Names of peoples of different countries. National composition of the world population

>> Largest nations of the world

§ 5. The largest nations of the world

In total, there are 5-5.5 thousand peoples, or ethnic groups, that is, established stable communities of people in the world. The vast majority of peoples are extremely small in number.

There are 330 peoples in the world with more than 1 million people, but they cover 96% of the total population of the Earth. There are only 11 peoples in the world with more than 100 million people each (Table 20), but they cover almost 45% of everything population Earth.

Table 20

Largest nations and most widely spoken languages

Largest nations of the world Million people Most common languages Million people
1. Chinese 1170
1. Chinese 1200
2. Hindustani 265 2. English 520
3. Bengalis 225 3. Spanish 400
4. Americans USA 200
4. Hindi 360
5. Brazilians 175 5. Arabic 250
6. Russians 140 6. Bengali 225
7. Japanese 125 7. Portuguese 210
8. Punjabis 115 8. Russian 200
9. Biharis 115 9. Indonesian 190
10. Mexicans 105 10. Japanese
11. Javanese 105 11. French 120

12. German 100
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Population globe comprises large quantity(3-4 thousand) so-called ethnic communities.

Ethnic community (people) - historically formed a group of people living in a certain territory and having a common language, economy and culture.

For population geography highest value have classifications of peoples by number and language.

Classification of peoples by number

The classification of peoples by numbers shows great differences between them: from the Chinese people (1 billion 179 million) to the Ved-Dov tribe in Sri Lanka or the Botokuds in Brazil, which number less than 1 thousand people. But the bulk of the Earth's population consists of large and especially most big nations, most large nations(in millions of people): Chinese (1,048), Hindustani (219), US Americans (187), Bengalis (176), Russians (146), Brazilians (137), Japanese (123), Punjabis (87), Biharis (86), Mexicans (83), Germans (82), Javanese (78), Koreans (67), Telugus (66), Italians (65), Marathas (59), Ta Milis (57), Vietnamese (55 ). In total there are (at the end of the 80s) 310 nations with a population of more than 1 million people each.

Types of states

In accordance with the nature of the ethnic (national) composition of the population, 5 types of states are distinguished:

  1. National - this type is spoken of when ethnic boundaries coincide with political ones. It occurs quite often. IN overseas Europe about half of all countries belong to it. These are the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark. Germany, Poland, Austria Bulgaria, Slovenia, Italy, Portugal. IN Latin America
  2. Almost all states are single-national. In foreign Asia there are much fewer such countries: Japan, Korea, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, and some small countries. There are even fewer of them in Africa (Egypt, Libya, Somalia, Madagascar).
  3. Countries with a strong predominance of one nation, but with the presence of more or less significant national minorities. These are Great Britain, France, Spain, Finland, Romania - in Europe. In foreign Asia - China. Mongolia. Vietnam. Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Syria, Türkiye. In Africa - Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Zimbabwe, Botswana. In North America - the USA, in Oceania - the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand.
  4. Binational countries. This type is rare and includes Belgium, Canada and some others.
  5. Countries with a complex national composition, but relatively homogeneous ethnically, are more often found in Asia (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Laos), in Central, Eastern and Southern Africa and in Latin America. Multinational countries with diverse ethnic composition

. The most striking countries of this type are India and Russia. This type also includes Switzerland, Indonesia, the Philippines, and some countries in Western and Southern Africa. IN Lately happened throughout Conflicts on national and religious grounds intensified even more. Perhaps the most violent clashes occur in last years in the CIS. The Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences has prepared a special map that shows 70 hotbeds of territorial and ethnic confrontations and conflicts.

Classification of peoples by language

The classification of peoples by language is based on the principle of their kinship.

All languages ​​are united into language families, which are divided into language groups.

The most numerous families of peoples in the world are Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan, and Lesser Polynesian.

There are also other classifications of the peoples of the world, including on historical and geographical principles.

All of us, at least once in our lives, have thought about whether our nationality is included in some top or ranking of the most, most. Now we will check it! :

The most drinking nation in the world

So: This is surprising, but according to OECD data, the residents of Lithuania turned out to be the heaviest drinkers, although each of us was sure that no one would surpass the Russians and Germans in this matter.

