Unusual phenomena - the incredible is nearby. Unusual phenomena - the incredible is nearby The incredible is nearby

Perhaps this is exactly the gift your friend dreams of.

A good photo book is perhaps one of the best gifts for any occasion or without it. They are pleasant to view, they are not tied to specific dates; this, after all, can be given to a person who already has everything. Well, for avid travelers, photo books can inspire a new trip.

Atlas Obscura has collected just such publications: from an album with the most ancient trees in the world to an atlas of monuments to Lenin and a book dedicated to cats from Hong Kong stores. All of them came out in 2017. The selection also includes books about completely unattainable places and bygone times - collections of color photographs from World War II and photos of distant galaxies from the Hubble telescope.

Universe: Exploring the Astronomical World

Publisher Phaidon

The slowly passing winter encourages reflection on existential questions, and a book about the connection between humanity and the Universe encourages this like nothing else. "Universe: Exploring the Astronomical World" includes more than 300 images, from cave paintings in France to Hubble images of galaxies. It also includes a stunning photo of astronaut Bruce McCandless making the first spacewalk without a harness.

Hong Kong Shop Cats

Marcel Heinen, Asia One Books

Dutch photographer Marcel Heinen fell in love with cats from Hong Kong stores so much that he began taking portraits of them. In his photographs, cats rest in utility rooms, hide in boxes and greet visitors in shop windows. Cat lovers will certainly be pleased that Heinen decided not to limit himself to one book and is now preparing a series of photographs of cats from Hong Kong markets.

Wise Trees

Diana Cook and Len Janschel, Abrams Books

In the Mexican suburb of Oaxaca, Santa Maria del Tule, lies the Montezuma Cypress, also known as El Arbol del Tule. Its girth is 42 meters; the tree is from 1,200 to three thousand years old. Photographs of this cypress and other ancient trees were included in the book Wise Trees. Photographers Diana Cook and Len Janschel traveled to 59 locations on five continents to capture these giants and tell their stories.

Everyday Africa: 30 Photographers Re-Picturing a Continent (“Everyday Africa: 30 photographers who depict the continent in a new way”)

Publisher Kehrer Verlag

Everyday Africa is an Instagram account that collects photos of the everyday life of Africans; the goal of its creators is to show Africa from an unusual, not postcard and not gloomy side. The page was created in 2012 and now has more than 370 thousand followers. In 2017, the creators of Everyday Africa, Austin Merrill and Peter Di Campo, together with photographer Nana Kofi Akka and designer Teun van der Heijden, compiled a book from the best photographs of the account, which was published by the German publishing house Kehrer Verlag.

Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move

Rebecca Roake, Phaidon Publishing

Fans of spontaneous travel will certainly find a lot of surprising and inspiring ideas in this book. Architecture in Motion features cozy vans, tents that fold into a boot, and
Golden Gate 2 is a cozy, spacious motorhome that handles like a bicycle and even has room for a surf.

Mariam Omidi, Fuel Publishing

While writing her book Holidays in Soviet Sanatoriums, Mariam Omidi traveled through 11 former Eastern Bloc countries to document the architecture and life of past and present sanatoriums. Some of them still offer very unique treatment methods - for example, the Aurora sanatorium in Kyrgyzstan uses ultraviolet light to sterilize the nasopharynx.

The Second World War in Color

Imperial War Museum, London

In the 1940s, color film was rare. However, the archives of the Imperial War Museum in London still preserve about three thousand color photographs taken between 1942 and 1945. Selected photographs were included in the book “World War II in Color.” Photos that are more than 70 years old show the war unexpectedly close and vividly. This feeling is well demonstrated by the photo below: pilots and nurses resting at the Air Force hospital in Halton, England in August 1943.

Latif Al Ani

Publishing house Hatje Cantz

Latif Al Ani began photographing his hometown of Baghdad in the late 1940s and over the next 30 years was able to capture Iraq in a way that no other photographer could. Al Ani is considered the father of Iraqi photography, documenting the people, history, culture and industry of the country's golden age. It ceased operations after the Iran-Iraq War and the rise to power of Saddam Hussein. Much of Al Ani's archive disappeared after the 2003 US invasion. This book is the first collection of the 84-year-old photographer. It won the prize for “Best Historical Book” at the French photography festival “Encounters in Arles” in 2017.

