The heir of all his relatives, what a head. Alexander Pushkin - Evgeny Onegin. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Evgeny Onegin Novel in verse

Test based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin"

1. Indicate the time boundaries of the action taking place in the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin":

1. 1812-1824

2. 1819-1825

3. 1825- 1835


2. Determine which of the novel’s characters corresponds to the following characteristics:

1. “A young rake”, “he is smart and very sweet”, “he couldn’t tell the difference between an iambic and a trochee”, “the Russian melancholy took possession of him little by little.”

2. “Wild, sad, silent,” “the soul was waiting for someone.”

3. “She’s round and red-faced,” “coquette, flighty child.”

4. “His pen breathes with love,” “admirer of glory and freedom.”

5. “He was a simple and kind gentleman.”


    D. Larin




3. About whom A. Herzen rightly remarks: “ appearance.” "He never takes the side of the government... and is never able to take the side of the people.”

1. Lensky

2. Onegin

3. A. Pushkin

4. D. Larin

4 . Which literary figure has the following characteristics:

1. “Onegin is an extra person in the environment in which he finds himself, not possessing the necessary strength of character to break out of it.”

2. “Suffering egoist”, “reluctant egoist”.

3. “Always... glad to notice the difference between Onegin and me”

    A.S. Pushkin

    V.G. Belinsky

    A.I. Herzen

    ON THE. Dobrolyubov

    N.G. Chernyshevsky

5. Identify the characters in the novel by their reading range:

1. “I discovered Schiller by candlelight.”

2. “Scolded Homer, Theocritus,

But I read Adam Smith.”

3. “She loved Richardson,

Not because I read it

Not because Grandinson

She preferred Lovsala.”

4. “I saw no harm in books;

He never reads

He considered them an empty toy.”

5. “Now... an idol or a brooding Vampire,

Or Melton, or Corsair,

Or the mysterious Sbogar.”


    D. Larin



    Olga and Tatiana's mother

6. About whom Pushkin said: “Take any novel and you will probably find her portrait.”

    Olga and Tatiana's mother



    Nanny Filipevna

7. The nature depicted in the novel is connected with the emotional experiences of the characters. Determine which of the characters corresponds to the description of nature:

1. “The village where I was bored... was a wonderful place.”

2. “But now the moonbeam// The radiance goes out.”

3. “The storm blew, the beautiful color // Withered at the dawn, // The fire on the altar went out.”




8. What is the “Onegin stanza”:

1. A stanza of 14 verses in iambic tetrameter. 3 quatrains and final 2 lines with cross rhyme.

2. A stanza of 8 verses, where the first 6 rhyme with each other, and 2 are connected by a pair rhyme.

3. Hexameter.

9. The climax is:

1. An element of composition in which the artistic conflict reaches a critical point in its development and requires immediate resolution.

2. An element of composition in which an artistic conflict arises.

3. An element of the composition in which the main conflict is resolved or removed.

10. The climax of the novel is:

1. Duel of Onegin and Lensky

2. Tatyana’s declaration of love to Onegin

3. Ball at the Larins’ house

4. Explanation of Onegin and Tatiana at the ball in the prince’s house

Answers to the test


T. Larina



D. Larin

  1. Herzen





    Olga and Tatiana's mother

    D. Larin



  1. Onegin



The book includes a novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin (1799–1837) “Eugene Onegin,” which is required reading and study in secondary schools.

The novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” became the central event in the literary life of Pushkin’s era. And since then, A.S. Pushkin’s masterpiece has not lost its popularity; it is still loved and revered by millions of readers.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
Eugene Onegin
Novel in verse

Pétri de vanité il avait encore plus de cette espèce d'orgueil qui fait avouer avec la même indifférence les bonnes comme les mauvaises actions, suite d'un sentiment de supériorité, peut-être imaginaire.

Not thinking of amusing the proud world,
Loving the attention of friendship,
I'd like to introduce you
The pledge is more worthy than you,
More worthy than a beautiful soul,
Saint of a dream come true,
Poetry alive and clear,
High thoughts and simplicity;
But so be it - with a biased hand
Accept the collection of motley heads,
Half funny, half sad,
Common people, ideal,
The careless fruit of my amusements,
Insomnia, light inspirations,
Immature and withered years,
Crazy cold observations
And hearts of sorrowful notes.


And you, young beauties,
Which sometimes later
The daring droshky carries away
Along the St. Petersburg pavement,

Test on the creativity of A. S. Pushkin

Exercise 1

What is called lyrics:

1. A type of literature in which the artistic world of a literary work reflects the inner experiences of the lyrical hero.

2. Emotional perception by the narrator or lyrical hero of what is being described.

3. The author’s thoughts, not related to the plot narrative, included in the work.

4. A type of literature in the works of which the personality of the author is formally eliminated to the utmost, and the narrative is about events supposed to happen in the past.

Task 2

Determine the poetic meter of the given passage:

You can be a smart person

And think about the beauty of your nails.

Why argue fruitlessly with the century?

The custom is despot between people.


