Prayer for everything to go well in business. Prayer for everything to be fine

Complete collection and description: christian prayer so that everything is good for the spiritual life of a believer.

Prayer “for good things” to the Lord

If life brings you little joy, if your household is ill, and there is no success in business, read this prayer to our Lord before going to bed:

“Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ. Take away everything sinful from me, and add a little of everything good. Give a piece of bread along the path, and help save your soul. I don’t need too much contentment, I wish I could live to see better times. Faith will be my holy reward, and I know that I will not be executed. Let everything not be fine, I really need your help. And may my soul soon receive what I really lack. And let your will be done. Amen!"

If your household continues to get sick, and there are only failures in other areas, turn to the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow with a prayer.

Prayer to Matrona

Prayer for the children to do well

Say a good prayer for the fate of your children yourself before the face of Christ, the Saints or the Mother of God. She will help to continue good endeavors and cope with the awkwardness of everyday life:

“My Lord, protect my children!

From evil and unkind people,

Save from all diseases,

Let them grow healthy!

Let them know your love

Yes, experience what it means to be a mother,

Don't deprive your father's feelings.

Reward with spiritual beauty.

Prayer to Joseph Volotsky for good trade

St Nicholas Orthodox prayer so that everything goes well in trading. Joseph of Volotsky is the patron saint of trading people; you should contact him if you want good and calm trading. And he will help your business to prosper. There is no special prayer for him, marked on Christmastide. Just light a candle and express your sorrows in your words. Yes, say everything you want, ask from the saint. If your soul is pure, and you yourself think about good goals, you will receive the fulfillment of what you want.

So that everything goes well - prayer to Nicholas of Myra

They dedicate a prayer to this saint if there are quarrels and scandals in the family, if things are not going well, and everything is going wrong. You can ask him for good things with the children and in the family. The main thing is the sincerity of your fervent prayer. The words you say are not important, the main thing is that you ask for what your soul desires most.

Miracle prayer to Joseph for good things to do at work

“Oh, our glorious and blessed father Joseph! Your boldness is great and leads to your strong intercession with Our God. We pray to you in our hearts of contrition for intercession. With the light given to you, illuminate us (your names and those closest to you) with grace, and with prayers to you, help the lives of this stormy sea to cross serenely and reach refuge for salvation. Having despised temptations yourself, help us too, ask for an abundance of earthly fruits from our Lord. Amen!"

A strong prayer to the saints for help

Saint Joseph Before you read this powerful prayer to the saints for help in everyone’s affairs, you need to prepare. You must fast for three days, do not eat dairy or meat foods, and memorize the prayer itself; you cannot read it from a book. When the fourth day comes, go to church, and before you leave the house, read it once.

“Saints of God, my heavenly patrons! I pray to you for protection and help. For me, a sinful servant of God (your name), pray, ask our God, Jesus Christ, for forgiveness of sins for me, and beg for a grace-filled life and a happy share. And through your prayers, may my aspirations come true. May he teach me humility, may he bestow love, deliver me from sorrows, illnesses, and earthly temptations. May I be worthy earthly way I will go, successfully dealing with earthly affairs, and I will be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen!"

The fast, which I had observed for three days before, must be continued on this day, only tomorrow you can eat meat and milk, otherwise the prayer will not work with the necessary power.

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Prayer that changes life for the better

Prayer that all will be well is a popular text that is often used for a variety of purposes.

Moreover, there are both general prayers for a successful outcome of this or that matter, and prayers that everything will be fine in a specific, narrow sense.

Prayer is a great force that changes the most unfavorable expected outcome, often in the opposite direction to expectations. Every sincerely praying person can influence a particular situation in order to change it.

How does prayer help?

Prayer is communication with the Lord himself and His saints. God sees the heart of every person, He knows the secret aspirations of a person.

He can predict how this or that action of a person will respond to other people and, most importantly, how it will respond in the soul of the person praying.

If God knows that success is useful to a person, He gives it to everyone who sincerely prays and wants to change their life for the better (both their own and the lives of other people).