Looking for Lenin

Nils Ackermann and Sebastien Gaubert, Fuel Publishing

In 1990, there were approximately 5.5 thousand monuments to Vladimir Lenin on the territory of Ukraine. Now there are almost none left. Photographer Nils Ackermann and journalist Sebastien Gobert went in search of what remained of these monuments. They found giant Lenin heads hidden in trunks and windshield wiper closets, as well as entire statues just lying on the ground - as in the photo below, taken in Kremenchug.

Unusual, taboo topics of so-called incredible phenomena have now ceased to be taboo, and descriptions of miraculous phenomena that science cannot explain appear on newspaper pages. Among them, some stand out for their incredible originality, which deserves to be told about.

At the cinema with a dead woman

“It happened in Bangkok. In the afternoon the elderly woman went to the cinema. When she was buying tickets, a little girl approached her and asked to take her to the auditorium. Teenagers were not allowed to see this film, and children could only attend if accompanied by an adult. The elderly lady agreed and bought a ticket for the girl. They were talking cheerfully before the start of the film, sitting next to each other. Somewhere in the middle of the session, the girl apologized and was told that she needed to go out for a minute. She never returned until the end of the film. The woman found this strange. She felt responsible for the child and therefore, after the end of the film, she went to look for the girl. The employee, who was sitting in the toilet room and collecting money, said that she had not seen any girl and that today there were almost no visitors and at the moment all the stalls were empty.

The elderly lady still insisted on her opinion, believing that the employee could have dozed off and the girl passed by her unnoticed. After a brief argument, the employee relented and the elderly lady went to check the booths herself and found that one of them was closed. The employee explained that this booth had been closed for a week and had not been used. An elderly lady began to demand that the booth be opened. They brought the key, opened the door and found the body of a girl behind it. The elderly lady confirmed that it was for this girl that she bought the ticket and it was she who sat next to her in the auditorium. She had no doubts. Experts found that the girl had been dead for a week. They were unable to determine the cause of death.

The whole country learned about the incredible story. Newspapers published either the story of an elderly lady, or an interview with a toilet employee, or a conversation with the owner of a cinema, etc. No one was going to look for reasonable explanations for what happened, everyone saw a concrete example of the manifestation of that “Something” about which people know nothing.

A European friend of mine, during the debate about this incident, could not understand what meaning was hidden in it and why the otherworldly “Thing” needed to commit such a strange act in such a realistic place as a cinema. It was explained to him that when it comes to “Something”, ask the question “why?” not only senseless, but also dangerous: “Something” may get angry.”

strange road

1979, March - English motorist Mrs. Barbara Davison had amazing luck one night when she almost got into an accident on Seven Oaks Drive in Kent. Driving along a road that she knew very well, Mrs. Davison was simply stunned when she saw that the highway ahead suddenly plunged into darkness and was replaced by another small road, clearly going off to the right. Courageously ignoring what her eyes saw, the woman continued to move to the left, into the darkness where she believed the real highway should be.

For a few seconds she found herself in some kind of zone of darkness, and then everything returned to normal. If she had followed the ghost road, she would have crashed straight into oncoming traffic.

This incident (which Mrs Devison told a local Kent newspaper) was found to be consistent with those that had happened to at least three other drivers driving along the same road that evening. But for 20 years now there has been no right turn in that place.

Like Barbara, none of the drivers became nervous, but a local journalist who investigated the phenomenon discovered that at least three car accidents had occurred at that site in the previous year and a half. In each of these tragedies, drivers inexplicably crossed a grassy median between two strips of highway.

Traffic police experts were trying to determine whether a sudden moonlight or the headlights of an oncoming car caused the strange illusion that caused drivers to drive in the wrong direction. But no natural explanations for the accident could be found.

Sacred place

Okunevo is a seemingly ordinary village on the steep bank of the small Tara River. What distinguishes it from neighboring villages is that for many years Omsk archaeologists have been conducting excavations here, opening ancient burial grounds, looking for various objects from ancient eras.

Residents of the village have long observed unusual phenomena in the surrounding area. These are mysterious glows, multi-colored rays extending into the night sky, and frequent flights of UFOs, and a pit-mine of unknown origin near the village of Porechye.

