Monopoly rules of the game. Rules of the board game Monopoly. "Chance" and "Public Treasury" cards

1. Place houses, hotels, ownership documents and money (at face value) in separate sectors of the playing field.
There is a diagram on the board showing the correct placement of all game pieces.

2. Separate the Chance cards, shuffle them, and place them, back side up, on the appropriate areas of the game board.

3. Separate the Community Chest cards, shuffle them, and place them back-side up on the appropriate areas of the game board.

4.Each player chooses a playing chip and places it on the “FORWARD” field.

5. Banker and Bank

One of the players is chosen as the Banker. If there are more than 5 players in the game. The banker may, at his discretion, limit himself to only this role in the game.
The banker gives each of the players 1,500 thousand rubles in the following coupons:

  • Two bills of 10 thousand rubles
  • Four bills of 100 thousand rubles
  • One bill of 20 thousand rubles
  • One banknote of 50 thousand rubles
  • Two bills of 500 thousand rubles
  • One 5 thousand ruble bill
  • Five bills of 1 thousand rubles
In addition to money, the Bank also has cards for Title Deeds, Houses and Hotels until they are purchased by the players. The bank also pays salaries and bonuses, gives loans secured by real estate and collects all taxes, fines, returns loans and interest on them. During an auction, the Banker acts as an auctioneer.

A bank can never go bankrupt, but it can issue as much money as needed in the form of IOUs written on a regular piece of paper.

6. Players roll both dice. The one with the most points starts the game. The player to his left will be next, then the next one, and so on.


When it's your turn, roll both dice and move your piece forward along the board in the direction indicated by the arrow. The field you land on determines what you need to do. Several chips can be on one field at the same time. Depending on what field you find yourself on, you will have to:

Buy plots for construction or other real estate
- pay rent if you find yourself on the property owned by others
- pay taxes
- pull out a Chance or Community Treasury card
- end up in prison
- relax in the free parking lot
- receive a salary of 200 thousand rubles

Same number of points on both dice

If you roll the dice and they both come up with the same number of points, move your piece and act according to the space you land on. You then have the right to roll the dice again. If you get the same number of points on both dice three times in a row, you immediately go to Prison.

Passing the field "FORWARD"

Every time you stop or pass through the “FORWARD” field, moving in the direction indicated by the arrow, the Bank pays you 200 thousand rubles. It is possible to receive this amount twice in the same turn if, for example, you are on the Chance or Community Treasury board, immediately after the Forward board, and draw a card that says “Move to the FORWARD board.”

If you land on a space that represents an unoccupied Property (i.e. a Building Lot for which no other player has a Title Deed), you will have first choice to purchase it. If you decide to buy Real Estate, pay the Bank the money in the amount indicated on this playing field. In exchange, you will receive a Document of Title to this Property, which you must place in front of you with the text facing up. If you decide not to purchase the Property, the Banker must immediately put it up for auction and sell it to the highest bidder, starting from whatever price one player is willing to pay. Even though you refused to purchase the Property at the original price, you can take part in the auction.

Ownership of Real Estate.

Owning a Property will give you the right to collect rent from any “tenants” who stay in the space that marks it. It is very profitable to own all the Real Estate of one color group - in other words, own a monopoly. If you own an entire color group, you can build houses on any Property of that color.

Stopping at someone else's Property.

If you stop at a Property that was previously purchased by another player, you may be required to pay rent for that stop. The player who owns this Property must ask you to pay the rent before the next player rolls the dice. The amount payable is set out in the Title Deed for the Property and may vary depending on the number of buildings constructed thereon. If all the Properties of one color group are owned by one player, the rent you will be charged for stopping on any undeveloped property of that group is doubled. However, if the owner of an entire color group has at least one parcel of the Property in that group mortgaged, he cannot charge you double rent. If Houses and Hotels have been built on the Property's plots, the rent will increase, which will be shown on the Title Deed for that Property. No rent will be charged for staying on the mortgaged Property.

Stop at a utility field.