If success only does harm, do not persist and do not go to fortune-tellers; perhaps you are not yet ready to accept the blessings prepared by the Lord. It takes time - this happens sometimes, not everything can be obtained instantly and easily.

It is absolutely normal and natural to desire that our destiny and that of those close and dear to us be successful. It is necessary not only to make every effort to achieve this ordinary life, but also to strengthen confidence by prayer to the Lord.

Sometimes it is difficult to overcome embarrassment and embarrassment - ask God for help, as you would ask your father or mother for help: God is our Heavenly Father.

Don’t upset him, don’t go to fortune tellers and witches, don’t cast magic to achieve your goal.

A separate, special case of prayer that everything will be fine is a prayer for success in running a business - a very complex and responsible matter. Given the negative factors and defects of the system that have to be overcome, it is difficult to maintain a sound mind and confidence - unless you strengthen your spiritual strength with prayer.

Ask the Lord to get rid of all kinds of problems - any situation can be changed for the better. Pray every day for the outcome of this or that event, and simply for the prosperity and success of the business. Do not forget to thank God by giving rich alms, sharing a large income with big amount

people in need - and success will be guaranteed to you. Recently, Russian entrepreneurs received their own special patron - St. Joseph of Volotsky.

You can and should pray to him every day for the prosperity and success of your business - regardless of its size and other factors.

If you are haunted by failures caused by people, ask for help and intercession of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, the Wonderworker of Myra. This wonderful saint became famous for many miracles performed by the Lord through his holy prayers, and especially for his protection and patronage of the deprived.

All who have suffered undeserved offense from people have Saint Nicholas as their defender and representative before the Throne of God - he never leaves the faithful children of Christ in need and offense.

How to pray correctly?

You definitely need to pray not only for your success, but also ask God and His holy saints for the well-being of your family, loved ones, friends, not only friends, but even (more than others) your enemies, you need to forgive and pray for them! This is what the Lord commanded us, and we, to the best of our modest strength, must try to comply.

Do not use magic and witchcraft to achieve success and positive changes in life.

This offends the Lord and entails the most unkind consequences for you and your loved ones who are involved in it.

Prayers for everything to be fine: comments

Comments - 9,

You really need to pray as much as possible. Just, as the article says, you need to be patient. God knows best when and to what extent we need it and whether it is necessary in principle. After all, it often happens that we want something very badly, but it doesn’t work out. Sometimes it seems that fate itself is against this. But we still persistently strive and, in the end, when our desire comes true, we see that it did not bring anything good.

I feel bad at heart, I'm smart about debt


Thank you for writing prayers, these are prayers that everyone needs.


Matronushka, help me in difficult times and ask the Lord to forgive me for all my sins Thank you

Touched help our family. Help us have our own home

Matryonushka, help all my loved ones to be fine. And everything was good in my life. Amen. Thank you😘

Matryonushka, help me so that everything will be fine for me and my loved ones. Please, thank you

What prayer should I read so that everything will be fine?

A person cannot see God with his own eyes, but a believer has the opportunity to communicate with him spiritually through prayer. Prayer passed through the soul is a powerful force that connects the Almighty and man. In prayer, we thank and glorify God, ask for blessings on good deeds and turn to him with requests for help, life guidelines, salvation and support in grief. We pray to him for our health and well-being, and ask him for all the best for our family and friends. A spiritual conversation with God can take place in any form. The Church does not prohibit turning to the Almighty in simple words, coming from the soul. But still, the prayers that were written by the saints carry a special energy that has been prayed over for centuries.

The Orthodox Church teaches us that prayers can be addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos, and to the holy apostles, and to the saint whose name we bear, and to other saints, asking them for prayerful intercession before God. Among the many well-known prayers, there are those that have stood the test of time, and to which believers turn for help when they need simple human happiness. Prayers asking for everything good, for good luck and for happiness for every day are collected in the Prayer Book for Well-Being.

Prayer to the Lord for all good things

This prayer is read when they need general well-being, happiness, health, success in daily affairs and endeavors. She teaches to appreciate what is given by the Almighty, to rely on the will of God and to believe in his power. They turn to the Lord God before going to bed. They read a prayer in front of holy images and lit church candles.

“Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ. Take away everything sinful from me, and add a little of everything good. Give a piece of bread along the path, and help save your soul. I don’t need much satisfaction, I wish I could live to see better times. Faith will be my holy reward, and I know that I will not be executed. Let everything not be fine, I really need your help. And may my soul soon receive what I truly lack. And let your will be done. Amen!"

Orthodox prayer for well-being

Prayer is intended to help in difficult periods of life, when failures accumulate and trouble after trouble comes. They read it in the morning, in the evening, and in difficult moments for the soul.

“Lord, have mercy on me, Son of God: my soul is angry with evil. Lord, help me. Give to me, that I may be satisfied, like a dog, from the grains that fall from the table of Your servants. Amen.

Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of God, Son of David according to the flesh, as You had mercy on the Canaanites: my soul is angry with anger, rage, evil lust and other destructive passions. God! Help me, I cry to You, who does not walk on earth, but who dwells at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Hey, Lord! Grant me my heart, with faith and love, to follow Your humility, kindness, meekness and long-suffering, so that in Your eternal Kingdom I will be worthy to partake of the table of Your servants, whom You have chosen. Amen!"

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for well-being on the journey

Travelers setting out on a long journey ask St. Nicholas for a safe journey. In order not to get lost and not get lost on the trip, to meet on the way good people and get help in case of problems, read the prayer before the road:

“Oh Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and pray for us, unworthy, our Creator and Master, make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that he does not reward us according to our deeds, but according to his own He will reward us with goodness. Deliver us, saints of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves, passions and troubles that rise against us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, and salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen!"

If there is a dangerous road ahead, a risk to health and life, read the troparion to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“The rule of faith and the image of meekness, self-control, the teacher, show you to your flock, even the truth of things; For this reason, you have gained high humility, rich in poverty, Father Hierarch Nicholas, pray to Christ God to save our souls.”

A short prayer to Archangel Michael for every day

Prayers to Archangel Michael are considered protective. Prayer “amulets” are used to facilitate daily life, prevent trouble and illness, protect yourself from robberies and attacks. You can turn to the saint before completing any important task.

"Holy Archangel Divine Michael, drive away from me with your lightning sword the evil spirit that tempts me. O great Archangel of God Michael - conqueror of demons! Defeat and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible, and pray to the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and preserve me from sorrows and from all illnesses, from deadly plagues and vain deaths, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!"

A strong prayer of repentance to the saints for help in all matters

Prayer requires simple preparation and spiritual cleansing. The words of the prayer must be learned by heart, and before the prayer itself, you must exclude dairy and meat products from your diet for three days. They read a prayer on the fourth day before going to church. It is forbidden to talk to anyone on the way to the temple. Before entering the church, they cross themselves and read the prayer a second time. In the church, seven candles are placed next to the icons of saints and a prayer is read. Last time the holy words of prayer are said at home:

“Saints of God, my heavenly patrons! I pray to you for protection and help. For me, a sinner, servant of God (name), pray to our God Jesus Christ. Beg for forgiveness of sins for me and beg for a blessed life and a happy share. And through your prayers, may my aspirations come true. May he teach me humility, may he bestow love and deliver me from sorrows, illnesses and earthly temptations. May I walk the earthly path with dignity, successfully dealing with earthly affairs and becoming worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen!"

The fast is also maintained on the fourth day, otherwise the prayer will not have sufficient power.

A person cannot see God with his own eyes, but a believer has the opportunity to communicate with him spiritually through prayer. Prayer passed through the soul is a powerful force that connects the Almighty and man. In prayer, we thank and glorify God, ask for blessings on good deeds and turn to him with requests for help, life guidelines, salvation and support in grief. We pray to him for our health and well-being, and ask him for all the best for our family and friends. A spiritual conversation with God can take place in any form. The Church does not forbid turning to the Almighty in simple words coming from the soul. But still, the prayers that were written by the saints carry a special energy that has been prayed over for centuries.

The Orthodox Church teaches us that prayers can be addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos, and to the holy apostles, and to the saint whose name we bear, and to other saints, asking them for prayerful intercession before God. Among the many well-known prayers, there are those that have stood the test of time, and to which believers turn for help when they need simple human happiness. Prayers asking for everything good, for good luck and for happiness for every day are collected in the Prayer Book for Well-Being.