Russian researchers are confident that near the Siberian village of Okunevo there is a “sacred place” - secret. But scientists representing official science ironically shrug their shoulders in response to such statements. Which one is right?

Dangerous lakes

The killer lakes that exist on our planet only confirm the fact that there are enough places on Earth where anomalies lead to disasters.
1986, August 21 - in Cameroon, 1,700 people died in a village on the shores of Lake Nyos. People lay as if they had died while walking or while talking with a neighbor. All the dogs and all the livestock died, dead birds and insects fell from the trees. Only those in a closed space, in an office, office, school, etc. survived.

Nyos is a lake of extraordinary beauty. It is surrounded by cultivated fields, picturesque cliffs and green hills. The pearl-gray surface is almost always calm, but in the depths there is a continuous accumulation of explosive forces: Nyos is the crater of a once active volcano, after the eruption of which five centuries ago a magma plug remained at the bottom. It cooled and compressed under water pressure.

There are many such lakes around the world, but only two are capable of killing all living things that fall on their shores. We already know one of them. The second lake - Monoun - is located 95 km southeast of Nyos.

Due to deep volcanic activity, which continues to this day, carbon dioxide constantly rises through pores in the igneous rock, meets the groundwater, dissolves in it and ends up in the lake. An infernal mixture accumulates in the bottom layers of the lake, which does not mix with the upper layers. As a rule, in crater lakes the water is periodically mixed, carbonated water rises to the surface, and gases dissipate in the atmosphere without harm to the surrounding nature.

But in Nyos and Monoun the boundary between the layers is not broken. The gas continues to saturate the deep layers of water until some external event disturbs them. This could be strong winds and waves, unusually cold weather (then the upper layers of water cool and sink to the bottom), a landslide or an earthquake. Part of the deep water begins to rise from the bottom, carbon dioxide is released from the solution and rushes to the top in bubbles, carrying with it even more bottom water. By inertia, the process rapidly increases: several bubbles quickly turn into a stream of gas, and finally, like from an open bottle of champagne, highly carbonated water bursts upward in a fountain.

1986 - in Nyos, such a “fountain” shot to a height of 80 meters, and everything around was drowned in a cloud of carbon dioxide. Heavy gas, twice as heavy as air, fell onto the shores of the lake and suffocated all living things in its path. When the Lake Monone explosion occurred in August 1984, 37 people were killed.

Lake Nyos is larger and deeper, so its deadly force can claim many more lives. The gas cloud spreads across the surrounding area at a speed of more than 70 km/h and quickly reaches even villages located 20 km from the lake. The last person to die from the explosion in Nyos was a girl who, the morning after the eruption, descended from a hill into a ravine filled with gas.

Despite the fact that after the disaster in 1986, 3,500 people were evacuated from the shores of the lake and resettled in safe areas, many returned again - they are attracted by the fertility of the local land and rich vegetation.
1999 - an international group of scientists arrived in Cameroon to study the deadly lake and, if possible, find a way to rid it of the poisonous gas accumulating in its depths. Scientists propose a very simple procedure for degassing the lake - placing a pipe to the bottom to allow gas to escape. Preliminary tests have already been carried out, not only on Nyos, but also on the second deadly lake - Monone.

Unusual phenomena and mysteries of space include those cases when it is simply impossible to give a scientific explanation of what happened. The space seems to open invisible doors in which animals, people, and objects disappear. Information about such cases is quite scattered, but one can notice that such phenomena occur everywhere: in the mountains, on land, on water, in the skies.

Evil eye

This happened even before the revolution. I just graduated from college. She received a position as a teacher in a Cossack village. They gave me an apartment. All the neighbors around have a lot of poultry - I also started a farm: I bought chickens and raised hens for eggs. And the chickens hatched - yellow, plump lumps. I liked tinkering with them. You take such a baby in a handful and you hear his heart beating... So, one day I was in the yard, fiddling with my chickens, when suddenly a watchman from the village government came and called me there - for some reason the village ataman needed me.

Before I went, I went into the apartment to change clothes, and when I came out, I saw my chickens falling to the ground, kicking their legs and dying. When I returned from the board, I immediately went to my neighbors: “What is this? Why did my chickens die?”