If you land on one of these fields, you can buy that Utility if no one has already bought it. As with the purchase of other Real Estate, pay the Bank the amount indicated in this field. If this Property has already been purchased by another player, he can demand rent from you in accordance with the number of points that rolled on the dice when you made the move that brought you to this field. If the other player owns only one of the Utilities, the rent will be four times the number of points rolled on the dice. If he owns both Utilities, you must pay him an amount equal to ten times the number of points rolled. If you are placed on this space as a result of the instructions on the Chance or Community Chest card you drew, you must roll the dice to determine how much you will have to pay. If you decide not to buy this Property, the Banker puts the Utility Company up for auction and sells it to the player who gives the highest amount for it. You too can take part in the auction.

Stop at the Station.

If you are the first to land on such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this station. Otherwise, the Bank puts it up for auction, even if you refused to purchase it at the original price, you can also take part in the auction. If the Station already has an owner when you arrive at it, you will need to pay the amount stated on the Title Deed. The amount to be paid depends on the number of other Stations owned by the player who owns the Station you are staying at.

Stop at the "Odds" and "Public Treasury" fields.

Stopping on such a field means that you need to take the top card from the corresponding pile. These cards may require you to:

Moved your chip;
- paid money - for example taxes;
- received money;
- went to Prison;
- were freed from prison.

You must immediately follow the instructions on the card and place the card on the bottom of the appropriate pile. If you pick up a card that says "Get Out of Jail Free", you can keep it until you need it, or you can sell it to another player for a mutually agreed upon price.

Note: The card may indicate that you must move your piece to another space. If during the movement you pass through the “FORWARD” field, you will receive 200 thousand rubles. If you are sent to Prison, you do not go through the "GO" box.

Stop at the Tax Field.

If you choose such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount to the Bank.

Free parking.

If you land on such a field, simply rest until your next turn. You are here for free and are not subject to any penalties, you can enter into transactions as usual (for example, collect rent, build buildings on the Property you own, etc.).


You will be sent to prison if:
- you will stop at the “Go to Prison” field, or
- you took a Chance or Public Treasury card that says “Go to Jail”, or
- you have the same number of points on both dice three times in a row in one move.

Your turn ends when you are sent to Jail. If you end up in Prison, you cannot receive a salary of 200 thousand rubles, regardless of where you are on the playing field.

To get out of Prison, you need:

Pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles and continue playing when it’s your turn, or buy a “Get Out of Jail Free” card from another player at a mutually agreed upon price and use it to free yourself, or
- use the “Get Out of Jail Free” card if you already have one, or
- stay here, skipping your next three turns, but every time it comes to your turn to roll the dice in one of these moves, you will get the same number of points, you can leave the Prison and go through the number of fields that appears on the dice.

After you have missed three turns while in Prison, you must leave the prison and pay 50 thousand rubles before you can move your chip to the number of spaces that appear on the dice.

While in Prison, you may receive rent for your Property if it is not mortgaged. If you were not "sent to Jail" but simply stopped on the "Jail" space during the game, you do not pay any penalty since you "Just stopped in" for a while. On your next turn, you can move.

At home.

Once you have all the Property lots in the same color group, you can buy Houses to place on any of your existing lots. This will increase the rent you can charge from tenants staying at your Property. The price of the home is shown on the relevant Title Deed. You can buy houses during your turn or between other players' turns, but you must build your plots evenly: you cannot build a second house on any of the plots of the same color group until you have built one House on each of the plots of this color group, the third - until two have been built on each, and so on: the maximum number of Houses on one plot is four. Houses also need to be sold evenly. You can buy or sell Homes at any time, for as long as you see fit and as your financial situation allows. You cannot build Houses, but you can receive double rent from any player staying on any of the undeveloped Property lots in your color group.


Before you can buy Hotels, you need to have four Houses on each lot of a color group that you completely own. Hotels can be bought in the same way as Houses, but they cost four Houses, which are returned to the Bank, plus the price indicated in the Title Deed. Only one Hotel can be built on each site.