Prayer to the Lord for all good things

This prayer is read when they need general well-being, happiness, health, success in daily affairs and endeavors. She teaches to appreciate what is given by the Almighty, to rely on the will of God and to believe in his power. They turn to the Lord God before going to bed. They read a prayer in front of holy images and lit church candles.

“Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ. Take away everything sinful from me, and add a little of everything good. Give a piece of bread along the path, and help save your soul. I don’t need much satisfaction, I wish I could live to see better times. Faith will be my holy reward, and I know that I will not be executed. Let everything not be fine, I really need your help. And may my soul soon receive what I truly lack. And let your will be done. Amen!"

Orthodox prayer for well-being

Prayer is intended to help in difficult periods of life, when failures accumulate and trouble after trouble comes. They read it in the morning, in the evening, and in difficult moments for the soul.

“Lord, have mercy on me, Son of God: my soul is angry with evil. Lord, help me. Give to me, that I may be satisfied, like a dog, from the grains that fall from the table of Your servants. Amen.

Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of God, Son of David according to the flesh, as You had mercy on the Canaanites: my soul is angry with anger, rage, evil lust and other destructive passions. God! Help me, I cry to You, who does not walk on earth, but who dwells at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Hey, Lord! Grant me my heart, with faith and love, to follow Your humility, kindness, meekness and long-suffering, so that in Your eternal Kingdom I will be worthy to partake of the table of Your servants, whom You have chosen. Amen!"

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for well-being on the journey

Travelers setting out on a long journey ask St. Nicholas for a safe journey. In order not to get lost and not get lost on a trip, to meet good people along the way and to get help in case of problems, before the road they read a prayer:

“Oh Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and pray for us, unworthy, our Creator and Master, make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that he does not reward us according to our deeds, but according to his own He will reward us with goodness. Deliver us, saints of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves, passions and troubles that rise against us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, and salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen!"

If there is a dangerous road ahead, a risk to health and life, read the troparion to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“The rule of faith and the image of meekness, self-control, the teacher, show you to your flock, even the truth of things; For this reason, you have gained high humility, rich in poverty, Father Hierarch Nicholas, pray to Christ God to save our souls.”

A short prayer to Archangel Michael for every day

Prayers to Archangel Michael are considered protective. Prayer “amulets” are used to make everyday life easier, prevent misfortune and illness, and protect against robberies and attacks. You can turn to the saint before completing any important task.

“Holy Archangel of God Michael, drive away from me with your lightning sword the evil spirit that tempts me. O great Archangel of God Michael, conqueror of demons! Defeat and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible, and pray to the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and preserve me from sorrows and from all illnesses, from deadly plagues and vain deaths, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!"

A strong prayer of repentance to the saints for help in all matters

Prayer requires simple preparation and spiritual cleansing. The words of the prayer must be learned by heart, and before the prayer itself, you must exclude dairy and meat products from your diet for three days. They read a prayer on the fourth day before going to church. It is forbidden to talk to anyone on the way to the temple. Before entering the church, they cross themselves and read the prayer a second time. In the church, seven candles are placed next to the icons of saints and a prayer is read. The last time the holy words of prayer are said at home:

“Saints of God, my heavenly patrons! I pray to you for protection and help. For me, a sinner, servant of God (name), pray to our God Jesus Christ. Beg for forgiveness of sins for me and beg for a blessed life and a happy share. And through your prayers, may my aspirations come true. May he teach me humility, may he bestow love and deliver me from sorrows, illnesses and earthly temptations. May I walk the earthly path with dignity, successfully dealing with earthly affairs and becoming worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen!"

The fast is also maintained on the fourth day, otherwise the prayer will not have sufficient power.

The immutable truth is that prayer is needed by the person himself. Of course, the Lord knows our needs and troubles better than ourselves. But He expects us to realize that we are secondary.

Prayer is an indispensable condition for well-being, or How to be heard from above

Pride has led a person into the jungle of false ideas about himself and his place in this world. Why, we (naive ones) are the kings of nature! And it is not known that a creation can in no way be higher than its Creator.

