: "Friends! I invite everyone to participate in the “Winter Fun” game program! Join us!

Second presenter:

« We invite everyone to the schoolyard!

Let laughter sound everywhere!”

Presenter 1.: “Has everyone arrived? Is everyone healthy?

Are you ready to play with us?

Presenter 2.: “Test dexterity and attention

Competitions will help us."

After these words, the presenters form several teams from the participants with an equal number of players and distribute to them pre-prepared sheets of paper on which the names of the stations and the “rules of behavior” of the teams at each of them are written. Players choose team captains by lot or are appointed by the presenters.

Games by station

"Crossing on horseback"

Props: sticks to which hand-made horse heads are attached (from colored cardboard, for example).

The assistants hand out “horse sticks” to all captains and ask them to quickly gather the members of their teams into small groups, which they must run around (naturally, holding the stick between their legs), and then lead them in the direction of the next station.

"Big races"

The assistants announce to the arriving children that at their station, called "The Big Race", all teams must split into groups of three and then head towards the next station. At the same time, “troikas” can join hands so as not to lose partners in the turmoil.

"Peacock Tail"

Props: “peacock tails” (homemade “aprons” sewn from bright scraps and ribbons that can be tied on a belt so that they hang at the back), skittles (4-5 per team).

This station will be the last one, and here all participants are given prizes and sweets, and then the children try to put together the words “motto” from the received syllables.


Presenter 1.: “Everyone played great.

You won by right."

Presenter 2: "Well done boys. You were all dexterous, strong, brave, and most importantly, friendly.”

Presenter 1: “We are finishing the sports game

and we invite everyone for tea and pancakes!”

Target:create a festive mood in children through active participation in the competition and game program.


Uniting the children's team;

Development of communication skills.

Progress of the program.

Presenter.Dear Guys! I invite you to the game program. Today, in fun and exciting games, you will have the opportunity to prove yourself, to show how dexterous, fast, and resilient you are.

Everywhere you look there are snowdrifts and hills.

But is there a time better than the beauty of winter?

We are starting the winter holiday: there will be games, there will be laughter,

And fun activities are prepared for everyone.

Presenter.Guys, Zimushka-Winter sent you snowflakes. But these are not simple snowflakes, but with surprises. Each has interesting tasks - fun, winter ones! (snowflakes with tasks hang on the tree)


Presenter.First of all, guys, oh solve my winter riddles!

1 . White fluff

They circle above the ground,

White blanket

They fall, they lie down!

Tell me what kind of fluff they are

So interesting

As if from a picture -

Carved and wonderful? (C nezhinki)

2. Knocked on the windows at night,

I put a pattern on the glass,

The Thaw fought back.

Answer the question:

Who is this?( Father Frost!)

3. He was born in frosty winter,

Nose like a carrot, no question!

From birth he was accustomed to snow.

So this is... (Snowman).

4 . On roofs and eaves

They grow in winter

Raise your eyes up -

They are both here and here! (icicles)

5. I was hit with a shovel

They made me hunchbacked

They beat me, they beat me!

Ice water poured over

And then they all rolled off

From my hump in droves. (Slide)

6 . Oh, it's snowing

I'm bringing out my friend horse,

For the rope-rein

I lead my horse through the yard,

I'm flying down the hill on it,

And I drag him back. (Sled)

Game “Christmas trees and stumps”

Guys, are the Christmas trees tall in the forest? - Yes!

And the stumps? - Little ones!

Now I'll check how attentive you guys are. Always show the Christmas trees high (we stretch our arms up), and the stumps small (we crouch), and I will deliberately confuse you and show you either correctly or incorrectly

The Christmas trees are green, tall and slender,

And the stumps are babies, short babies.

The Christmas trees are fragrant, slender, fluffy,

And the stumps are low, gray, resinous.

Christmas trees, stumps, stumps, Christmas trees.

Christmas trees, Christmas trees, stumps, stumps.


Teams are lined up in 2 columns. At the signal of player 3 from each team: one in the “sled” (hoop), the other in the harness (in front of the hoop), the third pushes the sled from behind, they run to the finish line and back. Then the one who was carrying the sleigh stands at the end of the column. He is replaced by the one who was sitting in the sleigh, who was pushing the sleigh - a new player is riding in the sleigh, pushing the sleigh. Is the task clear? Reade set Go!

"Warm den"

Participants in the competition are given hoops. Their task is to place as many other people as possible into their hoop (in a warm den). The participant who “saves” the most people in one minute wins.

"Snowball game"

We stand in teams opposite each other. Each team has an equal number of snowballs. A line is drawn in the middle. Teams are exchanged for 2 minutes while the music plays. Which side has the least number of snowballs, that team wins. So, time has passed.

"A fast-talking tongue-twister."

1. The weather in our courtyard has turned wet.
2. Not at all slippery, not slippery at all.
3. Sanka is carrying Senka and Sonya on a sled.

"Snowball in a Spoon"

Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team has a basket of snowballs in front of them. Children place a snowball on a wooden spoon. They take turns running to the hoop so that the snowball does not fall, put the snowball in the hoop and, upon returning, pass the spoon to the next participant. The next person takes a racket, puts a snowball (ball) from a bag on it and runs to the hoop.


Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team has 3 sheets of white paper. You need to use them to cross to the other side of the hall and run back.

“This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

And now it’s time for us to rest, kids! Now I will tell you what I like to do, if you like it too, then you answer with the words “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” Let's learn these words. Now be very careful!

I love walking in the snow

And I love playing in the snow!

I love to ski
I also love skates!

I love winter and summer
Sing, play and dance!

I also love candy
Chew straight with a candy wrapper!

I love sledding
So that the wind whistles!

I'm inside out today
I put on a warm fur coat!

Both boys and girls
Hurry up and run to the round dance!

We love to sing songs loudly,
We love games in the snow!

"Winter fishing"

Lay out the fish according to the number of children, 1 fish less. Children run in circles to the music. As soon as the music stops, the children must have time to take 1 fish. Whoever doesn't get the fish is out of the game. Each time 1 fish is removed.

"Winter Tales"

Folk tales have traditional beginnings: “Once upon a time...”, “Once upon a time...”, “Once upon a time...”. Try to compose a fairy tale yourself, which already has a beginning, and it sounds like this:
1. Once upon a time there lived a friendly family of Snowflakes, but one day a misfortune happened: the youngest of the sisters fell ill, she did not sleep, did not eat and turned green day by day...
2. A daughter was born to the winter king January, and he threw a feast on this occasion, invited all the snowy inhabitants to it, but did not invite the evil sorceress Purga...
3. An evil robber, whose name was Sugrob, settled next to the village of peaceful Snowmen.

"Ice, snowflakes, icicles."

Presenter.As soon as I say the word “Ice!”, you all raise your hands up and join your palms. When the word “Snowflakes!” is heard, we all turn around ourselves, spread our arms to the sides and spread our fingers. Well, if the word “Icicles!” is heard, you need to press your hands at the seams, press your legs tightly too, and sway from side to side, while saying: “Ding-ding!” Do you understand, guys?

Presenter:Well done, guys! We played well and made almost no mistakes! All the snowflakes are gone. Our gaming program has come to an end. You all showed agility, speed, and intelligence. And from Zimushka - Winter there are sweet prizes for everyone.