Lack of buildings.

If there are no Houses left in the Bank, you will have to wait until one of the other players returns their Houses to him. Likewise, if you sell Hotels, you cannot replace them with Houses unless you have any extra Houses in the Bank.

If the Bank has a limited number of Houses or Hotels left, and two or more players want to buy more buildings than the Bank has, the Banker auctions off the buildings to be sold to the highest bidder, taking the starting price the one indicated on the relevant Document of Ownership.

Sale of Real Estate.

You can sell undeveloped Lots, Train Stations and Utilities to any player by entering into a private deal with them for an amount agreed upon between you. However, you cannot sell a Plot to another player if there are any buildings on any other Plot of the same color group. If you want to sell any Lot of a color group that belongs to you, you first need to sell to the Bank all the buildings located on the Lots of this color group. Homes should be sold evenly, just as they were bought. (see “At Home” item above).

Houses and Hotels cannot be sold to other players. They should be sold to the Bank at a price two times less than that indicated in the relevant Document of Ownership. Buildings can be sold at any time.

When selling the Hotel, the Bank pays you half the cost of the four Houses that were given to the Bank when purchasing the Hotel. All Hotels of the same color group must be sold at the same time.

If necessary, in order for you to receive money, Hotels can be replaced with Houses again. To do this, you need to sell the Hotel to the Bank and receive in return four Houses plus half the cost of the Hotel itself.

Mortgaged Real Estate can only be sold to other players, but not to the Bank.


If you have no money left, but need to pay off your debts, you can get money by mortgaging some Real Estate. To do this, first sell to the Bank any buildings located on this plot of Real Estate. In order to pledge the Real Estate, turn the Title Deed face down and receive from the bank the pledge amount indicated on the back of the card. If you later want to pay off your debt to the Bank, you will need to pay it this amount plus 10% on top.

If you mortgage any Property, it still belongs to you. No other player can obtain it by paying the deposit amount to the Bank.

You cannot collect rent on a mortgaged Property, although rent may still flow to you for other Properties in the same color group.

You can sell the pledged Property to other players at a price agreed upon with them. The buyer can then decide to repay the debt taken on the security of this property by depositing the corresponding amount of the deposit plus 10% with the Bank. He can also pay only 10% and leave the Property as collateral. In this case, upon final removal of the collateral, you will have to pay another 10% to the Bank.

When none of the Lots in the same color group are mortgaged, the owner can begin purchasing Houses again at full price.


If you owe the Bank or other players more money than you can get from your assets, you are declared bankrupt and are out of the game.

If you owe the Bank, the Bank receives all your money and Title Deeds. The Banker then auctions off each of the Properties to the highest bidder.

You must place the Get Out of Jail Free cards at the bottom of the appropriate pile.

If you become bankrupt due to debts to another player, your Houses and Hotels are sold to the Bank for half their original value, and your creditor receives all the money, Title Deeds, and Get Out of Jail Free cards you have. If you have any mortgaged Property, you must also transfer it to that player, he must immediately pay 10% on it to the Bank, and then decide whether he should immediately buy it back at full value or keep it as collateral.

Notes for the game.

If you owe more rent than you have on hand, you can pay your lender partly in cash and partly in Real Estate (i.e., undeveloped Building Lots). In this case, the lender may agree to accept a piece of Property (even if it is mortgaged) for a price much higher than what is listed on it, seeking to obtain additional Building Site or to prevent another player from establishing control over that Property.

If you own any Property, then the responsibility to collect rent rests with you.

Money can be given in the form of a loan only by the Bank and only on the security of the Real Estate.

Neither player can borrow money from or lend money to another player.


The last participant remaining in the game is the winner.

"Monopoly" - not only cubes and chips

In this game, you don't just wait your turn, rejoicing at your opponents' unsuccessful moves or being annoyed at their successes. Monopoly players They closely monitor what is happening on the game board, control their real estate, and, one might say, are constantly engaged in their business. And even while in prison, you cannot sit idly by.