And they ask: “Didn’t the watchman from the village government come to see you?”
- I came in.
- Well, that’s his eye. As soon as they look, they die. You tie some bright rags around your chickens’ necks so that they catch his eye, then the harm will stick to the rags - but what will happen to them? Why do you think we weave bright ribbons into our children’s hair? It's eye-catching!

I did so, but decided to carry out an experiment: I tied bright yarn around the neck of one half of the chickens, and not the other half. And the watchman came again, and what do you think? The half that was not imposed died, while the other survived.

Abandoned barracks

My mother was the head of a geological detachment in the north. One day, geologists were walking through the deep taiga and came across a place where an abandoned old barracks stood. As it turned out later, during Stalin’s time there was a prison camp in this place. When they began to approach the barracks, an elderly man came out onto the porch and with him an elderly woman, and then children, in a word, a whole family.

But what struck all the members of the geological party was that they were all naked - without a single piece of clothing. When the geologists came very close, the naked family turned around and silently walked into the barracks. Deciding to find out what was happening, the geologists followed them. The barracks were divided by partitions into several large rooms. One by one, their geologists passed by, following the strangely silent family walking ahead. But when we entered the last room, which ended the barracks and which had no other exit, there was no one there - the family disappeared...

* * *
It’s a pity that geologists didn’t think of cracking the floor in the room where the mysterious family disappeared. Under the floor, probably at a shallow depth, they would have discovered the corpses of these people who died in custody. The family members, of course, were simple and believing people, who were inspired from childhood that every dead person should be buried with a funeral service and long prayers, otherwise it would be wrong... Such a conviction became part of their consciousness, and consciousness survives physical death, because , in essence, it is the true immortal, thinking person, walking through centuries and millennia into Infinity. And if this consciousness has decided that the physical body it has thrown off should be buried, say, according to the Orthodox rite, then it will stay close to its corpse and will try to lead people to these remains in the hope that they will bury them, so to speak, according to all Orthodox canons...

How many such stories are there about ghosts that always appeared and disappeared in a certain place, where, when dug up, they usually found either a corpse or a skeleton! And always after the burial of such remains, the ghosts stopped appearing - their wish was fulfilled.

Thought guides a person both during life and after so-called death. She can free him for a swift flight into the shining heights and can also make him a slave to prejudice or shameful passion. So, for example, the soul of a miser after physical death remains chained, like a chained dog, to its buried treasure. Day after day, the miser, thinking only about increasing this treasure, forged this chain, which after death became even stronger...

The rapid development of modern technology gives reason to assume that there are no unsolved mysteries left in this world. Today, right from home, sitting in front of a monitor, you can study detailed photographs of Pluto’s surface or “visit” the Antarctic McMurdo Station using Google Street View. But despite significant technological breakthroughs, people are still far from understanding many of the processes occurring on planet Earth.

1. Areas of large cities that are not on the map

The phrase “off the map” conjures up images of wilderness somewhere in the Amazon jungle or the vast expanse of Antarctica. In reality, there are many more unmapped corners of the world than one might imagine. Some of the world's largest cities are still unexplored regions that no one has ever attempted to map. As a rule, the reason for this is that it is extremely dangerous to do this.

For example, one such place is Netza Chalco Itza, a slum area in Mexico City that is home to 4 million people. Others, such as the Orangi slum in Karachi, Pakistan, are shown on conventional maps but are not detailed and there are no Google Earth images of them. In some African and Asian cities, construction is currently happening so rapidly that maps simply do not have time to be drawn up.

2. Mysterious mountains that have not yet been conquered

Over the past 160 years, mountaineering has become very popular and people have conquered most of the world's highest peaks. You will no longer surprise anyone by conquering Everest, K2 or Kilimanjaro, as well as hundreds of other peaks that most people have never even heard of. But it turns out that there are many times more mountains that no one has ever set foot on than those that have been climbed by climbers.

3. Unknown minerals

Scientists today know about 5,000 minerals. On the one hand, this is a fairly large number. But in 2014, Carnegie Institution scientist Robert M. Hazen published research data according to which there are more than 1,500 minerals on Earth. In fact, this is not as unlikely as it seems, since most minerals on Earth are very rare and can be found in literally several places on the entire planet.