Rating of nations: the most nation in the world

Austrians, Estonians and Czechs sat comfortably behind them. Russia ended up only in fifth place.

The most non-drinkers were Indonesians, as well as Turks, Indians and Israelis.

The most beautiful nation in the world

We have already introduced you to the most beautiful nation in the world in the post..... . The ugliest nation

The ugliest

The nation is, perhaps, the Jews; it just so happened historically that for the sake of procreation, for centuries they were forced to intermarry with close relatives. Here's the result. Also on this list are the Germans and the British.

The most powerful nation Many consider the inhabitants of the Caucasus, as well as Russians and South Africans, to be the most powerful nation in the world. It is among these nationalities that there are a lot of athletes who take prizes. The most

ancient nation

on the planet these are the Bushmen tribes living in Namibia and Botswana. Following them are Jews, Chinese and Armenians.

It is very difficult to judge the youngest nation; here we may be talking more about a young country, because even a new country is inhabited by nations that have already been established for a long time.

The smartest nation in the world As for the smartest nation, the debate here still does not subside. More than five contenders are vying for the blanket, including Jews, Japanese, Armenians, British and Chinese. Most

high nation these are Kets living on the banks of the Yenisei. Following them in terms of stunting are residents of Asia and the Philippines.

The largest in number, of course, are the Chinese and Indians.
The smallest in number of the most famous are the Japanese, as well as the inhabitants of the smallest islands, where people belong to small ethnic groups. Fiji, Malta, etc.

The happiest are the inhabitants of the tropical islands (ha, that's understandable), of which the inhabitants of Fiji are the happiest, followed by the Nigerians, Norwegians and Swiss.
The most unfortunate are the Romanians, Palestinians and Serbs.

Sexiest Nation

The sexiest nation. Here the data is quite contradictory. And yet in all the lists there are quite famous representatives cult of sex. These are, of course, Turks, Spaniards, Italians and Germans. (The latter, by the way, are famous for their production of porn films).

The Japanese are recognized as the most unsexual nation, who simply have no time to indulge in love due to being overly busy.

The healthiest nation

The healthiest nation in the world are the Japanese with their correct eating and living habits. Residents of Singapore and residents of Scandinavian countries can also be classified as healthy nations.

The sickest, of course, are the residents of America, where mortality exceeds all imaginable limits.
The most cruel nation here we can perhaps name those who often appear in wars against other nations, who organize terror and kill their own. Here I think everyone has heard of these groups.

Most reading nation

The most drinking nation in the world

I present to you the five most reading nations in the world:
1. India 10.7 hours per week.
2. Thailand 9.4 hours per week.
3. China 8.0 hours per week.
4. Philippines 7.6 hours per week.
5. Egypt 7.5 hours per week.

Richest nation

Among the richest nations you can see are the Swiss, Japanese, Danes and the Netherlands.
The poorest nations are the inhabitants of Haiti, Burundi and Moldova.
The cleanest nation you can probably call the Germans
Nothing can be said for sure about the dirtiest nation. Some sources say that they are British, some that they are Arabs, others even refer to Russians.
The most cunning nation these are the Chinese and the Jews.
And the British are considered the most honest and decent.

The laziest nation is, of course, the French, with their dreaminess and passion for lying in bed. You can also add Americans and Spaniards with their siestas to this list.

The most hardworking nation you can safely consider the Japanese and Koreans.

The bravest nation is, perhaps, the Russians, Chechens and residents of Central Asia.
As for the top of the cowardly nation, it is unlikely that anyone will dare to make a rating.

The list of the most depraved nations includes the Swiss, Brazilians, Mexicans, Spaniards, Greeks, Malaysians, as well as the Dutch.

The most fat (overweight) nation these are the Mexicans, then the USA and Syria.

The slimmer nation we can safely count Africans, Japanese and Chinese.

The kindest nation in the world these are New Zealanders. The Japanese and Canadians are also considered peace-loving.
Well, the reddest nations are, of course, the Scots, Irish and English.