Rentals and auctions

While waiting for your turn or while “sitting”, keep an eye on the property. As soon as any player is on a property you own that is not under a lien, demand rent at the rate indicated on the title card.

You may also have the opportunity to participate in an auction and profitably purchase the land, house or hotel you need. Auctions are held if:

  • the player who made the move renounced the pre-emptive right to purchase vacant real estate at a nominal price;
  • one of the players is declared bankrupt. Then all his property, pledged to the bank, is sold at auction as free;
  • several players want to buy the same houses or hotels (due to a shortage of buildings).

The auction starts at any price offered by any of the players (from 1 dollar). The winning bidder is required to buy the lot.


Between turns, you can also build houses and hotels if you already have all the plots of any color group (or groups) at your disposal and none of them are mortgaged. The cost of construction is indicated on the title deed. Development is carried out evenly - you cannot put a second house on the site until one house is built on each of the sites of a given color group.

No more than 4 houses can be built on a plot. If the plot is completely built up, 4 houses standing on it can be exchanged at the bank for 1 hotel, paying for it the amount that appears on the title card. There can only be one hotel on the site. And in this case, it is no longer possible to build houses on it.

If financial difficulties arise during the game, you can sell the bank at home, only in this case you will receive only half of their nominal value. Houses are also sold evenly (similar to the development process). By selling the hotel (for half price), in return the player receives 4 houses for this site.

In Monopoly, a situation often arises when there are not enough buildings in the bank for all the “developers”. Then the existing houses and hotels are sold at auction. If there are no buildings at all, you have to wait for other participants in the game to sell their buildings to the bank.


Players can trade not only with the bank, but also with each other. Only undeveloped real estate can be sold or exchanged. The object of the transaction can also be free-from-jail cards - they can be sold for money or exchanged for real estate. The cost or terms of the exchange are negotiated between the parties to the transaction.

The mortgaged property can also be sold to another player at a negotiated price. The buyer has the right to immediately buy it or leave it as collateral by paying 10% of the collateral value. The card is left upside down face down. If the player subsequently wants to buy out the mortgaged property, he will have to pay another 10%.

  • Previous article in the series:

Board game "Monopoly"

Hello again, my dear friends! While continuing to introduce you to exciting board games, I simply cannot ignore the classics of economic board games.

Yes, yes, we are talking about the world-favorite Monopoly, released by Hasbro. It rightfully leads in demand among all board economic games, as it combines not only entertainment, but also educational functions.

My review of the game Monopoly

Monopoly board game set

We have a classic version of the board game. It is packaged in a fairly large box made of thick laminated cardboard. Inside you will find:

  • ten game pieces of different shapes;
  • a set of banknotes of different denominations;
  • complete game guide;
  • playing field;
  • 32 house chips;
  • 16 cards "Chance"
  • 16 “Common Treasury” cards;
  • 12 hotel cards;
  • a pair of dice;
  • 28 cards confirming ownership of plots.

Every element of the game is made of very high quality. The chips are moderately small, light and durable. The cards and playing field are made of durable cardboard, and all the pictures and letters on them are carefully printed. I would like to draw your attention to the pleasant color scheme and impeccable printing quality - even with regular use of the game, the letters and images on the cards and on the field do not get erased.

You can understand the rules of Monopoly directly during the gameplay. To diversify the leisure time of the participants, the manufacturers of this board have come up with a lot of interesting loopholes and additional opportunities for each player.

Rules of the game

You can play Monopoly with a group of two to ten people. Here, each participant can enrich themselves and create their own empire by purchasing real estate and collecting fees from other players. But improper resource planning and many other factors can lead not only to enrichment, but also to complete bankruptcy. The main goal of the Monopoly game is to become the most influential owner of the majority of land plots and at the same time ruin the other participants in the game.