4. Unknown species

In 1972, biologist Jennifer Owen began documenting the species (mostly insects) she found in her suburban garden. Over 40 years she documented more than 8,000 species, 20 of which had never been seen before in England. At the same time, 4 species were completely unknown to science. So, without leaving her home, Owen accidentally discovered four completely new species, and no one knows how many of them exist on the entire planet.

For example, Dave Ebert in Taiwan discovered 24 new species of sharks just by browsing the local fish market. In London, a mycologist found three new varieties of porcini mushrooms in packages of dried porcini mushrooms in a supermarket. Scientists estimate that up to 90 percent of marine species and 86 percent of land species may be completely unknown to science.

5. Endangered Species

Now so many species of living beings are on the verge of complete extinction that anyone can name a couple of them offhand. But usually we are talking only about animals, and there are thousands, if not millions of species that most people have no idea about.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature has the most comprehensive database in the world on the conservation of endangered animals. However, in 2013, Union scientists assessed the status of just 71,576 species globally. Even among the 1.2 million known species, this is a drop in the bucket. And potentially we are talking about another 7.5 million undiscovered. It is quite possible that most of them are also on the verge of extinction.

6. Fastest growing city

Let's return from the animal world to urbanization. Today, not a single scientist in the world can estimate the growth rates of some cities and, accordingly, predict the possible problems of this growth. The problem is that there are several ways to measure a city's growth rate, and they all produce different numbers.

According to one ranking, the fastest growing is Indonesia's Batam, whose population is increasing by 7.4 percent per year. Lagos in Nigeria and Xiamen in China lead the other rankings. As a result, predicting the emergence of megacities on Earth is becoming increasingly difficult.

7. Best country to live

In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, many people began to think that GDP is not an ideal indicator for measuring the standard of living of the average person. , The so-called national happiness index was invented. In practice, these new measurements turned out to be wildly contradictory.

For example, there is a tiny mountain kingdom in northern India called Bhutan. Its cities are wildly dirty, poverty reigns everywhere, and there are almost no tourists in the country. But at the same time, Bhutan is known to everyone as one of the happiest places on Earth (according to a survey of its residents).

8. Unexplored caves

It is common knowledge that most of the Earth's oceans remain unexplored. In fact, people also know very little about what is under their feet. One National Geographic estimate puts the number of undiscovered caves at 90 percent of the total number of caves on the planet. Below lies a whole unknown whole world, which has been cut off from sunlight for centuries.

9. Ocean Pollution

Some scientists believe that the oceans on Earth will never be clean again. Thanks to human activity only in the 20th century, the Earth's oceans may be forever polluted by microplastics - small pieces of former plastic bottles and bags. This plastic waste can currently be found in any part of the ocean, making it simply impossible to get rid of it even in the future.

10. Forgotten civilizations

It would seem like it’s possible to completely forget about an entire civilization. But there are many similar examples. Some scientists believe that new technologies have led to the fact that humanity is on the verge of discovering dozens of previously disappeared civilizations. For example, in the depths of tropical forests, traces of human activity have been found for centuries, which are visible only from drones and therefore have not been discovered before.

    Genre Comedy Director Vladimir Motyl Scriptwriter Evgeniy Mitko ... Wikipedia

    Vladimir Lifshits Aliases: James Clifford Date of birth: October 23 (November 5) 1913 (1913 11 05) Place of birth: Kharkov Date of death: October 9 ... Wikipedia

    In literature and other arts, the depiction of implausible phenomena, the introduction of fictitious images that do not coincide with reality, a clearly felt violation by the artist of natural forms, causal relationships, and laws of nature. Term F.... ... Literary encyclopedia

    I. INTRODUCTION II. RUSSIAN ORAL POETRY A. Periodization of the history of oral poetry B. Development of ancient oral poetry 1. The most ancient origins of oral poetry. Oral poetic creativity of ancient Rus' from the 10th to the mid-16th century. 2.Oral poetry from the middle of the 16th century to the end... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Writer, born October 30, 1821 in Moscow, died January 29, 1881, in St. Petersburg. His father, Mikhail Andreevich, married to the daughter of a merchant, Marya Fedorovna Nechaeva, occupied the position of doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor. Busy at the hospital and... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Literature of the era of feudalism. VIII-X centuries. XI-XII centuries. XII-XIII centuries. XIII-XV centuries. Bibliography. Literature of the era of the decay of feudalism. I. From the Reformation to the 30 Years' War (late 15th-16th centuries). II From the 30 Years' War to the Early Enlightenment (XVII century... Literary encyclopedia