According to various estimates, about 5 thousand live all over the globe. various peoples. Most of of them are not numerous. An ethnic group can be distinguished not only by the number of representatives, but also by language.

Population of Africa

Africa is home to a huge number of ethnic groups. Compared to the Dark Continent, the peoples of other countries of the world are not so diverse. For example, in Nigeria their number reaches 250. The most numerous Nigerian tribes are the Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo.

In total, about 50 different nationalities live in Africa. 24 of these peoples make up about 86% of the total population of the Dark Continent. Moreover, each of the nationalities speaks its own language. And only Arabic is an exception. Almost a fifth of Africans speak this language.

Colonial past

Africa is a continent that until recently was ruled by the peoples of other countries of the world. The colonial past is everywhere here. For many centuries, European colonialists plundered property local residents, exploited them for their own benefit. The collapse of this system began only in the post-World War II era. The total population of the Black Continent is about 250 million people. Compared to the peoples of other countries in the world, population growth is occurring very quickly here.

Classification of African peoples

It is customary to divide into categories according to language. A huge number can be united into large related groups - families. Such a language family will include those languages ​​that have common roots. In total, there are several large language groups on the Dark Continent. These are Bantu, Semitic-Hamitic, Mande, Nilotic. For example, in northern Africa there are peoples who communicate in Semitic-Hamitic languages. This category includes the Cushitic and Berber subgroups. In the central part of the continent and in the south live representatives of peoples who speak Bantu languages.

Only in the VII-XI centuries. Arabs appeared in Africa. The peoples who inhabited the territory of the Sahara and the Maghreb in ancient times were called Libyans by ancient historians. Before these territories were conquered by the Arabs, they spoke the languages ​​of the Berber group. The Arabs of the tribes called Hilal and Sulaim, who moved here in the 11th century, seriously influenced lifestyle local Berbers. The natives converted to Islam and began farming like the Arabs. Became widespread nomadic image life. Rarely are the peoples of other countries of the world assimilated to the same extent as the Arabs and Berbers at the present time. Now it is almost impossible to draw a clear boundary between them. Moreover, the process of mixing these two ethnic groups has occurred most intensively in the last half century.

Comparative age of the Slavic ethnic group and other peoples

According to some reports, the state Kievan Rus arose in the 6th century AD. e. Other scientists believe that Slavic state arose on the territory of an ancient trade route called “from the Varangians to the Greeks” in 862, when the principality of the famous Russian dynasty began. Many nations like to lengthen their history. However, there are also those whose “age” is beyond doubt - moreover, they are much older than the Slavic ethnic group. The ancient peoples of other countries of the world, except Russia, are Armenians, Jews, Assyrians, Basques, and Khoisans.

Armenians - the civilization of King Hayk

The Armenian ethnos is considered the youngest among other ancient peoples. However, there is much that is unexplored in the history of the Armenians. Until the very late XIX centuries, historians believed that the Armenian ethnic group originates from King Hayk, whose personality is covered in legends. Hayk was the first to decide to outline the borders of the new state in the vicinity of Mount Ararat. It was believed that it was from the name of King Hayk that the self-name of the Armenians - “hai” - came from.

Currently, another version of the origin of the Armenians is accepted. Scientists believe that their ancestors - the Mushki and the Urumeans - settled local territories back in the 12th century BC. e., even before the Hittite state was formed. The peoples of other countries of the world with whom the Armenians lived next door were the Urartians and the Luwians. Some scholars believe that the origins of the Armenian people must be sought among the evidence of the Hurrian kingdom, which was called Arme-Shubiya.


Jews are another people whose history goes back centuries. There are no fewer mysteries in the past of the Jews than in the history of the emergence of the Armenians. For a long time it was believed that the concept of this people is not ethnic, but rather religious. There were fierce debates between scientists about who they really were - one of the religious heresies, a separated social stratum, or, perhaps, an independent people. According to the main source of the Jewish religion - the Old Testament - Jews are descendants of Abraham, a native of the Mesopotamian city of Ur.