2. Trochee.

3. Dactyl.

4. Amphibrachium.

5. Anapest.

Task 3

What is the name of a three-syllable poetic meter with stress on the second syllable:

1. Dactyl.

2. Amphibrachium.

3. Anapest.

4. Iambic.

5. Trochee.

Task 4

Indicate the time boundaries of the action taking place in A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”:

1. 1812-1824

2. 1819-1825

3. 1825-1835

4. 1837-1840

Task 5

Determine which of the characters in the novel corresponds to these characteristics:

1. “Young rake”, “he is smart and very nice”, “he could not distinguish iambic from trochee, no matter how hard we fought”, “he could be a hypocrite”, “like women, he left books”, “he is a yoke of corvee replaced the old rent with a light one,” “the Russian melancholy took possession of him little by little.”

2. “Wild, sad, silent,” “she liked novels early,” “her soul was waiting for someone,” “she didn’t know Russian well.”

3. “She’s round and red-faced,” “coquette, flighty child.”

4. “His pen breathes with love”, “admirer of glory and freedom”, “he was loved... so he thought.”

5. “He was a simple and kind gentleman.”


D. Larin




Task 6

About whom A. Herzen rightly remarks: “ uselessness.” “He never takes the side of the government... and is never able to take the side of the people.”

1. Lensky.

2. Onegin.

3. A. Pushkin.

4. D. Larin.

Task 7

To which literary figure do the following characteristics belong?

1. “Onegin is an extra person in the environment where he is, not possessing the necessary strength of character to break out of it.”

2. “Suffering egoist”, “reluctant egoist”.

3. “Always... glad to notice the difference between Onegin and me.”

A. S. Pushkin

V. G. Belinsky

A. I. Herzen

N. A. Dobrolyubov

N. G. Chernyshevsky

Task 8

Identify the characters in the novel by their reading range:

1. “By candlelight, Schiller discovered...”

“...I read Apuleius willingly, but I did not read Cicero...”

2. “Scolded Homer, Theocritus,

But I read Adam Smith...”

3. “She loved Richardson,

Not because I read it

Not because Grandison

She preferred Lovlace...”

4. “...I saw no harm in books;

He never reads

He considered them an empty toy..."

5. “Now... an idol or a brooding Vampire,

Or Melmoth, or Corsair, or

Mysterious Sbogar.

“...Lord Byron, by a stroke of luck, clothed him in sad romanticism.”


D. Larin



Olga and Tatiana's mother

Task 9

Who is being talked about in M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “The Death of a Poet” in the line: “An unknown, but sweet singer...”:

1. A. Pushkin.

2. E. Onegin.

3. V. Lensky.

4. T. Larina.

Task 10

About whom A.S. Pushkin said: “...Any novel / Take it and you will find the right / Her portrait...”:

1. Wife of D. Larina.

2. Tatiana.

3. Olga.

4. Nanny Filipevna.

Task 11

The nature depicted in the novel “Eugene Onegin” is connected with the emotional experiences of the heroes. Determine which of the characters corresponds to the descriptions of nature:

1. “...The village where I was bored..., / There was a lovely corner...”

2. “But now the moonbeam / The radiance goes out...”

3. “The storm blew, the beautiful color / It died down at dawn, / The fire on the altar went out!”




Task 12

Find comparisons and underline:

He thinks: “I will be her savior

I will not tolerate the corrupter

Fire and sighs and praises

Tempted a young heart.

So that the despicable, poisonous worm

Sharpened the lily stalk,

To the two-morning flower

Still half-open."

Task 13

Find the epithets and underline:

“Where, where have you gone, / The golden days of my spring?..”

Task 14

Find metaphors and underline:

Doused with instant cold,

Onegin hurries to the young man,

He looks and calls him... in vain:

He's no longer there. Young singer

Found an untimely end!

The storm has blown, the color is beautiful

Withered at dawn,

The fire on the altar has gone out!

Task 15

What is the “Onegin stanza”:

1. A stanza of 14 verses in iambic tetrameter: 3 quatrains and the final 2 lines with cross rhyme.

2. A stanza of 8 verses, where the first 6 rhyme with each other, and 2 are connected by paired rhyme.

3. Hexameter.

Task 16

The culmination of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” is:

1. Duel of Onegin and Lensky.

2. Tatyana’s declaration of love to Onegin.

3. Ball at the Larins’ house.

4. Explanation of Evgeny and Tatiana in her St. Petersburg house.

Task 17

The culmination is:

1. An element of composition in which the artistic conflict reaches a critical point in its development and requires immediate resolution.

2. An element of composition in which an artistic conflict arises.

3. An element of the composition in which the main conflict is resolved or removed.

Task 18

A lyrical digression is:

1. Expressed through artistic means, the emotional perception of what is described by the narrator or lyrical hero.

3. The author’s reflection, unrelated to the plot narrative, included in a work of literature.

Task 19

The motives of A. S. Pushkin’s lyrics are varied. Correlate the indicated poems of the poet and the motives (themes) of his lyrics:

1. “Prophet”, “Poet”, “Poet and the Crowd”, “Echo”, “Monument”.

2. “Three Keys”, “A Vain Gift, an Accidental Gift...”, “Caucasus”, “Demons”.

3. “I loved you...”, “Don’t sing, beauty, in front of me...”, “For the last time, your image is sweet...”.

4. “Winter Road”, “Memories”, “Premonitions”, “Road Complaints”.

5. “Andrey Chenier”, “Arion”, “To Siberia”, “Anchar”, “Village”.

Theme of the poet and poetry

Freedom-loving lyrics

Love lyrics

Theme of loneliness

Philosophical lyrics

Answers to the test

Job No.