The playing field is laid out in the middle of the table. All participants choose one chip for themselves and appoint a banker who gives everyone a certain amount of money. The stacks of “Chance” and “Total Treasury” cards are individually shuffled and placed in their respective places on the playing field.
The right to make the first move is determined by rolling the dice - whoever gets the higher number starts the game. At the beginning, all participants place their chips on the square labeled “Forward”.

Then the one who has the right to make the first move rolls the dice and moves the chip to the same number of cells as the number of points that fell during the throw. Then he can act depending on the type of cell he lands on:

Cell with a plot of real estate. The player can redeem it by transferring money to the banker and receiving in return a card confirming ownership of the plot. Now all players who land on this square will have to pay a certain tax to its owner. If the one who walks refuses to buy the property, the banker puts it up for auction among other participants. The owner becomes the one who offers the highest amount.

Cell "Chance". The player takes one card from the Chance pile and reads what is written on it.

Instructions on such cards may give the participant the right to early release from prison, require him to receive or pay money to the treasury, move his chip a certain number of spaces, or send the cardholder to prison.

"Public Treasury". These cards are practically no different from “Chance”.

Utility company. If this cell has not yet been bought by another participant, the player who came to it can buy back the enterprise by paying the specified price for it. If he does not want to pay, then the ownership is put up for auction.

Railway station. The principle of operation is the same as for the cells of utility companies and real estate.

Tax field. Having stopped on such a cell, the player must pay the amount indicated on it to the general treasury.

Jail. You can be on this square if this indication was on the “Chance” card or

"Public Treasury", if the player lands on the “Go to Jail” field or rolls the same number of points three times in a row during one turn.

There are several ways to get out of prison:

  • missing three moves and paying a fine of 50 thousand;
  • remaining on the prison cell and skipping a turn, roll the dice in turn each time. If you get a double,
  • you can leave prison without paying a fine and move the chip the number of moves that appear on the dice;
  • use the "Get Out of Jail" card. You can use your own card or buy it from one of the other players at a negotiated price.

After a player has purchased ownership of all real estate plots of the same color scheme, he can buy houses for them and place them on his squares. This will increase the rent for being on the field. In this case, the following rules should be observed:

  1. houses cannot be built on any field if at least one piece of real estate in a given color group is mortgaged;
  2. You cannot place a second house on any plot until one house has been built on each cell of the color group. The same rule applies to the acquisition of third and subsequent houses;
  3. A maximum of four houses can be built on each plot.

After developing all the plots of his real estate, the player can put hotels on them. This is another type of ownership that also increases rent from other participants.

Sometimes you may encounter a shortage of houses in the game. When almost all participants are actively developing their plots, there may not be any free chips left. In this case, all that remains is to wait until one of the rivals, feeling a lack of money, pledges their houses to the bank.

The average time for each game of Monopoly depends on the number of players. Two people can play it indefinitely (our record is three and a half hours of fierce battle), and in a large group the game can end within half an hour.

The main advantages of Monopoly

This is a truly family game that is suitable for children from eight to nine years old and is no less interesting for adults. In addition, the following advantages can be noted:

  • the uniqueness of each batch. There will be no identical situations here, since each game depends on the player’s strategy, on the “behavior” of the dice, on what “Chance” the participant gets, and on many other factors;
  • an opportunity to teach children strategy and budget planning in a playful way;
    ample opportunities for variety of gameplay.

The standard version of Monopoly is unlikely to be taken with you on a trip, since its box is quite bulky. There is a special travel edition for this purpose.

You can spend many exciting hours playing this game, fighting with friends or family members. I definitely recommend Monopoly to all lovers of interesting and thoughtful board games with an economic slant.

If you are buying Monopoly as a gift for someone, the store has a great option - you can write the recipient’s name on the box and the gift will immediately become unique and personal.

The board game “Monopoly for Kids” is specially designed so that children can play it with two to four players. The game teaches children how to handle money and includes smaller bills than in the classic version of the game. Additionally, the game replaces real estate, houses, and hotels with ticket booths installed on various types of amusement park attractions. This article will help you understand the rules of the game so that you can quickly start playing it with your friends.