Therefore, staying in prayer is our conversation with the Creator and awareness of the true state of affairs. When we pray, we think about God, recognizing by the very fact of the prayer request that we receive everything from His hands according to His will.

It is important that prayer:

  • organizes thoughts, bringing them into order;
  • suggests ways to achieve your goals.

The Lord Himself commanded a prayer to man, so that he would first think, and then act. When wanting to ask the Lord for something, every person who prays must realize that reading a prayer is not enough. It doesn't work like a pill or magic spell. An indispensable condition receiving what is requested is:

  1. Deep faith in God;
  2. Sincere repentance for your misdeeds with a firm intention not to repeat them.
  3. Immutable fulfillment of His commandments.

Determined to ask for the arrangement of fate, to whom should you turn your prayers?

Prayer to the Lord for forgiveness, intercession and help

In the hand of Your great mercy, O my God,
I entrust my soul and body, my feelings and verbs, my advice and thoughts, my deeds and all my body and soul movements.
My entry and exit, my faith and life, the course and end of my life, the day and hour of my breathing, my repose, the repose of my soul and body.
But You, O Most Merciful God, invincible to the sins of the whole world, kindly, O Lord, accept me in the hand of Your protection and deliver me from all evil, more than all sinners,
cleanse my many, many iniquities, grant correction to my evil and cursed life, and always delight me from future falls into sin, and in no way, when I anger Your love for mankind, cover my weakness from demons, passions and evil people.
Forbid the enemy, visible and invisible, guiding me along the saved path, bring me to You, my refuge and the land of my desires.
Grant me a Christian death, unashamed, peaceful, keep me from the airy spirits of malice, at Your Last Judgment be merciful to Your servant and number me at the right hand of Your blessed sheep, and with them I will glorify You, my Creator, forever.

Prayer to God is an extremely effective remedy. Especially if faith is deep, and sins are washed away by fasting, repentance, and Communion.

But what should those who take only their first steps in the spiritual field and are so covered with layers of earthly life do that they are barely discernible from Above?

The patron saints, who themselves were once ordinary people, will help him.

The first of them is Nikolai Ugodnik. Not a single prayer appeal flew past this saint.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas

O all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly pleasing servant of the Lord,
our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper,
help me, a sinner and sad person, in this life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings;
and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God of all creation, the Creator, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment,
May I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Blessed Ksenia of St. Petersburg is asked about the organization of life (especially personal life). With her asceticism, she asked the Lord for special grace to help in family life.

Miraculous prayers to Saint Xenia of Petersburg

Prayer of Blessed Ksenia of St. Petersburg for intercession, help, for family well-being and for any need

O holy all-blessed mother Ksenia!
Living under the shelter of the Most High, led and strengthened by the Mother of God,
Having endured hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, you received the gift of insight and miracles from God and rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Now the Holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorifies you.
Standing at the place of your burial, before your holy image, as if you were alive and living with us, we pray to you:
accept our petitions and bring them to the Throne of the Merciful Heavenly Father, as you have boldness towards Him.
Ask those who flow to you for eternal salvation, for our good deeds and undertakings to receive a generous blessing, and for deliverance from all troubles and sorrows.
Stand before our All-Merciful Savior with your holy prayers for us, unworthy and sinners.
Help, holy blessed mother Ksenia, illuminate the babies with the light of holy baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, oh
to educate troki and young women in faith, honesty, fear of God and grant them success in learning;
heal the sick and sick,
family love and harmony were sent down;
Honor those who are monastics to fight a good fight and protect them from reproach,
Strengthen the shepherds in the strength of the Holy Spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and serenity,
Pray for those deprived of the Holy Mysteries of Christ in the dying hour.
You are our hope and hope, quick hearing and deliverance,
We send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer to Saint Xenia for mental and physical health