    Kyo Kara Maoh! an adaptation of a series of light novels (short novels with illustrations) created by Tomo Takabayashi and illustrated by Temari Matsumoto. Contents 1 List of anime episodes 1.1 Season 1. 1.2 Season 2 ... Wikipedia

    The most important distinguishing feature of snakes is their inherent mobility of the facial bones, which contributes to the extraordinary expansion of the mouth. Many other reptiles have, as we have seen, the same external body shape as snakes.... ... Animal life

    Giant or gigantic snakes belong to this family. They differ in the following characteristics: the head is triangular or oblong ovoid in shape, more or less clearly separated from the body, flattened from top to bottom, along the front... ... Animal life

    EUGENE, CANDIDE, VALERIAN AND AQUILA- [Greek Martyrs of Trebizond (Comm. Jan. 21). They suffered in the city of Trebizond (now Trabzon, Turkey) under the emperors Diocletian and Maximian (284,305). To Byzantium. hagiographical tradition (Synaxarion K... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Oktyabrskaya secondary school"

Leninsky district of the Republic of Crimea


"The obvious and the incredible are nearby"


chemistry teacher

and biology




Oktyabrskoe, 2017

The motto of the game - quiz:

“The world is one, nature is holistic, life is multifaceted, matter is changeable,

and any boundaries are conditional...”

Purpose of the game:

    Formation of educational and cognitive competencies of students: value-semantic, informational, general cultural, social-labor, communicative, personal self-improvement competencies;

    Generalization and integration of knowledge from various natural science disciplines (chemistry, physics, biology, geography);

    Development of cognitive skills of students: ability to navigate in the modern information space;

    Developing the ability to independently apply your knowledge in an unexpected context;

    Development of the ability to integrate knowledge from various fields of science;

    Development of the ability to think critically and argue;

    Developing the ability to prepare work reports in the form of computer presentations.

Progress of the game

Presenter. Good afternoon, dear friends, dear guests!

We are glad to welcome you! Today we are holding a game - a quiz "The obvious and the incredible are close together» for fifth grade students


The world is so big and so beautiful!

Or maybe - born of the stars in the Big Bang?

Although, perhaps, someone disagrees with this...

Once created in a Divine impulse,

Our world enchants with its daily beauty.

Incomprehensible, complex and simple,

And yet – fantastically beautiful!

Presenter. Well, friends, this is the poet’s opinion. However, scientists - chemists, physicists, biologists - are successfully studying the world around us, revealing one after another the most intimate secrets of matter. But there are many sciences, but the world is one, integral and indivisible. That’s why our scientific quiz today is integrated.

Two teams take part in the quiz game: the Optimists team and the

"Realists". Let's welcome our experts!

(welcome teams and captains).

I would also like to introduce you to the evaluation commission, which will monitor the progress of the game, compliance with the rules and sum up the results of the quiz(representation of the evaluation commission).

Presenter. Dear friends! In our game today there are five competitions, which have the following names:

1. Competition “Top of Records”

2. Competition "Confusion"

3.Competition “Village of Uzelki”

Presenter. And now the right to make the first move is being played out.

Teams are given 20 seconds to think and discuss. You can take “hall help” once. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point .

Warm-up questions:

1. Passenger without a ticket. (Hare.)

2. Her patronymic is Patrikeevna. (Fox.)

3. The Greeks called it "arktos". (Bear.)

4. Man's friend. (Dog.)

5. He always looks into the forest. (Wolf.)

6. “And Vaska listens and eats.” (Cat.)

7. “Somewhere God sent her a piece of cheese.” (Crow.)

8. Who, “without fear of sin,” praises the rooster. (Cuckoo.)

9. She “blindly scolds science and learning.” (Pig.)

10. It’s his fault that the wolf wants to eat. (Lamb.)

1. Competition “Top of Records”

1. Name the largest planet in the solar system. (Jupiter.)

2. Name the deepest place on Earth. (Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean.)

3. What is the largest ocean? (Pacific Ocean.)

4. Name the saltiest seas on earth. (Red Sea, Dead Sea.)

5. Name the largest sea animal. (Whale.)

2. Competition "Confusion"

The teacher gives the children pieces of paper on which combinations of letters are written (2 for each team).