Part 1

Preparing for the game

    Check the game's contents. Before you start playing, it's a good idea to make sure you have everything you need. Checking that all game components are included is also a great opportunity to familiarize yourself with what's included in the game. So, in a box with a children's version of Monopoly there should be:

    • playing field;
    • 4 chips in the form of cars;
    • 1 cube;
    • 24 “Try Your Luck” cards;
    • 48 ticket offices;
    • set of banknotes of various denominations.
  1. Lay out the playing field. Unfold the cardboard game board and place it on a flat playing surface, such as a table or carpeted floor. Make sure all players have good access to the playing field. Each player must take a token in the form of a car and place it on the starting cell of the playing field with the name “GO!”

    Give each player ticket booth houses. Ticket booths must have the same color as the machine chosen by the player. If the game is played by 3 to 4 players, each of them should receive 10 ticket boxes. If there are only two people in the game, then each player should receive 12 ticket boxes.

    Assign one player to be the banker. The banker monitors the money in the game and keeps the bank fund separate from the personal game money. Besides everything else, the banker also remains a full player!

    Ask the banker to give each player starting capital. At the very beginning of the game, each player receives €31 in the following types of banknotes:

    • five €1 notes (total €5);
    • four €2 notes (total €8);
    • three notes of €3 each (total €9);
    • one €4 note;
    • one €5 note.
  2. Shuffle the “Try Your Luck” cards and place them in a stack on the cell with the corresponding name in the center of the playing field. Fortune cards differ from other cards in the game in that they have a question mark (?) on the side of the back. Make sure all luck cards are face down so that players cannot see which card they are drawing.

    To determine who starts the game, each player must roll a die. The one who gets the highest number goes first. Then the game continues either to the left in a circle (clockwise) or to the right (counterclockwise), which depends only on the mutual desire of the players.

Part 2

How to move around the playing field

    Roll the dice. At the beginning of each turn, the player must roll the dice and move his car the specified number of spaces forward. The die is rolled only once per turn. After making a move, you need to read the instructions of the game cell you are in and follow them.

    Buy attractions that no one else owns. If you stop at a cell with an attraction that does not yet have any ticket office, you have the opportunity to purchase it for the amount indicated on the cell and install one of your ticket offices there. Now that you own the attraction, you have the power to collect entry fees from other players when they enter your space.

    • The placement of ticket offices allows you to indicate to other players who owns a particular attraction. The very installation of a ticket office on your attraction does not require additional payment from the player.
  1. Pay money to another player if you land on a cell where another player's ticket office is installed. If this player owns two attractions of the same color at once, you will have to pay double the amount indicated.

    Each time you pass through a cell “GO!”don't forget to get €2 from the bank. If you stopped at the “GO!” cell or passed by it, be sure to take €2 from the bank. If the next time you pass through the cell “GO!” If you remember that you forgot to take money on the last lap, the forgotten money will no longer be collected.

    If you land on a railroad space, roll the die again. Having stopped on a cell with a railway, you need to roll the dice again and move on to another cell in accordance with the value rolled on the dice.

    If you land on a space with fireworks or a dolphinarium, place €2 on the space with small change. When you stop at the fireworks or dolphinarium box, pay €2 to watch the show by placing this money in the “Change from Mr. Monopoly” box.

    Once you land on the “Cafe” cell after throwing the dice, simply wait for your next turn. If you find yourself in a cafe after the “Pay €3 to take the bus to the cafe” cell, you need to put the specified amount in the “Change money from Mr. Monopoly” cell. When moving this way, you do not go through the “GO!” cell. and you don’t get €2 for it. In the children's version of Monopoly, the cafe is an analogue of the prison, which is in the adult game.

    • If you landed on the “Cafe” cell as a result of a normal move, then simply rest here. This is similar to the “Just Visiting” section on the “Prison” space in the adult version of Monopoly.
  2. Stopping at the “Change money from Mr. Monopoly” cell, take the money that has accumulated there. This rule is similar to that used in the adult game when visiting the “Free Parking” field, only here it is supplemented by the opportunity to receive an additional cash bonus.