Oh, simple in your way of life, homeless on earth, but heiress of the abodes of the Heavenly Father, blessed wanderer Xenia!
Just as we previously fell upon your tombstone of illness and sorrow and were filled with consolations, now we (names), overwhelmed by pernicious circumstances, resort to you and ask with hope:
pray, O good celestial one, that our steps may be corrected according to the word of the Lord to do His commandments, and that the godless atheism that has captivated your city and your country, plunging us, many sinners, into mortal hatred of our brothers, proud self-indignation and blasphemous despair, will be abolished.
Oh, most blessed one of Christ, who has put to shame the vanity of this age, ask the Creator and Giver of all blessings to grant us humility, meekness and love in the treasure of our hearts, faith in strengthening prayer, hope in repentance, strength in a difficult life, merciful healing of our soul and body , chastity in marriage and caring for our neighbors and sincere ones, renewal of our entire life in the purifying bath of repentance, as we praise your memory with all praise,
Let us glorify in you the miracle worker, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible, forever and ever.

Prayer to Saint Xenia of Petersburg for every need

Oh, our glorious holy blessed mother Xenia, who warmly prayed for us before God! As we previously fell to your tombstone, now, after your glorification, we resort to your relics and ask:
pray to the Lord to sanctify our souls and bodies, to enlighten our minds, to cleanse our conscience from all filthiness, unclean thoughts, evil and blasphemous intentions, and from all exaltation, pride and arrogance, arrogance and insolence, from all Pharisee hypocrisy, and from all our cold and crafty customs;
May he grant us sincere repentance, contrition of our hearts, humility, meekness and quietness, reverence, and spiritual intelligence with all prudence and thanksgiving. Having hidden yourself from the wise of this age, but known to God, ask our Russian country for deliverance from cruel troubles,
renewal and correction of our entire life,
keep us in every pious Orthodox confession of the Christian faith,
for may we be worthy to please you all our days to chant, thank and glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity of One Essence, Life-Giving and Indivisible forever and ever.

Prayer of Saint Xenia of Petersburg for family well-being, healing, marriage and children

O holy servant of God, blessed Ksenia!
Look mercifully with your eye on us, servant of God (names), tenderly praying to your honorable icon and asking you for help and intercession.
Extend your warm prayers to the Lord our God and ask for forgiveness of sins for our souls.
Behold, with a contrite heart and a humble spirit, we call upon you a merciful intercessor to the Lady and a prayer book for us sinners,
because you have received from Him the grace to pray for us and deliver us from troubles.
We therefore ask you, do not despise us, unworthy, who pray to you and demand your help, and intercede for everyone everything that is useful for salvation, for by your prayers to the Lord God, having received grace and mercy, we will glorify all the good Source and Gift-Giver and the One God, glorified in the Trinity of Saints.
Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

The holy martyr Tryphon will intercede for everyone who asks in his search for a job (or a successful stay in an existing one).

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Tryphon

Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor!
Hear now and forever the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory.
You, servant of Christ, promised that before your departure from this corruptible life, you would pray for us to the Lord, and you asked Him for this gift:
If anyone, in any need or sorrow, begins to call upon the holy your name, may he be delivered from every excuse of evil.
And just as you sometimes healed the daughter of the princess in the city of Rome from the torment of the devil, you saved us from his fierce machinations all the days of our lives, especially on the terrible day of our last, intercede for us with our dying breaths, when the dark eyes of evil demons surround and frighten they will start us.
Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand with the face of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, that he will grant us also to be partakers of ever-present joy and joy, so that together with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter Spirit forever.

Saint Matrona of Moscow will certainly answer every appeal to her, therefore she is incredibly loved and revered by believers. A prayer request to her will definitely be heard and help will not keep you waiting long.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

O blessed mother Matrono, your soul is in heaven before the Throne of God,
resting with their bodies on the earth, and emanating various miracles from the grace given to you from above. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrow, illness and sinful temptations, waiting for our days,
comfort us, desperate ones, heal our severe ailments, from God to us due to our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances,
beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, in which we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour,
that through your prayers we have received grace and great mercy, let us glorify the One God in the Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Short prayers to Saint Matrona