1. GLASS (crossbill)

LYADET (woodpecker)

2. AROSOK (magpie)

ALGAK ​​(jackdaw)

3.LVINAP (peacock)

TAIS (stork)

4. CERVOSC (starling)

RINGES (bullfinch)

5. NAROVO (crow)

ELGOSHCH (Goldfinch)

The minute is up. Please show me the decryption results.

The teacher calls the teams, they pronounce the names of the birds that are encrypted in their words.

3.Competition “Village of Uzelki”

1. What do captain and cabbage have in common? (Common root: from Latin "caput" - head.)

2. What do oranges and China have in common? (Orange translated into Russian is a Chinese apple.)

3. What do an aster and an astronaut have in common? (These words have a common root: “astra” translated into Russian means star, astronaut means star explorer.)

4. What do a gladiolus and a sword have in common? (The word "gladiolus" comes from the Latin word "gladius" - sword.)

5. What do a stadium and two minutes have in common (a stadium in Greek is a path 125 steps long, which a person walks in 2 minutes.)

4. Competition “Crossroads of Three Roads”

\ 1. After the adoption of Christianity, many Slavs could not read the Bible, since it was written in Greek. The Slavs did not have the alphabet to translate the Bible into the Slavic language. Who created the Slavic alphabet?

a) Boris and Gleb;

b) Cyril and Methodius; +

c) Yaroslav the Wise.

2. He never attacked suddenly, without declaring war. “I’m coming at you,” which means “I’m coming at you” - with these words he warned the enemy, giving him time to prepare. What was the name of this noble prince?

a) Igor;

b) Svyatoslav; +

c) Oleg.

3. Which prince owns the phrase: “He who comes to us with a sword will perish by the sword”?

a) Dmitry Donskoy;

b) Yuri Dolgorukov;

c) Alexander Nevsky. +

4. According to legend, why did Prince Oleg die?

a) from an arrow;

b) from a heart attack;

c) from a snake bite. +

5. “And Svyatoslav went to Constantinople, fighting and defeating cities.” What is the name of Constantinople now?

a) Moscow;

b) Rome;

to Istanbul.

5. Competition "Capital Pyaterochka"

(\ 1. What types of ships are there? (Yacht, motor ship, boat, submarine, cruiser, aircraft carrier, etc.)

2. What types of aircraft are there? (Rocket, airplane, helicopter, hang glider, hot air balloon, satellite, space station, airship, etc.)

3. What brands of passenger cars do you know? (“Volvo”, “Mercedes”, “Zhiguli”, “Volga”, “Volkswagen”, “Moskvich”, “Skoda”, “Chevrolet”, etc.)

4. What types of folk dances are there? (Polka, polonaise, krakowiak, lezginka, hopak, czardash, samba, rumba, etc.)

5. What Russian folk crafts do you know? (Khokhloma, Gzhel, Palekh, Gorodets, Dymkovo, etc.)

6. Name the writers and storytellers of the world. (Grimm, Andersen, Perrault, Gauff, Lindgren, Volkov, etc.)

7. Name the birds of prey. (Eagle, hawk, golden eagle, kite, vulture, etc.)

8. Name 5 songbirds. (Nightingale, oriole, thrush, lark, canary, etc.)

9. Name 5 capitals of European countries. (Paris, Rome, Berlin, London, Madrid, etc.)

10. Name 5 poisonous plants. (Datura, wolf's bast, raven's eye, lily of the valley, belladonna, etc.)

Presenter. The floor is given to the evaluation commission (results of 5 past competitions). Word of the evaluation commission, summing up, awarding.

Presenter. Well, dear friends, our game – a quiz – is coming to an end, and with it a fascinating journey into the world of natural sciences. I hope today you gained not only knowledge and experience, but also a good mood. I wish you success on your path to acquiring knowledge, and I invite both teams, guests and the distinguished jury to take a photo as a souvenir.

GAME OVER. Thank you for your attention!