Together with his father, Abraham moved to the “promised land” - Canaan. Subsequently, he captured the lands of tribes living nearby, who, according to legend, were descendants of Noah. Scientists believe that the Jewish people originate from the 2nd millennium BC. e. - that’s when they formed in independent group from Semitic-speaking tribes. The closest “relatives” of the Jews in language are the tribes of the Amorites and Phoenicians.

Modern version of the origin of the Jews

Not so long ago, thanks to the development of science, new views on the origin of the Jewish people appeared. Scientists conducted a genetic analysis of three large groups of Jewish people. Ashkenazim (living in America and Europe), Mizrahim (inhabitants of the Middle East and northern Africa), and Sephardim (living in the Iberian Peninsula) were studied. It turned out that all these ethnic groups have similar genetics. This confirms their origin from a common source. The conclusion that scientists made is that the ancestors of the Jews originally lived in Mesopotamia. The division occurred during the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar.

And other countries in the world have many misconceptions about Jews. One of the most common is that the main religious book of the Jews is the Old Testament. In fact, the holy book for them is the Talmud. The Jewish religion has many branches - it is Orthodox, Reform, Conservative. However, all believers use the Talmud as their main book.

Jewish origins are attributed to Christopher Columbus. Several documents testify to this. The navigator himself also repeatedly mentioned that he belongs to the Jewish people. So that the people of other countries of the world and descendants could learn about his voyages, Columbus kept a diary of his voyages. It is noteworthy that in the first lines he mentions the history of the expulsion of Jews from Spain. Also, some scholars believe that the signature in Columbus’s will was made in Hebrew.

Assyrian people

What other ancient peoples existed in other countries of the world? The list continues with the Assyrians: this people is perhaps even more ancient than the Jews. They presumably arose in the 4th-2nd millennium BC. Jews were descended from Western Semitic peoples. The Assyrians were representatives of the northern Semites. Modern representatives Assyrian ethnic group consider themselves descendants ancient civilization. Some scientists agree with this point of view. Others believe that the ancestors of modern Assyrians are the Arameans.


There are also peoples of other countries of the world, except Russia, who differ in both age and the number of their representatives. One such ethnic group is the Chinese. They call themselves "Han people". The Chinese make up about 19% of the total world population. The beginning of the Han civilization is considered to be the 5th-3rd millennium BC. The first settlements were built in the valley. The formation of the Chinese ethnic group was significantly influenced by the peoples of other countries of the world. Their list mainly consists of representatives Mongoloid race: these are Tibetans, Indonesians, Thais. They are all quite different in their culture. However, today the Chinese are the direct descendants of the great Han civilization.


The Basques are an example of peoples from other countries of the world who do not belong to the Indo-European linguistic environment. The great settlement of peoples began in the 4th millennium BC. Currently, the languages ​​of the Indo-European group are the means of communication for almost all Europeans. The exception is the Basques - their origin does not coincide with the peoples of other countries of the world. List, except Russia and European countries, with which scientists compared such a people as the Basques, is enormous. However, the researchers came to the conclusion: the Basques are an ancient people whose language is not related to any language of the Indo-European group. Presumably they became a separate ethnic group about 16 thousand years ago, during the Paleolithic.

Khoisan people

But the Basques are not the last ancient people other countries of the world. The list, in addition to Russia (or, more precisely, Slavic tribes), Jews, Assyrians, Chinese and Basques can be supplemented by Khoisan peoples. Scientists estimate that the Khoisan people appeared about 100 thousand years ago. This extensive ethnic group refers to African peoples speaking unusual “clicking” languages. The Khoisan people include the Bushmen and the Hottentots.

The researchers concluded that the Khoisans first separated from the common tree of peoples about 100 thousand years ago. In other words, this happened even before people settled from the Dark Continent throughout the globe. 43 thousand years ago, the Khoisan people underwent another change - they were divided into northern and southern tribes. Some of the Khoisan tribes have retained their origins. Others mixed with neighboring Bantu tribes. Genetic DNA analysis of the Khoisan people shows that they are significantly different from other peoples. They were found to have genes that are responsible for high physical endurance and vulnerability to sunlight.

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