“Holy righteous old woman Matrono, pray to God for us!”
“Holy righteous mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me in my troubles (…..). Do not leave me with your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
“Blessed Elder Matrona, our intercessor and petitioner before the Lord! You look with your spiritual gaze both into the past and into the future, everything is open to you. Enlighten the servant of God (name), give advice, show the way to solve the problem (....) Thank you for your holy help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Three strong prayers to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous for financial well-being

O all-blessed Saint Spyridon, great servant of Christ and glorious miracle worker! Stand in Heaven before the Throne of God with the faces of an Angel,
Look with your merciful eye at the people standing here and asking for your strong help. Pray to the compassion of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy!
Ask us from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health, the prosperity of the earth and all abundance and prosperity in everything,
and let us not turn the good things given to us from the generous God into evil,
but for His glory and for the glorification of your intercession!
Deliver all who come to God through undoubted faith from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander!
Be a comforter to the sad, a physician to the sick, a helper in times of adversity, a protector to the naked, a protector to widows, a protector to the orphans, a nourisher to the baby, a strengthener to the old, a guide to the wandering, a sailing helmsman, and intercede to all those who require your strong help, even useful for salvation!
For if we are guided and observed by your prayers, we will reach eternal rest and together with you we will glorify God, glorified in the Trinity of Saints, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky about work

O Great and Wonderful Saint of Christ and Wonderworker Spyridon,
Kerkyra praise, bright luminary of the entire universe, warm prayer book to God and quick intercessor to all who come running to you and pray with faith!
You gloriously expounded the Orthodox faith at the Nicene Council among the Fathers, you showed the unity of the Holy Trinity with miraculous power, and you completely put the heretics to shame. Hear us sinners, the saint of Christ, praying to you,
and through your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from every evil situation: famine, flood, fire and deadly plagues.
For in your temporal life you delivered your people from all these disasters: you saved your country from the invasion of the Hagarians and from famine, you delivered the king from an incurable illness and brought many sinners to repentance, you gloriously raised the dead, and for the holiness of your life the angels invisibly in the church you had those singing and serving with you. Sitsa, then, glorify you, His faithful servant, Lord Christ,
for it is given to you to understand all the secret human deeds and to expose those who live unrighteously. You have diligently helped many who live in poverty and lack,
You fed the poor people abundantly during the famine, and you created many other signs through the power of the living Spirit of God within you.
Sitsa and do not leave us, Saint of Christ, remember us, your children, at the Throne of the Almighty and pray to the Lord,
May He grant us forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future,
May we always send glory and thanksgiving to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for housing

“O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander.
Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

people in modern world worried about financial insolvency, physical imperfections and much more. But people forget about the soul and its needs for mercy, compassion, and care. By focusing too much on worldly goods, a person loses the feeling of happiness, peace of mind, peace of mind. And only then do people think about the need to change something. We can talk about a successful outcome of a matter in those cases when a person himself realizes that he needs the help of the Almighty, and he is ready to completely entrust his life to Him. God can even help a girl who is suffering greatly from breaking up with her boyfriend. Even if Orthodoxy does not adhere to the concept of “relationship before marriage.” Today in this article we will present the texts of some prayers that will help improve your life, make it happier and better.

How can prayer make life better?

The text of the prayer that everything will be fine in life and in the family is very popular. It is used absolutely different cases. There are prayers for a good outcome and in in a general sense this word, and in narrow spheres of life. It is a prayer request that is the only force on Earth that can change even the most unfavorable outcome, turning it in the opposite direction. Anyone who puts their sincere feelings for God into prayer can change the situation. How and why prayer helps in life can be understood by considering how it works and who is the root cause of everything:

  1. Through Prayer, a person communicates with God himself and His Saints.
  2. The Lord penetrates into the very heart of everyone and helps if their thoughts are pure.
  3. God predicts how the desires of one will affect other people and what feelings arouse in the person asking.
  4. If the Almighty sees that a person really needs success, this will bring happiness to him and other living beings, He will definitely help in the implementation of plans.

Of course, we want our life and the life of our loved ones to be ideal. But only God knows what she must be like in order to pass her lessons, endure sorrows and disappointments, and in order to ultimately experience boundless happiness.