Part 3

How to use Try Your Luck cards

    Pull out the “Try Your Luck” card if you are stuck on a cell of the playing field with the same name. Once on the “Try Your Luck” space, remove the top card from the stack of cards in the center of the field and follow its instructions. Then place this card face up in a separate pile of used cards. Once the original pile runs out of cards, take the discard pile, turn it over, and place it back on the “Try Your Luck” space in the center of the game board. If you like, shuffle the cards first.

    Move the chip to the indicated cell if the card gave instructions to go to a specific attraction. Next, follow the directions of the cell you find yourself in, as if you were there after rolling the dice. If you pass the “GO!” box, withdraw your €2 from the bank.

  1. If you receive the “Place a ticket office for free” card, take advantage of the opportunity provided. Leave the chip where it is and follow the instructions for placing the ticket counters. These instructions include the following rules.

    • If either of the two attractions of the same color as the card you drew is not occupied, place the ticket counter on an empty seat.
    • If both attractions of the same color are occupied by ticket counters of different players, replace one of them with your own at your own discretion. Return someone else's ticket office to its owner.
    • If both attractions of the specified color are occupied by one player's ticket booths, they cannot be replaced with their own booth. In this case, discard the “Try Your Luck” card to the discard pile and take another card instead to follow its instructions.

The board game Monopoly is known as the most popular and best-selling game in the world. Of course, it’s difficult to judge for the entire world, but about half a billion people are familiar with the game.

History of creation

Classic Monopoly was born in the mid-thirties of the last century in the USA. It was a difficult and difficult time, a period when the Great Depression was raging. The birth of one of the most famous board games was not easy and in itself could well become the plot for the success stories so beloved by Americans. When the unemployed Charles Darrow brought her project to board game manufacturers, they refused to take it, considering it unpromising, boring and full of errors.

The future author of the most successful economic board game did not give up, and a game made by “samizdat” ended up on the counter of one of the Philadelphia stores. When the circulation exceeded five thousand and the author and his colleagues could no longer cope with independent production, the Parker Brothers company saw what a jackpot it had almost missed and took Monopoly into print.

The very next year, in the midst of the Great Depression, a game about how you can make millions by doing business - or lose everything - became a bestseller in America.

In subsequent years, games like Monopoly, Businessman and others appeared everywhere, at times ignoring copyrights, especially in the nineties in the post-Soviet space. And even homemade products drawn with colored pencils were not uncommon.


Monopoly is designed for a minimum of two players and a maximum of six. This is an economic board game where you can buy, rent and sell real estate.

The game is ambiguously children's and ambiguously adult, not only for girls and not only for boys. It is intended for a wide audience, starting from seven to eight years old. Many people like it as a family leisure option.


Over its history, Monopoly has changed several publishers. Now the rights to the game belong to Hasbro, a famous toy manufacturer. It supplies the shelves not only with the classic Russified version, but also with numerous variations. This, of course, does not count pirated publications.

What's in the box

Hasbro's traditional Monopoly set includes:

  • the actual playing field with a circular track, where there are properties that you can buy, streets on which you can build, and various pleasant and unpleasant things - for example, a prison where you can end up, or the need to try your luck by drawing a Chance card;
  • cards:
  1. Ownership documents (issued upon purchase of real estate) – 28;
  2. Public treasury (cards that can either bring you money or force you to part with it) – 16;
  3. Chance (unforeseen circumstances with a plus or minus sign) – 16;
  • luxury chips, they are also player chips in the form of various figures, for example, a cat or a shoe - 8;
  • set of banknotes denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 Monopoly dollars (or thousands of rubles in the Russified edition) - of course, not intended for exchange for real goods;
  • Houses(they can be built by placing them on the field, and then rented out) – 32;
  • hotels(like home, only cooler and more profitable) – 12;
  • hex dice – 2;
  • organizer for cards and banknotes.