Prayers to the Lord and Saints that everything will be fine

It is customary to read a prayer in cases where joy has left, if relatives and loved ones are sick or sad for no reason. You can also turn to the Lord with prayer if success does not come in one endeavor or another:

Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ. Take away everything sinful from me, and add a little of everything good. Give a piece of bread along the path, and help save your soul. I don’t need too much contentment, I wish I could live to see better times. Faith will be my holy reward, and I know that I will not be executed. Let everything not be fine, I really need your help. And may my soul soon receive what I really lack. And let your will be done. Amen!

According to the rules, reading the prayer text “about good things” must be done when the day has already passed, that is, before going to bed.

If it seems to you that prayer to God is not helping, although not enough time has passed, or you have not been able to understand and pronounce it correctly, you can simultaneously resort to prayer to Saint Matrona so that everything works out and is good in life and family. Elder Blessed Matrona of Moscow helps everyone who is pure in heart and soul.

My Lord, protect my children!

From evil and unkind people,

Save from all diseases,

Let them grow healthy!

Let them know your love

Yes, experience what it means to be a mother,

Don't deprive your father's feelings.

Reward with spiritual beauty.

Everything will be fine, the main thing is to believe!

Stop wasting time worrying!

Smile! Everything will be alright, I've asked.

Everything will be fine, because it cannot be any other way!

Everything will be fine wherever you go!

Everything will be not just good, but much better! Necessarily! Don `t doubt!

Just as spring comes after winter, so joy will follow sadness. Everything will be fine!

A person is a product of his thoughts. For he becomes what he thinks about most time!

Everything will be fine! Believe in yourself and you will make it!

Wherever you are, tell yourself: Since I am here, everything will be fine!

Sometimes, in some strange way in life, everything works out on its own!

Everything will be fine: theoretically... logically... deductively... whatever!

It may be bad now, but then everything will be fine. You just need to survive, wait, and then everything will work out. Necessarily!

Everything will be fine! Live actively, think positively!

If you wake up thinking that something good will happen today, it will happen.

And you know, it will still be there. The south wind will still blow and conjure spring and turn over the memory.

Never regret anything - everything is for the better!

When it seems to a person that everything is going wrong, something wonderful tries to enter his life.

Believe, everything will come true! Everything will be awesome!

There is always the sun behind the clouds. Yes! Everything will be fine!!! Despite everything...

To see a rainbow you have to survive the rain! Everything will be fine!

If you feel really bad, find someone who is worse off and help him. You will feel much better!

If you are offended, take advantage magic rule three Ps: understand, forgive, bury.

Never take revenge on anyone. All will be! It’s good for us, but for them it’s just as they deserve!

Believe me, all troubles will go away... Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

The train goes to terminal station“Success” with all stops: Failure, Apathy, Betrayal, Mistakes, Actions... Success.

Everything will be as it should! Everything passes... this too will pass... everything will be fine!

Happiness is when you don’t have to lie that you feel good.

A strong person is not one who is doing well. This is the one who is doing well no matter what. You are stronger than you think!

Everything that happens happens on time. This is the best it could be!

The end of something bad is always the beginning of something good.

Don't be sad... everything will be fine, life is full of pleasant moments!

Don't worry and don't be sad! The best is yet to come!

Everything will be fine in the end. If it's still not good, it's not the end.

Everything will be as you dream, just wait. Remember, sugar is at the bottom.

No eclipse lasts forever. Don't lose heart, everything will be fine!

The sun in the sky is good, but the sun in the soul is more important. Take care of your sun!

Look at your problems from a different angle! Relax, everything will be fine!

Everything will be fine! And even yesterday’s mistakes will benefit you!

I found the mood to be lucky. Yesterday everything was fine, but today it’s better!

Things to do for today: stand in front of the mirror, straighten your shoulders, raise your head, smile and tell yourself: “Everything will be fine!”

Go to the “Settings” of your soul, open the “Status” folder, check the “Happy” box and forget the password!

Everything will be fine, because bad doesn’t suit me!

Everything will be fine, because I want it that way and that’s the way it should be!

It is important to have a person next to you who will hug you and say: everything will be fine. And it's you!

No one will feel good around you while you feel bad alone with yourself.

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