How to play

This board game has several variants of the rules - regular, shortened, and with homerules. We will look at the classic rules of the game that have been established for decades.

The goal of the Monopoly game is to stay with the money in your pocket while everyone else goes bankrupt one by one. Not without your help, of course. There is no place for honor here - you need to leave your opponents penniless at any cost.


Real estate can be mortgaged if there is a lack of finance to pay off debts. To do this, first all the Houses and Hotels are sold to the bank, and then the ownership card is turned over and the participant receives the amount written on the back. To repay the loan, you need to pay it back plus ten percent on top.

You cannot charge rent for a pledged object, but it can be sold to other players for an agreed amount. While at least one plot of the color group is pledged, purchasing Houses at the regular price is not available.

Loans are given only by the Bank secured by Real Estate - players cannot borrow money from each other.

Sale of real estate

Utilities, Stations and - attention - areas where not a single cell is built up in the color group can be sold to other players at a price that you agree on. If there are buildings on the site, they are first sold to the Bank at half price. By the way, it is quite acceptable to simply sell Houses and/or Hotels if you urgently need money, but keep the site.


What a nuisance! The player ends up in Prison in the following cases:

  • hit the field Go to jail;
  • drew the card Go to prison immediately;
  • threw a double three times on one move.

The player does not go to prison, does not receive a salary and does not enjoy life. But he can receive rent as usual. To be released you need:

  • pay a fine of $50;
  • or use the Get Out of Prison Free card (if you don’t have it on hand, try to buy it from your rivals);
  • or miss three turns trying to roll a double on the dice. If the double does not fall out, you will still have to pay a fine.

If you ended up in the Prison cell because you were “just passing by,” then on the next turn you simply continue the game as usual. This counts as a regular visit.


When a participant owes the Bank and others more than he has, including all real estate, he is declared bankrupt and is eliminated from the game. Everything he owes the Bank is auctioned off. Debts to another player are paid by selling Houses at half the cost and transferring the pledged property to him. In order for the creditor not to be too happy, he must pay the Bank ten percent, and then think about whether to pay off the entire collateral or not.

Ending the game

The winner is the one who is the only one who will not go bankrupt. Given that the game can last up to several hours, home rules are often used, setting different criteria for winning to speed up the process. For example, to become the richest at a certain point in time. This doesn’t interfere with playing Monopoly and having a good time.

Additional materials

Variety of options

Manufacturers' fantasies on the topic of Monopoly are limitless. Dozens of varieties - and these are only the official ones.

My first Monopoly

The board game (there was previously a Monopoly board game for kids, but it was discontinued) is designed for ages five to ten and up to four players. The rules are simpler: if you go to an unoccupied property, you can buy it and everyone who gets there will pay rent. No complications with pledges, construction plans, etc. The pictures, of course, are bright and child-themed. All bills are denominations of one for ease of counting.

Monopoly Masha and the Bear

Another children's version. The bills in it are called berries, and streets, real estate and Chance cells are replaced with Masha’s friends and proposed adventures.

Monopoly World Edition

Enjoy doing business on the world stage: the most famous cities on Earth are present on the field. The cards mention the customs of different countries. There is a worldwide “Monopoly”, where instead of banknotes there are bank cards and a real terminal, with the help of which money is written off or credited to them.

Monopoly Bank Without Borders

It is not only equipped with a terminal - it now reads all cards, keeping in its memory all the relevant information on the current game. The rules have been slightly changed. Actions take place on the territory of Moscow. The packaging and game elements have a stylish design.

Monopoly Russia

Almost completely repeats the classic version, but the field is made adjusted to our country, and is decorated with domestic landmarks. The disadvantages of the packaging include the lack of a convenient organizer for money and cards.

Monopoly Empire

The center of this game is not buying real estate, but buying brands. New - the construction of skyscrapers, one of four on the field. The cells of the skyscraper are filled with brand chips. Create your own trading empire!

Road monopoly

Inexpensive pocket set in a box 16 by 23 centimeters. You can play it according to the classic rules.